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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 9

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Pippa and Harry – A Journey – Chapter 9

7.15am found me knocking on Pippa’s bedroom door (knocking on ‘MY’ ? old bedroom’s door ??).

Pippa’s relaxy voice called out, ‘Come in.’

My stomach was tight.
I went in.
Pippa was stirring… and I watched as I stood there with the tea on the tray.
A smile started to develop over her face, which was then wiped clear.
Grey eyes now focused looked steadily at me.
‘So you decided yes then…
Oh goody. This will be fun darling.
I must say you do look a pretty boy in your pinny.
Put the tea down there on the bedside table.’

I went to do so..
Pippa was giggling.
‘I do think you like being treated this way.’

I could feel my penis struggling to expand, and just knew there would be a bit of a bulge showing.
I did not trust myself to say anything.
Pippa had spotted it, and of course, as I went to the bedside table she leant over and rubbed her hand on it.
‘Someone really likes this treatment.’
I nearly slopped the tea, but just managed to get it down on the table in time.

I looked over and just caught a glimpse of one of Pippa’s breasts as she re-arranged her nightgown.
I quickly looked away.
Pippa picked up the tea. Sipped.
‘Very nice… What are you waiting for ? run along and get the kids breakfast and keep the pinny on.’
I turned tail and left..

At breakfast Pippa teased me further about the pinny.
‘I do like it you know Harry, and it does protect you from all the mess of cooking, cleaning and washing up.
Some housewives wear them all the time.
I think you should keep it on when you do jobs round the house..’

I looked over. Pippa was holding a cup of coffee in two hands gently blowing on the top to cool the liquid a little. Her eyes met mine and I could see the twinkle of the tease there.. This was a lot of fun. For us both.

Pippa looked so well groomed and professional with her nails carefully polished, hair, make up and suit.
All perfect. I looked down at myself, ....not quite the same.

As I looked up I could see Pippa’s lips were twitching again.. something more I was sure..
‘Good news youngren, Daddy’s going to give up working so he can be here at home to look after you full time.
Isn’t that great.
He’s going to be handing in his notice today and that means he should be free from tomorrow week
Right ?’

I nodded. My gut was tense.

The kids where excited.
Daddy there to help and play with them all the time.

I could, I was sure, get that arranged, but did I really want to ?
I was due to finish in about a week anyway, but had a number of enquiries out and was sure to get more work… but as I looked over again at Pippa I knew the answer was yes. Her calm manner. Her looks. Her control. Her teasing… I needed to take this path.. to try it..

When I went to give Pippa a kiss goodbye before taking the kids to school I could see the finger pointing downwards. I knew it had to be the shoes…
As I got up she again repeated yesterday. Grabbed me and kissed me powerfully, although this time she nipped my bottom lip a little with her teeth.


‘Like that ?’

‘Not really.’

‘That’s funny your still very hard…’ Pippa’s right hand was now digging into my groin. Squeezing.
Her left hand pulled my head down and my ear to her lips
‘And by the way you eat tea with the youngren from now on as you’re a ‘little boy’, I am sure they will like
Daddy doing that.
You can serve my supper to me later.’

With that Pippa released me.
I felt so small… but I felt so submissive to her.. and it was exciting.. the thought of waiting on her... serving her..

With a grin Pippa pushed me away.. ‘Bye darling… have a nice day.’

I went to take the kids to their school and hand in my notice at mine…

The day was strange in a way. Handing in the notice was not difficult; when asked about what I was going to do I explained we had a number of things needed to be done round the house and that Pippa’s job was going so well that she had less time, so I needed to be at home more.
I thought most things had gone smoothly till Jane a teacher with who I had worked with on and off for a number of years cornered me just after lunch. I was having a quiet coffee in the office, before going home as I was finished for the day, which I shared with her and one other teacher, when she came in and shut the door. Not unusual in itself, but I heard the lock being turned and looked up to see her coming over to my desk with quite a serious face. You know what they say about people invading your space and that the hairs on the back of your neck stand up… That was the exactly the feeling I got now.
Jane came round the desk where I was sitting and stood beside me looking down. Then moved a few books aside on the desk and putting both hands on either side of her lifted herself up and sat down on the desk next to me. We were sort of facing each other, but side by side. Jane pushed back a little more onto the desk so that she had sufficient room to sit comfortably and at the same time cross her legs.
I wondered what was going on, but thought it prudent to wait. I was sure I would find out in good time.

