Posts: 4050
Tonya patted my cheek. "Are you okay now baby?"
I smiled at her. "Yes, thank you. I'm sorry I acted like a young."
Tonya shook her head. "No it's okay. You don't need to apologize. I understand. I'm certain that knowing that we can compare you to an army of other men might give you a little performance anxiety. Just remember that there are lots of different ways that people can excel. Big cocked lovers who can fuck for hours are actually quite easy to find. A sensitive man who knows how to satisfy a woman with his tongue is much rarer."
She laughed. "Besides, if you learn to control yourself, you'll have to become a stud and then we won't be able to play our domination games anymore. Timmy I like you just the way you are."
"Kelly nodded. "Please don't try to change. I love my tiny dicked pussylicker."
I shook my head. "All right, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with my role as my wife's cuckold wimp."
Kelly took a deep breath when she heard me say that. "Timmy, there is nothing in this world that would make me happier."
Tonya glanced at the clock on Kelly's makeup table. "Damn look at the time." She stood up and started grabbing her clothes. "Guys I have to run. I just barely have enough time to clean up and drive out to Eagle Lake."
Kelly looked at her. "Can we do anything to help you?"
She shook her head. "No I just have to take a quick shower, put on fresh makeup and get dressed. The clothes I'm going to wear are already laid out in my office."
Tonya was holding her clothes in a bundle, but she didn't make any effort to put them on. Instead she just walked to the door to my wife's office and opened it. As she left she said, "Kelly I'll call you tomorrow. Timmy it was a pleasure to meet you. I really like you. I hope we can become very close friends."
And then she closed the door behind her.
As soon as she was gone I turned to my wife. "She went out in the hall without putting her clothes back on."
Kelly smiled at me. "Don't worry, no one will be offended. People are used to seeing us run around naked at this end of the hall. That's why they put our offices way down here." She laughed. "And I guess there's another reamister."
"What's that?"
"You may have noticed that once in a while it gets a little noisy down here."
I remembered the way Tonya screamed while she was having her orgasms and smiled at my wife. "Yes, I understand."
Kelly stood up. Come on Timmy. Let's get dressed and gather up some of my lingerie. We have a big evening ahead of us, and right now I'm getting hungry. As soon as we get home I want my little cuckold wimp to make me some dinner."
I stood up. As I was picking up my underwear I smiled at my wife and said, "yes Ms. Mamister, I would love to make you some dinner."
I was about to step into my boxer shorts when Kelly stopped me. "Timmy what are you doing?"
"Putting on my underwear, why?"
"That's not the underwear that Tonya gave you."
I stared at my wife. She had a wicked grin on her face. It took me a moment to actually grasp what she was saying to me. I was a little shocked by the implication of her statement, but the tingling in my balls revealed my true feelings. "Are you telling me that you want me to wear those pink panties?"
"Didn't you just say that you were going to be happy with your role as my cuckold wimp?"
I could feel my penis beginning to grow.
Still, I stared at the floor in embarrassment.
Kelly wasn't about to give me any quarter. "Wouldn't you agree that pink panties are the appropriate underwear for a tiny dicked pussylicker?"
I realized exactly what Kelly was doing and I had to admit that it was very exciting. I decided that this was not the time to be coy. I grinned at my wife and said; "Yes Ms. Mamister, I do."
She nodded. "Very good." She walked over, picked up the panties and handed them to me. "Now put them on. When we're going through my lingerie drawers we'll pick out several more pairs for you. I don't think I'm ever going to allow you to wear men's underwear again. From now on it's going to be nothing but panties for you pussyboy."
She paused for a moment. "Of course, if you really don't want me to make this demand, you could always say check."
I shook my head. "No Ms. Mamister, I'm not going to say check." I smiled at Kelly. "But I am going to beg you to not make me wear these panties or turn me into your little cuckold wimp or start dating other men."
This was of course the code that Tonya had instructed me to use. If I was really enjoying something that she and Kelly were doing I was to beg them to stop doing it. That way they could pretend to be cruel doms and callously ignore my pleas for mercy as they ruthlessly kept doing whatever it was that they were doing at the time. Of course this only worked because we had a real safe word. A word I could use if I really did want them to stop. Our safe word was check.
Kelly started giggling and then she winked at me and gently slapped me across the face. "Silence! You will wear whatever I tell you to wear. Is that clear slave?"
I meekly bowed my head. "Yes Ms. Mamister, I understand."
"And I don't have to turn you into my little cuckold wimp. You already are my little cuckold wimp."
Kelly paused and the she quietly asked, "Are you really willing to let me date other men?"
I smiled at her. "Yes, of course I am. I want you to date other men. I never wanted you to stop dating other men. I just don't ever want you to lie to me about it."
"When can I start?"
I chuckled. "It's been several days since you've had a good fuck hasn't it?"
Suddenly Kelly looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry Timmy. I wasn't thinking. That was an awful thing to ask you today."
I put my arms around my wife and hugged her. "No, It was okay. I know you. You're Kelly Mamister. We've been together for over three years now. I know exactly how much you love a good fuck. I love you Kelly. I want you to have that."
I kissed her cheek. "Now tell me, when was the last time you got boinked by a guy with a nice big cock?"
Kelly laughed. “Boinked?”
“I think that was your word. I clearly remember you using it earlier today.”
She nodded, “Okay.”
The expression on her face became much more serious. "Do you really want to know?"
"Yes, of course I do. I always want to know."
"It was a week ago last Saturday. There was a dinner party at Eagle Lake. My date was a middle aged businessman from Dallas. He really wasn't all that big, but he knew how to use what he had and he could go all night. He fucked me three times." She giggled. "He really wore me out."
"What about the guy in Vegas last week?"
Kelly shrugged. "He was a nice guy, but he mostly just wanted to be seen in the casino with a sexy blond. That's why I brought that outrageous dress."
I smiled. "I'd still like to see you in it."
"It's in the closet. I'll bring it home and wear it to dinner tonight. She giggled. Maybe you could put on your sport jacket and a tie and we could pretend we out for dinner."
"Why don't we go out for dinner for real? We have a lot to celebrate. We could go to the Kensington Grill."
Kelly shook her head. "Oh no Timmy, I could never wear that dress to the Kensington Grill. It's much too risqué for that restaurant. Besides, I don't have a job anymore. We have to save our money."
"Kelly, we have a huge savings account. We can afford one dinner in a fancy restaurant."
"It would be fun to go out." My wife thought for a moment and then she said, "I could never wear that dress to the Kensington Grill, but I could wear it to the Goldenrod Supper club. Would you like to go there?"
"I've never been to the Goldenrod Supper Club. Is the food good?"
"It's not as good as the Kensington Grill, but they do have great steaks."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy, when I was working for JTandR I ate at the Goldenrod Supper Club at least two nights a week. That was one of the parts of my life that I kept hidden from you. I think we should go there." She smiled. "This might be one way that you could learn a little more about what my life was like when I was working as a hostess."
I thought about this for a moment and then I said, "Yes, this sounds like a very good idea. I would love to try the Goldenrod Supper Club."
