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Posts: 1459
#181 · Edited by: stormydog
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GH, your long post regarding what goes into writing a story was very insightful, and right on target. I could have done without that depressing little tidbit about the number of hours spent writing something that takes 5 minutes to read (I'd honestly never really thought of it that way), but I guess I'll survive that revelation!

I can understand that you get tired, and when you don't get the hoped-for positive response to something you've poured your heart into you don't get the emotional lift which that response provides. That can be a little depressing at times. I too have come back later to see what kind of response I've gotten to a segment I was particularly excited about or proud of and found nothing. I guess the words, thoughts, and emotions involved strike different people in different ways. Or perhaps their hands and arms were beginning to cramp up too much to type...

Your most recent post indicates you may be reconsidering and planning to post here again. I hope so, you would be sorely missed, but please know you have my support and gratitude in whatever you choose to do.

I think you hit on something I've wondered about when you mentioned the emails you've received from Lit readers who had read Courtesan here. When I registered at this site, membership was free. I believe now it costs, and as a result many read and view material here as guests, but are unable to respond. I can't feel bad about that, I don't know their financial circumstances and so I'm just hopeful that they enjoyed the read.

And that nonsense about you being a washed up old has-been....bullcuckolds brownie!!
If you're washed up I guess I should turn in my keyboard! You capture scene, character, plot, timeline, emotion, eroticism, everything so well, and weave it all together like no other. You should probably be teaching writing classes (or perhaps weaving), although you'd probably not be able to use these stories as your examples. On second thought, teaching would take too much of your time away from us - forget I said that.

I've been thinking that when Unwitting is finished I might take a little time off, and at this point I'm much closer to the end than to the beginning. I've enjoyed it immensely, and you are the inspiration for me attempting it, but it does take a lot of time. I've had a few small inspirations for a new story, something totally different and possibly somewhat controversial, but I'm not sure about it at this time. I think I'd miss the people here a lot if I stopped; I suspect you're the same.

Take care my friend, enjoy the weekend, whack the ball as needed, and please wish your amazing wife a very happy birthday for me.



Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Quoting: goodhusband
All of us require some validation that our efforts are worthwhile and our creations have merit. If people walk through the garden without saying anything the gardener begins to doubt her ability to create beautiful roses.

GH..... your story keeps getting better and better. Please keep posting on here for us to enjoy the beauty of your rose.

I held off on my comments so as to not disturb you with small talk. I can see how much time and effort you're putting into this and every story you have created. Your tallent is top shelf!!

Thanks for sharing!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 19
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GH, your stories are excellent. Don't get too concerned over the number of hits that you are getting on a story. I've read all your stories over the past 3 years, but I don't have time to log in every day to read each segment as you post them. I only check in about once a month to get caught up on all the best stories, and yours are always at the top of my list.

Also, most of us out here are readers, not writers, so we don't post replys very often, even for the best stories. You can rest assured that there are many more readers out here like myself that find your writings among the best on the net. They are real "page turners" .... another reamister I only check in at longer intervals.

Golf in mid November .... life is good isn't it!


Posts: 492
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Here's a little "how to" for those readers who are poor writers and are having problems responding. All you need to type in the little box down at the bottom of the page is this:

"Thanks GH, excellent story". Then click on the little box that says "post message".

If you're feeling real brave, you could even expound on that a little bit and explain what it is that you're liking about the story.

See, it's easy, I'm guessing just about anyone could do it. Takes no more than 10 seconds. These guys work hard at these stories, it's the least we could do as readers.


Posts: 178
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And I'm sitting here and wondering if your feelings were (partially?) caused, or strengthened, by my own unsuccessful attempt at writing a tribute to your story.

GH, since besides being a writer you are also a reader of stories, you know what it is like. You know what the curiosity is like, the need to know what comes next, the fantasies you can have in your own head about the characters that you've come to feel close to (Steve was... is... a favorite of mine). Perhaps if you consider the effect that this has on the reader's imagination, a sudden flash of intuition about 'what would be appropriate', about 'what could happen' is perhaps also not unknown to you.

I have sometimes in my mind added parts to movies or books I liked, most often because I simply could not put up with the thought of leaving the world that the movie or book in question had led be into. I couldn't be satisfied by a mere "The End", there had to be more, the characters didn't just disappear in limbo, they didn't simply revert to a state of non-being preceding the first time they were brought to my awareness. (Stephen King's The Stand is an example of such a book. It is already a very big book, and my only regret was that it wasn't even bigger.)

In a very true sense, when I wrote a (fanfic...) pseudo-segment for your story, I was trying to profess my admiration for the roses this gardener had been able to produce in the deepest way I could: by producing similarly shaped roses, by showing how much they had impressed me, by showing how these roses were indeed alive in my garden too, and that I cared about them. And to show my thankfulness to the Gardener who brought them into existence.

You've already forgiven me, and we've already moved on. But if there is any chance that your feelings now were caused by this little 'diplomatic incident', as someone put it, please accept my renewed apologies.

Life is difficult in more ways than one, and what looks like a good idea in the intimacy of one's mind may very well look very differently once it brought forth into the real world.

All in all, I of course hope you will do what is best for yourself. You are a free permister, the master of your own destiny. But inasmuch as I may have had anything to do with your feelings of insufficient validation, I hope what I've written here will help change that. And if not... then you can read this post as an elaboration on the theme of "Thanks GH, excellent story". :-)


Posts: 1
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"Thanks GH, excellent story"
I have never posted before but if it helps you not to leave I will. You are an excellent writer and I look forward to all your updates. I have read all your stories and Sandra and Stevie is my favorite. This one is getting very interesting and I look forward to reading it every time I log in. I do appreciate all the effort you put into writing.


