Posts: 84
Mistress Wife
By: Hot -
Married couple's kinky sex life lead to many adventures. One adventure concluded to a permanent condition of the husband being castrated by the wife's live in lover Karl. The wife Margaret becomes Mistresss to her Slavey husband and requires him to perform oral service for Karl and meet all her demands.
My wife became my mistress. After 10 years of marriage we had tried just about everything in sexual exploration. We had each had secret affairs at first, then we got into wife swapping and even joined a club for a year that had 12 married couples and each weekend the men and women rotated relaxing together so that at the end of each 3 month period each partner had slept with 12 different women or men. Some times if someone was sick or on vacation or out of town on business you would find yourself with the same woman or man twice in the 12 week period. Most of the women were not sure exactly which man got them pregnant.
We eventually got out of that and our sexual adventures got more exotic and kinky. At 53 my wife still being very attractive and good figure has many men chasing her skirt. She likes the attention. So not to bore you will a lot of detail that gives you some idea of the background leading up to the weekend. My wife Margaret let her lover Karl take a room at our house. He lives here now and every night except one Marge and Karl would relax together either in her bed or in his bed. I was allowed to relax with my wife one night a week and to enjoy intercourse with her and get my rocks off. I don't get to do that now because my rocks are gone. My wife Margaret had Karl castrate me.
Karl got to where he didn't like Margaret letting me relax with her one night a week and having sex with her so it was Margaret that decided it best to have me castrated. When she mentioned that to Karl and asked if he could do it, he replied sure. I'll do him just like my young bull calves only this will be more fun. Karl being at the time 63 years old and me being 56 he said it would be his pleasure to cut me. And he did. Margaret told me she and Karl both got so hot talking about castrating me that they went to bed in the middle of the afternoon and had sex.
Before Margaret made the decision to castrate me she and Karl were pretty much acting as husband and wife and she said she would be my Mistress and I her slave. She delighted in attaching a small chain to a padlock that was just big enough to lock around my testicles and use it as a lead to parade me around naked in front of Karl. One night when they had a party she even did it to me in front of several of his friends that were invited. So on the weekend of my birthday Margaret attached the padlock around my nuts and lead me by the chain naked downstairs in front of Karl. On your knees she said and I went to my knees. Karl undid his belt, unzipped his pants and let them drop. Pull down his shorts Margaret said. I did and as I did I see that Karl is getting hard fast. Karl took hold of his cock and held it out offering it for me to suck. No words were spoken I knew what was expected. He waved it up and down and I leaned forward and took his cock in my mouth. I felt the thick sperm shooting out of Karl's dick into my mouth. Swallow it all Margaret said. I had by now become somewhat used to this as this was now not new to me. Still that thick cum of Karl's seemed to go down in a lump when I swallowed. But I didn't get sick now anymore. The first time I was made to suck and swallow his cum I threw up. Margaret gave me a spanking for that. She blistered my ass good with a switch she went out and cut from one of our maple trees.
After I swallowed Karl's load Margaret lead me out to the garage to Karl's pickup truck. She jerked on the chain a little and told me to craw up in the bed of the truck and lay on my back. Karl cuffed my wrists and tied them with rope to the front ties of the pick up bed. He had me all the way to the back of the pickup bed with my ass laying on the tailgate. He tied my knees pulling my legs up and tied the rope to each side of the back of the pickup bed, my legs spread wide apart. Margaret left the padlock around my nuts and threw the chain up in the pickup bed. The sun had just gone down and the August air was still somewhat warm. Margaret opened the garage doors, Karl started the pickup, Margaret got in the cab with him and they backed the pickup out and headed for the woods down by the pond.
