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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 2

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Pippa and Harry – Chapter 2 – Saturday. A Meal Out.

Morning broke and we both woke up together.
We kissed and there was a great feeling in the air. It was as if we were on honeymoon again.

‘How about we go for a drive, find a nice restaurant for an early dinner and then retire to bed ?’

‘Before we have even left it ?’

‘Yep. Because I’m in danger of wanting to jump on you..’

I was already hard and pressing up against Pippa


I could hear the fun in Pippa’s voice.

‘But your right, put that away and let’s get going it seems a great idea. The day to ourselves. Know what
the weather is going to be like ?’

‘Supposed to be hot again..’

As it turned out it was and I wondered if Pippa used it to tease me. She had on a fairly short skirt and a light blouse which soon draw my attention once we were in the car and driving out into the country.
We had a fun BMW Z4. The top down. The wind in our hair...

‘Do I detect no bra ?’

‘Like it ?’

‘I want to stop now…’

‘Oh no you don’t. Just concentrate on the driving..’

Not without difficulty I thought… but I managed it.

Later on we found a nice pub come restaurant for an early dinner. Some early punters were in however we managed to get a table. It was a bit close to the bar, but not bad. As we sat down Pippa leaned in and whispered in my ear..

‘Would you like me to undo an extra blouse button’


I was grinning again.

Pippa had withdrawn her head from my ear to see my expression she moved to whisper again

‘Do remember others might see something.’
I gulped and knew that I was straining to get hard. Good thing I had fairly firm jeans on..
Pippa was grinning.

‘I thought you would like that idea.’

Half way through I suddenly realised that not only was I getting an eyeful of Pippa’s charms.. when she leaned forward.. so too where the guys standing at the bar.
It was distinctly more crowded at the end where our table was. Pippa seemed oblivious, but I realised that this was not the case, when, as we ended our meal, she scribred a note on her paper napkin which she had not used. Folded it, then handed it to me as she got up.

‘Just got to go to the ladies. See you shortly.’

Eyes at the bar, which was now quite crowded, followed her. I leant back in my chair and unfolded the napkin.

‘‘Pay bill. Tell check shirt you need the little boys room. Ask him to tell me to meet you at car. Go to car. If I am
not there in 20 mins come back in. Remember I love you. Kisses.’’

I sat there staring at the note. I found again I was glad I was wearing what I was. The jeans were strong enough to hold my erection contained. It felt strange to be restrained, but hot. I knew I was already leaking pre-cum.

Could I do it ? What if I did not ? I could feel my pulse pounding... Something inside me said ‘go for it’..

I went up to the bar and paid. Looked round. ‘Check shirt’ was one of those guys who make you feel quite inferior.
Tall, well built, but not fat, interesting face. I not seen him before and I realised why. He had been standing slightly to one side and behind me chatting to a small group of guys. Deep breath. I went up to him

‘Excuse me’


‘Sorry to disturb you, but I have just paid my bill and I need the little boys room rather urgently..’

My face felt hot. I just knew I must be going red..

‘So ?’

A deep even voice, confident sounding of his own ability and strength.

‘Err well I need to go and my wife is not yet back. I wondered if you could ask tell her when she gets back her
to meet me at our car ??’

‘I can, but why don’t you just let her wait here ??’

‘No. Please just tell her.’

‘Alright, but if you ask me your lady is not one to tell. I think you might find she might like to have a take
with us.’

I did not know what to say.
I tried to be cool, but I knew it sounded wrong.
‘Guess we will have to see. I have to run.’

‘You do that. Off to the little boys room…’

With that he turned to the group and I went off. I decided I would use the boys room anyway. I wanted to ‘adjust’ myself as the position of my cock trying to get hard was somewhat painful... It was as if I was in a chastity device.

As I thought about that it felt as if my cock was going to burst. I must be mad.

As I reached the mens I had to pass the ladies and as I did so Pippa came out. She did not see me as I had just gone past and the movement of the closing door made me look back. As she headed diagonally away from me towards the bar I could see that she had let her blond hair down and that she had put on more make up.

I hurried on. Fortunately there was a ‘stall’ so I could not only take a pee but adjust myself.
As I did so I heard a couple of guys come in. I recognised the voices from the bar.
They were clearly standing at the urinals.

‘You reckon Jim’s going to score ?’