Kelly grinned at me. "This is going to be so much fun. I know lots of people at that restaurant."
She paused. She seemed to be thinking. After a second she said, "Timmy we could pretend like it's one of my dates in Vegas." She giggled. "And you can be my date. As soon as we get back to the house we'll clean up and get ready to go. Right before we leave I'll give you a blow job. That's the way I always did it. When I met a guy in his hotel room I'd give him a blow job before we left for dinner. It seemed to take a little of the pressure off and make the dinner a bit more relaxed. Otherwise most of the guys were so anxious about getting me into bed that we couldn't enjoy the evening."
I nodded. "That makes sense."
"Anyway, after I give you a blow job I'll fix my make up." My wife shook her head. "Giving a blow job really messes up a girl's makeup, especially her lipstick"
"You mentioned that earlier today."
"Did I? Oh sorry."
"That's okay, I love hearing about all of these details."
"Yes, really."
"Maybe over dinner I can tell you about some of my dates."
"I would love that."
Kelly licked her lips. "Will stories like that get you all hot and bothered."
I laughed. "Yes, I'm quite sure that they will."
"Good, because after dinner we can go back to the house. After we get there I'm going to do a little strip tease for you. I love to do that. I love to dance for a guy before we start fooling around. It's gets them really hot." She giggled. "I've discovered that I'm a huge exhibitionist."
"You've never done a strip tease for me." It just sort of popped out and I regretted it as soon as I said it.
Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she sighed. "Timmy I'm so sorry. I didn't start doing them until I became a hostess and then well..."
I kissed her cheek. "It's okay. I shouldn't have said anything. “Let's just forget it. I'm already looking forward to seeing you do a strip tease tonight."
Kelly hugged me. "Timmy, I'm afraid that there are lots of things I've done for other guys that I've never done for you. After I started working at JTandR my professional life revolved around sex and I became more and more adventurous. Sweetheart I'm sorry that I shut you out of that part of my life. I promise that I'll try to make it up to you by doing all of those things for you as soon as I possibly can."
I held Kelly in my arms. "I'm sure you will and don't worry, we have lots of time."
My wife sighed. "Yes we do. We have our whole lives ahead of us."
I smiled. "Okay, let's get back to tonight. What's going to happen after you do your strip tease for me."
Kelly laughed. "Don't you know?"
"No, I've never been on a date like this."
"Silly boy, you're going to fuck me and after you're done fucking me I'm going to tease you and play with you until you get another erection and then you're going to fuck me again." Kelly seductively brushed her lips across my neck. "And if you would like it, after you're done fucking me the second time I'll try to get you hard again so you can fuck me a third time."
"What if you start to get tired?"
"It doesn't matter. I'm a courtesan. Pleasing you is my job." She giggled. "And a guy has to be pretty good to wear me out."
"Did you ever meet a guy who could wear you out?"
"Yes, once in a while I'd end up with a real rabbit. I'd usually find those guys at the sex parties at Eagle Lake and Evergreen."
"What did you do?"
"When a guy can get it up a fourth or a fifth time, he can also usually go for a really long time on those later erections. If my pussy started to get sore, I'd just invite him to fuck my ass for a while."
My wife laughed. "That invitation always gets a very enthusiastic response. Most guys also get so excited about doing it that they cum right away."
Kelly paused. After a moment she said, "Once in a great while I'd meet a rammer and jammer who could get it up three or four times. Rammers and jammers aren't much fun and they really can wear out my pussy." She chuckled. "And I really don't want those guys fucking my ass. That could hurt."
"So what did you do with those guys?"
"I'd just start giving them blow jobs." Kelly shrugged. "Timmy after they've fucked me once or twice, most guys are pretty content to lie back and let me suck their cocks."
I smiled at my wife. "You were really good at your job."
Kelly nodded. "Yes Timmy I was."
"You enjoyed too."
"Yes I did, very much."
Posts: 492
I'm sure loving this story GH, and I'm so pleased that you're having fun writing it for us. Thank you for all your efforts, it's quickly becoming one of my all time favorites. I think I know where you're headed with it, but you've been known to throw in a few clunkers along the way.
The clubs are put away, time to start moping around the house, waiting impatiently for Spring to arrive. Have to dust off the snow blower and get ready, the "experts" are predicting a lot of snow for us this winter.
Posts: 4050
Thanks, I'm glad you like the story and yes, I am enjoying writing it very much. Your guess may be correct (but then again it may not be) but I assure that the road to the end of the story does have some turns in it.
Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny here. The temperature is only going to get into the high 40's but I still plan to try to play golf. I have a stocking cap and a pair of winter golf gloves so I'll be able to stay warm. The leaves on the ground will be the biggest issue. If you don't hit it straight the can make it a bit difficult to find the ball.
Thanks for the note
Posts: 1459
Nice GH, I love the way you left Kelly and us hanging. The last few segments with Timmy and Kelly (and Tonya) being so sexy and playful were a joy to read, and that last bit reinpowering Timmy's strength, intelligence, and masculinity was outstanding. The strength of your characters and the way their conversations sparkle really make your stories something special. As always, thanks for the many hours of pure pleasure!
Posts: 4050
Thanks Stormy
Posts: 4050
#156 · Edited by: goodhusband
When we got to Kelly's Mercedes I loaded the shopping bags into the trunk while she hung her dress in the back seat. Once that was done we got into her car, left the parking ramp and started the drive home.
As soon as Kelly turned onto Second Street she glanced over at me and said, "Okay, what's going on with JTandR? What was Warren talking about?"
I sighed. "Kelly, you're going to have to be patient with me on this one. I really do believe that we need to finish repairing our marriage before we start addressing our relationship with JTandR."
"Why do you say, our relationship with JTandR? I was the only one who had a relationship with the firm."
"No, you're my wife. You're relationship with the firm had an enormous effect on our relationship with each other, so I think we do have to talk about our relationship with JTandR." I paused. After a moment I said, "Kelly I wish Warren hadn't said anything at all. I'd planned to wait until tomorrow or even Friday before I broached this issue."
"Is it that bad?"
"No it's not, but it's complicated. It's going to require a very lengthy discussion on our part and right now I'd rather put that time and energy into restoring our marriage. I understand that you're curious, but please try to forget about this for a little while."
"But it's not bad?"
"No, but it is very complicated and merits a great deal of discussion. In the end, it could actually turn out to be very good."
Kelly shrugged. "Okay, I'll try to forget about it for a little while."
We were both quiet for a moment and then Kelly turned to me and said, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"
I smiled at her. "Tell me more about the trip to Las Vegas last week. Up in your office you implied that the guy wasn't a very good fuck.
Kelly chuckled. "You're a perv."
I laughed. "Is that a new discovery for you? Remember, while we were in college I was tho one who used to write fantasy stories about your dates with other guys. After you got home from those dates you used to sit on my face and tell me every minute detail about the sex you had while I licked your pussy,"
Kelly grinned at me. "That was fun wasn't it?"
"Yes it was."
