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I have to agree with peak and Timmy on all of the above: It's good to have you back; those segments were very fun and playful; and, although back when I travelled a lot I was a Platinum Elite flyer on several airlines and with guaranteed upgrades I did get to meet a number of interesting people, I never, ever, met any as interesting as these!
Thanks, enjoyed it!


Posts: 125
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talk about flying the friendly skies.......


Posts: 4050
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Peak, Storm and Sallyann

I forgot to mention that they were flying Fantasy Airlines.

Thanks for the comments



Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH, that was a very good segment. Very thought-provoking!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Yes..... very thought provoking in deed. It's funny how destiny is the great path changer of life. For every action there's a reaction, and now we're ALL sitting here reading about a path that we have all traveled.

Thanks GH!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 328
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Hey GH

As always a very thoughtful well written piece

Thank you



Posts: 2106
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Another beautifully written chapter, gh. Very entertaining. Thank you. priss


Posts: 492
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Howdy GH. Awesome, awesome, awesome. My apologies for not commenting lately, I've been jammed up with work and travel obligations and haven't had a moment's spare time to do any reading. I finally sat down for the first time this afternoon and got caught back up. The story is so entertaining, I'm delighted that you've decided to stick around and provide us with so many new segments. Thank you.

Glad your cross country trip was without any major issues, I know how that can go.

Take care, and thanks.



Posts: 108
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Loved the new segments and thanks a lot for all of your hard work. I have to be honest and say that I permisterally disagree with the idea that it's ok for Denise to lie to her husband as long as she treats him well and loves him. For me, the part of a lie that hurts the most isn't whatever is happening that the lie is trying to cover up, but the fact that the permister knew whatever they were doing would be hurtful and went ahead and did it anyway.

Look at the characters from the story, Timmy and Mandy's man were both more hurt about finding out their wives were lying to them than they were about what their wives were actually doing. Believe me, I understand the point that you're getting at and I appreciate that idea. But in my experience, there are far too many things that I thought someone would "never find out" and by some way I never considered, they did find out.

This is obviously strictly my opinion and everyone else has their own, but lying of the scope described in the story is not what I would consider harmless. A "little white lie", to me, is a woman telling her husband his size is fine when he's insecure about being too small.... Not fucking different strangers every time you go away for work. Again... strictly, my own opinion.

Maybe there are more twists and turns to come and I certainly don't want nor expect you to address this directly or take my thoughts into consideration for the storyline. I simply wanted a chance to voice my opinion since you had opened the door to this topic in the last section. I hope you don't mind.

Thanks again for some more great work and know that it's very much appreciated.



Posts: 4050
#1,180 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Storm, cuck4one, meijer, Priss, Trf2 and weslrobt

As always, thanks for the nice comments.


After last week I am very sympathetic about the stress and pressure of travel obligations.


I won't disagree with your opinion. If you remember, I started the segment out with Timmy observing that there might not be a correct answer to this situation. The question I put to you, is if you were Denise, what would you do. Cheating and lying are evil, but they may be the lesser evil.

Anyway, I wrote that segment to spur thought and debate. I enjoyed reading your response.

Everyone thankyou again for taking the time to leave a comment


PS If anyone notices any severe story discrepancies, please let me know. I think I have been occasionally calling Warren Tyler Wendell Tyler. Sorry about any confusion that might have created. Also I realize that in the scene at the beginning of the story where Timmy follows Kelly to the Calvert the man she is with calls her Kelly and we now know that he should have been calling her Melody. I will go back and fix that. This is one of the reamisters I like to post a story at this site, because I have the freedom to go back and fix errors like that.


Posts: 4050
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After Denise was gone we all went back to work on the report about Kelly's date for the evening. By focusing our attention and working together we managed to finish it just as the plane was landing.

When we reached the arrival pick up area five JTandR Lincolns were waiting to take us home. I noticed that Elvira got into Mr. Tyler's Lincoln.

It was almost four o'clock by the time Kelly and I arrived at our house. As soon as we were inside Kelly looked at me and said, "I don't know about you, but I could use a nap."

I nodded. "I could too."

As we walked to the bedroom I asked, "What time are you supposed to meet Allen Richmond?" Allen Richmond was the name of the investor from Seattle who Kelly was scheduled to entertain that night.

"John, Martin and Warren are planning to take him to dinner at the Goldenrod at 6:30. They told me that they'll have him in my suite at the Calvert at 8:30."

"Are you planning to have dinner at The Goldenrod tonight?"

Kelly shook her head. "No, this evening I'm the only one working, so unless you join me I'd have to eat alone." She looked at me. "Would you like to have dinner at The Goldenrod? It would be on the firm's tab."

"If that's what you'd like to do, I will; but I'd rather eat at home."

Kelly smiled. "So would I. Do you have anything in the freezer? It would be nice if you didn't have to go to the store."

I grinned at my wife. "I just happen to have two small tenderloins."

"Do we have any baking potatoes?"

"Yes we do."

"I want to be sure that I'm on time for my date with Allen, so I should leave for the Calvert by 7:30. You should have dinner ready at 6:30."

Kelly walked over, put her arms around me and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "That gives us plenty of time for a little training session followed by a nice nap."

"A training session?"

"Don't you remember? This morning you told me that you wanted to learn how to last a little longer when we're fooling around."

I nodded. "And you told me that you thought you could train me like a coach trains an athlete."

Kelly smiled. "That's right and this afternoon we're going to begin that training. Our first session is going to focus on how to delay an orgasm while receiving a hot sloppy blow job." She winked at me. "A long slow, hot sloppy blow job."

Giving my butt a quick pat, she said, "Take the steaks out of the freezer and get the potatoes ready for the oven. While you're doing that I'm going to lay out the lingerie and business suit I'm going to wear this evening."

I nodded. "I'm on it."

As I turned to go to the kitchen, Kelly asked, "Do we have any frozen vegetables?"

"We have both broccoli and green beans."

"Lets' have green beans, broccoli sometimes gives me gas."

I laughed. "We certainly want to avoid that tonight, don't we.”

"Yes we do." Kelly was giggling.

