Posts: 4050
"Tonnie, I think Timmy would really like it if we played a little with him right now."
Tonya looked at me. "Is that right Timmy? Do you want Kelly and me to make you our little bitch right now?"
My entire body started to tingle with excitement. Tonya and Kelly were talking about bringing one of my most secret fantasies to life and they were offering to do it at that very moment. I realized that this was not the time to be coy. I took a deep breath and whispered, "Yes please."
Next to me Kelly giggled. "This is going to be so much fun. Timmy, Tonnie is a very s*******ed dominant. I've watched her put on some sex shows at Evergreen that were absolutely breathtaking."
I turned and looked at my wife. "How many different kinds of sex shows have you two put on?"
Tonya patted my shoulder. "A lot, and we promise to tell you about everyone of them, but let's do that later. Right now it's time for us to play. Right now we're going to put on a sex show just for you, only you get to be one of the players in this show."
She looked at my wife. "Kel, why don't you go into your closet and pick out a nice frilly pair of crotchless panties while I explain the rules of this game to Timmy."
Kelly nodded, stood up and disappeared into her closet.
As soon she was gone Tonya said, "Timmy we want everyone to have fun, but in order to do that Kelly and I have to be able to push your limits just a little bit. We want to be able to take you right to the edge of what you can tolerate. We'll go a little slower today because this is your first time, but I suspect that the three of us are going to start playing this game on a regular basis. As we get more comfortable with each other Kelly and I are going to push you harder, but we don't ever want to hurt you and we don't ever want to make you submit to something you don't want. That means you have to be able to tell us when you need us to stop. To do that we're going to have a safe word."
I nodded. I already knew about safe words. Over the past six months I'd spent many hours on the Internet reading stories about dominant women and submissive men.
"The safe word were going to use is check. If at any time you start to feel uncomfortable about what we're doing, all you have to do is say the word check and we'll stop and discuss what we're doing. Do you understand?"
At that moment Kelly walked back into the room. She was carrying a pair of pink lace panties with little ruffles all over them. I smiled when I saw them. The fashion show was about to begin.
"Timmy don't look at those panties, look at me." It was Tonya. I immediately obeyed and refocused my attention on her. "If we are doing something that you find particularly exciting, we want you to beg us to stop doing it. For dominant sadists like Kelly and me..."
I gasped when I heard the word, sadist.
Tonya noted my reaction. She smiled. "Oh yes, your wife and I are both dominant sadists; although unlike me, Kelly does get an occasional thrill out of submitting to a very powerful man." She paused for a moment and then she added, "Or a woman."
Tonya studied me. It must have been obvious to her that I was getting very excited.
After a moment she continued. "Anyway, dominant sadists like Kelly and me get a real thrill out of hearing a sub beg us to stop what were doing and we get an even greater thrill when we callously ignore those pleas and continue tormenting our slave. Of course we would never be able to do that without a safe word. Kelly loves you and I think I may be quickly falling in love with you. We would never actually want to do anything that would hurt you. Do you understand that?"
"Good, now give me a kiss and then give your wife a kiss. For a little while, the two of us are about to become very different people."
I leaned over and kissed Tonya and then I leaned over to my other side and kissed Kelly. After that I sat quietly between these two beautiful women and waited. All of my nerves were tingling with excitement.
Posts: 4050
#122 · Edited by: goodhusband
Suddenly Tonya slapped me across the face. It wasn't a playful slap. It stung. She'd hit me hard.
I rubbed my cheek.
"That's just a taste of what's in store for you if you fail to please us. Now what the fuck is your sorry butt doing on this couch?" Tonya laughed. "Kel it almost looks like your little pussy husband thinks he's our equal."
My wife grabbed me by my hair. "Well you're not pussy boy. We only let men sit on this couch with us, not little sissies like you."
Suddenly Kelly leaned over and whispered into my ear. "Timmy I love you so much. Please don't get confused about this."
"Kelly stay in character! He knows you love him. That's why were doing this for him. Don''t worry, as soon as we're done playing were both going to love him up and make him feel like a king."
I looked at Tonya. "Check."
She nodded. "What do you want to say?"
I turned to Kelly. "Don't worry, let yourself go. I know that right now you're a little more sensitive about hurting my feelings than you usually might be, but you're not going to hurt my feelings. We both know this is a game and we both know that we love each other. Besides, Tonya is here. I realize that I still haven't gotten to know her very well, but my first impression is that she's one of those people who is totally trustworthy. I don't believe that she would ever let any harm come to either of us."
Tonya stared at me. "Timmy that was a maybe the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. I think I might start crying."
I poked her in the ribs. "Isn't that a little out of character for a ruthless dominatrix."
Tonya rubbed her eyes and then she smiled at me. "Hey you're the one who said check."
I laughed. "All right everyone, get ready. It's time to get back to work." Suddenly I stopped and looked at Tonya. "Hey, you said you have to work tonight. How much time do we have before you have to go."
"There's a party at Eagle Lake this evening. The associates are going to arrive at 9:00. Mandy, Keisha, Antoine and I all have to be there by 8:30." She glanced at the clock on Kelly's makeup desk. It was 6:45. "I have about a half hour before I have to start getting ready."
I looked at Kelly and Tonya. "Who's Antoine?"
Kelly smiled. "He's a very handsome black man who works as a host. He also puts on shows with us at Evergreen and Eagle Lake." Kelly giggled. "Antoine has a very big cock."
Tonya shook her head. "Oh he most certainly does and Mandy is going to have to take all of it tonight." She looked at me. "If your wife was still working she'd be doing the show this evening, but since she's no longer employed by the firm, Mandy has to take her place."
"Is Antoine too big for Mandy?"
Tonya nodded. "Yes, but not in the way you're thinking."
"I don't understand."
Kelly patted my thigh. "Timmy honey, Antoine isn't going to fuck Mandy during the show tonight, she's going to deep throat his cock."
