Posts: 4050
#241 · Edited by: goodhusband
joguy and Meijer
Thank you
It was cloudy and cool, but I did get to play golf and now I'm heading for Arizona. I just wish I wasn't such a lousy golfer.
Our illustrious harvest festival was just that until honest Abe Lincoln got involved. It had turned into such a takesen bacchanalia that President Lincoln decided he had to intervene. He wanted it to become a family holiday so they created the little dinner between the native American's and the Pilgrims. It's a nice little tale and a good excuse for us to eat well beyond the limits of good sense.
It was a bad joke, I just couldn't resist.
Again you raise a thoughtful question. From my writing I assume that you grasp that I don't believe that there is inherent evil in sex practices between consenting adults.
The danger that I see is in powering people to adhere to a set of values that aren't there own. The classic is of course gay people being powerd into straight relationships. One that we seldom consider here is the wife who is goaded into taking a lover against her will by her overly zealous cuck wannabe husband.
Sex is a very confusing and powerful power in our lives. It is also very individual. What we want is very sadly often not what others want and we all have to respect that.
I know that wasn't really the issue you were raising, but you alluded to the destructive aspect of cuckolding and I see that as one of the problems.
I guess that your real question is central to my stories. You can go back "Brenda and Bobby", the first story I have posted on this site and you will see that question being addressed and it is addressed in all my stories after that. Thank you for raising the discussion.
Everyone thank you for the comments
Posts: 4050
#242 · Edited by: goodhusband
I smiled at my wife. "That was a pretty wild night, Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes, very much."
I picked up Kelly's hand and stared into her eyes. "Please be assured that I still love you. You didn't do anything that night that I would consider to be bad. Kelly I will always love you. I do not believe that you could ever be capable of doing something that would make me stop loving you."
My wife smiled at me. "Timmy thank you. I think I'm finally starting to understand that."
"Baby you have to promise me something."
"Certainly, what is it?"
"When I start dating other men again, I want you to remember that you never have to be jealous. No matter how much I might seem to be enjoying the company of another man, I want you to promise to remember that I will always love you and I will always love only you."
I smiled at my wife. "I will remember that, I promise ."
Michael appeared at our table. I suspect that he'd been watching us and noticed that we were engrossed in a deep conversation. He was a good waiter. He'd tried to leave us alone until he was certain that we were done talking.
We were both finished with our dinners. He motioned for a bus boy. As the young man was clearing our plates Michael turned to Kelly and asked, "Madam would you like to see the dessert cart"
Kelly shook her head. "No thank you, I'm full." And then she turned to me. "Timmy would you like some dessert?"
I shook my head. "No thank you Ms. Mamister, I'm full too."
Kelly hadn't called me dicklet, and that was probably a prudent choice, but I still added a little more subtle spice to our game by addressing her as Ms. Mamister in front of Michael ."
My wife turned back to our waiter. "I think we're ready for our check."
Michael nodded. "Very good Madam I'll go prepare it now."
After he was gone Kelly looked at me and started to giggle. "Ms Mamister?"
I nodded. "Yes, and he's good. He didn't even flinch."
We both laughed for a second and then Kelly got very quiet. Something seemed to be bothering her. After studying her for a moment I gently asked, "What's wrong?"
My wife stared at the table. She seemed to be gathering the courage to say something. Finally she looked up at me and asked. "Timmy do you think I'm a whore?"
I smiled at her. “What just made you ask me that question?” I shook my head. “No I don't think you're a whore.”
“Please Timmy, it was a serious question, I would like a serious answer.” “All right.” I thought about the question. After a moment I carefully answered, “I think that you're a woman who passionately loves sex and enjoys having a variety of lovers."
"I got paid for having sex."
"Yes you did. Is that what this is about? Do you think getting paid made you a whore?"
"I don't know, it seems like it might have."
"So getting paid is the issue?"
"I guess so."
"You don't work for the firm anymore. Are you still going to try to have a large number of different lovers?"
"If it's all right with you I think I'd like to do that."
"Because you enjoy it, right?"
"Sex is kind of a hobby for you, isn't it?"
Kelly laughed. "I guess you could say that."
"What if your hobby was golf rather than sex. Would you be a whore if you joined the women's professional golf tour?"
"But that's different."
"Is it? Our culture tells us that it's different, but I don't think it is." I looked at Kelly. "When you were working as a hostess, did you ever do anything that you thought was morally wrong?"
Kelly laughed. "No, but a lot of other people might think I did."
"But did you think you that?"
"No, I just played some very creative sex games with a lot of different men."
"I think a whore is someone who ***s their moral code for money or power. The preacher who bangs the married choir director on Saturday night and then rails against marital infidelity on Sunday morning is a whore. The politician who sucks another man's cock in a sleazy motel room after he voted against gay rights legislation is a whore."
"I tried to pretend that I was being faithful to you when I really wasn't. Doesn't that make me a whore?"
We stared at each other for a minute. Finally I smiled and said, "We all make mistakes. Your mistake was trying to adhere to a moral code that was neither your's nor mine. You lied to me and that was a *** of both of our moral codes, but the supposed sins that you were trying to cover up weren't a *** of either of our moral codes."
"So you're saying that I might have been a whore because I tried to cover up what I was doing, but the moment I start being honest with you about it, I cease being a whore?"
I smiled at Kelly. "I'm not sure I'd say it like that, but I guess that's pretty much it in a nutshell."
She shook her head. "This is all very confusing."
"Think about it this way. That Saturday night of the Superbowl weekend, when you came home after being with Wendell's friend Sam, you told me that you cried in the shower."
"That's right."
"Were you crying because you gave Sam three blowjobs?"
"No, I was crying because I'd lied to you about what I did that night."
"All right, how about if we make a rule. Anytime either of us finds ourselves crying about something we've done, let's promise to immediately wake the other one up and tell them about it and the other one has to promise not to be mad."
"Can we do that?"
"Sure, why not?"
Kelly thought for a moment and then she smiled at me. "Okay, I promise."
I nodded. "So do I."
For a few seconds neither of us said anything. Finally I broke the silenc. "Kelly working at a job where you were paid to have sex did not make you a whore in my mind and I don't think either of us should give a hoot about the opinion of all those narrow minded, hypocritical bastards out there."
My wife giggled. "All right, if you don't think I should give a hoot, then I won't."
"Kelly are you making fun of my choice of words?"
She smiled at me. "No Timmy, I'm not. Actually I find them to be very descriptive. In the future I am going to try very hard to avoid giving a hoot about anyone's opinion but yours."
Posts: 39
I hate to be redundant but I know you like feedback and to feel as if your writing is appreciated. So I am going to reiterate that I think your stories are generally the best--and the most indicative of how a successful cuckold relationship COULD work.
I positively turn off at the stories or videos which show a woman (cuckoldress) being totally used and demeaned by the Bull, while belittling her husband by calling him a piece of S***, or scumbag or something similar. In my view, the cuckold relationship is a form of intimacy at one of the highest levels possible, albeit unconventional. So thanks for writing a story that I enjoy reading.
Also, on a more permisteral note I'd love to play golf with you sometime. I'm in the 80's usually. My goal/dream/fantasy is to break 80 but rarely happens. But I always hit enough good shots to keep me coming back for more--and I have a good time playing!! alamodom
Posts: 328
Hey GH
First I wanted to thank you for yoru writting. I do so enjoy reading your work.
