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A Marriage made in Hell

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I woke with a stretch and a yawn. My first thought, as it had been every morning, for God knows how long, was, was this going to be the day I ate a bullet. I stepped, naked from my bed, heading for the bathroom and a nice shower. About the only pleasure I had was my shower. (Men you have know idea how nice a pulsating shower wand can feel) In the shower I shaved my legs and pussy, if today was the day, I wasn't going to die all stubbly. I'd kept my pussy shaved since my first true love, Sarah had shaved it for me before the most memorable night of my life, my first year at University. Still can't think back on that night without getting VERY wet. I stepped from the shower and stopped before a full length mirror. Damn, for 36, I still looked good. I'd always been a runner and went to University in the States on a Volley Ball scholarship. I have great legs, a taunt tummy, slim hips, and I'm 5'10"tall. Maybe not the prettiest face, but not bad. But no sex life at all.

The toad, my private name for my husband, had long since left for his office, besides we had separate rooms. Had always had separate rooms. He was an attorney and a want to be NDP politician. He salivated at his dream of eventually being an MP. He thought he might get the nod to run for Provincial Parliament in the next election, his dreams seemed to be coming true. I hated him! He was 8 years older than I, when his man, my families attorney died he took over our affairs. A few years later while I was at University, my whole family had been *******ed in a car accident on the 401. Sarah had already graduated and moved back to Florida. I went a little nuts, well a lot nuts. Drugs, scotch, and sex, LOTS of sex, men and women, I'm 100% Bi. I just let Robert, he wasn't yet the toad, run my families, well my, businesses and properties, I just didn't care. Still managed to keep my grades up, and after waking up one morning on a Frat room floor covered in cum and piss, I got my act together, finished school, and went right on for my Masters Degree. Robert continued to run things on my behalf, I still felt half dead inside, just didn't care about business.

When I finally went home, it was horrid. Living in the house where I had such great parents, a wonderful Grandman, and my very special twin brother. I'd been almost abstinent, for my senior year and grad school, and stayed that way, but living in that house and that small town was dreadful.
Robert still ran things and I depended on him completely. His office was in a nearby, much bigger University town, and we started having, at his insistence weekly meetings to discuss business, I mostly just signed papers.

He was a small man about 5'6" and a bit tubby, but seemed kind and caring.
Our business meetings led to business dinners, never a hint of anything sexual. After about six months I took a town house in his city, not to be near him, just to be away from my old home, too many memories. After that our evenings out became more frequent and date like, but nothing like my University era dates. After several months of these evenings I finally got a peck on the cheek. I thought, wow, this guy takes being a gentleman to the extreme! That pattern continued for the next 6 months, I found that the dates(?) were almost like auditions, as they were often political dinners, or double dates with other political couples. I was good, never once let on that I despised everything that the NDP stood for. I was a secret Conservative! But I wasn't going to ruin things for this man, so I held my tongue.

Soon after he proposed, I accepted. After all he was a nice guy who was already running all my properties and businesses. I felt secure with him. Did I love him, no, but I liked him, and at that point in my life, that was enough. We had never had sex, never even heavy petting.

I won't bore you with the wedding plan details. It was a fairly big VERY traditional wedding. Guests were all his family and political friends and political movers and shakers. I didn't have any living family, and my University friends couldn't come all the way to Ontario. Not even Sarah could come, LOL had she come I probably would have spent all the time she was there before the wedding with my head between her legs and my tongue deep in her pussy, I still loved her so, but she was married now, and trying to go straight, guess I was to. We only even talked about sex once before the wedding. I offered, he thanked me for the offer, but said it would be nicer if I was still a virgin on our wedding day............... Good God he thought I was a VIRGIN! UHhh, I didn't tell him otherwise. It kind of sounded like he was, hard to believe, but thats the way it seemed.

The March down the isle, exchange of vows, and it was done! I was a Mrs.
The reception was bigger, with even more political types. Finally we left for our room, the wedding night was about to start.

******thats it for now, hope you're not to bored, but I felt I needed this prologue. Next chapter the wedding nights.

love amy
love amy


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Amy, that's a good start! Looking forward to hearing more about your interest and little twist in this lifestyle.
Cuck who loves a creampie.
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A Marriage made in Hell
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