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Once again.... BRAVO!!

You're winding this story down with style and are keeping with all the detail that you've been attuned to with the whole story.

Glad to see that you didn't overlook the zoning issue.

Thank you!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
#1,202 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I don't think I'm capable of writing anything other than a happy ending. Thanks for your suppport.


I'm just glad you joined us.



Several renowned scholars who have spent their entire lives studying Homer are now revising their work.



I expect my attention to detail has bored some readers at times. I'm sure that there are those who said, he needs to get back to the fucking and sucking. What can I say, the detail is fun to write and to me it makes the story better.

If I'm reading a story and the writer were to neglect a detail like the zoning issue I would be upset and object that the neighbors would never let them get away with that.

Thanks for all your support throughout this story.

All of you, again thank you for everything.


And now the final four posts


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Still grinning, Barry said, "It think it's time for you to meet your new neighbors.” He took out his cell phone and keyed in a number. A moment later he said, "Hi Brenda, we're done over here. It's time for you to come outside so that I can introduce everyone." After a short pause he said, "Great, we'll see you in a minute."

Barry switched off his cell phone and turned to all of us. "Let's go across the street. They'll be out in a minute."

As we were crossing the street Mr. Jackmister put his hand on my shoulder and said, "There's a well known Architecture firm in Chicago; Bellamy, Lampert and Cordosian. We've done business with them in the past. If it's all right with you, I'd like to use them on the house."

I smiled at Mr. Jackmister. "Sir, I really will need your direction on this project. If you think..."

Mr. Jackmister patted my shoulder and interrupted me. "Timmy, I understand and I will give you all the guidance and assistance you need, but I also want you to understand something."

"What's that sir?"

"During the past two weeks I've come to the realization that you are a very talented young man with a unique ability. Timmy, when you look at a forest you have the capacity to also see each individual tree. Very few people have that ability. I don't, John doesn't. Warren does, but Warren is getting older and he's now going to want to spend increasing amounts of time with Elvira. The firm needs you."

"Sir I'm not sure that I want to..."

"Don't worry Timmy, I'll leave you with plenty of time to write your novel and you'll still have the column to write for Ellen's newspaper, but Timmy, I need you too. Will you help us? I promise that I'll respect your reticence. "

"Yes, of course I will, but you'll have to be patient with me. I'm kind of new at all of this."

Mr. Jackmister laughed. "Patient we can be. Now this is what I want you to do. On Monday you and Kirby are going to see to my tailor and get fitted for several business suits. He'll also need to get a couple of rack suits for you because you're both going to need something presentable right away."

"What are we doing?"

"You're going to Chicago on Tuesday to meet with the architects. Monday morning Janet Collins will make the appointment and set up the travel arrangements."

"Is Kirby going with me?"

"No, Tuesday Tonya and Kirby are flying to Boston to take Don Kline and his wife out to dinner." Mr. Jackmister smiled at me. "At this moment we are in a very good position to cement a solid working relationship with Don Kline and his group. I am going to do everything in my power to accomplish that goal."

"Could Elvira go to Chicago with me?"

Mr. Jackmister shook his head. "No, Tuesday evening were having a party at Eagle Lake for an investment group from Phoenix. With Tonya in Boston, I'll need Elvira here to facilitate everything for that party."

"That means that Kelly, Mandy and Keisha are all going to have to stay here too, doesn't it."

"I'm afraid it does Timmy."

"Antoine too."

"Yes, Antoine too."

"Does that mean I have to go to Chicago alone?"

"I think you could handle it by yourself, but I'm going to send an assistant with you."

"Janet Collins?"

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "No, not Janet Collins. She always stays in the office. Warren will go with you."

"Mr. Tyler?"

"Yes, Mr. Tyler."

"As my assistant?"

"No Timmy, not really. Warren will be going as your mentor. He likes you Timmy. For the next year his job is going to be to train you to be a businessman."

I started to protest.

Mr. Jackmister quickly added, "A part time businessman Timmy. Someone we can occasionally call on to handle special projects for us. Will you do that Timmy?"

"Yes Mr. Jackmister, I'll do that."


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By the time we'd crossed the street people were coming out of both houses. As all of us converged on the sidewalk in front of the two houses Barry walked over to a tall, very attractive, busty brunette who appeared to be in her late thirties. "Good morning Brenda."

