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our true cuckold evolution

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Hi all.

Finally i have a great story. It is long, but true, and when I get to the right parts, I will try to put the pictures up (hard o reduce their size enough). So, hopefully, peopel are patient enough to read through it.

If anyone recalls, I have already made a few entries as to my relationship with my long -term Girlfriend, A. But let me break it into parts:

First a bit about me:
I have been reading these forums for years now, but rarely have had anything much to add. I guess I have always been sexually submissive. Even some of my earliest fantasies involved being tied up. I am not a wimp in my everyday life: I do not have a submissive permisterality otherwise, and also I do not fit the out-of-shape cliche that many cuckolds mention. In fact, I am very physically fit. But when it comes to sex, I have always been the gentle type. I never liked hard fucking, and in fact was always worried that I would not be able to please my partner with my dick. It is of average length, though a bit thin. Actually, no girlfriends had any complaints or difficulty reaching orgasm with me, until my current woman.

When I was in my early twenties, I had a girlfriend with whom I shared my submissive side. She really enjoyed dominating me, and I had long hoped that she would have sex with another woman in front of me, but not let me join in-- I would be too intimidated anyway, I knew, but I always wanted to watch-- such a beautiful sight, tow women making love! She wasn't really into women, and she started turning the fantasy around, to her being with another man. After a while, I just went along with this, and finally, I said I wouldn't mind seeing her with another man. What I really liked here was the submissive aspect-- what could be more submissive than a man who is sexually defeated-- his woman having sex with another man, who pleases her much more, and he is reduced only to watching and masturbating. Well, we never did realize this quite to that extent, but while I was gone for a year, she found another lover, and told me about him. She told me he pleased her more, as his cock was thicker than mine. This turned me on immensely-- I was literally shaking when she told me this. It was the beginning to my fascination with cuckolding.


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A bit more:

Our Background:
I met A in 2007. It wasn't long before we started sharing fantasies. She told me how before me, she had been with a very dominant man, and she enjoyed being submissive only sometimes, and wasn't sure if she would like it again. Later, I admitted that I was submissive, and did not like to dominate. It didn't take her long to accept this.

She admitted that she fantasised about having sex with several men at once, and that she had always found Black men more attractive than white men. So, off to a good start, I thought! I know that the whole interracial thing is rather a cliche, but of course it is not based purely on silly fantasy. Many white women ARE very attracted to Black men, and A is one of them. The fact that I am not black, but she still liked me, seemed to work in my favour as a potential cuckold.
Luckily, she enjoys looking at porn as much as I do, and so showing her pictures of Black men and white women was always a good way to heat her up, and loosen any inhibitions she might have about the whole thing.

It was only after about 6 months or more that I started hinting at my cuckold fantasies, and finally came out with it completely a bit later. She found it strange at first, but the more she learned about it, the more she liked the idea-- after all, she told me that she always got bored after a while with the same guy, and had always wished it were possible to have sex with other men, or many at one time.

She does not look the part of a slut at all. She dresses, normally, very plainly, and rarely wears make-up. But the slut is in her! She could always come up with really dirty stories to tell me. As far as sex, we had it normally at first, but I will be the first to admit that I am pretty lame. I always used the same position, I simply cannot do it hard or rough (she likes it rough, she made no secret), and I cannot get it up more than once a night. To make things worse, the more she told me naughty sexy stories, the sooner I came. I simply could not hold out when she told me EXACTLY what turned me on while we were having sex.

One moment that sticks in my mind as a milestone, is when I fucked her with a dildo. She was really enjoying it, and nearing orgasm then told me that she enjoyed it more than my dick! I wasn't sure if this was just to tease me or not, but after she came, she gave me a quick handjob, and immediately after I came, just at the time when a man is between being turned on and starting to feel that post-orgasm normality, she whispered in my ear "I really did like the dildo better than your cock. It feels way better!" This was so harsh! I was still a bit turned on, but also I was sort of hurt, because I knew that, since we had both cum, she was not saying it to turn me or herself on. It was true!! That memory stayed with me a long time.


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OK, here is a bit more.