Posts: 1459
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Great post asehpe, and you're right. I know exactly what you're saying about great books that you wish would never end, and GH's stories are very much that way for me. I become invested in the characters, grow to feel as though I know them and enjoy their company, and miss them when their story ends!

I think it's amazing and admirable how his fans have turned out here in support. Very heart warming. I was guilty for a long time of being a silent admirer - just never thought about saying anything to him or others that posted, and always considered myself a very private permister. I just liked the anonymity. Selfish and stupid in retrospect, and I'm trying to do better across the board. TrF2 is correct above - it's a little thing and takes only seconds, and it's the least we can do.
I'd rather shake his hand and buy him a take - a nice expensive Scotch, his choice. I feel confident he'd choose well, and I hope he will forgive my earlier thoughtlessness.

"Thanks GH, excellent story."


Posts: 4050
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Thank you for the very nice comments.



Posts: 4050
#189 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"You let me relax in the next morning."

"Yes, if I remember correctly it was almost noon before you actually got up.. Once you were up you got dressed very quickly and rushed off to work."

Kelly nodded. "I couldn't face you. I was afraid I might start crying. By that time work was starting to become a refuge for me."

"A refuge?"

"Yes, when I was with you at home I was constantly powerd to lie and be deceitful. I was overwhelmed with guilt about what I was doing. I had to be incessantly on guard to make sure I didn't slip up and get caught in a lie. When I went to work I could relax and be myself."

"I'm surprised that you didn't divorce me."

"I would never do that. I love you Timmy. I can't bear the thought of going through life without you."

I smiled at Kelly. "Well it's over now. You can relax. You won't ever need to lie to me again."

She smiled back at me. Suddenly her expression changed to one of alarm. "Oh dear I almost forgot. I have to call the Goldenrod and make a reservation for dinner." As she was opening her purse she glanced at the clock on the dashboard of her Mercedes and turned to me. "It's 6:40 now, do you think we can make it to the Goldenrod by eight?"

I shook my head. "No problem."

"Remember, you're my date tonight. We have leave enough time so I can give you a blow job right before we go."

I laughed. "That won't take long."

Kelly giggled. "You're right it probably won't."

She opened her purse, took out her cell phone, pushed a button and waited. Apparently the Goldenrod Supper Club was on her speed dial.

After a moment she said; "Good evening, this is Kelly Mamister." There was a pause and then she said, "I'm fine Thank you. John, I'd like to make a reservation for dinner tonight at eight o'clock." She paused again. "No tonight it will be for two. Thank you John, I'll see you at eight."

Kelly turned off her cell phone. As she was putting it back into her purse she turned her Mercedes onto our street. "Timmy I'm afraid you're going to have wait until were on our way back downtown to hear the story about the Superbowl party."

"I can do that."

She pushed a button above her rear view mirror. Our garage door opened. Kelly pulled her car into her garage stall. As soon as the car stopped she pushed the dashboard button that popped the truck lid and opened her car door.

"Come on Timmy, we have a big night ahead of us."

I grabbed the shopping bags from the trunk while Kelly got her dress out of the back seat. As soon as we got into the house we carried everything into the bedroom. I set the bags on the floor next to Kelly's dresser while she hung her dress in the closet.

Once everything was done she turned to me and said, "Get your clothes off. We can shower together." She giggled. "If you wash my pussy, I'll wash your cute little pee pee."

I laughed as I started unbuttoning my shirt. "Now that's an offer I could never refuse."

Showering with Kelly is always a wonderful pleasure. Her milky white skin, full round breasts and soft curves make washing her an erotic adventure. Generally when we're in this situation I'm bathing my wife. It's an act of loving presentation and when I'm done bathing Kelly I have to bathe myself. She is a goddess and goddesses don't attend to their servants.

On that evening it was different. That night Kelly and I were equals. We took turns washing each other. It was fun. We played with each other, fondled each other and teased each other. We never stopped giggling. After we were done bathing we wrapped large fluffy bath towels around ourselves and took turns patting each other dry.

As soon as we were both dry we went into the bedroom. As Kelly started sifting through the bags of lingerie she said, "Timmy tonight you are Mr. Timothy Jamiemister, an affluent businessman and investor. You should wear your blue blazer, gray flannel slacks, a white dress shirt and your burgundy and navy striped tie."

She pulled a pair of pale yellow lace panties out of one of the bags and tossed them to me. "You may be a big time investor, but underneath it all you're still my little pussyboy. Even tonight the edict still stands, no more men's underwear for you. Baby doll from now on, it's strictly panties."

I laughed as I caught the panties. "I guess tonight you'll have to call me Pussystud."

Kelly grinned at me. "That's very good, now go get into your clothes Mr. Pussystud."

I nodded and started getting dressed. As I was dressing I noticed that Kelly had selected a black lace half bra and matching garter belt. A pair of black lace bikini panties and pair of black nylon stockings.

Once she was done putting on her lingerie my wife sat down at her makeup table and began applying her makeup. As soon as I was dressed she said, "Timmy why don't make two martini's and bring them into the den. When I'm ready I'll join you there.

Apparently Kelly had a plan for this game we were playing and I didn't see any reamister to not play along with it. I grabbed my blazer and left the bedroom.

I had to go into the kitchen to make the martinis. Once they were ready I brought them to the den along with the evening newspaper and waited for Kelly.

I had just finished reading an article about Sunday's NFL games when the telephone next to my chair rang.

I picked it up. A voice on the other end said, "May I please speak to Mr. Timothy Jamiemister." It was Kelly. She must have been calling on her cell phone. I smiled. She really was going to show me how her dates worked in Las Vegas.

I answered. "This is Timothy Jamiemister."

