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tommy roman


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hello, my name is tommy. this is not a fictional story just a description of my pursuit of a true real life experience.
My Wife and i have been married for ten years and are truly in love. We have a fantastic marriage and a great sex life. i have always been submissive, and through a couple of incidents with past relatiionships i have developed a cuckold fantaasy as well. My Wife is very open minded and experimental, so it was not too difficult to confess all of my fantasies to Her early on. Some of my fantasies lined up with Hers and some are indulged for my benefit. It does seem lately that our sex life is comp;etely dominated by Her and we both love it. Normally at night we will lie in bed together watching tv. At some point She will snap and point to the end of the bed. i immediately strip naked and lie down across the foot of the bed. My Wife will then typically open a beer and light a cigar while i lie at Her feet. She will then put one foot on my face and the other inot my awaiting hands to be massaged. As i thoroughly massaged her foot with both hands, i begin to kiss and lick Her other foot. Most of the time my Wife's feet are clean and sweet, but some days they are quite dirty and sweaty, these are the days i love the most. My Wife works hard and can sometimes build up quite a sweat in her shoes. Many times there are bits of dirt or grime or lint and i am grateful for them as i worship my Wife as the Goddess She is. All the while She is channel surfing and enjoying her take and cigar. She looks so naural in this role. She appears so regal with absolutely no effort. Deep down She knows She is the ruler of the roost and enjjoys it more and more. Throgh years of practitce and experience She has become more comfortable in this role. She is very powerful and dominant in Her everyday life but She isn't mean or cruel. It has take Her tiime to feel comfortable treating me like this. But She is finally accepting that this is truly what i want and need and She recognizes how She could benefit from it. i have a feeling i am awakening a monster but i love it.
When i am finished massaging her first foot after about a half an hour, She switches feet. She puts the one from my mouth into my hands and the other now plops down on my painfully hard dick. i can only describe it as agonizing ecstacy. i literally squirm on the bed. Sometimes i look up at Her face and She is so content so in Her proper place being served and worshipped by an adoring servant. She puffs Her cigar and blows smoke down on me, She teases me to the brink again and again, only to stop upon feeling me approach climax. All this does is spur me to worship Her all the more deeply. She completely controls my every breath with a flinch of Her toes. i am a toy to Her. i hear the occasional giggle and comments like "it's so goo to be the Queen, hehe" which in itself brings me to the brink. She is becoming ever more verbal in bed and Her teasing and story telling own me for life.
When She feels i am finished with Her feet, which by the way are fabulous. Very athletic with a high arch and perfect toes and smooth, well pampered, soles. Next i will postion mysel between Her legs. i crawl up and place my arms under Her legs up by Her sides with my face now doing it's duty to the Queen and i lick Her pussy for all that i am worth, and this is where i can prove my worth to Her. As i lick, my hands are kept busy as well. One will hold Her beer and the other will either hold the ashtray of simply be the ashtray. She will watch tv for a while as i please Her, taking a sip every now and then and constantly puffing Her smoke down upon me. That cigar and smoke don't know how fortunat e they are that my Goddess has touched them. She will simply lounge as i toil not even acknowledging me whatsoever. After a bit my arms begin to get sore as does my neck, noe of this is relevant, it is simply part of the price i suffer to deserve the honor and priveledge of being at my Wife's feet. This is something that must be earned constantly. Eventually, She will focus Her attention to me. She will start to taunt and tease me. "Yes, get me ready for him, or them, make sure i am nice and clean for my lover(s)". She willl usually use one of three names, "Craig, Mike or Paul".
