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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 7

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Pippa and Harry – A Journey – Chapter 7

I needed a call of nature urgently by now. Talk about holding it in. Good thing I was a man…
I cut the other tights holding the last arm and quickly got to the loo. THAT I definitely needed.

Then I got rid of the tights as by now my arms were starting to ache and really needed some massage. Grabbed a shower. My bottom was definitely tender and I went into the gym so I could fully see the back of myself. Not a pretty sight. Pink lines and clearly in places where the tip had ‘whipped’ round and I just ‘knew’ I would be getting some colourful bruises later on in the week.

I felt a bit guilty about school, but then I tried to sit down on one of our bar stools in the kitchen. Hard. Not a good idea. I jumped up fast..

Anyway I had all the washing and ironing and cleaning to do. I realised the basement bed would also need changing. Kids clothes. Washing basket plenty in there…. As I opened the basket I saw on top the white bra and panties that Pippa had put on before she ‘walloped’ me. I picked them up. The bra was clearly damp from sweat and I could smell her perfume. The panties, especially the front panel, were absolutely wet. I could not help myself I had to lift them up and sniff.. the smell was what I suspected... her womanly scent from her juices... She also must have truly enjoyed what we did last night. Actually what she did last night. I was really just passive.

I thought struck me. She really must get off on control of me… but then…it seems... so do I….

I got a coffee made and went and lay down on our bed. Face down. I could kneel up and take and then lay down again to rest. Think.

Did I want it to go this way ? Was it worth trying ?

I felt myself get hard. I knew the answer.

With that I was up and going. Once I had done all the washing and ironing I cleaned the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher. Time flew. Picked up the kids from their after school club. Pippa had made no mention of me getting them early and I guessed she wanted to keep them totally unaware of our slightly unusual night. To say the least I thought that was a good idea !!

I was giving them tea when the phone rang. It was Pippa. She sounded excited. She had just come out of the meeting with old Mr Richardmister.

‘You know he’s rich ?


‘And you know he and his wife never had youngren ?’

‘Yes, so ?’

‘Your never guess.’

‘What ? Please Pippa, get to the point, I am in the middle of sorting out the kids tea…’

‘He’s retiring immediately from next Monday and going on a world cruise and… and… he’s decided to give me
his partnership share. It means from Monday I am going to be one of the senior partners. He said it was due to
my ability, hard work, drive. You name it he said it. The other partners are all supporting him. The practice
is doing so well I have also been given a HUGH bonus for this year.’

‘How much ?’

‘Not telling you it’s mine…’ I could hear the tease…

‘Come on Pippa.’

‘Alright, but as I am in control you not going to know how much, however it is over three times your
yearly teaching salary.’

‘Your kidding ?’


‘Wow. Plus the rise with being a partner. We be rolling in it.’

‘Sorry ?’

I guessed... ‘Your’ be rolling in it…

‘Good you know your place.’ Again I could hear the tease…

Two could play at that game… ‘Yes Mummy.’

Pippa giggled. ‘Now you be a good little boy and get everyone to bed early.. including yourself.. and maybe Mummy will come in and give you a nice kiss…. After which you have a job to do…
Bye.’ She was gone.

I put the phone down. That was some news.
Bath time. Bed time. Story time. Finished by 10pm. After which time crawled slowly by.

Pippa had said she would be in by about 11pm. I had a shower, got ready for bed. Finally I found on our soft bed I could ‘sit down’, although my bottom was still painful, and it was still better to be on my side or front.

Read the paper. My mobile beeped. Text message from Pippa: ‘Sorry. Other partners joined party. At club. Leaving now. Home by 12 xxx’

That did it.
I wondered which partners.
Some were like ourselves quite young… and most were male…
Stop it. I managed to concentrate on the paper… relief.

I was half dozing when I heard the front door being opened just before midnight.
‘Hi there.’ Pippa had clearly had a few takes, but was in control. Excited. Had been having fun clearly.
I called down, although too loudly in case I disturbed the kids.. ‘Had a good evening ?’

‘A ‘cracker’ as you would say. Pippa was clearly hurrying up the stairs. Then she was into the bedroom but did not stop... ‘Hang on I need the loo.’ With that she was straight into the bathroom. I was starting to harden with the thoughts of ..
Pippa undressing…stockings…

Suddenly I heard the shower going. Nooo. Too late.

Not for long. Pippa was in the door way… naked. The light of just the bedside lamp making for erotic shadows.. Leaning against it. Smiling.

I knew I had a smile as well.. ‘That’s a sight for sore eyes…’

‘Bottom don’t you mean…’

We both laughed. ‘Come on in.’ I opened the sheets..

Our hands were all over each other. It was just like the early days. I was firming nicely. Pippa’s nipples were hardening. Bedroom whispers and talk.

‘How’s the bottom ?’

‘Still somewhat sore.’ A gentle hand was stroking it.

‘Did it turn you on walloping me ?’

‘Frankly yes.
What about you ? It hurt so much… but I think it was the way it all lead up to it. Your control over me. I have
to say it turned me on.’

‘I know.’

Silence for a while. Some gentle kissing.

We broke and I had to ask. ‘So that was some meeting.’

‘It was, talk about unexpected indeed.’

‘How much is the bonus ?’

‘I told you.’

‘No you didn’t.’

‘Well as much as I am telling you.’

I could hear the firmness. No point to pursue it. I would see it later in our joint bank statement. Let’s move on…

‘How was the evening ? Dinner and then a club ?’

‘Yes. Dinner with old Richardmister was ok. Then he said he was going home, but that I had to go to a club
where some of the other partners who were waiting to celebrate with me. Then I came home.’