‘How can he ? Her husband must be close by.’

‘Well she was none too pleased about being ‘told’ to go to the car was she ?’


‘What was it she said ? something like ‘‘If that little boy told be to wait by the car by myself he can think again’’
Didn’t take long for Jim to offer her a take.’

‘And for her to accept.’

‘Cracking tits. No bra.’


‘Reckon Jim cop a handful ?’

‘Good chance.’

‘Come on let’s get back. Great view. Be fun to watch Jim in action.’

I was sweating. I waited a short while longer. It seemed like ages.

Came out. Washed up and tried to freshen up with some cold water on my face.
I held out my hands. My whole body was shaking. Gut wrenching. I was so hard.
What to do ? Back to bar ? I checked my watch 10 minutes gone. Another 10 to go. (It was only later I wondered why I had not just ignored Pippa’s instructions and just gone back in).

No choice. I went out to the car. Slipping out the back entrance so I did not need to go back through the bar.
I sat in the car and time passed as slow as I have ever known. Eventually 10 minutes elapsed. I had hoped that Pippa would have come out, but there was not sign. I got out of the car. Locked it. Took some deep breaths to try and steady and slow my pumping heart and went back in.

The bar had been steadily filling up. It was clearly popular. The restaurant area was also doing good trade. I got in, but found that I could not see Pippa. I guessed she would be over near our table which of course was at the far end.

I squeezed by and eventually caught a glimpse. They were there, where I thought they might be. Clearly have a good time in the group. Check shirt, ‘Jim’ I guessed, had his arm round Pippa’s waist.

When I saw it I stopped dead. Oh no… but my erection was throbbing and hurting again. Why why ??

I moved on again and eased myself closer. Jim caught my eye and as he did so he leaned in and whispered something in my wife’s ear.

Pippa looked up and grinned...

‘So here’s the little boy then. Took a long time Harry. Wondered when you would work out I do not take
orders from you…’

There was general chuckling from the guys and I felt myself blushing.

‘Oh that is sweet. Look he’s blushing guys… just like a little boy..’

I felt myself go redder…


‘I err I err think it’s time to go dear’

‘Not yet. I’m having fun here with the guys, and Jim, this is Jim by the way.’

Pippa put her arm round him. They looked a pair.

‘Oh don’t be such a grump. Have a take.’

‘Err.. well only a soft one. I have had a glass of wine and I have to drive.’

Pippa was looking at me in a funny way. I suddenly realised she was trying not to laugh.

‘Jim’s just ordering…’

Jim was raising an eyebrow at me

‘Coke please.’

‘Make it diet he’s getting too fat for a little boy.’

There it was again ‘‘little boy’’… so embarrassing… so much pressure in my trousers…

Jim handed round the takes and I took a sip. As I did so Jim was leaning in saying something to Pippa who glanced at me and then nodded.

Pippa was putting down her take and making that universal gesture of waving to get more air.

Before I could say anything

Jim was in before me

‘Are you ok ?’

‘Just feeling a little hot’

‘Maybe you need some air. Come on. Mind the way boys…’

and he was guiding Pippa past me. I went to put my coke down and follow.

Jim looked over at me

‘No need Harry, you stay and finish. I’ll make sure she’s ok.’

Pippa glanced over her shoulder

‘Harry no rush. Buy the guys a round and have another coke yourself. After that I guess we must be going.’

They were gone.

I looked round and caught surreptitious grins being exchanged between the other guys. One on the right started to talk to me about football. I so wanted to get away. I quickly finished my coke and asked them for their orders.

‘Good to see the wife has you under control. I’m Derek by the way, local builder by trade.’

They kept changing the order and the bar was busy, but eventually I got the order in and it arrived. I went to leave when I felt Derek holding my arm. I looked up. He had a lazy smile on his face.

‘I reckon you want to have another take. I am sure your wife needs more air… especially if she is with Jim.’

The others all guffawed. My arm felt as if it was in a vice.

‘Better do as he says one of the others was saying… Derek’s as strong as an ox’.

I gulped.


‘That’s a boy.
Slowly now. ‘

I had been about to gulp it down.

‘Sip it Harry.’

I sipped. Again. Time seemed to pass so slowly.. Finally..

‘I reckon you can finish up now Harr,y Jim’s never needed more then 10 minutes when he goes to get
some air.’

