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Cuckolding/stepfather correlation?

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#1 · Edited by: cwcobblestone
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Hey...sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum, but I was wondering how many cucks were raised by stepmans?

It occurs to me that the whole cuckold fetish is an analogy for a familal stepman situtation. You have the young male young, submissive to his more powerful lady. The real man isn't in the picture, or if he is he eventually gets replaced.

This is a pretty powerful thing. Being someone's biological man has all sorts of ramifications, many of which we probably don't even know exist (as is obviously also the case with biological ladys). This is primeval stuff. We're hard-wired to react to this stuff, especially sexually.

So anyway, in the stepman situation, your lady has rejected your man (and by extension, you) for a presumably better man. If you're a young kid, I think that sort of thing can leave a deep and lasting impression.

Sorry if I'm off on a tangent, but I was thinking about this and started wondering how many cucks were either raised by stepmans, or had ladys who dated men who weren't their real mans.



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This makes sense to me. It doesn't apply in my case but sometimes I wonder why I'd rather watch someone else fuck my wife than fuck her myself. And thanks CW for the great stories I've seen on the web presumably written by you.


Posts: 4050
#3 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I don't know CW

I was raised by my biological parents in a very supportive environment and I still turned into a raving card carrying submissive masochist.

I'm a believer in genetics over environment. I think the current scientific data supports that assumption. I do accept that environment certainly still has to play a huge part, but ultimately it is our genetics that determine who we become.

Why do some people overcome huge younghood truamas to become very successful adults, while others who were born with every advantage become have addicted failures.

Of course in my case, when I start to consider the possible ramifications of the genetics issue I immediately back off. I'd rather not go there.

I am content to say that we are what we are. I've long ago made peace with the fact that I'm a submissive masochist. The why I will never understand so I am willing to peacefully accept the reality.

Actually I'm quite happy that I didn't turn out to be an uptight macho basket case who spends all his time worrying about his masculinity.

CW, you've written some of the greatest masochistic cuckold stories of all time. I am thankful for whatever causes created you.



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Love your stories CW, but this is absolutely absurd and again, with all due respect, pretty damn stupid.


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Hey, razor, with all due respect, suck my balls. If you don't know how to disagree with someone without calling them stupid, then read how goodhusband did it a few posts above yours. It's called class.

By the way, goodhusband, I agree that nature plays a much bigger role. After all, nature decrees other naturals to be alpha or beta, so why not human?

However, I think the stepman situation does mirror the submissive cuck situation in so many ways, and I was just wondering how many subcucks grew up in that kind of family, and wondered if it may have shaped them in some way.


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i disagree with Razor

There are so many thing in ones upbrnging that could influence later behaviour. This could easily be one of them

I am not sayng that it is stronger/less trnger reamister, but that most people with a cuck tendency have experienced something in young years is very likely

I am sometimes tryingt to figure out what could brig this out in me, but can not conclude. I had a very 'normal' upbringing wit a stable family, a mthertotally commited to the family, no fucking around from mama or papa (or at least we were sheltered fromany such stories)...

But, that something happened, I am sure

I think having a stepman and a lady choosing him above your natural man, being superior to you, submissive to him, coul exactly bring these things around. Remeber, your mama is th first woman you love. Te firs woman cliose to you

So Razor...maybe you just sounds like your stepman....the strong and ignorant guy...same kind of arguments you learned from him ?
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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I normally am a classy, nice guy. But I won't make any apologies on this.

The overwhelming majority of divorces are a result of BOTH the man and woman having troubles. It takes two to tango. It's not as if a woman is kicking her hubby out cuz she found a better man.

People have problems, people either live unhappily or they move on. The notion that a woman is choosing a guy above her ex is absurd. This act of moving on laying seeds for cuckolds makes no sense whatsoever.

I mean going back to the whole "two to tango" aspect, what about the dad finding another woman. I guess to go along with your post here I should say, CHOOSING another woman, a BETTER woman over his ex wife. It's not as if the dad is powerd out of the picture without any say or responsibility in the decision/matter, and then relegated to a life of being single while the mom moves on and fully replaces him. How can you say it has anything at all to do with cuckolding when the dad is free to date and fuck and replace moms himself? Your whole theory here just makes absolutely no sense in any conceivable way.