Jane is quite attractive, a slim, dark haired lady. In her mid 30’s, so a little older than I. We had always got on well in a professional manner. She sometime reminded me of Pippa and could be quite firm with the youngren. Good teacher through. Nice legs… Talking of which my eyes had been unable not to look down next to me at them. Jane’s skirt was not very short but of course had ridden up somewhat when she had sat down. Now she was pulling it down, but the crossed legs still looked good to me..

‘Just thought I would come in and say how sorry I am to hear you are leaving us.’

‘Err yes…’ (There has got to be more than that… otherwise why lock the door ??)

That crossed leg was swinging a little. Delightful…

‘Why is that ?’

I dragged my eyes and mind away from that leg..
I explained as I had to others that morning.

‘So you are going to be a househusband ?’

‘Well not exactly…’

‘Sounds like to me.
What are you going to do ?’

‘Look after the kids, the house and garden.’

‘Anything else ?’

‘Well do the cleaning and washing. Usual things. Maybe do some private tuition. Odd jobs which fit in with
my schedule.’

‘That sounds usual for a housewife, sorry househusband.’

I knew I was starting to get red in the face. This was embarrassing.

‘Don’t worry. Not going to tease you too much. Just thought I would check.’

‘Why ?’

‘Actually I thought if you were going to have some spare time… and you wanted a part time job… I could
provide you with one.’

Jane stopped. I prompted her..

‘Go on. What is it, what would it involve ?’

‘I’ve just lost my part time cleaning maid.. so I thought you could have job.
There is also the garden that needs doing.’

I just starred.
‘Don’t look that way. If you have the time or want the work the offer’s there.’

With that Jane pushed off the desk and moved over to the door.
About to leave.
Casually glancing over to me..
‘I take it that Pippa has trained you to take orders ?’

Now I was definitely red in the face. I did not know what to say…‘Err..’

‘I mean if your going to be a househusband she must be in charge, so logically you take orders.’

I found this conversation was starting to not only embarrass me, but to cause a certain part of me to wish to expand.
I was starting to get excited.
I tried to keep focused. Deep breath. Be open. Your not going to be seeing her again. Get it over with.
‘Err… I am starting to..’

‘Starting to ?’

‘We only found out in the last week or so that we enjoyed it when Pippa was in charge.’

‘What started it off ?’

‘One of Pippa’s old boyfriends turned up and we had dinner and when I saw them together I started to think
about them…’


‘Well… err… when we went to make love later on I sort of came very quickly…’

‘You liked the idea of someone else having Pippa ?’


‘You’re a ‘wanna be’ cuckold.’

I just looked.

‘You know what a ‘cuckold’ is ?’

‘Yes, but I don’t want that.’

‘No ? Bet your totally turned on by the thought of that boyfriend, or any man for that matter, taking your place
in Pippa’s bed. Are you ?’

I could not look at Jane more. I looked down at my desk.

‘Sorry. Say that clearly.’

‘Yes.’ (It hurt. My breathing seemed to be becoming ragged again).

‘Do you know why I know all this ?’


‘Rob my husband and I swing a little.’

I was shocked. I could not imagine them swinging. I knew what swinging was, but had never experienced it, or even for that matter met any couples involved in it, not even really thought about it for that matter.

‘Don’t be. I know you are shocked, we just ended up doing it with three other couples on holiday a few years
ago. It’s only amongst that group. (Jane shrugged). Anyway one of the couples wives found that her
husband prefers to watch.

We found out that the name for such a man, married to a woman who enjoys others in her bed, is ‘a cuckold’.
He also likes his wife to be in charge… and you know.. she likes it too.
He likes to be humiliated.
She likes teasing him.. and getting fucked hard by the others.’

I was open mouthed.
I found it incredible to hear all this from Jane.
Nice respectable Jane. They only lived a mile or so away from us….
Jane was now coming back to my desk.

‘Rob and I also found we liked humiliating this guy…
I am sure it would be great for us to meet up with our respective spouses.. don’t you think ?’

I was already shaking my head. No way.
Jane’s hand went up.
I tried to move away... I heard myself say in, (almost fearful ?), a strangled voice ‘Please don’t’

Jane was clearly amused.. ‘What did you think I was going to do ?’

‘I don’t know, but I was scared.’

‘Don’t be. All I was going to do is this. Hold still.’

