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Subservient (by samuel69)

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by samuel69

Tonight's the night her lovers finally come over. Three weeks ago I was put in my cock cage and she's kept the key hidden somewhere the entire time. She hasn't let me out once. Almost every night for the past 3 weeks I've worshiped every inch of her. I've cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've done all the chores and cleaning around the house. I've ensured she hasn't had to lift a finger for anything once off work.

I've ran the errands, done the grocery shopping, if something needed fixing around the house I did so. I washed her car, I filled her car up with gas every week. I do everything. She watches tv, reads her book, sun bathes or swims, catches naps on the weekend, or whatever she feels like. It is my job to make sure she's got her feet up at all times.

Every morning has started with me jumping in the shower with her and washing her body and giving her hair a deep shampoo and condition before taking my own shower, before fixing breakfast and packing our lunches for work. Generally she'll want to stay in the shower extra long on the weekends which uses up all the hot water for my own shower, but I don't mind too much.

We go off our separate ways for the work day, come back home and I cook us dinner. Later on in the evening I'll either rub her feet, or give her a full body massage with this lavender oil she adores so very much.

Maybe 2 or 3 times a week she gets horny and it's my job to bring her relief. Alas, I'm only allowed to use my fingers or mouth. I was kicked out of the bedroom twice over the last 21 days because I was taking too long and she decided to use her Hitachi wand instead. Those nights I had to relax on the couch. The other nights I spent lapping at her beautiful pussy until she flooded my tongue with her juices. I had to live vicariously through her orgasms as I sure as hell wasn't having any of my own. But it made me happy to make her happy.

Many nights I was wound tighter than a tick, my cock growing, pressing against the cage. I was so horny I was dizzy, so horny I wasn't thinking straight. Thursday of the first week I asked her to please unlock my cage so I could rub one out. I begged her explaining the pressure from my cock constantly pressing against the cage was getting painful but she had a better idea.

I was told to go to the restroom and use an enema to make sure I was clean. I did and ensuring I was completely clean inside I had stood before her in the bedroom. She instructed me to get on the bed, naked and on all fours. She placed a little saucer under my penis on the bed. She commented about my asshole, told me it was a cute little asshole and she lightly kissed it with her lips. Just a peck. She told me to reach behind me and spread my cheeks. I stay like that while she pulled up a chair and just sat there. Not saying a word, just staring at me and my asshole spread wide and on display. We sat like this for 10 minutes in utter silence. If I was self conscious and nervous before, I felt completely exposed and the longer we sat there the more I blushed. Towards the end of the 10 or so minutes my neck was beginning to get sore.

Eventually she got up and pulled out our Aneros Prostate Massager. She lubed up the Aneros and advised me to relax. I felt the trickle of the lube first and gave a prayer of thanks she had decided not to penetrate me dry.

I had little doubt the tool would fit but I was concerned about the pressure the Aneros was giving me as it filled my passage. As soon as the tool found my prostate all thought of discomfort were forgotten as the surges of pleasure shot to my groin. When she heard me moan she stopped for a moment and went to our 'toy chest' and got out a paddle. She continued with the toy but with every moan that escaped by lips she began spanking me quite hard with the paddle. She'd stop moving the Aneros and give each cheek a solid 5 whacks. She showed little mercy with the paddle, my ass felt on fire and it began to hurt more than I could stand. Tears began swelling in my eyes and i tried wiping them into the comforter on the bed. I didn't want her to see me crying.

With my head on the bed looking between my legs and as she continued to use the toy on my prostate, I began to see my penis dripping from my cage but I was not receiving the relief I normally get from an orgasm. With my ass on fire from the paddling, my groin still throbbed as the last of my discharge dripped onto the saucer under me. I did not need instructions to perform my next task, as she placed the saucer near my face I licked my saucer of 'cream' as a cat would.