While I was scrubbing the potatoes, the telephone rang. I picked it up and said, "Kelly Mamister's residence."

"Timmy, this is Tonya."

"Hi Tonya, do you want to talk to Kelly?"

"No I can talk to you. Timmy, Barry called me on my cell phone while we were riding home in the Lincoln this afternoon. He told me that he found a very interesting house for us to look at."

"Tonya, that's great news. When can we see it?"

"I made a tentative appointment for ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Is that too early?"

"Hold on a minute, I'll check with Kelly."

Hanging on to the telephone, I ran to the bedroom. Kelly was holding up a black garter belt. "Kelly, it's Tonya, Barry the realtor called her this afternoon. He has another house for us to look at."

Kelly set the garter belt down on the bed. "Let me talk to her."

I handed Kelly the telephone.

"Hi Tonnie, this is exciting. What did Barry tell you about the house?"

Kelly listened for a moment and then she said, "This really does sound interesting. When can we see it?"

She paused. "Yes, ten o'clock will be just fine."

Looking at me Kelly said, "Timmy there's a pen and paper on my makeup table. Write down this address."

I picked up the pen.

Kelly said, "1214 Oak Grove Drive." And watched as I wrote the address on the note pad. As soon as I was finished she said, "Tonya, we'll meet you there in the morning. Yes, I agree, this is very exciting."

I tapped my wife's shoulder. She looked at me.

"Kelly, I need to talk to Tonya again."

Kelly nodded to me and then she said, "Tonnie, Timmy wants to talk to you again."

"I'll see you tomorrow Tonnie." Kelly listened. After a moment she laughed. "Yes, I'll make sure that Allen has a very good time tonight. Here's Timmy."

Kelly handed the telephone back to me.

"Tonya, I need to ask you something."

"All right.'

"Last night, after everyone went to bed, I had a long talk with Martin Jackmister."

"Really? What did you talk about?"

"Lots of things and I can tell you all about them tomorrow morning, but right now I have a question for you."


"Mr. Jackmister would like to live in the house with us..."

"What did you just say?" Tonya's voice reflected her surprise.

"Mr. Jackmister would like to have an apartment in the house. He'd like to live with us."

"Martin?" Tonya paused for a moment and then she said, "I never thought...I mean he's a billionaire."

"He is, but so is Mr. Tyler and he's going to live in the house."

"Yes but Warren wants to live there so that he can be with Elvira." She paused. "And Warren is different than Martin. He's more congenial. Martin is always so aloof, so businesslike, even during sex. Timmy, we work for him. He's like the czar of JTandR. Why would he want to live with us?"

"Tonya, do you remember how lonely you were before you met Kirby?"

She quietly answered, "Yes I do."

"Mr. Jackmister is just as lonely. Tonya, we're the only real friends he has"

Tonya sighed. "I do love him and I know that he would do anything in the world for me and I'd definitely do anything in the world for him. I just hard for me to imagine that he really wants to be my friend. Timmy, I'm just an old whore."

"Tonya, you're the sweetest, most wonderful old whore I've ever met."

Laughing, Tonya asked me; "Timmy, how many old whores have you actually met?"

"Truthfully, I haven't met any. I consider you to be an elegant and sophisticated courtesan in the prime of her life."

Still laughing Tonya said, "And you, my good friend, are a devilishly cute charmer."

Tonya paused again and then she said, "Timmy, I'm still not sure I understand why he wants to live with us, but if he does, I think Martin would make a wonderful roommate. I would love to have him in the house with us and I'm quite certain that Kirby, Elvira and Warren would all agree with that."

"Tonya, have you already called Keisha and Antoine."

"No, I'm planning to call them next."

"When you call them would you please ask them about Mr. Jackmister?"

"I will Timmy, but I'm fairly sure that they'll feel the same way. Both of them love Martin."

Tonya was silent for a moment and then she said, "Timmy, what about Mandy? This might be hard for her. She's in love with Martin."

"I know, but I think that problem might be resolved tonight."

"What does that mean Timmy?"

"I'm sorry Tonnie, but this discussion will have to wait until tomorrow morning."

"Timmy, you can't tease me like this."

"Tonnie, let's just say that tonight the decision about Mr. Jackmister and Mandy's future is going to be entirely up to Mandy."

"Are you telling me that..."

"I'm not telling you anything Tonya. We all have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens."

"Does this mean that Mandy won't be living with you and Kel."

"Tonnie, we have to wait until tomorrow."

Tonya laughed. "Timmy, you're a good friend, but you are pathetic gossip."

Kelly grabbed the telephone out of my hand. "Tonnie, leave my poor babydoll alone. He's trying to be a friend to both you and Martin. The impression he just gave you is correct, but you can't say anything to anyone but Kirby."

"No, especially not Keisha or Elvira. Keisha can't keep a secret and Elvira would tell Warren. Warren is Martin's best friend. If Mandy accepts, Martin should be allowed to tell Warren himself."

"Thanks Tonnie, I knew you'd understand. We'll see you tomorrow morning at the house. Bye."

Kelly turned off the telephone and smiled as she handed it to me. "Timmy honey, I think it's generally a good idea to leave the gossiping to me."


Posts: 4050
#1,182 · Edited by: goodhusband
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We lay quietly in bed cuddling. After a few minutes Kelly glanced at the clock on the night table and said, "I wish I could lie here all night." She sighed, "But I can't."

I watched as she sat up and stretched. Her long blond hair, beautiful face and sweet smile captivated me. My wife was a goddess, my goddess.

Kelly stood up. My gaze drifted to her large firm breasts and flat stomach and then lower to the cleft of her shaved pussy. My breath caught and my tiny penis again began to stir. Any noble thoughts I'd been harboring had just been squashed by my natural urges.

Noticing my renewed excitement, Kelly giggled and said, "Down boy, no more for you until after I get home from my date with Allen."

Disappointed, but fully understanding, I reluctantly nodded.

Kelly walked over to her dresser, opened her purse and took out my chastity cage. As she returned to the bed and sat down next to me she said, "We'd better get this back on you before that beast between your legs wakes up again."