Second Hope you r wonderful wife and freinds and you had a good Thanksgiving weekend! Play any golf?
Third I enjoy reading the love you show between Timmy and Kelly. How the roles change so between them. With Kelly in charge and then Kelly differening to Tim on matters. Like She will only worry about Timmy's opinion now on. I read in a story, it may have been one of yours about a hot wife /cuckold couple. In the story the wife suggested that Sunday was a day off from games so that they couple enjoy each other. Read the paper do crosswords watch football etc. Their time! I think Their time is a great idea for any couple!!! I see this role chage cme into play when Timmy and Kelly talk about the offer from teh company. As the older executive told Kelly, she needs to listen to her husband.
Again thanks for writing Hope all is well with you and yours
Posts: 178
#245 · Edited by: asehpe
Hi GH, I am quite impressed with the detail and nuance you give to ethical questions in your writing. It makes the reading experience all the more enjoyable, and also gives food for thought. One very good thing about Kelly is that, despite having lied, her moral compass was, all in all, in the right place. She suffered when she lied -- her heart was basically OK, she didn't want anybody to suffer (certainly not Timmy), so she hated herself because of the lies she 'had' to tell (because she 'had' to be a good girl). There are women who not only would have lied, but would not have felt bad at all -- and if the husband found out what was going on, they would only say, 'damn!' and try to think of more lies to cover up and keep the situation under control. Women who would have manipulated their husbands, perhaps even using their husbands' submissive desires for that purpose. (Have you perhaps read Matthew Styranka's book The Endless Knot? It's about a relationship between a manipulative dominant woman and a submissive man.) But that's not Kelly's case -- she is simply, like most sincere people, caught between who she is and who she thinks she should be. She is, in some senses, even healthier than most people would be in her situation (she could answer truthfully to Timmy that she had cried in the shower not because of the blowjobs she had given, but because of having lied about them -- most people would so deeply confuse moral system, who-they-should-be, and what the real source of the problem is, that (I imagine) they would be crying in the shower about the blowjobs, thinking something like "why can't I control myself and be a good girl? why did I have to give those damn blowjobs?", thereby transfering the guilt ('it wasn't my fault because I lied, it's just that giving blowjobs is so... tempting! it was the devil's fault, the devil made me do it... so it isn't my fault really, it's the Enemy, the Tempter, who wants to deviate me from the path of devout faithfulness...'). They would blame the devilish desire to give blowjobs, to avoid responsibility. Kelly didn't do that. She is more sincere with herself (oh, the sufferings of those who lie to themselves and can't even see it) than many a permister I have known. She (like Timmy) really feels like a permister I would like to meet and talk to. It sounds as if I've already said something about the 'potential for harm' in masochism or the cuckold lifestyle, but actually there's nothing here that isn't potentially harmful also in vanilla relationships -- where people can be and often are manipulative (including about sex). In that sense -- the 'relationship ethics' sense -- there really is no big difference between BDSM relationships and vanilla ones. It's all about lying and/or manipulation and the harm they can cause. (So the case you mentioned -- the cuck wannabe husband who tries to manipulate his wife into taking a lover against her will -- is in essence the same as the husband who, say, manipulates his wife into having anal sex with him against her will: part of that gray zone, dangerous but necessary, between 'let's try something new!' and 'if you don't do it I'll do something bad to you!', between negotiating to get one's needs met and threatening.) The 'mystery' of BDSM relationships to me -- and a potential they have that maybe is not present in vanilla relationships -- is in their essence, an essence that made me often think about whether or not there could be, deep down in them, somethng ultimately unhealthy or self-defeating. Oh, I understand that people can have healthy BDSM relationships -- as long as they are both into it, keep the communication lines open, and don't forget each other's common humanity and the love that motivates all. Still... what is it that BDSMers want to do? Something that, if it were really for real, would be abusive and evil: offense, dehumanization, degradation, etc. Why this is so -- why should offense be at all erotic? -- remains a mystery to me. A mystery I am ready to accept -- it is so, I can feel it, and I see people can negotiate it in healthy and fulfilling ways -- but a mystery nonetheless. Especially the masochistic side: to desire and crave offense is, to me, just as strange and mind-boggling as it is strong and intense. And it is the offense, not the act itself that the masochist craves. (If ass-licking were not humiliating, but simply a normal, routine way for people to greet each other, I'm sure masochists wouldn't feel attracted to it, just as they aren't attracted to hand-shaking.) And what are the limits, and can they be blurred? (I remember, for instance, feeling unexpectedly aroused when looking at some of the Abu Ghraib photos, especially those that had a female guard like Lynndie England. I.e., even though those were really serious ***s that should outrage me -- and they did --, they also aroused me. Here, I see some potential ethical problems that are inherent to being a masochist/submissive, and that need some special attention lest one may end up losing one's moral compass...) But I'm digressing already. I guess you can tell this is a topic I like to think about. 
Posts: 492
#246 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
asehhpe's comment is a difficult one to follow, way too deep for my pea brain. I lost my moral compass back in the '60's and never found it again. LOL.
Love the story GH, as always, thanks. These two are your best characters ever. Really looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
Glad you got to play a little golf. Sure wish I lived in a warmer climate, maybe some day soon if I can convince the Mrs to move to Florida.
Posts: 1459
GH, I can only agree with Meijer and TrF2 about these characters and the way they relate to each other in this story. It really is incredibly good, maybe your best ever - and that's saying something!! I'm so glad you've kept writing it.
This story has gotten a lot of people thinking, it seems, and asehpe has raised some very thought-provoking issues. I pondered some on his thesis, essentially the slippery slope (only much better expressed), and he makes some great points. Unlike TrF2, I don't feel I've ever completely lost my moral compass, but as you are full aware by now, I must have gotten it too close to a powerful magnet...
Posts: 3581
GH.... we miss your post! Hope all is well and you can continue sometime soon. This is really a great story and goes very deep into the thoughts and workings of being a cuckold. Thanks for all your time and effort! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
Thank you for your kind comments and interesting observations.
Posts: 1459
#250 · Edited by: stormydog
Welcome back GH! I was just stopping by to bump this up and question when you might be planning to return, and was pleasantly surprised to find you already here! I hope you had a great trip and did a litttle high-intensity relaxing. The addition to the story is outstanding, the teasing but sparklingly brilliant conversation just top-notch. Great scene setting! It seems the time away did you good!
Posts: 4050
Thanks Stormy
I had a nice break, I also did some writing so I have several segments to post today.
Posts: 4050
#252 · Edited by: goodhusband
I glanced across the room. Traci was busy delivering a tray of cocktails to the table of five men who she'd earlier neglected.
I looked at Kelly. "When Traci was telling us about April and Ponce she said something that puzzled me."
"What was that?"
"She mentioned that she wished that Ponce and Danny had asked her to help them finance the house they were trying to buy."
"Okay, why does that puzzle you?"
"Traci's a cocktail waitress. I'm certain that she's a very good cocktail waitress and I don't doubt that she gets fabulous tips, but we're talking about financing the purchase of a house. That requires significant financial assets, very significant financial assets, assets that you wouldn't normally associate with a cocktail waitress." I laughed. "Or for that matter, a hack copy editor for an neighborhood advertising paper."
Kelly grinned. "Or a part time clerk at a convenience store."
"Yes, that's correct. I couldn't finance the purchase of a house either." I shrugged. "I'll grant you that Traci probably makes significantly more money that I do, but I doubt that she earns enough to make a financial move like putting up the cash to buy a house."
