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a request - mother-in-law stories

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Can anyone out there direct me to some stories based upon being "cuck sat" by the lady in law whilst the wife is out cuckolding? Any suggestions would be welcomed particularly those featuring offense and/or sissification.


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Haven't got any stories but I would love that to happen to me. u got a pic of ur lady-in-law for us to see.


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no. but I posted a thread a while ago in captions forum where there were quite a few pics dealing with the sort of scenario I'm looking for


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more ! More1 This tale is sooooooo wonderful, I wsih my cocket was pushed up inside like yours, & such a exy bitch MIL.


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Loved the story. Wouldn’t it have been great if each night the sissy was powerd to relax in the same bed as his lady-in-law. Him dressed in a baby doll complete with stockings and suspenders. His mom in law clad in a see through nighty. Her huge breasts and hairy pussy clearly visible for him to see. The sissy laying there all night long feeling frustrated out of his mind knowing this sex goddess was just inches away, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it.


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Not a lady-in-law story, but one involving a lady. I guess you could imagine a lady-in-law in her place


Copyright c 1998 By C.D.E. ALL Rights Reserved

This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit. This story may be freely distributed for permisteral use with this notice attached.

All Characters And Events Depicted In This Story Are Purely Fictional. There Is No Intention In Any Manner, To Represent Or Mimic, Any Real World Situations Or Permisters.


BY: C.D.E.

CHAPTER 1: Bad News & an Idea

It all began when the doctor revealed that I was the problem why my wife wasn't getting pregnant. "You don't have enough sperm and what little there is just too weak" the doctor said in a professional tone as my wife and I heard the disastrous news. He then discussed the various options available to us, but were all expensive, with much of the costs not being covered by my health insurance. "Betty is devastated at the news, but she says she still loves me, and doesn't blame me. We only have to wait a year or two until we can get the money to use an alternative fertilization method." I told my lady after discussing the situation with her. As we talked some more, she came up with an idea that she said wouldn't cost us anything and that the youngren would all look like the rest of the family. She quickly caught my attention because I was worried about the young only having my wife's physical features and not mine if some stranger's semen was used. "I know you and he don't get along well, but why not let your brother have sex with Betty and impregnate her that way." I was speechless upon hearing lady's thoughts. "Y-You c-can't be serious. Y-You know how I despise him. T-The way he use to treat me in high school. T-The things he use to say about me. Plus, h-he was always your favorite anyway. "That m-must be why y-you're suggesting that. H-He's ..." "I know, I know, ... I've heard it all before. But that was long ago. Grow up Francis! You're the brainy one, the college professor. Isn't what I'm suggesting logical? Think about it." As I collected my thoughts, I had to admit lady was right. Her idea was a perfect solution except for the fact that I hated my older brother Nick. He was so much the lady's man and so athletic and confident of himself. At the same time he was also egotistical and always downed me because I was not as good as he was with the women. He was always telling me how effeminate I was and berated me for not liking sports and in his words "other manly stuff". `Mother you're right I am getting upset over nothing, for I'm sure Betty would never go along with having intercourse with Rich. She's just too much a lady to even entertain such an extreme idea. But the idea of Rich giving us a donation of his semen when we can afford alternative fertilization, that part she and I both can accept.' After dinner that evening, I casually told my wife Betty of lady's ridiculous idea but said that the idea of Nick being a sperm donor was probably a good one. Expecting her to agree with me totally, as she typically did, I was surprised of her questioning why I couldn't let bygones be bygones and agree to Nick impregnating her directly. "After all he is family and we wouldn't have to wait any longer to start a family. You know how bad I want to be a lady." I couldn't help raising my voice at the woman of my dreams, for my hatred for my brother was that deep. I raised the same objections as I did with lady. Seeing I was making my self upset, I calmed down and apologized to her on my knees. I could see I'd made her quite upset. "I understand darling. After all, you two are quite different. He's more of a playboy and you're a steady rock solid type of guy that is devoted to his wife and family. That's why I love you so dear. I don't want to make you angry again, but I want you to think about this, don't you think something like this might bring you two closer together?" `Highly unlikely' I politely replied to her.


