Posts: 4050
#91 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thanks, your opinion is extremely important to me. I'm glad your enjoying the story. I'm having a wonderful time writing it.
I enjoy debating theoretical questions every bit as much as you do. The problem that I have is that the time I spend thinking and writing about your questions is time that I can't spend writing, so please excuse me if I choose not to enter into this discussion at this time.
The question you ask is also very complicated and in part it is one of the themes that I am trying to address in this story. Many people want to offer very simplistic answers to your question, but I think it is in fact a very complex issue. No one would argue that the sixteen year old runaway who is etrapped by haves and beaten by her pimp is used and exploited, but how about the high class escort who earns a half million dollars a year (and they do make that much). Is she used and exploited any more than Derek Jeter or Lebron James?
Food for thought, but now I have to get back to writing or you won't have anymore story.
Thanks for the kind comment.
Posts: 4050
#92 · Edited by: goodhusband
"So what happened at the sex parties?"
Kelly didn't say anything, she just gripped the steering wheel and stared at the road ahead. I sensed that for some reamister she was reluctant to tell me about these parties. Earlier that afternoon she'd told me that she'd done awful things that would make me hate her. I suspected that those things may have occurred at these parties. I quickly decided that I shouldn't press her about them until she was feeling a little more secure about my feelings towards her.
Instead I smiled at her and said, "Why don't we save the sex parties for later. Right now I'd like to hear rest of the story about that first night at the Calvert."
Kelly's face broke into a big smile. "Timmy when it was finally time to go I was so excited."
"This was a big adventure wasn't it."
She thought about that for a moment and then she said, "Yes, it really was. Timmy I loved being a hostess." She shrugged. "I'll admit that getting to have tons of sex with a lot of different guys was big part of the reamister; but there was more, it was also exciting. Timmy all of it was an adventure."
"And you made a lot of money."
Kelly giggled. "I also got to buy a closet full of expensive new clothes and I didn't have to pay for any of them."
I laughed. "The job was girl heaven wasn't it?"
My wife slowly nodded. "It was, but it also almost destroyed our marriage."
We were both silent for a moment and then Kelly quietly said, "Why don't I tell you more of the story."
I smiled. "That's a good idea."
“I was so nervous when I drove up to the Calvert. Timmy, I'd never even been inside that hotel. Tonya had given me some money for tips and told me to use the valet parking." She giggled, "I'd never used valet parking either. I was feeling very sophisticated." She glanced over at me. "Although, when I pulled up in front of the hotel I was feeling a little embarrassed by my old Honda Civic."
"It certainly wasn't as fancy as the Mercedes you're driving now."
She laughed. "No it sure wasn't, but the valet was still very polite. He didn't say a word about my junky old car. He just took the keys and told me to have a nice evening."
I chuckled. "Sweetheart, you're a gorgeous blond and you were dressed in a very expensive business suit. I'm sure you could have ridden up on a bicycle and he still would have been polite."
Kelly grinned at me. "You're probably right. Anyway, I tipped him and went inside the hotel. Timmy I love the Calvert. It's such an elegant old hotel."
"The night I followed you was the only time I've ever been in there. I was impressed. It really is very nice."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy maybe sometime we could spend a night there together. I know it's really expensive, but it would only be for one night and I have a lot of money saved up from my job."
"I think I'd like that."
My wife smiled at me and then she continued her story. "When I got on the elevator and pushed the button for the sixteenth floor my stomach started churning. I was so nervous."
"The other night you were on the seventeenth floor."
"Yes, That was my regular suite. Each hostess has her own permanent suite at the Calvert. Mine was 1712." She looked at me. “I still haven't explained that have I?"
"No, but Martin Jackmister did."
"So you know that I wasn't lying when I told you that Roger Baldwin doesn't really exist."
"Yes, Mr. Jackmister explained everything to me. Roger Baldwin was a fictitious name the firm used when they leased your room. He also told me that they used the name to create a phony identity to fool people who might be trying to catch your associate in a compromising position." I laughed. "It worked. They fooled me."
"Timmy I'm sorry that happened, but at least now you know that I wasn't in love with another man." She smiled at me. "Baby I'll never be in love with anyone but you."
I patted Kelly's thigh. "I know and I'll always love you too." And then I paused and added, "No matter what you've done."
Kelly stared at me. After a moment she asked, "Are you sure?"
I shook my head. "Maybe not, did you ******* any puppies or kitties?"
She rolled her eyes. "Of course not."
I shrugged. "Then I'm sure."
Kelly sighed. "Timmy I wish you'd followed me six months ago."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Of course I am. Why would you ask such a silly question?"
"Because if I'd followed you six months ago you might never have had the chance to become a courtesan."
"Yes, but..."
"Kelly you loved that job."
"It almost destroyed our marriage."
"But it didn't and now I know all about it, and were still together."
Kelly stared at the road in silence for a very long time. Finally she turned to me and said, "Timmy would you ever consider letting me...."
I held my hand up and stopped her. "We still have a lot of talking to do before we get to that question."
She sighed. "Yes, of course we do."
Posts: 178
Killing puppies or kittens would also have been a deal breaker for me :-).
I agree, the story is more important than the theoretical discussion. Let's have more of Kelly's and Timmy's life!
Posts: 4050
"Back to the story. You were getting off the elevator on the sixteenth floor."
"Timmy as I was getting off the elevator I was really nervous. I almost turned around and went back to the office."
"What stopped you?"
"I'd bought all those fancy clothes. I was afraid they'd make me pay for them if I chickened out."
I laughed.
Kelly stuck her tongue out at me.
"Okay, so you didn't chicken out. What happened when you got to the hotel room door?"
"I had a key, so I took a deep breath and opened the door."
"You didn't knock?"
"No Tonya told me not to. They don't want our associates to ever open a door when someone knocks. That's why they gave me a key."
"That makes sense. They don't want a photographer or a private investigator bursting into the room when they open the door."
"Timmy, I was so nervous; but as soon as I opened the door everything was all right. Eric was gorgeous."
"That doesn't surprise me."
Kelly turned and looked at me. "What makes you say that?"
I put my hand up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. We'll talk about it after I've told you about my day. Finish telling me about Eric."
My wife stared at me for a moment and then she shrugged and continued. "He must have been in his early forties. He had long wavy dark hair with just a little gray at the temples." She smiled. "It was very distinguished looking. He was sitting on the sofa sipping a glass of scotch from the minibar."
"A sofa in a hotel room?"
"Timmy these are luxury suites. They're really two rooms. A living room with a couch, a coffee table, a stuffed chair and a desk. The other room is a very lavish bedroom with a king sized bed and a magnificent bathroom."
"No television?'
Kelly rolled her eyes. "There's a large flat screen television in both rooms."
"Anyway, Eric was sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a white dress shirt and tie. The tie was loosened and collar of his shirt was unbuttoned."
"He was relaxing."
"Yes he was. He must have heard me unlocking the door. He was looking at me when I walked into the room. He smiled at me. He had a smile that was almost as charming as yours."
"Thank you."
Kelly patted my knee. "Your smile is one of the reamisters that your my babydoll."
"I'll bet Eric wasn't your babydoll."
Kelly laughed. "No he sure wasn't. Eric was a stud. He was so sexy. When I walked in he smiled at me and in this deep rich voice he said; "Hi I'm Eric, you must be Joanne."
