Posts: 47
Pippa and Harry - A Journey
Chapter 5 – Consequences
Nothing much happened during the rest of the week. I said nothing about Monday evening. Nor did Pippa. Kids, work, home life. General chores. One thing I did do was to make sure I was working out for half an hour in the gym each day. I found cutting down on the food hard, however I felt I was managing it.
About mid week I decided to check how I was doing in the weight loss stakes. The scales were not in their usual place in the bathroom.
‘Pippa you seen the scales ?’
‘Why ?’
‘I was going to check my weight.’
‘No go. You just work at it and we see how you’ve done on Sunday’
‘So that means you moved them ?’
‘Yes and there in a place you can’t go.’ ‘Where ?’
‘Our safe room.’
‘How come I can’t go in there ?’
‘I’ve changed the code and locked it..’
I shook my head. I could always buy some more scales, but I knew without even thinking about it that would be the wrong thing to do. I nearly said something about the safe room, that was more important, but I never really used it. Talk about taking control…
Sunday evening arrived and we both knew we wanted maximum time together in the evening. I could tell. We both kept glancing at each other ! We worked hard to get the kids sorted, ready for school again and into bed.
Finally, we were able to retire to our bedroom and I opened a bottle of wine, gave Pippa and glass and as I was raising mine to toast she said ‘So shall I get the scales out ?’
Pippa put her glass down. ‘No looking at the code.. as the scale are going back in as soon as this is over.’
I looked away..
Pippa got them and put them down in front of me. I looked down The moment of truth… I stepped onto them.
‘Yes !!’ I was almost punching the air
I had managed it. 2 and half pounds lost. I was flying.. It meant Pippa would have to wear stockings.. I grabbed her and gave her a huge kiss.
‘So you like the idea of me wearing stockings ?? or is it losing the weight ??? I could hear the tease in Pippa’s voice.
‘Sure do. Tomorrow you normally go to work in a skirt. So your wear them then ?’
‘I will. I bought some just in case…’
I thought a sort of smirk crossed Pippa’s face, just for a moment. I wondered what she was thinking.
‘Let’s hit the sack.’
As we slid into bed I could see Pippa looking at me her expression thoughtful ‘I want a good long hard fuck Harry…Think about my wearing stockings, but not about me being with someone else.’
‘I wish you had not said that Pippa.’
‘Why ?’
‘It’s got me thinking.’ I knew I was close. The thoughts of Pippa in stockings.. with someone else.. I was like an natural I was on top of her. Thrusting.. Urgent. Hard.
‘Look just stop thinking about it.’
‘I can’t help it. Once I start….’
‘No just you stop.’ It was too late I had cum again.
Pippa was hissing in almost a hate filled voice ‘Get off me, now.’
I scramred to do so. I feared for the consequences. Pippa’s face was like thunder.
‘I’m really sorry.’ I could hear myself. Almost as if I was pleading..
I could see how upset she was. Her voice was hard, think. Almost dangerous I thought
‘This really pisses me off. I’m telling you now Harry, and this is serious. If you don’t get control and get back to fucking me the way you were previously I am going to seriously think about getting a fuck elsewhere.’
‘Pippa you don’t mean that ?’
‘Well what am I supposed to do ? Your becoming useless in bed, except if I use your face, when I have to say your tongue is pretty good.’
I felt better at these words…not a lot but.. better than nothing
‘I love you. We have a great time together. Great marriage. Great kids. I also thought a week or so ago something really ‘hot’ and exciting had come into our marriage. It was fun, safe, but with an edge of danger. Now I am not so sure. Your redy useless now. Your just like a little boy. Soon as your inside me you can’t control yourself.’
I hung my head. But something about her words started to stir me. It was as if I was a little boy and Pippa was a school teacher or my mum…
Now Pippa was getting sarcastic. ‘Yep, you can hang your head. Do you know at this minute if you were a little boy I would put you over my knee and spank your bottom ?
It gets worse. Now your getting hard again when I talk about spanking you. Your sick. Go and relax in the spare room. You can make up the bed because that’s where you relaxing for the rest of the week. You can forget about seeing me in stockings. I wear them as I said, but your never see the tops… which I am sure you really fancy…’ Pippa was sneering at me now.