I didn't try to argue or protest. I just sat on the bed and compliantly allowed Kelly to slip the plastic cage around my balls and over my still flaccid penis. After snapping the lock shut she nuzzled my ear and whispered, "Knowing that you're at home helplessly locked in your chastity cage while I'm having fun with Allen is going to make tonight even more exciting for me."

Bowing politely I said, "Ms. Mamister, your pleasure is my pleasure."

Kelly grinned. "Timmy honey, are you enjoying our life as much as I am?"

I smiled at her. "Maybe even more."

Giggling, Kelly stood up and extended her hand. "Come on cuckboy, I need to take a shower. You can bathe me."

I took Kelly's hand. As she pulled me up to my feet she said, "Timmy do you think Allen will be handsome?"

I smiled. In her usual fashion my wife was starting to focus all of her thoughts and attention on her approaching date. As we walked to the bathroom I said, "The report told us that he's fifty-four, so he is older."

"I find older men businessmen attractive."

"I know you do."

"They're almost always very distinguished looking."

I grinned at Kelly and turned on the shower. While I was adjusting the water temperature I said, "The report also mentioned that he plays racquetball every day, so he's probably in pretty good shape."

Kelly stepped into the tub. As I lathered up the bath sponge and started washing her neck and shoulders she sighed and wistfully said, "I can't wait to run my hands over Allen's naked body."

My wife wasn't trying to taunt me. All of her attention was now completely focused on Allen. She was like a teenage girl getting ready to go out on her first date. All she could think about was the man she'd be entertaining later that evening.

Bathing a beautiful naked woman while your penis is locked in a chastity cage is an experience. I'm certain that most men would find it to be intolerably frustrating. For a submissive masochist it's unbelievably exciting, especially when the woman he's bathing is fantasizing about having sex with another man.

As soon as I was finished bathing her, Kelly stepped out of the tub and stood still while I dried her with a large, fluffy bath towel. After I helped her into her terry cloth bathrobe she returned to the bedroom while I took a quick shower.

When I walked into the bedroom Kelly was sitting at her makeup table applying her eye shadow. As I slipped into a pair of gym shorts and a tee shirt I asked, "Are you ready for dinner?"

"Yes, you can start it now. I'll be done here in a few minutes."

"Would you like a glass of wine?"

"No thank you, but a cup of herb tea would be nice."

Kelly was distant now, almost aloof. She was clearly in full date mode. A week ago this detached attitude would have hurt my feelings, but now I understood. When my wife entertained a man she was able to completely focus her attention on him. This was why she was such a good hostess. This was why the firm was relying on her to enchant Allen Richmond this evening.

The table was already set, the steaks were under the broiler and I was placing the green beans in the microwave when Kelly entered the kitchen. She was still wearing her terry cloth bathrobe but it was loosely tied and I noticed that underneath it she was now dressed in the lingerie she was going to wear while she entertained Allen.

As I placed a cup of herb tea in front of Kelly I casually observed, "I see you chose black lingerie for tonight."

After taking a sip of her tea, Kelly said, "Yes, a black garter belt and stockings get most older men very excited."

I winked at her. "Most young men think they're pretty hot too."

After flashing me a polite smile Kelly picked up the morning paper and began perusing the front page. I shrugged and returned my attention to finishing the dinner preparations. A week ago a cool response like the one she just gave me would have hurt my feelings and made me wonder what was bothering her. Now I understood the situation.

While I worked, I watched my wife out of the corner of my eye. Kelly was nervous and on edge. She reminded me of an athlete trying to ******* last few hours before an important game. Primed and ready, she wanted to the action to start, but the game was still two hours away. This was frustrating for her and she was anxiously looking for ways to pass the time.

During dinner we talked about Tonya and Kirby, Mandy and Mr. Jackmister, Mr. Tyler and Elvira, Keisha and Antoine and of course, the house we were going to look at in the morning. While it was all interesting conversation and helped pass the time, it was just small talk. I felt like I only had a small fraction of my wife's attention. Still, I understood and wasn't bothered..

After dinner I cleaned the kitchen while Kelly finished reading the newspaper. She could have moved into the living room, but she didn't. Instead, she chose to stay with me. That made me feel good. While my wife's thoughts may have been focused on her date for the evening, it was clear that anxious or not, she still wanted to spend the time she was at home with me.

The second the clock hit 7:10 Kelly put the newspaper aside and stood up. "I'd better touch up my makeup and hair and put on my suit."

I nodded.

While Kelly was in the bedroom I kept myself busy by picking up in the living room.

At 7:25 Kelly returned from the bedroom. I was dusting the coffee table. As soon as I saw her I smiled and set down my dust cloth. My wife was absolutely stunning. She was wearing a gray tweed business suit with a conservative skirt that came to just above her knees. Under her suit jacket she wore a bright red satin blouse that was the perfect compliment to her milky white skin and long golden hair. Her black nylon stockings and three inch stiletto heels added a subtle hint of sexuality to her otherwise austere business attire.

As I gazed at my wife, I thought to myself that while leather miniskirts and halter tops are certainly sexy, a beautiful woman dressed to the nines in a dignified business suit has a sophisticated allure that will capture the attention and stimulate the imagination of any mature male.

Kelly set her purse on the end table next to the couch and did a quick pirouette. "Do you think Allen will approve?"

Suddenly feeling very submissive, I said, "Ms. Mamister, when he sees you, he's going to be overwhelmed with uncontrollable desire."

Immediately grasping the significance of my use of her formal name, Kelly lasciviously licked her lips and walked over to me. Staring into my eyes she reached under my tee shirt and sensually circled each of my nipples with her fingertips. "Bunny, I want you to be a good boy and behave yourself while I'm entertaining Allen tonight."

My breath caught. So excited that I could barely speak, I answered in a raspy whisper, "Yes Ms. Mamister, I promise."

Kelly continued staring into my eyes as she grasped my right nipple and gave it a gentle twist. "If you do behave yourself I'll give you a nice reward when I get home."

"Yes Ms. Mamister, I'll be very good."

Kelly suddenly broke character and threw her arms around my shoulders. As she held me she said, "Timmy, I love you so much. Please don't ever forget that and please don't be sad while I'm gone tonight."