Paul is the husband of aa friend of ours who is very cocky loud and arrogant. one time we were all camping the four of us, the two of them had just gotten engaged and we were "celebrating". My Wife and i smoke some grass but don't usually take, when She does, She really opens up and gets aggressive. I was talking to our friend Michelle on one side of the fire and my Wife was talking to Paul on the other. They were debating and conversing pretty heavily. Paul's wife, Michelle and i were the betas in our relationships and we were pretty quiet, almost as if to not interrupt the Alphas. I honestly can't remember how it got to this point but He dared Her to kiss Him, smirking smugly as He didn't think She would do it. But it worked and She leaned over and They kissed a deep long kiss. Now like everyone here, i had read thousands of stories where this situation happens, but really seeing it is hard to describe. A story is one thing but imagine it, truly stop and think of a permister that you really don't like. While thinking logically and realistically, you would never want this permister near your wife. Think of a real permister you know that is arrogant bullyish and crass, someone you hate being around, someone who makes you feel inferior in reality. Now picture that permister as they sit with their arm around your soulmate, the woman of your dreams who you share everything in your life with and make out. I saw Him slide his hand up my Wife's neck and ecventually behind Her head as He pulled Her tighter into Him. Michelle and i both just sast there and watched for a bit, eventually i felt as if i was staring at a couple in an intimate moment and felt as if i was intruding. we both ended up sort of staring into the fire. All the while i found myself so sexually excited and i get the feeling Michelle felt the same. we eventually got up to go look for more firewood. This all happened with no lead in conversation. This was not something that we had joked about or anything like that. He just saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.
we came back a few minutes later and they were back to just talking. He had a truly cuckolds brownie eating grin on His face as i returned with the wood. A look that any other time i would have loved to smak off of his face but i humbly accepted it and stoked the fire. Now Paul is a truly Alpha Male. He owns His own mamisterry company and is used to having several large and pwerful men under his command. He gets what He wants and is a braggard. i despise this guy and how he treats Michelle. Eventually he would be the cause of our losing touch with Her. i wish i knew why His arrogance with me and my Wife affects me as it does, don't we all.
So now, aware of what he has gotten away with, becomes louder and bolder. i still to this day don't know what They were debating, but somehow it seemed as though He came out on top. He actually said, "now you know not to question the Master". He didn't really mean it the way i heard it but i almost fell into the fire when He said it and my Wife gave me a look and a laugh. As i was adding wood to the fire, Paul put His feet up on the pile of wood to warm His feet by the fire. i actually had to ask him to move them and the ballsy fuck said " how do we ask?" the nerv e of this prick, plese move YOur fett Paul i actually said. He smirked and said " that's more like it" and lifted His feet just enough for me to slip two piesces of wood out and then He dropped His feet down again while i was still bent over. It was very humiliating and thrilling at the same time. It is really scary to be actually in that moment that you have always fantasized about.
At abut this time i happen to hear my Wife tell michelle to get Her another beer from the cooler. This was interesting for a couple of reamisters. First, the cooler was right next to my Wife who could have easily just grabbed one for Herself. i had never seen Her boos someone else around like that, but Michelle jumped up to do it. Throughout the night that continued as my Wife continued to be waited on by michelle and also Paul would always remind me to stoke the fire. Unfortunately that is all that happened along that story line. my Wife did fuck the hell out of me in our tent that night and cried out His name when cumming, i got the feeling it was loud enough for Him to hear in the tent next door. We really didn't like to hang out with this guy so we eventually fell out of touch with them. That night is etched in my mind forever though.
The other name my Wife uses is Mike. He is my boss at work and they were friends while they were in high school. He is a year older than Her and She is 6 years older than i. They flirt consantly and He always reminds me that i "stepped in it" when i married my Wife. He is right. Again, He is the classic Alpha male and knows it. He probably could have my Wife if He really put His mind to it. He is charming and attractive and my Wife has expressed Her attraction to Him many times. We have a large black dildo tha my Wife has dubbe "Mike". Mike is not black but no matter. The fact that She asks for the dildo as Mike and says She wants Mile to fuck Her now, i go and get "Mike".