Somehow the chain had managed to slip out the back over the tailgate and was dragging along on the ground. It would snag some on the weeds and grass and it jerked the padlock that was around my nuts. That began to hurt. I thought the truck would never stop. In a few minutes Karl stopped the pick up at a flat area by the pond. Karl always kept a cooler of beer in the truck and so he opened a couple cans as my wife Margaret unlocked the padlock and removed it from around my testicles. I complained that my nuts hurt from the chain that had been dragging. Margaret rubbed my nuts, saying poor little baby. Mama is going to have these fixed. She took a take of her beer and she and Karl sat on the tail gate of the pickup there with me and my wide spread legs. Margaret said she couldn't believe this is finally going to happen. Believe it said Karl chuckling. Mama's little slavey going to lose his little nutties. Actually they aren't so little, just look at these and she took both my testicles in her hand and pulled on them. Yeah replied Karl, his nuts are pretty good size, bigger than mine actually, I'll enjoy taking them.
Karl opened a couple more beers and suggested they start a camp fire. I want to wait until it is good and dark and then I will castrate him. They soon had a small fire started and had plenty of wood handy as they came and camped and fished there often. By now I had decided I didn't want to be castrated yet and began talking some protest to deaf ears. Karl told Margaret to quiet me and so Margaret pulled up her dress and pulled down and off her nylon panties. She wadded the up and stuck them in my mouth. There that will keep him quiet. I doubt anyone will hear us anyway, the nearest neighbor is 2 miles away, but no use in taking a chance. Yeah Karl said because if he isn't muffled he will really holler when I start taking his nuts. What will you use? Margaret said. What do you mean replied Karl. What will you castrate my husband with? Oh, my pocket knife and Karl reached in his pocket and pulled out his folding Buck pocket knife. He showed it to Margaret, this is the stockman model he said, 3 blades, I use this one, pointing to the sheepshead blade. I castrated 6 calves last week with this. Sharpened it good this morning so it would be ready. It will shave now, he chuckled.
By now both Karl and Margaret had drank 3 beers. Margaret giggled, I have a request I want to do. What is that replied Karl. Well, hesitated Margaret, I want to brand my slave when he is castrated, you do that to your cattle don't you? Yes replied Karl. I just want to mark him as mine she said. Just a mark right on his ass. Guess you can, don't see any harm said Karl. Oh goodie said Margaret. Probably best brand him first then he won't notice the pain so much when I cut him.
Karl took a tire tool and tied it to a wooden handle and laid the iron tool in the camp fire. They finished their beer and Karl told Margaret the iron was hot if she wanted to brand me. He pulled the iron out of the fire and handed the wooden handle to Margaret. Put it on his ass here, touching my ass. Hold it there till the sizzle sound stops. She did, I yelled, of course no sound with the panties in my mouth. That sure hurt as did my dick head but both healed up good after about a month. Mistress decided I should have a mark I would see daily and reheated the iron and held it against the top of the head of my dick. Now I got a big white scar on there.
Time to do these Karl said. He took hold of my nuts. He squeezed my testicles hard as he could making me make muffled loud noise. Margaret watched in awe as Karl slit open my nut sack with his Buck knife and pulled out each of my nuts. He said he wanted to be careful and not have any complications. He cut through the white membrane that held each testicle, squeezed and popped out each one then he tied nylon suture like thread around the attaching cords and then cut each testicle free. He just flipped each of my nuts up on my chest.
You won't be fucking anymore when I'm through with you here Karl said as started to cut me. I enjoy cutting your nuts out so you can't fuck Margaret anymore, you won't be fucking any woman anymore. You will continue to suck my dick though he said. I felt the wet testicle drop on my chest. I thought I would pass out from the pain but for some reamister did not and was conscious the whole time Karl castrated me. He told Margaret he did not sew up the slit in my bag because he wanted it to drain properly. Margaret put a wet towel on my forehead as I lay there in that pick up bed. She picked up my severed nuts and put in a plastic shopping bag. She has them in a jar preserved on her night stand now. After Karl was done they hauled me back home and helped me get to bed. There were not any major complications and now that 6 month has passed it almost seems like a dream.
When we got home I was put in Karl's room and even the night Karl castrated me I could hear my wife and Karl. Margaret was having an orgasm and I heard her moan, give it to me baby.
That was some weekend.