She smiled. "Good morning Barry, are we going to have new neighbors?"

"It certainly looks that way."

Waving at all of us Brenda said, "Hi I'm Brenda Adams. Welcome to the neighborhood." She gestured towards the group standing immediately behind her and then pointed to the house on the left. "Most of us live in that house."

Another brunette about the same age as Brenda stepped forward. "Hi I'm Madeline Conrad. Everyone calls me Maddie."

Next to her, a very athletic looking blond a few years younger than Madeline and Brenda said, "I'm April Hansen."

I heard Kelly's breath catch.

April turned and placed her hand on the shoulder of a slightly built man standing a half step behind her. "This is my husband, Mark Peters."

Brenda walked over to another man of about the same build and stature as April's husband. "This is my husband, Bobby Franklin."

Maddie turned to a tall handsome black man standing next to her. "And this is my husband, Jamal Wright."

Kelly leaned over and whispered, "Timmy, that's Jamal Wright."

I nodded. "Yes it is."

There were four people standing at the rear of this group. Three of them were women. They were all very attractive, immaculately coiffed and groomed, middle aged blonds. The fourth was a middle aged man of similar stature to Mark and Bobby

April moved so that she was standing next to them. "These are our very dear friends; Jessica Townsend, Helen Darcy, Lorraine Milton and Morris Fredericks." As April said their names each of them waved.

When April introduced Morris Fredericks, Martin Jackmister leaned over to Warren Tyler and said, "Isn't this an amazing coincidence."

As soon as the introductions of the people from the house on our left were completed, we all turned our attention to the three women and four men who'd come from the house on the right.

The three women were all attractive blonds in their late twenties. One was tall and slender with ash blond hair. The next was a slightly shorter, bleached blond with a smile that could have charmed even the most dour old curmudgeon. The third was another ash blond, but she wasn't tall and slender. She was shorter with a soft supple body, milky white skin and an absolutely amazing bust.

Three of the men were about the same build and stature as April and Brenda's husband's Mark and Bobby. Two of these men appeared to be in their late twenties. The third was a little older, probably about thirty-six. The fourth man, standing at the rear of the group, was quite a bit older. I guessed that he was probably in his early fifties. He was also much taller and appeared to be very confident.

The tall slender blond stepped forward. Pointing to the house on the right she said, "We live there. I'm Sandra Monroe." She nodded towards one the two younger men. "That's my husband, Stevie Wagner." And then she turned and pointed at the tall distinguished looking man standing at the rear of the group. "And that's my boyfriend, Jamister Mathews."

Tonya whispered, "I already like these people."

Kelly giggled. "Yes, I do too. I think they're just like us."

The bleached blond with the engaging smile stepped forward. "I'm Julie Gordon." She walked over to the older of the three slightly built men, gabbed him by the arm and pulled him forward. "And this handsome devil is my husband, Ricky Norman."

Everyone turned and looked at the blond with the large bust. She didn't say anything. It was obvious that she was very shy. Julie quickly walked over and protectively took her hand. "This is Roxanne Mitchell."

The third slightly built man stepped forward. "And I'm her husband, William Oliver."

Julie giggled. "You can call him Peewee."

William Oliver smiled as he shrugged and said, "You might as well, everyone else does."

All of us chuckled.

Tonya stepped forward. "I'm Tonya Lewis and this handsome devil next to me is Kirby Lundquist."

Next to me Kelly said, "I'm Kelly Mamister and this is my babydoll, Timmy Jamiemister."

Everyone chuckled at the term of endearment Kelly had used. I flushed.

Keisha saved me from further embarrassment by immediately stepping forward. "I'm Keisha Edwards." Then reaching back and pulling Antoine forward so that he was standing next to her she added, "And this is my fiance Antoine Carter."

Mandy walked over, took Mr. Jackmister by the arm and led him forward. "I'm Mandy Wells and this is my fiance, Martin Jackmister."

Elvira took Mr. Tyler by the hand and said, "And I'm Elvira Higgins and this is my sweetie, Warren Tyler."

I glanced at Mr. Tyler and was totally amazed to see that my soon to be mentor was blushing.