This is either some off the wall example of someone FORCING the fantasy of the fetishes they're into into aspects of everyday life, or some attempt at a bizarre freudian bullcuckolds brownie analysis of things(which is REALLY saying something since damn near everything Freud came up with is bullcuckolds brownie in itself).

I mean comments like this,

"We're hard-wired to react to this stuff, especially sexually."

What the hell? You're talking about family relationships and you're saying we're hard wired to react to them sexually? This thread is outrageous.

"your lady has rejected your man (and by extension, you)"

Where does this "and by extension" come from? Damn near every parent knows to make sure their kid understands it's not his fault they're splitting. A kid isn't going to feel as if he's being rejected to, as if he's in the same exact boat as his dad. Yet another example of the astounding absurdity of all this.

Sorry if I come off harsh. Again, most the time I'm a real nice, classy dude. But if I am annoyed or deeply bothered by something, I'm not gonna sugarcoat things. I guess I coulda posted this response here in the first place, as it should at least add to a discussion rather then serve solely as a complete dismissal of this wackjob thread.

Anyways, again, much respect cw. Your stories are some of the all time best not only when it comes to cuckolding, but domination/offense stories in general, on all of the net, and I've been an enthusiast of such stories for YEARS. I've seen em all, yours are tops.


Posts: 13
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Sure, but from a kid's perspective with only the mom around, all that rational grown up explanation you just gave doesn't make much sense. You're pretty pliable as a kid, and if you see your mom treating your man poorly, maybe that influences your relationships later in life?

I don't know... do a study. Maybe someone has done one. This is all just speculation.


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If a kid feels he's being rejected along with his dad, then his lady is a rotten human being.

That's all there is to it. If any kid truly is feeling that way during a divorce or when his mom is dating a new man, then that mom is doing a nightmarishly pisspoor parenting job. I'm talking shockingly, astoundingly bad here.

A lot of what I said doesn't depend upon your perspective. If parents handle things in even the slightest of intelligent manners, a kid isn't going to feel rejected or kicked to the curb.

Not to mention, LOTS of kids still have the dad around and in the picture.


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Reading this thread, I get the feeling some folks misunderstood me.

I never claimed that having a stepman equals being a cuckold; or that cuckolds can't become cuckolds if they're raised by both biological parents.

I merely wondered how many cucks had been raised by a stepman, since the sub cuck/dom wife/dom bull situation seems to mirror closely a mister/lady/stepman relationship.

On some deep level, I think it would have to affect a young boy whose biological man is replaced by a presumably better man. I know it affected me.

It was just something to discuss, not a claim. Please take note that the thread title is phrased in the form of a question. So I'm simply asking questions: How many cucks have had stepmans? And do these cucks think their familal situation shaped them as cucks?

Anyone who thinks I said or claimed anything different is mistaken. I woudln't presume to know how the hell cucks are made, since I'm ig'nent.

And, razor, the only reamister I lashed out at you is, I don't take kindly to being called stupid. For that I do not apologize. If you want to engage in civil discussion, I'm all for it. But the name-calling is uncalled for.


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I normally am a classy, nice guy. But I won't make any apologies on this.

Nobody's asking you to apologize for disagreeing with me (even though you obviously misunderstood what I'd said).

But to come right out and call someone stupid is horsecuckolds brownie. And you have to know that.

The overwhelming majority of divorces are a result of BOTH the man and woman having troubles. It takes two to tango. It's not as if a woman is kicking her hubby out cuz she found a better man.

...and who does the kid end up with in 99 percent of these divorces? The lady. So whose side do you think the kid is going to grow up to hear? The outsider man who (if he's lucky) gets to take the kid on weekends? Or the lady with whom he lives (and, in the situation being discussed, ends up living with a "new dad")?

