Posts: 4050
#1 · Edited by: goodhusband
Based on what happened with my other short post today I suppose that I should think twice about another one. My wife often reminds me that I tend to be a bit foolish, so here goes anyway.
About two weeks ago Timmy27 emailed me and suggested a story at Literotica. He was enjoying it. I was sick and it is a long story. I just didn't have the energy so I ignored it. At the time it was all I could do.
I started reading it tonight. It's excellent. Timmy has great taste. His suggestions are always right on target.
The story is, "What You Wish For" by Rehnquist. It's at It's not a cuckold story, it doesn't even have a lot of sex in it, although it does have a couple of very hot scenes. It's just a good story. If you have tried "When We Were Married" and liked it, you will probably like this story.
If you are not familiar with "When We Were Married" by Daniel Q. Steele, try it. It's very good. Again, it is not a cuckold story or at least not overtly.
Posts: 4050
I finished the story last night. If you're into romantic stories, this iis a great one. I loved it. It just keeps getting better and better.
I do repeat that it is not a cuckold story and while it has a couple of good sex scenes, it is not a stroke story.
Posts: 152
Working my way through When we were married right now GH, great characters, thanks for the heads up!
Posts: 4050
When you feel like taking a break from "When We Were Married" try "Separate Vacations" another Daniel Q Steele story only much shorter. I think it's his best story.
Posts: 152
Thanks GH, I will go check out Separate Vacations now.
That WWWM was awesome, a bit melodramatic but it sure had some pithy observations in it! I liked that DQS didnt give in and let them reconcile, even though I usually root for reconciliation and romance.
But if things go to far, it just doesnt feel real to me for there to be reconciliation and renewed love. Especially if trust is broken or people fail to stick up for their prior commitments (like during the fight at the ceremony in WWWM). I thought the DA was a fairly credible character. It was a nice escapist addiction to plow through !!
Posts: 152
Thanks GH, Separate Vacations was even better than WWWM, although I could not have been more disappointed in the ending if I had tried to write it myself LOL. Just kidding, I guess I could stomach them getting back together. I have been spoiled by some of you who write here, in that when you have a character change course, you often feature their thought processes, and a conversation with their significant others or friends so we can understand WHY they changed and adjust to the new reality.
In this case the story was probably done as a break from WWWM and I know it was sort of a short story so the developments could not be fleshed out like some of you do so laboriously and gloriously here. ( Thank you all for that!) Still a great little fun read.
I just did not see enough awareness by her of how far off plumb her moral level had been, and how she would ever make that up to him, to believe the character I had enjoyed would reconcile. But WTH do I know LOL. But even still, one heck of a quickie. Keep your recommendations coming Bruddah !
PS I checked out a couple of chapters of Sandra and Stevie and was teary at times, good one eh!
Posts: 1914
GH and Oldbear, Thought you might like to know there is another DQS story, "Slip of the Tongue", try it :
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Posts: 152
Thanks Peak, another crybaby story in places. I have been on both sides of the cheating thing, although never with my wife. I liked what the author said at the end, all cheaters are not monsters. Repeated mean cheaters, that is another story.
Posts: 4050
Just read the story and I like it alot. Daniel Q Steele is an outstanding writer. He lost it with "When We Were Married" He tried to tell too many stories at once and things got muddled (A mistake I've made several times too.) This story was excellent. I will admit that I am a bit of a sentimentalist. I like movies like "Love Actually" and "Sleepless in Seattle" so a cheating wife story that ends happily is right up my alley.
Anyway, thanks for the tip
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