Through 2007, we got closer and closer, and revealed more and more fantasies. While I was away, she texted me with many sexy messages, mainly teasing me about not being able to satisfy her, and how she wanted to punish my balls, and fuck other guys. When I was on a trip, I asked her if there was anything she wanted me to bring back for her, and she said "a black guy"!!

All through this time, I mainly fucked her slow and gentle, and almost always from behind, lying on our sides. As I said, I am no good at all at fucking hard, pounding, or anything like that. I know she wanted that, because she said so, and because when I used a dildo on her, which was ever more often, she liked me to really hammer it into her. Needless to say, the dildo was longer and above all thicker than my cock. I also ate her pussy more often, and started licking her asshole, which we both really enjoyed. This really turns me on, because it is so submissive, and it is so nice to be between her big ass cheeks (her ass is very big, and I love it!), pleasing her. Whenever I did fuck her, she always rubbed her clit with her hand to reach orgasm. She NEVER came from my dick alone. NEVER.

At first no one said anything outright, but finally I asked her to tell me the truth: had she ever cum from my dick, and she said "No. Never." Simple as that. I knew it was true. I simply could not please her, or bring her to orgasm, with my dick. There were several reamisters: I am totally unable to fuck hard, I always take it slow and gentle, and I can only get it up once a night. Later there would come more reamisters, though: the more she teased me with sexy stories, saying just the right things that turned me on, the sooner I came, until I was never able to last more than a few minutes, at best. And the more this happened, the more I got nervous, lost my confidence, and knew I would not be able to last. Every time we fucked, I dreaded it, knowing that I would be blowing my load within seconds of entering her. Thus I fucked her less often, and when I did, it was even more likely I would cum too soon. It became a self-sulfilling prophecy, a vicious circle.

With this also came a general lack of confidence in sex with her; knowing I couldn't please her, I took to licking her pussy till she came. Knowing I would not be fucking her, my dick stopped getting completely hard-- why should it, I knew ti was not going anywhere anyway! And so, after about 6 months, that we had penetrative sex ever less frequently, and when we did, I came almost immediately. There were a few exceptions to this. Namely, A got pregnant at the end of 07.

With her pregnancy our little story only continued. She got even more horny, and we frequently talked about our cuckold fantasies. Mainly, she wanted to fuck other guys, especially black guys, and also fantasized about having several men at once, though this idea appeals to me permisterally less, for whatever reamister.


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After A had our baby, I ate her pussy mostly, and occassionally put my little dick in her for a few seconds. There was no doubt that her pussy was looser after the youngbirth. In fact, this was her second baby. She was already loose after the first one, and, now more than a year after our first sex, she also admitted to me another truth which was both hurtful and erotic: she told me that the first time we had sex, she thought my dick was too thin, and would not please her. She was right, obviously. But to hear that fro the start she knew my dick was too thin was a real blow. Now, when I did occassionally enter her pussy, there was no question that her pussy was way to big for my thin cock. There is little friction, and she is not stretched at all. Another cliche, i know, but in this case true. At the same time, the fact that she has a huge pussy really turns me on! I just love the idea that she has a super loose, sloppy pussy that is so well used and stretched out, especially knowing that she can hardly feel my little dick, and that neither of us got much pleasure from fucking. Don't get me wrong-- I still came too fast, but mainly because I was so turned on by the idea of it all, not because of physical stimulation.

She was now more eager than ever to start looking for someone else to fuck her. Her body was back to normal, apart from some added weight, and her breasts and nipples were larger. We continued our games, and often discussed our fantasies. Basically, the whole cuckold theme predominated. It still does. Whenever we have "sex" (usually no penetration for me), we talk about her fucking someone else, and the more turned on she gets, the more she starts telling me how she wants to fuck another guy, how his cock will put mine to shame, how he will fuck her hard and then cum in her. She always ends her talk just before orgasm, and in almost every case, she says that he is cumming in her.