After my wife and I had our discussion about lady's idea, things seemed to change around the house in very subtle ways. For one thing, she and my sister and lady began to spend more time together. I though nothing about it and even encouraged it, because I was away from home much more often than before due to an opportunity to pick up some more money by teaching night classes, in addition to my regular day workload. Betty seemed glad. I assumed it was because we could save up more money for getting her pregnant. My wife, while still very loving, wanted me to abstain from sex and have another test done to see if my sperm count would improve. "Honey, I've gone through this twice before. I don't think it's going to do any ." "You never know darling. Please do it for me." She cooed sweetly. I agreed. I didn't want her to think badly of me. Plus I loved her so much. She knew I hated to abstain for 6 weeks, but if that's what it took to please her, she knew I'd do so. After the first week, due to my abstinence, the extra work, and all the pretty coeds in my evening classes, I'd often be quite horny when I came home. I wanted to make love to my beautiful petite wife so badly, but knew I couldn't. When I went through the test before, it was I who initiated the idea of me giving her head since I couldn't do intercourse. However, recently, to my surprise, it was her who urged me to be her "pussy sucker". She often didn't use words like that except on special occasions, like on our anniversary night or a special night out on the town. She was not given to using risqu‚ or vulgar language. She really seem to get a much more rousing orgasm from my tongue than before when I did her with my mouth. I also mentioned to her that she seemed to be more juicy than when I tongued her before. The last time I mentioned it to her she just said "It's just your imagination dear". She also told me "Thanks for a good sucking" she said pecking me lightly on the lips. "Now go to relax and don't play with yourself. Cause if you come, you'll have to start all over again just like you did last week when you came in your relax. You lost two weeks of saved up cum." `I'll try dear'. I replied as I laid there with a throbbing hard on and the taste of her in my mouth. She was sound arelax in less than five minutes. As I laid away for at least three hours tossing and turning with and aching prick, I couldn't get it out of my mine that somehow her cunt seem to taste very slightly different. It seemed to have a more full bodied taste than before. I finally pushed the thought from my mind as I finally slipped off to relax after what seemed an eternity of watching her beautiful figure lying next to me. She was so near, yet so far away. It was a Wednesday night and a transformer went out causing the building where I taught to lose power. Class was excused three hours early. Thank goodness for small favors I thought as I drove home. Not having been by to see mom in a while, I decided to surprise her and stop by a while before going home and surprising Betty too, by coming home at a decent hour. As I turned the corner to mom's house. I noticed my wife's car in the driveway along with my sister's, as well as another car with out of state tags. I just thought lady must have a visitor, so thought nothing of it as I ranged the doorbell, but remembered she hadn't got it repaired yet. I used the spare key she'd given me for emergencies. When I walked in, I was about to announce myself when I heard loud moaning sounds and the creaking of the floor coming from the upstairs bedroom. At that exact moment, both my lady and sister emerged from the kitchen in the back of the house, where they were watching TV, as it was turned up much louder than usual. "W-What is that noise? And where is Betty? I asked puzzled by the look on their faces as well as the odd state of affairs in the house. I impulsively started up the stairs, as lady and my sister grabbed both my arms. They tried to stopped me. "Francis dear, don't, you'll be sorry. Go on home and we'll talk about it later. It's the best thing, trust me." Mother said in a concerned tone. "Yes Francis, it's best if you do as mom tells you." My sister added. I protested and accused them of hiding something. This went of for a few moments before each of them let me go, when it was obvious I was determined to see what they didn't want me to see. "If he wants to satisfy his curiosity, who are we to stop him lady" my sister replied with a rather unusual but malicious smile on her face. Mother agreed and let me go. However, she too had a smirk of a smile on her face too as I rushed up the stairs. And flung open the ajar door. What I saw before cause me to drop to the floor in a dead faint.