Posts: 4050
#1,205 · Edited by: goodhusband
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We had been standing in three reamisterably well defined groups, but now as everyone filed into Sandra's house the boundaries broke down.

Kelly immediately approached April Hansen and introduced herself. Maddie, Keisha, Antoine and Jamal Wright started a conversation. Julie and Roxanne walked over and introduced themselves to Elvira. Tonya joined Helen and Jessica. Kirby attached himself to Mark and Bobby. Mandy went straight to Lorraine and of course, Mr. Jackmister, Mr. Tyler, Jamister Mathews and Morris all got together."

I hung back while everyone walked up the front steps and entered the house. I was suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed and I wanted a moment to myself.

I stood on the sidewalk and surveyed the neighborhood where I would soon be living. The houses were large and luxurious. The street was lined with stately oak trees and all of the front lawns were immaculately groomed.

I thought about the events that led to my being here. The past year had been filled with heartache and pain and then there were the last sixteen days.

I was amazed when I realized that it had only been sixteen short days since that fateful night when I huddled in the front door of Smithmister's Jewelry store so that I could follow Kelly to the Calvert Hotel.

Those sixteen days now seemed like a lifetime and when I thought about the incredible onslaught of events that transpired during that time period, I realized that they were life changing.

Kelly and I both grew up during those sixteen days. Kelly learned that she has to be true to herself. She has to be the permister she wants to be rather than the permister that others want her to be. I gained confidence and found myself. Seventeen days ago I could never have flown to Chicago, dressed in a power suit, so that I could meet with a group of distinguished architects. Tuesday, I was going to do exactly that and I wasn't frightened, I was excited.

All of the wonderful people that I met during the last sixteen days certainly helped us.

Kirby and Elvira, could there be two finer people in this world?"

And Mr. Jackmister, when I first met him, he terrified me. Now, I realize that he's an angel. He spends as much time trying to help people as he does trying to make money. He was the engineer of my reconciliation with Kelly. He saved Kirby and Ellen and he took care of Elvira. I will always be in his debt.

Then of course there was Tonya, Mandy, Keisha, Antoine, Mr. Tyler and John Reynolds. It's funny, there are times in life when it seems like the whole world is trying to beat you down. And then there are times when you're surrounded by a group of people who love you and nurture you and life becomes so much better. The past sixteen days made up one of those times.

I took a deep breath, the November air was invigorating but it was also chilly. I realized that it was time to go inside and have a hot cup of coffee.

As I walked up the sidewalk, the front door opened and April Hansen stepped out. When she saw me she smiled and walked down the front steps to meet me. "You're Kelly's husband Timmy, right?"


"You went to Kelroy with Kelly?"

"Yes I did.

"I went to Kelroy too."

"I know, everyone at Kelroy has heard the story of April Hansen."

April slowly nodded. For brief moment I detected a hint of sadness in her eyes as she whispered a soft, "Yes." But then the sadness quickly disappeared. Looking up at me she smiled and said, "That's all in the past. Now I try hard to live in the present and dream about the future."

"Does it work?"

"Oh yes, I was very fortunate to meet all of these wonderful people. They're the best friends a permister could ever ask for."

I nodded. "Sixteen days ago Kelly and I almost broke up. I thought my life was over and then I met all of the wonderful people that are here with us today. Now my life is better than it's ever been."

"We call it serendipity. It's happened to all of us."

"Serendipity? I've heard the word, but I really don't know what it means."

April smiled. "Sometimes, when you're least expecting them, you stumble across the most important treasures of you life. That's serendipity."

I grinned at April. "For me, the last sixteen days have been filled with serendipity."

Suddenly the front door opened and Mandy popped out. "Timmy, you have to get in here. It's wonderful. We're staying for dinner. All of us are staying, even Martin. He wanted to go back to work but Warren convinced him that there was nothing that they had to do that was actually all that important so he's going to stay. He's really going to stay. Isn't that amazing!"

I smiled at her. "Yes Mandy, it is."

Noticing April, Mandy quickly bowed and said, "Hello Mistress April. I didn't realize that you were out here. May I have your permission to speak to Bunny?"

"Yes Nymph, go ahead."

Turning back to me Mandy said, "They have very strict rules about how slaves behave in the presence of their superiors."

April nodded. "Yes we do. Everyone enjoys the rituals."