I always think of eating my cum when I'm horny but usually after I orgasm the idea completely erases from my mind. Lucky for me, i hadn't orgasmed yet and the salty liquid didn't repulse me in the least. With the Aneros still violating my rectum I was instructed to lie on my back and put my legs over my head. I hate being in this position. I feel so incredibly vulnerable and self conscious. Not that she hadn't already gone out of her way to ensure I was self conscious as it was. While I was in this position, she continued my massage and now she was able to watch my discomfort as I tried to control my urges during the procedure.

Only after repeated milkings and no further discharges did she feel satisfied that I would no longer bug her about being free from my cage as my penis was soft and spent it would no longer press against my cage. But I still yearned for the orgasm I never got.

We took this Friday off at work. Like I noted earlier, it has been 3 weeks of being caged. After breakfast and lounging around the house for a bit we left for the mall. For 3-4 hours we were in and out of White & Black, Express, Victoria Secret, Nordstrom's, Dillard's, H&M, and many other stores. I held her purse while she picked out clothes and tried them on in various dressing rooms.

I spent almost half my paycheck buying her new panties, bras, heels, 2 skirts, a dress, some thigh highs and a new garter, as well as two new pairs on ear rings. We spent sometime after lunch in Sephora picking her out some new makeup and body wash. Afterward I took her to have a manicure and pedicure and then finally for her to get her hair done. We didn't arrive back home until 4pm.

When we arrived home we went up stairs and I gave her another full body massage with oil, then I bathed her, shaved her legs and nether region for her. I applied lotion to her skin where needed, spray her in key areas with her perfume, help her put on her make-up and her outfit for the evening. The new little black dress I bought her, along with her nylons and garters, and new bra. She left the panties off.

I then rushed to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. 3 lobster tails, 3 fillet-Mignon, asparagus with a hollandaise sauce. In the middle of fixing dinner her lovers arrived on schedule at 6:30pm

I take everyone's bags and put them upstairs in the bedroom. Everyone is dressed nicely. John is in a almost metallic burgundy button down shirt and dark grey dress pants. Alex in Khakis and a black dress shirt. They all sit around the dinner table with Angie and I come by and pour them all a glass of Merlot while they wait for dinner.

This weekend I will not speak to anyone unless directly asked a question. I finish preparing a lobster and fillet-Mignon dinner for the 3 of them.

I turn on some light jazz on the stereo and I stand by in the corner in my apron waiting to serve them as needed. If I see someone's take needs refilling, I refill it. If they request something of me from the kitchen I go fetch it. Otherwise I stand in the corner, at an attention, silent, allowing them to talk and laugh with each other over the dinner I just prepared. Alex and John have known about each other for over a year but they've never met each other before, so they spent a lot of time getting acquainted and making light hearted, but flirtatiously crude conversation about sex with my lady. They compared notes about their experiences with her, commenting on her very loud moaning when she's getting a right good fucking, about how wet she gets, and how much she likes having her face being cummed on. They carried on like this, and interwove their crude sex talk into jokes, talks of their week, sports, tv, movies, their jobs, local community affairs, the wine choice, the food they ate, and complimenting Angie's new dress and hair-do. The sound of laughter was consistently in the air.

They all finish with their meal and decide to retire to the adjacent living room. I offer the men cigars if they'd like and fill their glasses again. John takes a cigar and sits back in my recliner to smoke. Alex sits by Angie on the love seat, his hand already finding his way to her thigh. They continue to talk as I leave the room to clean the table and do the dishes which I'm required to do by hand and not use the dishwasher.

Every 10 minutes or so I pop into the living room, the conversation is getting more flirty and boisterous as the holy water begins to take hold of everyone. The 2nd time I came in, they had changed what music was playing to some r&b and the three of them were slow dancing in our living room. The guys hands wondering all over Angie's body. As I was just finishing up doing the dishes I heard the semi-takesenly stumbling of the three of them climbing our steps heading for the bedroom.

The rules is once the three of them retire to bed, I will only arrive once summoned. I will bring take if needed. If I am never summoned, then I will not interrupt the festivities. Both gentleman will spend the entire night with her in bed and relax in bed with her as well Friday, and Saturday night. It is a king sized bed, so there is room for all.