"Mr. Jamiemister, my name is Melody Charles. I represent JTandR. It's my understanding that we have an appointment for dinner tonight."

Kelly had mentioned that she never used her real name while she was entertaining an associate. She'd also mentioned that one of the names she used was Melody.

"Yes Ms. Charles I believe we do have an appointment. I've been looking forward to meeting you all day."

"Mr. Jamiemister, I'm down in the hotel lobby. May I come up to your room?"

"Yes Ms. Charles, please do."

"I'll see you in a moment."

I hung up the telephone. A moment later there was a knock on the den door. "Mr. Jamiemister, it's Melody Charles."

I opened the den door and gasped. Kelly was absolutely stunning. Her long blond hair was carefully styled and tied back in a very loose pony tail. Her makeup, particularly her eye shadow and lipstick was just a little heavier than usual. She was wearing a gold necklace around her neck with a matching pair of gold earrings and bracelet.

All of this was incredible, but it was her dress that actually took my breath away. It was the dress that I'd seen in her overnight bag on the afternoon she'd returned from Las Vegas a little over a week ago.

It was a black cocktail dress covered with sequins, but that wasn't what made this dress remarkable. This dress may very well have been the sexiest article of clothing I'd ever seen my wife wear. It was low cut. I mean very low cut. Kelly's large breasts seemed to pour out of the top of her dress and it just barely covered her nipples. It was also short, very short. The hem of the dress just reached the the tops of her nylon stockings.

Kelly walked into the den and kissed my cheek. "Mr. Jamiemister, I'm Melody Charles, please call me Melody. May I call you Tim?"

I shook my head. "I prefer Timmy. Please call me Timmy."

"Very well Timmy. I see you have two martinis on the table. Is one of them for me?"

"Yes, I thought we might have a cocktail before we go down to dinner."

She smiled. "How nice, I just love having cocktails with a handsome gentleman in his hotel room."

I picked up the two martinis and handed one of them to my wife.

She smiled and held up her glass. "A toast."

I held up my glass. Kelly seductively stared into my eyes. "To an evening of pleasure and satisfaction."

We clinked our glasses and then each of us took a sip of our cocktails. As I rolled the vodka over my tongue I wondered how many different men my wife had engaged with that particular toast during the past several months.

Kelly set her glass down and then she took mine from my hand. As she set it down next to hers she said, "Timmy you are a remarkably handsome man. Would you mind if I kissed you?"

I smiled. "No, I wouldn't mind at all."

Kelly put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips. It quickly turned into a very passionate kiss. As my wife's tongue pushed it's way into my mouth I felt her right hand drop to my crotch. I gasped as she began to massage my erect penis."

Kelly broke off her kiss, but she kept rubbing my erection as she whispered in my ear. "You seem to have a lot of tension down here. I'm very good at relieving tension. Why don't we go into the bedroom so I can help you relax a little before we go down to dinner."

My wife took my hand an led me across the hall to our bedroom. When we were standing next to the bed she affectionately stroked my cheek and said, "Timmy why don't you take off your jacket and your shoes and make yourself comfortable on the bed."

I kicked off my shoes. While I was removing my blazer Kelly was fluffing up two pillows for my head. She was being very attentive. It was exciting. I lay down on the bed and rested my head on the pillows. As soon as I was comfortably positioned she sat down next to me.

She rested her hand on my knee and looked into my eyes. "Timmy sometimes I like to be a very naughty girl. I particularly enjoy being naughty when I'm with a handsome man like you."

She slowly moved her hand up my thigh towards my crotch. "I want you to think about all those naughty little things that you secretly dream about.

Kelly moved her hand onto my cock and balls. As she massaged me she said, "I love to make men happy."

She reached up and slipped her left breast out of the top of her dress. I was amazed at how easily it popped out. She picked up my hand and guided it to her exposed nipple. "Timmy I have large breasts and it gets me very excited when a strong man like you plays with them."

While I fondled her nipple my wife slowly unbuckled my belt, unfastened my trousers and lowered my zipper. I was excited, very excited. Kelly was good. She was demonstrating an amazing ability to arouse a man. At that moment I was truly impressed with her s*******. I felt a sense of pride. My wife was indeed a master of the art of seduction.

She reached into my open fly. As my wife slipped the front of my yellow panties down I started to chuckle.

She looked up at me. "What's so funny?"

I grinned at her. "I was just wondering how many of your dates wore yellow panties."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "Be Serious. If you keep fooling around I'm going to switch places with you and make you lick my pussy and ass until I have a nice sweet orgasm. After that, I'll leave you here to clean the house while I go to dinner at the Goldenrod." She leered at me. "I'm quite certain that in this dress I won't have any trouble finding a very handsome man who would be more than willing to be my dinner partner." She shook her head. "And I doubt that he'll laugh while I'm sucking his cock."

I smiled at my wife. "Kelly honey, you're so beautiful that you could go to The Goldenrod with your hair in curlers wearing nothing but an old bathrobe and you'd still find a host of men who wanted to be your dinner partners."

Kelly burst out laughing. "Timmy Jamiemister, you make me laugh. That's one of the ten million reamisters that I'm madly in love with you."

She took a moment to regain her composure and then with a very stern expression she said, "Now get serious. I want you to enjoy this. Take a deep breath. Get back to being Mr. Timothy Jamiemister the affluent businessman."

"All right."

My wife waited a second and then she said, "Are you ready now?'



Kelly carefully took my erect penis out of my panties and held it in her hand. "Timmy, you have a beautiful cock. It's so proud and firm." She smiled at me. "Would you mind if I kissed it?"

I shook my head. "Not at all."

I stopped fondling Kelly's nipple so I could watch with undivided attention while she leaned over and kissed the head of my erect penis. After she kissed it she rubbed it against her red painted lips and then my breath caught as she parted those provocative lips and enveloped my tiny erection in her warm moist mouth.

