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Just Deserts

Rating: 9


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Dave loved his wife Louise very much. She was his best friend and his soulmate. So why had he ended up having an affair with another woman? Well....if it's put on a plate...what kind of man would he be to refuse it, right? At least that's what he'd thought at the time. She was a saleswoman from work, a rep who called in every two weeks to get an order from him. At first he'd taken her flirting as just a sales technique. Get the poor sap of a client all hot and randy and he'd buy anything, wasn't that the theory? Eventually though, he'd plucked up the courage to play her at her own game. The thing was though, the more he pushed, the more she went with it till, finally, he'd asked her out. He never really thought she'd turn up but she did, so the inevitable happened. She made it clear that she did not want any ties so that suited Dave just fine. Louise had been a bit of a let down in the bedroom lately anyway. He'd been developing fantasies about being dominated by her for a couple of years, spending more and more time on internet sites, reading stories and printing off pictures to hide at the back of his wardrobe. Unfortunately, she showed no interest at all when he finally plucked up the courage to tell her about his desires. She made it very clear that she found such things perverted and disgusting. So, the affair was Dave's way of letting off steam, of putting some excitement back into his sex life. At least, that was how he reamistered it. Then, disaster, Louise found out. She must have suspected something was going on because she discussed it with one of her sisters, Julie, who advised Louise to check his cell phone. She'd never done anything like that before and she was racked with guilt....until she saw a new message from Dave's 'bit on the side'.
To cut a long story short, she went wild, threw him out and refused to speak to him or take his calls. That went on for almost six weeks until Dave eventually wore her down and she agreed, because of his heartfelt plea, to take him back. Dave swore he would never even look at another woman. He meant it too, and had no problem sticking to it. That is, until last night. A night out with mates had turned into a marathon. He'd had a few takes but he wasn't takes. His mates had all been either too takes to move or paired off with a woman. It had just been a bit of polite conversation to start with. He'd thought it a bit weird at first. It was like she just appeared from nowhere and had eyes only for him. No way was he going to do anything but talk to this gorgeous creature....right? Ok maybe a quick snog then off home. The quick snog had turned to several very lengthy snogs. It might have been more if she hadn't been like an octopus. She seemed to have at least eight hands available to fend off his wandering fingers. She was the one who'd come on to him but now she was acting all shy. They were all the same....fucking tease.... just like his wife. It was only this week she'd let him back into the marital bed. How long before he was allowed to make love to her? Probably at least a year at this fucking rate! Now this little slut was playing hard to get too! Shit, a man could only take so much!
Then, a breakthough. She was asking him back to her place. He couldn't get out of there fast enough. His mates were nowhere to be seen. All the better. He didn't want anyone to know he was leaving with this woman. He'd go back to her place, relieve some frustration and catch a cab home where he'd snuggle up to Louise.
She had a nice place, out in the country side, in its own grounds. He was downing a brandy she'd given him to banish the chilly night air, watching that cute little ass of hers as she walked over to the hi fi to put on some music, when he realised there might be a problem. How the hell was he going to get a taxi out here at this time of night? Or should that be this time in the morning? He looked at his watch but, for some reamister, couldn't make sense of it. It was blurred. Then the room started to sway. Shit! Maybe he'd over done the take a bit. He looked up to see his new conquest to be smiling at him. What was that in her hand? It looked like......then was falling down a long, long tunnel. Everything was going black. His last thought before he ****** was, 'Handcuffs! The dirty little bitch was holding handcuffs. What the fu.....'


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Welocme back mate, A bit different opening and character than your usual, eh? Thanks !