That first night was difficult. I had spent 3 weeks pampering her, rubbing her, spending almost half my pay check on her, cooking her and her lovers an amazing dinner while I ate a microwave meal after they headed for bed. Now I lay on the couch and it's 2am and the floor is still creaking with the sounds of their romping. I can only imagine what is going on behind those doors.

I'm angry yet happy, I feel slighted, used and like life is unfair. I have spent all week with every passing minute in my cage I fantasized about fucking her and salivated every time I got a glimpse of her amazing legs, stomach, ass, snatch, breasts, any inch of skin I laid eyes upon. But nevertheless I felt blessed to have such a wonderful woman and was so horny. But I couldn't do anything about it as the cage was still on. So laid there restlessly, tossing and turning on the couch. Listening to her moaning, the guys moaning, occasionally I'd hear skin slapping skin, and the floor creaking. Whatever those fellas were doing to her they were doing a fantastic job of it. Eventually the noise would stop and I'd begin to drift off to relax and as soon as I feel relax the noise would start back up again.

Finally around 4:10am the noise had stopped and sounded like it wasn't going to start up again anytime soon. Then I heard the bedroom door open and Angie beckoned for me upstairs. I rose from the couch and threw on my shirt and pants and arrived in the bedroom. She lay on the bed looking like a complete mess. Her hair was going every which direction, she looked like she was drying off from being drenched in sweat. The men look beat as well. She told me to go get some wipes to clean her up and I did. Cum was leaking out of her and some was on her thighs. I had wiped her up sufficiently and she got up off the bed and told me to change the sheets. The sheets had 3 wet spots on them and several other spots that must have come from the start of their night as the cum had already begun to dry and crust on our navy blue sheets. I went to the closet to get clean sheets and changed the sheets for them as my while curled up on a guy's lap in the corner chair, slowly and sensually kissing him as to say thank you.

With the bed completely re-made, they wished me pleasant dreams and sent me back downstairs to my couch. Before I walked out of the room, Angie snapped "Here, take this and relax on it."

It was one of the 6 pillows that adorned our bed, I didn't change the pillow cases and I looked the pillow over and saw what she was doing. One of the guy's must've had some range shooting his wad because there was a dried cumstain on the pillow case.

"If I wake up and see you're not relaxing on that pillow, stain side facing up, we're going to have problems, is that understood?"

"Yes Ma'am."

And with that I went back downstairs, fluffed up my cum stained pillow and laid my head to finally rest. The remainder of the evening was peaceful to relax through though I knew I had to be awake before them.

The following morning I woke and headed back to the kitchen. I started making a stack of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and coffee. I filled a tray with the food, cups, plates and silverware and headed up stairs to the bedroom. I knocked advising that breakfast was served and Alex opened the door for me. John and Angie were wrapped around each other in bed, cuddling. On a small table off by our bedroom window I set the place settings for each permister to eat breakfast, poured their coffees and added sugar and creamer as they requested. When they were all up and eating I went ahead and made the bed again and left them to their meal. Upon going back upstairs to get the remaining dishes I walked in on my girl blowing Alex. She stopped for a moment and looked up to advise me to ensure the bathroom was properly stocked and that I was to help everyone get clean.

Upon finishing up with the dishes I made sure the bathroom had enough soap, shampoo, towels and such. I had gotten out 2 of my bathrobes for the guys to use if they needed. I turned the shower on and let the water warm up and then John came in the shower first. I undressed as well and got in with him. I lathered up a rag with soap and began scrubbing his body, every inch of it for him. He was slightly more muscular than me, and I couldn't take my eyes off his tool. I am not attracted to men, but you know how we all peak? Well I was up close and permisteral. His dwarfed mine in size and I was amazed at it. Cleaning it with the wash cloth I felt tiny and insignificant in comparimister. He was double my 4 inches and at least 3 times as wide around as me. When he was done with his shower, I dried him off with a towel and helped him into my bathrobe. As he was brushing his teeth, putting on deodorant and such Alex stepped into the shower to take his place and I repeated the process. Alex was only about 7inches, but again he was a bit more than double my girth. He about my height, and a stocky guy. You could tell he had muscle but he had a bit of pudge over it all. Again I finished up with him.

