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Shoe Face

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So day after day Dave worked to support his wife Lacey. Lacey was a gorgeous and leggy woman...a dream. His life had unfolded like a cheap femdom story...god knows he had read enough of them while stroking his cock. Wife finds disgusting porno stash...or somehow becomes privy to husband's sick desires...exploits the situation...he is enslaved...and so on... The problem was that his wife had not found his "stash" so to speak. Her sister had...Amanda, the dumb blonde, had caught him...what was it...7 months ago now? Amanda...the bitch sister was a tall pale kind of ice queen looking woman...amazing legs and incredible feet...she had caught him staring at her toes from day one and used to make fun of him. She was recently separated and the story was that she was a lesbo. If that was true it didn't stop her from teasing. Dinner on Saturday night at her house was hell and heaven put together. She would leave her stinky loafers right under his chair oblivious to his wife. She would linger her stare in silence enjoying his awkward arousal. She would always be stretching out her legs and flexing her toes...He figured Lacey had told her about his foot fetish. Just some playful sisterly joke. Once she had asked for a foot massage right in front of his wife...they had been sitting before the fireplace and he had done it...he had massaged her sweaty vinegar feet as his cock had raged obvious and painful under her heels that were placed on his lap. But in the end it was not dramatic. She simply had caught him sniffing her old pumps and jerking his cock in her bathroom. She just walked in and that was that. There had been no erotic scene or confrontation...she simply told her sister.and from then on...he went from being a closet shoe sniffer and foot dreamer... to a human ATM and asshole. He became a big joke and he loved it. Humiliation became his aphrodisiac and he had plenty of it from both of them back then...If you had asked Dave if he could adjust to a cuckolding wife he would have laughed and dismissed it automatically. He had no real way of knowing how things would turn out...but at first it was bliss...the more cuckolds brownie his wife and her sister gave him...the more taunts and teases and chores...well the more submissive and ridiculous he became... His wife still loved him but now he was kind of a curiosity...a thrilling and fun sexual companion...but no longer a real man. He was a maid, a cook, a lawn mower...but not a man.
As Dave crotch throbbed he looked at his wife's black pumps from across ther floor. Their varnished liquid black seemed to call to him. It was Friday afternoon and she wouldn't be home for hours...she was likely at Mulligans or one of her after work hangouts. She was with Dennis...of that he was certain. She was likely sitting across from him and paying for his scotch after scotch. Actually Dave was paying. He had crawled to his wife that morning, worn out at bleary eyed from his home office work and the domestic chores that had followed, naked except for her panties, he had 200 dollars in his mouth. His wife had been enjoying her coffee and watching New York 1, completely ignoring him. As she started to browse the channels she acknolwedged him "Hey you!" He silently stared at her bare feet propped before him on the coffee table. "Say it bitch..." she giggled a bit absently but then met his gaze. He held out the pile of 20s and repeated his stupid mantra..."'re my honey...I'm your bitch, please take my money." His face was redder than red. She laughed and took the money..."uh oh...wait for it honey..." With that Lacey positioned her fragrant foot over his nose and smiled dreamily, "You love me taking your cash...say it sweety and sniff." Dave's cock jutted out of her panties and dripped, "I love you taking my cash," he huffed in between sniffs. Lacey fingers trailed down to her pantied crotch..."I'm going to tell Dennis you want to worship his feet too..." Dave enhaled quickly and in a dry unsteady voice pleaded, "Oh God no sweetheart...please...oh god." Lacey trapped his nose between her moist toes...witha sudden revulsion Dave was dimly aware that she might have athlete's foot. "Actually," Lacey continued..."you're going to tell would that be? Is that good news faggot?"
Dave was speechless as he enhaled her funk. His reverie was short lived...he snapped ouyt of his little morning flash back. A mosquito landed on his naked thigh and he swatted it away. He was on his knees in panties just dreaming. He enjoyed the quiet time to think.


Posts: 26
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hey, good one.

please go on


Posts: 31
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Excellent beginning. Do continue.


Posts: 32
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Great story.
i used to love taking care of Her Lover's Feet for Him.