Kelly nodded. "Traci is quite wealthy; but you're right, she didn't amass her fortune by working as a cocktail waitress."
"So how did she do it?"
"Timmy it's only partially true that Traci and I became friends because I used to regularly eat dinner in this restaurant."
"All right."
"The firm occasionally employs her as a hostess."
"Yes, Martin knows her very well. When Traci was younger she worked as a headline dancer at the Black Knight."
"The strip club on the outskirts of downtown. You mentioned it earlier this evening. Are you telling me that she amassed a fortune working as a stripper?"
"Partially, from what Traci has told me the dancers at the Black Knight earn a very good income."
"But you said partially."
"Yes, Traci told me that the Black Knight has a policy of only employing dancers who are under the age of thirty."
I nodded. "That makes sense. Nude dancing is certainly a profession where youth is an advantage. Men like to look at young women."
Kelly laughed. "Maybe most men, but I'm not so sure that's true about you. Neither Tonya nor Traci appeared to have any trouble catching your attention today."
I shrugged. "Hey what can I say, I'm an open minded guy."
My wife shook her head. "Open minded guy? You're a degenerate perv."
I grinned at her. "Okay, I'll admit that."
"And Timothy Jamiemister, it's one of the seven million reamisters that I'm madly in love with you." Kelly was giggling.
"All right, so I assume that Traci had to quit dancing when she turned thirty. How was that relevant to her financial status?"
"She became an escort, a very highly paid escort."
"You mean a prostitute."
My wife shrugged. "I guess that's technically correct, but that word evokes the image of a woman standing on a street corner wearing black thigh high boots and a miniskirt and that certainly wasn't what Traci was doing. She was meeting affluent businessmen in upscale hotels."
"That's the same thing you were doing, isn't it?" The words just popped out and I immediately regretted saying them.
Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she sighed. "Yes, you're right. I guess I was also a prostitute."
I shook my head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that, it just popped out."
"You can't deny that what you said was true."
"Yes, but I think we just had this discussion. I don't believe there's anything inherently wrong with being paid to have sex."
"So you wouldn't object if I decided to become a paid escort."
I smiled at my wife. I don't think it was deliberate on her part, but we both knew that she'd just backed me into a corner. Suddenly I found myself confronting the fundamental question. Could I handle being married to a prostitute?
I thought about the question. After a moment I asked, "Would that mean you'd have a pimp?"
Kelly shook her head. "I would never want to be involved with a pimp, but during a flight to Evergreen last summer Traci described her life as an escort. She made it clear that she always had what you might call an administrative assistant. She needed someone to take telephone calls when she was occupied with a date, assist her with her calendar and help her stay on schedule."
"Stay on schedule?"
My wife giggled. "Traci told us that it's sometimes easy to lose track of the time when you're busy fucking. She always had her assistant call her when her session was scheduled to end."
I laughed. "Yes, I suppose that would be necessary."
"She also used the assistant for another very important purpose."
"What was that?"
"I'm not sure I understand."
"When she was doing incall her assistant..."
"That means she provided the hotel room. Outcall means that she would go to her dates hotel room. Traci told us that she rarely did outcall. If she went to a strange hotel room she always felt that there was a greater risk that she was walking into a trap set up by the police."
"I guess that makes sense."
"When she did incall she always had her assistant stationed in the hotel lobby. Her dates never knew what room she was in until they got to the hotel. That way, when they arrived they had to call her cell phone from the lobby. Traci and her assistant were on a second cell phone and if her date was alone her assistant would tell her and Traci would give him the room number and tell him to come up to the room. Once her date got to the hotel room Traci would make casual conversation with him for a few minutes while her assistant monitored the hotel lobby. As soon as her assistant felt confident that nobody was following Traci's date she would call Traci and tell her that everything was all right."
"Did the system work?"
"Traci said that she never got arrested."
I smiled. "I guess it worked."
"She also used the assistant for one other purpose."
"What was that?"
"She said that when you're meeting strange men in a hotel room for sex, there's always the concern that you're going to run into a real freak. You know what I mean, a guy who likes to hurt women."
I nodded. "Yes I understand. So, one of the assistant's duties was to always know where she was and have some information like a cell phone record of who she was with."
"Yes, and that was another reamister that her assistant always called her at the end of a session."
"You mean to make sure she was okay?"
"Yes, and she called again when she saw the date leaving the hotel."
"Okay, so you wouldn't have a pimp, but you would need someone to work as your assistant."
"Yes." Kelly grinned at me for a moment and then she said, "Maybe you could be my assistant."
I suppose that it shouldn't have, but Kelly's suggestion took me by surprise. My jaw must have dropped to the floor because Kelly started laughing.
"Hey it's not such a bad idea. That would allow us to be together all the time and you could have a lap top computer and work on your book while I entertained my dates." Kelly paused. After a moment she added, "Traci's fee was four hundred dollars an hour. I think I could probably get at least that much. If we worked four days a week and I entertained five dates on each of those days I could earn eight thousand dollars a week. Timmy that's four hundred thousand dollars a year."
"How would the men find you?"
"Traci said that there are Internet sites where escorts advertise."
"Doesn't that also let the police find you?"
"We'd have to be very careful."
"What if you did get arrested? It's very likely that your lady and sisters would find out? Could you handle that?"
Kelly closed her eyes and sighed. It was obvious that she hadn't considered that possibility. After a moment she said, "I don't know, I'll have to think about that."
For several seconds we were both quiet and then my wife started to smile. She looked at me and said, "You still haven't answered the question."
"What question?"
Kelly rolled her eyes. "The original question silly, would you object if I decided to become a paid escort?"
I closed my eyes for a moment and thought about my answer. Finally I said, "I don't know. I don't think I would be bothered my any moral issues and I certainly wouldn't be jealous of your dates, but I think it's dangerous. No matter how careful we are, there is always the possibility that you could get arrested and I would always be worried about the possibility that you might run into a freak who would hurt or even ******* you."
My wife shrugged. "There would be risks, but Timmy we could make a lot of money and work together." She smiled. "And both of us would have time to write."
I nodded, "That's all true, but you could also make a very good income and have time to write if you went back to your old job at the firm, and you wouldn't have any of the risks."
Kelly stared at me. "Timmy are you saying that it would be all right with you if I went back to my old job?"
I smiled at her. "I think it's safer choice for you than becoming a paid escort. It wouldn't allow us to work together, but I think that's good trade off for the security and safety the job offers. Bedsides, if you're not trying to hide what your doing from me, we'll still have more time to spend together than we had in the past year."
My wife's face lit up. "Oh Timmy thank you! I promise I'll always be very honest about what I'm doing and I'm absolutely certain that we'll be able to spend a lot more time together."
I held up my hand. "Hold on, I haven't fully agreed. There is one last matter that we still have to discuss and frankly money might not be an issue for us."
Posts: 4050
#253 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Sorry it took me so long to get your cocktails. I sort of fell behind with my tables while I was talking with you. I had to do a little hustling to get caught up."
Kelly and I turned. Traci was standing behind us holding a tray with two small glasses filled with amber colored cuckold water and ice cubes.
Kelly smiled at her. "That's okay, as you can see, we were so busy talking that we weren't paying any attention to the time."
Traci placed a napkin in front of each of us and set our rusty nails on the napkins.