"We never used our real names when we met associates. I was usually Joanne, Tina or Melody."
"I like Melody."
Kelly nodded. "So do I."
"He really wasn't Eric either was he?"
"No I'm sure he wasn't."
"So what happened?"
"He patted the spot next to him on the couch and invited me to sit down. I was about to when there was a knock at the door."
"I assume it was the bellman with your champagne."
"Yes, it was. Eric went into the bathroom. The associates are instructed to do that whenever someone knocks on the door. I opened the door and let the bellman into the room. He opened the champagne and left it on the desk. I signed the bill and gave him a forty dollar tip."
"That was a big tip."
"Tonya told me to give him that much. The firm takes excellent care of the bell staff at the Calvert."
"I'm sure that encourages them to be very cooperative."
Kelly smiled and then she continued, "As soon as the bellman was gone Eric came out of the bathroom and poured a glass of champagne for each of us. We sat on the couch, sipped our champagne and talked. Timmy, I felt so cosmopolitan and Eric was really a very interesting man. I liked him."
"That made it easier to have sex with him didn't it."
"Yes it really did. Anyway, after we finished our first glass of champagne Eric poured us a second and while he was up he suggested that we get more comfortable."
"What happened?"
"He set our glasses of champagne on the coffee table and took off his tie, shirt and pants. He had an erection. It was making a huge tent in the front of his boxers. Timmy, Eric had a really big cock."
"That must have made you happy."
Kelly giggled. "Oh yes."
"So what did you do?"
I stood up and told Eric to sit down and then I did a slow strip for him."
"I'll bet he enjoyed that."
"He couldn't take his eyes off of me."
"I don't doubt that at all. How much did you take off."
"Just my jacket, blouse and skirt and then I sat down next to him and asked him if he'd like to take off my brassiere."
"I'll bet that went over pretty well."
"I didn't have to ask twice."
"So now your sitting on the couch with this man you just met. He's wearing nothing but his boxer shorts and you're only wearing your panties, garter belt and nylons; correct?"
My wife grinned at me.
"What happened next?"
"I got a really naughty idea."
I shook my head. "Tell me."
"I picked up one of the glasses of champagne and started dribbling it on my breasts."
"What did Eric do?"
"He smiled at me and started licking the champagne off of my nipple."
I took a deep breath.
Kelly looked at me. "That excites you doesn't it?"
I slowly nodded.
My wife giggled. "Eric had the same reaction. He slipped his hand into my panties and started massaging my pussy with his fingertips."
"I'll bet that excited you."
"Timmy I was so wet. Suddenly I didn't want to play anymore games. I wanted Eric in the worst way. I wanted to suck his cock and then I wanted him to fuck me. I stopped dribbling the champagne onto my breasts. He immediately sensed the change in my mood. He took the glass from my hand, set it on the coffee table and then he kissed me full on the lips."
Kelly sighed. "Timmy he was so strong and masterful. At that moment I would have done anything for him."
I swallowed hard. "And I'll bet you did."
"Yes, he broke off our kiss, pulled his boxer shorts down and kicked them away. His erect cock was sticking straight up. I slipped my panties off, kneeled on the couch next to him and kissed the head of his magnificent penis."
"You love cocks don't you Kelly."
"Yes Timmy I really do." My wife smiled at me. "I gave him my very best blow job. First I licked the head of his penis like it was an ice cream cone and then I slowly kissed my way down that luscious stiff shaft until I got to his balls."
My wife glanced over at me. "Chris Kendricks taught me to lick and suck a guys balls while I stroke the shaft of his cock at the same time. It really does drive a lot of men wild."
I quietly said, "I imagine that it does."
"Eric seemed to really enjoy it, but we had a big evening ahead of us and I wanted to make him cum."
"Why did you want to make him cum right away?"
"Most guys can last a lot longer after they've had their first orgasm. When I'm with a guy I like to begin with a nice hot blow job. Almost all of them enjoy it. It's a big fantasy for most guys and lots of older men have wives who think it's dirty and nasty so they never get them."
I wanted to make a crack about being one of those guys who never gets a blow job from his wife, but Kelly was already feeling bad enough about neglecting me so I kept my mouth shut.
"Anyway, I licked Eric's balls for a few minutes and then I put his big cock in my mouth and started sucking him in earnest."
"Did he cum right away?"
Kelly grinned at me. "Nope, I brought him right to the edge twice and then I backed him off."
"I'm not sure I understand."
My wife glanced over at me and quietly said, "No I don't suppose you do." She sighed. "Timmy, please don't be offended when I say this, but controlling your orgasms is one of your problems."
"I know."
"If I suck on the head of your penis really hard and masturbate you at the same time, I can make you cum almost immediately. I can do that with any guy."
"Just before a guy is about to cum I can feel the tension building in his body. When I feel that tension in you, it's already too late for you to be able to stop yourself. At that point it doesn't matter what I do, you're going to ejaculate. When I'm with a guy like Chris or Eric and I feel that tension beginning to build, I can back off a little. They have enough control to be able to take a couple of deep breaths, compose themselves and stop before they start to cum."
"I see."
"Those same guys can also do it when they're fucking, only in that situation they're the ones who are in control, so they have to be responsible for putting on the brakes. That's one of several s*******s that make a man an excellent lover."
My wife smiled at me. "Maybe if we practiced a little you could learn to do that."
"I think I'd like to try."
Kelly giggled. "I'd love to be your coach. Just think about the fun we could have while you're training.
Posts: 4050
#95 · Edited by: goodhusband
For a moment Kelly and I rode together in silence, only this time it wasn't because we were trying to internally reconcile an emotional injury. This time we were both quiet because we were enjoying a camaraderie that hadn't existed between us for months.
Kelly finally broke the silence. "Eventually I did make him cum."
"Did you let him cum in your mouth?"
She giggled. "You know I did. I always do that."
I grinned at her. "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it."
My wife playfully slapped my knee. "You perv."
I laughed. "We've already established that fact."
Kelly rolled her eyes and shook her head. We smiled at each other for a moment and then she said, "After he came Eric took me into the bedroom, laid me down on this wonderful king sized bed, climbed on top of me and kissed me hard on the lips. Timmy it was so hot. My entire body was tingling. Eric was so powerful. At that moment I belonged to him."
Suddenly she stopped and looked at me. "Baby does it bother you when I say things like that?"
I shook my head. "No, I don't think so." And then I stopped. "Well maybe a little, but it's okay. It makes me envious of Eric. I wish I could do that for you; but I can't and it obviously makes you so happy." I shrugged. "I don't think I could ever be happy knowing that I was keeping you from enjoying the pleasure of being taken by a really powerful man."
Kelly stared at me. After a moment she said, "Timmy do you really mean that?"
I nodded. "Yes, I do."
My wife smiled at me and then she continued. "After a long hot kiss Eric rolled us over so that I was on top. I knew exactly what he wanted and I knew exactly how to do it. His cock was still limp and he was ready for me to get him hard again."
Kelly reached over and placed her hand on my crotch. She was checking to see if I had a erection. I did. She rubbed it for a moment and then she giggled. "You always did like hearing all the details when I got back to my dorm room after a date." She turned and looked at me. Her expression had suddenly changed. It was now much more serious. "Timmy I'm sorry that I stopped telling you about my evenings out."