By now we were again into our regular rhythm. Both damp. Both enjoying each other.

I then put my foot in it. (Why did I do that ?). Again. I just had to ask. There was something about that last statement that did not seem to match with the additional hour and also how excited Pippa was when she came in.

‘Come on who was there ?’

‘Just the usual guys and girls.’

‘Who ?’

‘Bob, Susan, Ali, Richard, David, Joy, Phil, Chris, Peter..’

‘Not Peter ?’

‘Yes, why not ?’

I could think of ‘why not’. He was a right pain as far as I was concerned.
He thought he was God’s gift to women and treated me with contempt as I was ‘just a teacher’... as well as thinking he was always right.
Trouble was, as I conceded to myself, he probably was good with the ladies and probably good at this job.
On top of which he had a stinking rich man who was a top barrister.
Mind you we have a good base ourselves now… which was something to console myself with.

‘Wakey wakey..’ Pippa was nudging me in the ribs.

I had been day dreaming. ‘Sorry.
So Peter was there.’

‘He was.’

The clipped way Pippa said it. I just knew it, something must have happened. That statement was too flat.
My stomach tightened.

‘What happened ?’

‘What ?’

‘I know you. Something happened.’

‘You don’t want to know.’

‘I do.’

Pippa moved a fraction away from me, although we were still joined at the hip…
‘If I tell you then you had better be able to finish what we are doing to my satisfaction.’

‘No problem there.
What did he do ? Be a pain ? Embarrass you ?’

‘You still want to know. You fail to satisfy me tonight and you are in the basement spare room for the rest of the week. Dad’s so well and needs to relax on his own downstairs ok ?’
Pippa was eyeing me speculatively..
‘Ok little boy…
Peter flirted with me. I flirted back. I had had a couple of takes as you can imagine with the fantastic news I’d got. He’s handsome and very intelligent and witty.’

(Not to me he isn’t). Pippa had paused... I pressed ‘Go on’

‘Anyway there was a dance floor. We got dancing and then a slow one..’

I swallowed. My throat felt dry. ‘I think you had better stop.’

There was a hardness now in Pippa’s voice. A hint also of suppressed excitement ?
‘No. You asked for it and now your going to get it.
She paused.
‘That’s nice. That lovely.’
It was true I was hardening again and my ‘thrustings’ were with more vigour. Clearly Pippa was enjoying it more too as she was moving similarly in time with more energy.
We were both getting turned on more..

Pippa started again..
‘Where were we... I know... on the dance floor.

Peter put his arms round me. Strong arms and he smelt good, a clean manly scent, just as a man should be.
I sort of melted into them, moving…’

(I was hammering into Pippa, she was pushing back. This was fantastic for us both).

Pippa was continuing .. ‘and of course his hands went down from my back to my bottom. It felt good and
then while we in a clench, moving to the music my thighs pressed into his.. and clearly he knew I was
wearing stockings…’

‘I felt him get more than just turned on when he realised I had stockings on. I saw Peter’s eyes go wide.. He almost could not get the words out... but he did...
‘Pippa, I just cannot believe it. You have stockings on. Do you wear them often ?’
‘Nope first time tonight.’
‘Well here’s something else which will be a first’

Pippa paused. We were looking at each other... ‘Harry do you know what it was ?’

I shook my head. I did not want to guess.

Pippa’s face reminded me of what a cat looks like when it is playing with a mouse... Her eyes were glittering..

‘He kissed me.’
I jerked hard at that. Pippa felt it and smirked. ‘Like that do you…??

I could not say a word. I could not look away. I was as hard as rock.

‘Anyway it was gentle to start with, but firm. It was yummy Harry… and then his tongue. He tasted so good.
All the time he was letting his hands wander and at one moment he had them up my skirt.
Playing with me…
You utter, utter beast Harry.’

I had not managed to stay the course. Already I could feel myself shrinking. Disaster

Pippa’s face went hard. The grey eyes storm like. Her lips were thin.
‘I was nearly there. You just could not hold back. Your useless. Totally pathetic.’

She was wriggled out from under me.
‘That does it.
You get out of this bed this instant.
Go and relax in one of the the spare rooms and we’re talk tomorrow after the kids are in bed.
Remember.. your ‘not very well…’
She pushed me away, turned her back to me.

I did not know what to do. I was in two minds, but I did not want another fight, and unlike last time this time I felt she was really not playing around. She really was fed up and frustrated and just wanted nothing more to do with me.
I felt sick.
I realised no choice... but to go to the basement spare room As I went downstairs it was almost as if I was being sent to my primister cell.... or the servants quarters... and as that came into my mind... so did the the thought of serving Pippa... being at her beck and call.... I could feel it... It was doing something to me... My mind....
I had to get some a grip.... unfortunately for me I knew what I would be gripping shortly... but I could not help it. It WAS exciting me these thoughts, ideas


Posts: 2117
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Great story! cant wait to read the next part


Posts: 328
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Hello Colin

Want to take a min and tell you how much I enjoy your story about Pippa and Harry

I believe you capture the an excellent feeling about this lifestyle. Pippa and Harry explore this new life because it excites both of them and they each want to make the other partner happy. Every step Pippa takes futher excites her and she can see how it excites Harry. Every step Harry takes it futher excites him and and he can see how it excites Pippa. You can see in your discriptions of the love betwen Harry and Pippan and how important communication and their love is to each other. I truely think that is the underlying truth of this life.

Please keep writting this wonderful story



Posts: 1459
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Another great post, anxiously waiting for more now that I'm caught up! Thanks for your efforts!


Posts: 34
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Brilliant build up and tension!
Rating: 10, 2 votes.
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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 7
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