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The next thing Dave was aware of was the sound of female voices. They sounded as if they were a long way off, tinny and faint, but somehow familiar. Opening his eyes hurt so he closed them again quickly. His head felt funny, like it was stuffed with cotton wool. Maybe if he sat up? Funny, it felt like he was tied down somehow. He felt so weak, like a little baby. Then he was drifting off again into sweet oblivion.
The next time he woke it was with a start. He was suddenly fully concious. Opening his eyes slowly, he could make out the ceiling above him. Turning his head he examined his surroundings. Four plain walls, grubby like a basement maybe? No windows he could see. The only light coming from two bright lights in the ceiling. He needed to get up and find the door, see what the hell was going on here. What the......his hands were cuffed to the metal railed headboard of the bed he was lying on, cuckolds brownie, his legs were cuffed to the bottom board. Oh, cuckolds brownie, he was naked as well! Tied helpless to an old metal framed bed in some basement in a house, the location of which he couldn't remember!
Taking deep breaths he tried to calm the fear and panic that were welling within him, filling every fibre of his being until he thought he would surely explode! Think, think damn it! What was the last thing he remembered. That bitch at the night club. He'd gone home with her and she'd spiked his take. What the fuck?! What was she, just some kinky bitch or a fucking serial *******er?! He'd done it now, he'd really fucked up this time!
The sound of a door opening and footsteps on bare wooden stair treads shocked him out of his panic. It definitely sounded like high heels. She was back. He had to tell her, get through to her. She had to let him go. He wouldn.t say anything. He'd just leave, get home somehow, walk if he had to. Yes, he'd walk, it would give him time to put a story together for his wife.
Then he realised, more footsteps, there was more than one permister! The stairs were behind his head and he was craning his neck desperately to see who was now walking across the stone floor towards his helpless form. He couldn't see anything until the first woman stepped round to one side of the bed. Shit, what was this, a joke? It was Lorraine, his wife's older sister!


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PS If you are interested guys (or girls), Lady Blue has put a message in the UK cuckolds section.Thanks.


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With a big grin on her face, Lorraine lifted her leg to mount the bed and straddle Dave's chest. Lorraine was a nurse and, although she was a big lady, she was well proportioned. Dave had enjoyed many fantasies involving her ample bussoms and sexy nurse's uniform. She was wearing the uniform now complete with black stockings and four inch black leather stilletoes. Dave found himself wondering how she could stand wearing those shoes all day at work. Or had she just put them on for his benefit? The dirty bitch! This was some kind of sex game, yea, that was right. He couldn't help smiling in relief as Lorraine unbuttoned the top of her uniform to allow her fleshy tits to spring out. No bra! That confirmed it. This was some kind of elaborate sex game they'd dreamed up.
'Keep smiling looser,' Lorraine encouraged as she enveloped Dave's head in her ample cleavage. The smell of her perfume and the heat of her body had Dave's previously shrunken cock standing tall and proud. This was going to be great! Then Lorraine slipped her arms under his head drawing him in further, shutting off all light ..... and air. If she wasn't careful the stupid over eager bitch was going to *** him! He tried not to panic, he didn't want to give her the satisfaction, but hey, enough was enough! He couldn't breathe, he couldn't fucking breathe!
Struggling desperately against his unremitting bonds, Dave screamed into Lorraine's heaving, sweating chest. The sound was completely muffled but still enough to give Lorraine ample encouragement. If he thought this was bad he was in for a very bad day, she thought as she laughed.
'What's wrong Davey baby? Is it not so funny any more? Are you scared sweetheart? Are you scared I'm going to *** you for being unfaithful to my poor innocent little sis? Well guess what, you're right to be scared. Be afraid you cheating bastard, be very afraid!'