"Okay, the guy in Vegas last week." She thought for a moment. Finally she turned to me. "Actually, I really don't know if he was a good lay. He never fucked me."
"He never fucked you?'
She nodded. "That wasn't that uncommon. I gave him a blow job when we met in his hotel room before dinner and I gave him another blow job when we went back to his room after he was finished gambling in the casino. As soon as he came from the second blow job he thanked me and told me I was done for the night. He wanted to go to relax. I'm pretty sure he had a good time. Some guys were just like that. It was my job to give them what they wanted. It seemed that he mostly wanted to be seen with a hot blond hanging on his arm in the casino."
"I can understand that. What about the guy at the Calvert Hotel
"He was a nice guy, but he couldn't fuck worth a damn. He was a rammer and jammer."
"A rammer and jammer? You used that phrase earlier, what does it mean?"
"You know, he had no rhythm or style. He just stuck his dick inside me and rammed it in and out as fast and hard as he possibly could. I gave him a blow job and then he fucked me two times so he could get it up all right, but who cares. I mean an occasional burst of hard and fast is fun, but if a guy wants to give a girl a good fuck, he's got to slow down and get into a nice rhythm. He's got try to vary the tempo just a little bit. Fucking is a lot like dancing." She shook her head. "I'll bet that he was a terrible dancer. He got off, but I sure didn't."
"The guy you told me about earlier, the guy at Eagle Lake the weekend before last. Did you get off with him?"
Kelly grinned at me. "Oh yes, several times. He was a very nice fuck."
"So it's been over a week and a half since you've been properly laid."
Kelly laughed. "Listen to you, properly laid. It's almost sounds like you want other guys to fuck me."
I stared at Kelly. "I do want other guys to fuck you."
"Why? When we were in college I thought you put up with it so you could stay with me. That's one of the reamisters I tried to stop when we got married. I was afraid you might leave me if I kept dating other guys and I didn't want to lose you."
"That may have been partially true when we first started hanging around with each other. I mean it did take me a while to get used to the idea that you were letting other guys fuck you." I nodded. "And I really was afraid that if I objected you would have stopped seeing me. Kelly you're so beautiful and you were always surrounded by so many handsome men. I was always worried that you were going to dump me for one of them."
She smiled at me. "I didn't dump you because I was head over heels in love with you. Timmy I enjoy being with you. I not only love you, you're my best friend."
In nodded. "I finally did figure that out." I paused for a moment and then I quietly added. "Although I do have to admit that during the past two months I started to question that assumption again."
Kelly sighed. "Timmy I..."
"Don't worry, we've moved on from that. I'm no longer worried that you're in love with another man and except for the past several weeks, it's been a long time since I've worried that you might fall in love with another man. In fact, that confidence is one of the reamisters I can be comfortable knowing that you let other men fuck you."
"What do you mean?"
"As I got to know you, I learned that you clearly differentiate between love and sex. When you're with other men you suck their cocks and let them fondle you and fuck you; but you just do it for fun. I don't believe that you ever make love to them.
Kelly nodded. "You're the only one I make love to."
"I know. By the time we were juniors I realized that when you let another guy fuck you, it really was just sex." I shrugged. "After I figured that out, I rarely felt jealous anymore."
"You never had to be jealous. We used spend a lot of time taking about that when we first started hanging around together."
"I know, but there were times when I was jealous. It was hard not to be. I was just afraid to tell you about it. I was afraid you might refuse to see me anymore."
"I never would have done that. By the end of our Sophomore year I was already in love with you."
"And I was in love with you by then too." I smiled at Kelly. "It was my love for you that eventually caused me to not only accept that fact that you were going to have sex with other men, but to actually begin wanting you to do it."
Kelly stared at me. "Now that I really don't understand."
"Keep your eyes on the road."
My wife laughed. "Okay."
"Now there are several reamisters that I want you to date other men. We both know that I'm a masochist. I get a huge thrill from the pain of knowing that other men are enjoying your body. I also enjoy the offense of being your cuckold." I smiled at Kelly. "And of course the fact that you date other men while I'm required to remain completely faithful to you is, in my mind, the ultimate demonstration of your total domination of me."
My wife glanced at me and smiled. "That last reamister gets me very excited."
I chuckled. "It gets me excited too."
I took a deep breath. "All of those reamisters are important, but they all pale when compared to the major reamister."
"What's the major reamister?" Kelly giggled. "I mean all of the ones you just listed seem pretty good to me." She winked at me. "Especially that last one."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying to be serious."
"Sorry." Her expression became very serious. "What's the most important reamister?"
"It's actually very simple. I love you. I know how much sex means to you and I know how much you enjoy a variety of partners. Because I love you, I want you to have that pleasure."
"Timmy I've never said this to you, but I really do love cocks."
I chuckled. "That's not a very well kept secret."
Kelly stuck her tongue out a me. "Hush! Now I'm the one who's trying to be serious."
She sighed. "What I'm trying to tell you is that I love them. I adore them, I think about them all the time. I don't care if they're hard or soft, big or small, or circumsized or uncircumsized. I don't care what color they are or how old their owners are. I just love them. The first time I ever saw one I knew that it was special and I've been crazy about them ever since." She chuckled. "Some women love to raise flowers, others love to cook. I love to play with cocks. Seeing a new cock, a cock that I've never seen or touched before is an indescribable thrill for me. Timmy I can't explain it and from the first moment that I discovered cocks I've felt guilty about it, but I can't help it. It's almost like an addiction for me. I love cocks and I want to touch, feel, play with, suck and get fucked by as many of them as I possibly can."
Kelly shook her head, "I called it an addiction, and maybe it is; but is it a harmful addiction? It doesn't hurt me and it doesn't hurt the men I'm with." Suddenly she stopped. After a moment she quietly said, "But I fear that it does hurt the man I love."
She took a deep breath. "But I need variety. I crave variety. When I meet a new man everything is an adventure. I revel in the color and texture of his skin, the way he smells, the taste of his cock and the taste of his cum. Some men are more dominant in bed, others are more submissive. Some of them have firm, well developed muscles, others are soft. Some guys have big cocks some of them have little cocks; but it doesn't matter, I think they're all fun."
She glanced over at me, "Timmy does this make me a whore?"
I shook my head. "No not in my mind. It just makes you a woman who has a passion for sex. You're right, it doesn't hurt either you or the men your with." I paused and looked at Kelly. "I think there is one very important detail. It doesn't hurt your partners as long as they understand why you're sharing their bed. It's important that all of them understand that you're just having fun with them. They need to know that there isn't any chance at all for them to establish a relationship with you."
Kelly nodded. "That's why the job at JTandR was so wonderful. It was purely business and fun and everyone knew it."
I touched Kelly's knee. "A minute ago you said that you fear that your appetite for sex hurts the man you love." I shook my head. "I'm that man, and I assure you that as long as I know about what you're doing, it does not hurt me." I smiled at her. "So it looks to me like it doesn't hurt anyone at all."
Kelly smiled back at me. "I definitely married the right man.