As she was doing that Kelly glanced at me and said, "Timmy give Traci a twenty dollar bill."
While I was taking out my money clip and finding a twenty dollar bill Kelly said to Traci, "Were only going to have one take and if we settle up right now you won't have to worry about us for the remainder of the time were here."
Traci nodded. "That's a good idea, I think I'm going to be pretty busy for the rest of the evening. By the way, your little act with the five dollar bill was very good for business." She raised the hem of her skirt. The straps of her garter belt were stuffed with five dollar bills."
Kelly laughed. "I'm glad I could help you out."
Traci shook her head. "I'm getting some very good tips, but I'm also having to slap a lot of wandering hands away from my ass and my pussy."
I didn't actually have a twenty dollar bill so I had to hand Traci two tens. As she took them from me Kelly asked, "Is that enough to cover the takes and a tip?"
Traci nodded. "The rusty nails are eight dollars each." You've really already given me my tip, so why don't you let me give you four dollars back."
Kelly shook her head. "Absolutely not."
Traci stared at Kelly. "Are you sure? Honey you're out of work and I remind you that I really don't need the money."
Kelly smiled. "Thank you, but I am sure. Timmy and I are both very frugal. We have a nice nest egg stashed away. We'll be all right for quite a while."
"Okay." Traci picked up her pen, scrawled something on one of the napkins on her tray and handed the napkin to Kelly. "Here's my telephone number. Let's get together some evening when I'm not working."
"That would be very nice. You could come over for dinner. Timmy is a wonderful cook."
Traci smiled. "I'd like that very much." She glanced around the bar. "Hey the natives are starting to get restless again. I'd better get going."
"Traci before you leave can I ask you one question?"
"Sure Kelly, but it has to be a quick one."
"I have the impression that during the time you were working as an escort you put away a fairly large sum of money. If that's true, why are you working as a cocktail waitress?"
Traci laughed. "That question is easy. You're right, while I was working as an escort I did put away enough money to live on for the rest of my life, but I just turned forty. I'm much too young to move into the old people's home. Working as a cocktail waitress is fun and it gives me a good opportunity to meet new people." She looked around again. The men sitting at a table on the other side of the bar were trying to get her attention. "Hey listen, I gotta go. Call me okay?"
"I'll call you this week Traci."
Traci nodded and then she turned and hurried to the table on the other side of the room."
As Traci left our table I glanced over at the bar and noticed that the man who had been brazenly staring at my wife when we walked in was still there, and he was still staring at Kelly.
Posts: 4050
#254 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kelly picked up her cocktail and smiled at me. "A toast."
I picked up my take. "All right."
"To a fresh start."
I smiled and clinked her glass. "I will definitely take to that."
We both took a sip of our rusty nails. As I set mine down Kelly asked, "Well what do you think? Do you like it?"
I nodded. "Yes, I do like it. It does make a wonderful after dinner take. It's sweet, but it still has that nice smoky flavor of scotch.
My wife grinned at me. "Good, I was hoping you'd like it." She set her glass down. "Okay, what's this big mystery that you and Wendell were talking about?"
I thought for a moment. I wasn't quite sure how I should begin. Finally I took a deep breath and said, "Do you remember that I mentioned that I had a meeting with Martin Jackmister this morning?"
"Yes, of course I remember. I gather that it's one of the reamisters you were willing to talk to me this afternoon."
"That's right. Martin Jackmister spoke very passionately on your behalf."
Kelly smiled. "He really is a good man." She suddenly stopped and stared at me. "I'm actually kind of surprised that you agreed to meet with him."
"He bribed me."
"He bribed you?"
"Yes, he bribed me. He offered me five thousand dollars if I would agree to meet with him for thirty minutes."
"Did he actually give you the money?"
"Yes he did."
"In cash?"
"Of course."
"You mean you have five thousand dollars in cash with you right now?"
I laughed. "That's correct."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"We had too many other things to talk about. This was my first opportunity to tell you."
Kelly nodded. "Yes, I guess that makes sense."
We were both silent for a moment. I think Kelly was waiting for me to tell her about the meeting and I was trying to decide how to tell her about it.
Finally she asked, "So what did you and Martin talk about?"
I decided that the best course of action was to be perfectly frank. I suspected that Kelly was going to have a difficult time accepting what I was about to tell her, but I realized that the only way we could get beyond this was to confront it directly. I looked at Kelly and said, "He started by telling me that his lawyers felt that I was in a very good position to sue his firm."
"Sue them? Why would you be able do that?"
"I asked him that exact same question. This is what he told me. Do you remember your very first interview with JTandR? It was at the end of our Senior year at Kelroy."
"Of course I remember it. I''ll never be able to forget it. I was so nervous that I couldn't relax the night before the interview,"
I smiled. "Yes, I remembered that too. They were impressed with you, but they had the same problem that everyone else has when they first meet you. They had trouble getting beyond your beautiful face, long blond hair and sexy body. After the interview was over John Reynolds suggested that maybe they should be trying to recruit you as a hostess."
Kelly stared at me in silence.
"Martin agreed that John's suggestion had merit so they sent their investigators to Kelroy and interviewed everyone who knew us, including the dormitory maids, other students, our professors and anybody else they could find who might know anything about us. I gather that it was an exhaustive investigation."
Kelly smiled. "Yes, they are very thorough."
"You can imagine what they found out"
My wife nodded. "I'm sure they learned about my reputation as the blow job queen of Kelroy College."
"And that really piqued their curiosity, but I was a problem for them."
"We were getting married. They prefer that their hosts and hostesses are single."
"Yes I guess that's right, I was the only married hostess."
"They were about to give up on the idea of hiring you as a hostess, but then their investigators made what they considered to be a rather startling observation. We were engaged to be married, yet you continued to openly date other men and I didn't seem to mind. Suddenly the possibility that you might become a hostess became feasible again."
"But when they hired me they never even mentioned the possibility that I might become a hostess. At that time I never would have even considered it."
"That's correct, and that's what they missed and that's why they feel that I'm," I paused. "Actually we are in a position to sue them and win."
"What do you mean?"
"When we got married they didn't realize that you were taking the vow of fidelity that you made during our wedding ceremony seriously."
"Timmy, I'm still very confused. I was hired in June, but we never discussed my becoming a hostess until the following November."
"Kelly think about it. When they hired you they really couldn't have just offered you a job as a hostess. The moment you realized what that actually meant you could have filed a sexual harassment charge against them."
"But they hired me as a research analyst."
"Yes, and then they assigned you to Chris Kendricks, who just happened to be their most s*******ed host."
My wife stared at me. Suddenly she gasped. "Oh my god."
I nodded. "That's correct, it was his job to seduce you and find out just how open you were about having casual sex with numerous partners."
Kelly's expression became very serious. In a quiet, but extremely firm voice she said, "Go on."
"As you well know, you resisted Chris's advances for several months. Martin and John were rather perplexed about that, but they assumed that because you were such a beautiful woman you had an ample supply of willing lovers outside the workplace and you didn't need to have an affair with a coworker. Again I point out that they completely missed the possibility that you weren't responding to Chris's advances because you were trying to remain faithful to me."
"Timmy, are you telling me that Chris Kendricks was part of a plot to entice me into becoming a hostess?"
"Yes I am and do you remember what he asked you the morning after the first afternoon the two of you had sex? You mentioned it to me earlier today and Martin remembers it very well."