Kelly looked up at me. For a moment she didn't do anything else. She just gazed at me with my cock in her mouth. She was smiling. Her smile gave me the impression that she was enjoying this even more than I was. I remembered Tonya's blow job earlier that afternoon. She'd given me that same feeling. This reinpowerd my earlier assumption. Their ability to make a man believe that they enjoyed giving him his blow job every bit as uch as a he enjoyed receiving it, was one of the qualities that made Tonya and my wife artists at fellatio.

For a moment Kelly allowed me to relax and enjoy the pleasant comfort of her mouth, but then she started sucking me and that all changed. The sweet feeling of relaxed comfort turned into a sensation of intense pleasure. There was nothing grand or elaborate about this blow job. I knew that it was simply intended to be a preview of coming attractions. Nonetheless, my wife was very good at giving head and even in this sneak peek, she was demonstrating her s*******.

This time I lasted a little longer than I did with Tonya, bit it was still only about a minute before I felt that tingling sensation building in my loins. I just closed my eyes and relaxed. I knew my wife. She wanted me to cum in her mouth.

When she felt me start to ejaculate Kelly kept sucking me. It really is quite an incredible feeling to have a woman suck you while you're cumming.

After I was done cumming, Kelly kept sucking me. She didn't stop until my cock was completely limp.

When she finally took my shrinking penis out of her mouth she kissed the head and looked up at me. There was a big smile on her face. "That was just a little preview of what's in store for you tonight. When we get back from dinner I'm going to suck your cock again and then when you're nice and hard I'm going to let you fuck me."

I laughed and teasingly said, "I'll bet you say that to all the boys."

Kelly giggled at my joke and then she winked at me and said, "Actually I do."


Posts: 1914
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I didn't add to this list because I sent you a PM instead. Now I find I can't access any PMs, so maybe you can't either. I think enough has been said anyway. I'm sure you will have your own reamisters whatever you decide to do, and I would support you either way.

In any case, it's good to have you back.

.... and it is, truly, an excellent story.


Posts: 492
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Thanks GH, glad you're still with us.

Peak's's excellent.



Posts: 1459
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Like they said, glad to have you back as well! Excellent addition. Um, I don't suppose I could trouble you for Kelly's phone number...


Posts: 4
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Awesome GH. Good to have you back



Posts: 39
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GH You have some nice emotional subtlety in your writing and that is great. After all it is the anxieties that make the whole topic so enticing. Thanks for your extensive efforts.


Posts: 173
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Great update GH, I love the way that Kelly is trying to give Timmy a taste of the life that i'm sure she will return to in due course.


P.S. looking forward to the lingerie show when they get back from the meal.


Posts: 4050
#196 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Everyone, thank you for your nice comments.

Yesterday I was very busy, but after all my whining over the past several days, I really did want to post a segment. I worked hard and I worked quickly and as you can see, I did get it posted.

Last night I realized that in my haste I'd left out what I consider to be an important detail. It really isn't essential to understanding the story, but if you happen to be a little pussy wimp submissive cuckold (at this web site that isn't an insult, it's a category - one to which I very proudly claim membership) who enjoys a little powerd feminization in his fantasies, then you might want to go back and reread the last segment. It's a minor change, but I liked it.



Posts: 4050
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My wife sat up and then she pulled me up. I repositioned myself so that I was sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.

She kissed me. It was just a quick peck on the lips. "Did you enjoy that baby?"

I chuckled. "Of course I did. What a wonderful way to start and evening out. Would you like me to do you now?"

Kelly laughed, "I always like it when you do me, but not tonight. Tonight you're an associate, you're my date. Tonight it's all about your pleasure."

I grinned at her. "I guess I'm in for a very exciting evening."

"Yes you are."

"Is that really what you did when you met a guy in Las Vegas?"

Kelly nodded. "Almost word for word. Tonya taught me. All four of us follow that exact same script. When you're meeting a strange man for sex you have to be very careful at first. You don't want any misunderstandings."

I shook my head. "No, I don't imagine you do."

"We also want to make our date feel comfortable and we want to make him believe that we're every bit as excited about being with him as he is about being with us."

Kelly glanced at the clock. "Timmy it's 7:30. We have to go." She stood up and turned so her back was facing me. "Be a dear and unzip my dress."

I laughed as I stood up. "Isn't this a move in the wrong direction?'

"No, I have to put myself back together. You don't want me running around the Goldenrod Supper Club with my tit hanging out do you?"


"Just unzip my dress."

I unzipped Kelly. She slipped her breast back into the little half bra she was wearing and fixed the top of her dress. As soon as she was done she said, "There, now zip me up again."

As I was zipping her up she said, "Put yourself back together and take the martini glasses to the kitchen while I fix my makeup."

I looked down and laughed. My penis was still sticking out of the front of my open trousers. I stuffed my little limp friend back into my panties, zipped up my pants, tucked in my shirt, buckled my belt, straightened my tie and put on my shoes. As soon as I was back together I grabbed my blue blazer and went to the den to get the martini glasses. As I was walking out of the bedroom Kelly was seated at her makeup table fixing her lipstick. I smiled to myself when I thought about the number of times my wife has mentioned that sucking a guys cock really messes up a girls lipstick.

I rinsed the two martini glasses and put them into the dishwasher. Once that was done I walked out into the living room. I was just about to sit down when my wife breezed into the room.

"Timmy are you ready to go? We have just enough time to get to the Goldnerod by eight o'clock."

I stared at my wife. I couldn't move. Her sumptuous beauty was absolutely bewitching. For a moment I wondered how it was possible that this stunning woman was my wife."