Again the boys were laughing, quite raucous. The take was also clearly affecting them.
I downed the rest in a gulp and headed off to the exit.

Once I was outside I found I needed air.
I looked round. I could see no one. Then a light in a car went on. It was ours and I could see Jim was getting out of our car. I hurried over and past Jim who was now sauntering towards the pub. He was smiling and zipping up his flies. I tried not to look. Not to think.

‘You’ve a real cracker of a girl there. I’ve given her my number...’

I did not hear the rest I was almost running.
I reached the drivers door and grabbed the handle. Locked. I stepped back in astonishment. Looked in and saw Pippa doing up her blouse, straightening her hair…

I was knocking at the window.
Pippa looked up in ‘surprise’ and leant over to release the catch. I jumped in.
I was panting

‘Hot ?’

I found I could not answer

‘I said was that Hot ?’


It sort of came out clipped. Blunt.

‘Good. It was meant to be.’

Before I could move she leant over and gave me a full deep kiss, darting her tongue into my mouth.
A somewhat different taste…. I dreaded to know

‘Let’s go home.’

I got the car started and put it in gear and we were off. My wife who had moved the seat back and was looking very relaxed was just quietly watching me.
I did not know what to say. I had so much to ask, but feared what it would reveal. Not only about what had taken place but I realised also about how I felt.
I decided to keep quiet. Maybe we could talk about this in bed later.

We were well on the way home when apropos of nothing Pippa looked across

‘Well do you want to know ?’

I drove on for a few moments. Thinking. Did I ? I looked down. I did and did not. Pippa seeing the look reached down and undid my flies and put her hand inside..


I had swerved, but steadied up now.

‘Eyes on the road.

Why don’t I tell you some things and if you find them unpleasant I am sure this erection I am holding will
go down..’

Frankly it had never felt harder. I doubted it. But who knows ?

In as very sexy, half whisper Pippa went on…

‘I thought you might like this game. It went even better than I thought it would. Jim was a dream. I really
enjoyed flirting with him. He kept looking down my front. I had a lot of fun running you down... and even
more when you eventually turned up. Where were you by the way ?’

‘I was in the mens for about half the time and the rest in the car.’

‘Oh so you were a good little boy then.’

I jerked.

‘You like it when I describe you as a ‘‘good little boy’’..’

My treacherous cock gave me away again. I hated it. Gripped the wheel harder. Concentrate. Go down. go down.

‘Seems you reallllly like it.’

Pippa paused for a moment, and then went on.

‘It got better when you arrived. Your face. Especially when Jim suggested we go outside for some air. It
was priceless.
For the next bit you have got to say ‘please’..’

I glanced over.
I could see that Pippa was getting aroused. Her nipples were showing hard and firm through her blouse. This was turning her on as well...

‘Please tell me the next bit.’

‘You sure ? It could be quite hard to handle.’

‘I’ll manage.’

‘Hope so. If you go soft I’ll stop.

Once we were outside Jim spun me round and kissed me. It took me by surprise, but he was good. So manly.
Not your style at all.’

I could see out of the corner of my eye that Pippa was very carefully looking at me, like a cat considering a mouse I thought.

‘He tasted salty. I was quite weak at the knees.’

I tried to just drive, but my cock was sooo hard. Pippa’s hand felt great..

‘We broke apart and I could feel the wind was chilly so I suggested we went to our car. Seemed the best place.

Pippa was quiet for a moment. I looked over. She seemed to be in contemplation..

Do you know I have not ‘necked’ in a car since I was going out with Steve ?’

I shook my head. The rest of me shook..

‘Certainly never with you. Bit of a first really in our marriage then.’

Some first. With someone else. The image of them kissing in our car. His hands, they must have been all over her. I jerked.

Pippa must be a mind reader.

‘Thinking about where his hands went ??’

I let out a strangled cry.

‘Oh goody. You do like it.

Yes they did go everywhere and they were strong, but gentle and firm. Wonderful. My nipples went rock
hard. I have to say Harry that the thought of you in the pub while Jim was kissing and fondling me made me
almost cream my panties.

Hot for you also ??

I could not trust myself to speak. Just nodded.

I sensed Pippa nod as well, my eyes were on the road. I could not look at her. I had to, had to drive.

