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Most modern researchers now strongly suspect that the cheating rate among wives is greater, perhaps much greater, than cheating husbands. It is widely accepted, it seems, that 50% of husbands cheat. Various studies indicate that at least 50% to 70% of wives cheat.

The suspicions began when red typing became common, and have been confirmed by accurate genetic testing in the past ten to twenty years: 10% to 15% of all babies born in North America and Europe (and probably all western-style countries) are not sired by the unsuspecting husband in the marriage. Working those statistics backwards, that means somewhere between 50% and 100% of all wives are cheating on their husbands. The same is true with all other naturals, even birds. Mating for life does not imply monogamous sexual behavior for humans or naturals.


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Quoting: drfarmer
Mating for life does not imply monogamous sexual behavior for humans or naturals.

Oh what sluts we are!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Quoting: cuckold4one
Oh what sluts we are!!

We are at that.
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