"Timmy, what's the matter? Put on your sports jacket. We don't have time for you to dawdle. We have a dinner reservation."

I smiled at Kelly. "When you walked into the room just now you took my breath away. You really are an amazingly beautiful woman."

Kelly laughed. "And you my sweet husband are a very s*******ful charmer." She kissed my cheek. "And if you keep saying things like that, I guarantee that you're going to get very lucky tonight."

She was carrying a small clutch purse and a black sequined sweater jacket. She handed her purse to me and put on the sweater. As she took her purse back she said, "Now put on your sports jacket. It's time to go."


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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DITTO to what's already been said! I'm glad to see your story continue and fine it to be a real joy to read.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 2106
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Hey,gh, long time no read! lol. i've been pretty busy the past few months and haven't had a chance to get into your story. i always feel guilty when i check out this site and see your new postings and don't have the time or patience to read them. Sorry. Anyway, things have quieted down and i finally started reading this one tonight and it's great. i'm only on page four so far, but i love it. Maybe your best yet. Hopefully i'll get caught up in the next couple days. The last i knew, you were having some problems, but from what i've read you're doing much better and that's great news. i do hope you're well my friend and can continue your wonderful stories. priss


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I appreciate your support. Thanks for taking a moment to let me know you're enjoying the story.



What a nice surprise. I understand about the constraints of time. I don't get to look at all the things on this site that I would like to either. You're an old friend. I'm just happy to hear from you.



Posts: 4050
#201 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Note: All of the people and businesses in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblances to real people, places or businesses are strictly coincidental. To the best of my knowledge, the restaurant Aventure79 does not exist.

We got into Kelly's Mercedes and headed back downtown. As soon as she pulled her car onto Jackmister Street she turned to me. "Are you ready to hear about the Superbowl Party?"

I smiled. "I'm all ears."

"When I got to the office, both Tonya and Mandy were already there. Martin Jackmister had sent Tonya out to buy clothes for all four of us. Each of us had a cocktail dress and a matching lingerie set that included a brassiere, panties, garter belt, nylon stockings and shoes. Tonya's outfit was black, mine was scarlet, Mandy's was baby blue and Keisha's was pale yellow."

Kelly glanced over at me. "They told met that after dinner all four of us were going to do a striptease and then we were going so be spending the rest of the evening wearing nothing but our garter belt, nylon stockings and shoes. When I heard that out I got very excited. Timmy, I've discovered that I'm huge exhibitionist. I love it when I know men are looking at me."

I'll bet it makes you feel wicked."

My wife laughed. "You're getting to know me way to well."

"All right, so all of you had new outfits and after dinner you were going to dance for these men. Tell me more."

Kelly was quiet for a moment and then she sighed. "Timmy, I don't exactly know how to say this."

She paused again.

I looked at her. "What's the matter?"

"I feel so guilty when I think about that night."

"Why, what happened?"

"Nothing all that bad. I mean after my strip tease I ended up giving a lot of blow jobs, but you probably already guessed that."

"Yes I did, so what's the problem?"

"Timmy I know that night was supposed to be special for us. I was supposed to be at home with you. I feel like I should have hated every minute of that party." Kelly's voice got very quiet. "But I didn't hate it and that makes me feel awful." She looked over at me. "Timmy, that might have been one of the most memorable nights of my entire life. I feel terrible that it didn't involve you and I feel even worse that while I was having so much fun I was cheating you out of a night that was so important to you."

I chuckled. "It's okay. The super bowl was always a fun night for us, but it really wasn't all that important. I mean it wasn't like you were out at this party on our wedding night or our first wedding anniversary." I smiled at her. "I'm glad that it was a wonderful experience. Now just relax and tell me about it."

"I feel like I should downplay everything that happened. I don't want to make you feel bad."

"You won't. Knowing that you had a wonderful time is going to make me happy. I want you to share this with me. Kelly I want you to share all of these experiences with me."

"I wish you could have been there Timmy."

"Thank you that's very nice; but when you think about it, that's probably never going to happen. I doubt that these rich businessmen are ever going to want to include me in their parties."

"Well I don't work for JTandR anymore, so I don't think they'll be including me in their parties either."

I laughed. "Well that's true; but you still have your memories and you can share those with me. I can enjoy the party vicariously. Don't worry, I won't get upset."


Kelly paused for a moment and then she said, "Timmy these guys were all very rich and they spent a fortune on this party. I think I told you that they were wine connoisseurs. Each of them brought three bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne from their private cellars."

She stopped and then she smiled at me. "I'm sorry, I'd better start at the beginning. Tonya, Mandy, Keisha and I all got to Eagle Lake at 4:30. The men were due to arrive at 5:00. When we got there the house was in a flurry of activity. There were strange people everywhere. The men had hired a fancy New York restaurant called, Aventure79 to cater the party. That morning, the entire kitchen and wait staff and all the food had been flown in from New York by a private jet."

I shook my head."That must have cost a fortune. I'm beginning to understand why this turned out to be such a memorable experience."

"For cocktails they had a bar set up with an assortment if single malt scotches."

"Do you even like single malt scotch?"

"Not really, but it was still fun to try it. I gathered that all of the different brands were very old and very expensive. During the cocktail hour the caterers served appetizers. They had these little biscuits that were filled with cream cheese and crab or lobster. They were wonderful. During the cocktail hour Martin, John and Wendell introduced Tonya, Mandy, Keisha and me to all of there friends. They had a huge flat screen television mounted on the wall in the parlor. It was tuned to the football game, but I don't think anyone was watching it. Tonya, Mandy, Keisha and I sure weren't. We were too busy flirting with all the men and they seemed like they were enjoying every moment of it."

"Yes, I can imagine that they were."