Tonya shook her head. "All twelve inches of it."
"And I gather that she doesn't like doing that."
Kelly shrugged. "She can do it, but Mandy's very slender and petite. She has a little trouble swallowing that much cock."
I looked at Tonya. "Why don't you do the show?"
"I would, but we're entertaining a group of older white businessmen who are rather kinky. They want to see a young white girl deep throating a huge black man."
I nodded. "Now I understand. That means Keisha can't do it either."
"That's right and since your wife isn't working for the firm anymore that leaves Mandy."
I looked at my wife. "Can you deep throat a cock that big?"
Kelly smiled. "Easily."
"When did you learn to do that?"
"When we were still in college. Actually I already knew how to do it when I met you."
"How come you've never done it for me?"
Kelly shook her head. "Honey, your cock isn't big enough to reach my throat."
"Oh." I started chuckling. "Well I guess that ends that conversation."
Posts: 4050
To my readers
And now I must apologize. Starting tomorrow Lisa and I are taking a vacation. I have worked very hard over the past two days in an effort to try to complete this sequence before I left for this vacation. I failed. I still have several segments to complete and Lisa is not going to allow me to write during this vacation.
I am sorry that I am leaving you in the middle of this scene, but I just ran out of time. I will be back next week and I will try to complete the scene as quickly as I can.
Thank you
Posts: 178
Hey, GH, don't worry. If you think any of your faithful readers cares so much about the stories as to want you to interrupt a well-deserved vacation or even endanger your health, then you don't know us! Who the heck would want to ******* (or even just displease) the hen that lays the golden eggs?  Have a good time!
Posts: 178
By the way, I just noticed how offended you got at my attempt at fanfic. I sincerely apologize. I hope you understand that this was not at all my intention; I had thought of it as a little tribute. But of course it is not the intention of the giver, but the happiness of the receiver, that defines the success of such an attempt; so, my failure is complete. I have now removed that segment and will no longer post any such compositions.
It apparently also seems I've exaggerated in some of my other comments -- pollyannaish, etc. Again that was not my intention, and inasmuch as they made you feel bad, I apologize. Those comments have more to do with what is going on in my life than with your writing, which I appreciate.
I'm not really a writer (I've tried before), so I probably won't endeavor a story of my own. I am happy that you will do it, and I hope you find as much pleasure in writing as I find in reading your stories.
Posts: 178
To all the others who commented on my "diplomatic incident", to the point of asking for moderator input or suggesting letter swaps in my screenname here: again I am sorry.
Should you people feel that the "incident" was sufficiently severe, please tell me, and I will bannish myself from here by simply refraining from posting.
Posts: 4050
#127 · Edited by: goodhusband
Apology accepted, let's move on.
Thank you for your kind comment. I plan to play a little golf.
Posts: 1914
GH, Enjoy the Golf. Think about nothing but the ball while you are out there.
Asehpe, It seems you are indeed a gentleman. Welcome back.
Posts: 492
GH, I'm jealous. Cold and rainy here, I understand Arizona is sunny and toasty warm. Have a great time and have some fun out on those golf courses. Please don't spend one minute thinking about this site unless it makes you happy to do so. Knowing you, you'll be thinking of this story and how it's going to progress. That's one of the things that I really like about golf, it powers you to forget about everything else and totally focus on hitting the ball.
Asehpe, you handled all of this extremely well. I honestly never thought you meant any disrespect, and your comments prove that I was correct. Glad you're still with us.
Posts: 63
Sorry if I came off a little strong.
GH forgives the infraction and will continue wrting. That is great news for us.
Even in our everyday jobs, an individual likes the feeling of doing something grand and a sense of accomplishment. If someone we work with tries to take over our ideas and plans it can be upsetting. I have had that happen to me. I have seen someone rewarded with my plans and ideas and it is demoralizing.
Just please be considerate of others work.
Again, my apologies for jumping on you about this incident.
Posts: 1459
GH, I hope you're gone and won't see this until your return, and that the links and the weather both treat you well. Apparently by denying myself the pleasure of regular reading I missed quite the brouhaha. Accordingly, I won't comment on it except to say it looks like it's been fully hashed out, which is a good thing. I know asehpe has been a loyal reader and supporter of this great story, and that he generally makes thoughtful and meaningful comments. I'm sure most writers cherish that kind of support - I know I do. I'm stunned by the volume of work you've put up in the last few days without losing an ounce of quality! Stunned, but thrilled - it was just a great read, and your trip provides a cliff-hanger ending for now! Hope you enjoy(ed) your vacation. Take care! Stormy P.S. You replied to my last comment with the thought that people didn't seem to be following this story as much. I think traffic at this site is maybe down slightly right now, but 9,000 hits in just over a month seems pretty enormous to me! Plus, all the folks that have weighed in over the last few days is pretty impressive. Anyhow, what's important is that you're enjoying it!
Posts: 4050
Peak, Trf2, trfetter, Stormy
Everyone thankyou
Trf2 - don't mean to rub this in, but I played golf today in Tucmister. The weather was perfect - sunny and in the high 70's. It was nice. I do recommend southern Arizona to everyone.
Posts: 4050
I glanced over at the clock on the makeup desk. It was 6:50. We'd just wasted five minutes.
"Tonya has to go to work in twenty-five minutes. We'd better get crackin if you guys still intend to teach me the meaning of the word respect before it's time for her to leave."
Kelly looked at me and started to giggle. "Get crackin? Packin? Where are you coming up with these words?"
"My dear, have you so quickly forgotten? I was an English major at Kelroy."
My wife shook her head. "I was taking the exact same classes as you and I never learned those words."
"Well now that you mention it, there were times when I think you might have been paying better attention."
Kelly grinned at me. "Timothy Jamiemister you know very well that every time we had an examination you had to borrow my class notes so you could study."
"That's because I was spending all my time building my vocabulary."
