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Big Mistake

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My Big Mistake
First off let me apologize for the length as this encounter took place over two days and is a little long.
Just a little background information before I explain where things are now in my life. My name is Greg and I am a sales manager in the south east. I am about 6”4”, 200 lbs. I have been with my wife now for 12 years. A little info on her, Beth is 29, 5’9” about 150 lbs with nice D cup tits. She has what some people would call a “thick” body type. She turns heads when she walks by people but as she is quick to point out they are mostly black guys. As we all know black guys love “thick” white women. She even complains about only black guys checking her out. Anyways Beth use to be very sexual not caring if someone saw her naked and would be horny all the time. Since then we now have a young and as most married men know it is like being married to a nun now. She is very rarely horny and she acts as though sex is a job not something she enjoys.

Well I have tried everything known to man to get her horny little juices flowing again. Dildos, lotions you name it I have tried it. I have asked her many times about her fantasies and she always says she doesn’t have any. I have asked her if I no longer satisfy her and she quickly says that is not it although I am 5” when hard, from what I read on here that doesn’t get it done. I have told her that whatever she wants sexually she can have if it helps put her in the mood. This just angers her and she says I talk too much when we have sex. One night I was about to cum when she was on top of me and I said if you want to have a threesome we can. She quickly got off me and went into the bathroom. When she came out she said I told you I would never hook up with a girl for you. Well I told her I was actually talking about me, you and another guy you could pick. She just rolled her eyes and asked why I would even mention something like that. Well what she didn’t know was that during our lack of sexual activity I had turned to the internet to help me through these tough times if you know what I mean. Reading stories and videos….

I have read many stories about wives having sex with someone other than there husbands and it had got me thinking. I find my wife very sexy and the thought of her getting another cock that might be a little bigger than me was kind of exciting. Although as I was sitting there with a now limp dick I was starting to rethink my proposal. Did I really want someone else fucking my wife? Obviously my hormones had taken over my mouth when I said that out loud and that little fantasy probably should have been kept quiet.

Beth sat back down on the bed and asked why I would even mention something like that. I told her I was just horny and I thought by me saying that, it might excite her. She said we were having sex what else do you want? I told her why most men won’t admit it, they want a lady in public but a slut in the bedroom. She just kind of laughed and said that was not true. I said yes it was that guys want a slut who will do anything and it all just stays in the bedroom between the two of them.

Beth quickly contradicted me saying that if there was a third permister then it would not be staying in the bedroom between the two of us. She got up and said that the discussion was over and this should never be brought up again. I thought to myself well I gave it a try and I will just have to be satisfied with my internet activities.

About two months went by and one night my wife came into the bedroom and said we needed to talk. She said she new she had been neglecting me sexually and she needed to apologize. I told her that it was ok and I think it would be something we could work on. She said well I have been thinking about what we had talked about a couple of months ago and I think I might want to try it. This floored me. I played dumb and said I was not sure what she meant. She then said do I really need to say it? I told her I guess so because I didn’t know what she meant. She then dropped the bomb on me. Beth told me she had been following my internet activity and that she now knew why I had mentioned the threesome and why I am always talking about sluts. She said while she didn’t agree with it she thought if it was what I wanted and she got some pleasure out of it too she would give it a try one time. She also said that it could be a big mistake doing something like this. She said someone’s feeling could get hurt and it just might not be that smart.

While I was a little embarrassed about my little obsession being revealed I also felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me. Beth asked me to explain what I wanted. I told her that she could pick the permister, I preferred him to be white and it had to happen at our house so I could watch. She asked what I wanted her to do and I said anything sexual and not too much kissing on the mouth. I asked her if she had some one in mind and she said maybe.