"I won't forget it Kel, I won't ever forget it and I also promise that I won't be sad."

Kelly kissed me. It was a long, very passionate kiss. When we finally broke apart I looked at her and said, "I think I just smeared your lipstick."

Kelly smiled. "I'll fix it at a stop light on my way to the Calvert." She started giggling. “Actually, it won't really matter, I'm sure that Allen will smear it again as soon as I get into the hotel room.”

We grinned at each other. After a moment I took a deep breath and kissed my wife's cheek. "Knock him dead tonight Kel."

Kelly winked at me. "Don't worry Timmy, I will.”

I patted her butt. "You'd better get going. You don't want to make Allen wait."

Kelly gave me another quick kiss and then she picked up her purse. As I followed her through the kitchen to the door leading into the garage she said, "I'm guessing that I'll be home around 11:30, but it might me later."

"I'll be up."

Kelly opened the door to her Mercedes. Standing next to it she looked back and said, "Timmy, you don't have to wait up for me."

"I want to wait up for you."

She smiled. "Thank you, I'd like that."

"Call me when you're leaving the Calvert."

"I will. “ Kelly paused for a moment and then she added, “Timmy I love you."

"I love you too Kel."

My wife got into her car and pressed the remote button that opened the garage door.

I followed Kelly as she backed her car out of the garage, down the driveway and out into the street. It was now early November. The evening was dark and chilly, but I didn't care. I stood at the end of our driveway and watched my wife drive away. I waved when she turned the corner at the end of the block, but I didn't go back inside the house until long after Kelly's Mercedes had completely disappeared from my view.


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I followed Kelly as she backed her car out of the garage, down the driveway and out into the street. It was now early November. The evening was dark and chilly, but I didn't care. I stood at the end of our driveway and watched my wife drive away. I waved when she turned the corner at the end of the block, but I didn't go back inside the house until long after Kelly's Mercedes had completely disappeared from my view.

That's excellent GH, just a simple little scene, but it speaks volumes. I read it several times just to sense the longing he was feeling, and the love. I don't think it was hurt, or loneliness, but the longing - my god!

All 3 of those new posts were very, very good, and show again why you're top dog around here!

One quibble though: Kelly, getting gas from broccoli? My understanding (and I have this on good authority) is that beautiful women don't get gas. Now that I think about it though, it was a beautiful woman that told me that, so her view may not have been entirely factual. That, along with several other bits of your recent posts, was very funny. I can tell you're enjoying writing right now!


Posts: 14692
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very, very hats off to the Master. Thank you for some very enjoyable reading. I agree with Stormy, you must be having fun right now with this story.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Ditto to what Stormy & Timmy said!

This is a very enjoyable story and you have done a great job with all the characters, places and events.

Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 2106
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As always, superb work, gh. Very well done. Thanks. priss


Posts: 4050
#1,187 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks, I am enjoying writing these days. I also liked that passage. I'm sure that you are well aware that at times the words just come together and at other times they don't seem to fit together at all.

I would also suggest that you have a pretty good claim to top dog, but so does every other writer here who sucks it up and tries putting their fantasies on paper.

And yes, beautiful women do fart, we all do. It's a physiological necessity. They're just a little more careful about ripping one off in a crowded room and yelling "Damn that felt good" I do agree, it is hard to imagine that perfect goddess cutting the cheese.


When I'm all done with this story (which is going to be very soon) I will be very pleased to know that one of the results was that it got you writing. That was a bonus for all of us.

Cuck4one and Priss

As always, thank you. You're good friends and I always appreciate your support.

All of you

Thank you again



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As soon as I was back in the house I walked straight to the hall closet, pulled out the vacuum cleaner and went to work.

Don't misunderstand what was happening. This wasn't one of those situations where the evil hot wife makes her poor cuckold husband wash the bathroom floor with his toothbrush while she's out partying with another man. While it was true that Kelly and I had both chosen a life style in which I was responsible for most of the household chores, she hadn't given me a list of tasks that I was required to complete while she was out enjoying herself. I could have elected to watch television, read a book or even write a story while she was gone.

I was choosing to clean the house for two reamisters. One was very simple and the other was just a little more complicated.

First of all, the house needed a good cleaning. The events of the previous two weeks had been both stressful and time consuming. I'd had neither the energy nor the opportunity to do anything other than a few cursory pick ups. This was a chance to catch up on some chores that I'd been powerd to let slide.

The other reamister, as I just said, was a bit more complicated. One of the greatest problems faced by a cuckold husband is how to pass those insufferably long hours while his wife is out on a date. It is an emotionally charged time filled with feelings of lust, excitement, anxiety, envy, self doubt,longing and for brief moments, even pain and anguish.

A diversion is absolutely essential. Trying to Read a book or watch television rarely works. It's simply too easy for your mind to wander. Writing an erotic story about what Kelly and her date for the evening are doing, has always been very effective; but I'd just done that a few days earlier. Another story about what was, for the most part, the same situation, would have been redundant.

The two spinster aunts who raised me had another solution. Proponents of that old fashioned belief that hard work is good for the soul, they both contended that during periods of stress, anxiety or anguish a permister should get busy.

I took their advice. I started in the living room and when I was done I moved on to the dining room, the den, our bedroom and both bathrooms. By the time I was finished with all of the rooms it was almost eleven o'clock and I was exhausted.

After taking another shower, I put on clean panties, jeans and a tee shirt. Once I was dressed I made myself a cup of herb tea, turned on the television, sat down and waited for Kelly to come home.

At 11:20 the telephone rang. I picked it up. "Hello, Kelly Mamister's residence."

"Hi Timmy."

"Hi Kelly, are you all done?"

"Yes, I'm in my car. I'm just leaving downtown. I should be home in about twenty minutes."

"Be careful, it's Friday night. There are a lot of takess on the road right now."

"I'll be careful Timmy."

"Did you have a good time?"

There was a brief pause and then Kelly said, "Yes, I had a very good time. Allen is an extremely handsome man."