"He kissed me and when he was done kissing me he asked how you reacted when I told you about what had happened on the previous afternoon."
"And what did you tell him?"
Kelly quietly whispered. "I lied and told him that you were just fine with it and then I gave him a blow job." She looked at me. "Martin knew about that?"
"Yes, Chris was making regular reports to Martin about the progress he was making in his attempts to seduce you. Once you and Chris started having sex and they believed that I was comfortable with the situation, they began a course of action that gradually moved you into your eventual role as a hostess."
"Please explain that." There was now a hint of anger in my wife's voice. She was reacting as both Wendell and I feared she might react.
"I'm quite certain that the dinner meeting at this restaurant was part of the plan. You remember it, you told me about it earlier today. It was your first official business meeting with the three partners and you were seated next to John Reynolds. You told me that he was so nice to you. You also told me that the meeting ended abruptly, but Martin wanted to stay and talk to Chris, so John had to give you a ride home."
"And when we got back to his office John seduced me and the next morning, when I got to work John called me into his office to tell me that they'd decided to promote me." Kelly shook her head. "And I was so excited that I ended up having sex with all three of the partners that morning."
My wife sighed. "Timmy I really am just a dumb blond." She smiled at me. "I'll bet Eric was a setup too."
"You mean that first associate you met at the Calvert Hotel?'
"Yes, he was one of the most handsome men I've ever met and he was so good in bed. When I left that night I actually felt lucky that I had a job where I occasionally got to relax with a good looking man and get paid for it. Timmy I was unbelievably stupid."
Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she said, "Timmy they manipulated me. They played me like a puppet so that I'd become their little corporate hooker and I'm so dumb that I fell for it." She laughed. "I fell for it because I wanted to fall for it. I even lied to them because I wanted to become their little whore."
My wife closed her eyes. There was a tear rolling down her cheek. She bit her lower lip and quietly said, "That's all I am is a cheap little whore and that's all I'll ever be. I tried to be faithful to you, but I couldn't do that. Instead I let those bastards play me."
Kelly's voice started to get louder. "Of course they were able to play me because they recognized exactly what I was, a little slut whore. I'm nothing but a dumb blond with big tits who's willing to spread her legs for any bastard that smiles at her."
I reached out and picked up my wife's hand. "Kelly, please remember what Wendell said to you this afternoon. Listen to me, please listen to me. Think about all of the things we said to each other today. You are not a whore. You're a wonderful bright woman who I dearly love."
Kelly snatched her hand away. "No Timmy, you're wrong. Martin and John recognized my true nature and they took advantage of it. They made me into their little whore."
"No they turned you into a courtesan and it was a job you loved."
My wife stood up. "That's pure bullcuckolds brownie Timmy. I'm your goddess. You have me up on such a high pedestal that you can't really see what a pathetic slut you married. Well, it's time you found out."
Posts: 1914
Thanks GH. I think Christmas just came early this year.
Posts: 4050
Don't go away just yet, I still have one last segment to post today.
Posts: 4050
#257 · Edited by: goodhusband
My wife turned so she was looking at the handsome man at the bar who'd been staring at her all evening. She smiled at him. He smiled back at her.
Kelly looked back at me. "You'd better go home now Timmy. Ask Traci to call a taxicab. You can afford it, you've got five grand in your pocket. I'll be home when my stud is done with me."
She walked over to the man at the bar. The stool next to him was still open. She grabbed his arm. "Hey handsome, is this seat taken?"
He patted the bar stool. "Make yourself comfortable. I was wondering how soon you'd come to your senses and ditch that loser you're with so you could join me."
Kelly laughed. "That's my pussy husband. I told him to call a cab and go home. We had a nice dinner together, but now I'm ready for a little excitement and you look like just the kind of guy who can give it to me. My name's Melody, what's yours?"
"I'm Brad, it's a pleasure to meet you Melody. Can I buy you a take?"
"Brad, I'd love a vodka martini."
Brad turned to the Billy the bartender. "Hey barkeep, I need a martini for the lady and I'll have another manhattan."
I was in a quandary as I sat at the table watching what was happening at the bar. The submissive cuckold in me told me that this was my wife's right. She was my goddess. I should do as I was told and get a cab and go home, but that just didn't seem right to me. This wasn't healthy. Kelly wasn't doing this for fun and pleasure, she was acting out of anger and disgust. She was angry at the firm for using her, but mostly I think she was disgusted with herself for allowing them to use her. Ever since she was teenager my wife had fought to disprove people's preconception that she was just a dumb blond. Kelly had worked hard to prove that she was a bright, hard working, well educated woman, but now I think she was feeling like she'd allowed the firm to manipulate her into becoming nothing more than a shallow dumb blond.
I also suspected that part of her anger with herself came from the feeling that she had once again failed to live up to the standards set by her lady and her sisters. Only this time it was much worse. This time she wasn't a free living libertine rebelling against a set of narrow minded moral values dogmatically instilled by her family and her culture. This time she was a stupid whore who had been manipulated by a group of lying, thieving scoundrels. These were just the type of men her sisters and lady had constantly warned her about and now Kelly felt like a fool because she'd allowed these awful men to dupe her and lead her into an immoral life of carnal sin and nearly destroy her perfect marriage.
I knew that I couldn't leave Kelly right now. Somehow I had to find a way to pull her out of this self destructive act and help her see that while the partners at the firm may have manipulated her, they also lead her into a job that she dearly loved and up until twenty minutes ago desperately wanted to resume.
I took a deep breath, stood up and nervously walked over to Brad and my wife. As I approached them they both turned and looked at me.
Brad had a smirk on his face. "What do you want wimp?"
I mustered all of my courage and said, "I want to talk to my wife and it doesn't concern you."
"Fuckin A it concerns me pussyboy. She may be your wife, but in case you haven't noticed, she left you to be with me. Now get lost!"
I ignored him and looked at my wife. "Kelly, you know I don't mind if you do things like this, but not tonight. Not when you''re angry and hurt. You're not doing this for fun, you're doing this out of some sort of self deprecating need to demean and punish yourself. I can't let you do it. Please come home with me."
Brad grabbed my arm and yelled, "Wimpboy, I thought I told you to get lost. Your wife is going to stay with me for the rest of the night. Live with it!"
I grabbed his hand and with an amazing burst of strength I pulled it off of my arm and stared into his face. "No I will not leave her here with you, not tonight."
Brad stood up and balled his fist. "Then I guess I'll just have to make you leave."
Now my adrenalin was flowing. I continued staring at him. "There is no doubt in my mind that you can beat me up, but I promise you that you are going to have to do just that. I will not leave without my wife. If you hit me I promise that I will fight back as hard as I possibly can and I will not stop fighting until I'm *** or dead. Before you start this fight and you will have to be the one who throws the first punch, I suggest you think about this. I intend to create such a ruckus that Billy the bartender is going to have to call the police and I doubt very much that you will be able to get out of here before they arrive. When they do get here I would imagine that we will both be arrested for disorderly conduct."
I smiled at Brad. "Of course the story that will come out of this is that we got into a fight because I was trying to stop you from seducing my wife."
I glanced down at his left hand. "I notice that your wearing a wedding band. I wonder how your wife will feel when she finds out that you were jailed for beating up a jealous husband who was just trying to defend his wife's honor."
I let that sink in for a moment and then I added. "You're also wearing an expensive looking business suit. I would imagine that you have a very good job. I wonder how your employer will respond when he finds out that you were involved in a bar fight with a jealous husband."