Posts: 4050
#157 · Edited by: goodhusband
We rode together in silence. After a moment I turned to my wife and said, "Kelly there are a couple of questions that I have to ask you. The first one may seem trivial to you, but it's very important to me. I expect that you will find the second one to be very difficult."
Kelly sighed and then she nodded. "Yes, I know you're right. We have to do this. Go ahead, I'll tell you anything you want to know."
I took a deep breath. "Tell me about the weekend of the Superbowl. That was the first time I began to worry that I was losing you. Do you remember that weekend?"
"Yes, I remember it very well. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that weekend." She looked at me. "Timmy I'm so sorry about what happened."
"It's okay, I'm all done being angry with you. I just want you to tell me about it."
"Timmy, when I think about it, I'm not so sure this is a good idea. It might be better if you never hear about some of the things I've done."
I shook my head. "No, if our marriage is going to work, we can't have any secrets. If we do, it won't be long until you start hiding things from me again."
"No! I promise I won't do that."
"Oh it will be perfectly innocent at first. It might be a very handsome man who gets you really hot. A guy like Chris. You discover you have a little crush on him. You start seeing him once or twice a week, but you decide it would be better not to tell me. You know it's just going to be a little fling, but you're not sure I'll understand and you don't want me to make me jealous. You start lying to me to cover up your dates. Once you've started lying the guilt follows and we've both learned that the guilt soon turns into anger."
"Timmy, I'll never have a crush on anyone but you."
I smiled at her. "Kelly honey, can you tell me that you didn't have a crush on Chris Kendricks?"
Kelly sighed. "No I guess I can't, but it was just a little one and I never stopped loving you."
I patted her leg. "It's okay, I expect that you will develop an occasional crush on one of your lovers. I suspect that it's inevitable. I'm very confident in the strength of our love for each other and I believe that the only way one of these crushes could hurt us is if you try to hide it from me. When it happens you need to let me know. You have to tell me all about him. You can treat me like a girlfriend and tell me all your secrets. You can rave about him and tell me how handsome and sexy he is. You can describe every minute detail of the wonderful sex you have with him."
"Timmy won't that make you jealous?"
"Yes it certainly will, but maybe we could make it into a game. You could get a little sadistic about it and tell me what a great lover he is and how I could never be his equal. You could use him to *** me."
"But Timmy..."
"Kelly we have to rely on the strength of our love."
"Do you promise you won't leave me if I have an occasional romance with another man?"
I laughed. "Yes I can assure you that I will never leave you."
She smiled at me. "I promise that no matter what happens, I will always come back to you."
"I know."
We were both quiet for a moment. Finally Kelly said, "Timmy I think there still may be some things that happened while I worked for JtandR that shouldn't be discussed."
"Did you do things that you're ashamed about?"
"No, but I'm afraid you might be ashamed of me."
"But you're not ashamed about anything you did?"
"No it was just sex. Sometimes it got a little kinky, that's all."
"Did anyone ever make you do something you didn't want to do?"
"No, everyone was always very considerate of my feelings, but sometimes I did things that might shock some people."
"You mean like your sisters and your lady?"
My wife laughed. "Yes like my sisters and my lady."
"Did you enjoy being kinky?"
Kelly took a deep breath. "Yes, very much. It made me feel wicked."
"Then I suspect that you're going to want to do some of those things again. Are you going to lie to me when that happens?"
Kelly whispered, "No."
"Don't get you think it's better to just get it all out in the open?"
"Do you promise not to hate me?"
I laughed. "Yes Kelly, I promise."
I paused for a moment and then I said, "Kelly I'm pretty open minded about sex. You're my wife and I'm urging you to brazenly date other men. I'm asking you, no begging you to cuckold me. I just finished giving you permission to sadistically torment me with the details of a love affair you might have with another man. Over the past year I've allowed you to gradually turn me into your permisteral slave. That's pretty kinky, I think it might shock a whole lot of people."
My wife looked at me. "Do you really see yourself as my permisteral slave? I mean full time, for real."
Suddenly my entire body started tingling. I quietly answered, "Yes."
"Timmy, that makes me so hot. My pussy is dripping wet."
"And my little penis is very hard."
I smiled at her, "Think about this. If I really am your slave, then I actually don't have any right to judge your behavior. You're my superior. You're free to do anything you want and if you like, you can rub my face in it after you've done it."
Kelly giggled. "Timmy you really are just as kinky as I am."
Posts: 4050
"Yes I am just as kinky as you are, so why don't you start telling me all the wicked things you've done while you worked for JTandR."
Kelly took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll start with the Superbowl weekend."
Kelly took a minute to think and then she quietly said, "The Wednesday morning before the Superbowl I was in Martin Jackmister's office giving him a blow job."
She looked over at me. "It's okay for me to tell you things like that isn't it?"
I smiled. "Yes, in fact I want you to tell me things like that."
She nodded. "After I made him cum I stood up and started getting dressed." Kelly glanced over at me. "Martin always liked me to be naked while I was sucking his cock. Usually I did a little strip tease for him before I started his blow job."
I laughed. 'I'll bet that's a pretty hot show."
Kelly grinned at me. "Oh yes, when we get to the house you're going to get a chance to see it for yourself."
I winked at her. "I can't wait."
"Anyway, while I was getting dressed Martin told me that the firm needed me to work that weekend."
She looked at me. "I tried to get out of it, I really did."
I nodded to her to acknowledge that I believed her.
"I told him that the Superbowl was a big deal for both you and me. I explained that we had a little tradition for the weekend. We liked to spend Saturday night watching the show about all the parties and on Sunday evening we always ordered a pizza and watched the game together."
Martin told me that he understood, but he said that this was a very special situation. Four of his oldest and most loyal investors were coming for a weekend visit. He explained that he'd told them about the gorgeous new hostess that was working for the firm and they were all excited to meet me.
My wife smiled at me. "He was flattering me and of course you know me. I fell for it. I asked him if the party couldn't be postponed until the following weekend, but as I was saying it I realized that I already knew the answer."
She shook her head. "Martin was very patient with me. He took the time to explain the problem. He pointed out that these were all important businessmen with very demanding schedules. Finding a weekend when all four of them could be free was extremely difficult. He said that they'd actually planned the party a year in advance. When he told me that he apologized for not giving me more notice."
"That was nice of him."
"Yes it was." Kelly glanced over at me. "He went on to explain that he, Wendell, John and the four men coming to town were all close friends with some very special common interests. They loved expensive wine, fine French cuisine and beautiful women. He added that all seven of them jokingly referred to themselves as the seven aficionados of fellatio."
She giggled. "Timmy that made me laugh. Martin told me that it was a joke, but he also said that like most jokes, it was based on fact. All seven of them really did love blow jobs. I was well aware of the fact that Martin and John both loved having their cocks sucked." She rolled her eyes. "I should know, I spent several hours a week doing it for them. I also knew that when Wendell was younger he'd loved them too."
I smiled at Kelly. "It also explains why he was so anxious to have you at the party."
She nodded. "That's right and he was very direct about that. He told me that both he and John had been raving about my s******* and passion for giving head and all four of their friends were eagerly looking forward to experiencing one of my blow jobs."