I smiled at her. "It's okay, that's all in the past. Now tell me how you got Eric hard."
She laughed. "I went down on him again silly." My wife squeezed my tiny penis. "Sucking a limp cock is much different than sucking an erect one. You have to tease it and play with it. It becomes a challenge to see how quickly you can make it grow. Eric was a real stud. It wasn't long at all before I felt his soft toy start to make its transformation into a menacing weapon."
"Menacing weapon?"
Kelly winked at me. "Poetic license. You were an English major. You understand don't you?"
I chuckled. "Yes I understand. All right, so what did you do with his menacing weapon?"
Kelly took a deep breath. The memory was obviously exciting her. "As soon as Eric was erect I looked up at him. He was smiling at me. He wiggled his finger in a come here gesture, so I crawled up his body until I was straddling his hips." She giggled. "Eric's menacing weapon was right under my very wet pussy. I reached back and rubbed the head against the lips of my cunt and then I slowly lowered myself onto him. At the same time he reached up and started fondling my breasts. Timmy his cock was so big. It must have been at least eight or nine inches."
"Eight inches isn't so big."
Kelly laughed. "Maybe not by porn web site standards, but in real life eight inches is a big dick and nine inches is a very big dick."
"How is three and a half inches classified?'
My wife grinned at me and then she squeezed my tiny erection. "Cute, very very cute. It just happens to be my favorite size."
I chuckled. "That's good because that just happens to be exactly what I'm packin."
"Yup and it's one menacing fuckin weapon."
We both burst out laughing.
Posts: 178
One thing I don't understand -- rich people aren't always handsome (in fact many rich businessmen don't look attractive at all). Is Kelly simply lucky, or will she also have to do men she is not at all attracted to for JTandR?
Just curious! Great story thus far.
Posts: 4050
You're just going to have to wait and see what happens in the story.
Thanks for the continued support.
Posts: 178
Ah, the thrills of plot in literature!  Thanks right back at you.
Posts: 1914
GH, this interplay is so real, it's as if you have had these conversations before .. well, in your dreams anyway.
I really am liking the whole of this story, from the plot to the fine details.
I just hope Lisa is keeping you on the Scottish meds properly, we all need to see where these wonderful characters are going.
Posts: 4050
Thank you, your opinion is always very important to me.
As I've said to others, it's been a long time since I enjoyed writing a story this much.
Thanks for taking the time to make a comment.
Posts: 4050
After a moment Kelly looked at me and said, "All right stud man, are you ready to hear the rest of the story?"
I leaned back, put my foot up on the dash board in front of me and confidently said, "Yup."
My wife rolled her eyes in response to my faux macho demeanor, slapped my foot away from the leather covered dash board of her Mercedes and shook her head. "This is the hot part of the story. Are you going to be serious?"
I sat up straight and folded my hands. "Yes Ms. Mamister."
Kelly looked at me and started to giggle again. "Ooo I like it when you call me Ms. Mamister."
This time it was my turn to be serious. I stared into Kelly's eyes and whispered, "So do I."
She took a deep breath. "I think that we're going to have to return to this discussion in the very near future."
"I hope so Ms Mamister."
We smiled at each other for a moment and then Kelly said, "As soon as I had Eric's huge cock all the way inside me I stopped and looked into his eyes. He was still playing with my breasts."
"You mean your ta tas don't you."
Kelly slapped my leg. "Be serious."
"All right."
"Anyway, I had Eric's big cock all the way inside of me." My wife lifted her sweater a little and rubbed her exposed tummy just below her belly button. "I could feel it way up here. Timmy having a big cock deep inside me feels so nice. I took a moment to enjoy the wonderful sensation and then I slowly started to rock back and forth. I needed to move slowly at first. I had to get used to having that big thing inside me"
Kelly glanced over at me. "Being on top is fun because I get to be in control. I can dictate the pace. It's nice to be able to go slow at first and then gradually speed up my movement after my pussy gets used to my lover's cock."
She smiled. "Eric was wonderful. He just lay back on the bed and played with my tits while I fucked his great big dick. I really don't know how long we kept that up, I was enjoying myself so much that I lost track of the time."
My wife sighed. "Eric finally rolled me off of him, turned me over and pulled me up so I was on my hands and knees. He didn't ask permission, he just did it. He was very gentle, but there was no doubt about the fact that he was taking control."
Kelly took a deep breath. "Eric kneeled behind me and pushed his great big dick into my wet pussy and then he started these long slow thrusts in and out of me. Timmy it felt so good that it was almost maddening."
She took another deep breath. Kelly was obviously starting to get very excited. "Eric gradually picked up the pace and it wasn't long before he was pumping his cock in and out of me with an almost savage intensity. I was getting so excited that I reached back and began rubbing my clit. Eric saw what I was doing so he leaned over and started twisting my nipple with one hand while he supported himself with his other hand. Timmy that put me over the edge. I had a colossal orgasm."
My wife glanced over at me. "As you well know, I can be pretty noisy when I'm cumming. Some guys get a little nervous when I start screaming."
I laughed. "I'll never forget the first time we fooled around. It was in your dorm room. I was licking your pussy. You nearly scared me to death when you had your first orgasm."
Kelly giggled. "I'll always remember that afternoon. You were so nervous."
We were both silent for a moment and then Kelly said, "My screams didn't faze Eric at all. I think he was probably used to women having orgasms while he was fucking them. He just kept pumping his big hard dick in and out of my cunt. Once my orgasm subsided we fell into a nice easy rhythm. Timmy he was like a machine. He just kept fucking me. I was just beginning to think that he might keep fucking me forever, when he suddenly intensified the pace. His thrusts became harder and quicker and then he pushed his cock deep inside me, grunted one time and stopped moving."
My wife's voice became very quiet. "I could feel him pumping his hot cum deep into my womb. After he was done I collapsed onto the bed and Eric collapsed on top of me. We lay together silently for a moment and then I felt his softening cock slip out of my pussy."
Kelly sighed. "Timmy, I felt so good. Eric lay back on the bed with his head on a pillow and I cuddled up next to him. For a little while we just lay together and talked quietly. We both deliberately avoided anything permisteral. He told me about Pittsburgh, that was the city where he lived. I told him about Kelroy College."
Kelly smiled at me. "After a few minutes I reached down and gently grasped his limp penis. As soon as I touched it I felt it twitch a little. I kissed Eric's cheek and asked him if he was interested in another round. He laughed and gently pushed me down to his cock. As soon as I started sucking him, he responded. Once he was fully erect he sat up, laid me on my back and climbed on top of me. My cunt was already well lubricated with his semen, so he easily slipped right into me.
My wife looked over at me. "Timmy I love having a guy on top. It's the position that gives both of us the most freedom of movement. As soon as Eric started fucking me I wrapped my legs around his thighs and started bucking my hips to meet each of his powerful thrusts. We fell into a savage rhythm. At times it almost felt like we were locked in combat. I had two wonderful orgasms while Eric was fucking me. After he finally came we collapsed on the bed. We were both totally exhausted."
