Posts: 4050
#1 · Edited by: goodhusband
This is a short story. I will be posting all of it today. I fully intend to continue writing "Courtesan". I just sometimes need a break.
This story popped into my head last Friday. I started writing it Saturday and finished it today. I hope you enjoy it.
Posts: 4050
My entire body tingled excitement as I nestled myself between my wife's legs. My face was inches from her smoothly shaved cunt. I took a moment to study her. This was something I always did. Jennifer didn't mind, in fact she found it both provocative and amusing that merely be allowed to look at her sex was such an intoxicating thrill for me. My wife loved me, so she always granted me this simple pleasure.
The lips of Jennifer's pussy were moist. Her large clitoris arrogantly protruded from it's protective hood of soft flesh. She was already aroused. I'd spent the previous fifteen minutes kissing and licking her asshole. She relished this simple pleasure so it had become a compulsory prelude to every session of our lovemaking.
I wanted to kiss her engorged clit, but I knew that wouldn't yet be allowed. First I would have to lick and kiss her soft moist lips and thoroughly tongue the entrance to her womb.
It was time to begin. I'd dawdled long enough. Jennifer was waiting for me to pleasure her and I didn't dare test her patience. My wife gasped when she felt my lips gently brush the moist cleft of her pussy. She purred as I covered her sex with soft kisses. Her breath caught when I extended my tongue and started licking her.
I closed my eyes and made passionate love to my wife. My excitement grew with hers. I needed to please Jennifer. I was desperate to please her. She was my goddess. Pleasing her was the sole reamister for my existence.
I pressed my face into Jennifer's sopping cunt and pushed my tongue into her womb. This was now the only way I was allowed to fuck my wife. It had been over a year since I'd last been permitted to enter her with my tiny penis. I understood. It was better this way. My lack of size and my tendency to ejaculate prematurely had been much too frustrating for Jennifer.
My wife responded to my efforts by grinding her crotch into my face. An electric thrill surged through my body. We were fucking. I pushed my tongue as deeply into Jennifer as I possibly could. If I couldn't satisfy her with my penis, I would do it with my tongue.
I heard Jennifer's breath quicken. That was my signal. It was time. I pulled my tongue out of her pussy and moved up to her engorged clitoris. I kissed it for a moment and then I wrapped my lips around it and sucked it into my mouth. At the same time I pushed my middle finger into my wife's cunt.
I passionately sucked Jennifer's clit while I fucked her cunt with my finger. She squealed with delight and yelled. "Yes Dusty, that's right! Do it! suck my clit! Give me head! Be my little slut!"
Jennifer's lewd provocations excited me and spurred me to even greater efforts. Suddenly her entire body stiffened and then she screamed. I kept sucking on her clit and fingering her cunt while she shook and cried out from the pleasure of her orgasm.
Finally my wife's cries turned into whimpers and she began to relax. I stopped sucking on her clit and lay between her legs, my head resting against her thigh, my face glistening with the moisture of her arousal.
After a few minutes my wife sat up and smiled at me. "Dusty, you really are an artist at giving head."
I beamed with pride.
Jennifer pulled me up to her and kissed my cheek. "Now it's your turn."
She pushed my head down so that I could suckle on her large breast and then she picked up my tiny erection and started masturbating me. My wife used to give me a slow sweet blow job as my reward for pleasuring her, but about a year ago she decided that sucking my cock was too demeaning for her so she started using her fingers instead.
It didn't take her long to make me cum. It never did. As soon as I was finished ejaculating Jennifer made me lick my semen off of her fingertips. When she used to give me blow jobs my wife would let me orgasm in her mouth. As soon as I was done she would tell me that a man's semen was too great a delicacy to waste, then she would kiss me and push my cum into my mouth with her tongue. Now that she jacks me off instead of sucking me, Jennifer continues to make me enjoy that little treat, but she no longer indulges in it herself.
Once I was finished licking her fingers clean Jennifer glanced at the clock on her night table. It was 6:15. She pushed me off of her and sat up on the edge of the bed. "Dusty, go draw me a bath. I have to get ready to go out. Kendall will be here at seven. He's taking me to a dinner party tonight."