I tried again. ‘Please. Please.. look I am hard again. Let’s try again I am sure I will be ok.’
Pippa looked consideringly at me.
‘OK but you have to be successful. A long slow enjoyable fuck. Just like we used to have’
‘It will be.’
Pippa face darkened. ‘Alright for you to say… If you try and fail this time there’s going to be consequences. Your going to have to lie on the spare bed. Face down and I am going to give you six wallops with my leather belt from my jeans. You know the strength of my arm from when we play tennis.’ (I knew I must have looked shocked)
‘I am not joking Harry. It will hurt and I expect to make you cry. You will deserve it if you fail’
I could hear myself stammer...‘But.. but… you love me.’
‘Yes, but also I love being fucked. You know that. If I am married to a man who cannot do that for me… how frustrated do you think I am going to be in the years ahead ? Can’t you see that ?’
I could.
I tried to say it a way she would accept... ‘Please.’ I held out my hand and Pippa melted into my arms. Gently I guided her back onto the bed… I went to slide into her soft folds... NOOOOO I could feel my hardness was also melting… NOOOOO…
Pippa clutched me tighter. ‘Come on Harry. GET hard.’
I tried. It seemed to make it worse. I felt helpless. ‘It was hard a moment ago. ‘
Pippa spat at me ‘Your pathetic. A little boy with a little boys cock. More like a little carrot.’
PLEASE PLEASE NOOOO I could feel my hardness returning…
Now Pippa was looking astonished. I felt the same, what was this thing happening to me ??.
‘You like it when I make degrading and humiliating comments about you ?’
My cock was twitching. Hardening further.
Pippa was commanding. ‘Come here.’
I did and with that I managed to thrust inside were hot and warm pussy.
I could feel her. I looked at her, ‘Your wet. Something must have turned you on.. a lot..’
Being so close now to Pippa I could see it in her eyes. There was something. What was it ?
‘I don’t want to talk about it.’
‘Come on. Fairs fair.’
‘Keep that rhythm going.. ‘
We had settled into a nice easy movement. Both of us together. Just like the old days. It was steady, but without being over the top. Loving. We kissed. Tongues fluttering in each others mouths.
I tried again. ‘I really want to know.’
Pippa looked away and in a small voice, which I only just caught
‘I found it was turning me on to berate you, to tell you off, to say humiliating things, even the thought of spanking you or using my belt on you till you cried.’
Pippa was starting to cry. ‘It feels all wrong. I’m so sorry. I love you so much. I could not help myself.’ She was sobbing.
I found myself comforting here. Holding her. Worried. We had stopped moving…
‘No worries Pippa I understand.’ Kissing her with little gentle kisses
Pippa wiped her tears away.
‘That’s very tender.’
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‘That’s because I love you.’
At that moment we both knew I was about to come out.
‘Please Harry fuck me.’
I loved this women but it just would not get up. I was shamefaced.’ Err…’
Pippa took my head in her hands so that we looked into each other’s eyes. Very close and with a precise delivery she very clearly but firmly like a statement said... ‘I think I need to find someone to give me the fucking that this little boy cannot give me.’
I felt myself harden again. Strengthen. Expand.
I could see her smile.. ‘My oh my… that does the trick alright.’
It was and we were going again. Trouble was I was now thinking about someone else being here in bed with Pippa. Pippa must have sensed it.
‘What are you thinking about ??’
‘I know, I can tell your thinking about me with someone else. Right ?’
‘Well you mentioned it.’
‘Your pathetic. You keep going. If you come now I really will smack your bottom.. and who knows I might really have to find someone who can fuck me.’ Pippa was hissing again.
I felt it. So did Pippa. Her eyes were narrowing to slits.
‘Did you do what I think you just did ?’ There was a coldness about them, but glittering. It was exciting her also in a way what was happening to us. I knew I was getting smaller again. I shivered. I shrivelled even more. It was worse somehow, Pippa was gently pushing me away. It was a bad dream.