Kelly smiled wistfully. "We cuddled together quietly for a few minutes and then Eric stood up and started gathering his clothes. I took the hint and started gathering mine too. Once we were both dressed Eric kissed my cheek and thanked me for a wonderful evening and then he went into the bathroom while I opened the door to the hallway and checked to make sure that there was no one around. As soon as I was certain the hall was empty I called Eric. He kissed me one more time and then he left. I closed the door to the room and waited. After ten minutes I left."
My wife laughed. "While I was riding down in the elevator I realized that Eric's cum was running down the inside of my thigh."
I smiled at her. "That must have been a little unsettling."
"Timmy it really was. I felt so self conscious while I was walking across the hotel lobby. I was very relieved when I was finally able to get into the privacy of my car."
Kelly stared at the road ahead of her. "Once I was on my way home I started to think about what I'd just done and what I was going to do when I had to face you. Timmy I was suddenly so ashamed of myself. I'd just met a total stranger in a hotel room and let him fuck me. I had this vision of my lady and my sisters pointing at me and calling me a tramp and a slut. I saw them clucking their tongues and shaking their heads and I imagined that I could hear them telling me that I wasn't worthy of being married to a wonderful man like you. I started to sob. When I finally got home I had to sit in the garage and fix my makeup so that you wouldn't be able to tell that I'd been crying."
She shook her head. "You were waiting up for me. I was so ashamed. I couldn't bear to look you in the eye. I kept hearing my lady and my sisters calling me a slut and a tramp."
My wife looked at me. "You were so sweet. You kissed me and asked if you could get me anything. I told you that I had a splitting headache and I just wanted to go to bed. I felt terrible. You looked so disappointed when I said that, but I just couldn't face you. I went into the bathroom, locked the door, sat down on the toilet and started to cry again. When I was finally done crying I took a long hot shower and tried to wash all of Eric's cum out of me. By the time I got out of the bathroom you were sound arelax."
I reached over and gently patted Kelly's thigh. "I think it's time for you to stop letting your lady and your sisters dictate our morals and the terms of our marriage. Kelly we are the only people to whom we have to justify our behavior. As far as I'm concerned, you only did one thing wrong that night."
Kelly sighed. "I know, I lied to you about it."
"That's right."
"Timmy, I'm sorry."
I shook my head. "We're done apologizing. I've already forgiven you. Now all were doing is getting everything out in the open so we can move on."
"Timmy do you think we can really do that?"
"Yes, I know we can do it. I know we can do it because we both want to do it."
Posts: 1459
Just excellent GH, a tremendous sex scene hot on the heels of the "menacing weapon" discussion that had me cracking up! I never know what you're going to do to me next! I've been testing my will power, trying to hold off and wait to read 2 or 3 new segments at once for more prolonged enjoyment. Occasionally I've even been able to do it! Is that like those guys that Kelly mentioned earlier learning to control their orgasms?? Fortunately, you've been quite prolific lately. Perhaps it's time for Lisa to yank back on the reins just a little...
Posts: 4050
Thanks Stormy
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. It actually doesn't seem to be very popular, but I'm having a wonderful time writing it.
Thanks for the kind comment
Posts: 4050
#104 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kelly turned her Mercedes onto Second Street. We were on the edge of downtown. She drove four blocks and turned left onto First Avenue. The Whetmore Building was in the middle of the block on our right. Kelly drove past the Whetmore Building and pulled into the parking ramp next door.
I looked at her. "This is a contract ramp, are you sure you can still park in here?"
She shrugged. "I don't see why not, I still have my parking card and the contract is paid up until the end of the month. Besides, Jerry the night attendant at the ramp has a crush on me. He'd probably let me park here even if I didn't have a card."
"Have you ever let him fuck you?" I just blurted it out. As soon as I said it I realized that it was a stupid question.
Kelly looked over at me. "Of course not." She thought for a moment and then she started to giggle. "But he really is very cute, maybe I should."
Suddenly she put her hand over her mouth and shook her head. "Timmy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."
I smiled at her. "No it's okay, if he's cute and you're attracted to him, maybe you should let him fuck you."
"Timmy what are you telling me?" There was a puzzled expression on my wife's face.
"Kelly I'm going to repeat what I said earlier. It's time for us to stop letting your lady and your sisters influence the rules of our marriage and our own permisteral moral codes. When you meet a man who attracts you and you decide that you'd like to relax with him, I want you to feel free to do that. I just want you to tell me about it and I don't want you to feel guilty after you've done it."
Kelly thought about what I'd just said to her. After a moment she smiled at me. "Timmy we really do have a lot to discuss, don't we?"
I nodded. "Yes, but we also have lots of time. We'll work all of this out."
My wife pulled her Mercedes into a parking spot, shifted the big sedan into park and shut the engine off. I was about to open my car door and get out when I noticed that Kelly wasn't moving.
I stopped and looked at her. "Kelly, is something wrong?"
"When we get into the office Tonya Lewis is going to be there and she's going to want to meet you."
"Yes, you've already told me that. That's fine with me. Actually I'm rather excited about finally getting a chance to meet some of your coworkers."
"Timmy, there's something I have to tell you."
I settled back in my seat. "Okay."
"Remember how I told you that I've done some bad things? Some things that might make you hate me."
"Yes, and do you remember that I told you that I didn't believe there was anything in this world that you could do that would make me hate you?"
Kelly slowly nodded.
I picked up her hand and held it. "Just say it. It will be okay. This is what we have to do. We have to get everything out in the open. We have to get rid of all the secrets."
"Do you promise you won't hate me."
I smiled. "Yes, I promise."
Kelly took a deep breath and then she quickly said, "Tonya and I are lovers."
I stared at my wife for a moment and then I gently squeezed her hand and said, "It's okay, I'm not angry with you. I'm glad you told me."
She smiled at me.
As I started to think about the ramifications of what my wife had just told me I began to get very nervous. Several questions popped into my head. I looked at Kelly and desperately asked, "Does that mean you're a lesbian now? Are you in love with Tonya? Are you going to leave me for her?"
Now it was Kelly's turn to reassure me. She shook her head and smiled at me. "No silly, I am not a lesbian and no, I am not going to leave you for Tonya. Timmy I love you. I will always love you and I will always love only you."
She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts and then she continued. "I suppose you could say that I'm bisexual, but I don't really think I am because I still have such a strong preference for men." She shrugged. "Once in a while it's just fun to fool around with Tonya. Sometimes I play with Keisha and Mandy too. Sometimes all four of us play together. It's just for fun." She giggled. "It makes me feel wicked."
I nodded. "I'll bet it does."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy do you hate me now? Do you think I'm a dyke."
I laughed. "No I don't hate you and I don't think you're a dyke, but..." I hesitated.
My wife stared at me. "But what?"
"It's kind of exciting. I mean it sort of adds to the fantasy."
"I don't understand. What's exciting?"
"When you first told me about Tonya, you said that she took care of all the associates that enjoy being dominated."
"Yes, that's right."
"So I assume that Tonya enjoys being dominant."
"Yes, as a matter of fact she loves it."
I took a deep breath and said, "The idea of being dominated by two lesbians is pretty exciting."
Kelly looked at me and then she burst out laughing. "Oh Timmy you are priceless."
My cheeks turned beet red. I bent over and buried my face in my hands. My wife's laughter had humiliated me.