I climbed off of our bed, scurried into the bathroom and started filling the bathtub.
Posts: 4050
Kendall Madimister was a financial tycoon. He was also a very handsome middle aged man and was considered to be one of Chicago's most eligible bachelors. Whenever I saw him I was struck by his distinguished appearance. He was tall, maybe 6'2" with a trim athletic build that was rare for a fifty-five year old businessman. He had a full head of long black hair that he wore combed straight back and his penetrating blue eyes seemed to be constantly taking in everything around him. He was always expensively dressed. He favored hand tailored suits and expensive Italian loafers. All of these factors combined to make him an extremely imposing figure.
He was my wife's boss.
Jennifer Watmister and I met while we were both sophomore's in college. We were students at a small liberal arts school in central Ohio. Jennifer was an economics major. I was an English major. We were taking a biology class and were assigned as lab partners. We immediately liked each other and became close friends. Gradually that friendship turned into a romance and by the time we were seniors we were engaged to be married.
When we first met Jennifer was a shy, retiring, almost mousy little girl. In high school she'd been regarded as an intellectual and a nerd. Her self esteem took a beating. College was good for her. It was an environment that valued intelligence and creative thought. Her self esteem grew and at the same time her body filled out. By the time she was a senior, Jennifer Watmister had blossomed into a beautiful woman.
I'm Dustin Klein. Everyone calls me Dusty. I'm a slightly built man just over 5'7" tall. I have mildly effeminate features and the two spinster aunts who raised me often commented that I would have been a very cute girl.
I'm sure that you can imagine that high school was also a trying experience for me. Skinny little boys don't get to date cheerleaders, in fact they often don't get to date anyone at all. My plight was confounded by the fact that I had a tiny penis. This shortcoming was discovered by my peers during a ninth grade gym class and I quickly earned the nickname, stubby."
College was also good for me and my self esteem grew as quickly as Jennifer's. In my case however, that was all that grew. By the time I was a senior in college I was still a scrawny little kid with a tiny penis.
Fortunately Jennifer had already fallen in love with me. Two weeks after we graduated from college we drove to Jennifer's hometown in eastern Wisconsin and this scrawny little kid from northern Iowa married his now ravishing brunette.
In college I'd been a good student, but Jennifer was a great one. I finished with a 3.25 grade point average. Jennifer's GPA was 3.95. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and was selected for membership in Phi Beta Kappa. She also had two papers published in elite economics journals.
During the spring of our senior year in college, Jennifer was heavily courted by several prestigious investment firms. One of them was Madimister Investments. Kendall Madimister was the president and sole stockholder. He offered Jennifer a very enticing package that included a generous starting salary and solid opportunities for rapid advancement. The firm's location in Chicago made it even more attractive. It was close to both of our hometowns. A week before our wedding Jennifer accepted a position as a financial analyst for Madimister Investments. That summer we moved to Chicago and bought a small bungalow three blocks from Wrigley Field and five blocks from lake Michigan.
Unfortunately I quickly found out that my employment prospects were much more limited. Outside of teaching, the opportunities for English majors were very sparse. After a month of searching I was finally offered a job as a clerk in a Michigan Avenue book store. I jumped at it.
The job didn't pay much, but Jennifer made more than enough money to support both of us. The hours were also not good. I frequently had to work evenings and weekends. This actually turned out to be an unexpected advantage. It freed Jennifer to throw herself into her job. By the beginning of September she was regularly putting in twelve to fourteen hour days.
While my hours were irregular, I generally only put in about thirty-two hours a week so the responsibility for maintaining the house quickly fell to me. We never discussed it, but by the end of September all of the household chores had informally become my duties. This meant that I was doing all of the cooking, all of the cleaning and all of the laundry.
Because Jennifer was in the investment industry and because she earned eighty-five percent of our income, she took over the financial management of our household.
By the end of the year, there wasn't any doubt in either of our minds that Jennifer had emerged as the dominant partner in our marriage.