"Ahem! would the two of you please focus. I'm in the mood for a hot domination scene. I would very much like to feel Timmy's tongue in my pussy and ass before I have to go to work tonight."
I turned to Kelly. "Your wise friend is correct. We'd better get down to business. I'm going to say, uncheck and then it will be your turn to slap me. After that you should make some demeaning comments and boot me off the couch."
Tonya started laughing.
Kelly looked at her. "What's so funny?"
"Your husband is the first sub I've ever met who does the dominating for me."
My wife giggled. "He is cooperative isn't he."
I shook my head. "Now it's the two of you who are having way too much fun."
Tonya started laughing again. "Kel I am having too much fun. I think I'm going to have to call in sick so I can spend the rest of the evening with you guys."
Kelly rolled her eyes. "Tonnie honey, you can't call in sick. You're already at work."
"Oh that's right. Well then, to quote your pussy husband, we'd better get crackin."
I made a very loud throat clearing noise and then I said, "Uncheck!"
My wife took a deep breath, cocked her arm and slapped me hard across the face.
It stung. I rubbed my cheek. "Ow! That hurt."
Kelly lifted her foot up and pushed me off the couch. "It was supposed to pussyboy, now get those clothes off. Our slaves serve us naked."
Suddenly the tone in the room had changed. All three of us were now back in character."
I quickly shed my clothes. As soon as I was naked Tonya picked up the pink panties that Kelly had brought from her closet and tossed them at me.
"Put these on sissyboy. We don't want to leave any doubt about exactly how much of a wimp you really are."
I picked up the panties and examined them.
Tonya stared at me. "You thought your wife was going to be wearing those didn't you pussyboy." She laughed. It was a cruel demeaning laugh. "Well you were wrong weren't you. She doesn't wear sexy lingerie for a little wimp like you. She only wears lingerie like that for real men. Men who have the necessary equipment and s******* to properly make love to her.
I looked up at Tonya. She was still staring at me. I glanced over at Kelly. There was a concerned look on her face. All three of us knew that Tonya was deliberately picking at a very raw nerve.
My body started to tingle with excitement. Tonya wasn't just a good dom, she was an outstanding dom. She'd attacked me immediately and she knew exactly where to hit me. This was why she'd given me a safe word. She wanted to push my limits and she knew that if I really was upset by what she was doing, I had the option to say check.
I was upset. Tonya's words hurt. All three of us were very aware that one of the reamisters my wife cheated on me was her habitual need to enjoy a s*******ed lover with a big cock. But of course I was a masochist. That's why I was allowing these two beautiful women to taunt me while I stood in front of them naked and humred. The truth was, Tonya's taunts were exciting me. She had obviously been paying close attention when Kelly told her that I enjoyed being a cuckold and she understood exactly what my wife had meant when she said that I relished the pain that I was powerd to endure while she was out on a date with another man.
Tonya had used that information to correctly guess that while the fact that my wife had worn an array of sexy lingerie for other men but never for me, might have been a source of frustration and pain; it was also a secret wellspring of excitement. Now she was using that assumption to both torment and titillate me.
Tonya had given me a safe word to use to stop her when her treatment of me became intolerable, but she'd also given me a second tool. It was a tool designed to allow me to help shape the manner and degree of my degradation and offense. I decided that it was time to use this second tool.
I looked up at Tonya and pleaded, "Please Ms. Lewis, I beg you not to tease me about the men who have made love to my wife and even more I implore you not to taunt me about the lingerie shows that she's put on for them." I closed my eyes and whispered. "The shows that she's never put on for me."
When she heard these words my wife stared at me. After a moment she started to smile and then in a very icy tone of voice she slowly said, "A woman uses sexy lingerie as a tool to help her seduce a man. What would ever make you think that a woman would be interested in seducing a tiny dicked little wimp like you?"
Those were the most humiliating words that Kelly had ever said to me and as I heard them, my entire body started tingling with excitement.
Posts: 4050
#134 · Edited by: goodhusband
Tonya laughed. "Got the picture wimpboy? Now get those fuckin panties on before we lose our patience."
I took a deep breath, stepped into the lacy pink underpants and pulled them up. They were crotchless so I had to take a moment to fit the panties around my tiny erection and balls. Once I was finished I looked up at Tonya and Kelly. They both had smirks on their faces.
I suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed. These were two women who were used to partying with very powerful and very masculine businessmen. Now I was being powerd to stand in front of them wearing nothing but a pair of frilly pink lace panties and they were giggling about it.
My face must have turned beet red because Tonya started laughing and said, "Look at him Kel. The little pussy is embarrassed."
My wife shook her head. "He shouldn't be. I've know he was a sissy wimp since the very first time I laid eyes on him." She looked at me. "Why do you think I have to date other men?"
Of course we both knew that while Kelly enjoyed masculine lovers with big cocks, the real reamister she dated other men was because she had an insatiable hunger for variety. But at this moment we were playing a sex game and it didn't seem appropriate to start questioning the validity of her taunts, so instead I just hung my head in shame.
Tonya kicked off her high heels and held up her foot. "Get down on your knees wimpboy and start kissing my toes."
A shiver of excitement rippled through my loins. Kelly and I had played some very exciting domination games, especially during the first few months after she started working at JTandR, but this was different. This was the first time I'd ever been powerd to submit to two people at the same time. For a submissive masochist, being dominated and humiliated by one permister is exciting. Having two women simultaneously gang up on you is almost staggering.
I dropped to my knees, carefully picked up Tonya's foot, closed my eyes and reverently kissed her big toe. She was a goddess.
Tonya sighed when she felt my lips touch her toes. "He is an obedient little wimp isn't he."
"I think we can make him do anything we want." I thought I detected a hint of pride in my wife's voice.
Suddenly I felt movement on the couch above me. I looked up. What I saw made me stop kissing Tonya's feet. She had her arms around my wife. They were locked in a passionate embrace. Tonya's lips were pressed against Kelly's lips and her right hand was under her sweater.