I tensed, but stayed still
Her right hand came out and her fingers softly stroked down the left hand side of my face, hair, ear, check, ending up gently holding my chin. Tilting my face up, to look at her. In a very husky sexy voice, almost a whisper she leaned in towards me... ‘I think you are very very excited..’

My throat was dry, tight... ‘Yes.’

As I opened my mouth to say ‘yes’ Jane pushed her thumb into my mouth.


Suck I did
‘Good boy.’ (Jane’s voice was almost a ‘purr’)

‘I think you do want us to meet up and I think we could all have fun. I think you need to be trained to be
totally submissive.’ My eyes were totally focussed looking up at Jane. Sucking her thumb..

‘I know you are going home shortly. When I take my thumb out of your mouth I want you to write down your
home telephone number for me and then get up and turn round and face the wall.

By the way do you have a permanent marker pen ?
(What for ?)
Jane removed her thumb from my mouth. It game out with a plop. She wiped it dry on my tie..
I grabbed a pen and scribred down the number on a scrap of paper.

‘And the marker ?’

I checked one of the drawers. I had a couple, ‘blue or black ?’

‘Black I think it lasts longer.
Come on get up and face the wall. I have a class in 5 minutes and got to hurry now.’

I got up and faced the wall.
I could sense Jane was close behind me slightly to one side. I could taste her perfume. A voice was whispering.

‘Harry undo your shirt.’ I did.

‘Lift it right up as high as you can and stay still… I am going to write a message for you wife on your back…’

I jerked. ‘No.’

‘Yes Harry… I know you want this… You know you want it…relax...’

The voice was quiet but firm. I thought I could detect some excitement. Goodness knows I was excited..
I was starting down a further downward spiral… I could feel it, but for some reamister seemed powerless to resist.

The pen’s top came off. I knew the sound. I could even smell it..
Permanent marker pens have that curious smell about them.
Almost like holy water or petrol. Something you do not forget.

‘Well done Harry this is sure to lead to lots of fun..’ Jane was enjoying this. I could hear it in her voice.
The pen was writing on my back. A number I felt sure, and something else.

It was scratched me a bit, but the hand that held it was warm. Steady writing. Quite a lot…

‘Nearly done now.’

What was she doing ? writing an Epistle ?

‘And a few kisses… Xxx’

Snap the cap was back on.
‘Right you can put the shirt down now and I be off. Have fun tonight…
Also,... I’m sure you know how important it is..
Make sure you tell Pippa of this chat and show her your back.’

I was not so sure I would. Even if this sounded fun now I could think of lots of reamisters not to go on.
I had turned round as I was putting on my shirt and Jane was studying my face. I think something must have shown.

‘Do remember I have your telephone number… and I can always get your address from the office here being such
a close colleague for a number of years..’

I swallowed.

Jane nodded. ‘Good. I’ll be off to class then.’ With that Jane was back to the door unlocking it and gone.
I sat back in the chair. I was shaking. Where was all this leading ??

The afternoon went in a blur.
Some washing and ironing.
Pick up kids from after school club. Organise tea.

I remembered just in time to eat with them. The kids thought this was great and in a way so did I. Fun to play with them. Be normal.
Then it was a case of organizing supper for Pippa.

Kids to bath, read stories, bed.

I was conscious this could well my life for the next few years. Did I want this ?
I loved those youngren. There were a lot of people who did not have this opportunity and I should make the most of it.

Easy supper for Pippa. Fresh salmon baked in foil, parsley sauce, new potatoes, peas.
Pippa had called to say she would be in about 8pm and I had it all ready.
She was late and then I heard the crunch of tyres on the drive. Sounded like two cars.

The door bell rang.
Fortunately just once so it did not wake the kids.

I had been wearing the pinny, but no way was I going to answer the door wearing that…took it off quickly and threw it down behind the kitchen door.

I opened up to find Pippa there.
Waving to someone who was driving away. A smile on her face.
As I opened the door she gave me a glance, and I saw a frown pass over her face.

I asked ‘Forgotten your key ?’

‘What ?’

‘I said ‘forgotten your key ?’’

Pippa’s face was now darkening.


I felt worried…

The voice worried me more... It was not raised, but there was a hint of menace about it. I found myself getting hard as Pippa spoke.

‘Harry, I do not have to answer to you. I may or may not have forgotten my key, but if I or anyone else rings the
bell you answer immediately. I also do not see you wearing your pinny. Why not ?’