I smiled, but of course behind that smile a stew of emotions were boiling in my gut. They were the same emotions that confront any willing cuckold when he hears that his wife enjoyed her evening out with another man. You know the ones I'm talking about. I mentioned them earlier; lust, excitement, anxiety, envy, self doubt, longing and for little zest our emotional stew is almost always seamistered with a smattering of pain and anguish. Ah, the trials and tribulations of being a submissive masochistic cuckold. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

Quickly pulling myself back together I said, "I'm glad to hear that you had fun."

"Are you Timmy? I mean I'm always worried that you're going to be sad when I'm out with another man."

"I guess I was a little sad, but that's because I missed you and I am happy that you had fun with Allen."

"I missed you too babydoll. It seems like we haven't gotten to spend very much time together lately. You know what I'm talking about, alone time."

"Yes I know, but maybe now our lives will settle down a little and we'll get some more time to ourselves."

"I hope so, I'd really like that."

"I would too Kelly. Hey, you'd better hang up. I don't want you to get into a car accident. I'd hate to have to spend the rest of the night sitting a hospital emergency room waiting area."

Kelly laughed. "Okay." There was a pause. After a moment she said, "Timmy."


"I love you."

"I love you too Kelly."

"I'll see you in a few minutes."

"I'll be waiting for you."

Fifteen minutes later I heard the garage door open and then a moment after that it closed again. When Kelly walked into the house I was waiting for her in the kitchen. She was still beautiful. She had combed her blond hair and repaired her makeup. She didn't look like a woman coming home after several hours of hot sex in a hotel room. I did notice that her nylon stockings were missing.

As soon as my wife saw me she smiled. "How long have you been standing here?"

"Ever since you called."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "You have not."

Grinning at her I said, "Okay I admit it, I lied. I was sitting at the dining room table reading the sports page. When I heard the garage door open I came into the kitchen so I could greet you."

Kelly ran to me and threw her arms around my shoulders. While she kissed me she said, "Well, it's time for you to greet me."

After I kissed her back she grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the kitchen. "Come on Timmy; I'm beat, but I'd still like to play for a little while before we go to relax."


Posts: 29
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Excellent as usual


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There is drawing something to a conclusion and there is finishing in a magnificent way and the two are quite different. One wheezes to an end and the other is the classic 'hollywood' ending. It brings together everything that has gone before and shows how right it is. It shows humanity in a better light and just makes you feel better about yourself as a result.

As you finish this story, it is clear to me which way it is going. It is just class. Thanks again.


Posts: 1459
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Peak nailed it, as he usually does. You do have a way of setting the bar very high. I'm unable to decide which I enjoyed most - the fun dialogue, the hot sex scene, or the very real emotions displayed by our heroes. Screw it, I'll just enjoy them all!


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Amen to what Peak and Storm are saying.


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Niftyatfifty, Peak, Storm and Timmy

All of you, thank you. The story is drawing to a close. I appreciate all the support you have given me.

Niftyatfifty, I'm glad that you have joined us.

Thank you



Posts: 4050
#1,194 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The next morning I was up at 7:30. It had been 1:30 by the time Kelly and I had finally gone to relax. Under different circumstances I might have slept for another hour or two, but I was excited. That morning we had a house to look at.

It was early November, daylight savings time was ending that night so the sun was just about to rise. I dressed in the dark, I didn't want to disturb Kelly.

After I was dressed I slipped out to the kitchen, poured a glass of orange juice, made coffee and retrieved the morning paper from the front sidewalk.

A half hour later I was sitting at the kitchen table takeing a cup of coffee and reading the sports page when Kelly appeared. She stood in the doorway rubbing the relax from her eyes. All she was wearing was her navy blue Kelroy College football game jersey. When we were seniors she'd briefly dated the quarterback of the football team. The jersey had been a gift from him. On Kelly, that jersey looked every bit as sexy as an expensive silk negligee from the finest lingerie shop in Manhattan.

I smiled at her. "Good morning relaxy head."

She smiled back. "Hi Timmy."

"We have a house to look at this morning."

"I remember, we're supposed to be there at ten, aren't we?"

"Yes, that's right." I glanced at the clock. It was 8:15. "We have plenty of time. It will take us about twenty minutes to get there, so we don't have to leave until 9:40."

"Okay." It was clear that Kelly was still relaxy.

"Why don't you go take a shower and get dressed. When you come back I'll have a glass of orange juice, a bowl of granola and yogurt and a cup of coffee for you."

Kelly passively answered, "Thank you, I'd like that." And then she wandered back to the bedroom.

About twenty minutes later she returned. She was showered and dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater. Her hair was combed and she was wearing just enough makeup to subtly enhance her natural beauty.

When I saw her I smiled and said; "Ah, relaxing beauty has awakened."

Kelly giggled and asked, "And why wasn't my handsome prince there to take care of me?"

"Your handsome prince was afraid that he might become a distraction. He didn't want us to miss our ten o'clock appointment."

She smiled. "As usual my prince is a very wise man."

I'd already set a place for Kelly at the kitchen table. She sat down while I got up. After I poured a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice for her I spooned a container of low fat strawberry yogurt into a small bowl and put two scoops of granola on it. Kelly was already sipping her coffee and reading the morning newspaper when I set the bowl of granola and yogurt in front of her.

She ate and read the newspaper while I worked on the Saturday cross word puzzle. Neither of us said very much. We were both enjoying the peace and quiet.

At 9:30 I stood up. "I think we'd better get ready to go."

As I was putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher Kelly said, "I'll get my purse. Do you want to drive or navigate?"

"Let's take your Mercedes. I'll navigate."

At 9:40 we were backing out of the driveway.


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It was almost ten o'clock when we turned on to Oak Grove Drive. 1214 was a large two story brick house on the left side of the street. Tonya, Kirby and Barry, the Realtor were standing in the front yard. Tonya's Mercedes was parked facing towards us in front of the house. Kelly drove past the house, made a u turn and parked her Mercedes behind Tonya's.

As we were getting out of the car a silver Porsche 911 Carrera came around the corner. As the sports car passed us I noticed that it was Antoine and Keisha. Antoine was driving. Like Kelly, he made a u turn and pulled in behind her Mercedes.

Kelly walked over to Tonya, Kirby and Barry while I waited by the curb for Antoine and Keisha.