"When dinner was served I was seated between Sam and Wendell. They were so nice and the dinner was fabulous. There were at least seven courses. They served soup and pasta and fish and beef. There was a different wine for every course. Timmy the men discussed every bottle of wine. Some of them cost over five hundred dollars."

"I'll bet that wine didn't come in a box."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "Will you please be serious." Then she giggled. "No forget I said that. I don't ever want you to be serious. I love your jokes."

"Don't worry, I won't be."

She grinned at me and then she continued. "After dinner we moved back to the parlor for dessert. The caterers served coffee, cognac, champagne and these wonderful little hand dipped chocolates."

"I would imagine that you loved the chocolates."

"I did. I ate several of them. Anyway, while we were eating dinner someone had moved seven leather love seats into the parlor and arranged them in a semicircle."

"They turned the room into a little theater."

"Yes, that's exactly what they did. I was sitting on one of the love seats with this man named Everett. He was in his fifties. He was very handsome and very interesting. He liked to travel and he'd been all over the world." My wife giggled. "I was looking forward to sucking his cock a little later in the evening.

I chuckled.

Kelly turned and flashed me a quick smile and then she continued. "Everett told me to try eating a chocolate while I was sipping some cognac. Timmy that's a wonderful combination. We have to try it some night."

"I'd like that."

"So Everett was telling me about a trip he'd taken up the Amazon River when Martin walked to the center of the semicircle of love seats. He announced that the evenings entertainment was about to begin and then he sat down on his love seat. I looked around. Mandy was sitting with a bald headed man in his mid sixties named Lawrence and Keisha was sitting with small slender man who looked to be about the same age as Lawrence, only he had a full head of gray hair. His name was Brandon." Kelly giggled." Keisha had her hand on Brandon's crotch. She's really forward."

"I would guess that Brandon didn't mind."

Kelly laughed. "No, I'm sure he didn't and I decided that if Keisha could do it so could I."

"You mean you started playing with Everett's cock?"

"Yes and he had a nice big one and it was very hard."

"I'll bet that really made you want to suck it."

My wife glanced over at me. There was a huge smile on her face. "Listen to you. You really get off on the fact that I love to give blow jobs."

"Is that new information for you?"

Kelly shook her head. "No I guess it isn't." And then she started to laugh. "You're going to love the rest of this story."

"I already love this story. Right now my cock is just as hard as Everett's was that night."

"Already? I just gave you a blow job."

"I guess your story is a pretty good aphrodisiac for me."

My wife giggled. "I love being married to a man who gets an erection when he thinks about me sucking another guys cock."

I laughed. "We seem to be very well matched."

Kelly shook her head. "Okay cuckboy, pay attention."

"I'm all ears."

"The big screen television on the wall was tuned to the football game, but suddenly it changed and started showing a video of Tonya sucking Antoine's cock."

"He's the black guy with the great big one right?"

"That's Antoine and we were all watching a video showing Tonya deep throating his great big dick. Suddenly a stereo begins playing Wilmister Pickett's misterg, "In The Midnight Hour" and Tonya walks into the room and starts dancing. Timmy watching a woman do a strip tease while a big screen TV is playing a video of her sucking a huge black cock is pretty hot. It was fun to watch the men's eyes shift back and forth from Tonya to the television screen."

"I'll bet everyone was very attentive."

"Oh yes. When Tonya took off her dress they all applauded and when she took off her bra they all cheered."

"Those dignified old businessmen cheered?"

"Yes they did, but when she pulled her panties down they got very quiet. The music was the only sound in the room. After she was finished with her dance, Tonya walked over to Sam, handed her panties to him and then sat down next to him and gave him a long slow kiss on the lips."

I shook my head. "This is turning into a very wild party."

Kelly nodded. "Yes, but it gets even wilder."

"What happened next?"

"The television changed to a video of Mandy sucking Antoine's cock and an Otis Redding misterg started playing. Mandy kissed Lawrence on the cheek and told him that she had to go to work, but she'd be back as soon as she was done."

"And she also stripped down to nothing but her garter belt, nylons and shoes and soon as she was done she went straight back to Lawrence, handed her panties to him, sat down and gave him a big kiss."

"Did you or Keisha go next?"

"Keisha, I was the grand finale."

"That must have made you feel good."

"It really did. It was the first time I got to be a star of a show."

"I assume Keisha's dance was just like Tonya's and Mandy's."

"Yes it was."

"Tell me about your dance."

"Timmy I was so nervous. When it was my turn I kissed Everett on the cheek and told him I'd be right back and then I walked out to the center of the room. The television was playing a video of me sucking Antoine's cock. It was felt very funny to be standing in front of a group of strange men with a video playing above me showing me on my knees completely naked with a guys cock in my mouth."

"Yes, I can certainly understand how that might be a bit disconcerting."

Kelly nodded. "But I like to dance and I'd stripped for enough men by then that I was pretty comfortable about it. As soon as the music started I relaxed "

"What music did they play for you?"

"Aretha Franklin's Dr. Feelgood."

"A very nice choice."

"You know how much I love Aretha Franklin and that misterg is so slow and sexy. It gave me a real opportunity to do a little teasing during my dance."

"Tell me about your dance."

"Okay, my dress had spaghetti straps and zipped in the back. I danced for a moment and then I lowered the zipper, slipped the straps off of my shoulders and let the top of my dress fall to my waist."

"But you were still wearing a brassiere."

"Yes, a little half bra that just barely covered my nipples."

I took a deep breath. Kelly heard me and smiled. "That cocktail dress is still at the office, but I think that later tonight I can do a pretty sexy strip for you in the dress I'm wearing right now."

I laughed. "I have no doubt about that."

"I danced in my dress and bra for a minute and then I turned around so the men could all see me unclasping my brassiere. As soon as it was unfastened I put my hands on the cups to hold it in place and turned back around so I was again facing the men."