‘I took it off before going to answer the door.’ (I felt defiant, but but…)

Pippa by now had brushed past me down the hall into the kitchen.

‘What’s that ?’ Pippa was now pointing at the pinny which was lying behind the door.

‘Well it’s the apron. I put it down there out of the way.’

Pippa looked at me steadily.

‘Do you think that is the right way to treat your clothes ?’


‘If you do something wrong what do you deserve ?’

I knew what she wanted. I could see no way out. I was like a little boy in front of his Mummy

‘Please Pippa, I’m really sorry. I’ll hang it up next time.’

Her eyes flashed.
Another mistake. I tried again.

‘I’ll wear it next time to answer the door.’

A brief smile, but then the grey eyes were still flinty, and the lips were firmly pressed together.

‘What do you deserve ?’

I was almost dancing on the spot.

‘Stand still and answer.’

I looked down. ‘To be punished.’

‘Good, now we are agreed, bend over that kitchen table.’

I looked in appeal however clearly there would be no acquittal, although I could try.. ‘Please ?’
‘No. Over the table.’

As I went to bend over the table at the opposite end to where I had laid a place setting for supper for Pippa I glanced fearfully at her. Pippa had reached out and picked up a long handled wooden spoon which I had been using to stir the parsley sauce. Pippa saw me look in her direction.

‘Yes. I think you need six wallops and I am going to give them to you with this, after I have washed to sauce
off. You just stay there and think about it.’

Pippa turned to the sink and started cleaning off the spoon under running water.
She started to chat to me..
‘By the way how was your day ?’

‘So so.’ I could hardly think straight… and here was Pippa was having a mundane domestic conversation, while she cleaned up a wooden spoon.. to smack me. It was surreal… but ..

‘I want to hear all about it after supper and you can hear about mine’.

The washing had stopped and now Pippa was drying it with a tea cloth. All very normal.. except we knew shortly it was going to used to ‘wallop’ me…

Pippa was approaching.
I felt trepidation and my bottom checks tensed. I was still sore from Sunday and I knew this would hurt.
I could see the rise and fall of Pippa’s breasts. Her breathing was definitely quicker…

‘Tell me something before I give you something to remember… are you hard ?’

Pippa had said it such a matter of fact way that it hardly registered.
Then it did.
I was.


‘Good. Then not only will this hurt, so hopefully you will not forget what you need to do in future, but you
will enjoy it. Say thank you to Mummy for being so good to you.’
I was horrified, however what choice did I have ?

‘Thank you Mummy.’

‘There’s a good boy.’ There was a lightness now in the voice Pippa was starting to relax. I wondered why...

I felt Pippa move round to my side.
Her left hand on the top of my back. The right holding the long handled spoon. Gently rubbing my bottom with it.

‘Ready ?’

I gulped.

‘Be a brave boy. I am going to do them quickly so they do not take up too much time. You can say go…’


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One, two, three, four, five, six.
Pippa smacked me as fast as she could. Hard.
It hurt, but not like the belt and I could just about take it.
My bottom still felt like it was on fire.

‘There you go, all done. You were a brave little boy. No crying out this time.’

I stood up. My bottom was too sore to touch.

‘I’ll just fresh up a little and come down while you serve up.’

Pippa handed me the spoon and went off.
I watched her go. Desire flooded me as I watched her legs and bottom sway away.

I put the pinny on again, served up, and when Pippa came down I was rewarded by a warm smile.
I held her chair for her. Bustled round to serve her meal, pour her a glass of white wine.
As I was going back to the sink to start washing up..


‘Yes dear.’

‘Why don’t you sit and have a glass with me at the table while I eat. We can chat.
You can then clear up while I get sorted out for the morning..’

I got a glass and went to pour myself some wine when a hand reached out and gently went on top of mine.
Holding it.
I looked at Pippa, who was smiling sardonically at me…

‘Darling. Little, weeny boys do not take holy water, do they ?’

It was bitter sweet. So humiliating but for whatever reamister so exciting to be spoken to like this.


‘I think you should have a large glass of milk.’

I said no more. Went back and swapped the wine glass for a glass beaker and poured the milk.
I sat down opposite Pippa and watched as she ate.
Very neat, like a cat. Precise and careful.
Occasionally she would glance up at me and when she did the corners of her mouth seemed to twitch a little. Finally she was finished and pushed her plate away. Took a sip of her wine and leaned back…

‘Sorry I was late.’

‘No problem. You don’t have to apologise.’