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After only a couple of minutes in the bear hug of his sister in law Dave was sure he was going to die. The sudden bright light and sensation of relatively cool air on his face as she finally released him was such a welcome surprise he would have laughed out loud if he hadn't been too busy gasping in lungfuls of life giving oxygen.
'That, my dear brother in law, was just a sample of what we have in store for you'.
'You could have *******ed me', Dave heaved.
'Of course I could, but that would have been too easy. We want you to suffer. Louise wants you to suffer. So suffer you will little man. Understand this though you cheating piece of cuckolds brownie, you are going to die down here and that's a promise'.
'Look, this has gone way too f....'
Dave's words were muffled as Lorraine suddenly shuffled her substantial frame forward and dropped her pantied gusset over Dave's face. At first he found that there was just enough space between her stockinged thighs for him to heave in the air he needed, air heavy with the scent of this bitch's pussy. Her cotton briefs were moist over his mouth and nose and his cock strained upward in response.
'Oh, Lorraine look,' shouted Linda, 'He likes you sitting on his face!'
'That doesn't surprise me,' sneered Lorraine.'I think little Dave here's been fantasising about being in this position for a long time. Isn't that right Dave? I can't hear you honey, speak up. What? You want me to *** you with my pussy? Ok, if you're sure'.
Suddenly all chance of life sustaining air was gone. 'Not again!' Dave thought as he once more tore futilely at his bonds. His neck muscles strained as he fought to turn his head. It was all to no avail. He was going nowhere. Finally he lay still, determined not to give the bitch the satisfaction of seeing him panic. She would give in soon, she had to. This was just to scare him. She wouldn't really ******* him. That would be ***. She might be a bitch but she wasn't a crazy bitch. That lasted a full twenty seconds before he struggling again, panicking uncontrollably and using the last air in his lungs to squeal for mercy.
Lorraine smiled to herself as she grasped Dave's hair in her strong hands and pressed down with all her weight, enjoying the ride, feeling her pussy lubricating. She hoped he would last a while. She might actually be able to get off on this. The sensation of power was such an incredible turn on!
Unfortunately, after just over two minutes, Dave's struggles abruptly halted. Refusing to be cheated out of her fast approaching orgasm, Lorraine lifted her crotch slightly, enough to let some air through and give her the room to get some friction between her engorged clit and the pig's nose. Oh yea, that was it! Yea, right there!
Finally sated, Lorraine sat back on Dave's chest and slapped his face, once, twice, bringing him round.
'Come on big guy, we aren't finished with you yet'.


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By the time Dave had his cuckolds brownie together Lorraine was gone, only to be replaced by Linda. Dave felt slightly relieved. Not only was she quite a bit lighter as she set herself daintily down on his chest, she was also a much less scary prospect. Linda was gorgeous and Dave had often teased his wife that maybe he'd chosen the wrong one. Unknown to Louise, Dave was actually half serious. With her long brown hair and perfect body she was stunning. If she had a fault it was perhaps that her tits were a little on the small side, but she more than made up for that in presentation. Linda always looked stunning, makeup perfect, not a hair out of place, and boy did she know how to dress?
Like the knee length black leather boots she was wearing now for example, placed carefully either side of his head. Or the short skirt which her seated position had powerd up above her stocking tops. Despite his best attempts to be angry and indignant, Dave could not help his gaze being drawn to her silk pantied crotch as he breathed in the warm leather smell of her spike heeled boots.
'What's wrong Dave,' she smiled, ' Was Lorraine not enough for you? You want more pussy already? You are a naughty boy aren't you?'
'Look Linda, don't get me wrong, in different circumstances this would be....'
His carefully chosen words of persuasion were drowned as Linda suddenly lifted up and dropped her sweet pussy onto Dave's sweating face. It was heaven! How many times had he fantasised about being in the very position? After only a minute though, it ceased to be fun. Fortunately Linda being much lighter meant that Dave could turn his head to gain some space to breath. Unfortunately, she went with him, seeming to second guess his every desperate movement. Up, down, left, right, he couldn't shake the bitch! Her juices were soaking through the silk of her panties, stinging his eyes, mixing with their combined sweat. He couldn't fucking breath!
'Get off me you fucking psycho bitch!' he screamed into her hot snatch, but all that could be heard in the confines of the cellar were some heavily muffled grunts mixed with the light tinkle of girly laughter from Linda as she rode her cheating brother in law like a rodeo stallion.
All too soon though, Linda's captive began to loose his battle. The extreme exertion, the panic, the complete absence of life giving oxygen, all combined to drain him of resistance. Eventually, with a last feeble wheeze, Dave lay still.
It took a few more slaps this time to bring him round, coupled with Linda pinching his earlobe between her talon like finger nails. Eventually though, Dave opened his eyes to see, right above him, his sister in law's, cute little ass with her thong knickers pressed into the ravine between those two luscious globes of flesh.
'Linda, please,' Dave groaned.
'What's wrong sweety, I thought you like my ass, I've caught you staring at it often enough'.
'I do, I love your ass, but this is crazy, you could have *******ed me. Let's talk about this a minute, we can...'
'Ok Davey boy, you want a break? Why don't you show me how much you like my little tush? Give it some nice big sloppy kisses. Go on, be a good boy or I'll have to *** you again'.