The next Friday morning I was at work when Beth called me. She said she had found a guy and that we were to meet him out for takes later and see if I approved. She said that she was taking the rest of the afternoon off to get a new dress, and pamper herself. She then said I was not to come home but to meet her at the bar. Well needless to say the remainder of the day took for ever. When six o’clock hit I was out the door and on the way to the bar. I walked in and took a seat at the bar. I was looking around trying to guess if any of the guys were the one. Finally about eight o’clock Beth walked in. Boy was the wait worth it. She had on a black little mini dress that had no back and or middle. It just barely covered her nipples and rapped around her waist. She had black strap fuck me heels on and was looking great.

She walked right by me and said lets go and walked over to this younger looking guy in a booth. She slid all the way in and I sat beside her. She introduced me to Matt. He was an intern at her office and had apparently been flirting with her for some time now. He asked what we were takeing and got up to go to the bar and get us a take. He was about 4” shorter than me and probably weighed close to the same. I said well you sure did keep me waiting long enough. Beth said yeah but don’t I look like it was worth the wait. I had to agree. I said to her, I didn’t know you were into younger men and she said she didn’t want to relax with another married man and that by my racist comment on her needing to pick someone white it kind of limited her options. She pretty much only had a few guys at her office and most of them are white and married or black. I said, no I am not racist but I had seen a few black dicks in the locker room and I didn’t want to try and compete with that. She rolled her eyes and said whatever.

Matt returned and we had small talk for about an hour. He suggested we go to a dance club were one of his friends worked. Beth said that sounded like a good idea. I said fine I just needed to go to the bathroom. Matt said he needed to as well so we all went. We were both peeing and I figured I needed to see what Beth would be up against. As I looked down he only looked a little bigger than me. As I looked up he was looking me right in the eyes. He said it doesn’t look that big now but it grows quite a bit. I thought what an arrogant punk. I then thought well I did want her to be with someone a little bigger.

We walked to the dance club and Matt new the bouncer Jack (a huge black guy) and got us in for free. Once inside Beth told me she needed some freedom to check things out with Matt so I needed to keep my distance from them. I said ok and got a kiss and off they went on the dance floor. After about two hours Carlos the bar tender said, so Matt is dancing with your wife, how do you feel about that? I tried to act like a bad ass and said I don’t care I’m the one she will go home with.

Well at about midnight Beth finally came back over to me. She asked how I was and she said she was glad I came up with this idea. I said I was getting tired and we needed to go. She said for me to go on home and her and Matt would be right behind me. I said, do you think that is such a good idea? She said she would be fine and she left me a surprise at the house.

I quickly drove home and was lucky not to get a DUI. I walked into the kitchen and there was a note and out video camera. The out side of the note said watch video then read inside of note. I opened up the camera and pressed play. There was Beth spread eagle on the bed using one of the dildos I bought on her self. The video lasted about 15 minutes and then she had a big orgasm. I opened the note and it said, “honey please don’t be mad but the only way Matt would agree to do this is if he got to fuck me alone the first time. He said tomorrow night he will do it again and you can watch if I feel like doing it again.
This video should help get you through the night. I Love you, see you in the morning. I could not believe it, my wife new about this all night and never told me. I was pissed. I got back in my car and drove back to the dance club. I went to the door and the bouncer gave me a smirk. I looked all over for Beth and Matt but they were gone.

I got back in my car a started calling her cell phone. It would ring and ring then go to voice mail. I was leaving messages telling her that this was not what we discussed and she needed to call me immediately. When I got back home I got a text message from Beth. It said “please don’t be mad, I am safe and ok, I love you. P.S. check your email!

I went inside and ran to the computer. When I opened up my email there were three emails from Beth. The first one I opened had a picture of Beth still at the club. She was leaning back in a booth with her legs up, dress around her waist and her tits hanging out with Matt back behind her. It said sorry honey I left my panties and bra at home. Lol. I was a little shocked but thought I guess she was just teasing me. Then I started to wonder how the picture got taken.