Another item that came up, though I was reluctant to admit, for fear of the real life consequences, is that I LIKE the idea of her denying me sex. I really get turned on by stories of husbands whose wives deny them sex, and instead have it with better-equipped lovers. I thought this might be a problem, as she did still like to have sex with me now and then. And of course, it just sounds incredibly strange for a man to ask NOT to have sex! She did think it was very strange. But in fact it didn't take long for her to accept this. She really liked that it turned me on when she denied me, and it didn't stop us having non-penetrative sex. More and more, our sex life consisted of me eating her asshole, then her pussy, or using a dildo or my hands on her until she came. Then we would cuddle, and if it was night, she would fall arelax. She has since informed me that she really enjoys the fact that she can totally ignore my needs. She has said that sex is for her pleasure, that is the purpose of it, that is why we have "sex", and my pleasure plays no role whatsoever. She really likes having this control over me. She would not do this if she didn't know that it turned me on, but it DOES, and so we are both happy. She also likes to make it clear that she has freedom to fuck anyone else, but I do not. In fact, not only does my penis not go in her pussy, it is never to go in ANYONE'S pussy! She really revels in making this clear to me, and I enjoy it too. It's all about the power, I guess, the power of her over me, the power of her pussy over my dick, and my total presentation to her, especially sexually. More and more, we both came to like the idea that I would be "sexually retired", and my penis would be put out of commission. This seemed fitting, as it cannot pleasure her anyway-- why keep a took which doesn't work??? Racehorses who no longer perform are put out to pasture. Only those who perform are put out to stud.

By November 2008, we stopped having penetrative sex. On New Year's Day 2009, she informed me that she had one resolution: to not let me in her pussy until she had sex with another man. And she stuck to it!


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Finally in summer, 09, she met someone, and had sex with him in a hotel, without my prior consent.
At that time, it was kind of ruined for me, because I was not in the mood at all, and was too distracted when she came home, beaming, and said to me "Guess what I did today? I had sex!" She was really happy about it, but it would be about a week until I could get into it. When I finally did, I asked her to tell me about her encounter, and she proudly told me how she met this guy, made a date, almost backed out, then at the mast minute found the courage, and had sex with him at a hotel. She said she enjoyed it a lot, and it made her feel more liberated, more self confident. I was pretty excited by all of this, but of course, I had seen nothing, heard nothing, and it was all over. In any case, it was in credible to hear her tell me that sex with him, though they had just met, was "better than with" me!!! And she really mean it!
This was the first time she cuckolded me.

She did not find anyone else for some time, but she not only stuck to her resolution of not letting me in her pussy until she had sex with someone else, but she went further-- we did not have sex for months after that. In fact, in the whole year, we had sex about 4 times in total, each of them very short. She met one other man, on a trip to visit a friend in another country. She had arranged it with hi over the internet beforehand, and it was all planned out. It worked out surprisingly well, when you consider how much could have gone wrong. She had sex with him at a hotel, he made her cum several times, and she later told me, he made her cum with his cock alone!!! Something I had never done. More than this, she let him fuck her ass. I had never even suggested this, and she never offered it to me. Later, she told me that my cock does not even get hard enough anyway to fuck her ass, so there is no chance of me ever taking her asshole. But this guy fucked her asshole and she loved it. Again, she assured me, many times, that sex with him (they did it several times during the entire day) was "Way better" than with me had ever been. It was really confirmed, I was a cuckold, and so far two out of two lovers were better than me. For me, though, the whole thing was less satisfactory, because it was all so far away. They did take a few pictures, but as it happened I was too far to know anything of it. And due to the distance, it seems clear it will not happen again with him. so it is not as exciting-- there is no chance of them becoming long term lovers who let me watch them, which is my real fantasy.


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Nice chain of events. Thanks for sharing....... I look forward to hearing the rest of this adventure.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Hi to those who have bothered to read this.

I managed to reduce some of the pictures in size. If they fit here, I will post them.

These ones are of A with the second man she cuckolded me with, on the trip abroad. His cock was about the same size as mine, but she told me he fucked her SO much better that she had 3 orgasms on his cock! She also let him shoot his cum on (but not in) her pussy. HE fucked her much harder than me, and lasted much longer. He also got it up again after just a short while.
ag and ash2
ag and ash2


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Great adventure, and VERY familiar in many respects. Really loved reading your stories and hope you'll update us all.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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YES...YES...... please do keep us posted. I enjoyed the pic's and am hoping you'll soon enjoy fresh sloppy 2nds.
Cuck who loves a creampie.
Rating: 19, 5 votes.
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our true cuckold evolution
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