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The Ad (by Hot)

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The Ad

by Hot


Wife answers an ad from a Master wanting a slave or husband and wife slaves.
With husbands blessing wife arranges interview with Master and the two of them
agree to Masters requirement whichmust among other things include the
husband be 'modified'. With in a few weeks they find themselves living on the
ranch in the mesquite country.


The Ad Said

Male seeking female or husband and wife couple.

Janie noticed the ad when she was at her computer
and checked one of the regular adult sites that both
she and her husband Frank enjoy. They had been
married now for right at 10 years and since Janie
never had a baby they kind of drifted into various
sexual fantasies that sometimes they acted out and
other times had not because it required a third party
to make it reality.

Janie asked Frank to come read the ad. It continued
to say firm but fair Master is seeking a slave or slave
couple. In the case of a slave couple the husband will
be modified. Reading that perked the interest of Janie
and she knew it would Frank also. One of their very
favorite fantasies was for Frank to be castrated and
this was the thought Janie envisioned when she read
the ad.

Frank had wanted Janie to have youngren and when
Janie never got pregnant, Janie told Frank she would
go and be fertility tested. A few days later Janie told
Frank she tested fine and should be able to get
pregnant. She did not tell Frank that she had been
on the pill and was continuing to do so, that being
her private secret. So naturally Frank thought the
problem was with him and so he got tested also and
found he was fine, the doctor saying his sperm count
was in fact extraordinarily high and no reamister he
should not be a man. So Frank kept trying and
Janie didn't get pregnant.

In their sex play Janie would be the dominate
Mistress and Frank would be the submissive slave
and he relished the part. Janie would even tie Frank
up, use a riding crop on him, bind his balls and what
she really liked to do was to make Frank get on all
fours when she donned her strap on dildo and she
made him squeal when she inserted into his ass and
gave him a good fucking. Recently Janie had taken
to tying a cotton rope tight around Frank's scrotum,
she liked to see it turn that dark purple color and
then she fucked him really good, using the riding
crop on his ass when she did. Janie got into this to
such a degree and it gave her such pleasure that
she worked Frank over so throughly that Frank
couldn't perform sexually, being exhausted from
being the slave or he hurt too much. Sometimes
Janie even hit Frank in the balls with her fist after
she used the dildo on him and his nuts were all
purple and tied up. This would always cause Frank
to have a bruise on his sac for a few days. Frank
had become a pretty good slave Janie thought and
now he could use some further training by a real
Master she thought.

Janie had taken to masturbating Frank rather than
let Frank fuck her. She took great pleasure in jacking
his dick and talking dirty to him. She would lick
the head of his cock and jack him while suggesting
to him maybe she should castrate him. I bet you
wouldn't shoot your big load after I nutted you. You
always shoot such a big glob of goo baby. Cum for
mommy Janie and Frank would explode and his cum
would sometimes hit Janie on her titties. Of course
Frankie got to lick all that off for Mistress Janie.

Both had grown in their roles and Janie had Frank
trained to orgasm when she mentioned how she
would have him castrated.

Master was indeed a master, master of many things
actually. He was educated at one of the largest and
most respected universities. A medical doctor and
had a doctor's degree in psychology. He was also
a family man, married with a lovely wife and three
youngren. Being Master was his secret life and he
could well afford to indulge in his favorite sport, that
being taking other men's wives. Nothing turned Master
on more than to fuck another man's wife unless, yes
unless it was his newly expanded indulgence of not
only fucking another man's wife but to fix the man,
yes fix the husband whose wife he was fucking.
Naturally this was the 'modified' part that was
mentioned in the good Masters' ad.

Fact is 'modified' mean exactly what Janie had
thought it meant. Janie with Frank's blessing had
written to Master and told of her and her husbands
desire to become slaves to a Master and that both
were very willing subjects. She had included her
phone number and best time for contact. She had
listed that time as 9 am on any Tuesday morning,
that was the day Frank always was gone for the day
usually playing golf and she would have time to
have a through chat with Master. So it was that on
the very next Tuesday Janie got her phone call.
Master asked her many questions which she
answered to Masters' satisfaction. Would Janie
meet Master at 1 pm this very day for a private
chat and conversation? Yes and so it was. The
interview went well and Janie was elated that the
Master was willing to meet with both she and her
husband Frank the following week.