Tonya must have noticed that I'd stopped kissing her feet because she glanced down at me. "Keep kissing my toes pussyboy. What we're doing up here doesn't concern you."
I obediently returned my attention to Tonya's feet, but I continued to sneak an occasional covert peek at the lovers above me.
The sound of rustling clothing caused me to openly look up again, but this time I was careful to keep my lips pressed against Tonya's toes. The two women were busily undressing each other. The s******* and efficiency with which they opened clasps, unbuttoned buttons and lowered zippers suggested to me that this was not the first time they'd ever done this.
It was a matter of seconds before both women were completely undressed. Once they were naked, they started kissing again, only this time while they were kissing Tonya pulled Kelly's legs apart and began massaging her bare cunt. I watched with fascination as Tonya's fingers quickly began to glisten with the moisture from my aroused wife's very wet pussy.
Kelly responded to Tonya's fondling by reaching over, grabbing her lover's nipple between her fingertips and pulling on it with an almost vicious intensity.
Tonya gasped and pushed two fingers into Kelly's cunt. Kelly shivered in response to Tonya's probing fingers and then she removed her hand from Tonya's breast, slipped it between her legs and started massaging her engorged clitoris.
Suddenly Tonya sat up and looked at me with a menacing grin. "Look up at me sissyboy."
I did as I was told. Our eyes met.
She slipped her fingers out of my wifes sopping cunt and held them up to my face. They were covered with Kelly's wetness. "I understand that it's been awhile since you've been allowed to taste your wife's cunt." She smirked. "You'll have to forgive her, she's been a little busy entertaining other men."
I took a deep breath. Tonya was pressing me.
She pushed her fingers into my mouth. "Here, why don't you have a little taste right now."
I closed my eyes and sucked on Tonya's fingers. It was humiliating, but I couldn't seem to stop myself from doing it."
"Does her pussy taste different now wimpboy? I would imagine that it must. There have to have been at least thirty different cocks in there since the last time you tasted her. Can you taste those cocks cuckboy? Can you taste all the different men who have fucked your wife during the last three months?"
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. Tonya was pushing me very very hard. She was trying to find my limit.
"Tonya Stop! That's enough! This is all still too fresh." It was Kelly. She was staring into my eyes. I think she was trying to see if I was all right.
I smiled at her. She sighed with relief.
Posts: 492
Welcome back GH, didn't expect to see you here for a few more days. Glad you got time to go chase the little white ball while in Arizona. We actually got a nice break here, with temps in the low 70's the last few days. Unfortunately, I had to work and was unable to take advantage. Love this story, look forward to each episode. Thanks.
Posts: 4050
I hope the weather holds and you get a chance to get out and play.
Thanks for the nice comment about my story.
Posts: 4050
Tonya reached down and pulled me up on the couch. As soon as I was seated between them she kissed my cheek and asked, "Was I too rough on you babydoll?"
On the other side of me Kelly rubbed my back and said, "She was just trying to push your limits. Baby I love you and tonight I'm going to put on the hottest fashion show you can possibly imagine and it's going to be just for you."
I grinned at both of them. "I kind of like this, you two really are ruthless doms."
Kelly punched my arm. "Hey, I was worried about you. I thought Tonya might have been getting a little too close to an issue that just a couple of hours ago made you pretty upset. Baby I don't ever again want to make you feel bad."
I patted my wife's knee. "Thank you, I appreciate your concern; but I'm okay with what she was saying."
Kelly stared at me. "You are?"
I smiled at her. "Yes I am. Listen to me. Earlier today when I lost my temper and stormed out of the house." I paused to think for a moment. "That was a reaction to the neglect and indifference that I've been feeling from you over the past several months. We've discussed that and now I think I understand how it happened. I also believe that you truly regret letting it happen. The last several months were painful for me. They were painful for you too."
I sighed. "But they weren't painful for either of us because you were relaxing with other men. They were painful for me because you weren't loving me and they were painful for you because you were plagued with guilt about what you were doing."
Kelly started to say something. I put up my hand to stop her. "Don't worry, I know you love me. You proved that today when you came to the park. You proved that by quitting your job last Friday." I smiled at her. "A job that you loved. You proved it a long time ago while we were still in college. Most of all you proved it by trying to be a perfect wife, even though your attempt at being a perfect wife was what got us into this situation and your idea of what it took to be a perfect wife was something that neither of us cared about and in fact didn't even want."
I leaned over and kissed my wife on the forehead. "No Kelly, I know you love me, and because I know you love me Tonya can taunt me with relentless fury about the men who are fucking you and the sexy clothes you're wearing for them. She can ridicule me about the fact that I have a tiny dick and I'm incapable of fucking you properly. She can even tease me about the fact that you will do things for other men that you won't do for me. She can do all of that because I know that you love me and that's all that matters to me."
"I think I'm going to cry." It was Tonya and she wasn't being sarcastic.
Kelly and I both looked at her.
She smiled at us. "I would give anything to have one man who loved me that much. Kel you just might be the luckiest woman in the world." She rolled her eyes. "And you almost fucked it up."
I patted Tonya's knee. "But she didn't fuck it up. We're going to be just fine, and you just helped us."
Kelly looked at me. "What do you mean?"
"We got into trouble because you were trying to hide your involvement with other men. I think the real solution to our problem is for you to be very open and straight forward about your dating. It needs to become part of our sex games. It needs to be part of our life, not just your life. That way I can also enjoy your trysts. Kelly, I'm a submissive masochistic cuckold. We've both known that for a very long time. I want to hear about your affairs, I want to hear every detail of your affairs. I want it to be like it was before we got married, only I want it to go further, I want you to torment me with the intimate details of your affairs. I want you to taunt me about them just like Tonya was taunting me about them tonight."
