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I've posted here before. I'm not certain this is the correct forum but here goes anyway.

My Wife is twelve years older than I and coincidentally my Mother is twelve years older than her. I was afraid of what Mother might think of the age difference but I needn't have worried. From the moment they met it was clear that they agreed that what "Momma's little boy" needed was a firm hand to guide him.

Within five minutes they were giggling about ladys often repeated story of my circumcision. I was horrified and my offense only deepened when my wife commented that the doctor must have slipped and cut off most of my penis along with the foreskin.

It got worse when Mother said that surely it had grown some since she last saw it. At that point my Wife made me stand in front of them and drop my pants and show her. You could have lit a cigarette off my forehead as I dropped my pants and willed my raging hard-on to go down. It was bad enough that Mother saw my leopard print nylon boy panties but when I lowered them and my little four inch hard-on came into view they both positively cackled. I tried to cover it up but they slapped my hands away. As much as I was embarrassed I could not stop it from drooling pre-cum onto my pants and boy panties bunched up around my ankles.

I could have died when Mother reached out and cupped my balls and idly rolled them in my scrotum as she focused on my Wife and started to converse with her.

Mother: "It's not very big is it?"

Wife: "No, no one will ever describe him as "well hung", was his man that small?"

Mother: (chuckle) "I don't really know, I'm not really sure who his man was. You would think I would remember if he was as tiny as this though. Wouldn't you?"

Wife (smiling) " You mean you were having sex with more than one man at the time he was conceived?"

Mother (still fondling me absently) "You mean he hasn't told you about me? I'm surprised. I was never a "one man woman", even when I was married to his "man". I know he knew because the little perv used to sneak around and watch me (She tugs and I gasp) with my tricks. I could see him wanking away as he watched"

Wife: "Tricks? You mean?"

Mother: Of course. My lady taught me; never give something of value away! In fact I'm sure I would have never fucked anyone with a cock as small as this without making them pay!" ( my balls feel like they are in a vice now)

Wife; (laughing) "I see. But he does have other attributes you know." "Stick your tongue out honey!"

Mother: (laughing) "Is he any good?"

Wife: "I can assure you and he can last for hours. He even does me when I'm on my period!" ( I cringe, She had promised never to tell anyone)

Mother: ( By now I was on the verge of orgasm) "Then I'm sure you make him clean up "all" his messes? "I suppose I should have him lick up all this nasty pre-cum he is drooling all over my wrist. I would like to see that."

Wife: "Would you? Then watch this." (She reached over and slowly raked her long fingernail along the underside of my cock as Mother continued to knead my balls. When her finger reached that sensitive spot just back of the tip I lost all control. Cum started to spurt and Mother clamped down on my nuts. One spurt landed on Mothers leather couch and the rest slowly dribred out onto her wrist and forearm. I was in agony from offense and the grip Mother had on my balls. I lost conciseness, not the slump to the floor kind, just the "I don't know whats going on around me" kind. I regained my senses to here them laughing hysterically at me. Tears were in everyones eyes. Mine were from offense.)

Mother: (still laughing) "What a mess he has made. I think he should clean it up."

Wife: (looking stern) " You heard your Mother! Clean up your mess! No, get on your knees. And don't miss the spot on the couch.

I wanted to die as I slowly licked my ladys hand, wrist and forearm clean. Then the couch and some dribbles on the floor as they chatted gaily away. Best friends for life from now on.

I have more if anyone is interested.


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Sure, continue.


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Not overly effusive are you sn1_etr? Said with a smile.

One of my Wifes favorite places to publicly humiliate me is at the doctors office. Over the years she has taken many opportunities. Here is just one.

We moved to a new city and She decided I was due for a physical. She asked around among family/work friends and chose a doctor for me. I was a little surprised that it was a man, she usually prefers I see woman health care providers. (She doesn't have a very high opinion of male "intelligence", an oxymoron, as far as she is concerned.)

Anyway we go to our appointment and of course she accompanies me back to the exam room. The nurse tries to politely ask her to wait in the waiting room but, in front of everybody, she makes it clear that she WILL accompany me. The nurse shrugs and looks at me. I turn red and can not meet her eyes. She openly smirks at me as she takes my temperature and red pressure. By now she is ignoring me as she tells my Wife that it is a little high and She should be sure to talk to the doctor about it. Next she draws some red, after telling my wife!, that "He will feel a little poke," It was like I wasn't even there.

After saying " The doctor will see you shortly" she handed her a gown and told my Wife to "Have him dis-robe completely and put that on." Then she left, leaving the door about halfway open.

"Well, you heard her, STRIP!" Wife said. Then stopped me from closing the door. We were straight across from the busy nurses station and I whined that they could see me.

She just glared at me and repeated her order.