My wife glanced over at me. "Timmy it was so hot. Those men couldn't take their eyes off of me. My pussy was already soaking wet."

"You seem to get a big thrill out of stripping for a group of men."

"Kelly thought for a moment and then she said, "Yes, I really do." She shrugged. "I already mentioned that one of the things I learned about myself while I was working at JTandR is that I am an enthusiastic exhibitionist." She laughed. "I suspect that I'll be flashing guys for the rest of my life." She glanced over at me. "Timmy can you imagine what I'll be like when I'm eighty. I'll be dropping coins on the sidewalk so I can bend over and flash my wrinkled old butt at some hot young college student."

"You won't have to drop the coins."

"What do you mean?"

I winked at my wife. "I'll be there dropping them for you."

We both burst out laughing.


Posts: 4050
#202 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"Okay, so you were holding the cups of your brassiere over your breasts while you danced."

"Yes, and I was acting like a real brat. I was teasing the men unmercifully. I'd let one of the cups slip so that I was just barely exposing a nipple and then I'd pretend to get embarrassed and quickly cover it up again."

"I don't think that makes you a brat, but you were certainly acting like a coquette."

Kelly giggled. "A coquette, I like that. It sounds so much nicer than brat."

I chuckled.

My wife stuck her tongue out at me and then she continued. "After about a half minute of teasing I pulled the bra away and tossed it to Wendell."

"You're good friend."

"Yes, and as soon as he caught my bra I danced to the top of the semicircle of love seats so that all the men had a very good view of me and then I bent over and slowly pulled the skirt of my dress up to my waist."

"You were still wearing your panties?"

"Yes I was, but once I had the hem of my skirt gathered around my waist, I slowly pushed my panties down my hips while I wiggled my naked butt in time to the music. I pushed my panties all the way down to my knees and then I just wiggled my butt and gave all of the men a nice long look at my naked rear end. Timmy, it was so hot. I felt so naughty. My entire body was tingling with excitement. I stood up, kicked my panties off and turned around.” Kelly giggled. “I couldn't resist the opportunity to give the men a quick peek at my shaved pussy before I pushed my skirt back into place.

I smiled at my wife's frank admission and then I prompted her to continue. "So now your breasts were fully exposed and your were naked under the skirt of your dress."

"That's right and there was about a minute and a half left in the misterg." Kelly smiled. "I danced for each of the men and while I danced for them I lifted the hem of my skirt and gave them a very close look at my naked pussy."

"I'll bet that made you feel wicked."

Kelly sighed. "Timmy, I was so excited. At that moment it took every bit of self control that I had to keep from touching myself"

"What stopped you? I mean there really weren't any rules at this party."

"I was afraid that I'd have an orgasm. If I'd been lying on a bed and it had been a sex show I wouldn't have been the least bit concerned about cumming in front of those men." She shook her head. "But this was a dance. I didn't want to lose control in that situation."

I nodded. "Yes, I understand."

"Just before the end of the misterg I let my dress drop to the floor. I stepped out of it and then I danced in front of the men wearing nothing but my garter belt, nylon stockings and high heeled shoes."

I grinned at my wife. "Now that's a sight I wish I could have seen."

Kelly reached over and patted my knee. "I wish you could have too; but don't worry, I'll dance for you tonight." She giggled. "And when I flash my pussy at you, I'll let you kiss it."

"How about when you flash your ass at me?"

Kelly glanced at me for a moment and then she started laughing. "You are a perv."

I nodded vigorously. "Yes I am."

My wife sighed. "Well I am too."

"Yes you are and it's one of the many reamisters I love you, but why are you saying that right now?"

"Because of what happened next."

"What happened? Tell me."


Posts: 173
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Yes. Please tell us, hehe.

Wonderful chapter again GH, I love it when stories describe in detail a woman's sexy clothing and especially how she takes it off, it creates a wonderful mental picture for me and this part was spot on if you ask me.

Can't wait for the next update and I'm glad you have decided to stay for the meantime.



Posts: 4050
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Thanks for the quick note. I appreciate it.



Posts: 4050
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"When I went to pick up my dress and my panties I noticed that none of the men were watching me. They all seemed to be staring at something behind my back. I was curious about what was attracting their attention so I turned around to look. It was Antoine. He must have just come into the room. He was completely naked and he had an erection."

Kelly shook her head. "Timmy, when he's naked Antoine is really quite spectacular. He's tall, at least 6'5". He played basketball in college and he has that slender, well muscled body that's so common among black basketball players."

Kelly laughed. "He also has a very big dick and when it's erect it is an extremely imposing sight. It's long. It's not extraordinarily thick, but it is amazingly long. I've never measured it, but it has to be at least a full foot and it could very well be more. It also has this wonderful upward curve."

Kelly glanced over at me. "Timmy, do you know what I'm talking about? When men with big cocks are aroused it's very common that their erections will curve upwards." My wife giggled. "They kind of remind me of an angry snake rearing it's head back as it hisses at me. Those cocks are really fun to suck."

"So I would imagine that you enjoy giving Antoine head."

My wife took a deep breath. "Oh yes."

"What did you do?"

"I glanced over at Tonya. She nodded to me. Before the party, she and Mandy had warned me that I was going to have a surprise that night and that was apparently it. I assumed that I was supposed to give Antoine a blow job while all of those men watched."

"You did tell me earlier that they said you that you were going to be the star of the show that night."

"Yes, but I thought that just meant that I would be doing the final strip tease."

"Were you nervous?"

"Not really, but I was incredibly excited. Timmy I was so excited that I had goose bumps all over my body.

"I'll bet you were feeling very wicked at that moment."