The name that works on me the most though is Craig. Craig was my freshman roomate in college. He was a very well built arrogant Alph male. We really didn't get along from the start. We tried and a few of us went out for a meal. i forgot my wallet and Craig said " you can owe me", a hint of things to come. He was a total slob our room was a mess with his clothes and discarded items everywhere. Now, I know it was college and i am no neat freadk but i had a girlfriend from high school who would visit and once in a while the room needed cleaning. Can you guess who did all of the cleaning? Yes i bet you can. me. i would gather his clothes and fill up his laundry bag to get them out of the way. Craig came from a very rich well to do family. He had all the money he wanted at his disposal and somehow i ended up owing Craig a bit of money from His always paying. i had no job and only got money from my parent's on occasion. He brought it up over takes one night and being the sub that i am jokingly said can't i work it off or something? His eyebrows instantly rose as if He had been hoping i would breach the subject. He commented on how He was used to having servants take care of things, we could work something out. This was in mid October and He felt i should be His "indentured servant" until the end of the semester. i thought about it and figured why not, i didn't have the moeny, but i hated this guy. Over some takes i agreed.
Of course He set up the rules. Nothing to dramatic, but i was now responsible for the maintainence of the room at all times, and He decided it should be spotlesss from now on. The only caviat i was able to procure was that this be secret from everyone else. He agreed, but i ws still to be under His command when others were around it would just be unspoken and not too obvious. it wassn't too bad at first but He really relished His power and gloated constantly. Always saying how servants do this and servants do that, things that were "beneath Him". i let it go and took it because i no longer owed any money and let's face it it kind of excited me. Nothing major happened until on eday when my girfriend Suzanne came to visit. Now Craig had always flirted with Suzanne and She was quite the flirt Herself. She actually had put me through a "cuck" experience in high school. A big party girl who was overy friendly most of the time. Just Craig's type. He walkied in on us making out on our couch. He didn't apologize or turn and leave, He strolled in no problem so we had to quit making out which really flustered Suzanne who was just getting into it. Craig started up a conversation with Suzanne, excluding me, and She just turned and started talking with him. She told me She found him attractive. She loved his hairy chest. yuk. As They talked, He started asking me about his laundry. i was mortified but told Him it was done. He actually asked me if i put them away in the proper drawers. i hurredly said yes a nd tried to change the subject. A minute later it registered with Suzanne. "you do His laundry?" He took over, "yeah he's working off some debt." Wow handy, She said, I'll have to loan him some money so I get the same treatment." THey both laughed it up at my expense. This was not what i wanted i really hated this guy and wanted to leave. I suggested we go for a take. Craig, assuming i meant Him too. Said no, i don't feel like going out. Why don't you go down to the deli and bring back some beer. i couldn't believe the balls. Suzanne just sat and waited for me to answer. Before i answered Craig handed me money and said "you can owe me hehe." The deli was a good couple of blocks away so i asked Craig if i could use his car. i should have just walked. He realized that he needed gas too so he threw me the keys and said fill the gas tank and get it washed too. Thinking he was joking i said, You want us to do all that? He said, no just YOu. Sue doesn't have to go too. How ridiculoous i thought, then She said yeah i don't feel like going i will just wait here. Now i was stunned, i am not leaving Her here with Him but now i was on the spot. i din't want Her to think i was being youngish and She seemed back into Her conversation with Him. He smiled broadl as i left though.
i went as fast as i could, but the whole trip took just under an hour. When i got back to the room the door was locked and nobody moved to unlock it so i had to fumble with my key. Honestly, the room felt hot and they both looked flushed. She never admitted anything but it was obvious. i handed the cat who ate the canary a beer and tried to move on. Even though i would be making his bed tomorrow wondering what really happened even though deep down i know.
my wife knows all of this so She knows the effect of calling His name out has on me. She is so wonderfully cruel. I will pst more on our progress as it happens. i don't expect it to progreess too quickly but it was good to post the beginning. We had an experience the other night i will post soon. Please give feedback and advice if any.
tommy roman


Posts: 26
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how about a lil more of foot fetish?

thanks for share


Posts: 1459
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Interesting story Tommy, thanks for taking the time to post it. You did a good job describing the roller coaster of emotions this put you through - the story would have been so much weaker if you had skipped that!

I hope you will continue to keep us filled in on your story.

Just one minor hint, which you can certainly ignore if you wish: Please break things up into smaller paragraphs and leave a little more "white space" between. It makes it so much easier for people whose eyes are over 40 (or even 50) to follow along that way!

Thanks again!
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