As time passed we both gradually recognized that Jennifer enjoyed taking the dominant role in our relationship and I enjoyed being submissive to her.
Jennifer started exploring Internet websites that discussed topics like "wife led marriages" and "loving female authority". Soon she was reading books on the subject and emailing web site links to me.
We had a few casual discussions about the subject, but we never made any official decisions. Everything was informal. It just happened. By our first wedding anniversary I'd become my wife's maid.
Posts: 4050
#4 · Edited by: goodhusband
Jennifer glanced at the clock on her makeup table. My eyes followed hers. It was two minutes to seven.
"Dusty we'd better move into the living room so we can watch for Kendall's limousine. I don't want to keep him waiting."
I nodded in agreement.
Jennifer grabbed a small black satin clutch purse and hurried out of the bedroom. I quickly grabbed a small sweater from her closet and followed her. It was June, but the night breezes from Lake Michigan could be chilly. I didn't want my wife to get cold.
As I walked into the living room Jennifer said, "There he is now. Dusty I have to run."
I rushed over to my wife and handed her the sweater. "This is just so you won't get chilly on the way home."
She smiled at me. "Thank you Dusty, you're a wonderful help." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Don't wait up for me. You know how these business dinners are, I'll probably be quite late."
I watched through the front window. Kendall was waiting on the curb next to his Rolls Royce. As soon as my wife walked up to him he gave her a peck on the cheek and then he opened the door for her. Jennifer got into the limousine and Kendall slid in next to her. Kendall's chauffeur closed the door behind him, walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. The rear windows of the limousine were slightly tinted, so it was hard to be positive; but as they drove away I think I saw Kendall put his arms around my wife and give her a passionate kiss on the lips.
I sat down on the living room sofa and took a deep breath. I was quite certain that my wife was having an affair with her boss. The circumstantial evidence was overwhelming. I know I should have been angry, but I wasn't. I was worried, a little jealous and afraid. Strangely, I was also excited by the idea.
Over the past year I had become increasingly comfortable in the submissive role I was taking in my relationship with my wife. The thought of Jennifer having an affair with another man didn't make me angry because I now viewed it as one of her rights as the dominant partner in our marriage. Also, I loved my wife and I knew that while she enjoyed what I could do with my tongue she had to long for the pleasure that only a strong virile man like Kendall could give her. I didn't want to deny her that pleasure.
I was afraid that Jennifer might leave me for Kendall. After all he was handsome, exciting and a very wealthy man. I was certain that even though she might still love me, the possibility of becoming Mrs. Kendell Madimister had to be very attractive to her.
My hope was that Jennifer's assertion that Kendall never wanted to get married was accurate. If that was the case I would be very happy to be my wife's cuckold husband while she carried on a torrid affair with her boss.
I went into my bedroom, turned on my lap top computer and started surfing through the cuckold websites. Over the past few months they had become my favorites. I spent several hours reading stories and then I masturbated while I imagined Kendall and my wife making love. As I stroked my tiny erection I had a wildly masochistic thought. I fantasized that Jennifer stopped giving me blow jobs a year ago because she'd decided to reserve that pleasure exclusively for her lover.
That was all I needed to put me over the edge. I caught my semen in my fingertips and when I was finished ejaculating I obediently licked it all up. I knew that if my wife had been here she would expect me to do exactly that.
Posts: 4050
I looked at the clock. It was just after 10:00. I wasn't relaxy so I went into the living room and turned on the television. The Cubs were playing the Dodger's in Los Angeles. Because of the time difference they were only in the second inning. I sat down and watched. It was almost midnight by the time the game finally ended. The Dodgers won three to two. I turned off the television.
Sitting alone in the dark I started thinking about Jennifer and Kendall again. The possibility that Kendall might be fucking my wife at that very moment got me wildly excited. Somehow I had to let Jennifer know that I didn't care that she was having an affair with her boss.
Suddenly I thought about the possibility that Jennifer might be planning to leave me for Kendall. It was late. I was tired. The idea terrified me. I convinced myself that it had to be the most likely outcome for this situation. How could it not be? Jennifer was young and beautiful. Kendall was rich and sexy. He had to be attracted to my wife and I couldn't imagine how I could possibly compete with him.