Kelly smiled. "I really was."

"Tell me what happened."

"I laid my dress and panties on the edge of Wendell's love seat and walked over to Antoine. I wrapped my right hand around his great big dick, put my left arm around his neck, pulled him to me and kissed him full on the lips. Behind me the men all started to clap and cheer.”

Kelly glanced over at me. "After a moment I broke off the kiss and stepped back, but I didn't let go of Antoine's cock. I kept a tight hold on it. We grinned at each other for a moment and then I said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, Is there anything I can do for you big boy?. I guess I was trying to mimic Mae West."

My wife took a deep breath. She was obviously very excited. "Antoine gave me this macho stare and then he said, You know what I want. As he said those words he put his hands on my shoulders and very gently pushed me to my knees."

Kelly's voice got quieter. "I held Antoine's cock in both of my hands. My entire body was trembling with excitement. Timmy, counting the waiter and the bartender there were a dozen people watching us. When I leaned forward and kissed the head of Antoine's erection I heard a collective gasp behind me. That got me even more excited."

Kelly glanced over at me and smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Antoine nudged my shoulder and we both rotated our positions slightly so that all of the men could see us from where they were sitting. Once we were settled again I pushed Antoine's huge cock back and started licking and kissing his great big balls. The men all clapped and that got me even more excited. I didn't want to waste anymore time.” She laughed. “I was so excited that I couldn't bear to waste another second. I pulled Antoine's erection back down, licked the shaft a few times and then I put that magnificent monster in my mouth and started sucking it. Timmy by that time I was so hot that I didn't care who was in the room. All of my attention was focused on Antoine's beautiful penis."

My wife sighed. This memory was obviously very exciting for her. After a moment she said, "I don't really know how long I sucked Antoine. I think it was probably only about a minute. Tonya and Mandy came over and intervened. Tonya tapped my shoulder and pulled me to my feet. As I stood up all the men clapped and cheered. Mandy grabbed Antoine's erection and used it as a handle to lead him out of the room. I later learned that she took him to her privacy room and gave him a little relief."

"Privacy room?"

"Yes, both Eagle Lake and Evergreen have them. The two houses are actually huge old mansions. Both of them have an enormous amount of space. JTandR bought the houses so they could use them to hold parties, sex parties. Both houses have relaxing spaces on the upper floors, but the main floors are used exclusively for entertaining associates. Immediately after buying the houses they did extensive renovations to both of them. One of the renovations was to create six private rooms near the parlor in both houses. These rooms are just large enough for a double bed and a small table."

Kelly smiled at me. "Timmy, they're private sex rooms."

I nodded. "I assumed that was their purpose. So what happened next?”

"After that, the tone of the party changed. Tonya led me over to Everett and asked him if he'd be interested in visiting one of the private rooms with me. He immediately stood up and said that he was very interested. I led him off to my privacy room."

"You each had your own privacy room?"

"Yes, it was easier that way. When you opened the door to a room you didn't have to worry that someone else might already be in there."

"That makes sense."

"Everett was fun and he did have a big cock. He really appreciated his blow job. When I sensed that he was getting close to cumming I stopped and offered to let him fuck me, but he said no. He explained that they called themselves the aficionados of fellatio for a reamister and on that night they were indulging their passion for that particular pleasure."

I laughed. "It must be nice to be fabulously wealthy."

Kelly shook her head. "I don't know, I suspect that lifestyle could get very old very quickly." She giggled. "But it sure would be fun to try it for a while."

I looked at her. "But you did try it for a while.'

She nodded. "Yes I did."

"Are you sure you're ready to leave it?"

My wife stared at me for a moment and then she asked, "Do I have a choice?"

"I'm not sure were ready to address that question quite yet."

She sighed. "Yes, you're right."

"Tell me what was happening when you and Everett returned to the party."

"Everyone had moved into the library."

"The library? Why the library? Did they all want to read 'Moby Dick'?"

Kelly laughed. "No, but I'm sure they all would have loved to see one of us suck Moby's dick."

I shook my head. "And you called me a perv."


I laughed. "Don't be, actually I loved the joke. It was just silly enough to appeal to my warped sense of humor."

Kelly grinned. "Timmy I have so much fun when I'm with you."

I sighed. "I just wish I was better in bed."

"You're pretty good with your tongue."

"Yes, but I don't think that's not enough for you."

My wife was quiet for a moment and then she said, "No, I don't think it is; but Timmy, I also don't think that it probably matters."

"What do you mean?"

"You recognized it earlier. I crave variety. Even if you had a cock as big as Antoine's, I still think I'd want to date other men."

We were both silent. After a moment Kelly asked, "Timmy, do you really want me to be faithful to you?"

I didn't even have to think about my answer. I just smiled at my wife and said, "No, of course not."


Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH, those last few segments were outstanding! I love the way they are relating and opening up to each other, and yet it's soooo sexy!


Posts: 178
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"No, of course not". What a delightful answer! It's so easy to empathize with Timmy.

I love the dynamics between him and Kelly. It feels like they're a team already, you know, K&T. When people are so well matched, one does feel like love is a higher calling, a form of spiritual art, if you will.


Posts: 492
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Hopefully there will be more of Antoine and Kelly at the party, I love the visual. Such a fun read GH, thanks.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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As always...... your story is TOP SHELF.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 438
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GH....don't ever stop, I'm really sorry I've not added anything for a while it's that time of year where there is bonus on offer at work and I've been doing silly hours to earn it

I love all your stories and appreciate all your efforts, your are certainly not washed up, far from it, your understanding of the subject is amazing and that reflects in your writing which is amazing also......

Keep it up....and any folks reading this please just write the occasional word or two to GH he certainly deserves to be recognised for his efforts....

Mel x
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