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For writers, three valuable sites.

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Posts: 4050
 Down to the last message - self explanatory - it will check passages for proper grammar. Valuable if like me you don't have microsoft word.

Guide to grammar and writing. The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! - Discusses all the rules for the confusing words like to and too and lie, lay, laid etc.



Posts: 1914
#2 · Edited by: peakmb
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Still doesn't stop you writing 'your' when 'you're' getting excited though does it ?? !!


Posts: 1273
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Does this mean you ae going to grade all the compositions submitted here goodhusband. Get a grip. This is a place to have fun. If you can't stand the occasional typo or grammatical mistake, hit the fuckin bricks. Jackoff.


Posts: 4050
#4 · Edited by: goodhusband
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There is the rub. A computer has trouble picking out homonyms and when you are trying to type quickly it is at times easy to substitute words. I do know the difference between your and you're, but when you are desperately trying to get a segment posted before dinner it is easy to make the error.

I'm sorry, my attempt with this post was simply to suggest several web sites that I find helpful when I'm trying to write. All of us are amateurs, but we still like to try to present the best work we possibly can. My intention was to try to share some sights ( a good example of what I was just describing) that other writers might find helpful. It was in no way intended as a criticism of anyone elses attempt to write.

I am very aware of the difficulty and frustration that comes with trying to write a story. At times you find yourself struggling to find the right word. The thesaurus site is very helpful. At other times you're trying to avoid embarrassment by making a grammatical error. Lay and lie are a very good examples.

I spent quite a bit of time laboring over the last line in my most recent post in "Courtesan"

"Everybody's bell isn't rung by the same clapper." Rung didn't sound right to me. I used one of the cited web sites to check the grammar. I did that because I wanted to feel more confident about what I was posting. It is embarrassing to be called on grammatical errors and while it generally doesn't happen here, it happens with some frequency at Literotica.


This has very little to do with how the reader perceives the product we present to you, but rather how we feel about the product we are offering you. I think that almost all of us want to produce the best writing we can. My intent was not to try to improve the quality of writing here, but rather to mention some sites that make writing easier for me and I thought might make writing easier for others. There are many writers here, including myself who become worn down and frustrated by the process. I cite the number of high quality stories that excite so many of us and then are left incomplete. I freely point out that I myself am responsible for several incomplete stories.

I also do not know what I have done to incite that kind of animosity from you, but "hit the fuckin bricks jackoff" is a pretty strong statement, especially when you have so badly misinterpreted the intention of my post.



Posts: 245
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Hey GH, pay no mind to criticism poorly aimed. Your writing is the best on this site and displays your attention to detail. Thanks a lot for all you do!!

I do rather like the suggestion to "jackoff" though............


Posts: 1459
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Jeez - try to offer someone a helping hand, and pull back a redy stump...
I appreciate the tips, myself. I use an online dictionary fairly regularly, usually to check usage or definition rather than spelling, and occasionally stop to look things up on Google or Bing for the sake of accuracy. Your point is well taken. People tell me they enjoy my writing, and I take pride in the quality of the work.
It's easy to see that you do as well GH, and it adds to the reading experience.

It was a helpful suggestion, not a demand or critique. I've read many excelent stories by authors that didn't take time to smooth the rough edges. Still great, fun, sexy stories, and their efforts are much appreciated. This was just an opportunity offered for them to maybe find a new tool to improve on an already good product. I guess I don't see why it could not be accepted as such.

I was not aware of It should prove very useful. Thanks GH


Posts: 1914
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Sorry if my humour started a torrent. Wouldn't be the first time for me. I think a few writers would benefit enormously from using a few simple tools. In fact a think a few are simple tools themselves to be honest. The point (before the bricks come in) is that surely any story posted is about message received not message sent. The writer might very well known what he meant to say, but if its not written in clear enough language, the reader will not get the message sent. Anything that helps clarity of communication must be good. That's why air traffic communication is only in one language.


Posts: 61
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Those are good and valuable links, thanks for sharing. As far as having to explain it... well, if you have to actually explain to someone why accuracy and clarity in communications is important, then I suspect they won't understand the explanation either!
Be the different drummer.


Posts: 492
#9 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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GH, not sure what would prompt someone to say something so thoughtless to someone who has done so much for this site, but I choose to dismiss that comment and I hope you will as well.

No one here who follows your stories would ever accuse you of having anything less than the utmost of convictions as far as the other writers go. You take the time to compliment many of the writers and try to add helpful thoughts.

As the Joisey guys would say......FORGETTABOUTIT.


Posts: 495 Pictures: 2 
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Good suggestions. For a laugh read [u]Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. [/u] It's laugh out loud funny at times. She takes no primisterers.

I've written Literotica stories and other more serious writing. Even my cuckold pieces or posts on this site horrify me when I've inadvertenly included "your" for "you're", etc. Sometimes it's Microsoft Word substituting a word. Sometimes it's a mistake. I forget that others see the rest of my post and other posts and not think me illiterate.
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