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Stripper Wife Cuckold

Rating: 3


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Excellent story! Please tell us more!


Posts: 106
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I do hope this meets with some approval.

When we got to the frat house the party was going full tilt. I couldn't get any closer than a block away. Everyone piled out except me. I couldn't bear to watch. I called Matt and his "date" over and told him I would wait in the car.

She whispered something to him and he chuckled and said, "Well I guess he is kinda my chauffeur" "He is pretty much what ever I need him to be." "Arn't you, little guy"

I just looked into her eyes and whispered yes.

It seemed forever before she and Matt returned. Jeremy and his date were with them.

With a cheery "Home James" we were away. After arriving home I served them a cocktail and went to my room. I could hear voices for awhile then they must have also gone to their rooms. I tried to relax but Jeremy's stripper turned out to be a screamer and it went on for hours. Finally in the early morning hours things quieted down.

I was awakened by a soft knock at my door. I opened my door to find Her there.

She smiled at me and said "I'm sorry to bother you, but could you take me home?" "Matt said I couldn't relax in his bed and Penny already has the couch."

"Um..sure" I stammerred. "You could have my bed if you like."

She smiled knowingly at me and shook her head. "I'm too tired to go another round with you, even if you didn't last any longer than the first time."

I blushed to my toes.

"NO!" "No thats not what I meant." "I just meant you could relax in my bed, I'll relax on the floor!"

She gave me a funny look. "You would do that for me?"

"I would do anything for you!" I blurted. Now I couldn't meet her eyes as she studied me.

"Well.....ok" she said finally. "Do you have a tee-shirt I could wear?"

I stumred to my dresser to get her a shirt and when I turned back she was standing there naked with that same smirk I had seen on stage. I blushed again and handed her the tee-shirt. I tried not to watch as she put it on. I grabbed a pillow off the bed and a spare blanket out of the closet and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To the livingroom I guess"

"Why don't you relax at the foot of the bed?" she suggested. "I might need something in the night."

How could she know that that had become my sole porpose in life? To serve her. I blushed again and tossed my things on the floor.

She crawled into bed and turned the light off. There was silence as I arranged myself at her feet.

"Does everyone just call you 'Little Guy' or do you have a name?" she giggled.

"Robert!" I croaked. "My name is Robert."

"Well Robbie, I have to be at work by ten am." "Wake me with a back rub."

"Yes ma'am." I lay awake listening to her steady breathing as she slept.

"I still don't know her name" I sighed and drifted off, content that my godess was in my bed even if I wasn't.


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I heard Matt and Jeremy stirring about at seven am. They both looked a little rough and considering that they had to be at practice in an hour Matt was in a sour mood.

"What is that Ho still here for?" indicating Penny arelax on the couch. "Where is the other one?"

"My room" I said.

"Sloppy seconds?" he asked.

I blushed and he and Jeremy laughed.

On the one hand I didn't want him to get the wrong idea and on the other I kinda wanted them to think that I really had been with her. They had given me a lot of ribbing about being a virgin. Women were easy for them.

"I don't care if you do both of them. Just make sure to get them out before we get back from practice." Matt said.

"I don't think you'll get anywhere with her" Jeremy said indicating Penny with a leer. "You know what they say, Once a white girls has had a brutha, they never go back!" He was grabbing his crotch and laughing as they left.

I thought they would never leave. I got busy cooking pancakes and pouring oj. Then with breakfast in the warming oven I raced to draw a bath and layed out clean towels. When all was ready I quietly approached my relaxing princess. She was cuddled up with a pillow mostly on her stomach. My hands tremred as I gently started to carress he back. I heard her moan and pull the covers off to allow me access. She rolled completely onto her stomach and drew the pillow up under her face. This pulled her/my tee-shirt up exposing her nice round buttocks. I continued to rub her back and when she opened her eyes she caught me stareing at her ass. I blushed.

She stretched and smiled, "That's cute, the way you blush" "Do you like my ass?"


"It gets sore from dancing" "Would you massage it for me?" she seemed to purr.

My hands tremred as I slowly moved down to her buttocks. I gently rubbed them. I was afraid I would cum in my pants.

"Harder!" she said, "get the kinks out."

I started to knead them.

"Mmmm, thats better." "What else do you do?"

"I have a bath drawn and I made breakfast!" I gushed.

"Thats nice, but I'm sore in other places too." "Would you like to help me there also?" Her eyes twinkled.


She slowly rolled over.

"Your boyfriend is hung like a horse!" She said. I almost didn't hear her I was stareing at the wisp of blond pubic hair that hung just above her labia like the clouds in heaven.

"I'm really sore down there" she breathed.

I looked at her but didn't understand.

"Do you want me to rub it?"

She laughed. "No, I have something else in mind."

When I still didn't get it she said

"I want you to use your tongue!" "I want you to lick it!"

Spreading her legs she guided me gently into position.

"Haven't you ever licked a girls pussy before?" she asked. I shook my head no. Grasping me by my ears she brought my face down to her sex.

"Just stick your tongue out and lick like it was an ice cream cone" she cooed.

I did as she told me. As gently as I could I started to lick.

"Ahhh, thats it." "Mmmm, you're a natural!"

I didn't really know what I was doing but with her guiding my movments and coaching me, "Harder", "There, right there!" and "Lower, get in there deep!" I must have done ok. Eventually she had her knees drawn up to her chest and when she pushed my face lower I just seemed to know what she wanted. I stiffened my tongue and plunged it as far as I could up her little brown ring.

She screamed out her orgasm. I was shocked as she came on my face, pulling me back to her sweet pussy by my ears. I licked for all I was worth until she pushed me away.

She lowered her legs and mewwed like a kitten. My face was covered in her necter.

"That looks like fun!"

I spun around to find Penny standing in the doorway.

"Is he as good as I am?" she asked and got on the bed next to my goddess.

Goddess drew her to her and gave here a deep french kiss. I was instantly jealous.

"No, he's not as good as you are but he may be someday!" "This was his first time."

"With a girl maybe" Penny said coolly. I blushed crimmister, how could she know?


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Penny and I looked at each other. She was clearly more than just a co-worker. At that moment we became rivals. I dropped my gaze first. When I glanced up she looked at me smugly then leaned in for another kiss.

"Send the little fag away and I'll show you how to eat pussy!" she moaned.

"He's nice and I like him" Goddess said softly, "Besides I have to get going, I have to be at the boutique by ten."

I smiled at Penny in triumph. My heart sank when Goddess grabbed Penny by the hand and giggled, "You can wash my back though."

Penny snickered at me and flounced into the bath room behind Goddess.

They weren't gone long, then a bite or two of breakfast and we were out the door. They steered me to a trendy boutique near campus and jumped out. Goddess stuck her head in my window and kissed me quickly.

As she turned away I shouted "Wait, will I see you again?"

"I'm at the club five nights a week" she said. "Maybe your boyfriend can bring you!" and laughed.

I blushed deeply. "Wait! I don't even know your name!"

"Candie!" she yelled over her shoulder as she ran into the store. "They call me Candie!"

Penny was still on the side walk scowling at me as I drove away.


Posts: 4050
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I love this story, it is original and very hot. I cannot wait to see where you take it.

Thank you for writing it.



Posts: 152
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Nicely done TC, I second GH!


Posts: 1914
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Make that 3. Well done TC.


Posts: 199 Pictures: 3 
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I realy like this as well


Posts: 106
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Thanks everyone. I will try to write more later, holidays and all.


Posts: 3550
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Great stuff, looking forward to reading more


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more... please.
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Stripper Wife Cuckold
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