The second email was of her in a bedroom completely naked except for her heels on, lying on a bed with Matt and his dick was in her hand and what I figured was a tape measure. The bottom said 7 &1/2” this should be interesting. I started to get a little worried because 3&1/2” was a bit more than I was hoping for. I started to get very angry because I was supposed to be with her so I knew everything would remain safe.

The third email said don’t worry I think I am going to enjoy this, I hope this is what you wanted. I picked my phone back up and started trying to call her again. I was not happy at all and wanted this to stop. I left her a message begging her to call me and telling her I changed my mind. About an hour later I got a text and it said “please stop calling, I said someone’s feelings could get hurt and it sounds like it is you.” Love Beth P.S. Check your email.

I opened it up and it was a 2 minute video. Beth was getting pounded by Matt from behind. She was looking directly into the camera and said, I hope you enjoy this because I sure am and Matt is coming home with me tomorrow. I sat back in my chair and thought what have I done?

I didn’t relax all night. I just laid in the bed thinking about Beth and looking at our wedding picture. I got out of bed about 8 and made myself some breakfast. My phone rang and it was Beth. I asked how she was and she said never better. She said this was the best idea I had ever had. I told her I didn’t think so. She said he fucked her for three hours and then they went to relax. She asked me if I was still up to watching and I said I don’t think so. Beth said well if you don’t want to watch I might just stay here again tonight. I said absolutely not and she needed to get home. She said if I come home you will have to agree to some things. I asked her like what?

She said, One, Matt would be coming over tonight. Two, I had to watch them have sex and participate since this was my idea. And three that she was going to be completely in charge and whatever she said went. If I didn’t agree then our sex life was going to get very bad and that she might never relax with me again. I said, I think you are taking this a bit far, don’t you? She said absolutely not, she had orgasms like never before last night and she thinks she deserves to keep it that way. I told her I just didn’t think I could do it. Beth said honey I do still love you and I think you need to try it just this one time. She said if I was unhappy she might give this new lifestyle up. I said ok if I was unhappy she had to stop. Beth reluctantly agreed.

Beth got home about 10 and went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. When she got out she got in bed. I went and lay beside her and asked her to tell me about it. She said Matt said there was no way he could have sex with her the first time with me there. He told her they needed to get a feel for each other and I might just get in the way. He told her that he thought I might want to stop things and he didn’t think that would be fair to him to which Beth said she agreed. The only thing else she said was that she loved the way his dick stretched her and made her cum. Then she said he would be coming over about 8oclock.

Beth got up about 7 and started to get ready. She had sent me to the store to buy a bunch of beer and food for some reamister. I asked her if she was willing to give me any more details and she said there really wasn’t much else to tell. She said Matt could go for ever and never really lost his hard on. She did tell me not to worry if she screams a little bit tonight as she is just getting caught up in the moment. Then she laughed saying she was so loud last night that Matt’s roommate was knocking on the door to see what was the matter. I asked who the roommate was and she said the bartender Carlos from the club. I figured that must have been why he asked me about Matt dancing with my wife because he had already been told of the situation.

Right on time at 8 the doorbell rang and I opened the door. Matt had a back pack with him and walked in and went straight to the couch. He made himself right at home taking his shoes off and dropping his bag on the floor. I asked what was in the bag and he said a change of clothes just in case he needed them. He said man sorry about last night but I just needed to feel things out with Beth the first time alone but he would make sure I enjoyed everything tonight.

I noticed him smiling and looking past me. I turned around and there was Beth in a pink thong and her black strapping heels. I said honey aren’t you going to finish getting ready and she smiled and said “honey this is ready for tonight.” Beth then sent me to the kitchen to get us some beers. As I was walking away I saw her sit in his lap whispering something in his ear to which I heard him say yes he had taken care of everything.

By the time I got back Beth was helping him out of his shirt and pants. She told me I needed to strip and bring a kitchen chair in there. I went and got a chair but told her I didn’t want to strip. She reminded me she was in charge and that Matt said he would feel better if I was naked too.

