Posts: 110
I am just over the moon because Beth has finally taken a lover after years of me trying to get her to do it. I have jerked off about 6 times in the last 2 days and had sex with Beth twice. I am going to write this blog to give you all a blow-by-blow of what happens. I will post some pictures of Beth but have to hide her face because this is TOTALLY TRUE !!
It started about 6 months ago when Beth joined a rowing team. For the first time in many years she was out with men after their pratices for beers. About 10 days ago Beth didn't come home until 1:00 am and when I asked how she got home she said that Brian drove her. This was no big deal and I said nothing. Now, Beth knows all about my fantasy of her relaxing with another man - I have tried on many occasions to get her to do it but it never really happened. So, yesterday morning we were lying in bed and I was getting a hand job from Beth - so I started talking about my fantasies of her getting with Brian when he drove her home. I asked her if anything had happened - she said no but they were just great friends but if she were to ever do anything it would be with a guy like Brian... she felt me get super hard and cum in her hand when she said this. So she knows completely what I think.
Well, last night we went out to dinner and go home about 10:30... we are in the kitchen hugging when she says to me (her exact words)... "I have been thinking about the little fantasy of yours and I'd like to give it a try" I am, of course, very keen and so she texts Brian and they arrange to meet at a bar at 11:00 pm. She changes and off she goes... wow, I am shaking with excitement and jerk off 3 times, and eventually fall arelax. At about 3:00 am I am woken up by Beth in the bathroom so I get up ... she looks at me relaxily and I ask what happened and she says "I was bad"... I almost faint, butterflys in my stomach and everything... she knew exactly what I wanted so we had sex (no sloppy seconds as he used a condom, damn!). Then we fall arelax. This morning we had sex again while we talked more about what happened... both of us had great orgasm and I found she loves to be called "promiscuous"... she came hard when I said it.
Today has been interesting. We talked about parameters. She really likes this guy (first time I have ever heard her say that). She wants to keep it somewhat private (from me) but we agreed she would tell me when they meet. She doesn't necessarily want to tell me in advance but promised to tell me afterwards. Frankly, I'll agree to anything to keep it going. I know that all day she has been texting and emailing him (but has been hiding it from me) - I think they are totally infatuated with each other at this point. I don't know when the next meet is but this is totally exciting. Pictures of Beth below. All this is totally true and the pictures real and recent. For all you fellow cucks and cuck wannabe's I know it is important to know that this is a totally true story.
Let me know if you have any advice or feedback. This is a first for me and would like to make sure I react properly to the situation.
Posts: 750
Awesome dude. I would make sure it wasnt kept private from you, though. This should be about her excitement and her pleasure, but you still to nurture your marriage. Make sure you are getting what you need out of it as well and keep the communication going. You should know most of the things they are doing and you should know that he is treating her well and with respect. Just my $0.02.
Posts: 110
Sorry. Got caught posting this and had to agree to shut it down.
Posts: 340
What?? NO!!! Please keep sharing! It's so rare to get a good true/real story. Wannabe - see my captions at
Posts: 381
great stor! Pity she won't let you post pictures. Is it ok to tell more, as she still remains anonymous?
FUnny, my woman is also on a rowing team, but no such luck so far! She HAS had sex with two other guys, and told me all about this. She actually loves the idea of being a cuckolding wife. THe only real barrier is real life-- little time with 2 kids and work, etc.
She teases me about it all the time, though, which is nice.
Would love to hear more! You can also send me a private message if you want to chat more.
Posts: 126
Can imagine that she doesn't want the news out in the open right away. Never mind, just enjoy those butterflies in your belly! I know exactly what you feel.
A bit rough, thousands of questions racing through head, proud... You're proud of her and the two of you, amazed... My God, she really did it!! Did she? Did she really? You weren't there, maybe she is pulling a trick? Then, no, you know her. You sense it right away when it's not a game, but true.
You want her now more than ever. You can't stop wanting to fuck her, reclaim her as your own... Then again, you want her to do it again... Will she? What did she answer when you asked? Was he better? Bigger cock? Did she come?
It's like falling in love all over again.
I remember that when my ex girlfriend called me, and broke the news, my knees started to tremble uncontrollably. My dick tingled and got wet from precum which was a bit awkward because I was standing in front of a reception desk in a hotel lobby. She called to check if I was still okay with it all. All I could utter was "Oh sweetheart, that's great!"
Take good care of your love ya? Enjoy the ride!!
Posts: 98
Was the sex better? Was his dick bigger? Just curious.