My wife shook her head. "But Timmy, won't that make you feel bad?"
I smiled. "Of course it will, that's the point. I'm a masochist. I enjoy pain."
Kelly closed her eyes. "This is all very hard to understand."
"No it's not!"
Kelly and I both turned and looked at Tonya.
"Kel, you're an incurable slut. Any handsome man who takes a moment to wink at you can get into your panties. Please don't be offended by that observation, I have the same problem. We're both sluts. We love sex and we both want to enjoy it with an endless assortment of gorgeous men. Your sisters and your lady could never begin to understand us, but that doesn't make us wrong. It just makes us different. Your wonderful husband gets excited by pain and offense. You and I aren't submissive masochists, so it's hard for us to understand that; just like it would be hard for your sisters and lady to understand why you're willing to spread your legs for every good looking guy you meet."
Tonya smiled at Kelly. "Timmy is just telling you that he's more than willing to accept you for who you are. Actually I think he always has. All he wants from you is for you to accept him for who he is. He not only doesn't want you to lie about your affairs, he's asking you to share every minute detail with him. Sweetheart, tonight when you're putting on your fashion show you can spice it up for him by giving him an intimate account of some of the dates you've had in the last few months."
She winked at my wife. "And if your a little arrogant about it, he'll enjoy it even more."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy is that really what you want?"
I nodded. "Yes, I think it is; but maybe we need to wait a little while before you start getting really arrogant about your affairs. I think we might need a day or two where we just love each other."
Kelly smiled. "I'd like that a lot."
Posts: 1459
Hey GH, back with a bang I see! Lovin' the story, glad you enjoyed your trip. This is the perfect time of year for Tucmister!
Posts: 178
Indeed, the story keeps growing in appeal and interest! I'm really curious to see what the next step will be...
Posts: 438
#140 · Edited by: essentiauk
WOW GH, I finally found time to read this, not when I said I would I know, what a wonderful love story GH, fantastic, I know you said this differs from your norm and it does but as always a great love going on which plays a large part in what attracts me to your writing FANTASTIC I love it, thank you so much as always for your time and it's great to see you back... Mel x x
Posts: 4050
Thanks, I always appreciate your support. Tucmister was wonderful.
Thank you for your continued support. You're a good friend.
Thank you,
I've been a little nervous about this story. I always value your feedback. Getting your seal of approval is always important to me.
All of you, thank you again
Posts: 4050
My wife's praise motivated me. I wanted to give Tonya my best effort. Kelly had bragged to her friends about my ability to pleasure a woman with my tongue and I didn't want to let her down.
Tonya took her hand away from her cunt. Both women stared at me. They were waiting.
I took a deep breath and nervously moved forward. When my mouth was almost touching Tonya I started to softly blow on her sex. I'd learned to do this with Kelly while we were still in college. When I start giving her head her pussy tends to be a little sensitive; so I try to be very gentle at first. Tonya was already aroused, so this probably wasn't a necessary step, but I wanted to show her everything I knew.
She giggled when she felt me blowing on her. She turned to my wife. "That tickles."
Kelly nodded. "Yes, but it does feel good."
Tonya sighed. "Yes it does."
After blowing on her for a moment I softly brushed her pussy with my mouth. She was wet, very wet. I felt her moisture on my lips. I started kissing her. These were gentle sensitive kisses, they weren't aggressive and filled with passion. Those would come soon, but not quite yet.
I extended my tongue. Tonya cooed with delight as she felt my gentle kisses become gentle French kisses. I kissed her and teased her with my tongue everywhere except her clitoris. I deliberately avoided that special spot. That would also come later.
Gradually my kisses became more powerful and I stopped using my tongue to tease Tonya and instead started using it to lick her. I kissed and licked the entire crevasse of her sex repeatedly. I pushed my tongue into her and explored the opening to her womb. I thought about all of the huge stiff cocks that had penetrated her there. I wondered if I would ever be allowed that privilege. I realized that my inadequate penis would probably give this worldly woman very little pleasure, but it was still a delight that I could dream about.
I stopped myself. I needed to be concentrating on Tonya's pleasure, not on my own. I refocused my attention and returned to licking and kissing her cunt. My kisses became more and more powerful and increasingly passionate. I closed my eyes and made out with Tonya's sex. Above me I could hear her panting with desire as she pushed her cunt into my face in an effort to respond to my kisses.
I started licking her again, but still I avoided her clit. I slowed my movement. I licked her four times. Each time I started at the base of Tonya's pussy and moved firmly and deliberately, but also very slowly upwards towards her engorged love button.
I always stopped just before I got to her clit. I was teasing her. I knew she was ready for more intense pleasure, but I was also aware that she was on a wonderful sexual high and I wanted to prolong that high for as long as I possibly could.
I returned my tongue to the base of Tonya's pussy and started a fifth ascent. I moved even slower. I repeatedly stopped and explored the folds of her inflamed sex. I was deliberately trying to tease Tonya.
When I approached her clitoris I stopped, only this time I didn't withdraw. This time I started drawing little circles around her tiny soldier.
I heard Tonya take a deep breath.
I flicked her clit one time very quickly.
She gasped
I flicked it again and then I kissed it.
She cried out, "Yessssssss!"
I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked it into my mouth. I heard her breath catch.
Next to us my wife giggled. "This is the best part."
I closed my eyes and started sucking on Tonya's clit. While I sucked it I occasionally flicked it with my tongue.
Tonya laughed. "It's almost like I have a tiny cock and he's giving me a blow job."
"Isn't it wonderful!"
"It's magnificent. He's magnificent."
My heart soared when I heard Kelly and Tonya's praise. I was filled with pride, but I still wasn't done. I had one more trick, a brand new trick. One that my wife hadn't even experienced.