I chuckled. "I'm beginning to see where this is going."
"Yes, when Martin wants something he doesn't worry about subtlety when he's asking."
"I assume that you just told him that you'd do it."
"Actually I tried to propose a compromise."
"Really, what was it?"
"I asked him if the party could be held on Saturday night. I knew they had no intention of watching the football game so it didn't seem like it should really matter and that way I could have been home with you on Sunday night."
"I assume that Martin told you that everything had been set up for Sunday night and the arrangements couldn't be changed at that late date."
"Yes he did say that, but he also gave me an even more compelling reamister."
"What was that?"
"He told me that one of the four men was Sam Jacobs. Martin explained that Sam was Wendell Tyler's closest friend. When Wendell was starting his first business forty-five years ago he'd hired Sam to be his accountant. Sam had just graduated from college. Together they built a successful trucking company and sold it for several million dollars. Over the next thirty years they started six more companies and sold all of them for huge profits. After they sold their last business Sam moved to Los Angeles and started a small investment company that services a select group of very wealthy clients. Wendell of course joined Martin and John and started JTandR."
"Okay, why was this a reamister that the party had to be held on Sunday night?"
"Because Wendell wanted me to be able to spend Saturday night at the Calvert Hotel with Sam."
"You really like Wendell don't you?"
"Yes, you're my best friend, but Tonya and Wendell are my next closest friends."
"You didn't want to disappoint him did you?"
"That put you in a real bind didn't it?"
"Yes it did."
"So you told Martin that you'd do it."
"Yes, and he told me that if I explained the situation to you he was certain that you'd understand."
"He believed that I knew you were working as a hostess didn't he?"
"He believed that because that's what you'd told him, correct?"
"So you were lying to both of us."
"Yes I was."
I patted Kelly's knee. "You really painted yourself into a corner didn't you?"
She smiled at me. "Yes, I really did."
We were both quiet for a moment and then Kelly said, "Timmy I need to say something to you."
"What is it?"
"When I came home that Friday night I was dreading having to tell you that I was going to be gone for most of the weekend. I'm so ashamed of myself when I remember that evening and think about how I acted. I was so mean to you. I didn't know what to do. I had to lie and I hated lying to you. I spent most of that night crying."
"I know, I heard you when I came to bed."
"The next morning you were so wonderful. You made French toast for me and then you actually apologized for pressuring me about my work schedule. Timmy you really are an extraordinary man."
I smiled at Kelly. "I remember that we also had some pretty hot sex that morning."
She giggled. "Yes we certainly did."
Posts: 125
goodhusband this is a most excellent story just like the are
a very gifted writer..please continue
Posts: 4050
Thankyou for taking a moment to tell me you're enjoying this story. It makes me feel a little more confident about what I'm writing.
Posts: 4050
"So what happened on Saturday?"
If you remember, I left at about three to go to work. I was scheduled to meet Sam and Wendell at eight o'clock for dinner at The Goldenrod Supper Club. All I had to do was stop at the office and change into some sexy lingerie and a cocktail dress. I could have left much later, but you were already questioning why I was going into work so late, so I didn't dare."
"Yes I do remember wondering about that."
"Anyway, when I got into the office Tonya and Mandy were there. They told me that I was going to be putting on a sex show during the party the next night. Timmy, I'd watched Mandy, Keisha and Tonya all put on shows, but I'd never done one before. They told me that Antoine was going to be there too. I was going to be sucking his cock in front of everyone."
Kelly glanced over at me. "You remember who Antoine is don't you?"
"Yes, he's the black guy with the big cock. He's the man that Mandy's going to have to deep throat tonight, right?"
Kelly smiled. "Yes, that's Antoine." She took a deep breath. "The idea of doing a strip tease in front of seven men and then sucking a guys cock while all of those men were watching got me very excited."
"I'll bet you were feeling very wicked, weren't you."
"Oh yes Timmy I really was."
I looked at Kelly. She was obviously getting aroused by her story. I'd always known that she was an exhibitionist. She's always loved to tease men. Now, as I was learning more about her life as a hostess I was becoming increasingly aware of just how much of an exhibitionist she really was. I smiled to myself. We were going to be able to play some very exciting games in the future.
I filed that thought in the back of my mind and said, "Finish telling me about Saturday night."
"I *******ed a little more time with Tonya and Mandy and then I got dressed, put on fresh makeup and left for dinner. Timmy, Sam Jacobs was a younger version of Wendell." She giggled. "And they're both older versions of you. All three of you are charming and sweet and have a wonderful sense of humor. Wendell and Sam had me laughing all the way through dinner. By the time we were finishing our coffee I was very excited about the prospect of spending several hours playing with Sam in a room at the Calvert Hotel."
Kelly glanced over at me. "Timmy I'm sorry I wasn't with you that night, but I have to admit that I really did have a good time."
I smiled at her. "It's okay. I understand what happened. I know you like Wendell and I'm glad that Sam turned out to be nice."
She nodded. "Anyway, we split up when we left the restaurant. Wendell drove Sam to The Calvert and I took my car. You remember that at the Calvert I always met the guy in the room. We never went up together."
"Yes I remember."
Suddenly Kelly started to giggle.
I looked at her. "What's so funny?"
"Wendell was so cute when we were leaving the restaurant. He pulled me aside and whispered to me that he wanted me to be sure and do a strip tease for Sam. He said that Sam was very shy about sex and he was afraid that he would never ask for it on his own."
"Did do a strip for him."
"Oh yes. When I got to the room he was waiting for me inside. He'd already taken off his jacket, tie and shoes. As soon as the door was closed I pushed him down on the bed and slowly removed his shirt and pants. He already had an erection."
My wife smiled at me. "His cock was about the same size as yours. That made me happy."
"Why? I thought you loved big cocks."
"I do, but at that time I was already getting plenty of those. Because of you I have a real soft spot for guys with tiny dicks."
I chuckled. "You just love cocks of all sizes don't you?"
Kelly laughed. "You found out my secret buddy boy."
For a moment we just smiled at each other and then she continued. "I pulled off his tee shirt and boxer shorts and fluffed up one of the pillows and told him to lie back and relax. Once he was settled I turned on the CD player and started to dance for him."
"CD player? Do the rooms at the Calvert come with CD players?"
"By this time I had room 1712. That was the room you followed me to that night. The firm leased the room. One of the reamisters they did that was so we could leave some things there. In one of the dressers I had a very nice collection of dildos and vibrators. Some guys wanted a strip tease that was just a little bit more explicit."
"You really do enjoy putting on a show don't you?"
Kelly took a deep breath. "Oh yes, I really do."
"So anyway, you were dancing for Sam."
"Yes I was and it was so sexy. I stared into his eyes while I slowly lowered my dress. He couldn't take his eyes off of me. We were both excited. His little cock was sticking straight up and my pussy was already wet. Under my dress I was wearing a half bra, garter belt, nylon stockings and a pair of lace panties. They were all black."
"I'll bet Sam loved your outfit."