We are still one still together happier family. For sure Margaret and Karl are happier. I remember that weekend every time I hold my dick to take a pee and see the big white scar on the head of my dick.
My wife Mistress Margaret had a ring put in the head of my dick since I did not have testicles anymore and she still uses that chain. She insists I suck and swallow for Karl when she doesn't feel like sex and one of my duties is to do oral clean up work. She enjoys to parade me in front of her party friends and let them examine her slavey husband with out testicles.
Should I fall in miss favor or if they decide I should be punished one of the things that happens is Karl will fuck me in the ass. I don't like that much. My wife Margaret told me the other day she was sorry I had only one set of balls because she enjoyed watching Karl castrate me so much she wishes she could watch again. I'm not frustrated or horny these days :>)
The End.
Posts: 4050
I'm sorry, but this story is stupid. I'm a submissive masochist and I can get off on a little kink, but it has to make sense.
You've presented us with a couple who are sexually liberated. They enjoy swapping and sex games. It is suggested that the wife is very sexual and enjoys numerous partners. The unstated implication is that the husband does as well.
There is never any reference to the husbands inadequacey as a lover nor any submiissive or masochistic desires on his part.
Then out of the blue the wife takes a lover and they decide to *** and castrate her previously sexually adventurous husband and he amazingly agrees to it.
I must have missed something.
I rarely criticize stories here or on any other site. I am insecure enough about my own writing; but fortnum, you don't even write these stories. You just post them. At least take the time to find and post stories with merit.
Good Husband
Posts: 1975
Quoting: goodhusband I'm sorry, but this story is stupid. I'm a submissive masochist and I can get off on a little kink, but it has to make sense. I agree, crap!
Posts: 155
Made me hard!
Posts: 93
This story was different, it started off great, but if i had to rate it from a 1 to 5 with 5 being the best, I would give it maybe a 2 for content. For writing s*******s, a 4.
But, to each his own. We are all different thank God. Sissy Cynthia
Posts: 84
I agree for criticism. But I never require to savour literary values of the stories of such kind, just wank a little, if I like it  There are stories that arouse me and there are which not. This one just hook me. I am sure, I am not the only one who like it.
Posts: 31
This has to be the most ridiculous story I have ever seen. The story line , if that is what you call it, is so screwed up that it actually makes no sense. Why would a husband and wife who enjoyed swinging go from that to the luducrous behavior of the wife and lover to castrate the husband. It is stories like this that let people make fun of and put down the cuckold lifestyle. Fortnum should cosider not posting any further stories and put this one where the sun don't shine. I am not part of the cuckold lifestyle but have a few very old and close friends that are. I would consider this a permisteral attack on my friends.
Posts: 84
Irish4367it's just a mix of cuckolding and castration fetishes. There are so many stories of unmotivated cuckolding, so many discussions of why they want it and why they do it. The answer is just because it's arousing. That's the fetish. There is sissy, crossdressing, gay, and humilation fetishes blends with cuckolding. There are either voyeurism and exhbitionism. If you prefer some kind of such fetishes, why you believe that other fetishes are some kind of offensive and should be placed 'where the sun don't shine'? Is gay fetish attacks you? Not? Why then castration fetish atacks you?  By the way, this story was taken by me from The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! The site dedicated solely for castration fetish.
Posts: 1914
Fortnum, You took it from where, quite properly, it belongs. It's a castration story that has nothing to do with cuckolding, unless you count every faithless wife as within that genre.
Irish's point is quite valid. This is a rubbish story, from a human perspective, a cuckold perspective, a literate perspective. Its only possible interest would be from someone interested in castration. There it may be good, I have no idea. I'm not interested in castration stories. If I was, I would go to a castration website. I hope you are getting the circular message here. You seem one of those who need it hammering in with a six inch nail. A story which is also perhaps on a castration website .. but not here ..
Posts: 1285
Wow. That's a lot of intolerant hate for a lovely little story. If it isn't your cup of tea, move on but why ***** the guy for sharing with us.
Oh, and it is DEFINITELY cuckolding. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 755
Find the thought of castration interesting