During the past several months I'd frequently found myself at home alone with very little to do. I'm sure you won't be surprised when I tell you that I spent some of that time reading erotic stories on the Internet. One story particularly caught my attention. In that story a submissive husband pleasured his wife by sucking on her clit in much the same way that I pleasured Kelly. Only in this story the husband had an extra wrinkle. While he was sucking on his wife's clit he would fuck her asshole with his middle finger.
At the time I was reading the story I remembered Kelly's adamant contention that she would never allow her dates to fuck her ass, so I assumed that she would never be willing to allow me to penetrate her ass with my finger. I classified the story as a hot little fantasy and forgot about it.
Earlier that afternoon, during our car ride downtown, Kelly told me that she now not only allowed men to fuck her ass, she actually enjoyed it. While she was telling me that I remembered the story and wondered if my wife might now be open to that little pleasure.
Now as I was sucking on Tonya's clit I once again remembered the story. I knew that Tonya was a very worldly woman and I suspected that she was most likely the permister who'd persuaded my wife to try anal sex.
I knew that I couldn't be absolutely certain that this was true, but I was reamisterably confident that it was. I devised a plan. When I started to push my finger into Tonya's asshole all I had to do was move very slowly. If she objected to having my finger in her ass, I would simply say that I was just trying to massage her anus while I was licking her clit and went a little too far and then I would apologize profusely. Tonya and Kelly might tell me to never try to do that again, but I doubted that anything else would happen. If Tonya allowed me to do it, I suspected that I might be able to give her one of the most powerful orgasms she'd ever experienced and Kelly would be even more proud of me.
I decided to try. Of course this whole debate took place over a time span of about five seconds and during that entire time I was still busily sucking on Tonya's clit.
I momentarily took my mouth off of Tonya's cunt so I could wet my finger.
The brief interruption caused Tonya to open her eyes.
Next to me I heard my wife say, "Timmy?"
I ignored my wife, this wasn't the moment for explanations. Instead I quickly returned to sucking Tonya's pussy. She closed her eyes again.
I heard Kelly whisper to Tonya. "Are you enjoying this baby? Isn't he wonderful?"
And then I heard movement. I glanced up. My wife was leaning over. Her lips were pressed against Tonya's. She was kissing her.
I smiled to myself. This was perfect. I had just the diversion I needed to be able to spring my little surprise. I reached down, slipped my finger between the cheeks of Tonya's ass and found her anus. I kept one eye on Tonya and Kelly. They were still kissing.
I started massaging Tonya's asshole. She responded by slowly moving her hips in rhythm with my finger. She was enjoying this. That was all the encouragement I needed. I gently pushed my finger into her ass. At the same time I sucked on her clit even harder and began flicking it with my tongue.
I heard Tonya gasp.
My wife stopped kissing her and looked down at me. "Timmy what in the world are you doing?"
I smiled at Kelly and pulled my finger out of Tonya's asshole.
Tonya shook her head. "No please don't stop. That feels wonderful."
I had no intention of stopping. I just wanted to lick my finger again so it would be nice and wet. I was trying to be very careful to avoid causing Tonya any discomfort.
I put my finger in my mouth and got it nice and wet and then I pushed it back into Tonya's asshole. This time I was much bolder. I pushed my finger all the way in to the second knuckle.
Tonya laughed. "Timmy that does feel wonderful."
"Timmy, what are you doing?" My wife was staring at me.
I grinned at her and said, "I'll explain later." And then I started sucking and flicking Tonya's clitoris again while I fucked her ass with my finger at the same time."
Tonya shrieked. "Kelly this is magnificent. Why didn't you ever tell me about this?"
My wife shook her head and quietly whispered, "I didn't know. I've never seen him do it before."
I ignored their conversation. I just kept sucking and flicking Tonya's clit while I fucked her ass with my finger.
Tonya cried out, "Oh cuckolds brownie! Do it Timmy! Suck on my clit and fuck my asshole!"
Suddenly I felt all of the muscles in her body tighten and then Tonya arched her back, took a deep breath and screamed. "Yesssssssssss!"
I'd learned from Tonya's earlier orgasm that I didn't need to stop or worry about being gentle so I continued sucking and flicking her clit while I pumped my finger in and out of her asshole.
She screamed again. Her entire body began to shake and then she started laughing. Her laughter was interspersed with cries of pleasure. I looked at her face. There were tears running down her cheeks. Tonya Lewis was clearly a woman of passion.
The intensity of Tonya's orgasm slowly diminished. I stopped sucking on her clit and pulled my finger out of her ass. Her muscles relaxed and she collapsed on the couch.
Kelly leaned over and softly kissed her forehead.
Tonya looked up at my wife and smiled and then she whispered, "You were right, Timmy is better than Mandy."
My heart filled with pride. Being able to please these two women was very important to me.
Posts: 1914
GH, I know its been said before (by me as well), that this story just seems to have more of your soul in it that your others (and they didn't lack anything). Maybe that's the reamister you feel more uncertain, if you have exposed more than you normally would of yourself. Either way, you have nothing to worry about my friend. This is one of your finest.
Posts: 438
I agree GH, peakmb took the words right off my keyboard...a wonderful wonderful story, give and take, a great love, true understanding, well thought out characters and a million and one other elements along with a big pinch of GH all add up to make this just wonderful  Thank you again Mel x x
Posts: 178
It's always good to see your stories evolving, GH, they bring so much sunshine into the world...
Posts: 492
Just loving it GH. I totally agree with the three previous comments. Thank you for all your efforts to bring us this loving story. I've tried that last little wrinkle on the Mrs several times, but she's just not into that type of experimentation. Maybe someday.
This has to be one of your best stories ever.
Posts: 4050
Peak, Mel, asehpe and Trf2
Thank you, your words are appreciated.
Posts: 4050
#148 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Timmy, where did you learn to do that?" Kelly was staring at me. There was an incredulous look on her face.
I smiled at her and in a satirically deep voice said, "Actually my dear, in my spare time I've been hiring out as a high paid male escort for the bored wives of wealthy Wall Street power brokers."