Kelly immediately understood her mistake. She leaned over and rubbed my back. "Timmy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. It's just that I was so worried about how you were going to react when I told you about my relationship with Tonya and then it turned out that you were excited by it. Baby when I laughed I wasn't laughing at you, I was releasing nervous tension. Sweetie I think it's really hot that you might want to be dominated by Tonya and me."
I looked at Kelly and smiled.
She kissed my cheek and then she whispered into my ear. "When were alone in my office with Tonya, I might be a little dominant with you, would that be okay?"
I stared at my wife. After a moment I asked, "Is Tonya nice?"
"Yes, she's very nice. She's now probably my second best friend."
"Who's your best friend?"
Kelly playfully punched my arm. "You silly."
My body started to tingle with excitement. I took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I think I'd like it very much if you dominated me in front of Tonya."
My wife grinned at me. "So would I."
Posts: 178
#105 · Edited by: asehpe
--- removed as per GH's request ---
Posts: 4050
#106 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you
Posts: 438
Hey GH, I only just found this story I've not looked in here for a while now, how very frustrating 4 pages of your splendid writing and I won't get time to read it till the weekend  On the other hand great to see you posting and now I'll look forward to the weekend even more than usual.....  Mel x
Posts: 3581
Quoting: goodhusband I am offended! I invite you to write your own story. I am certain that it would be excellent and I would offer you considerable support, but please do not write on mine! I ask you very politely to remove this. GH..... Please do continue YOUR story. I've been enjoying this thread from the start and would hate to see it end due to one permister stepping on your toes. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 492
GH, please don't punish the rest of us because of one permister's bad judgement. I check your story every day for new installments and really look forward to them. To be honest with you, I saw what he did and I didn't even read what was written, as I also believe that was a breach in etiquette. I honestly don't think he meant any harm, but it was a bad decision.
I will support your decision either way, and as always, thank you for all your effort in bringing us this great story. These characters are two of my favorites from all of your collections. I'm glad it's bringing you enjoyment, because it's a fun read. The first few installments were difficult for me to get through because it brought back many unpleasant memories, but once past that, it's really turned into a great story.
No snow here yet, but today will probably be my last golf outing for this year. Temperatures are supposed to plummet this weekend and it doesn't look like we'lll be seeing any warm weather any time soon. I hate this time of the year.
Take care,
Posts: 63
please continue your story, some people just can't help themselves.
I believe that this is the second time this individual has tried to take over someone's story. That writer also asked him not to rewrite his story line and to remove his "contributions"
Mr. Big Cuckold, as moderator, should do something about this.
Posts: 181
I, too, call for the moderator to do something about this. This should include 1) removing the offending post (asehpe post at 13 Oct 2009 23:58:37), 2) banning asehpe from further posts for a few month's probation, and 3) making asehpe's ban permanent if he refuses to agree or abide by the conditions of refraining from such future posts.
The sad thing about this is that such a breach of etiquette has happened at all that a moderator must do something about it.
Posts: 4050
#112 · Edited by: goodhusband
I think I maybe overreacted a little. I sometimes do that.
Thank you everyone, but in fact ashepe is a very nice guy who committed a small breach of ettiquette. Trf2 had that in perspective.
I appreciate everyone's support. Please forgive my threat to stop posting. I really don't care to do that. Stormy and blue179 can both concur with me that when you try to write a long story it is very easy to become a little overprotective of it and maybe a little overinvolved. That's why Lisa at times has to step in and set some limits on my writing.
I am about to post several new segments, and while I would still prefer that asehpe would remove his segment of story I realize that it the total scheme of things it is extremely unimportant and in fact maintaining a friendship with him is much more important.
drfarmer and trfetter I appreciate your coming to my defense and I am likely to act in exactly the same way (in fact I have in the past) but now that I have cooled off I certainly don't want the moderator to become involved and I definitely do not want asehpe banned or reprimanded in any way. He just committed a very minor breach of ettiquette. If anyone is reprimanded it should probably be me for so easily taking offense.
It is wonderful to see you back. I was worried that you just didn't like the story. It is a little different, but I am thoroughly enjoying writing it. It's a little dark at first, but it's filled with love and romance.
Thanks for your support
It is sad that the golf seamister is coming to an end. I'm going to Arizona tomorrow so I'll be able to play there.
trfetter and drfarmer
Thank you for coming to my defense.
All of you, thank you again
Now I have to get busy proofreading so I can post some segments
Posts: 4050
My wife patted my knee. "Are you ready to go up to my office?"
I smiled. "Yes I am."
She opened her car door. "Let's go."
Kelly's parking spot was on the third floor of the parking ramp. We took the elevator down to the street level. When we walked out onto First Avenue I couldn't stop myself from staring at Smithmister Jewelers across the street. I sighed as thought back to last Thursday night and remembered the cold, miserable hours that I'd spent standing in that doorway waiting for Kelly to come out of the Whetmore building.
My wife noticed my distraction and asked, "What are you thinking about?"
I pointed at the door to the jewelry store and chuckled. "Last Thursday night I froze my butt off standing in that doorway waiting for you to come out of your office."
Kelly shook her head. "Timmy I'm sorry that you had to do that." And then she smiled at me. "But I'm so glad that you did. My secret life was slowly destroying our marriage. I'm terrified to think about what might have eventually happened to us if you hadn't intervened."
I took my wife's hand and held it. "Whether it happened this week, next week or next month, it was a matter of time before I was finally going to figure out what was going on. I think today we've done a pretty good job of establishing the fact that I still love you and you still love me. Our love for each other is pretty strong. I don't think either of us would have let our marriage collapse."
Kelly didn't say anything, she just squeezed my hand. That was okay, she didn't need to say anything. That little squeeze spoke volumes.
We went into the lobby of the Whetmore Building and rode the elevator up to the fifty-second floor. When the elevator doors opened I smiled as we stepped into the oak paneled alcove. I knew that it had been less than seven hours since the first time I'd stepped off that elevator, but so much had happened during those seven hours that it actually felt like days.
I opened the glass doors that led into the headquarters of JTandR and looked around. I was shocked. It was just after six o'clock on a Wednesday. I was expecting that the premises would be deserted, but that wasn't the case at all. In fact, the office was bustling with activity.
I glanced at the front desk. Janet Collins was gone, but there was another woman sitting there. She was about the same age as Janet, and just as attractive. It appeared that the partners had a very strict criteria that they followed when they hired a receptionist.
Kelly called across the room, "Hi Colleen."
The receptionist looked up and smiled when she saw my wife. "Hi Kelly, it's nice to see you. Everyone misses you."
My wife nodded. "I miss everyone too."
"What brings you to JTandR tonight?"
"I'm meeting Tonya. She told me that I could keep some of my clothes."
Colleen shrugged. "I don't see why you shouldn't. They're going to throw it all out on Friday." She picked up her telephone. "I'll call Tonya and tell her that you're here."
"Colleen, tell Tonya that I'll be in my old office."
Colleen waved.
Kelly grabbed my hand. "Come on Timmy, my office is this way. We took the corridor that led off to the right. When we got near the end Kelly stopped and opened a door. It led into another much shorter hallway. There were three doors on each side of this hall. Kelly led me to the second door on the right.
As she opened the door she said, "This is my old office."
We stepped inside. Kelly left the door open.