CHAPTER 3: Family Reunion

"Francis! Francis! Come on Francis honey! Wake up!" As I opened my eyes, it was my wife's lovely, but panic stricken face. "Whew! Thank goodness, you had us all worried there for a minute." She said with a sigh of relief. The others present also echoed her sentiments. As I gained control of my senses I saw my lady, sister, my brother Nick, and of course my wife. My wife and Nick were still nude. Nick walked over to pick up a robe after helping me to a chair. It was more like he picked me up and put me in the chair with one hand. Even in my groggy state his powerful muscles were very distinct. My wife hugged me and realized she too was still nude. She blushed and then walked over and grabbed her robe also. As she did, I couldn't help but notice the obvious wetness that ran down between her thighs. She and my brother sat on the bed facing me as I slumped in the big old chair. It was obvious what was going on. There was a conspiracy between my lady, sister, wife and brother Nick. I was so angry as they all looked at me. I could see they were concerned, but at the same time, the look in their eyes were like burning stares that gave me the impression they were also laughing at me. I was livid. I was so angry, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I just couldn't give my brother the satisfaction of seeing me do that. However, after a brief bit of confession by the group of what they had done, even though for a good cause, to help make me a man, I was still angry and on the verge of tears. I asked everyone to leave the bedroom except my wife. "Just be quiet, Let me talk Francis honey. I know you're upset. I can't change what you saw or how you found out. But I'm going to tell you this. You have to understand that if I went to this extreme, you must know how much I want us to have a baby. Our baby. I know you have some disagreements with your brother. But you have to understand that I must love you enough to do this. Any way, I believe you'll find your brother is more mature than he was the last time we saw him. He and I have been sexing it up for the last three weeks and I've got to know him better. Besides being a super lover, he has some nice qualities. I want you to give it a chance darling." I tried to reply but couldn't. I was tongue tied at hearing my wife talk so matter-of-factly. "I want you to go on home. Dinner is in the fridge. Just pop it in the microwave. I want to sex your brother some more. I was on my second orgasm when you walked him and I want to get some more cum out of his big thing. I've been looking forward to this all day. I hope you can realize what it's like for me to be a woman in heat, especially with a stud around like Nick." "Y-You g-got off . off twice?" I asked feebly. "Yes! Actually, he gets me off four or five times every time we do it. He has so much more staying power than ., er what I mean." `You don't have to say it. I-I know what y-you mean Betty.' I cut her off as she spoke. I didn't know what hurt me the most, what she said or the beaming smile on her face. "Don't worry dear, I'll be home later. Try not to think about the negative side of this. Only the bright side - us having our own young." She said as she held the door for me. I was annoyed by her action to rush me out of the room and her anxiety to get nick back into her. But what could I do except leave. "Nick darling, come help Francis down the stairs." She yelled. It sounded like I was a feeble old man. Which I felt like at the moment. "Remember I love you darling." She said kissing me on the cheek as she stood there. Even though helpful, I could sense that my brother was smug and comfortable with his role of having the upper hand on me in the worst way. Here I had fainted as he was sexing my wife in a way I could only dream about. She confirmed it to me and now he was helping me out of the room that he would soon be going back into so he could enjoy her some more. "We'll talk some more Fran when you're feeling more up to it, but now I've got to go finish something." The unrestrained bulge in his robe showed that he was still erect despite all that had happened.. As he walked back up the stairs, he adjusted his stiff cock as best he could. When he reached my wife at the top of the stairs their arms hooked around each other as they walked back in the room and slammed the door shut. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see both lady and my sister smiling at the situation. I mentally sighed and asked myself when will he stop being the cause of offense for me. I sensed my sister, who was very dominant anyway, enjoyed seeing me in my plight. I wasn't sure about lady. After all, she was letting all this go on in her house, albeit, she reamistered that she too had a stake in Betty having Nick's baby. That is, she didn't want to wait any longer for grand kids. My sister also claims that she too wanted a cute nephew or niece since she didn't plan on having kids. My family justified their aiding Betty in her adultery since, my no vote was only one out of four. Mother tried to console me by hugging me as we again went over their concerns and my feelings of being betrayed by my own family. When the familiar noise from upstairs became audible in the room where we were sitting, it was more than I could handle. I rushed to ward the door with tears running from the corners of my eyes. I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but both my mom and sis caught a glimpse of me crying as I made it toward the door on the way to my car. "Baby, go home and jerk off, it'll make you feel better." Shouted mom as I exited the room." I'd found out from her that the test I was saving up for was just a ruse to keep my "inferior jism from mixing with Nick superior sperm". Before the door slammed behind me, I barely heard my sister and lady's last statements. "It's a wonder Betty hadn't left him for a real man before now. He's a cry baby and a milquetoast. Imagine, he fainted instead of wanting to fight." Said my sister. "Don't be hard on your brother, he's not as strong as you and Nick. He and Betty love each other in a way that's true love . and true loves wins over physical love every time." I heard Mother say as I fumred for my car keys as I stood by the front door.