I laughed. "I work as a clerk in a convenience store. My boss is a retired navy cook. He not only won't be angry when he finds out what happened, he'll come down to the jail and bail me out and then he'll probably give me a raise."
Brad stared at me. I stared right back at him. After a moment he shook his head. "You two lady fuckers are crazy. I'm getting the fuck out of here." He threw two twenty dollar bills on the bar and yelled at Billy, "That should cover my tab. Keep the lady fuckin change." And then he roughly pushed me aside and stormed out of the restaurant.
As soon as he was gone I looked around the bar. Everyone was staring at me. The men at one of the tables started to applaud. Two men at another table joined them but they also stood up. Suddenly everyone in the bar was giving me a standing ovation.
I gave them a modest bow and then I turned to my wife. Tears were running down her cheeks. "Kelly, I understand why you reacted the way you did and I'm not angry with you, but I can't keep saving you from yourself so I'm going to leave now and catch a bus that will take me home. That should give you plenty of time to pull yourself together and join me there. If you're not there when I get home, I will assume that you decided to keep on wallowing in self pity and let one of these other men pick you up so you can continue your little display of self flagellation. If you decide to do that, I'll get my car and go back to Albie Porter's house. My things are still there."
I nodded to my wife. "Goodnight Kelly, I hope I see you when I get home, but that's your decision, not mine."
I turned and walked out of the bar. As I left I glanced back at my wife. She was still sitting on the bar stool. Her face was buried in her hands. She was crying. Traci was standing next to her trying to comfort her.
Posts: 1914
Wow, that WAS worth waiting for. There was such great emotion in all your last sections, but especially this one. Thanks again GH. Wonderful.
Posts: 2106
Absolutely superb, gh! Nothing else needs be said. priss
Posts: 492
GH, so glad that you are back. These latest chapters are some of your best ever. Have a great holiday seamister, hope it's filled with good fun and good cheer.
Take care
Posts: 40
GH, The threads are being woven together in a brillant tapestry of life. Your great story continues
Posts: 4050
Peak, Priss, TrF2 and untrainedm
Thanks for the comments. I appreciate them,
Posts: 4050
#263 · Edited by: goodhusband
I glanced at my watch as I left the restaurant. It was almost ten o'clock. It was late October. There was a cold wind blowing out of the northwest. As I walked down the deserted street I pulled the collar of my blue blazer up around my neck in an effort to stay warm. It didn't help.
When I got to the corner I sat down on the bus bench and settled in for a long wait. I didn't actually have any idea about when the bus would come, but at that time on a week night I suspected that I might be sitting on that cold bench for quite awhile.
Once I was settled on the bench I took a deep breath and started to relax. As I relaxed I realized that I was exhausted. The entire day had been an emotional roller coaster for me. Even though my meeting with Martin Jackmister had only been eleven hours ago, so much had occurred since that meeting that it now felt like it had taken place last year.
The confrontation with Brad in the restaurant had sapped me of any reserve energy that I might have had. I was drained, but I hoped that the day wasn't over yet. I desperately wanted to find Kelly waiting for me when I finally got home.
I knew I could take a taxi. It was expensive, but I had plenty of money. I didn't want to do that. I wanted to be absolutely certain that Kelly had enough time to get home ahead of me. I did not want this last confrontation to be the end of our marriage.
I wondered about the wisdom of leaving my wife at the restaurant. The bar was filled with handsome businessmen and I was certain that many of them probably recognized that she was vulnerable at this moment. I considered going back to get her, but I rejected that idea. I'd just stepped in and stopped my wife from making an impulsive decision that I believed she would later regret. Now I felt that it was Kelly's turn to exhibit some strength and character. She'd made a number of promises to me during our earlier discussions that day. If she truly wanted to save our marriage it was now up to her to overcome her anger and disgust with herself and keep those promises.
I leaned back against the bench and closed my eyes. It was cold. I was very tired and more than anything I wanted to go home and find Kelly waiting for me when I got there. I was just about to give up on the bus and take out my cell phone so could call a taxi when Kelly's Mercedes pulled up to the curb in front of me.
She lowered her window and said, "Timmy I'm so ashamed about what I did in the bar. I beg you to forgive me. Please get in the car and come home with me."
I grinned at her. "Of course I forgive you. I told you in the bar that I wasn't angry with you and yes, I would love a ride home."
Kelly was parked on the wrong side of the street. There was very little traffic, so it really didn't matter, but I had to walk around her car to get in on the passenger side. As soon as I was seated and my door was closed Kelly put her car in gear and took off.
For a few moments we rode in silence. I had gotten very cold while I was waiting on that bus bench and the heater in Kelly's car was just starting to produce warm air, so my attention was focused on rubbing my hands together over the closest heat vent.
Kelly saw what I was doing and said, "Poor baby, you must have froze out there. Here let me turn up the fan."
Kelly adjusted a switch on her dashboard and I was suddenly bathed in a stream of warm air. My wife gave me a few minutes to get warm. Once I finally stopped shivering she smiled and asked. "Do you feel better now?"
I nodded. "Yes, thanks for coming to get me. I hate to think how long I might have had to wait for either the bus or a cab."
"I'm the only one who needs to be doing any thanking tonight. Timmy I'm so sorry I pulled that stupid stunt. I acted like a self absorbed little kid."
"Hey, it's okay. I understand how you were feeling. That's why I intervened."
Suddenly my wife pulled her Mercedes over to the curb. As soon as the car was stopped she shifted it into park and turned to me. "Timmy that was the bravest most valiant thing anyone has ever done for me. I am very ashamed that I put you into that position, but baby you were wonderful. That man could have hurt you."
I laughed. "Yes he certainly could have." My voice became more serious. "But he didn't and it's over now."
Kelly nodded. "I know, but I want you to know that I will never forget what you did. Timmy I love you so much."
I smiled at my wife. "I know, and I love you too. That's why I did what I did. Now let's go home."
Kelly grinned at me. "Okay." She put her car into gear, looked over her left shoulder for oncoming cars and pulled back into the traffic lane."
We rode in silence again. The last hour had been emotionally very intense. We both needed a little time to catch our breath.
After a few minutes Kelly broke the silence. "Timmy before you started telling me about how the partners manipulated me, when we were still talking about my going back to work for the firm, you said that money might not be an issue for us. Why did you say that?"
"Remember that I told you that Martin started my meeting with him by telling me that he felt we were in a position to sue the firm?"
"He told me that his lawyers felt that we could probably expect to get a settlement that was somewhere between five hundred thousand and two million dollars.'
"Yes, but Martin offered us an immediate settlement of four million dollars."
Kelly pulled over to the curb again. Once the car was stopped she looked at me and asked, "Why would he do that?"
"Because the partners feel bad about what they did to us. He also offered to double the amount if we're able to reconcile our differences and continue being married."
"Timmy, is that true?"
"Yes and he also told me that if we're willing to trust him with the eight million dollars for five years he was quite certain that he could turn it into thirty million dollars."
Kelly stared at me. After a moment she said, "I don't understand."
I smiled at my wife. "Martin Jackmister is a ruthless businessman, but I don't think he's a bad man. I've never met John Reynolds, but my first impression of Wendell Tyler is that he is in fact a very good man. I believe that these men feel guilty and negligent because they made a mistake."
"What was the mistake?"