I looked around. For an office it was unusually furnished. It almost looked more like an elegant boudoir. The walls were painted a light shade of pink and the carpeting was the color of French vanilla ice cream. In one corner there was a very small wooden desk and a padded desk chair. In front of this desk there was one large overstuffed brown leather chair similar to the ones I'd seen in Martin Jackmister's office.
In the opposite corner there was another larger wooden desk and another padded desk chair. The desk was pushed up against the wall. There was a large mirror mounted above the desk and another full length mirror was mounted on the wall next to the desk. This desk was covered with an assortment of ornate cut glass bottles and several delicately carved and decorated wooden boxes. I assumed that the bottles were filled with a variety of perfumes and the boxes contained my wife's make up and the jewelry she wore when she went out on her dates.
There was a door on each end of the wall that was across from the door that we'd just come through. Between these two doors was a large, very comfortable looking brown leather couch. Above the couch there were two elegantly framed paintings. Both of them were classical full length portraits of nude females.
The masculine feel of the brown leather couch and chair almost made them seem out of place in this otherwise overtly feminine room. I suspected that they were here so that the three partners could relax in comfort while my wife was entertaining them.
Kelly walked over to one of the doors. As she opened it she pointed to the other door. "If you need to use it, there's a full bathroom in there."
I shook my head. "No I'm okay."
She nodded and went through the other door. I followed her and found myself in a large walk in closet. A closet rod extended for the entire length of the wall opposite the door. An assortment of dresses, women's suits and long filmy negligee's hung from this rod. A rack of shelves that extended from the floor to the ceiling had been built on the wall next to the door. These shelves were filled with a collection of expensive looking women's shoes. There was a large dresser at each end of the closet.
Kelly walked over to the dresser at the right end of the closet and opened one of the middle drawers. It was filled with sets of exotic lingerie.
My wife was just starting to sort through the lingerie when I heard a voice behind me.
"Oh your in here."
I turned. A gorgeous middle aged blond was standing in the closet doorway.
As soon as she heard the voice Kelly set the lingerie down and turned around. There was a warm smile on her face. She glanced at me and the warm smile turned into a devilish grin. My wife walked over to the woman, put her arms around her neck and kissed her full on the lips. The older woman put her arms around Kelly and returned the kiss with passion.
I awkwardly leaned against the rack of shoes and watched as my wife and this older woman lasciviously made out with each other.
When they finally broke apart they both took a breath and then the older woman said, "Well that was quite a greeting."
Kelly laughed. "I wanted to be sure that my little pussy husband fully understands the full scope of our friendship."
The woman shook her head. "Pussy husband? That's an interesting name for the man you generally describe as the most wonderful human being on the face of the planet."
The woman turned to me. "I"m Tonya Lewis. I assume that you're Tim Jamiemister."
I nodded.
She extended her hand "Tim it's a pleasure to finally meet you."
I gently shook her hand and said, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you too Tonya. Please call me Timmy."
She smiled at me. It was a wonderfully endearing smile. "Very well."
Tonya turned to Kelly. "Let's go back into your office and sit down on the couch. I want to hear about everything that's happened in the past week, but first I want you to start by explaining that hot kiss you just gave me and why you're referring to the love of your life as your little pussy husband."
Posts: 4050
The three of us walked back into Kelly's old office. Tonya sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. “Timmy why don't you sit here in between Kelly and me.”
I sat down next to Tonya and Kelly sat on the other side of me.
As soon as all three of us were settled Tonya looked at my wife and said, "All right Kelly, what's going on?"
Kelly thought for a moment and then she sighed. "Tonya I've kind of been neglecting Timmy for a while."
Tonya shook her head. "I don't understand. For the past year you've spent every day at work describing this man as the greatest husband in the entire world. How could you have possibly been neglecting him?"
"Well I've been a little distant from him lately. I guess you could say I've been emotionally and physically unavailable." Kelly paused and took a deep breath. "And I've been lying to him."
Tonya stared at my wife for a moment and then she said. "Kelly are you telling me that the rumors are true?"
"What rumors?"
"You created quite a stir last Friday when you came into the office and suddenly resigned. After you left the partners spent a full hour in a private meeting with the firm's lawyers. Everyone was dying to know what was going on. A rumor started circulating that your husband didn't know that you were working as a hostess. I told everyone that the rumor had to be nonsense. I didn't believe would ever do that to Timmy."
Kelly stared at the floor and quietly whispered. "I was very stupid."
Tonya looked at me. "You really didn't know?"
I nodded.
"Kelly how could you possibly be that stupid. You're a smart woman. You went to Kelroy. Keisha, Mandy and I would all give anything to have a man like Timmy and now it turns out that you've been lying to him for the past year!" Tonya was yelling.
She stopped and took a deep breath. That seemed to calm her a little. She looked at my wife. "What do you mean when you say you've been distant and emotionally and physically unavailable? Are you saying that Timmy hasn't been getting any sex?"
Kelly quietly whispered, "Yes."
"Kelly! For the past six months you've been boinking at least four different guys a week and now you're telling me that you were not only lying to your husband about it; you were also leaving him high and dry during that time." Tonya patted my shoulder. "Kelly this is the man you love. How could you possibly be that cruel to him?"
My wife started to cry.
Tonya looked at me. "I imagine that you're going to divorce her."
I shook my head. "No I'm not. In fact, I've already forgiven her."
Kelly looked at me, but she didn't say anything.
Tonya smiled at me. "Timothy Jamiemister, you certainly are a prince." She laughed. "If you ever get tired of Kelly, come look me up. I can assure you that I would know exactly how to treat a man like you."
I laughed. "Actually that's kind of what I'm hoping for, but first let's finish filling you in on everything that's happened."
I put my arm around Kelly and kissed her cheek. "First of all my wife has already done a pretty good job of beating herself up about what she's done. I don't think we need to add to that. As I just said, I've already forgiven her and we're moving on."
I looked at Tonya. "Kelly considers you to be her best friend, so I want you to understand what's happened and why we think she acted the way she did."
Tonya nodded. "All right."
For the next half hour I described the events that led up to Kelly's resignation. I started by telling Tonya how, while we were in college, Kelly had dated and slept with other men with my full knowledge and approval. I went on to talk about the vow of fidelity that Kelly made to me on our wedding day, and tried to explain the reamisters that prompted her to make that vow.
After that I chronicled some of the key events of our life together after Kelly went to work for JTandR. Tonya was particularly attentive when I told her how my wife had gradually evolved into the dominant partner in our marriage and I had become increasingly submissive to her.
It became more difficult for all of us when I started describing the deterioration of our relationship that occurred during the past year. Tonya was a good friend. I could tell that she wanted to chastise Kelly, but she resisted the urge. Instead she listened in patient silence.
I went on to tell Tonya about the events of the past week, I mentioned my meeting with Martin Jackmister that morning, but I didn't include any details other than to tell her that he was the one who'd finally told me that Kelly had been working as a hostess. I finished by recounting the key points of the discussion that Kelly and I'd had that afternoon. I wanted to try to help Tonya understand why Kelly had acted the way she did.
When I was done Tonya looked at Kelly and said, "Your lady and sisters really did a number on you didn't they?"
My wife nodded. "Yes, I guess they did."
Tonya turned to me. "And you're ready to forgive Kelly for all of that?"
I shrugged. "I love her and I want to be with her. Forgiving her is the only course of action that makes any sense to me." I chuckled, "Besides, I want to forgive her."
