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Best TRUE / REAL stories - thread to share them! #2

Rating: 6


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#1 · Edited by: cuckaliciousr
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Well, my original thread got hosed, so let me try this again...

I happen to LOVE the REAL stories people post here, especially ones that are "just on the brink" of starting the process and you're not really sure whether it's going to happen, but it DOES. Mmmm. Hope for us wannabe cucks.

Anyway, I've found it hard to filter through the "fluff" even on the "Best Topics" link because there's (understandably) so many picture threads. But what really gets me off are the REAL stories. Some stories you can tell are just made up and that's not nearly as thrilling for me (and I suspect others as well).

So, with that said, I'm wondering if other members who share this interest, wouldn't mind helping me create a "Best REAL stories" thread where we post links to some of the best real stories we've found here at CuckoldPlace (or elsewhere). Now, I'm sure some writers are good enough to pull off making something look real when it's not, but that's okay by me! Just like when my wife (very realistically) fakes her moans and growns... gets me off every time as I imagine her with a girthy bull!

So here's the few that I've found so far, and I'm hoping others have some great REAL (or seemingly real) stories to share:
Story by nooo (great name!) entitled "Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....". Starts w/wife text messaging younger guy at work and escalates.
Story by sb64 entitled "Is she cheating on me? Its official I am a cuckold". Starts by him asking everyone advice as to whether his wife is cheating... escalates further than you can imagine.

And probably my favorite as it's a woman's story, and a very intelligent woman at that:
Story by ValGal entitled "Loosing interest in hubby". Is one of the most articulate stories told, and has some really great feedback/advice. The topic of "+sex/-sex" types of cuckolding is discussed.

And another good (still short) one from both perspectives:
Story by derekbond21 entitled "True Story - Birthday Present in Progress". Has "in action" pics and even videos if you ask nicely. Wife even gets on and shares her perspective.

As you can see, I've just started to scratch the surface... I know there's got to be a treasure trove of good true / real stories out there. (even if on other sites)

Here are the links other have shared (prior to my first thread getting hosed):
Story by cumhubby entitled "My Wife/His Slut". Wife takes "Joe" who loves having his ass eaten. Also has "in action" pics.
Story by Utter_Rotter entitled "Real People - a long story and pics"
Story by lips6698 entitled "WE DID IT!!!!" Starts just after their first experience and escalates... has great pics of his beautiful wife and even some vids! She even gets on an makes a few posts herself.

From summerjester:
Story by tomichigan entitled "Cucked in parking lot" about their car breaking down and black guys "helping out".
continued by tomichigan entitled "True: cucked for second time" at a house where he also got some.
by Jennifer Allen entitled "How I got started". Another great one from a woman's perspective. Starts very innocently experimenting and then they go on a cruise where she meets an older man who she likes a lot...
by slippy02 entitled "Anyone have similar beginnigs, how did it turn out/continue?"

From Linace:

From goodtimes618:
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

Thanks to all of you for sharing!

Some rules I'd like to see followed for this thread:

1. This thread is ONLY for links to other longer stories. It is not meant for new stories themselves, or reposting stories to it.

2. Please only send links for stories that ARE or SEEM to be very real experiences (things that actually HAPPENED to them, rather than things they've made up) for the author/s.

Thanks for sharing!

Wannabe - see my captions at


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Sorry to say this, but the majority of readers here show no real interest in genuine stories, they want to revel in the formulaic fantasy. One pimple, one broken finger nail and Hollywood brain breaks down. It is a pity but like elsewhere their intellect has been mediatised. Good luck anyway.


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Quoting: Thug
Sorry to say this, but the majority of readers here show no real interest in genuine stories, they want to revel in the formulaic fantasy. One pimple, one broken finger nail and Hollywood brain breaks down. It is a pity but like elsewhere their intellect has been mediatised. Good luck anyway.

not true . most appreciate true stories but they are hard to find. Mianly because people love to fantasise about their wives with other men but are too afraid to do it. Formulating a made up story on these forums is a way of living out their fantasies without risk.

I think if you asked people 9/10 would prefer reading real stories.
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Thankyou cuckaliciousr, you have found some threads I somehow missed.
REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoy nooo's posts. Can't wait till his next installment.

Unfortunately I must agree with Thug. The majority of the presentations on this and other forums are either wild imaginings, exaggerations or simply not my taste.

Enjoy hotwifing and I am surely a mild cuckold. But the extreme stuff turns me off. A real wife, dabbling in extramarital sex with her hubby's support is enough to get me off.

Since I am a male, I tend to prefer the hubby's perspective. But I love hearing a wifey describing her desires and adventures in her own words. Ladies - merely your voices can curl this dude's toes!

Hope some more "real lifers" decide to share their stories. Even the seemiingly mundane details of hotwifery are steamy to those of us now exiled to the vanilla world.


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This is a civilized discussion, which tells me a great deal. However, I base my premise that fantasy fiction is more popular among the cuckold community on a couple of observations. Look at some very obvious true accounts (no one writes scripts for actual encounters) and their follow ups. A well written account of some encounter will have no comments, yet a "Mills & Boon" formulaic story (on a themse that has been repeated and repeated here, with little variation) will have sometimes 20 bouquets in a few days. True they are half sentences and the vocabulary is limited, but if that is what members want then let em have it.