"Timmy; Sandra, Julie and Roxie are calling up some guys so that all the women will have dinner dates. Martin's going to be Helen's date. We're going to be slaves and serve the dinner. Stevie and Lorraine want you and Kirby to help cook. I get to help too. Everyone is so nice."

Mandy grinned. "Ricky, he's Julie's husband. His slave name is Footboy. He's an English Professor at Maple Hills Community College. Brenda, Maddie, Roxie and Julie all went there and now they're finishing their degrees at the University. Ricky told us that he'll help us get started there. Tonya, Keisha, Elvira and I are all going to go. Martin said that he'll pay all of our expenses and give us time off."

She giggled. "Sandra, Julie, Roxie, Brenda, Maddie, Helen and Jessica all volunteered to fill in for us as hostesses."

I laughed. 'I'll bet they did."

"Timmy, Sandra's husband Stevie was some kind of whiz kid stock broker. He can tell you all about it while you're cooking the dinner. They have an investment group here and Martin and Warren are thinking about joining them. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

"Yes it would."

"Timmy, I'm getting cold. I have to go back inside. When you come in go right to the kitchen so that Mark and Bobby can teach you the rules. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Mandy turned to April and bowed to her again. "Mistress April, may I please be excused?"

"Yes Nymph, go inside and help the others. As soon as we come in, I'll bring Bunny to the kitchen so that he doesn't get into trouble before he has a chance to learn the rules."

"Thank you Mistress April."

Mandy turned and went back inside the house.

After she was gone April asked, "Is she always that exuberant?"

"Mr. Jackmister asked her to marry him last night."

April smiled. "I see, I guess I'd be exuberant too. Are you ready to go inside?"


"Keep your head down and stay one full step behind me."

Bowing politely, I said; "Yes Mistress April."

April grinned at me."Timmy I think that we're going to become very close friends."

"I'd like that."

I opened the front door and held it while April walked into Sandra, Julie and Roxanne's house. Once she was inside I took a deep breath and started to follow her, but then I hesitated for a moment. As I stood on that threshold I suddenly realized that I was about to begin a new adventure.

Life is a series of adventures. Some of them are joyous experiences that leave us with fond memories that we savor for the remainder of our lives. Others are challenges, grueling trials that we are powerd to endure. All of these adventures, good or bad, constantly recast us into new and hopefully wiser and stronger people.

The adventure of the past sixteen days was over. What had started as an arduous test eventually turned into a joyous experience that strengthened both Kelly and me. Now that incredible adventure was finished and relegated to the status of a fond memory. It was a memory that Kelly and I along with Mandy, Kirby, Tonya, Elvira, Keisha, Antoine, Mr. Jackmister and Mr. Tyler would be able to cherish for the rest of our lives.

I didn't know what experiences this new adventure would bring, but I was excited. I was certain that it was going to be an adventure that would turn into a great story. Sadly it's a story that will have to be told at another time. This story was about the events of the last sixteen days and those days are now part of the past.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the house.


Posts: 1916
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Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! ( I could go on but I think you get the idea!)


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Posts: 14692
#1,208 · Edited by: Timmy27
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GH after 433,306 words we have to say goodbye to our friends. In one way a sad moment but on the other hand a chance for a new spectacular story from the master.

[quoteI didn't know what experiences this new adventure would bring, but I was excited. I was certain that it was going to be an adventure that would turn into a great story. [/quote]

We are going to keep you to Timmy's promise.

Thank you very much for sharing your talent not only with this but all the other stories you've created.


Posts: 1914
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I think we bade our favorite characters farewell in the style which they deserved. Sweet sorrow indeed. A wonderful story my friend. Thankyou so much for all the pain and anguish it has taken to give it to us. Only you knows whether it was worth it but I for one am eternally grateful.

Just one last point, I think I agree that scholars will continue to revise the works of Homer, but then I think that the works of Marge will be talked about even more as time goes on ..


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Thank you for sharing the adventures of 10 very interesting people!

This was one hell of a story and I really enjoyed each and every segment.

Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 125
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wow!!!!! what an excellent way to bring this to a close............also leaving an opening for another story but it would be difficult to keep all the characters straight.......the work of a master.......we all thank you very much for your hard work.....