Both Janie and Frank left the meeting they had
together with their new Master in a high state
of elation. Master had liked them both and Frank
said he was comfortable with Master and so it
had been agreed that Janie and Frank would move
into the rather large ranch house that Master owned
and maintained just for his private indulgence. It
was secluded out in the mesquite covered hill
country of that part of Texas. Janie would take
care of the house and Frank would do such chores
as Master needed done. And this arrangement
could last as long as the slave couple or Master
wished. Either party could terminate the agreement
after the first 90 days it was agreed.

Master had found that this type of agreement had
worked well and he smiled to himself as he tired
to recall just how many couples he had made
friends with over the past 10 years. Yes, how many
wives had he pleasured and made pregnant? He had
trouble remembering but he could always review
his collection and by recounting the jars he had an
exact record. Each jar had a name, a mans name,
a husbands name, such as "Janie's husband Frank"

Many such agreements did in fact terminate
somewhere between 90 days and 6 month and
that was why Master had such a nice collection.
All those peanut butter jars, each with a set of
testicles taken from a husband whose wife Master
was fucking. Master smiled, funny how so many
of the husbands at first agreed, at the very moment
Master was going to fix them they sometimes had
changed their minds and some would even beg not
to be castrated. It fell on deaf ears however as Master
castrated them all, every last one of them. Even more
interesting not one of the wives that encouraged their
husbands to participate changed their minds. Fact
is more than half of the wives would masturbate
themselves while watching their Master castrate
their husband.

Master concluded that the rather short duration of
the agreements hinged on a few factors. Many
wives simply wanted their husbands castrated.
Another few were happy to get pregnant by Master
and that satisfied their short term goal. Still in
other cases and not too few the man had so desired
to be castrated he would do nearly anything to get
to accomplish this goal. It all worked fine for Master
as he got plenty of new, good pussy and whacked
a lot of balls. It was more fun than golf for sure.

Master would castrate his male subject either one
of two ways. Master being a medical doctor had
all the medical aids necessary to ensure a job was
not botched. Master being so fond of women always
used the method the wife selected, sometimes it
would be castration the old fashioned way with a
knife and sometimes with a burdizzo. In some few
occasions the wife had asked to perform the actual
castration which the Master always allowed with
his supervision. Those few occasions always affected
the good Master so that he invariably pulled out his
cock and masturbated watching the wife. He was
still there to assist if something went awry.

Janie told Master she guessed she had a little mean
streak because she wanted her husband secured
used and knife cut. She said she wanted to assist
but wanted Master to do the actual cutting of Frank's
testicles. She wanted him to Howl was how she put
it. Master of course was delighted. Franks' birthday
was July 4th, that being the 3rd day of Janie and Franks'
new life at the ranch house. Master told Janie that
was the day she and he would do Frank. A very
nice birthday present don't you think?

Master had built a special stock, kind of a stanchion
that Frank was secured into. He was on all fours, his
stomach having a support to hold him up under stress
that would come. Franks' wrists were strapped quite
secure and his legs were tied wide apart with straps
placed above his knees and secured to the legs of the
stanchion. Janie was impressed with the sight. Frank's
ass was vulnerable, his balls and dick hanging down.
Frank's securement was elevated so both the Master
and Janie could perform their work without having
to bend over.

It was late. The fireworks were finished in the nearest
town and we could hear the coyotes yelping and
howling in the distance, running in packs hunting
for their night meal. Master had built a nice rather
small fire from some of the mesquite wood he had
collected for the purpose. It gave off a nice smell
when it was burning. Master had laid a cattle branding
iron in the hot mesquite fire which he would show
Janie how to use later. Master explained that he only
thought of the branding iron when Janie had said
she wanted to hear her husband howl. Master assured
this will make him howl. Being way out here, howling
is permitted Master said.