Posts: 303
#6 · Edited by: cwcobblestone
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I guess it depends what you're looking for. Permisterally, I like the fantasy stories; if I want real life, I'll watch Oprah!

Just kidding. I'm honestly not to trying disparage real-life stories, or those who post them. In fact, I posted a living diary of my day-to-day real experiences back in 2000-04, when my wife had lovers and I served them as a submissive cuck. (If there's interest, I can post a few of those entries here).

Those posts got lots of great feedback from members of my old Yahoo group, and generated some interesting conversation. So I can certainly see where lots of people enjoy the real-life stuff.

But to be 100 percent honest, when I come to a website like cuckoldplace, it's because I want good jerk-off material! Hope that doesn't sound crude, but it's the truth.


Posts: 340
#7 · Edited by: cuckaliciousr
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Quoting: Thug
Sorry to say this, but the majority of readers here show no real interest in genuine stories, they want to revel in the formulaic fantasy. One pimple, one broken finger nail and Hollywood brain breaks down. It is a pity but like elsewhere their intellect has been mediatised. Good luck anyway.

I don't disagree with you in the slightest... it's exactly why I started this thread... so that those of us who really love the genuine stuff can cut through the heaps of made up stuff and get right to what we want.

And I like a good made up story as well, but for me (and others out there as well) there is NOTHING like hearing about a real couple engaged in what I can't have... yet (I can always hope!). There's a real sense of anguish, danger and loss in these stories that (for me, anyway) simply can't be matched by fiction. Knowing it's a made up story makes it lose all its tension. Knowing it's *really* happening to an actual couple out there in the world? Priceless.

Quoting: Thug
This is a civilized discussion, which tells me a great deal.

Yes, I really hope to keep this thread very civilized. Thank you for helping us keep it that way.
Wannabe - see my captions at


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Quoting: cwcobblestone
In fact, I posted a living diary of my day-to-day real experiences back in 2000-04, when my wife had lovers and I served them as a submissive cuck. (If there's interest, I can post a few of those entries here).

Those posts got lots of great feedback from members of my old Yahoo group, and generated some interesting conversation. So I can certainly see where lots of people enjoy the real-life stuff.

cwcobblestone - that would be great if you could post your story! If you do, please do it in a different thread and give us the link here in this thread. I already had this thread grow too big once (and not be as useful as an "index" of links) from which point I had to start this thread over.

Yes, I've seen quite a bit of feedback in the real stories (and have started to contribute some myself) like you got with yours. I love asking questions of the cucks/wives to find out how they're thinking/feeling.

Thanks for sharing!
Wannabe - see my captions at


Posts: 1374
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This is a great collection that has been assemred. I wish I had more real stories to contribute myself but they are somewhat tame compared to some here. I think I misunderstood the essence of thug's post - sorry.

I agree certainly that most of what you read here is fantasy even those that seem real in the beginning get a little too far fetched sometimes.
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Interesting thread thanks for creating it cuckaliciousr.


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The simple point I am trying to make is that fiction is embelished or edited: it is in all respects a property. In the real world men and women are not all fashion models or Hollywood actors, there are some sexy women who don't fit the sterotype and this in an aged when media controls our desires. An attractive mature woman who is a little plump (svelt?) is as attractive to me as some very skinny woman with small tits - if they have the X factor. I don't object to anyone enjoying fantasy fiction, like science fiction it is a genre. I read a lot of literary fiction, but the accounts which appeal to me here at cuckoldplace generally are those with a ring of truth. I would hope there is room for reality and fantasy here.


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Just to reiterate my thought:

Hope more "real lifers" can put their experience into words and share their stories.
Even the seemiingly mundane details of hotwifery can very erotic.


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ooh, found this one today... short, but very nice:
Wannabe - see my captions at


Posts: 21
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I agree nothing like a thick creampie for a hot wife....i remember my first I am sure everyone does!


Posts: 1914
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Oh dear ...


Posts: 340
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Sigh... people just don't read.
Wannabe - see my captions at


Posts: 340
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Fantastic perspective from Lady Blue:
Wannabe - see my captions at


Posts: 1374
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Quoting: cuckaliciousr
Sigh... people just don't read. flow going in the wrong direction I guess.
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I found this to be a very good true story



Posts: 114
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Love the real stories too. On Indy's west side


Posts: 340
#21 · Edited by: cuckaliciousr
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Nice one Linace! At first I was thrown by his lack of English s*******s, but as I kept reading, he's quite able to express himself.

And his situation is amazing... wife who will take anal??? And simply from the first request her powerful bull made? she started immediately prepping for it? man, to be so lucky...
Wannabe - see my captions at


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I don't care if they are true or fantasy... I don't care for the ones where she humilates him... tease yes nut not to far... more into the hot wife thing or cheating wife and hub knows... problems with a lot of stories here... and elsewhere also.... waiting for the next part... Damn I hate that!especially if it is a week in coming.... I think I have 2 or 3 saved from this board alone waiting for next part..... still waiting..... hell one jerk on this board started a story about his black neighbor kid and his wife....good start and then even said he wasn't going to finish... why start?... anyway my 2 cents...... I always check gere right after I post


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I redy loved this one....mind you it helped a lot that it was my wife;


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Here is one from literotica

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Best TRUE / REAL stories - thread to share them! #2
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