I fought off my despair by grasping at the faint hope that Kendall really didn't have any desire to get married. It was possible that his only interest was a casual relationship with my wife. That would be fine with me. I smiled to myself. No, that wouldn't be fine, it would be wonderful.
I closed my eyes. I had to rest for a moment. I fell arelax.
I was abruptly awakened by a set of headlights and the noise of an automobile engine. I realized that a car had stopped in front of our house. I tried to shake the cobwebs out of my head, but it was difficult. I'd been sound arelax.
I looked at the clock on the mantle over the fireplace. It was 1:30. I heard the click of Jennifer's high heels on the sidewalk. I could also hear someone else walking with her.
I recognized the sound of Jennifer putting her key into the lock and then the lock clicked.
The door opened. I heard my wife say; "Goodnight Kendall, I had a wonderful evening." There was silence. I realized that Kendall had walked my wife to the front door and now he was kissing her goodnight. Several seconds passed. It was a long kiss.
Finally I heard his voice. "I wish I could come inside."
"I wish you could too, but we both know that you can't. If Dusty were to wake up and catch us together it would devastate him. You know how much I love him. I'll never do anything that might jeopardize our marriage."
Kendall sighed. "I find it ironic that as wealthy as I am, I'll always have to play second fiddle to a bookstore clerk."
Jennifer snickered. "What are you talking about? You know very well that even if I did leave Dusty you'd never agree to marry me."
"Yes that is true, but you would make a wonderful concubine."
"A concubine?"
"Yes, all the great kings of Europe had them. They were women they loved, but would never marry."
My wife laughed. "Are you comparing yourself to the great kings of Europe?"
"No I'm comparing you to the great concubines of Europe."
There was silence. I could tell that Kendall was kissing my wife again.
After a moment Jennifer breathlessly said, "Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if I lived with you as your concubine and Dusty lived with us as our slave."
"I can't imagine that he would ever agree to that.'
"Yes, I know; but it' still a wonderful fantasy."
"Yes it is."
There was silence again. Finally Jennifer said, "It's late. I'd better go inside and you'd better go home. I'll see you in the morning."
"Yes, yes you will. Goodnight Jennifer."
"Goodnight Kendall."
Posts: 4050
#6 · Edited by: goodhusband
Jennifer stepped into the house and closed the front door behind her. For a moment she stood still and listened while Kendall walked back to his limousine. We both heard the car door close. The engine started, the headlights came on and then Rolls Royce pulled away from the curb and sped down the street.
My wife walked into the dining room. The interior of the house was dark. As she crossed the living room she didn't see me sitting on the couch. When she passed me I noticed that in addition to her purse and sweater, she was carrying several other articles of clothing.
As soon as she entered the dining room Jennifer turned on the light. She had her back to me so she still didn't know that I was less than twelve feet away from her. She set her purse and the clothing she was carrying on the dining room table. Her brassiere, nylon stockings and panties were all piled next to her sweater.
When my wife turned around I was surprised. She was normally very fastidious about her appearance, but now her hair was disheveled, her makeup was smeared and most shocking of all, the top of her dress had been pulled down and her large breasts were freely hanging out in front of her. They must have been fully exposed the entire time she was talking to Kendall on our front steps.
Jennifer looked into the living room and saw me sitting on the couch. She gasped. After a moment she nervously said, "Dusty I didn't realize that you were still up. How long have you been sitting there?"
"I fell arelax on the couch after the baseball game ended. I woke up when I heard Mr. Madimister's limousine pull up in front of the house."
My wife nervously asked, "Did you hear our conversation on the front steps?"
I nodded. "Yes."
"All of it?"
"I think so."
Jennifer stared at the floor. She was obviously trying to think of something to say. Suddenly she realized that her breasts were exposed. She instinctively tried to cover them with her hands."
I smiled at her. "I'm your husband. I think it's all right for me to see them."