Angie's turn came and she kicked me out of the shower and told me I wasn't allowed to see her naked.

Through the the remainder of the weekend we will continued to play out like this. I prepared all the meals, they took her in any room they saw fit. I was never allowed to be present and if I was when they initiated she'd bark at me to leave at once.

I cleaned the house, i cleaned any mess they made. If they fucked on our couch, bed, or counters I had to be summoned to wipe up the mess they made so it wouldn't stain the furniture or so someone wouldn't have to relax in a wet spot.

Sunday for lunch we all went out to lunch. I chauffeured in our Explorer while Angie and Alex rode in the back on the way there and her and John in the back on the way back home. As I drove I watched in the rear view as they flirted endlessly, sometimes making out.

Throughout the weekend she exclusively remained easily accessible, during the day choosing to stay in skirts and matching nylons and heels and a matching blouse. At night she dressed more formal but remained in a dress. She was sex incarnate all weekend even when she wasn't getting laid, always looking her sexiest. Our home had been transformed so all of us got to play out our fantasies and the fantasy seemed more like real life now than reality.

Sunday morning I helped them shower again and at this point I've almost become used to being a servant from the time I wake up until I fall arelax in the wee hours. When they didn't need me throughout the day for meals or to clean messes I was mowing the yard and trimming the hedges. I did our laundry Sunday and came across three pairs of her dirty panties. I took 5 minutes to take a break and just stood there over the washer smelling the crotch of her panties. She smelled delicious. Smelling the wonderful little pussy I wasn't allowed to have, smelling the cunt Alex and John were ravishing over and over and over again.

The house stayed filled with the sounds of sex. I had completely lost count of how many times they have taken her.

Throughout the weekend I think I have spent far more time hard than I have limp and I'm almost crazed with the goal of removing my cage so I can get myself off. Saturday night in the bathroom I tried fingering my own prostate to at least get my cock to go limp so it would quit pressing against the cage but I seemed no good at that either. I searched around for my toy but it was in the bedroom and they were in there and I had no way of obtaining it unnoticed. Sunday while I waited for them to eat their lunch I snuck off to the restaurant's restroom and tried picking the lock to the cage to no avail. I hadn't had a true orgasm in almost a month, I hadn't had my prostate milked in 2 weeks. I felt like my balls were fully of cum and they felt heavy and they hurt slightly.

As a grand finale for the weekend, Sunday night, after dinner they once again retired to our bedroom and took turns taking her, each time completely bareback. And each time they came in her. As they filled her up with their cream, they had stopped fucking her and she laid down, propped with two pillows under her ass to keep the cum inside her and she took turns blowing them. As they neared orgasm they'd readjust and slowly put their penis inside her as to not push out any of the existing cum and then jerk themselves off inside of her. Alex got a good four loads into her. John could only muster 3. After a weekend of fucking the hell out of all of my girl's holes their loads weren't that large, but the 7 of them together filled her vagina nicely. For the first time this weekend I was invited up to the room. Each of the men standing on each side of the bed. My lady laid on it, pussy propped up in the air by the pillows. Alex reached into our nightstand's drawer and revealed my cockcage's key and walked over, told me to drop my pants and he proceeded to unlock me. Immediately my cock sprang to action.

Angie spoke to me really for the first time this weekend as her cuckold rather than her servant..

"Do you know why I have lovers outside of our relationship?"

"Because I am not equipped and can't hold off my orgasm long enough to make you come."

"That's right, but today I'll give you your chance. You're going to fuck me, right here, in front of my lovers. You have some stiff competition to live up to and I don't want to hear any excuses about performance anxiety in front of these virile men. You are either man enough to make me cum, or your not. It's really that simple..

