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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 4

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Pippa and Harry – A Journey – Chapter 4 - Background

I had met Pippa when I was sorting out my flat. I had needed a lawyer and an old girl friend had jokingly said if I needed a pretty one she knew of a friend, Pippa, who might be worth a try. I thought. Why not ? Might as well deal with an attractive lawyer.. sure I would be screwed on the bill… but better by an attractive female than some old duffer.

It turned out that Pippa and I just clicked. There were some complications on the lease, but Pippa showed great determination and managed to get it sorted out. She was quite impressive. I sometimes thought she could be a touch scary at times, fortunately never with me… After completion on the flat I asked her out and it went from there. We were married just over six years ago.

Family disaster struck us early on, just after we were married, in that her parents were *******ed in car crash. Her man tried to overtake a lorry in really bad, rainy weather on a motorway. He had not seen the car on the outside had stopped suddenly to avoid another car which had broken down. End result not good. Pippa had been totally bereft, she was an only young. I did my bet to comfort her. Running around, doing the shopping, the daily chores, trying to give her time to rest and recover, give her massages, she seemed to love me working on her back and then on her feet. Gradually we got to normal and the twins were conceived and born. A joy to bring new life into the world. I just wished her parents could have seen their grandyoungren.

I was teaching which helped as the twins, especially in the early years, were considerable work. We hardly had any time to ourselves. However as I was teaching, I went as a locum to give us more time, while Pippa as a lawyer was able to work flexi hours, although she often needed to do considerably more at home in the evenings in her study.

That was one of the gains. Pippa had inherited quite a sum of money when her parents had died and we decided we would invest in a substantial house for the family. We felt her parents in particular would have liked it. We were lucky really. We were out walking, each taking it in turns to push the twins in their pushchair when we turned down this quiet leafy lane. It lead nowhere. Just to a dead end where the road finished and woods began. There were some old Victorian semi-detached houses, two of which side by side were for sale. Very dilapidated. We were looking at them saying what a great spot it was. If the two houses were one and in good condition they would have been ideal for us, when we realised that if we could get them cheap enough we could perhaps combine them into one. We checked with the estate agent and made an offer for both houses. Fortunately it was the same seller and it was accepted. When we looked more closely into the costs of conversion and what it would involve it clearly was better to demolish and build again. Pippa from her university days had an architect friend Paul. This meant with Pippa doing the legal work and Paul not charging us too much we were able to put forward a plan which for once the local council could see no objection to.

We ended up with one large detached house, built to our specification, surrounded by a good sized garden with high hedges. It was ideal for private family life.

We managed to ensure that the house had a basement which was large enough to have a utility room, small gym, boot room with large dog cage (for the future family dog… if we ever have one), a small office and an extra single bedroom, also a shower and loo (Good for the outside help...if we ever get any).

Upstairs there is a fairly normal layout of rooms, allowing for five good bedrooms and bathrooms, with a study for Pippa on the ground floor with nice French doors looking out to the rear of the property. We indulged ourselves a little in that our bedroom on the second floor is of sufficient size to allow for a King size bed, as well as an en-suite bathroom, actually a wet room. We also installed a small ‘safe room’ accessed through a secret door installed in our walk in closet in our bedroom where we could store our valuables.

I was contemplating all this as I walked down the lane to school again. Monday morning. Back to work. I presently had about a week’s work before someone on maternity leave would be back and I would be free once again to help more at home. Pippa was taking the twins to school and then she would pick them up later to take them to an after schools club till I finished. Her flexi time working just about meant this worked, but it was not ideal.

Money was not tight but both Pippa and I knew that although we had a great house with no mortgage we could not retire yet. My prospects of advancement were not great working just as locum. We really needed Pippa to get a rise.

Then there was my weight. I was starting to worry a little. I had to lose a pound and a half by the end of the week. Not difficult surely ??

School loomed…

Later on after I had picked up the kids from the after schools club I set about sorting out some supper for them and us. Pippa came in. It was just normal domestic home life. We got the kids to bed and were turning in, chatting…

‘So how’s the weight loss programme going ?’