I couldn't help seeing a couple of the nurses casting glances at me as I dis-robed. It was really embarrassing when I took down my "tighty whiteys (She had told me I was lucky it wasn't my normal panties) and my little dickie (about an inch and a half, soft) came into view. I tried not to look up as I heard a couple whispers and more than one giggle.

"Wait here, I have a question for the nurse" she said, and walked out leaving the door open and taking the gown with her.

She ****** of my view and in a moment an older nurse came to the door and scolded me for "Displaying myself to the staff that way!" She closed the door and left but didn't bother to get me a gown.

I was sitting on the exam table trying to cover myself when that nurse, my wife and the doctor all returned.

The nurse, about sixty I guess, was a close match for the doctor in size. I would guess they both weighed in the 250 lb. range. All in all very intimidating. The nurse scowled at me and the doctor registered surprise at my nudity. My Wife just smiled sweetly. I noticed the gown was not with her.

The doctor started his exam and started to question me about medical history etc. and quickly started to direct his questions to my wife as it was clear that that was who was in charge. When it came time to check me for hernias my wife decided to ask him if he thought there was some medical reamister for my penis being so small.

The nurse was really smirking now. The doctor said he would exam me and started to ask her questions about my performance etc. I found the whole thing very humiliating. My wife then insisted on me giving a sperm sample before we left.

I think the doctor was becoming as uncomfortable as I was but he was trying to be as professional as possible. It didn't help that the nurse was so openly disdainful. Then my Wife insisted on a prostate exam.

He assured her that the red work would show if there were any problems but she insisted on the old fashioned finger exam.

He looked at me and chuckled "What did you do to make her want to do this to you?"

I just turned another shade of read and followed the nurses instructions to get on the table on my hands and knees and "spread your knees as wide as possible"

I was in near terror when the doctor had to send her out for extra large gloves as none were available in the room. I hung my head and closed my eyes but not before making eye contact through the open door with a couple nurses at the station. It seemed like a long moment before the snap of latex brought my eyes open.

"You're going to feel a little pressure" the doctor said and I could feel the cold slime of the ky-jelly being applied around my anus. Then with a firm push he entered me. It felt like a tree trunk and I gasped. That brought a giggle from my wife and a smirk from the nurse. I could feel him wiggle his finger as he probed for my prostate. Oh my God! I was getting an erection!

While he was still in me my Wife asked if he thought I was as tight as I should be?

"I noticed he was not as tight as he might be, why do you ask?"

"Well he does engage in anal sex from time to time and I've warned him that it might affect him permanently" she smiled like an angel. The nurse was having extreme difficulty trying to not laugh out loud.

With his finger still embedded in my ass he instructed the nurse to be sure and check for HIV and all STD's. Then, seeming to remember where his finger was, he quickly withdrew it, causing another gasp out of me.

Taking his glove off he asked my wife if there was anything else and then said she was free to consult with him in his office while the nurse collected the sperm sample.

I couldn't meet his eyes but I saw how flushed my wife was as they left together.

"OK, Mr**** its time to put that wood you're sporting to use! Take this cup . I want you to stay on your hands and knees and I will collect the sample."

"I can do it if you will leave " I whined.

"That will take too long, I can get it much faster" she said and snapped on a pair of gloves. then she reached under me and grabbed my cock and gave it a stroke with a ky-jelly covered hand. I jumped!

"Hold still!" she commanded. Then with her other hand she slowly inserted her middle finger up my ass.

"You are a little loose, sweety. You better watch the size of your partners or they'll make it permanent.

I was so embarrassed but I couldn't deny she knew what she was doing. She kept slowly milking my cock and started to slowly fuck her other finger in and out of my ass. I groaned and told her I was about cum! Just as I felt it start, she released my prick and pressed hard on my prostate. I groaned in frustration as the sperm slowly drained into the cup. I can't say I had an orgasm because there was no pleasure, just a release of fluid.

I groaned again and looked over my shoulder at her. Her smile was wicked as she withdrew her finger and removed her gloves.

"You are not here to enjoy your self, you little perv!" Then she slapped me on the ass and told me to get dressed and wait in the waiting room. She collected the sample and left again leaving the door open. I could feel them watching me as I tried to wipe off the ky-jelly and dress.

I could hear giggles and as I sat in the waiting room for over an hour it became apparent that everyone in the office shared in my offense.

Finally my Wife came out and I followed her to the car. She let me get behind the wheel then leaned over and kissed me hard. I swear I could taste cum on her lips but I dared not ask.

"That was SO fucking HOT!" she said. "Now drive this mister-of-a-bitch! I can't wait to put that tongue of your's to work!"

I drove.


Posts: 142
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Excellent story...had my tiny clitty hard and wet...much to my GF's annoyance lol
Rating: 5, 1 vote.
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