Posts: 32
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i cared for Her Lover's feet for 5 years! We all still argue about who enjoyed it more, Him or i.


Posts: 281
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Lacey was a bitch wife...plain and simple. After finding his foot fetish magazines and vintage Legshows, his sissy and cukold porn...and God knows what else...he was spiraling into a warm abyss...floating throughout his days were verbal offenses that seared his red and made him quiver with lust and self loathing. His wife had made him eat his cum off of the toilet seat just to see if he would do it...oh and he was eager. In reality she hadn't made him...she had smirked and said, "Come on honey...fag out for me what you really like..." she had taken off her black leather pump and had held it over his nose...laughing and raising her eyebrows in a bemused and quizical expression... He had enhaled deply and had begun to fumble with his zipper...she had giggled then...and then...he had crossed over for good...he had started wanking his moderate cock and enhaling and moaning...and Lacey just laughed her ass off. And now he was in love with what he had become...obsessed. ..."You love me taking your cash, say it sweety...sniff feet ...mmmm..." He rubbed his crotch when these recent memories came over him...still, things had been relatively normal for awhile. Normal if you consider the previous Saturday evening at Amanda the bitch's house normal...with them laughing and him serving them...them taking pictures of him sucking their toes and then using him as a foot rest through 2 he ate tossed popcorn from the carpet. It was Amanda, the vacuous and self loving snob in her thoughtless amusement who had said "If you want foot man here to feel real frustrated start showing him pictures of Dennis..." His red had run cold. Who the fuck was Dennis? He had heard that name before.
Now about 7 months later, after just giving his wife 200 dollars and chanting ridicuolous things and wearing ridiculous stretched out panties...Dave was at a loss. The rational part of his mind could not work its way around the idea that his wife seemed to think he was going to rub or even lick (perhaps...the thought made him gag...sniff) this guy's feet. Actually his wife didn't think he would...she knew he would. She seemed as sure of that fact as she was of anything. What had he truly done with his marriage...with himself? And yet there was warmth emanating from his crotch. During his strange meditation, Dave was shocked to find two things were true...the first was that his mind kept straying to Dennis. The second revelation was that in all his self loathing and terror...his cock was pulsing...and leaking into his boxers. Dennis was an asshole who his wife in her whimsical, impulsive and melodramatic style had made her new "friend." It started one eveing when they were reading together in bed. Lacey was examing her pale creamy and athletic legs for nicks as she had just shaved them in the bath. Her dark red toenails were a fascinating contrast to the ivory veined feet that were flexing. Lacey glaned at Dave as he fumred with his paperback,"Dennis is the funniest thing that's ever happened to our lobby." Dave never liked to hear another man's name at all...her friends...even her cousin's...made Dave uneasy and silently reproachful. He cringed. Lacey was a part time receptionist at a five star hotel in the business district. She often mentioned men by name, bosses, clerks, even mail boys...but that was usually when the conversation terminated...with a joke or little anecdote...perhaps a silly observation. "He's funny...not really cute...but he's ...I don't know...a jock...and he loves mojitos too." Lacey almost seemed to blush...or was it his imagination? That had been the first inception of a stranger into their life...Now Dave was thinking of Dennis and the reamister was simple...Dennis...the asshole... wore fine Italian loafers with black silk dress socks and Dave, in a perverse and almost academically distant way...was contemplating how hot, smelly and fragrant they would be. He pictured this tall and well built man sitting at his desk, laughing to himself. Dave pictured him on the shuttle to Times Square...his feet sweating in their socks...Oh God. He knew he was not gay...of that he was sure. But then why did his cock bulge when his wife smirked and called him a faggot? He heard his wife's car start in the garage. Well...come what may he had a long day ahead of him...the list of chores was waiting.


Posts: 135
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i like where this is headed.
i have a small dick, but thats ok because its in a chastity cage :P


Posts: 6
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very interesting


Posts: 29
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awesome! thanks so much for posting more of this story!! Please keep it up.
Rating: 5, 1 vote.
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Shoe Face
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