My Wife and My Boss
My life was pretty good up until about a month ago. You see I am in sales and as some of you may know you can be hot one minute and at the bottom of the barrel the next. I was never “salesman of the year” or anything like that but I made my boss a good deal of money and he paid me fairly well. He paid me well enough that my wife Jenny didn’t have to work. All I asked from her in return was that she kept her body looking as sexy as the day we got married. Jenny is 5’9” and weighs about 150lbs. Some of you might think that is big but in my eyes she is perfect. You see I don’t like skinny girls that much. Jenny has a nice juicy ass and 36D tits, brown hair and fairly tan skin depending on the seamister.
Back in December at the office Christmas party Mr. Jones my boss pulled me and Jenny aside into his office and said he needed to talk with me. I asked him if Jenny could go on in to the party and he said no she might want to here what he had to say. Jenny doesn’t like Mr. Jones, he is a rather smug and large black man that she says is always eyeing her up and down at work functions. He told me that my numbers the last quarter were unacceptable and I would not be getting a Christmas bonus this year. I told him I thought that was unfair seeing how everyone’s numbers were down. He told me to be quiet. He said mine were the lowest and that wasn’t all he had to say. He said that if I didn’t have the top sales numbers next quarter I would have to find work elsewhere. Then he grabbed Jenny’s hand gave it a kiss and told us to enjoy our night. Jenny and I sat in his office for about 20 minutes. I was telling her that he was a jerk and that I should just go ahead and find another job. She agreed that he was a jerk and said she didn’t want me to give him the satisfaction of leaving. She said whatever it takes baby you be the top salesman next quarter and stick that in his face. I said I really wanted to go out there and punch him the face for treating me that way and for kissing her hand and flirting with her. Jenny calmed me down and we went and tried to enjoy the party.
Later that night the party was winding down and I left to retrieve our coats. When I returned I found Jenny talking to Mr. Jones. When I walked up the conversation was ending. I asked her what he was saying and she said he was telling me I better find a way to get you motivated to sell because he didn’t want to fire you. As I walked out I saw him with his smug grin looking Jenny up and down.
Well now fast forward to April and where I am now, (sorry about the rambling). At the end of the month we had our sales meeting to go over everyone’s numbers. I just new I was at the top. When Mr. Jones revealed the board there was name at number 2. I was beat by Mr. Jones younger brother Jack by about $2000.00 or 1 sale; however you wish to look at it. He told everyone good job and asked me to stay behind. After everyone left he asked me if I remembered what he had told me back at the Christmas party. I said yes, but I made him a lot of money this quarter. He said that if he didn’t stand behind what he told his employees that none of them would respect him.
I pleaded my case with him for about an hour and finally realized I was getting no where. As I stood up to leave my phone rang and it was Jenny. She asked where I was and how the meeting went. I told her to meet me at this local restaurant she loved I would tell her about it; (I wanted her to at least be happy when I told her the bad news). When I hung up Mr. Jones said, is that the lovely Jenny? I told him he needed to mind his own business. He just looked at me and laughed and said that it was going to be a shame not to see her at any more work functions. I told him to go to hell and walked out.
On the drive over all I could think about was how disappointed Jenny was going to be.
I got there and looked around and there was no Jenny to be found. I got a table and just waited for her to arrive. When she walked in she was wearing an almost see through black top and a very, very short skirt with heels. When she sat down I asked her what she was so dressed up for. Jenny said that she wanted to look extra sexy for her salesman of the quarter. I just looked down. I told her I had lost by one sale to Mr. Jones brother. Jenny asked if that meant I was fired and I told her yes. As she was asking if there was anything else I could do Mr. Jones walked up to our table. Apparently he had followed me or over heard my dinner plan conversation. He had over heard Jenny and said no there is nothing he can do but maybe you could change my mind. I told him to just leave us alone. As Mr. Jones turned to walk off Jenny said “no wait”. I looked at here and said what are you doing? Jenny just looked at me and said lets at least here him out. Mr. Jones said he had reserved the back room for a dinner with some clients. He told us to join him and he would take care of our bill.
We walked into the back empty dining room and he shut the door behind us. He said he had a way for me to keep my job and get the raise that the top salesman gets every quarter. Jenny squeezed my hand and said she wanted to here it. Mr. Jones then proceeded to tell Jenny that he was going to need a new assistant that could help him and some special clients needs. I asked him what he meant by needs? He just smiled and looked at Jenny and said it could be anything from getting him a cup of coffee or traveling with him on business trips. I told her I didn’t like the idea. She said that she would think about it if she was getting paid too. He said that if she would try it for a month and if she worked out he would pay her very well. I told him we needed to talk in private. He said we had to decide before his guests arrived and we had about five minutes.
Jenny said she thought it might be a good deal, especially if she got paid too. I told her I had heard rumors about what he had his assistants do. Jenny looked at me and said that I need not worry about it. She then brought up the fact that our lease on our house was running out and that she wanted to buy a house so we could start a family. I said I did too but I didn’t want her to do the things I thought he had in mind. You see I had been to one of Mr. Jones dinners back in February and he had his assistant at the time serving us takes and giving us lap dances. A friend at work even told me that after a lot of us left Mr. Jones got her to give blow jobs to a couple of the guys that hung around. I didn’t tell Jenny because I knew she would not approve of that. Jenny can get very jealous when it comes to me even looking at other women.