So you are going to fuck my filled up pussy. If you can make me come, or at the very least last 5 minutes, then you'll be cage free for a week and we'll fuck every night. If you can't make it, the cage goes back on. Alex, John.. I want you two to count the seconds to see how long my little boy lasts here."

With that they both nodded and Angie removed the pillows out from underneath her. The slapped the top of her vagina to make a light clapping sound and said "Come and get it, lets see if you got what it takes."

With that I positioned myself to enter her. Her vagina was incredibly warm, much more so than usual. It was emanating a heat I could feel inches before I actually penetrated her. She was incredibly wet with their cum and as I pushed in I could feel


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It was emanating a heat I could feel inches before I actually penetrated her. She was incredibly wet with their cum and as I pushed in I could feel it all pushing out and soaking my balls, looking down I could see it squeeze between her lips and around my cock, sliding down her ass cheeks to puddle on our bed. She was incredibly stretched and used. I felt like I could fit 2 or 3 of me in her at once. It felt like at any given point only a side and the bottom of her canal was touching my penis at any given time. Her vagina certainly wasn't hugging my cock like it had in the past, but as she's been fucking these larger men non stop all weekend, it's no surprise.

Here was my only shot, I had to make this last. It was so warm, so wet, I felt like she was the dirtiest little slut in the world and it turned me on to no end. At the same time I felt like I didn't deserve her, i didn't deserve her beautiful pink cunt. Even though it was sloppy, stretched and used, I felt like I didn't even deserve sloppy thirds. They did such a good job making sure she was well fucked and I already had this overwhelming emotions and physical sensations and I've only managed one thrust deep into her. Immediately I felt my balls tighten and I just held myself still and tried my hardest to squeeze my PC muscle and not to cum. I tried thinking of other things, I tried doing algebra in my head .... 4x^2+2y=40, i kept trying, but my concentration kept breaking. I couldn't focus on the math problem, i couldn't remove my focus from her pussy, from finally being able to get some release.

The men starting counting outload "8 mississippi, 9 mississippi." Angie bucked her hips a tad to power her pussy to slide slightly up and down on my cock while she demanded I start fucking her or I could unmount her and leave. "You're not here to check my temperature all day with that fucking little thing, fuck me or get out!" So I pulled out and thrust back in, thinking that a long stroke might bide me some time, again my balls tightened further, i pulled back out and slammed back in and that was it.. I made it 13 seconds and my cock was spilling into her. My body tightened and I began to lightly convulse. Before I was even done cumming Angie sighed in disgust and shoved me violently off of her. I fell over on my side on the bed, my cock still letting off 2 or 3 spurts that shot onto the outside of her thigh and on our bed.

"And this is why I fuck other men my little cucky. That cock couldn't get off any girl. Alex, put his cage back on." And with that, my cage was being reapplied. Alex smacked my bare ass and chuckled saying "Better luck next time chump." and they all three laughed, as I rose to get my pants on.

I couldn't even make it a whole 20 seconds. I finally got my orgasm and it did feel good, but it was underwhelming. The pleasure didn't last long at all and in the middle of the orgasm itself I was being pushed out of her wonderful pussy and being insulted in front of her lovers. She wouldn't even let me finish in her. I submitted to coat my cock in other men's spunk just to get a chance to fuck her, I spent all weekend cleaning up after them and cooking. For nothing. Who knows how long I'll be locked up now?

Angie went on "Cucky, c'mere and clean up this messy pussy. Clean me up real good and I'll let you watch how a real man tears this pussy up."

And with that I crawled between her legs and began lapping up the my sperm, John's sperm and Alex's sperm. Unlike lapping my own cum up from the saucer, this time I had already had my orgasm and I wasn't horny anymore. It wasn't repulsive but this wasn't something I was wholly enjoying. I was just happy that through the salty taste of all the spunk I could taste her pussy as well.