‘No I don’t do I ?’ I almost could see Pippa mentally chastising herself... No need to apologise..I am in control.
‘But I am sure the reamister why will get you going…’

I raised an eyebrow and took a gulp of milk.
As I put the beaker down my wife leant over the table with her napkin…

‘Do let me wipe that white moustache away.. no need for my little boy to look like a man now is there..’

So degrading, but so exciting to be treated this way…

‘Hold still now.’

I did. The napkin wiped my mouth.

‘There isn’t that better now ?’


Pippa was grinning at me.

‘I liked doing that to you.’

‘I know. It’s exciting for me also.’

We shared a moment together.

I saw the grey eyes change again. They could be so expressive at times, at others inscrutable.
‘So are you going to ask…?’

I steeled myself…
‘So why were you late ?’

‘Peter took me out for quick take.’

‘So that is who you were waving to when I opened the door.’

‘Sure was.’


‘I know you don’t like him… but I do.’

I looked at Pippa.

‘Live with it.’

I shrugged. Not much I could do about it.
‘Just so long as he does not come here.’

Pippa was giggling.

‘What’s so funny ?’

Pippa could hardly get the words out…

‘That’s so ‘sweet’, but not your choice…
Peter said he would definitely ‘cum’ here when he was invited…
and I intend to invite him at some time and you will be very nice and look after him.’

I looked daggers at Pippa who noticed and her face changed.

‘There is no choice. I decide.’ Her voice was now very firm.
(I must be mad…My body ached, especially my stomach which seemed to yet again be in ‘knots’. I was turned on again with the idea of Peter, Pippa. Here in this house…I must be mad.)

Pippa was now studying me
‘What about your day. Did you hand in your notice ?’


‘Anyone say anything ?’

Here it was. I really did not have any option, but to confess what had happened.
The discussion with Jane.
That she and her husband did a little swinging.
That one of the couples had ended up with the husband being a cuckold, and liking it.
That she had written something on my back.
Pippa was enthralled.
I realised also that she was finding some excitement in terms of the story and the predicament I had been in.
One of her hands was no longer on the table and I thought I knew where it had gone..

‘So have you looked in a mirror ?’


‘Why not ?’

I looked away and then back towards her.

‘I was scared to see what it said.
I know she wrote quite a bit and I imagine it’s not so easy to read, especially reversed.’

Pippa was quiet for a moment.
‘I think you should go downstairs to your room. Strip down and wait for me.
I want to think about your discussion with Jane for a moment or two before I read what’s she written on your back.
Off you go.’

As I went I could imagine Pippa was starting to play with herself. I was sure she was damp. I could almost smell her arousal, I clearly saw the excitement in her eyes when I talked about Jane and her husband Rob…
As I stripped off, looking down again, I could see my own hardness and knew that I was aroused as was Pippa..
What were we both becoming ??

I sat down. Waited. Eventually, maybe ten minutes later Pippa appeared in the doorway still wearing her business suit.

‘Ready ?’

I nodded. Wondering.
Pippa came in and grabbed my cock which was sticking up. Her hand grasped my erection firmly.


It hurt. I had no option but to get up and follow where Pippa pulled me…

‘Time to take my little doggy down to the gym.’

A vision of being put in the dog cage down here suddenly entered my mind… being locked up…on my knees… looking up Pippa’s skirt… seeing her stocking tops.. her pussy… I jerked.
Pippa felt it

‘Why that jerk?’

I licked my lips did I want to tell the truth ??

‘Truth now.’ (Was she a mind reader ?)

I told her.
Pippa was staggered. She let go of my penis.

‘Your serious ?’

‘No…well.. it’s just when you said that what you did about being a little doggy I could not help myself.’

Pippa was slowing wrapping her fingers round my cock again...

‘I am going to say something. If you jerk you do it.’

I tensed…
‘So if I said I was going to make you crawl.... you’d quite like it.. so you could try and see up my skirt ?’

I jerked..

‘Oh my little boy, what a dirty nasty little boy you are!
Down on your knees.’

I did as I was told. Looking up. Pippa seemed so much taller..

‘I doubt you will see up my skirt as I will be going first and be much faster than a crawling little doggy, but you
can try.’

It turned out to be correct. I tried, but Pippa was too fast which was not really a surprise.
Great view of her shoes and legs though… (he-he!)
We got there, it was not far from the bedroom, but what a sight we made with me trying to keep up with Pippa on my knees. Pippa found it hilarious. It was not easy and both of us were laughing by the end.