When I got out of the shower, I smelled food and heard movement in the kitchen. I knew Betty was home. She apparently had stayed out all night as it was 8 AM and I had to be at a class in an hour. "Morning darling, I came over to fix your favorite breakfast. Sorry I didn't make it back last night. Since you knew what was going on, and er, . and besides I thought you might need some time to yourself to let things sink in." I replied politely, but coolly. It was definitely not with the warmth and radiance she was beaming. She sat opposite me as she enjoyed her coffee. I couldn't meet her eyes. She looked so beautiful. I cringed because I knew the countenance she wore was there because of another man, obviously a better man - my worldly brother. "Did you masturbate last night honey? I was hoping you did. After all, it was sort of cruel to have you abstain, but there was no other way not to hide from you what was going on. You do understand what we saying last night about not running the risk of your weaker stuff being mixed with Nick's?" Irritated, but feeling so ashamed at the turn of events, I sat silent after mumbling very cryptic answers to my talkative wife. I wondered did she really know how bad she was making me feel? Or did she care? "Good, cause now, at least I can pull you off and help you relax better. I still want to confirm I'm pregnant before I let you have some. You do understand don't you dear?" Again I mumred a muted `Yes' as I held the newspaper to my face trying as best I could to ignore her, and hide my shamed red face. "Honey, I really understand how this is all bothering you. But you know what they say about the best laid plan of mice and men. Well, any way, maybe it's better this way. Because if you thought it was your semen that made me pregnant, you would've considered the doctors a lie. This way you know the truth even though it's a bit painful to your pride. But I'm hopeful you and your brother mend the rift between you." That was the most stressful meal I ever sat through. I started to not touch her, but when she opened her arms to me, I melted in them and replied in kind when she told me she still loved me. It felt good to be in them after last night. I went to work in a better mood than I envisioned I would when I awoke.

CHAPTER 5: One Plus Two Equals Five

Two weeks after that fateful night I fainted, my wife was notified by the doctor that she indeed was pregnant. My family had brought him in on their conspiracy, so therefore he was not surprised at the turn of events. "You are a lucky man Francis to have a wife so understanding and a brother who could help you out in the in the bedroom." Again, I wondered if the doctor, liked members of my family, knew how certain words could only come out sounding humiliating. I meekly smiled. What else could I do. I was hoping that little inadvertent quips, quotes and phrases that didn't help my mental posture would be few and far between, but when I presume no more barbs were coming to ridicule my manhood, or lack of thereof, more would come. "Ah. Here is a preliminary misterogram test. Well I be damn, you've got twins in the oven." The doctor said in a very unprofessional tone. "That brother of your really knocked her upright". He roared. After spending some more time telling us about what Betty could and could not do as she got bigger, he dumped a bit more offense my way. "Speaking of bigger, your brother must be much larger than you Francis." "He is, much larger. Why do you ask?" My wife interjected. Did she know she was again trampling over my manhood too? "I could tell by how much you've been stretched.. I bet you had fun getting pregnant." The Doctor said chuckling as he showed us out of his office. My wife just smiled and winked at him. My face was red. I was flush with shame. "Now Fran honey, he didn't mean any harm". She said as we walked back to the car. She was calling me Fran just like my brother. I corrected her. She apologized. I felt better that she did. As we drove home, I let her know I was glad this phase was over and that Nick could go back where he came from. There was a long silence from her. Then she spoke. "Dear, I want Nick to stay, after all, he's a part of this too, even though you'll be the legal man of our youngren." We had a long, almost heated discussion all the way home about my brother. Not only did she want him to stay, she wanted him to stay right where he's been for the last three weeks, in the guest bedroom next to ours. She told me that we would pick up the discussion later. She quickly ran into the house and right into his arms. She told him the news and they both reacted as if they were the happy couple instead of Betty and I. They French kissed each other. I could tell it was a very wet juicy one. It dawned on me then and there that they were in love. The though sent a deep cold chill down my spine. I silently went into my study and did some serious thinking about my options and how to reclai
CC Sissy


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It is allowable (indeed, preferable) to have more than one paragraph per


Posts: 373
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The following is a list of my top 10 ultimate fantasies involving my lady-in-law.