"Slurp up the puddle on the bed too, i need you to get it all... and here, lick up what's left on my thigh where you couldn't control yourself, there you go."

When I had gotten what I thought was every white droplet of male sex from her pussy, thighs, the comforter, she told me to pull up a chair to the side of the bed and watch.

She lay there on her back and John crawled up in between her legs. With me, usually it takes a stroke or three to get fully inside her but, as wet as she was with John, his thicker tool slid right into her to the hilt and she gave out one long, satisfied moan of pleasure. He continued to give her the long, hard, fast strokes she loves while they kissed passionately. I can never fuck her that way for too long without cumming but he didn't seem to have that problem. He just kept pumping away at her pussy giving her orgasm after orgasm. She was having those orgasms she rarely has with me, when I actually do make her cum, where you can see her stomach, groin, and thigh muscles quivering while she came.

He laid back on the bed and told her to mount him and to show him how good she could fuck him and how much she wanted him in her. She straddled him, grabbed his tool and guided him back into her wet, stretched out pussy. She rode him wildly for several minutes and I could tell she came about three more times before falling down onto the futon in exhaustion. His cock then slipped out of her and he leaned back and he rested and had a much needed cigarette.

But seeing John tap out, Alex jumped in as he was already fully hard. He got her up on all fours, but with her legs together. He entered her, holding onto her hips, and wasted no time slamming into her, power fucking her from the rear. Her moans were intermingled with grunts as he thrust into her. He was holding onto her by her hair almost exclusively, using it to balance him as he slammed into her, his left hand free smacking her ass, leaving red hand prints behind. I know she had at least one more orgasm that she muffled into her pillow. After only a few minutes of this she got him to stand up by the bed and she leaned over his cock, opened her mouth, and began to suck him. His thickness filled her mouth all the way and I loved watching her lick, suck, and stroke his length. He certainly had staying power that I would have loved to have.

Her pussy now free John jumped back in, mounting her.

She blew Alex and fucked John for about 20 minutes before Alex closed his eyes tightly, and announced that he was going to cum. She then started to stroke him very hard and quickly and, with a groan, He then exploded all over her chest and chin.. I could hear her comment on how hot his cum was and wonderful it felt.

John and her paused as she commanded me to get a towel and wipe her up, which I hurriedly fetched one from the bathroom and dabbed up Alex's cum from her breasts, tummy and a the little bit on her chin. I immediately then went back to my chair.

John resumed his plowing into her. He fucked her all over our bed and stopped several times to lick her pussy and to feed his wet cock to her. Each time she eagerly grabbed hold of his cock and put it back into her pussy for more pounding. It seemed they went on for 30 more minutes. I lost count of how many times she came and had her mouth wide open in a silent scream when he thrust harder and harder and then eventually blew his load deep into her pussy before pulling out to let the last few spurts fall right on her shaved mound. They romantically held and kissed each other for a long time afterward as his cum flowed from her stretched out, very well used pussy.

After that they lay cuddling for a few minutes before she looked over at me and said "Do you see what you could never do to me? Do you see how disappointed I am in you that you can't keep up with these guys?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good, now leave us."

There was 15-20 minutes of silence and then I heard from downstairs the two guys fucking her again. As darkness had fallen then men got dressed and left. Angie walked them to the door and kissed them goodbye individually. As she told John goodbye she caught me looking at them as they embraced and kissed and told him she loved him and hopes to hear from him soon. After they both left I felt our fantasy was over and went to hug Angie for one of the most intense weekends of my life but she backed away as I went to put my arms around her and looked at me in disgust, and asked "Don't you have to go clean something?"


"Well don't think of hugging me, you are disgusting. Go shower and get your sperm all off your dick. Tonight I'll let you come in the bedroom, but you're relaxing at the foot of the bed on the floor like the pet dog you're going to become. Besides, pets don't relax on furniture in this house. "

I have a feeling our week is about to get a lot more interesting.


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This is a great beginning. Keep up the great work
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Subservient (by samuel69)
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