Jennifer grasped the significance of what she'd just done and started to cry. After a moment she looked at me and said, "Dusty I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I've always hoped that you'd never find out."
I patted the spot on the couch next to me. "Why don't you come over here and sit down."
My wife smiled. "Would you mind if I put myself back together first." She glanced at her exposed breasts. "I'm feeling a little uncomfortable about this right now."
I nodded. "Go ahead."
Jennifer pulled the front of her dress up and stuffed her breasts back inside. After she was done she walked over to the couch and nervously sat down next to me.
As soon as she was seated she said, "I guess you know don't you."
"Yes I think so. Did the two of you do it tonight?" Considering my wife's appearance I suppose that it was a stupid question, but I still had to ask.
Jennifer nodded. "Yes."
"In his limousine. We were parked along Lake Michigan."
"Couldn't his chauffeur see you?" Again I suppose it was a stupid question, but in this situation strange things occur to a permister.
"No, Kendall has a privacy curtain."
"Did you let him fuck you?"
"How many times?"
"Just twice."
"Just twice? What does that mean? Does he sometimes do it more?"
When she recognized the implications of how she'd worded her answer Jennifer bit her lower lip and buried her face in her hands. After a moment she quietly said, "Dusty please don't do this."
I shook my head. "I have to know."
She looked up. "All right. Sometimes Kendall can do it three or four times in an evening."
I was silent. I needed a moment to absorb that information. Finally I asked, "How long have you been having an affair with him?"
"It started about a month before I became his administrative assistant."
"That was over a year ago."
"Dusty, I'm so sorry."
For a minute we just sat together, both of us staring at the floor. Finally Jennifer said, "Please Dusty, you have to understand. With Kendall it's just sex. I don't love him. I only love you. He's a wonderful fuck and his dominant permisterality excites me, but you're the only man I want to be with for the rest of my life."
"That's not what you said to him on the steps tonight."
"What do you mean?"
"You offered to leave me so you could marry him."
Jennifer frantically shook her head. "No! No! That's not at all what I meant when I said that. I was just trying to point out to Kendall that even if I did leave you he'd never agree to marry me."
"You told him that you'd be willing to be his concubine."
My wife sighed. "Please Dusty, you have to understand. That's only a fantasy and you're a central part of that fantasy. Before I would ever consider agreeing to become Kendall's concubine you would have to agree to come with me as my slave."
Jennifer shook her head. "When I actually say that it sounds so venal and self serving. Dusty, you have to believe me. That's only a fantasy. I would never dream of leaving you. Baby, I will do anything to make this up to you. I don't love Kendall, at least not in the same way that I love you. He's fun and exciting and I enjoy his power and wealth; but if it means losing you I'll throw it all away in a flash. Dusty I'll quit my job and go to work with you at the bookstore. I'd much rather be poor and insignificant with you than rich and powerful without you. I promise that I'll never see Kendall again, please just don't leave me."
My wife was upset. She was frantically trying to convince me that she really did love me. She'd been speed talking for over a minute. Her concern made it obvious to me that she was telling the truth. She really did love me. That was all I needed to know.
The moment she stopped to take a breath I whispered. "It's my fantasy too."
She started talking again. "Dusty, you have to give me another chance. I got caught up in the glamor of my..." Suddenly she stopped in mid sentence and looked at me. "Dusty, what did you just say?"
I quietly repeated myself. "It's my fantasy too."
"What is? What's your fantasy?"
"To live as your slave while you're Mr. Madimister's concubine."
My wife stared at me. She was totally amazed. "Dusty to you understand what you're saying?"
"Yes I think so." I smiled at my wife. "What I don't understand is why you're so surprised. Everything we've done since we got married has been leading us to this moment. Think about the amount of time the two of us have spent studying books and websites about female authority and wife lead marriages. Consider how excited we both get when we read cuckold husband stories together. Ms. Watmister, your noble dominance and my humble subservience now define our marriage. I do all of the household chores and you manage our finances. Earlier tonight I bathed you and laid out the clothes you were going to wear for a dinner date with another man. Jennifer, I already am your slave."