"Timmy you are a prince." Tonya turned to Kelly. "And young lady, you are a moron, but you're a lovable moron." She shook her head. "Please promise me that you'll never ever lie to this man again."
Kelly smiled. It was the first time she'd smiled in almost an hour. "I promise."
Tonya looked at both of us. "All right, so what are your plans for the future?"
I laughed. "We're still trying to cope with the past. I think right now were living from day to day."
Kelly giggled. "It's more like hour to hour."
I nodded. "The only thing I know for certain is that I have to be at work at six o'clock tomorrow morning."
My wife turned and stared at me. "Six o'clock tomorrow morning? When did the newspaper start making you come in that early?"
"I didn't tell you did I? When I moved out of the house I realized that I'd need more money than I could earn at "The Crier" so I took a part time job at a convenience store."
"A convenience store!"
"Yes, that's right. It's called Kirby's Quick Stop. I work from six until ten every morning."
"Well you can quit right now. You're back living at home again and we have plenty of money. You do not need to work at a convenience store."
I smiled at my wife. "Yes I do, I promised the owner that I would work there and I intend to keep my word until he can find someone to replace me."
"But a convenience store? You might get *******ed in a holdup."
Tonya leaned over and patted my wife's knee. "Kel, this is why you love this man so much and it's why I'm quickly falling in love with him. He's true to his word and completely trustworthy. He made a promise and he needs to keep it. Don't try to prevent him from doing that."
Kelly sighed. "You're right Tonnie." My wife looked at me. "Timmy just promise me that if someone comes in to rob the store, you won't try to be a hero. Please promise me that you'll just give them all the money."
I laughed. "All right, I promise."
Posts: 4050
Tonya looked at both of us. "I think it's time for us to get back to my first questions. What was that hot kiss all about and why were you calling Timmy your little pussy husband?"
Kelly smiled. "I feel very bad about neglecting Timmy and I'm starting a concentrated effort to try to make up for it. That's why I'm here getting the lingerie. Timmy feels bad that I've been wearing all this sexy clothing for other men, but I've never worn it for him. I agree with him. Tonight I intend to put on a lingerie fashion show that will blow my sweet little man's mind."
Tonya grinned at my wife. "Kelly honey, that's a wonderful idea. If I didn't have to work tonight I'd offer to join you and give him a double show."
Kelly reached over and squeezed my hand. "I think my baby might like that a lot. Maybe on your next night off you could come over for dinner. Timmy is an outstanding cook."
Tonya smiled at us. "I'd like that. Now let's get back to the questions. The fashion show is a wonderful idea, but it doesn't explain the kiss or the pussy husband remark."
"It is related. I'm trying to be very honest with Timmy right now. Before he came up here and actually met you I felt like I needed to tell him that you and I had been lovers."
Tonya nodded. "Considering everything that's happened, I think that was a good idea." She looked at me. "Timmy did it upset you?"
"At first it made me nervous. I was afraid that Kelly was telling me that she'd become a lesbian and she was planning to leave me so she could be with you."
"You know that's not true don't you?" Tonya's voice was soft and soothing.
She looked at Kelly. "So why the hot kiss? Were you trying to scare the poor boy to death?"
Kelly shook her head. "No, after I was done reassuring Timmy that I loved him and that I wasn't going to leave him, I started to worry that he might hate me because he thought I was a dyke. When I asked him about that he very hesitantly admitted that he not only didn't hate me, he found it kind of exciting."
"That really shouldn't surprise you Kelly. Think about some of the parties at Eagle Lake and Evergreen. Watching two women make love is a pretty big fantasy for a lot of guys."
Kelly's expression suddenly changed to a look of fear. "Tonya, I haven't told Timmy about the parties."
"Well I think it might be time."
I put my hand up. "No, she can tell me when she's ready."
Kelly patted my knee. "Thank you Timmy; but no, I can do it now." She took a deep breath. "Sometimes the partners hold sex parties at Eagle Lake and Evergreen. Usually there will be five or six men at these parties, sometimes a few more. Both estates have special rooms set up for sex shows. The rooms have a king sized bed in the middle, with about a dozen comfortable chairs placed in a circle around the bed." My wife hesitated for a moment and then she whispered, "Sometimes Tonya and I were the show. We'd make love on the bed while the men watched."
Kelly buried her face in her hands. "Timmy I'm so sorry."
I leaned over and gently kissed the back of my wife's neck. "It's okay, I still don't hate you. In fact, I still love you and I still want to be married to you."
Kelly sat up and looked at me. "Timmy are you sure?"
"Yes, but I don't think we should tell your lady or your sisters about this."
All three of us burst out laughing.
Posts: 4050
Once we settled down again Tonya smiled at Kelly. "Okay that explains the hot kiss. You were putting on a little show for Timmy."
She poked me in the ribs. "If you're interested, we can do a whole lot more than kiss."
I blushed.
Tonya laughed. "Kel, he is absolutely adorable. I think I might try to steal him from you."
"You can't have him, but I might be willing to share him with you."
Tonya leaned over and nuzzled my ear. "Did you hear that Timmy? Your wife might let me borrow you once in a while. Believe me, I know just what to do with a cute little guy like you." Her voice dropped to a very seductive whisper. "Kelly told me that you eat pussy better than anyone she's ever met. Is that true?"
I was completely discombobulated by Tonya's aggressive teasing. I just barely managed to stammer out; "I ah, I don't..."
Thankfully Kelly intervened. "Tonnie, you're scaring him to death."
Tonya patted my thigh. "Sorry sweetie, I was just having fun. I didn't mean to scare you."
I smiled at her. "It's okay, I'm just a little shy around women."
Tonya looked at Kelly. "He really is priceless isn't he?"
My wife nodded. "I've always thought so."
"You said he has a small penis. Can I feel it?"
"Tonnie! You're going to make him have a heart attack."
Tonya leaned over and kissed my neck. "Timmy honey, you wouldn't mind if I touched your little dicky would you?"
I looked at Kelly. She was grinning, but as I studied her I realized that it wasn't a malicious grin. She was just happy. I slowly started to understand. As we gradually became more and more estranged over the past year, Kelly had to find another source for emotional support. Tonya Lewis was one of the people who provided that support. I was beginning to realize that she was not only a lover and friend for Kelly, she also filled the role of a lady or a sister who would not only condone her lifestyle, but would actually support her in it. Now she was seeing Tonya and I getting to know each other and I think she was hoping that two of the primary sources of emotional support in her life would become close friends. Of course for Kelly sex was an essential part of any close relationship so she was not only not offended by what she saw Tonya doing, she was hoping it would go further.
I decided that I might as well relax and go with the flow. I smiled at Tonya and said, "If Kelly doesn't mind, it's okay with me."
Tonya looked at Kelly.
Kelly studied me for a moment and then she asked, "Timmy are you sure?"
I smiled at Kelly. "It's important to you isn't it?"
Kelly grinned. "Yes, I think it is."
My wife turned to her friend. "Be careful with him. He's a little insecure about the size of his penis and he doesn't have very good control. Don't make him mess up his pants."
Tonya nodded. "I'll be careful." And then she gently laid her hand on my crotch.
At first Tonya just lightly traced the outline of my penis with her fingertips. After a moment she glanced over at Kelly and asked, "Can I take it out?"