‘Alright stand up and let’s get into the gym.’

‘Can I ask something ?’

‘What ?’

‘Why have we come here to read what’s on my back ? Why did you not read it in the bedroom. ?’

‘Just thought it would be more fun here.
From what you told me of Jane I reckon it’s going to be something which might set a few things off…’

We were facing each other, quite close and Pippa’s hand was reaching out, lightly stroking my erection.. a slight smile playing round her lips..

‘Face the wall mirror.
Closer so you are just a few inches away.
I’m sure it feels much more intimate.. for us both..’

I did as I was told.. We were close, I could feel Pippa close behind my back, Her clothes, breast pressing up against me. Her hot breath, voice whispering in my ear. My penis was now pushing up against the mirror. The tip touching, rubbing, leaving a trail of precum on the surface. I could see Pippa in the mirror behind me.

‘Hands behind your head.’ I clutched them to the back of my neck.
Pippa stood back a little behind me. Studying my back.
I could see in the mirror a smile spreading over Pippa’s face as she started to read..
What did it say ??

‘And you say she did this in permanent ink ?’ Pippa was looking at me in the mirror.
I nodded.

Pippa nearly was finished. I could see this as I watched her eyes move down and then stop at the bottom before coming back to mine. A hand was playing with my penis. Moving up an down, it was as if it was being stroked by feathers… exciting… but not allowing me to go further. Teasing. The tip still brushing the mirror glass… leaving a slimy trail.. Pippa was whispering again.. ‘Like that ?’


‘Good…’ and then Pippa added enigmatically, ‘you might not be getting many more in the future.’

What did that mean ?

‘Shall I read what Jane has written ?’

‘Please. I really want to know.’

‘Sure you do, but after I have read it you might change your mind..’
I mentally braced myself as Pippa paused for a moment. Then read..

‘Dear Pippa, If you read this then you really do have something to play with. Your hubby confessed. He wants
to be a cuckold. I wonder if he really knows what that will mean ? How submissive he will become ?
The excitement he will feel and experience. Do you have the nerve (the love ?) to take it all the way... to enslave him ??
Does the thought of him being totally and utterly dependent on you, totally under your control make you damp
and wet. I hope so. Call me tomorrow evening if you want to chat. (There is a number by the way).
Love Jane Xxxx’

As Pippa read the words slowly she was gently using her hands on my penis.
It was the most beautiful slow ‘wank’ that I have ever had.
I could see her face in the mirror looking down at my back.
Her arm coming round to allow her hand to play with me.

The contrast of me being naked while Pippa fully clothed; in a very professional business suit.
Controlling me.
An outside Goddess.
Someone to look up to for who I was willing to do everything she wanted...

As she finished reading Pippa’s eyes came up to look over my shoulder…
I was trying to ‘fuck’ her hand to get more friction.
There was a far away look in her eyes…

‘Harry I really want you to fuck me… but if you want what Jane has outlined..
then as I slowly tighten my hand you can bring yourself off.

This could be one of your last choices…

I want to be fucked long and hard… and you to do it… or you decide that is not for you and you would like me
to find someone else to fuck… and make you a cuckold… and maybe even my slave… who knows where it
might end ?? Can you imagine me with someone else ??’

I was lost. As Pippa was talking her hand was tightening I came and came..
I saw myself spurting onto the mirror, dribbling down.. onto the floor..

Pippa looked disgusted.
‘You really have done it now.’ She wiped her hand on my chest.
‘Clean up that mess.
I’m going to bed with my vibrator.
Your useless to me.
See you in the morning.’

With that she was gone and I was left to clear up a very messy mirror... and myself before going off to bed. I wondered what the future would bring...


Posts: 4050
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This just gets hotter and hotter



Posts: 1975
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OMG, this is absolutely amazing!


Posts: 1459
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Very erotic! I wish you hadn't put each chapter in as a separate thread - the early ones are already getting lost to the back pages, and this story is way too good to allow that to happen so soon!!
Thanks again, it's great.


Posts: 63
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Keep goiing this story rocks!!!!


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Quoting: trfetter
Keep goiing this story rocks!!!!

Look down the list , you'll see 10 & 11 !


Posts: 34
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Just a perfect story in every way. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Rating: 10, 2 votes.
Cuckold Stories / Cuckold Stories /
Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 9
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