She shook her head. "Dusty I'm so sorry, I didn't have any idea that I was being so selfish."
"No! No! You weren't being selfish. This is what both of us want. It's your nature to be dominant and it's mine to be submissive. Jennifer, I was born to be your slave and you were born to be my mistress. I firmly believe that it's my destiny to serve you."
"Dusty, are you sure?"
I answered emphatically, "Yes, I am. I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life." Then I paused and added. "You have to promise to love me and treat me with respect and kindness."
Jennifer grinned at me. "Dusty that will be so easy. I promise you that I will always be a kind, considerate and loving mistress."
Posts: 4050
She thought for a moment and then she excitedly said, "This will be wonderful. Kendall has a large mansion in Lake Forest and a very luxurious penthouse in a Michigan Avenue high rise. I'm sure that he will give us our own bedroom at both residences."
"Won't you want to relax with him?"
Jennifer looked at me. "Would that be all right?"
"Of course it would. You'll be his concubine."
Jennifer shook her head. "It would be nice to be able to relax with him once in a while, but I'll want to relax with you most of the time. I think that will probably be fine with Kendall. He likes to relax alone. It's one of the reamisters he doesn't want to get married. I suspect that most of the time I'll start the night in his bedroom, but after were done making love I'll join you in our bedroom. Would that be okay with you?"
"It would be wonderful."
"Actually living with Kendall will make your life much easier. He has a full household staff at both his mansion and his condominium. You won't have to do any housework. If you'd like, you could keep your job at the bookstore, or you could write. I know you've always wanted to do that. You'll have to find something to occupy your spare time. You already know how many hours Kendall and I put in working and I'm certain that he's going to want to spend quite a bit of alone time with me. Kendall really does love sex."
I smiled at Jennifer. I was enjoying her obvious excitement about all of this.
She smiled back at me. "Dusty I can't wait to tell Kendall. He's going to be so excited."
My wife took a moment to enjoy that thought and then she turned to me. Suddenly her demeanor changed. In a voice dripping with sovereignty she said, "Slave I believe it's time for you to get down on your knees."
I obediently slipped off the couch and kneeled at Jennifer's feet.
"I would like you to demonstrate your willingness to serve me by kissing my feet."
I submissively removed my wife's high heels and gently cradled her feet in my hands. As I pressed my lips to her bare toes I understood that I was symbolically surrendering all rights as Jennifer's husband and officially accepting my new position as her slave.
Jennifer allowed me to kiss and lick her toes for a minute and then she pulled her feet away. "That's enough slave. Now I have another duty for you." She slid her hips forward and spread her legs. "Kendall doesn't like to use condoms. Tonight he came inside me two times. He left a mess. As my slave it's going to be your duty to clean up his messes."
A bolt of excitement surged through my loins. This was one of my most secret fantasies. My wife's panties were lying on the dining room table so I was looking at her naked cunt. I could tell that she'd recently been fucked. The entrance to her womb was still stretched and raw. Her lips glistened with the remains of Mr. Madimister's dried semen.
Suddenly a question occurred to me. I looked up at my wife. "Ms. Watmister is this the first time I've ever done this?"
She smiled at me. "Yes Dusty, it is. In the past I always made sure that I bathed before I allowed you to make love to me."
I nodded and then I leaned forward. As I kissed my wife's recently fucked pussy I understood that this was the first of many times that I would taste Kendall Madimister's semen.
Jennifer was very excited. I licked her clean and then I sucked her engorged clit into my mouth and brought her to an explosive orgasm.
As soon as she recovered my wife reached down and pulled me up onto the couch next to her. She unzipped my pants and took out my tiny erection.
As she started masturbating me I said, "Ms. Watmister may I ask you a question."
She nodded. "Certainly, what would you like to know?"
"Do you suck Mr. Madimister's cock?"
Jennifer stared at me for a moment. Suddenly she grasped the significance of my question. She smiled at me and answered, "Of course I do, Kendall is a man. I could never deny him that pleasure."