Then the door opened and Mr. Jones walked in with his brother and eight other men in suits. He walked over to us and asked if we had made a decision. Before I could say anything Jenny told him yes. He took Jenny by the hand and asked are you sure you can do what I ask? Jenny said absolutely! He then looked at me and said, did you tell her what my assistants do for me? I said that I had heard rumors. Mr. Jones laughed and said you know, you have been to one of my dinners. He then leaned over and whispered into Jenny’s ear and her eyes got big and she gave me a stern look. Mr. Jones motioned for Jack and he brought over an envelope. Jenny opened it and looked inside. I could tell they were pictures but I did not know what of. She put the pictures back in the envelope and through it to me. I opened it and pulled them out. They were pictures of Mr. Jones assistant giving me a lap dance and rubbing her tits in my face.
I looked up and saw Jenny setting down in a chair Mr. Jones had pulled out for her. She was looking at me and I could see how pist off she was. The whole dinner Mr. Jones was whispering in her ear. Either she was smiling and giggling or she was giving me the eat cuckolds brownie look. Mr. Jones stood up and said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming and that the night would be moving to his house as he had scheduled entertainment. When he said that Jenny gave me an evil wink. As everyone filed out Mr. Jones and Jenny walked up to me, he said he needed me to go back to the office and get a box that was on his couch. He said do not open it and bring it to his house. I said ok and motioned for Jenny to come with me. Jenny looked me in the eyes and told me that she was going to ride with her new boss. Mr. Jones patted my back and said don’t worry, she will be in good hands.
When we got outside I watched Jenny get into the back seat with Mr. Jones and his brother and to of the clients driving. They pulled up beside me and Mr. Jones rolled his window down and said for me to hurry up. As I looked in the car I noticed Jenny had her head laid back and both Mr. Jones and Jack each had a hand on one of her legs. As I pulled out of the parking lot I knew I had to hurry. The office was about 20 minutes from the restaurant and Mr. Jones was about 10 in the other direction. I didn’t want to leave Jenny with them by herself that long. I got to the office remembered I didn’t have my keys anymore. I called Mr. Jones and asked him how am I supposed to get in? He said the security guard had a key. Finally after about ten minutes the guard came to the door and let me in and went with me to Mr. Jones office. I grabbed the only box I could find and it looked like a cigar box.
When I got back to my car I saw I had a picture sent to me from Jenny’s phone. It was Jenny in what looked like a kitchen bending over and taking her panties off. The caption said how do you like my view? I called Jenny at once. I was shocked when she answered; I asked her what the hell she was doing? She said they told her all about how crazy I would get with Mr. Jones assistants. I told her they were lying to her. She said they told her I would say that. I was mad as hell and started punching the dash board of my car. Jenny said, I got to go somebody needs a dancer and hung up.
I stomped on the gas and was changing lanes like a maniac when I saw the blue light start flashing. I quickly pulled over and had my license out for the officer. I knew I was I speeding and I wanted him to give me my ticket as quickly as possible. He asked why I was in such a hurry and I couldn’t tell him the real reamister so I said I was just trying to get home to my wife. He told me to sit tight and he would be back. I got another text from Jenny, it said “don’t worry about John’s little box, I don’t need them

p.s. make that want them and you can open it up if you like”. I opened up the box and it was about 50 magnum sized condoms. As I put my head on the steering wheel my phone started beeping again. It was another picture of Jenny, naked accept for her heals. She was on her knees jacking off two huge black dicks. I almost pulled away when I heard, here you go sir. It was the cop giving me my ticket. As I pulled away all I could think about was Jenny doing all of this just to get back at me. I did get a lap dance but whatever else they told her was a lie.
As I pulled into Mr. Jones neighborhood (or John as my wife now calls him) I got a video message from Mr. Jones. It was Jenny on her knees sucking his dick with the other two still in her hands. He pulled her head off his cock and said say it, she looked into the camera and said baby this is the best job I have ever had, and you had better hurry up and get here to see me take a real dick! Then she went right back to sucking Mr. Jones dick. I heard him tell her that’s right girl you won’t be getting that 5” dick tonight and then the video ended. I couldn’t believe she was doing this, let alone talking about the size of my dick.
I pulled into the driveway grabbed the box of condoms and ran up to the steps, the door was locked. I rang the door bell and no one came. I ran around to the side door, it was locked. I jumped the fence and got to the back patio and there was Jenny. She was sucking Mr. Jones almost completely to the base of his dick. In permister I could now see how big he was. He was at least 8-9” and thick. I banged on the door and everyone looked up. There were 10 guys in there. 2 white men from the dinner that were clients, and 8 other black guys, Mr. Jones, his brother, and the other clients. They were all naked and every one of them had dicks bigger than mine. I begged for them to let me in so I could give them the condoms. Then Mr. Jones picked up Jenny’s phone. He started sending me pictures. He sent me pictures from earlier; apparently Jenny had sucked everyone’s dick at least once already.
As I looked around I saw Jack running a video camera. I banged on the door again and pleaded for them to open the door. One of the white guys came over to the window and cracked it. I said please will you guys let me in? Mr. Jones turned down the radio. He said hey Jenny do you want to let him in? She grabbed the large outmen from the couch and brought it over in front of the window. She said no John he can just watch from outside for now. Then she got on her knees and turned her body so I could see her good and said, babe I love you but you have been cheating on me with John’s assistants and now you have lost your job. Jenny said I will get your job back but I am going to be calling the shots from now on. Jenny then told me to sit back and enjoy the show.