As I waited I made a quick survey of the neighborhood. While it was clear that all of the houses on the block were very expensive, they were all much newer than the houses we'd looked at earlier. Those mansions had all been built in the early 1900's. The houses on Oak Grove all looked like they'd been built in the 1950's or 1960's. I assumed that was an advantage. Newer homes would probably have fewer issues with their basic infrastructure. I also noticed that 1214 was built on at least two and maybe three city lots. There was plenty of space to build an addition.

Antoine walked up to me with his hand extended. Keisha was hanging onto his other arm. "Hi Timmy, how was the trip to Evergreen?"

"I enjoyed it. The people who work there are very nice. How was your trip to Las Vegas?"

Antoine shrugged. "How could a night in Las Vegas with an attractive middle aged woman who loves big black cocks be anything but wonderful."

Keisha poked him in the ribs. "Wrong answer buddy boy."

Grinning, Antoine shook his head and in a grave tone of voice said; "It was a tough job Timmy, but somehow I managed to persevere and get through it."

As she squeezed Antoine's arm, Keisha smiled and said, "that's much better."

Antoine winked at me and then he put his free arm around my shoulder and said, "Come on friend, let's go see Kelly, Tonya and Kirby."

As we were walking across the front lawn a JTandR black Lincoln turned on to Oak Grove. It slowed and then it pulled into the driveway of 1214, but immediately backed out again. It was only turning around so that it could park on the street just beyond the driveway entrance.

The rear door opened and Warren Tyler climbed out of the car. He then held the door open for Elvira while she followed him out. All of us waved to them. As Elvira and Mr. Tyler were waving back another black Lincoln came around the corner and pulled into the driveway, only it parked there.

As soon as the big car came to a full stop the rear door opened and Mandy popped out of the back seat. Martin Jackmister was climbing out behind her, but she didn't wait for him. Instead she started madly waving her arms and running towards us. As she ran she yelled out, "Hey everybody, Martin and I are getting married!"

Keisha screamed. "Yes!" And ran to her. They hugged. While they were hugging the rest of us surrounded them. Kelly was holding my hand. I noticed that Tonya and Kirby and Mr. Tyler and Elvira were also holding hands.

Antoine walked up to Mr. Jackmister with his hand extended and said, "Congratulations sir."

Mr. Jackmister smiled and shook his hand. "Thank you Antoine."

Antoine nodded and then he said, "Sir, last night Tonya told Keisha and me that you might be interested in living in the house with us. I hope that's true and if it is, I'd like to be the first to say, welcome to our new family."

Behind Antoine there was a general murmur of agreement.

Mr. Jackmister looked at us and said, "If it's acceptable to all of you, I really would like that."

Tonya smiled at him. "Martin, I've talked to everyone and I can assure you that all of of us would like that very much."

Mr. Jackmister quietly said, "Thank you."

Realizing that his close friend was becoming embarrassed, Warren Tyler quickly intervened. 'Hey we have a house to look at." He turned to Barry. "You're our Realtor, correct?"

Barry nodded. "Yes sir, I am."

Mr. Tyler gestured towards the house. "Well Barry, lead the way."

Smiling, Barry looked at all of us and said; "Everyone, please follow me."

As we walked up the front sidewalk to the house, Mandy caught up with Kelly and me. Grabbing my arm she said, "Timmy, I understand that you're responsible for everything that happened last night."

A little taken a back, I tried to stammer out an answer. "I uh well...Not really."

Mandy gripped my arm. "Timmy, Martin told me that you suggested to him that he could have an apartment in the house and he also said that you encouraged him to propose to me."

Again I tried to stammer out an answer. This time Kelly cuffed me across the back of my head and said, "She's trying to thank you. Don't be a dufuss, let her do it. You know that your conversation with Martin Thursday night reassured him and strengthened his resolve to talk to Mandy."

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

Kelly cuffed the back of my head again. "Timmy, look her in the eye and say, you're welcome. For goodness sake, this is Mandy. We both love her."

Looking at Mandy, Kelly said, "Sorry, you know our Babydoll. He's a little shy about taking credit for anything."

Mandy stared at Kelly. There was moment of silence and then she said, "Can we, I mean can we still love each other?"

Kelly smiled at her. "I don't see any reamister to stop." She poked me in the ribs.

I quickly added, "Mandy, I'll always love you."

Mandy grinned at us. "I'll always love both of you too."

Ahead of us Keisha yelled. "Hey, we're all lovin everybody so cut this insecurity cuckolds brownie out."

Tonya nodded. "She's right, we are."

Quickly acknowledging Tonya's comment with a nod of agreement, Keisha continued. It was immediately clear that she was beginning one of her delightful monologues. "I for one, fully intend to spend many wonderful evenings sucking on both Timmy and Kirby's penees."

Grinning at Keisha, Kelly asked; "Keish, is penee spelled with a y or an i?"

"Actually it's spelled with two e's."

Kelly rolled her eyes.

Undeterred by Kelly's expression, Keisha kept on. "Penee is the ancient Greek word for tiny penis. The word first appears in beginning of the Iliad. I'm sure all of you remember it. Helen ran off to Troy with Paris because all the Greek guys where she grew up had teeny penees."

Behind us Mr. Jackmister whispered to Mr. Tyler. "I must have missed that section."

Clearly enjoying Keisha's lecture, Kelly asked another question. "So what was the ancient Greek word for a great big dick, like Antoine's"

Keisha thought for a moment and then she said, "Pena maxima."

Elvira observed, "Dear, pena maxima sounds more like a Latin word."

Shaking her head, Keisha answered, "Nah, the Latin word for a big cock is dickus maximus, but the Romans might have perverted the Greek word. Those kinky lady fuckers perverted everything. Actually the Greeks really didn't have a word to describe a big penis. They didn't like them."

Tonya looked at Keisha with a puzzled expression. "They didn't like big cocks, why not?"

"Because they were always fucking each other in the ass and everybody knows that a little dick feels better when you're getting fucked in the ass." She squeezed Antoine's arm. "Sweetheart, I love your big cock, but please keep it away from my butt."

Antoine leaned over and said in a whisper loud enough for all of us to hear, "It's already been there."