‘Don’t know. Not checked.’

‘Did you cut anything out ?’

‘No. I just tried to eat a little less.’

‘What about exercise ?’

‘I walked to school.’

‘No silly, I mean did you get in our gym today ?’

‘How could I with the kids ?’

Pippa looked shocked. ‘After all the ‘carrots and sticks’ we set up yesterday you have done nothing ?’

I was trifle embarrassed. ‘Err.. sorry.’

‘Right. Down to your shorts and down to the gym’

‘Now ?’

‘Right now.’ I could see the steely look in Pippa’s eyes.
She was right anyway. If I was to get the weight off.

I stripped off, apart from my boxers, and padded down to the gym. Maybe the exercise bike for half an hour. It was facing the big floor to ceiling mirror which ran across one whole side of the room. Started to pedal. Medium. No point to ******* myself. 10 minutes maybe should be enough.

About 5 minutes into my pedal and already I was getting bored, when I heard Pippa calling from outside the gym

‘Need any encouragement ?’

‘Sure do. I hate this. It’s boring.’

‘Well how about this to get you working…’ I looked up into the mirror and in the reflection saw Pippa come into the room wrapped in a black silk see through silk house coat which she sometimes wore. I immediately perked up. She always looked fantastic in it. Something about the black silk... Tempting... She drifted round the bike..

‘Keep pedalling…and keep your hands on the bike.. I’m only looking.. and touching a little…’
Her hands were reaching out and gently stroking my shoulders, running through my hair. A hand was on my chest as I looked into the mirror I could she was gently smiling a me.... fingers brushed and flicked at my nipple... then the other one. I was finding this exciting. On the bike I could feel myself hardening...

‘If you can keep up that speed,’ Pippa was pointing at the speedo… ‘for the next 20 minutes you can have me… otherwise not…’

Some encouragement… I kept going.
This was hard work. Pippa stopped moved away. I could see her looking at me in the mirror. I could not fathom her express...

Then Pippa circled me. Suddenly it came to me... Like a lion round her prey..
Leaning in at times so close I could smell her perfume.
Kissing my arms, hands, neck. Back. It was maddening. Running her nails down my back...

‘Oh my, look who has a bulge…

I kept going. I was starting to get exhausted. Sweat was now pouring off me... Finally I heard Pippa say...

‘ Looks like 20 minutes is just about up. You finish off.
I am sure I can trust you and see you upstairs. Do make sure you shower first.’

Did I finish or what.. Great burst of speed. Into the shower. I was ‘speedy’ up the stairs.

Only to find that Pippa, who must have been tired out, had fallen arelax on our bed.

NOOO. I was so frustrated.

I just could not believe it, but I could see she was sound arelax.

I decided the best thing was to try and think of something else. Clean my teeth. Get some relax. As I went into our en suite bathroom I noticed a small note by my tooth brush.

Thought it might be better to relax tonight so took a relaxing pill. Try not to ‘wank’ like a little boy… but if you must why not imagine I’ve just returned from seeing my lover and am so exhausted I had to go to bed and relax… without giving you any ‘attention’…? You have my permission…

This was madness. I was hard as rock again as I looked and re-read those words.
The ending ‘You have my permission’..

What’s that about ? Anyone would think she controlled me.
At the thought my stomach twisted and pre cum leaked from my cock. Already.

I must be twisted. I want this. I don’t want it.
I found my hand had been working and I was already cummming…

As I got into bed thought occurred to me
I was just like a puppy being trained
This is ridiculous… but something about the idea of being Pippa’s puppy stirred me..


Posts: 1914
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Thanks Colin, this is getting a good shape to it. I do hope you go a lot further with these characters, they are interesting. Good work.


Posts: 1975
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Posts: 4050
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This is being set up beautifully.

Thanks again



Posts: 1459
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Colin, very nice work! We are starting to get to know these two. Thanks, hope you keep at it.


Posts: 34
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I would be Pippa's puppy anyday!
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 4
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