To a young boy, I imagine seeing his man replaced by another man would cause some feelings of hurt and confusion. As one who went through it I can definitely say that was the case with me. I make no hard claims about what others feel, but my guess is that it would affect others the same way.

People have problems, people either live unhappily or they move on. The notion that a woman is choosing a guy above her ex is absurd. This act of moving on laying seeds for cuckolds makes no sense whatsoever.

Well, it sounds like you know it all then, huh? Can you tell me what the next lottery numbers are going to be?

Again, I can tell you in my situation, I definitely felt like my man was being replaced; that he was inadequate. So go fuck yourself in calling what I'm saying absurd. It sounds like you're working out some kind of anger on this issue, to which I would suggest: Go piss out your demons on someone else's leg. There are ways you can disagree with people without resorting to name-calling. But since you started it, I repeat: Go fuck yourself. Did you get that? Or should I repeat?

I mean going back to the whole "two to tango" aspect, what about the dad finding another woman. I guess to go along with your post here I should say, CHOOSING another woman, a BETTER woman over his ex wife. It's not as if the dad is powerd out of the picture without any say or responsibility in the decision/matter, and then relegated to a life of being single while the mom moves on and fully replaces him. How can you say it has anything at all to do with cuckolding when the dad is free to date and fuck and replace moms himself? Your whole theory here just makes absolutely no sense in any conceivable way.

Hey, idiot. Perhaps you should...golly, I dunno...actually READ what I wrote before spewing your righteous indignation. Nobody put forth a theory. Nobody made a claim. I said that, in my case, I feel that living in such a situation shaped my cuckold ways.

This is either some off the wall example of someone FORCING the fantasy of the fetishes they're into into aspects of everyday life, or some attempt at a bizarre freudian bullcuckolds brownie analysis of things(which is REALLY saying something since damn near everything Freud came up with is bullcuckolds brownie in itself).

I would tell you to go fuck yourself, but I already did.

What the hell? You're talking about family relationships and you're saying we're hard wired to react to them sexually? This thread is outrageous

Fuck yourself and repeat.

No point in continuing to respond to your points. You get the idea by now, I'm sure.


Posts: 303
#12 · Edited by: cwcobblestone
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razor, I will add one thing: In a perfect world, where divorces are handled on both ends by rational human beings, you may be right: the kid shouldn't be made to feel let down.

But you obviously haven't spent much time in family court. I have, and I can tell you that you are way off the mark with your logic, in addition to being a no-class asshat who apparently can't disagree with someone without name-calling.

Kids are used by parents all the time in divorces. Marital breakups don't occur in a plastic bubble, you know; they're usually pretty nasty affairs, with nasty feelings lingering for years.

I can't say for sure, but I bet there are a lot of little boys out there who see the breakup as Mom rejecting Dad. But for you to dismiss this as ridiculous, when there's no way any of us can know for sure, shows both your ignorance and lack of home training.

This forum is usally a good one. Don't sully it by acting like a dick. In the future, if you disagree with someone, try to do it with class. As I said, check goodhusband's post in this thread. He totally disagreed with me, but did so in a socially acceptable manner.

To the mods, I apologize for jumping off on this guy. But here I was trying to initiate an intelligent discussion, only to be permisterally insulted. I don't take kindly to that, nor should I have to. But because this is such a great board, I apologize for jumping in this guy's cuckolds brownie, even though he deserved it, and I won't respond to any more of his posts.


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Quoting: Razor
If a kid feels he's being rejected along with his dad, then his lady is a rotten human being

Its a paradox which is often discussed in Norway (and I am sure many other places)...if you want to be anything in our society, you need to have training and certficates...more or less the only thing that do not require a certificate i to become a lady....this position which is probably one of the more challenging and important jobs in anyones life.

A lady may not do things to her young because she is evil. But because she is incompetent...on top of all that, she is just a human being....and in life crises, such as a break up, she will also get hurt and struggel with her razor....'a rotten human being'....I don't think so, but nevertheless she will make all the misstakes....and of course in such a situation, the kid is hurt

Quoting: cwcobblestone
I would tell you to go fuck yourself, but I already did

Cwcobbelstone: I think you have made your point on the same low level as when Razor called you an idiot. After your reply, I also have to reflect in this direction. These strings here on cuckoldplace (as in all other blog's on the net) sometimes take a different turn then the initiator had in mind.