Nodding emphatically, Keisha said, "I know it has, and I've been walking like a fat lady ever since."

While Keisha only had a a high school education, she was an avid reader and one of the most knowledgeable people in the group. She also had an unparalleled sense of humor and loved to tease everybody.


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While we waited for Barry to open the lock box and unlock the front door of the house Mandy whispered to Kelly, "Martin said that when he's busy with work I can still stay with you and Timmy. Will that be all right?"

Kelly nodded. "When we design our apartment we'll ask them to make the bedroom a little larger and add an extra closet."

Mandy grinned. "Really?"

"Yes, as far as Timmy and I are concerned, you'll have two homes and one of them will be with us."

Giggling, Mandy said; "Life really is wonderful."

Kelly smiled. "Yes, it really is."

Barry opened the front door and led us inside. While the exterior of the house was very nice, the interior was magnificent. The living room was the size of an airplane hangar. It had floor to ceiling windows, a mammoth brick fireplace and mahogany woodwork. The dining room was only slightly smaller and featured the same floor to ceiling windows and woodwork.

As we walked through the two rooms Kelly commented, "We could throw the fabulous parties in this house."

Ahead of us Tonya said, "Yes, we certainly could."

The kitchen was as large as the dining room and just as well equipped as the kitchen at Evergreen. When Kirby saw it he turned to me and said, "Timmy, we could cook some incredible dinners in this place."

I nodded. "Yes we could Kirb."

Mandy tugged on the back of Kirby's shirt. "I get to help too. You both promised to teach me to cook."

Kirby smiled at her. "And both of us intend to keep that promise."

slipping in on the other side of Kirby from Tonya, Mandy put her arm around his ample waist and said to Tonya, "A few minutes ago you said that we all get to love each other. I want to love this big guy."

Tonya kissed Kirby's cheek and then she said to Mandy, "Go ahead, my big guy has enough love inside him for everybody."

Behind us, Elvira said; "I would definitely agree with that."

There were three bedrooms and two full bathrooms upstairs and a large master bedroom with a full en suite bathroom on the main floor. There was also another full bath and a small lavatory on the main floor. Since we were building an addition with small apartments for everyone, the bedrooms were of little interest to us. The large number of bathrooms was nice. I suspected that the bedrooms would either become offices or entertainment rooms.

The back yard was a lightly wooded green space that extended back at least two hundred feet to a thick woods.

Antoine asked Barry, "What's on the other side of the woods?"

"The back yard of another house, but the woods are about fifty feet thick, and the lot line runs through the middle of them so no one could ever clear all of them out."

Mr. Jackmister nodded. "So this back yard will always be very private."

Barry smiled. "That's right."

Kelly nudged Tonya. "That means we can sunbathe nude back here."

Antoine grinned. "I'm in favor of that."

Keisha poked him. "You don't like to sunbathe. It makes you too dark."

"Yes, but sitting under a large umbrella with an iced take watching Kelly, Tonya and Mandy sunbathe nude would be a very pleasant way to pass a summer afternoon."

"And I suppose you expect me to be sucking your cock while you're watching them."

Antoine nodded. "That does add a little zest to the idea."

Keisha hugged her fiancee. "Actually, I think it does too."

"The house is built on three city lots, so there's plenty of space for expansion." It was Barry. He was trying to get us back on task.

Next to me Martin Jackmister said, "Timmy, what's your idea for the expansion?"

I looked at Mr. Jackmister. His question had caught me by surprise. A little flustered, I answered; "I ah, I don't know. You and Mr. Tyler are the bosses."

Shaking his head, Mr. Jackmister said; "No Timmy, a long time ago both Warren and I learned that the best way to get things done is to find creative, talented people and let them do their jobs. This was originally your idea and all of us trust your judgment. You're the point man on this project, so tell us what you think?"

Mr. Jackmister's trust frightened me but it also fortified my confidence. Taking a deep breath I said, "I think this might be too expensive, but if we could do anything I'd build a square back here.

Tonya looked at me. "A square?"

"Yes, that's right. The house would of course be the front of the square. I'd build a two story wing on each side. Each wing would contain three town houses. Each town house would have a patio and an upstairs balcony overlooking the square. We should probably have a corridor on the back side of each wing so that in the winter time we won't have to go outside to get into the main house."

Keisha smiled at me. "I love the idea that everyone would have their own town house over looking a central square."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Tonya asked, "What would go across the back of the square?"

"It's just my idea, and I'm certainly open to other ideas, but I think a maintenance shed and an indoor exercise room would be nice. Maybe there could even be room for a racquetball court."

I looked at Mr. Jackmister and Mr. Tyler. "The physical fitness of five of the people who are going to be living here is very important to the firm. For the rest of us it just makes good health sense."

Mr. Jackmister held up his hand. "Timmy, you won't get an argument about the value of a gym area from either Warren or me. If nothing else, physical activity relieves stress. Tell us about the actual square."

I shrugged. "Whatever we can manage. A swimming pool, hot tub, flower gardens and a barbeque area would all be wonderful."

"Could we have a basketball hoop? Nothing big, just a small space where I could shoot baskets." Antoine was anxiously looking back and forth from Mr. Jackmister to Mr. Tyler.

Mr. Jackmister smiled at him. "Antoine I will advise our point man on this project that a basketball hoop for the outdoor commons area is a high priority."

Antoine grinned.


Posts: 4050
#1,197 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Mr. Tyler turned to me. "Timmy, your plan calls for six townhouses. We only need five. Is there any reamister other than symmetry that we're thinking of adding an extra townhouse? I would think that it might be better to use that space as an additional recreation area."

I was suddenly very nervous. There definitely was a reamister that I was suggesting six townhouses, but I was just guessing and not at all sure about how my suggestion would be received.

I remembered that my two aunts always advised me to do what I thought was right and worry about the ramifications later, so I took a deep breath and said, "John Reynolds, he's a bachelor. He may want to be included in this house."

Mr. Tyler stared at me for a moment and then he said, "Martin you chose our point man wisely."

Mr. Jackmister nodded. "Yes I did. Timmy, again I have to thank you. Both Warren and I have been so preoccupied with our own lives that we neglected to think about John. He's not only a business partner, he's a very good friend. Leaving him out would have been a mistake."