"Yes he did. There was a huge smile on his face as I stepped out of my dress and laid it across the dresser and I heard him gasp when I reached back and unclasped my brassiere."
Kelly smiled at me. "Then I teased him Timmy. I held the half cups of my bra over my nipples while I danced for him. He was a shy man and a little submissive. I thought about making him beg to see my tits, but he was Wendell's friend and I really didn't know him very well, so I didn't think that would be appropriate."
I chuckled. "That was probably a good choice."
"When I took my bra off I wrapped it around his penis and stroked him for a moment. That's something works much better with guys who have bigger cocks, but it was still fun. As I was pulling my bra ff of his cock I used to to gently whip him few times. He laughed while I was doing it so I think he robably did have a little submissive streak."
Kelly glanced over at me and winked. "Submissive men really turn e on."
I grinned at my wife. "Then I must get you very excited, because I'm extremely submissive."
She laughed. "I'm figuring that out. Tonight you're going to be my date, but tomorrow night were going to spend some time finding out just how submissive you can be."
I smiled at Kelly. "Maybe the real question is how dominant can you be?"
Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she asked, "Is that a challenge?"
I nodded. "Yes, I think it is."
She took a deep breath. "I can't wait for tomorrow night."
I laughed. "All right, let's get focused again. I'm enjoying this story."
Kelly shook her head. "You are a perv."
"Yes I am, and I want you to remember that tomorrow night."
"Believe me buddyboy, I will."
My wife was smiling at me. It had been over a year since I'd sensed a bond between us that was as strong as the one that existed at that moment.
"Okay so you just finished whipping Sam with your brassiere."
"After I whipped him I tossed my bra onto the dresser and then I turned and danced in place for him. Timmy, you know what I mean. I stood in front of Sam shaking my tits and wiggling my hips in time to the music. After about a minute I hooked the waist band of my panties with my thumbs and slowly pushed them down to my thighs. Sam gasped when he saw my shaved pussy."
Kelly looked at me. "Lots of older guys get really turned on by a shaved pussy."
I smiled at her. "So do lots of younger guys."
She laughed. "Sam sure loved my shaved pussy. He couldn't stop staring at it and I didn't really want him to stop staring, so I kept dancing for him. While I danced I slowly wiggled my panties down to my ankles and then I kicked them off. Now I was wearing nothing but my garter belt, nylon stocking and high heeled shoes."
"That's a very sexy outfit."
"Sam thought so too."
"What did you do next?"
"I kept dancing for him, but while I was dancing for him I started pulling on my right nipple with the fingers of my left hand while I rubbed my pussy with the fingers of my right hand."
Kelly took a deep breath. "Timmy I felt like such a wicked slut."
"You like being a wicked slut don't you?"
"Yes, I do."
"I also like it when you're a wicked slut."
My wife stared at me. After a moment she started to smile.
We rode in silence for a minute and then Kelly asked. "Do you want to hear what happened next?"
I nodded. "Yes, very much."
My wife looked over at me. "When I'm entertaining a man at the Calvert, I almost always start out with a strip tease. I've never met a guy who didn't like that. Once I'm down to my nylons and garter belt I keep the music going and give him a lap dance. You know, like the ones the dancers give in strip clubs."
"Yes, I know. Before I met you I went to a strip club with some of the guys in my dorm. Some of them bought lap dances, but I didn't."
"Why didn't you?"
"I was afraid I might cum."
Kelly smiled at me. I smiled back at her.
"Well if you had bought one, you would have learned that there are rules you have to follow while you're getting your lap dance."
"Yes, I know. I watched some of the guys get their lap dances. They couldn't touch the dancers with their hands and it looked like the dancers couldn't touch the guy's crotches with their hands."
"Yes, those rules are pretty standard in most strip clubs." Kelly winked at me, "But there aren't any rules governing a lap dance when it's done in the privacy of a hotel room. A guy can touch me anywhere he wants and I can touch him anywhere I want." Kelly giggled. "And believe me, we do."
My breath caught as I visualized my beautiful wife sensuously moving to the heavy beat of a rhythm and blues misterg while she straddled a handsome man that she barely knew and allowed him to freely explore her naked body."
I looked at Kelly. "Did give Sam a lap dance?"
"Did you let him play with your tits and your pussy while you were doing it?"
"Yes, he pulled on my nipples and rubbed my clit. He was a good lover. He knew how to be rough with my nipples and gentle with my clit. It felt wonderful. I let him fondle me for a minute and then I leaned over and whispered in his ear that I wanted to suck his cock. He gasped when he heard me say that."
"I'll bet he did."
Kelly smiled at me. "I slipped down his body so that I was lying on my stomach between his legs. Once I was in position I gently bent his little cock back and started licking his balls. Timmy he loved it, but I only did it for about a minute."
"I had him pretty worked up and I wanted to be sucking him when he came."
I nodded. I knew my wife. She loved having a guy cum in her mouth. She'd also given me enough blow jobs to know that ejaculating while you're being sucked is an incredible pleasure.
"You were giving him your best blow job weren't you."
"Did he cum in your mouth while you were sucking him?"
My wife grinned at me. "Yes he did."
"Were you able to get him hard again, or was that the only time he came?"
Kelly laughed. "Timmy you really are enjoying this aren't you."
I nodded.
"Yes, I did get him hard again. In fact I was able to coax two more erections out of him."
"Did you let him fuck you?"
"I told him that he could, but he didn't want to. He just wanted me to suck his cock. The third blow job lasted for over thirty minutes. It was really fun."
Kelly smiled. "After I finished giving him his last blow job we cuddled on the bed. Sam was a very sweet man. After a little while he told me that he was tired and wanted to go back to his room. He put his clothes on and thanked. I gave him a long slow kiss and then he left. As soon as he was gone I got dressed. I waited for a few minutes before I left the room. When I was done entertaining a guy, I was always careful to make sure that no one would see us leaving the room together."
"Yes, you mentioned that earlier today."
Kelly sighed. "It was after 1:00 AM by the time I finally got home. You were sound arelax. I felt so guilty when I saw you lying in our bed. I'd left you all alone on a Saturday night while I was out partying with another man. I'd had a wonderful evening, but when I got home and saw you I couldn't enjoy the memory of it. I went into the bathroom and took a shower and while I was in the shower I cried."
I patted my wife's leg. "Wouldn't it have been wonderful if you could have woke me up that night. I would have loved to have kneeled between your legs and licked pussy while you told me every detail of your date."
Kelly smiled. "It would have been just like it was when we were in college." She shook her head. "Timmy I screwed things up so badly."
"Kelly that's all over now. We given each other a fresh start. The next time you go out on a date, you are going to wake me up when you get home and you're going to tell me every little detail."
My wife took a deep breath. "Will you be licking my pussy while I'm telling you?"
I slowly nodded. "The entire time."
She giggled. "I can't wait."
Posts: 1459
Hey GH, just got caught up again! Wonderful additions, very teasing and erotic, very sexy! It's like Timmy and Kelly are just now really getting to know each other, despite all their time together. I think the trauma in their relationship has really opened new windows into each others deepest feelings, areas they each knew but hadn't shared or explored. You were probably wise to put your other stories on the shelf for now and jump to this, it's been great!