Even if you started the string, doesn't give you some kind of right to judge where its going, or what is allowed/not allowed to write...

You obviously have a point, I think you are right, its my opinion...but we all have to respect other peoples opinions too...and the right to speak it...its sort of the basis of a modern democracy....

Let this string continue....there is a lot of good and interesting thing said here
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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norwegian, I suggest you go back and read the thread. I posted something quite permisteral to me, and posed a question to other members, and razor called it absurd and stupid. That ain't a simple disagreement.

I have absolutely no problem with someone disagreeing with me. As I said earlier, goodhusband disagreed, and I answered back kindly.

But I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone hurl insults at me, especially after I'd just posted something that obviously is very permisteral to me. If we were discussing tomato sauce recipies, maybe I wouldn't have gotten so angry at an insult by some moron on the internet.

But I was trying to initiate an intelligent discussion -- and there's no room for people calling each other absurd or stupid in a civil, intelligent discussion. Not in my world, anyway.


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Well Cwcobblestone....maybe this is not the right place to be permisteral? In my opinion, blogs like this often gives unconditional response. That's for me one of the nice things. If you simply sit talk to someone over the table, there are so many things that hinder a frank and truthful feed back. Here, you get the opinions straight in you more, no less

And, the blogs very often takes turns in directions not intended by the initiator. This may sometimes be very enlightening too

So, maybe instead of screaming, you should in an intelligent way get the blog back on track?
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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"since the sub cuck/dom wife/dom bull situation seems to mirror closely a mister/lady/stepman relationship. "

This is all I strongly disagreed with.

Being a young of divorce may make someone more inclined to become a cuckold or engage in activities similar to it. I don't know. I know a lot of my friends growing up whose parents were divorced were generally the more wild types, had less supervision, were more inclined to have some behavioral problems. That's a major generalization of course on people from divorced homes, but it's true for the most part from my experience. Maybe someone who grew up in such a manner would grow up to find wild stuff like cuckolding or swinging(which i've read from quite a few real life accounts is what first led to their cuckolding situation) more interesting or appealing.

But this notion that the relationship is similar is absurd to me. That's what i had a big problem with. I by no means meant to speak upon your own permisteral experiences with divorce or whatever. I'm merely commenting on the stuff you put forth about the familiar relationship being similar to a cuck/wife/bull. It's bizarre and absurd as far as I'm concerned.

I didn't mean to call YOU stupid. However, I do think this particular idea you have about the similarities is pretty dumb. Perhaps I shoulda sugarcoated it. That's all i was speakin on.

Kids from divorced homes may be more likely to engage in such activities, but i doubt it has anything to do with them seein their dad as an inferior to the stepdad(most kids hold grudges agasin the stepdad and never grow to view him as being any where close to as cool/good as their actual dad, again, based on my experiences and people i knew).


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Quoting: Razor
I'm merely commenting on the stuff you put forth about the familiar relationship being similar to a cuck/wife/bull. It's bizarre and absurd as far as I'm concerned

I do not know if bizarre is the right word here Razor. As I read this string, no one claim that there is any sexual things between lady/mister, stepman/mister, man/mister. That is sort of use that I would take to police if I knew about it, being some one close to me, or anybody else.

But, the cuckolding thing is about roles, power, how a young understand presentationess, dominanse, feeling of being rejected, obended, what ever phycological mechanism he would be subjected to.

I am not en expert, and fully appreciate your point of view. But how can we be sure that the phycological stress a young is under during such a difficult period will not influence his later character?

We are formed as we grew up. Formed by all things (good/bad) that we experienced. The best thing however, may be that being a cuckold is not a sickness but may be a wonderful sexual experience/life style. So, whatever formed a cuckold should not be regarded as bad?
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
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Cuckolding/stepfather correlation?
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