‘Well ?’
‘Sorry.’ I pleaded with my eyes. ’I am so sorry.’
‘What do we do Harry ?? where do we go from here ?’
I hung my head. What could we do ?
Pippa was out of bed and now rummaging in her tights and pants draw.
‘What you looking for ?’
‘Some old tights so I can tie you to the bed’
‘Why ?’
‘So I can wallop you, without you getting up.’
‘Your not serious ?’
‘Of course I am. I told you, and now after letting me down I am going to give it to you. I’m really fed up. Maybe tomorrow when you are at work you will have something to remember and not let me down again.’
I sat up on the bed watching.
Pippa had got four old pairs of tights out, and was quickly putting on some plain white knickers and a bra. She glanced over.. ‘What are you looking at ?’
‘I was wondering why you were putting clothes on again ?’
‘I not doing this for fun. We need to go to the spare room away from the youngren’s.’
I sat there. Pippa was now pulling on her jeans. She really did look good in them. A tight neat bottom. What worried me was that she was pulling the leather belt out. It was not very wide but I could imagine how that might feel. I could hear myself again pleading.. ‘Please Pippa don’t do this.’
‘Why not ? you need to be taught a lesmister’
‘But it’s not my fault’
‘Who’s is it then ? Not mine for sure. See anyone else in this room ? Your not gay are you ?’
‘Then why cannot you fuck your wife properly ?’
I just shook my head. I tried again. ‘If your intending to use that belt it’s really going to hurt. The youngren might wake up.’
I could see the determination in Pippa’s face.. ‘Why ? You scared you going to yell ?? Your not really a man but a boy….’
Something was stirring inside me again…
‘However. You could be right about the youngren, even if we are in the spare room furthest from them. Let’s go down to the basement and the single spare bedroom down there.. No chance then of any yell getting up here… Go on then. I see you down there. No need for clothes’ (As I went to pick up some shorts. I dropped them again as if they were hot).
I could hear it in Pippa’s voice and see it in her face and body posture. No arguing.
I went down. What a nightmare. However what was worse… was some part of me was finding the way Pippa was treating me exciting.. Tension. Uncertainty. Fear. My heart was beating fast again.
I got down to the bedroom. It was not very big really. Enough room for a single bed, chest of drawers, desk, chair, bedside table and lamp, high small window with bars for security. I sat on the bed. I looked round, this I felt, is what it might be like as a primisterer. Waiting his warder. I looked down. I was hard again. Oh no.
Go down GO DOWN. I was urging myself looking down at my penis which seemed to have a life of it’s own and was now sticking straight up again.
‘So you like the idea ?’
I had not heard Pippa arrive. I looked up. She was standing leaning against the door frame. The belt swinging gently back and forth in her right hand, doured up. My eyes were drawn to it. I also realised why I had not heard her. She was not wearing shoes and was light on her feet. I thought she looked like a female lioness. Tight blue jeans showing off shapely firm legs and a tight bottom. Plain white bra but this somehow enhanced the look, with her long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.
Pippa was looking down at my erection I put my hands over it.
‘You should stand up when I come into a room.’
I did.
‘Hands by your side.’
I did as I was told. Pippa moved further into the room.
VERY like a lioness. She prowled round.
‘On the bed with you. Face down. Spread your legs and hands out to the corners’. Her voice was clear and firm, but I could also tell there was a touch of excitement showing..
Mentally I shrugged and did as she requested. I was careful to ensure my erection did not get caught..
Out the corner of my eye I saw the belt being put on the bedside table. It lay there like a coiled snake.. waiting to strike. I shivered.
Pippa had the tights in her left hand and was now threading them in turn through the frame of the bed which was one of those old fashioned metal ones with bars at the top and bottom.
‘Good thing we kept this old bed we found in the attics of one of those semis we demolished.’ Pippa was chatting away as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.. but it was.. she was tying, me, her husband to a bed to thrash him. I found I was rubbing myself on the bed.
‘Stop that.’ Pippa had noticed and given me a light smack on my bottom. It stung. ‘Owe.’
‘Nothing to what it will be like.’