I nodded to my wife and then I closed my eyes and enjoyed the gentle touch of her fingers as she masturbated me to a wonderful orgasm.
Posts: 4050
This is the end of "Concubine". I hope you enjoyed it.
Posts: 877
Great story GH. Would love it if this continued....
Posts: 1914
GH. Sometimes I think you are quite incapable of writing a conclusion to one of your wonderful stories. I think its because you get your characters into a situation that you simply never want to end...
I really liked this story and for once I think we (and you) should say goodbye to them at this point. Sometimes just eating the one chocolate is better than trying to eat the whole box. Delicious. Thanks.
Posts: 3581
GH, Once again... the Master of the pen has struck! Very good stuff here, and I'm always a sucker for a story with creampie treats. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 125
very good...very nicely put in a small package.........
Posts: 1459
Great short story GH, thanks for sharing it with us. I think maybe the inspiration came from your own Courtesan story, a variation on the theme of a tale that has been inspiring many of us for some time now! As always, great characters - the kind of people we'd like to know.
Posts: 274
Thank you GH for writing this highly entertaining short story. I read it while I enjoyed my morning coffee and I found it thoroughly absorbing. This site would be so much the poorer if you ever stopped contributing. Thanks again for a story well told. G.
Posts: 4050
Thank you for all the kind comments. I really do appreciate them.
At some point I may come back and write a follow up story about the first evening encounter between Kendall and Dusty, but that is on the deep back burner.
I agree with Peak. This is a fitting end to this story.
After I finish Courtesan I will probably focus on short stories like this for awhile. They are much less taxing.
Storm - Certainly there are obvious comparimister's between this story and Courtesan. To begin with, the financial investment world and the opulent life style of the very wealthy. I like that backdrop for kink. I think it adds to the zest of the stories if a wife's lover is not only hung and handsome but also wealthy and powerful.
The actual inspiration for this story came from Louis Makes a Decision (posted here under the title, the devil wears high heels. With the possible exception of Brenda and Bobby I get more emails about that story at literotica, than all my other stories combined.
I started thinking about what might have happened if Sarah had been a little less cruel prior to offering Louis his choice.
All of you, thanks again for comments.
I also have a story recommendation. Yesterday I got an email from another writer at Literotica. He wrote to me about some of the similarities in our philosphies about cuckolding. He is posting his first story and asked me to read it.
Last night before I went to bed I looked it up with the intention of just giving it a quick perusal and reading it later.
I ended up reading the first one and a half sections before finally tearing myself away so I could go to bed. I will be back reading more tonight. the story is sizzling. He writes sex scenes very very well.
The story is "Always Faithful" by BobNbobbie. I've only read the first sections so maybe it's going to take a bizarre turn, but I doubt it.
Look in the Novels and Novella section at
Posts: 12
GH: Is there a way to search stories at by author? I was trying to find some of your stories there, but can't figure out how.
Posts: 125
gh i agree a very compelling story....very hot....and it is still going....thanks for the heads up
Posts: 1914
Northern32, From one northern lad to another ..
Scroll down main story page you should find 'Search Members' :
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 12
Peakmb Thanks, that worked
Posts: 849
I think that this story is so well taken with us because this is a similar story to our own. Some of us live parts of this story every day and many simply want this to be reality. My own situation is not as cut and dried as this story, but not too far off either.
It is my fantasy as well as my wife's for something like this to happen. Her lover does not have sole use of her body, but he has it much more than I do. And, I simply can't remember the last time I was able to penetrate her without him being there first.
In fact, it has been Jan or early Feb since I have entered her at all...not by my choice, however...
Posts: 4
I haven't seen anyone mention GoodHusband's story "Concubine" on this thread. For me, it's one of the hottest. Its romantic aspects heighten the eroticism for me. x
Posts: 4
Oh, snap! Bizarre, but I just saw it on this very thread, just up the page a bit! I had only read the beginning of the thread and searched it. I knew the story from literotica.
Sorry. But I'm glad to see the story is known to more careful readers here. Great work. x
Posts: 93
A wonderful story, I really got caught up in it. Sissy Cynthia