"I told you earlier, but at the time I think you were so focused on how they'd manipulated you that you didn't hear me. When they were doing their background research on us they missed the fact that on our wedding day you made a vow of fidelity to me and you wanted to try to honor it. If they'd been aware of that, I don't believe they ever would have tried to entice you to become a hostess. Kelly, the money they're offering us is more an attempt to atone for that error than a legal settlement."
I smiled at my wife. "Kelly honey, do you believe that Wendell Tyler would ever try to trick you into doing something that you didn't want to do?"
"But why couldn't they have just asked me if I wanted to become a hostess? Why did they have to trick me."
"Come on Kelly, you're smarter than that."
My wife sighed. "Yes, you're right. They didn't actually try to trick me, they just presented me with a series of choices."
"That's right, they never actually obligate you into doing anything, You could have continued to resist Chris's advances. You could have rebuffed John Reynolds that night after the dinner at the Goldenrod. When you were given your promotion you didn't have to thank Martin and Wendell with blow jobs and when they asked you to meet with Eric in that hotel room, you could have said, no."
Kelly nodded, "You're right; I did those things because I wanted to do them." She looked at me. "So why are they feeling so guilty?"
"Because they found out that you had been trying to remain faithful to me. They'd deliberately created an atmosphere of temptation and now they've discovered that you didn't want to be tempted. I suppose you could say it was a little like giving a two pound box of very expensive chocolates to a woman who you later discovered was trying to diet."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy what are we going to do?"
"Let's start by going home."
Kelly smiled. "Okay." She put her car into gear and pulled back out into the traffic lane.
For a few minutes, neither of us said anything. Both of us were thinking about the situation. Finally Kelly glanced over at me and asked, "What do you think we should do?"
"What did you want to do before I started telling you about all of this?"
Kelly laughed. "Try to get my job back."
"Is there any reamister to abandon that plan?"
"Well of course there is, they..."
I interrupted Kelly and finished her sentence for her. "They enticed you into taking the most wonderful job you could possibly imagine."
Kelly thought about this for a moment and then she started to smile. "Yes they did didn't they."
"Their only mistake was that they didn't realize that you were trying to be faithful to me." I shook my head. "But over the last ten hours I think we've both come to the conclusion that that wasn't a very good plan. It was a life style you thought your ladys and sisters wanted us to lead, but it wasn't a life style either of us wanted."
I grinned at my wife. "Kelly, I think maybe we should be thanking the partners for helping us find our way back to a life that both of us really want to live."
"Timmy, this is all very confusing."
I nodded. "Yes, it certainly is."
"I still don't know what I should do. It's hard for me to stop being angry with them. They made me hurt you so badly."
"Kelly remember, you lied to them. They may have manipulated you, but you also mislead them."
"Yes, I suppose that is true."
Kelly was quiet for a moment and then she said, "What about the money? If I go back to my old job won't that weaken our legal position?"
"Yes I'm sure it will, but do you really want to sue them?"
"Timmy we could be rich."
"We're already rich. We have each other. Kelly, you've never been motivated by money. Sex has always been your passion. I also remind you that your job as a hostess paid you a very generous salary."
"It almost sounds like you want me to go back to my old job."
I shrugged. "I guess maybe I do. I know one thing for certain."
"What's that?"
"I don't want you to make a decision that you might regret for the rest of your life because of the possibility of a little extra money."
Kelly was quiet again. She was obviously considering all of this. Finally she glanced over at me and asked, "Timmy what should I do?"
I smiled at her. "Why don't you try to gather a little more information."
"How can I do that?"
"Tomorrow while I'm at work, why don't you try to talk with Wendell and Chris Kendricks. Find out what they have to say about all of this. You trusted both of them didn't you?"
"Yes I did, but I'm not sure I can trust them anymore."
"Kelly, you have always been an excellent judge of people and these two men were very good friends. I think you owe them the benefit of the doubt. Go see them with an open mind."
Kelly turned her Mercedes onto our street. Just before she got to our driveway she pushed a button above her windshield and our garage door started to open. She drove into the garage and put the car in park.
Once we were stopped I winked at my wife and said. "When you meet with Chris you might see if he'd like to fuck you."
Kelly turned to me and yelled, "Timmy!"
I smiled at her and then I casually shrugged. "Earlier today you told me that you haven't been properly fucked in over a week. I would think Chris would be the perfect guy to take care of that problem for you."
"Are you sure that would be okay with you?"
I nodded. "Yes, I'm very sure. You just have to promise to tell me all about it when you get home."
Kelly giggled. "Maybe after we're done discussing this situation Chris and I can have some hot makeup sex."
I laughed. "That sounds like an excellent plan."
My wife poked me in my ribs. "Come on studman, let's go inside. You've got me in the mood for some hot sex right now. I can't wait to feel your tiny cock in my pussy and my ass."
I raised my eyebrows. "In your ass?"
"Oh yes big guy, tonight I am going to introduce you to the joys of anal intercourse."
Posts: 1914
GH, its truly amazing just how wise a young man like Timmy can be when he is being mentored in what he says by a man who is giving himself the chance to imagine what he could say if he get a chance to go again in another life. This must be one of truly great private joys of being a writer. That last section was sublime. Unless you can still top it (and I wouldn't bet against it), go away on holiday now !
Posts: 1459
Yeah, what peak said. I think, maybe. Seriously good writing (and reading) GH, that was a romp through the emotional jungle. You were very creative in your time away, and I appreciate the early Christmas present. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Posts: 4050
Peak and Stormy
Thank you for the comments. Merry Christmas to both of you.
Posts: 4050
#267 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as we walked into the house Kelly grabbed me, pulled me to her and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. I put my arms around her and kissed her back. I don't know how long we kissed. We really didn't care about time. At that moment the only thing that really mattered to us was loving each other.
Once we finally did break apart, Kelly slipped my sports jacket off of my shoulders. After she tossed it on the couch she loosened my tie, pulled it off of me and threw it at my sports jacket. Then she started unfastening the buttons on my shirt.
Once my shirt was open she started rubbing my chest and whispered, "When I was entertaining a man in Las Vegas we would spend the evening having dinner and gambling in the casino. Once my date was ready, we would go back to his room. As soon as the door was closed and locked I would peel off his suit coat, remove his tie and unbutton his shirt just like I did to you now. Then I would whisper these words in his ear; If you finish undressing and make yourself comfortable on the bed, I'll put on a little show for you. I think you'll enjoy it."
Kelly nibred my ear, rubbed my nipple and said in a very soft voice, "If you finish undressing and go into our bedroom and make yourself comfortable on the bed, I'll put on a little show for you. I think you'll enjoy it." She reached down, massaged my tiny erection through my trousers and added, "What do you say big fella, are you interested?"
I slowly nodded and then I kissed her cheek and answered, "Yes, very much; I'll go into the bedroom."
As soon as I got into our bedroom I took off my clothes. Just as I was sitting down on the bed Kelly walked in carrying a boom box that she used in the summer time while she was sun bathing on our patio. She plugged her mp3 player into it and selected a misterg. A moment later Al Green started singing, "Let's Get It On."
My wife grinned at me as she slowly swayed her hips to the easy tempo of the rhythm and blues misterg. "Timmy when I entertained a guy in Vegas I always danced for him when we got back to his room. I loved using this misterg. It sets the mood very nicely.
Kelly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. As she picked it up and tossed it onto her dresser she looked at my tiny erection and giggled. "Apparently it's already gotten you in the mood."