Eventually all my four limbs were tied with the tights to the four corners. I felt exposed… The air was cool down here in the basement on my back.. I felt Pippa moving. She was now outside my vision. Near the bottom of the bed. I heard her giggle.. ‘You look like a white star fish.’
She giggled again. Then she was on the move again. Bringing the chair from the desk over towards the bed and I looked sideways to see Pippa drawing it up and sitting down facing me, just about in line with my neck.
Pippa’s left hand started playing with my hair. Running her finger through it. With her right hand her fingers were lightly flowing over my body. My bottom. Gentle and sensuous.
‘Do you like that ?’
I nodded.
Pippa then moved off the chair to kneel down beside the bed… by my head. Both her hands now playing with my ears, tugging at my hair, twisting. She was leaning in close. I felt her breath in my ear. Her right hand was wriggling under my body… down to my erection.
‘This little boy seems to like Mummy tying him up. It seems he’s already getting damp.’ Pippa’s soft voice in my ear. The words.. her hand brushing over the tip of my penis. Pulling back the foreskin every so lightly, backwards and forwards just a little. Torture... but oh so enjoyable.
The voice changed a little. ‘I wonder how you will feel in a minute. Ready for your six wallops Harry ?’
‘Please Pippa. I know you. You hit a tennis ball so hard. I really don’t think I could cope with six.’
‘But you must be punished .. any suggestions ?’
It suddenly came to me. ‘How about if I also do the washing and cleaning this week ?’
Pippa was quiet for a moment. I held my breath. A way out. Then... ‘Make it the first failure penalty and five wallops and that is non negotiable and you relax down her tonight tied to the bed. Take it or leave it.’
I hesitated. Pippa’s voice was hard. ‘Decide. Now’
I shut my eyes and said it... ‘I take it.’
Posts: 47
Pippa was now getting to her feet. I turned my head to watch. She was getting the hold of her belt. Just below the buckle. Shaking it loose, dangling down. Her face turned down in concentration as she got the weight of it and swung it a little for balance. She was standing sideways onto me.
I felt scared, but excited. This was crazy.
Pippa glanced over. ‘I suggest you bite that pillow. It will hurt.’ There was a tense, brittle edge to her voice. “I will do it fast to get it over with quickly’
Tension in the air.
I shut my eyes and bit down into the pillow.
My eyes flew open. That seriously hurt. Fleshy bit of my bottom
That wrapped around my bottom more the first one
I was crying already. In the distance I heard a voice thick with excitement..
‘Harry you really not a man are you ? Just a little boy. Go on then. Cry if it helps you..’
I cried more. The tears flowing...
I jumped. That truly truly hurt. Across the top of the backs of thighs
‘Last one darling… Be good. Stay still now. It’s going to be a special.’
Did I hear a suppressed giggle ? Pippa was moving towards the end of the bed where my feet were. My bottom was on fire. I felt something dangling between my bottom cheeks. Oh no…
‘Just measuring up. Looks like I can reach.. Hold on tight dear. I am going to try and hit the bullseye…’
I just knew this would be the worst. It was close to the area already on fire. I guessed Pippa was going to aim to strike just on the crack between my bottom checks. I buried my head in the pillow and bite down into it.
If I had not done that I am sure my shriek would have woken even our distant neighbours..
The tears were running down my checks in rivulets.
Suddenly my wife was beside me. Kissing me. Petting me. Her voice was now all concern.. ‘Are you sorry ??’ All I could do is nod. ‘You promise to fuck me hard soon when you are recovered…’ I nodded again.
Suddenly I realised a hand was under me.
‘No.’ I did not want her to do that..
‘Stay still. I want to check something…
Pippa’s voice was suddenly very quiet. I could hear the amazement in it.. ‘Your still hard. You liked that ?’
I was shaking my head.
Pippa was clearly stunned.. ‘You must do. Your still hard.’
With that Pippa started to move her hand up and down. Her face was close to mine eyes looking into mine. I was lost. I could smell her perfume. She was sweating but also there was quite a bit of colour in her face. I could see it.. excitement. She was out of breath as if she had been in a race.