1 wife dumps me for well hung black man, I become my lady-in-laws pussy slave.
2 I’m feminized by my M-I-L and become her permisteral male maid.
3 I powerd to wear a cock-cage 24/7 with my M-I-L as the only key holder.
4 Sleeping in her bed every night dressed in a baby doll and stockings, listening to my wife being black fucked in the next room.
5 Whist watching TV in the evening spending hours between my M-I-L thighs paying homage to her cunt, as my wife and her black lover kiss on the sofa.
6 Being dressed as my wife’s bridesmaid by her mum, on the morning of my wife’s wedding to her black stud.
7 Sending much of the reception between my M-I-L thighs.
8 Being taken by a strap on by my M-I-L as ex wife consummates her marriage in next room.
9 Being powerd to lick out my own lady/sister/aunt, as my M-I-L looks on.
10 Having a full sex change, being powerd to become my M-I-L lesbian wife.


Posts: 32
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This is a great fantasy of mine, too. My sister is married to an old boyfriend of my wife named Roger and that fuels a lot of my cuck fantasies since, being a guy myself I'm sure he often smugly thinks to himself how he's had both my wife and my sister at various times in his life (I would LOVE it if he was cucking me but no such luck) and it always makes me feel a little subordinate or beneath him in the pecking order when we all get together. He also makes out like a bandit lady-in-law wise since my lady adores him but my MIL is one of those who treats me like I can't do anything right. At least once she has implied she wishes my wife had married Roger instead of me.

One of my fantasies would be my MIL using me to fix a few things at her house to distract me while Roger has trysts with my wife. Eventually I would find out and try to confront them all but my MIL would browbeat me into presentation and make me start taking her on shopping sprees, buying her whatever she wants while Roger has threesomes with my wife and sister.


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OMG thats hot. Perhaps ut with your mum-in-law buying some sexy lingerie for all 3 women, whist he’s at home fucking your wife.


Posts: 32
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I agree! That would be incredibly hot! Next I could try complaining to my lady about it but naturally she'd side with my MIL and lucky Roger would get to have both of those women ,too, taunting me about his "harem".


Posts: 373
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Roger fucking your wife, sister and lady would be the ultimate offense. Perhaps you could all move in the same house together. Roger, your wife and sister in one bed. You, your mum, and mum-in-law in another bed in the next room.

You and the two older women laying there listening to rodger fuck the both younger women with his big cock. Eventually your mum and mm-in-law would be driven wild by these lustful noises and demand that you pay homage to their hairy pussies. So would become your now life pussy slave to your lady-in-law and your own lady, as roger impregnates your wife and sister.


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Then we could place Roger with wife, sister AND Mom, while he remains in the other bed at MIL disposal ;)


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Her lady-in-law pussy would be well soothed by first light.


Posts: 32
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Yeah, the bit about me being the oral slave to my lady and MIL adds just the right touch. Especially of they both yell out Roger's name while climaxing, making it impossible for me to get away from him even when I'm eating pussy. The ladies getting oral service from me would STILL prefer it be Roger. LOL


Posts: 32
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Yeah, the bit about me being the oral slave to my lady and MIL adds just the right touch. Especially of they both yell out Roger's name while climaxing, making it impossible for me to get away from him even when I'm eating pussy. The ladies getting oral service from me would STILL prefer it be Roger. LOL


Posts: 32
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Terrific stories!


Posts: 373
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these women would be my ideal lady-in-law


Posts: 373
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i'll try again



Posts: 108
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this thread died a death - I thought it was worth reviving. There is a great story on Betty Pearls called "cucksat" that pushes all the buttons for me - anyone know of any more?


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The author of cucksat on betty pearls sissy fiction site has just added another chapter. Its really hot!
shawn brown


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For those wanted to read the whole story of


BY: C.D.E.

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A Good Read!!!
IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
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