Tonya sat up. Both women stared at me for a moment and then they burst out laughing. Tonya reached down, pulled me up on the couch and kissed my cheek. "Sweetie that's a nice fantasy; but I don't think there's very much demand for gigolos with miniature cocks."
Kelly giggled. "I don't know, he's got two possible customers right here."
Tonya nodded. "Yes, but the two of us have soft spots for tiny dicked wimps. I'm not sure that frustrated high society wives share our viewpoint."
I looked at Tonya. "Hey! That's not a nice thing to call me." I was grinning at her.
"Sorry." She winked at me. "How about if I change it to tiny dicked pussylickers."
I smiled. "That's much better."
My wife shook her head. "All right Mr. Tiny dicked pussylicker, I'm going to ask you one more time. Where did you learn to do that?"
I thought for a moment and then I said, "I spent the past two months working as a bouncer in a Parisian bordello. The ladies taught me."
Tonya started laughing.
Kelly stared at me. There was a menacing smile on her face. Suddenly she grabbed my nipple and gave it a vicious twist.
I yelped from the pain.
She gave my nipple another twist. "It's not nice to tease your Mistresses. Now where did you learn to do that. I'll let go of your nipple as soon as you start giving me a straight answer."
"From a story on the Internet." I shouted it out.
Kelly released my nipple.
I sighed with relief.
She kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry baby. Did I really hurt you?"
I rubbed my nipple. "A little." I smiled at her. "But it was kind of fun."
Kelly giggled. "I liked it too." She grabbed my hand and pressed it between her legs. "It made me a little wet."
"Would you like me to make you feel better?"
"Mmmmm very much, but I think we should save that for later. Right now it's our turn to take care of you."
Kelly turned to Tonya. "Tonnie would you like to do the honors?"
Tonya grinned. "I would love to, but you said it's been two months since you've made him cum. Don't you think you should be the one who's doing it this first time?"
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy you're going to have me for the entire evening. Would you mind if Tonnie was the first one to get you off today?"
I took a deep breath and slowly stroked my chin. "Well let me think about that."
My wife raised her eyebrows. "Timmy, you're not trying to tease your mistresses again are you?"
I slowly shook my head. "Oh no Ms. Mamister, I would never dream of doing that."
Tonya was laughing out loud. Kelly and I were both grinning at each other.
Kelly hugged me. "Timmy I've missed you so much."
I kissed her. "I missed you too. It's nice to have you back again." I turned to Tonya. "Ms. Lewis, I would like it very much if you did the honors."
Tonya grinned at me. "Thank you Timmy." She giggled. "I can't wait to get your little dicky in my mouth." She looked at my wife. "Kel, slide down to the end of the couch and sit so you're facing my end of the couch with your knees up."
We both watched as my wife repositioned herself. I little thrill rippled through me when Kelly pulled her knees up, spread her legs and exposed her naked shaved pussy. She was very wet.
"Now Timmy I want you to sit between your wife's legs so you're facing me."
I turned, lifted my feet up on the couch and scooted myself into position between Kelly's knees. As soon as I was settled she put her arms around me and pulled my head back so that it was resting between her large bare breasts.
I chuckled. "I think I could happily spend the rest of my life right here."
Kelly whispered in my ear. "That would be just fine with me."
"All right you two, be quiet! I want your full attention."
Tonya pulled my pink panties off and tossed them onto the floor next to the couch. "I think these will just get in the way."
She pushed my knees apart, lay down on her stomach between my legs and looked up at me. "Timmy you just entertained me with your tricks, now it's time for me to entertain you with some tricks that I know. I am about to give you my very finest blow job."
"Tonnie honey, remember that he has a little trouble with control. You might want to give him the abbreviated version."
Tonya nodded. "Thanks Kel, that's a good idea."
Kelly whispered in my ear. "Timmy, Tonya is very good. When I first started working as a hostess she gave me a little course on how to give a blow job. Baby it was like going to cock sucking graduate school."
Tonya grinned at us. "Timmy your wife has surpassed her teacher. She is now the master. I think she could write a doctoral thesis on fellatio."
Kelly giggled. "It's always easier to learn when you're doing something you enjoy."
Tonya stared at me. "Timmy you're wife and I are both professionals." She paused. "I guess I should say that your wife was a professional."
I thought I detected a hint of sadness in Tonya's voice. She obviously felt bad about losing Kelly as a coworker.
Tonya smiled at me. "I am very experienced and very s*******ed at giving head. I know every trick in the book, but I'm just a craftsman. Your wife has become an artist."
I looked at Tonya. I had to ask. "You're sad that you won't be working with Kelly anymore aren't you?"
She nodded. "Yes I am, but I also understand why it's necessary. I agree with her decision to resign."
The three of us were silent for a moment. Finally Kelly said, "It's time for my teacher to show you why she was my teacher and why I was her student. " She whispered in my ear. "Relax baby, I want you to enjoy this. Tonya was just being modest. She's also an artist."
Tonya looked up at us and smiled and then she gingerly lifted my tiny erection with one hand and cradled my little balls in her other hand. Once she was holding me in her hands she stayed perfectly still. She didn't move at all. I think she was taking great care to keep me from cumming prematurely. After a few seconds she gently wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the base of my cock and held it in place while she leaned forward and started softly kissing my balls.
She moved so slowly, so deliberately and with so much concentration that I began to get the feeling that she was enjoying this even more than I was. I suspected that her ability to make me believe that was one of the qualities that distinguished an artist from a craftsman.
As she was kissing my balls she parted her lips and slowly sucked them into her mouth. This was something that Kelly had often done to me, but Tonya's slow gentle movement turned it into a completely different experience. I could feel her tongue pushing my testicles around inside her mouth. She was teasing me. It was a delightful sensation.