Accusingly I managed to get out ‘You enjoyed doing that to me’ ‘Well what if I did ? your still hard and let me just say this…
I wonder what you would do, if at some time in the future, I thrashed you like this. Left you tied to the bed and went back upstairs and fucked someone else all night ???’
I came again immediately. Pippa took her hand away from underneath me and wiped it on the sheet.
‘Dirty little boy.’
I twitched again (again I had only just come!! And I was trying to get hard again ??)
‘I’m off to bed now. I guess you just need a sheet as I am sure you are warm.’ There was that giggle again in her voice.
She pulled one over the top of me. Bent down again. Kissed my forehead, whispering again ‘dear little boy.. nighty night’
I watched as she walked away. That beautiful tight bottom waving to me… Then there was the click of the switch and I was in darkness… with my thoughts…
As I lay there I could feel the heat from my bottom. Thank goodness it had been only five strokes or wallops as Pippa seemed to prefer to call them. The sheet was cool, but with my legs stretched to four corners this was going to be uncomfortable, I was sure, later on. There was some light coming in from the half moon through the window. So I looked at the knots on my wrists and the knots on the bed head. I could see that the way they had been tied, and now stretched when I was frantically moving about, had caused them to tighten in such a way that clearly the only way to get them off was to cut them. No hope of getting them off then. I sighed. I tried to rest.
I suddenly realised that Pippa must be taking a shower upstairs as down here in the basement I could hear the surge of water moving through the pipes for the power shower. Lucky her.
I must have managed to doze a little, but not for long as I suddenly woke to find Pippa sitting on the chair next to my bed gently stroking my face.
‘Just thought I would come and see how you were doing’.
‘I’d like to say ‘fine’ ..but as you can see… and my bottom is still on fire and I am stretched up and tied up as if on a rack.’
Pippa looked a little guilty. Then stood up, her expression become stern again.
‘It’s your own fault. Anyway I did just wonder if you would like me to put some ‘after sun’ on your those areas which are rather red..’
‘Please.’ (there I was pleading again !!)
I twisted my head to watch as Pippa lifted off the sheet and then squeezed some of the ‘after sun’ onto her hand. When it was applied… what relief. It cooled my skin. It felt so good. I realised I was almost purring with pleasure.
‘Feel good ?’
‘Fancy to have your legs free ?’
‘And arms ?’
‘Not those as you deserve to stay here tonight, but I thought it would make it easier if you could move your legs…’
With that Pippa used a pair of scissors to cut the tights away which had been binding my legs to the end of the bed.
‘That’s better.’
Pippa stood up again and I looked up.
‘Time I was getting my beauty relax. I’ll come and get you up in the morning after I have taken the youngren to school. Just stay quiet.’
Pippa was moving towards the door and I saw something glint which she’d picked something up from the desk top. ‘Sleep well.’ and the door was closing.
‘Oh,’ Pippa had just put her head round the door again. ‘Just to make sure they do not come in I will lock the door..’
Before I could react the door was closed and I heard the key in the lock being turned. I now knew what the glint in the hand had been.. it had been a key in her hand. The key to this bedroom door. I really was now a primisterer.
I called out softly.. ‘Pippa’ No answer. I called again ‘PIPPA!’ I was almost shouting, I was scared to wake the kids, although if they had not heard my last shriek on the 5th ‘wallop’ I doubt the volume I had generated would be heard by them.
All the doors in the basement were thick fire doors. Very safe. Very strong and quite good sound proofing. I found myself thinking. I’m a primisterer of my wife… it’s scary in a way… and yet… why am I getting hard again ?
Posts: 4050
Very hot and very creative. I can't wait to see where you take this.
Posts: 218
your story is getting better with each post. Excellent.
Posts: 61
Very intense, the pace is perfect, the dialog makes it click... great work, thanks for sharing that. Be the different drummer.
Posts: 492
Excellent story, thank you for sharing with us.
Posts: 1975
nicely done
Posts: 684
Is this an unbrodcast script from The Archers!
Posts: 34
Each chapter just gets better and better. Already becoming one of my favorite stories.