Kelly smiled. "I think that might be a good idea. It's less likely that he'll mess up his pants that way." She opened her purse, pulled out several tissues and handed them to Tonya. "You'd better keep these handy."
Tonya set the tissues next to her and then she unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants and pulled them open. I had an erection.
She smiled at Kelly. "He has a little stiffy."
My wife laughed. "What did you expect? I haven't touched him in two months. The poor guy is probably on the verge of dying from frustration."
Tonya stared at Kelly. "You mean you haven't had any makeup sex yet?"
Kelly shook her head. "We haven't had time. That's what the lingerie show tonight is all about."
"Shouldn't you be doing this right now?"
"No, tonight he's going to get to enjoy me in every way possible." Kelly giggled. "I fully intend to wear his little dicky out. Tonya, you and Timmy are the two most important people in the world to me. I think that after Timmy and I have reestablished our marriage, I'm going to start dating other men again. Timmy is already encouraging me to do that. He enjoys being a cuckold. A crucial partof that fantasy for him is that he doesn't have that same privilege."
Tonya looked at me. "Is that true Timmy? You want your wife to be free to fool around with other men, but you want her to demand that you stay faithful to her?"
Having to make that admission to this woman that I'd just met was very embarrassing, but I thought I understood what Kelly was doing so I nervously answered, "Yes, that's right."
Tonya shook her head. "That's kind of masochistic isn't it?"
Kelly intervened. "Yes it is. Do you remember a little earlier when Timmy told you that as our relationship developed I gradually became more dominant and he gradually became more submissive."
"Timmy is also a masochist. It hurts him when I date other men, but he enjoys that pain."
Tonya looked at me. I nodded my head in affirmation.
She gasped. "Oh my that is exciting."
"That's why I gave you that hot kiss this afternoon and then called Timmy my pussy husband. When we were talking in the car before we came up here he didn't just tell me that he was excited because you and I were lovers, he told me that he was excited by the thought of being dominated by two lesbians."
Tonya burst out laughing.
Kelly snapped at her. "Tonnie, don't embarrass him!"
Tonya immediately stopped laughing. She gently patted my cheek and then she leaned over and kissed my forehead. It was an almost maternal kiss. "Timmy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you." She shook her head. "I was only laughing because we share the exact same fantasy."
I stared at her. "What do you mean?"
She smiled at me. "Timmy I would love to play a game where Kelly and I are lesbian lovers and you're our little bitch slave."
Posts: 39
First of all, let me second and third everyone else's comments. This is an excellent story, well crafted and beautifully written. No other writer I have seen on this site (or any other) captures this type of cuckolding, which is the kind which appeals to me. There is a great amount of trust and love between husband in wife, unlike much of the cuckolding genre which usually is illustrated by showing a sexy, yet mean spirited wife, with cum on her face, laughing at and belittling the husband. This is an excellent story.
Secondly, you do not need to apologize for feeling offended by one of the readers' attempts to somewhat co-opt your story. You have every right to feel whatever you feel. I'm not following all the dates, but the fact that he hasn't already offered a sincere apology to you indicates an arrogance undeserving of your temperance. I acknowledge I could be wrong in my perception of the event, but that's how it appears to me. alamodom
Posts: 1914
World peace is largely held together in many regions because history has taught all civilised nations that keeping diplomats in each other countries is a smart (if expensive) way to ensure that offence is not created between nations, or if it is, the first line of defense is between diplomats who are s*******ed in damping down such flair ups.
Here on this site, we don't have them, so we have to do it ourselves. So what do have here. On the one hand, a very respected and much cherished author, who is known to be in poor health from time to time. Said problems thought by his wife to be exacerbated by his writing.
On the other hand we have another member, not yet a writer (lets be kind) who gets so excited by the quality of the story that he feels he must join in somehow. Even his handle is just one letter (swap out the p or h) away from a neat description of what many of us are feeling about his intervention.
Asehpe, you have created a diplomatic incident, but you have an escape route. It is to say you were overwhelmed by the quality of the story, that you didn't mean to create offence, that you unreservedly apologise and that you won't do it again. Then you pull your post from the thread. That way, we all think you are a gentleman.
Do the decent thing .. GH deserves no less from you.
Posts: 4050
Alamodom and Peak
Both of you, thank you for your support, but Peak to quote one of your countrymen, I am afraid that I have created much ado about nothing.
Asehpe has been commenting on my story since the beginning. He has been very pleasant and very supportive. He made a small gaff and I think I overreacted. I tend to be a bit overprotective of my stories.
I am moving on and I hope that Asehpe will rejoin our community. And it is a lovely community that we have.
Now how about a little more story.
Posts: 4050
#120 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Tonya there's another reamister I want you to be the one who makes him cum right now."
"What is it?"
"I feel awful that I so callously neglected Timmy over the past few months. I know that my desperate need to hide my secret life from him was the major reamister for that neglect, but I'm not sure that it was the only reamister."
I looked at my wife. "What do you mean?"
"Timmy you are the love of my life and you always will be, but when I'm dating other men it's very easy to get caught up in the excitement of the moment. I'm afraid that I might inadvertently start neglecting you again." She thought for a moment and then she continued. "I think that it's also very likely that we're going to start incorporating more of the cuckold hot wife lifestyle in our marriage. I suspect that I am going to become more overtly dominant and you're going to become increasingly submissive. That will make it even easier for me to neglect you."
Kelly took a deep breath. "I'd like to try to include to Tonya in our lives. I know that it's important for you to remain faithful to me, but I think I would like you and Tonya to become lovers. Actually, I think I'd like all three of us to be lovers. That way Tonya can be there to support you when you need that support and she can also jerk me back to reality if I start to neglect you again."
I looked at Tonya. "Do you want this?"
She smiled at me. "More than anything in the entire world. Timmy I'm a middle aged whore. I've never been able to keep a man because I've never been able to remain faithful to one. I've lost every boyfriend I've ever had because I cheated on him. When I was a senior in high school my prom date stormed out of the hotel ballroom an hour after the dance started because he caught me giving another guy a blow job in the men's lavatory."
She shook her head. "I've never had youngren, I haven't lived in a home since I left my parent's house and I don't know what I'm going to do when I finally get so old that men lose interest in having sex with me."
Tonya picked up my hand and held it. "Timmy, I don't expect you to fall in love with me, but I am hoping that we can become very close friends. If Kelly really is comfortable with it, I would very much like to have you as a lover." She giggled. "I have a real soft spot for submissive men with tiny cocks."
I turned and looked at Kelly. She smiled at me.
I asked her, "Are you sure this is what you want?"
She nodded. "Yes, I really hadn't considered it before we came down here this afternoon; but I think it would be good for all three of us."
I wasn't certain exactly how this was going to end up, but it was clear to me that Tonya really did need us and I could also see that we probably did need Tonya.
I picked up Tonya's hand and slipped it down the front of my briefs.
She wrapped her fingers around my erect penis. At the same time Tonya leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I responded. It quickly became a very passionate kiss filled with mutual need. Suddenly I understood what Kelly was trying to do. This older woman's arms were an incredible comfort. I sensed a fundamental goodness in her soul and as we kissed I came to believe that if she was with us, nothing could ever again hurt either Kelly or me.