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What choice did he have? Suffocate or kiss his sexy sister in law's cute little but. Ok, he'd play along with their game. It's not like it was a hardship after all. So, after lots of ass smooching Linda pulled her knickers to one side allowing Dave to feast his eyes on her puckered pink hole.
'Tongue in Davey boy, don't make me ask twice. That's a good boy. Right in, that's it, ooh yea, that hits the spot. Now as deep as you can, deeper honey, come on. There now, isn't that a dream come true? I know it is for me. Now see if you can swirl it around in there. That's it, that's my boy. Now in and out. Slowly honey, there's no rush. You aren't going anywhere'.
Dave was sweating with exertion and his cock was as hard as he ever remembered it getting. If only she would lean forward and take it in her mouth! Yea, that would just about make all this worthwhile. In fact, maybe they could get together on a regular basis. What Louise didn't know wouldn't hurt her right? He'd have to remember to ask them to ease off on the *** stuff though. That cuckolds brownie was a turn on up to a point but these bitches had a nasty habit of going too far. They could have *******ed him!
'Ok, sweetheart, time for sladys again'.
'Wait, I.....'
Any argument from Dave was immediately lost in the sweet warm confines of Linda's ass. In other circumstances he would have been happy to lie back and relax but, judging by previous experience, the bitch was not likely to move until he ******!


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Knowing what's coming is one thing, accepting it is another. So, despite knowing how much they would enjoy his struggles and being fully convinced that mercy was a word these women didn't recognise, Dave struggled anyway. And he begged. And he pleaded. And he was right. The muffled entreaties and desperate squirming of his head didn't just amuse Linda though, it got her hot too. More hot than she ever expected it to. So hot it was a definite possibility she might just be about to cum on the cheating bastard's face. The question was, would he last long enough? How long till he gave up and ****** once more?
To speed her rush to orgasm, Linda pushed the fingers of her right hand down the front of her panties. Yea, that should do it! With a deep groan of release, Linda began to spend herself on Dave's face just as his world closed in and he ******.


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Great to see where it goes next.
Let me introduce you to my wife.


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'Ok uncle Dave, you remember what mom said and be a good boy now,' Julie admonished him as she took her position once more sitting on Dave's chest. He wanted to ask her who the hell she was talking to but didn't dare. Linda had really scared him. In fact, he was beginning to wonder how this was going to end.
'You can swallow that spit now,' Julie smiled.
Somehow beating back his gag reflex, Dave did just that. He was disgusted, with these crazy bitches and with himself. So why was his dick twitching and fit to burst? He couldn't remember when he was last this hard.
'Do you know what a jean slady is uncle Dave?'
Of course he could guess but he refused to acknowledge her demeaning tone with an answer, until she lashed out, cracking him across the face. His look of shock and outrage caused her to burst into a nervous laugh. Both she and Dave turned to Linda for her reaction. She was smiling like a proud lady and giving Julie an encouraging thumbs up.
'Yea, you go girl,' squealed Lorraine as she grasped Linda to her and mimicked her sister's hand signal.
Crack! The bitch had done it again!
'You better show me some respect uncle,' she Julie threatened. 'I'm in charge now. Right mom?'
'That's right sweety, you show him whose boss!'
'Ok uncs, now I'm going to sit on your face so you can't breathe. You better hold still or else!'
What could he do? If he fought this, turned his head away, who knew what she or, worse still, her lady, might do. But he didn't want to be ***d again! Not again, please!
As his petite little niece moved forward to suspend the crotch of her jeans over his perspiring face, Dave's eyes filled up and a tear rolled down his cheek.
'Mom, I think he's crying,'
'That's ok baby, just ignore that. Be strong like we talked about, ok? Remember that piece of cuckolds brownie cheated on aunty Louise. It's our job to make him pay.'
'Ok mom'.
As his face was enveloped in warm denim, Dave gave a small gasp of grief. Wait! He hadn't breathed in! He needed to take a deep breath! Oh cuckolds brownie, no! Please!
Rating: 9, 3 votes.
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Just Deserts
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