I blushed. She smiled at me. "Timmy honey you are so cute when you blush. It's one of the many things I love about you."
I didn't say anything, mostly because I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind was much too preoccupied with the sight in front of me. My wife was absolutely gorgeous. Her long blond hair hung loosely around her shoulders. The black lingerie she was wearing created an allure of elegance that I had never before seen in her.
Her soft milky white skin looked like alabaster and combined with her graceful athletic body to create the impression that I was watching the statue of an ancient Greek goddess coming to life.
When I looked at my wife's beautiful face, I realized that she looked more like an Egyptian goddess of fertility. Her mesmerizing eyes were decorated with a heavy layer of dark mascara and eye liner and her lips were painted a deep shade of crimmister. Her lingerie and high heeled shoes were indeed elegant, but it was the elegance of voluptuous courtesan rather than a chaste queen. Kelly was a goddess, but she wasn't a goddess of purity and virtue, she was a goddess of lust and uninhibited passion.
Still swaying her luscious hips in time to the music and lasciviously staring into my eyes, my wife reached behind her and unclasped the fastener on her black lace brassiere. Rather than letting the brassiere fall free, she quickly put her hands over the cups and held them in place while she continued to dance for me. As she danced she giggled, "Hey big boy, are you ready to meet the twins?"
I slowly nodded. I was much too aroused to speak.
Kelly laughed. "Are you sure your heart can stand this?"
My wife and I were both 24. The comment struck me as inappropriate and then I realized what was happening. Kelly was showing me a very well rehearsed act. This was exactly what she said and did every time she entertained a man for the firm. I wasn't offended. Kelly had promised me that tonight I would enjoy all the pleasures that she'd been giving to other men over the past year and in her own way she was doing the best she could to keep that promise. I smiled at her and said, "No, I think I'll be all right."
Kelly grinned. "That's good, because I wouldn't want to have to dial 911." Again. I was quite certain that the comment was part of a well memorized script.
"If you think it's safe, then it's time for you to meet the twins." My wife pulled her brassiere away and exposed her large firm breasts. Now as she danced she was deliberately moving her shoulders as well as her hips. She was shaking those beautiful breasts for me. "Do you like them Timmy? Do you like my great big titties?"
She moved closer to me. She was right next to the bed standing between my legs, still moving in time to the music. "You can touch them. They belong to you tonight. You can play with them as much as you want." She leaned over, picked up my hands and placed one of them on each of her breasts. "Play with them Timmy, pull on my nipples, twist them a little. I like that."
My wife continued dancing for me while I freely fondled her nipples. As I was doing it I got a little masochistic cuckold thrill out of knowing during the past year a large number of other men had been given this same privilege.
While I played with Kelly's breasts she slipped her thumbs into the waist band of her panties and started inching them down her hips. While she was doing it she teased me. "I'll bet you'd like to see my pussy wouldn't you Timmy. It's very wet and it's just for you."
This was clearly one the reamisters my wife was such a good hostess. She was very adept at making a man believe that he was the most important permister in the entire world.
I stopped playing with Kelly's nipples and watched as she continued to slowly lower her panties. When she got to the point where she was about to expose the cleft of her pussy she flashed me a mischievous smile and said, "Are you sure you want to see my pussy?" The was a twinkle in her eye. She was toying with me and she was enjoying it.
I nodded my head.
Kelly was still swinging her hips in time to the music. Her panties were now nothing more than a thin line of bunched up black lace that just barely hid her sex. Her large breasts swung freely in front of my eyes. The room was filled with sexual energy. There was no question that my wife was very good at arousing a man.
She grabbed my hands and put them on the waist band of her panties. "If you want to see my pussy, you'll have to pull my panties down."
I took a deep breath, slowly lowered the bunched up line of black lace and exposed the swollen lips of my wife's smoothly shaved cunt.
I pulled Kelly's panties all the way down to her knees. Once her pussy was fully exposed she stared into my eyes and placed first one and then two fingers into her sex and fucked herself while she continued dancing to the rhythmic strains of the music playing in the background. After a moment she took the fingers out of her cunt and held them up to my lips. They glistened with the moisture of her arousal. "Open your mouth Timmy, open your mouth so you can taste me."
I parted my lips and Kelly pushed her wet fingers into my mouth. "Timmy, you like the taste of my pussy, don't you?"
I looked at my wife and smiled. "Yes, very much."
"Timmy, my cunt is dripping wet." She took my right hand and placed it between her thighs. She was wet, very wet.
"Fuck me with your fingers Timmy, fuck me while I dance for you."
For the next few moments Kelly stood between my legs with her panties around her knees, swinging her hips and shoulders in time to the music while I pushed two of my fingers in and out of her sopping cunt and massaged her engorged clitoris with the heel of my hand,
Suddenly she stopped dancing, pushed her panties to her ankles and kicked them off. My hand was still between her legs, my fingers were still buried in her cunt. Kelly stared into my eyes while she gently took hold of my wrist, removed my hand from between her thighs and brought it to her lips. Still dancing to the music she put the two fingers that had been fucking her cunt into her mouth and started fellating them and then she smiled at me. "Timmy I want to suck your cock. Will let me do that? Will you let me put your big hard cock in my mouth and suck it?"
I smiled at her and quietly answered, "Yes please." I assumed that the question was part of my wife's regular routine and as she dropped to her knees I wondered how many men answered the question with the word, please.
As soon as my wife was kneeling between my legs she picked up my tiny penis and gently held it in her fingers while she leaned over and lovingly kissed the head.
My breath caught. I was very aroused and Kelly's fingers and lips felt wonderful. Suddenly I started to worry. I knew that it would be a matter of seconds before I began ejaculating and I also knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it.
My wife sensed my unease and immediately grasped its cause. She looked up at me and in her most gentle voice said, "Don't worry Timmy, I want you to cum quickly. This is only the first of several orgasms that you're going to have tonight. You'll be able to last much longer when you have the next two. Now just relax and let yourself go. I want you to enjoy this.
Kelly leaned forward again, put my cock in her mouth and started aggressively sucking me. I understood exactly what she was doing. Since I was going to cum almost immediately, there wasn't any reamister to fool around with teasing and fondling. That last thing either of us wanted to have happen was for me to cum by accident while Kelly was playing with me.
Her sucking had an almost instantaneous effect. It began with a warm glow throughout my midsection and then the familiar tingling started in my loins. I could have warned Kelly, but I knew she didn't care. She loves it when a guy cums in her mouth.
Suddenly a burst of pleasure exploded inside me and I pumped several spurts of semen into my wife's mouth. Kelly kept sucking me. It felt like she was trying to coax every last drop of cum out to my cock before she was willing to end the blow job.
Eventually she did stop sucking me. Once she was finished she took my softening cock out of her mouth, crawled up on the bed next to me and whispered in my ear. "Timmy honey, did you enjoy that?"
I laughed. "Kelly, it was wonderful."
I was lying on my back. She put her arm around my chest, cuddled up to my side and nuzzled my neck. "Good, I was hoping you would enjoy it."
Posts: 303
gh, you are an incredible writer. Your stories are the cause of my being late for work many times, since I was up to 3 in the morning reading 'em! 
Posts: 4050
Coming from you that is very high praise. You were one of the first really great cuckold writers that I encountered and your writing inspired me to start writing.
Thank you,
Posts: 303
That's awesome, gh. Thanks a lot.