‘I could not help myself I unzipped his flies and got at his penis. It was about the same size as yours although
very fat. I just had to give it a kiss.. and a lick… well more than one… and a quick suck. He was really fucking
my mouth.’

‘I’ve got to stop.’

‘Ok but if you do keep you hands on the wheel and keep looking straight ahead.’
I could not trust myself to speak. I stopped. Lucky we were on a country road still and there was a place where I could pull over.

‘Good boy.’

I was hold the wheel as instructed looking straight ahead.

I felt Pippa’s hot breath on my cock and her hair tickling me, brushing my thighs. I made a quick glance down. I could see her head bobbing up and down. I could feel her sucking me. Her tongue brushing over the sensitive tip of my penis. Heaven.

‘Then you came out.’

I opened my eyes surprised at the sudden change.

Pippa was grinning now.

‘What did you think ? – I sucked him off ? No way I am doing that. I’m a married lady and I love you. She
leant over and kissed me… Now I recognised the taste… Precum but not sperm. What a relief…

‘ Now that’s strange.’

Pippa voice was full of surprise.

I looked at her

‘Just what’s happened to your erection ?’

I looked down. It had shrunk. I glanced back up.

Pippa was staring at me

‘You’ve got it bad’

‘What ?’

‘As soon as I stop talking about making out with someone else you start to shrivel.’

I looked down it was true.

Pippa put her hand on my cock which now looked small in her hand.

‘Ok buster. How about this.. imagine we are at home making love

‘So ?’

‘Exciting ?’

‘Well it’s good to think of.’

‘Not making you hard is it ?’


‘Alright. Try this.
Imagine you come home. There are noises upstairs. You creep up and look through the crack
in the bedroom door… what do you see..??

I knew I was going to be lost

‘I am rolling about on the bed with Jim or Steve or anyone... but you.

‘Your hard again Harry.’

I could feel. I looked down. Blast.

‘Oh my goodness.’

I looked away.

‘I think we had better get home. ‘

I started the car and drove home. Each of us with our own thoughts.


As we undressed and got into bed I could only think of Pippa doing this with someone else. I was hardening again. Pippa looked over and was giggling.

‘I know what you are thinking about….’

We fell into bed.

Not again.
I had literally thrust once into Pippa and exploded.

Pippa was seriously annoyed.

‘I do all that I could to make it exciting for you and then just when I need something, you go off like a little
boys popgun. You know I like to fuck. I just love it when you give me a good hard ‘’fuck’’

I knew this were serious. Pippa never said ‘fuck’..

‘Well it’s not my fault.’

‘What !!’

‘I just cannot help it.’

Come on let’s try again.’

‘Give me a moment.’


We kissed and started petting. Enjoyable but I was not getting hard.
Pippa suddenly stopped.

‘Ok I can feel this is getting us nowhere. Just think about me with someone else. Steve’s good choice..’

I found I was starting to harden again. Soon I would be ready… and with that we were off.

‘Keep talking to me Pippa.’

She did.. about how the ‘man’ she was with was caressing her, playing with her nipples.

‘Stop. If you carry on like that I will come too soon...’

Pippa grinned an understanding and we set to really fuck… trouble was within a couple of strokes I found I was losing my hardness. Pippa felt it too.

‘Come on Harry…’

‘I’m trying.’



I was soft again.

‘Alright let’s try doing it slowly.’

No success.
Pippa was getting really cross now.

‘Look you get hard when we talk of me with someone else right ?’


‘But then you go off like a school boy inside me within a couple of thrusts’


‘If we do not talk about it then you don’t get hard’

I was starting to feel very inadequate. I just nodded.

‘Seems so.’
Pippa was again seriously upset. I could see it in her face and hear it in her voice. Frustrated, cross, angry.

‘This is definitely not a good night for me now. I wanted to fuck.

You didn’t used to be like this.’

I shook my head.

‘I know. I have no idea why this is happening to us.’

Pippa snorted.

‘You mean to you.
You can go and relax in one of the kids beds tonight.’

‘What ?’

‘You heard what I said. I mean it. If you cannot fuck me, your wife, properly then your just like a little boy,
and should be treated as one.
Now OUT.
I mean it.’

I realised that Pippa was serious and clearly fed up. Headed off to get into one of the twin’s bed. Not good news.