Master gave Janie a braided leather whip about four
feet long to use on Frank's ass. She laid into him
hot and heavy. Red whelps could be seen even by
the fire light. Husband started crying for Janie to
stop but she whipped his ass and legs for a good
twenty minutes. Master walked over and took
Franks nut sac in his hand and as he squeezed
he gave it a jerk down. Frank hollered like an
ole hound dog. Master rolled his nuts around
and squeezed them as Janie watched. As Master
squeezed Frank's nuts, Frank begged Master to
stop. Master replied when they are gone they
won't hurt anymore and gave them another jerk.
Master had Janie spread a quilt out on the ground
in front of her secured husband Frank. Master then
proceeded to undress Janie as Janie did the same
to Master. They both laid down on the quilt and Janie
spread her legs as Master proceeded to lick her very
already wet pussy. Janie let out an orgasmic moan
as Master concentrated on her clit. Master quickly
mounted her and gave her a hard furious fucking so
her husband Frank could see. Master whispered to
Janie, you did stop the pill didn't you. 'Yes', she
replied. I'm going to knock you up honey. I'm getting
ready to put a baby in the oven, squeeze my dick, fuck
me, that's it, your pussy is smoking hot babe. I'm
cumming Master said as Janie wrapped her legs
tightly around Master and clung to him as he fucked
her to orgasm.

It was a hot July 4th night and so they just stayed
naked. Cum was running down Janie's legs and
Master told Janie to take the branding iron and
showed her how to hold it and where to place it
on her husband Franks ass cheek. Hold it there
until I tell you to remove it Master said. In the
hot July night Frank screamed and it sounded
like a fresh steak had been thrown on the grill,
it sizzled and sputtered and smoked. You could
smell the smell of cooking meat. Janie held that
hot branding iron on Franks ass for about five
seconds. Okay release, Master said, Frank was
breathless from howling as Janie had held that
hot iron to his ass. It blistered up, all puffy and
red. He will have a Lone Star of Texas scar on
his ass when he heals Master said. How neat
replied Janie.

Master immediately picked up his pocket knife
he had laid there for the occasion and opened
the sheep's foot blade. I couldn't help but notice
that Master had a nice Case pocket knife, a
stockman's 3 bladed model with a white pearl
handle, a good quality. Master took hold of Frank's
nuts, pulled them and with his left hand squeezed
the nut package on top of his fist that was tight
around Frank's bag. With the pocket knife he slit
the scrotum on the side, inserted two fingers and
pulled out a testicle, tied it and then cut it loose
and dropped it in an empty peanut butter jar. Frank
didn't holler as much as I figured he would, by
getting that nut cut out. I guess he was exhausted
and in considerable pain from that hot branding
iron. Master dispatched Frank's second testicle
with ease and then proceeded to suture husbands
now empty sac. The whole castration procedure
didn't take over 30 minutes. Master then took out
from his medical kit a syringe and gave Frank a
couple shots to relieve the pain. But he sure did
some howling on that 4th of July night.

What a way to start the week Janie thought. Yes,
when a husband is involved in a slave team, Master
puts priority on adding to his testicle collection the
very first few days. The sooner the better. A major
accomplishment has been made and the sooner the
male slave heals the better so he can do his share
of the work around the ranch house.

Things have gone well. Slave husband Frank has
healed nicely. He is accomplishing his duties now
and has even put on a few pounds. Wife slave
Janie is starting to show some now at just three
months. Master did in fact knock her up that very
first night there on that quilt. Hubby Frank never
did know why he couldn't get his wife pregnant
but in any event he doesn't have to worry about
that now days.

Master keeps his testicle collection up on a mantel
above the fireplace. He has had to add two additional
shelves to accommodate all the jars. They keep well
in the formaldehyde solution. When Janie was dusting
the other day she noticed the very first jar was labeled:
Janie's Husband Frank. July 4th this year. She patted
her tummy, she will need to get some new maternity
clothes this month.

This story is fantasy and only for Adult entertainment.
No minors. Fantasy only it is not recommended anyone
attempt anything that could be harmful in any way.
Hope you enjoyed.

The End.


Posts: 1914
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I tried humour. These stories IMHO have no place on a cuckolding forum. In fact I find them offensive. Go somewhere else please.


Posts: 84
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believe it or not, but they are on cuckolding. Maybe not the branch you like. For me, I like them, that's enough. Anyway I just repost them, I'm not the author.

Let the moderator decide, and I wouldn't point out where from you get to go, like you did. By the way, all the disputes on is this a cuckolding theme or not lay here.


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I too think this story is VERY HOT and right in line with the DOMINATION/presentation aspect of cuckolding.
Connor Kent
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The Ad (by Hot)
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