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I never had a chance - Addicted

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I have posted true stories here from my life. All are still available from my profile. The most significant story, to me, is the story that my wife wrote about her affair with her older and married boss. And that is because it is when this stopped being my fantasy, and started being hers.

We had experimented a few times with my best friend, and she really enjoyed it. We both did. But then, a couple years after that, I suggested to her that she give her boss a blow job after work some time. He was going through a divorce so I thought he would be receptive, she had told me about his flirting with her at work and he was twenty years older than her. I didn't see him as a long term threat. So was ok with her seeing him without me.

She did. The very next evening. All the details are at my profile page, and in her own words. And now here is my perspective.

When she called me that night to say that she was having a take with her boss I immediately got hard and insanely horny. I went back and forth between masturbating (careful not to cum so I would be ready for her when she got home) and walking to the kitchen window, where I could see her pull into the driveway.

It was a very long night for me. I would start at the window, then browse chat rooms to distract me from the thought of what she might be doing. That would get me even hornier and I would start to masturbate. Not wanting to cum yet, I would go to the window to watch for her. And on and on.

When she finally got home she was a bit takes, she smelled like another man's after shave, she wasn't wearing her bra and her panties were soaked at the crotch. They too smelled like another man's aftershave.

Over the next several months that smell came home with her on many nights. And more and more it made me horny. Since I wasn't with her for her play time any more I always wanted every detail of what they did, where they went, who saw them.

One night she came home after "takes" with her boss. Again, she was buzzed, smelled strongly of him, and was missing her bra. I got her to let me lick her pussy and it smelled so strongly of him and her and sex. Just the smell of him on her coat when she first walked through the door gave me an instant erection.

I remember thinking to myself while I cleaned her pussy with my tongue, " I don't ever want to live without this smell, and this taste."

A few years later I had an affair of my own. She was married. And it didn't take long before I was assuming the same role with her and her husband. A submissive clean up boy.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Thanks for posting...... I plan on checking out your profile for the other stories.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1975
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Quoting: OhioHusband
A few years later I had an affair of my own. She was married. And it didn't take long before I was assuming the same role with her and her husband. A submissive clean up boy.

Please... tell us more!
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I never had a chance - Addicted
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