I was laying there thinking about the day. Some of the things we had done. They were like incendiary devices of excitement and tension. However now it was not so good. I suddenly realised I could hear noises. I knew t


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(SORRY !! Next time will check the length... chapter 2 continued...)

‘You heard what I said. I mean it. If you cannot fuck me, your wife, properly then your just like a little boy,
and should be treated as one.
Now OUT.
I mean it.’

I realised that Pippa was serious and clearly fed up. Headed off to get into one of the twin’s bed. Not good news.

I was laying there thinking about the day. Some of the things we had done. They were like incendiary devices of excitement and tension. However now it was not so good. I suddenly realised I could hear noises. I knew that sound. Pippa was close to cumming...

I slipped out of bed and crept up to our door as quietly as I could. This would be what it would be like I thought if she had a real lover… I was like an iron bar again...

I peered in through the crack. I started to play with myself.

(What was I becoming... ??)

Pippa was really bucking and moaning as she thrust the dildo into her pussy. Rubbing her clitoris, flicking it. Suddenly with a loud cry she climaxed. I could see her resting. Then she was at it again.

As Pippa climaxed again I slightly over balanced and pushed at our door and it creaked. I froze. Pippa did not look in my direction so I crept away. Back to bed in the youngren’s room.

I jumped in and drew the bedclothes up. Lying there on my back, my arms by my sides trying to get to relax.. I was suddenly aware of my wife standing in the doorway. Naked. For some reamister I froze. Closed my eyes and pretended to be arelax.

‘You are a little boy then. Pretending to be arelax. I know you are awake. I heard the creak of the door just now.’

(Blast, I thought she had not noticed)

I opened my eyes a little, I could see from the half light coming in from the hall that she was standing right next to me.

‘You stay right where you are. No moving’.

I did. Wondering why.

Pippa moved and climbed on top of my chest, legs on either side of me. Then edged forward, at the same lifting up my head and supporting it by bunching up the pillows.

‘Guess what I want you to do.’

I looked up. Somewhat surprised.

‘I know, but something about you being in the spare room really did it for me. The thought of what it would be
like if you were in here and I had a man with me in our bed really turned me on.

Go on lick.’

I gently started to lick. Pippa was already very wet and hot. It felt as if I was getting bathed. Her juices were now running up my nose, into my eyes as she held the bed head and rubbed forward on my face and pushed down.

I could not move. I was pinned down. Her legs on either side pushing down on the bed covers meant I could not move at all. It was as if I was in a straight jacket. I was helpless. My cock was rubbing against the sheet.

I worked my tongue hard... I could hear Pippa moaning...

I could feel myself close to climaxing and I realised that Pippa was also. It did not happen often that we both came together, but this time we did. The single bed shook and then was still.

Pippa gently lifted off me. I was still panting.

Her hand brushed over my face.

‘Enjoy that.’


‘Did you come humping the sheets’

I was glad of the semi darkness of the room…

‘Err… Yes.’

‘Just like a little boy…’

There was a teasing sound to my wife’s voice. Why did this turn me on so much. I knew I was already twitching again… my cock just would not stop getting excited, my mind wandered away from what Pippa was saying.

I knew I had missed something…
‘… also I want you to stay here tonight. Leave my juices to dry on your face. It will be quite an experience for you waking up tomorrow. Stay in bed till I come in to see you. Little boys only get out of bed when their Mummy tells them and no ‘rubbing of your eyes’ till I say you can. Promise ?’

‘I promise.’

Pippa then leaned over me and kissed my forehead. Just as if I was a young!

‘Sweet dreams then’.

As Pippa left the room the hall light caught her silhouette, her taunt tight bottom, and then her face, her smile was full of satisfaction and enjoyment.

(Hopefully to be continued in Chapter 3. Weight Challenge.)


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Posts: 2117
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Love it..Love it! Don't stop


Posts: 4050
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This is classic cuck lit. Very well done.

Thank you for wriiting it.



Posts: 47
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gh... thank you very much for your kind comments. I have been 'lurking' for a long while... and enjoy your work very much. I thought I should at least try and write a story.... If by the end you say the same as you do now I would be honoured... Colin.
PS - I think will be short while before chapter 3 is ready... but it is being prepared


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Posts: 34
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Man this is a smokin hot story. Great great character development. Still sporting a raging hard on. I think chapter 3 will fix that!
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Pippa and Harry - A Journey - Chapter 2
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