Posts: 2106
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Absolutely wonderful, gh! I echo the sentiments above, a great ending and bittersweet, but it's been a wonderful ride getting here. Thank you so much my friend. priss


Posts: 1459
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Bittersweet indeed, but what a wonderful and heartwarming wrap up! That was masterful GH, and there is much I'd like to say about your tale, but I'll keep it simple: Thank you my friend, for giving me a much needed escape during some tough times. It's been a blessing.


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My golf game was rained out today so I stayed home and caught up on some reading. This is an excellent story (a novel really) by a great writer. I'm so glad you finished it for us.

All your works on this site have been very much appreciated. I look forward to reading many more of them in the future, so you should definitely continue to post here. I'm sure the rest of your silent following all feel the same way.



Posts: 31
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Let me add my comments to those of your long time friends.
This story has done more to give me an understanding of the cuckold lifestyle then anything I could have read. I believe that I have changed from a negative about the lifestyle to a permister who can understand the feelings of those involved.
You and Timmy and Stormy have really done me an absolute favor in writing this story with its "serendipity" as April describes it. Also the stories that Timmy and Stormy have going.
I think that I might find the b---s to try to write a story.
Thank you again for a life style change that you have given me and maybe my wife.


Posts: 242 Pictures: 4 
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Well after several months of not being able to log into the site I am finaly able to again. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed this story, you no doubt put a lot of time and energy into it and it shows! just because I wasn't able to log in didn't mean I wasn't reading and enjoying this story. Your the best! take time to rest enjoy some down time play some golf and enjoy your wife, it is well deserved.

You mentioned in one of your comments about possibly another chapter to Comcubine?? is there still a possibilty of that happening? I agree this should remain a very short story but another chapter with closure would be great.

Take care, oh and by the way although I am not a golfer, I was in Tucmister Az a couple of weeks ago at a golf resort, the course looked absolutely beautiful.


Posts: 492
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GH, there is no possible way to ever thank you for all the hard work that went into bringing us this masterpiece. I was there from the beginning and now I'm sad to say, I'm here at the end. You are the master, you should be proud. This was just an excellent story and I'm ashamed to admit that I almost gave up on it in the beginning because I was unhappy with the way Kelly was treating Timmy. You told me to hang in there and I did, and I'm so glad I listened to you.

I don't know what you have planned for the future, but trust me, I'll keep checking back here for a new story from you one of these days. Or...........perhaps the much anticipated conclusion to one of my favorites that is still hanging out there.

Again, thank you, my friend, for entertaining us all this time. Quite an enjoyable diversion. Hopefully you'll take some time off and unwind before you choose your next path. Go play some golf and enjoy the summer.



Posts: 274
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It's all been said by the others, so all I am going to say is, thanks!
You know, something was amiss on this site of late.
Then I realised that familiar names were missing from page 1.
I make no apologies for bumping you back on to the first page, how else are new readers going to find out what they are missing?
I hope you are having a well deserved rest and I look forward with the others to your welcome return.
Good luck and God bless my friend.



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Thank you, I appreciate your note and the bump. You better than anyone understands how difficult it is to write a long story. I'm not certain if I have another story in me. I have started several, but they all end up being the same. If I do write another story, it is going to have to be different. I may still try to write some short stories. Right now my attention is focused on reediting "Courtesan". That project is almost over.

Thank you again



Posts: 4050
#1,220 · Edited by: goodhusband 
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In the meantime, everyone write some stories.

Create an outline - that means, plan the entire story before you start writing it. Don't just write, "My wife went out on a date and I'm really excited" and then try to make it up as you go along. Remember, all good stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. Plan your story that way.

Use a space between paragraphs. That makes the story much more readable. Everytime someone speaks it should be a new paragraph. Too many paragraphs are much better than too few.

When you're writing the sex scenes go to the porn sites. Find pictures series that represent what you imagine is happening with your wife and her lover and then describe what is happening in the pictures. Remember the advice of my buddy Peakmb, the devil is in the detail. A porn site I always used is

Putting your fantasy into words is fun. Try it. When you write, just put it down like your telling your buddies. Use your own words. That's all any of us want and it works really well.

This site has a history of wonderful stories. Some of them inspired me to start writing. Now it's your turn. Please go for it. You will not fail.

I look forward to reading your stories.

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