Posts: 4050
#163 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you stormy
I appreciate your support, but the fact is that the number of hits on this story are way down and I'm getting very few comments.
You more than anyone know how much time it takes to write. I've spent about twenty- five hours writing the segments that I've posted in the past week and I'm getting very little response. I wanted to try to finish this story, but it seems like a waste of time if no one is reading it.
It would appear that it's time for me to retire. I have several nearly finished stories that I would like to post at Literotica it seems that it might now be more productive for me to focus my attention there.
I will eventually finish this story and post it at Literotica.
Thank you It's been a great run.
Posts: 40
Is your screen name goodhusnand on literotica? I'm way too invested in this story not to see how it progresses. Thank you so much for the story so far, Timmy has become a model for me in that, it's good to be strong and still be able to be submissive. That may have sounded better in my head, but that's why I leave the writing to gentlemen like yourself GH.
Posts: 46
Goodhusband I just love this story, please continue... The only reamister that I post rarely comments is that I don't know what to say but "please continue !" Everytime you post I read it all, even if I don't have time.
Now I'm really curious to see how cruel as a dominant will be Kelly... She just love teasing so it will certainly be very hot ! (I love tease and denial games...)
Posts: 178
Goodhusband, I would be sorry indeed if you got sad at the response here. Believe me, in many cases (mine at least), the problem is simply real-life commitments, work, and similar things.
Don't get sad. You have a faithful readership here, and your stories are wonderful--they get us spellbound. We all want to know what Kelly will do to Timmy, and how cruel/loving she will be.
Posts: 492
GH, you are the man. This is just an amazing story and I eagerly look forward to each new episode.
I was thinking about you last weekend, hoping that you got a chance to get out and play once more before the nasty weather set in. I know what you mean about the leaves, it's quite frustrating to hit a great shot and then not be able to find your ball. We have the same problem around here this time of the year. Some of the courses have these giant leaf blowers and do a pretty good job, others do not. We had a couple of nice days this week, unfortunately I had to work on both of them and was unable to get out.
Take care and thanks again for this enjoyable story.
Posts: 492
#168 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
GH, I just went back and read your note to Stormy, I didn't realize that you were considering leaving the site. I truly hope you reconsider, but as always, will respect your decision. I'm sorry you're disappointed in the hits on your story, not sure of the reamisters, it's a great read. Maybe as asehpe mentioned, everyone is busy trying to keep their heads above water right now. I know that's the case for me.
Whatever happens, I want to thank you for all your hard work. I, for one, certainly appreciate it.
I guess I'll have to bookmark the other site and keep an eye open for future installments from you.
Posts: 9
All of your stories have been amazing. I am one of your admirers and one to be very sad if you decide to leave this site, which i sincreley hope that you don't.
Regards, sklavos
Posts: 274
Goodhusband, I sincerely hope that you do not decide to leave this site. As you know, I feel very much as you do and find it difficult to understand why there is so little feed back from our readers. No doubt there are many, many reamisters for this, let's just appreciate the loyal readers who do take the time to comment. I too submit my stories on Literotica which as you know is a huge erotic story site. Many more readers but an awful lot of abusive comments from "anonymous" which can become depressing. This site is dedicated to the Cuckold crowd and thus will attract the very people that your stories are aimed at. Your writing is very much enjoyed and appreciated by the members of this site and your departure would be a great loss to all of us. Whatever your decision I wish you well. Good luck. Greenman. .
Posts: 46
In addition to my last comment, I think lots of people (like me) don't post many comments because they aren't english. I'm french and I understand your stories, but writing in english take much more efforts...
Anyway, please continue !
Posts: 1459
I do fully understand and appreciate what you're saying GH. It does seem like the hits and comments on stories and other things are down some here on right now, but I think the overall viewership at this site is off a little right now as well. The online counts seem lower than in the past. Not sure of a reamister for that, maybe it's just cyclical. Or it could be the annoying flash ads at the top!
I do know there are a lot of people taking a lot of time to post some very good content, not only in the stories section, but also in photos and video. A couple of popular contributors bailed a while back over conflicts on what was / was not acceptable, so that probably had an impact as well, but Mr.Big has to do what he feels is best, it's his site!
I do read stuff at Lit, but really enjoy the friendly exchange and community atmosphere here, a lot of like-minded people seem to congregate at CP - go figure! I really hope you change your mind and keep going here, if that works for your permisteral life. You have to follow your instincts. I know that repeats a lot of what Greenman said; obviously he's very wise. Like me.
I like to post here and then follow up at Lit, with some editing. I love when people read and respond to my stuff with positive comments or constructive criticism, but at Lit there are a lot of dimwits that seem to hate stuff but keep reading (and bitching), 15 and 20 chapters later. How dumb are these people, and how empty their lives?
I feel like I've made some friends here, but frankly I get a lot of enjoyment out of the writing process as well, so that works for me. I ultimately turned off the response option at Lit because of all the obnoxious but invariably anonymous trolls. I just got tired of cowardly critics with drive-by nastiness. That does take some of the fun out, not getting to communicate with readers.
Bet bucks that I'll follow you wherever you go. I love your stories, and can't thank you enough for all the hours of reading pleasure!
Posts: 4050
#173 · Edited by: goodhusband
I posted my first story at this site in June 2006. In September 2006 I posted my first story under the name Goodhusband. It was "Brenda and Bobby". That story was the beginning of a four part series that I later called "The Oak Grove Series". "Sandra and Stevie", the longest story in that series is broken into 74 chapters at The entire series is 156 chapters long. I have two other completed stories posted there. "The Party" and "Louis Makes a Decision". I provide this information to give you some idea of just how much writing I have done in the past three and a half years.
During that time I have almost always had a story in the works.
Writing a long series is time consuming and at times arduous. I'm sure both that Stormydog and Blue179 will concur with that. I mention those two writers specifically because other than Mickey D they are the only other writers to produce a long series during the time I've been posting at this site.
I write because I enjoy it. I would assume that both Stormy and Blue have the same motivation. If they didn't they never would have been able to finish the extensive stories they've written.
There is however another reamister that we write. We are creating something. I don't think it's any different that a lady who sews quilts, a model railroader who builds a massive train system in his basement or a gardener who grows beautiful roses.
All of us want to share our creations. The quilter enters her quilts at the fair, the model railroader invites people over to see his train and the gardener loves having people stroll through her garden.
All of us require some validation that our efforts are worthwhile and our creations have merit. If people walk through the garden without saying anything the gardener begins to doubt her ability to create beautiful roses.
It becomes even worse if the gardener invites people to look at the garden and no one comes.
She may very well be a bad gardener and in that case, it's probably better that she looks for a different hobby. If however, you like this woman's flowers and you want her to keep raising them, then you might want to occasionally tell her that you love her roses.
I understand that sometimes it's difficult for people to express themselves. Some people leave detailed comments about our stories. That's fine. It's even fun. But the simple statement, I'm enjoying this is also just fine. That is if you want to keep us writing.