Suddenly Tonya stopped moving. I could feel her tongue pressing against the bottom of my ball sac. She opened her mouth. As she released my testicles she painstakingly drew the tip of her tongue across my balls to the base of my erect penis. The sensation was maddening. She was moving very slowly but she was filled with purpose and totally focused. At that moment I felt like my penis and balls were the only thing in this world that Tonya cared about.
Kelly was still holding me tightly in her arms. She leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Baby doll, isn't she wonderful."
I slowly nodded.
Tonya looked up at us and smiled and then she squeezed the base of my erection with her thumb and her forefinger.
I took a deep breath.
Still maintaining her strangle hold on my cock, she slowly pushed her two fingers up my rigid shaft until they were obligation that sensitive spot just below the head.
I gasped. The pleasure was almost excruciating.
Tonya started to tickle the base of my cock with the tip of her tongue. After a moment I felt that dancing tongue start to climb the sensitive underside of my miniature pole. At the same time she slowly pulled her strangling fingers back down to their starting point at the base of my stiff shaft.
As soon as her tongue reached the head of my penis Tonya gave it several kisses and then she parted her lips and sucked it into her mouth. At the same time she wrapped three of her fingers around my tiny shaft and gave it a very firm squeeze. A wave of pleasure rippled through my loins
I held my breath in anticipation of what was to come.
Tonya didn't disappoint me. Still maintaining her tight grip, she started pumping her fingers up and down the shaft of my erection and then she began sucking on the engorged head of my penis. She was still moving slowly, and the pleasure was so intense that it was almost painful.
I felt Tonya speed up her tempo. My breath caught. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wonderful sensations created by the combination of her mouth and her fingers. Suddenly my entire body started to tingle and I felt a familiar warm glow beginning to radiate through my loins. I immediately recognized what was happening. These sensations were the harbingers of an impending orgasm.
I started to panic. I didn't want to cum this quickly. Of course I was enjoying Tonya's blow job and I wanted to prolong the pleasure I was experiencing for as long as possible; but that wasn't the cause of my panic. There was another much more important reamister for me to try to keep from cumming. I wanted to show my wife and her friend that I could control my orgasms. I wanted to prove to them that I was a better lover than they thought I was.
Tonya kept pumping and sucking my penis. I wanted to beg her to stop. I needed a break. A few seconds was all I had to have, just a little time to compose myself so we could continue.
Tonya didn't give me a break. I knew she wouldn't. I guessed that this was still the early stages of her blow job. I was certain that the stud lovers that she and my wife enjoyed would still easily be in full control of themselves at this point.
I was desperate. I needed something to divert my attention from the intense pleasure that Tonya was giving me. I tried dividing 18648 by 312. I was attempting to multiply 312 by 6 when the damn burst. I felt my butt muscles tighten and then my tiny cock pumped out its first spurt of semen.
Tonya kept sucking on my penis while I ejaculated my cum into her mouth. It felt wonderful. It had been months since I'd had an orgasm that was that intense.
I finished cumming, but Tonya kept sucking my penis. She kept sucking it until it was completely limp. Finally she took it out of her mouth, sat up and looked at me.
There was a huge smile on her face. She waited for a moment and then she asked, "Timmy, did you enjoy that?"
Tonya had just given me the greatest blow job of my life. I realized that I should have been thanking her profusely, but I didn't. At that moment I felt disheartened and embarrassed. I had so desperately wanted to prove to my wife that I could last, that I could control myself, that I was a good lover; but I'd failed. I knew that I was being petty. I knew that I should just forget about my failure and be happy, but I couldn't.
I understood that I had to say something to Tonya, so I pulled myself together and quietly said, "Thank you, that was very nice."
"Nice! Timmy, what's the matter with you? Tonnie just gave you her best blow job and you tell her that it was nice? Timmy most men will go through their entire lives and never experience a blow job like that. Nice? It wasn't nice, it was great."
Kelly was angry with me and I didn't blame her. I needed to get my emotions under control, give Tonya a proper thank you and explain my behavior.
Tonya was staring at me. I could see that her feelings were hurt. I felt awful.
I took a deep breath. "Tonya I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be ungrateful. It really was the greatest blow job that I've ever experienced in my entire life."
Tonya smiled at me.
I smiled back. "I acted the way I did because I'm disappointed and ashamed. I desperately wanted to prove to you and Kelly that I could control myself." I sighed. "But I couldn't. I guess I'll always be a lousy lover."
Tonya looked at my wife. "Can I have him for a minute?"
Kelly nodded.
Tonya took my hand. "Come here baby doll."
She pulled me to her, put her arms around my shoulders and held me firmly against her naked breasts. "Sweetie, you have nothing to be ashamed about. Yes, there are men who can last much longer than you did; but you lasted longer than many of the businessmen I entertain." She kissed my forehead. "And you're not a lousy lover. You're a very caring and sensitive lover. Timmy you just gave me one of the most intense orgasms I've ever experienced."
She softly stroked my cheek. "Baby, Kelly and I could work with you a little on improving your control. Would you like that?"
I nodded. "Yes, I'd like that very much."
Tonya giggled. "I would too. I think the training exercises might be very exciting for all of us."
Posts: 328
Morning GH  Great to see you back! So glad your lovely wife made sure you got some down time to re-charge! Glad to hear you had a great time on the golf course.  Just got back from our cruise a week and 1/2 ago still getting adjusted to being home. Plus, we both have had the colds! Wanted to say again, how much I enjoy reading your stories. They are such works of love between two people. I like how you mix in the cuckold expierence, always with love, and the loving between the two main characters. It leaves no doubt in the readers mind of the love between the two, Kelly and Timmy! Again ,gald your back I am catching up with your writings. My best to you and your lovely bride. Meijer
Posts: 4050
Hey Meijer
It's nice to hear from you. I hope your colds are better. I'm glad to hear that you and your wife enjoyed the cruise.
Thanks for the kind words about my story.