He looked at the entire group. "Would any one object to inviting John to join us?"

Antoine looked around. Everyone was nodding. He turned to Mr. Jackmister and said, "Martin, everyone likes John. He would be a very welcome addition."

Suddenly I began to worry that things were moving much too quickly. I cleared my throat and said, "Excuse me."

The whole group turned in unimister and looked at me.

I quietly said, "Before we go any further, I think we should consider the potential cost of my plan. I doubt that we can do it for three million dollars."

I glanced at Barry. He was nodding in agreement.

Warren Tyler stared at me. After a moment he smiled, walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Young man, the more I get to know you, the more I like you. I appreciate your concern about the potential cost of this project, but it's not an issue. Timmy, I'm a billionaire, so is Martin. We have both spent our entire lives working sixteen hours a day, seven days a week trying to make money. We've made a fortune and neither of us has ever spent a dime of the money we made on ourselves. For the first time in our lives we're both involved with women that we care about. Those women and this house offer us the opportunity to have something we've never had before, a permisteral life. Timmy my friend, I don't care what this house costs, we're going to build it and we are going to build exactly as we want it."

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Well stated Warren. I feel exactly the same way."

I nodded. "Okay, do you think we could hire an architect?"

Mr. Jackmister grinned at me. "Damn right. We're going to hire the best architectural firm in the country and before we meet with them you're going to chair several meetings during which all of us will get to talk about what we want in this house. We have the space and the money. Everyone should be able to get exactly what they want. Antoine should have his basketball court and I hope all of us, even Warren and Elvira play basketball with him."

Kirby shook his head. "He'll ******* us."

Keisha laughed. "No he won't. Kelly, Tonya, Mandy, Elvira and I will all take turns guarding him. Every time he goes up to shoot we'll grab his dick. His shots will never even hit the rim."

Antoine turned to Keisha. "Hey, that's not fai..." Suddenly he stopped and smiled. "Every time I go up to shoot?"

Nodding, Keisha said, "That's right."

Antoine grinned. "This could be fun. Can we play shirts and skins?"

Kelly giggled. "How about shirts and shorts. One team wears shirts but no shorts and the other team wears shorts but no shirts."

Barry looked at everyone. "Do you want to make an offer on this house?" He was again trying to get us back on task.

Everyone turned to me.

I said, "I have one more question."

He nodded. "Okay, what is it?"

"What about zoning issues. If anyone looks at our plans they'll certainly realize that we're turning this into a multiple dwelling. I'm not a lawyer, but couldn't that be a problem?"

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "It might be a problem, but I'm sure we can get around it."

"It won't be a problem." Barry was smiling too.

We all looked at him. He said, "Follow me, I'll show you why."

We followed Barry around to the front of the house. Once we were all in the front yard he pointed at the two houses directly across the street. "Do you see the building that connects those two houses? They have essentially done the same thing you're planning to do, only they did it by buying two houses and joining them together."

Mr. Jackmister asked, "And no one objected to what they did?"

"No, as long as you keep it tasteful and match the exterior of anything you build to the exterior of the original house, nobody will object." He paused for a moment and then he added. "I'm certain that the people across the street won't object."

Tonya looked at him. "Why are you certain about that?"

"Because I know them. I sold them those two houses and I've been to several of their parties." Barry smiled. "Do you remember the people I told you about the last time we looked at houses."

Nodding, Tonya answered; "Yes."

"They live across the street."

"April Hansen lives across the street?" Kelly was staring at Barry in amazement. April Hansen was of course a legend at Kelroy College and Kelly has always been particularly enamored with that legend."

"That's right, she and her husband Mark live in the house on the left."

"Can we meet them?" Kelly was excited.

"Actually, they're eager to meet all of you. As soon as we're finished looking at this house I'm going to call them. They'll come outside so that I can introduce you to each other." He paused for a moment and then he said, "So, what do you want to do about this house?"

Everyone looked at me.

I turned to Mr. Jackmister and Mr. Tyler. "I understand that you want me to be the point man for this project. I gladly accept that responsibility and I'll try to do the best job I can for you, but I would really appreciate it if you could handle the financial negotiations. You're both a lot more experienced at it than I am and frankly the amount of money were discussing scares me to death."

Mr. Jackmister patted my shoulder. "We understand. We'll be glad to do that for you."

He looked around at the entire group. "Is this the house?"

We all looked at each other. After a moment everyone said, "Yes."

"Is there anyone who has even the smallest concern? We can always talk about it for a day or two."

All of us shook our heads.

Tonya said, "Martin, this house is perfect for us. We shouldn't risk losing it."

Keisha nodded. "I agree."

Kelly squeezed my hand and whispered, "Timmy, this is so exciting. It really is going to happen."

"Yes it is."

"Last chance, does anyone object or even simply wish to wait?" He made it a point to make individual eye contact with each one of us. When no one responded he turned to Mr. Tyler. "Warren, do you see any problems?"

Mr. Tyler shook his head. "No Martin, I think it's a go."

"Do you see any reamister to hold back?"

Again Mr. Tyler shook his head. "No, Tonya's right. This is exactly what we want. Let's be sure we get it."

Nodding Mr. Jackmister said, "I agree." He turned to Barry. "How much are they asking?"

"A million four hundred thousand."

"Tell them we'll pay a million five and we want to close in a month."

Barry grinned. “I'll write up the paperwork this afternoon.”

Everyone cheered.


Posts: 1459
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Great writing GH, it looks like we're headed for a happy ending after all the early turmoil. I really enjoy the playful banter among this group when they are all having fun, and you do it well - bet you'd be a lot of fun over a couple of beers!

I'll sorely miss the gang when you wrap it - but then again, I can go back and join them any time I want, at any point in their tale. Yea!!

Thanks for all of your hard work, and for sharing your talent. It is much appreciated.


Posts: 29
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TY for the welcome, wish I came at the beginning and not the end, what more can I say other than....


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GH, thank you for Keisha's lesmister in revised Greek mythology. A set of really great segments. Thank you for all your efforts.
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