I took everything off but my boxers when I noticed they were starring at me. Beth said come on show us what you got. I took a deep breath and took them off. Matt just kind of grinned and Beth said I told you so. I asked what she told him and she just said she told him I wasn’t as big as him. He said man no wonder your wife is a screamer with you using that little guy on her. I got pissed and told him to get the fuck out. My wife told him to sit right there and then took me into the kitchen.

She said I was getting too upset and he was just joking. She started to hug me and told me I needed to relax and we were all going to have some fun tonight. She then got on her knees and started to suck my cock. This was a change of pace. Beth hadn’t sucked my cock in a long, long time. I just stood there enjoying it. Then I heard a cell phone ring in the living room and that kind of brought me out of my trance. All I heard was Matt say no about 9. I didn’t think much of it as I was about to cum. Beth realized this and stopped. She said she didn’t want me to cum just yet.

When we walked back into the living room Matt was standing there completely naked pulling on his dick. He smiled and said it was going take some work for him after the amount of fucking he did last night. Beth giggled. She told me to move the chair to the corner of the room by our bedroom door. She then told me to sit there. Beth got down and took Matt’s dick in her hand. She looked at me with a very serious look and said honey I am going to do anything I want tonight and if I here so much as one peep I will strap you to that chair. Do you understand? I shrugged and said I guess so.

She got up and said you know what, I think it would be more of a turn on for me if you were already tied up. I told her no thanks. She said now remember I get to be in charge. I thought well I have gone this far what is a little bit further. She picked up Matt’s back pack and walked over to me. She pulled out two sets of cuffs. I knew Matt had lied and something was up. She cuffed my hands behind my back and tied them to the chair then did the same thing to my feet. Then she turned back to Matt and said is that like you wanted and he smiled and said that it was perfect. I knew I didn’t know everything. She reached back into the bag and pulled a gag out and put it on me.

She walked back over to Matt and laid beside him with her head in his lap. She started sucking his cock. Matt started to tell me, you know Greg when Beth approached me about this I thought it all was a joke on me. I have been trying to fuck your wife for 6 months now and she would even think about it. Then she told me you had this fantasy and she wanted to make it happen for you I knew I had her. You see she told me about all those websites you visit and some of the pictures and videos you look at. I knew you were going to be an easy mark after that. You see I just wanted to fuck her once but now I am going to turn her into a complete slut. Matt said, your little fantasy and lack of a cock just made my job easier. Tell him why honey, Beth looked up at me and said because the bigger the better that’s why.

Beth got up and went to the door and looked to be locking it. She went back over to Matt faced me and straddled his big cock which if I must say so looked even bigger than the picture I had seen. It took her about 5 minutes and he was all the way in her. She wasn’t screaming but was moaning very loud. Matt lifted her up and really started to pound her and then the screams started coming. I was worried the neighbors might even hear her. I knew she must be having an orgasm.

Then I heard a knock at the door and a deep voice say, this is the police. Is everything all right in there? Beth just looked at me smiling and said yes sir the doors unlocked, come on in and see for yourself, the whole time riding up and down on Matt’s cock like it was no big deal. All I could think about is what are the police going to think when they see me?

The door slowly opened and in walked Jack and Carlos. They started high fiving and then saw me and laughed. Beth said I bet you are wondering what these guys are doing here aren’t you honey? Well Carlos is Matt’s roommate and he wanted to fuck me last night and I said no. Matt then said the only way he would come over tonight was if his friends could cum too. I told him I didn’t think that it would be a good idea and he reminded me how much I liked a bigger cock and he said they were even bigger than him. I was still undecided this morning until you said Matt couldn’t come over and then you said this was only going to be a one time thing so Matt came up with a plan. She then took a camera out of Matt’s back pack and started taking pictures o


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Couldnt fit all on this page. Will try again.


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Great story man, where is the rest of it
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Big Mistake
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