I understand that there is a perspective problem in all of this. The last segment I posted in "Courtesan" took me over six hours to write. It probably took you less than five minutes to read it.
From your perspective you might say, "Hell I left a comment two weeks ago, how much validation does that neurotic mister of a bitch need?"
From my perspective I've probably put in thirty or more hours of work writing during those two weeks and I'll tell you, I need quite a bit of validation if I'm going to continue putting in that kind of effort.
You might say, "Oh he has to be exaggerating. It can't take that much time to write a story."
I challenge you to try it. Here's what will happen. You come up with an idea, then you draft an outline. That's the easy part. You start writing. The first several pages are a snap. You had those well thought out in your mind. You're excited. You post those pages. Now your committed.
Once those first pages are posted you read them and find that they're filled with errors. Professional writers have editors to help with that. We don't. You start proof reading your posts much more carefully, but that takes even more time.
You get to your first sex scene and learn that there are very few synonyms for cock, penis, cunt and pussy and you really want to avoid using cliches like mighty sword and dripping honey pot. Even worse, you learn that there are very few workable synonyms for pleasure, orgasm and excited. Suddenly you find yourself laboring over each word. You learn to use a thesaurus, but you're still amazed by the limitations of the English language. You learn to put the story aside and step away. You know that there are times when the words come much more easily. But of course that delays your post.
The story starts to become work, but you keep writing. You keep writing because you have a story to tell and you want to tell it. There are scenes that you are writing towards. In "Sandra and Stevie" I wrote for three months to get to the scene where Sandra is reunited with Stevie after leaving him for Roger. There is no doubt in my mind that Stormydog worked very hard to get to the scene where Adam dives off the boat.
Doing the writing to get to these scenes is hard work. I have what I hope will be a very dramatic scene coming in "Courtesan" but I have to do all the writing necessary to get to it. I also have a very kinky cuckold scene that I actually wrote over a month ago. Again I have to write to get to that scene.
At times writing the intermediate scenes is almost like trying to walk through deep mud. When I'm writing those scenes I start to worry that the reader is experiencing the same feeling and then I start to doubt the merit of my story.
I've noticed that comments seem to come in spurts. If you happen to be immersed in mud during a time when you are getting very few comments, the self doubt begins to grow.
It becomes worse if you happen to notice that the number of hits on your story have started to drop. You begin to worry that people have stopped reading the story. If you happen to have written a number of stories, you start to wonder if people are finally getting bored with your gardens. After all, it's only human nature. We all like things that are new.
Finally you notice that people who have been regular commenters on your stories have stopped commenting, yet they're still regularly commenting on other stories. When they do comment they talk about your age and your health rather than your story.
You begin to believe that maybe you're an old has been and you've overstayed your welcome. You start to question why you're putting in fifteen to twenty hours a week writing. If it goes on for very long you begin to start looking at model railroading magazines.
I don't know if I'm going to start posting here again and if I do decide to do it, I make no promises about when that might happen. I will tell you one thing, this has nothing to do with my health.
Posts: 173
I would like to echo what has already been said GH. You are a wonderful writer and I always look forward to reading your stories.
I have attempted to write a few myself but I find that they either end up being very short stories or I find myself rambling and becoming boring. As you say it can take a very long time to get it right and not just leave meaningless drivel that sounded good in your head but doesn't work when someone else is reading.
You somehow find a way to keep writing and getting the balance right without being repetetive and for that I think we all truely love your stories. I find myself checking everyday for new additions, particularly this story which I think is possibly your best yet *permisteral preference*.
I think we all like the feeling of excitement when we log in and there is a new chapter ready. I have read most of your stories on literotica but when they are all there it isn't as exciting as when you get teased with little bits and have to wait for the next instalment.
I genuinely hope that you continue to post here and I will look forward to anything that you post but I do understand that when you spend so much time on something you do want to hear what people think about it and whether you are pleasing "the fans".
All the best whatever you decide to do.
Posts: 4050
#175 · Edited by: goodhusband
thank you, I appreciate your words. I have enjoyed posting at this site, the give and take between writer and reader is fun when it works,
However you also have to understand that there is nothing more deflating than to have spent six hours trying to get the words in a segment just right. You post it when a grand sense of pride and accomplishment in morning and then focus on the chores of the day.
That night you come back and check the story you were so proud of that morning and discover that it's been read 24 times with no comments. It becomes worse when you look at the other stories and see that several of the regulars have left comments on two or three other stories, but ignored yours.
The pleasure of writing starts to become a chore that breeds self doubt and insecurity. Literotica has it's draw backs, but it does keep you insulated from disappointment.
Posts: 173
I understand completely what you are saying and I know there are many people on here that will support whatever decision you make and wish you well.
I do hope that you will continue to write as it is a talent that you possess and I look forward to following your stories whether on here or Literotica or anywhere else you post.
Posts: 191
I came across this thread by accident but having had a look at your writing wanted to say you write well with subtle little touches that make the story extra sexy or sweet and sexy. I don't read stories much on this site but looking now at yours they are well crafted and clever.
Whatever you do I wish you luck and satisfaction.
Posts: 4050
I just checked my email. I had seven emails from (I can be contacted by email through Literotica.)
Six of the emails were from people who are reading Courtesan and are not registered at this site so they can't leave comments. They were all urging me to continue writing this story.
The seventh email was from a man who had read chapter one of "The Party" at Literotica. He told me that I was a dirty pervert and I should be given a total lobotomy with a 12x12. I don't think he was being supportive. That's Literotica
Some of the emails are so nasty that they are funny.
Posts: 4050
I am taking Lisa out for dinner tonight. It's her birthday. The weather is unseamisterably nice here, so I plan to play golf tomorrow and Sunday.Trf2, I played today. It was windy, but nice although I did need a bowl of hot soup when I got home.
I will try to get some writing done this weekend and if I can I plan to post the next segment of Courtesan here on Monday. Please don't be disappointed if it doesn't show up until Tuesday.
Posts: 492
GH, thank you for giving us all a little insight as to how much work goes into the stories that we enjoy so much. I always knew that you devoted a lot of time to writing these things, I never had a clue as to how much time we were talking about. I do know that I don't have the literary s*******s to even come close to accomplishing what you make look so easy.
I guess it's not a big secret that you and Stormy are my two favorite writers on here. I like the way both of you portray your characters and the way you weave the story lines. As I've mentioned many times, I look forward to each new episode and check back every day to see if anything has been posted. I am guilty as charged for not leaving a thank you every time I read one of your segments. I had no clue that it made that much difference to you, but after reading your last couple of posts, I've had a "lightbulb moment". Of course, a little validation from your audience is to be expected.
Consider this a belated "thank you" for all those days when I didn't bother to leave a comment. I never meant any disrespect, you guys have my utmost admiration for doing what you do here. I'm glad to see that you've reconsidered and may continue to post here, you'd be truly missed.
Supposed to be 70 degrees here early next week. Unfortunately, I have to work and won't be able to take advantage of the nice days. Glad you managed to get out and play.
You take care