Posts: 4050
Martin Jackmister stood up. He waited until everyone had settled down again and then he said, "It's been a very exciting and productive day. While I understand that right now all of us are a little wound up, I remind you that we still have guests in the house. We'll need to have breakfast ready for them at 6:30 tomorrow morning."
He glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's now 12:40, it's time for all of us to get to bed."
There was a general murmur of agreement as everyone stood up and slowly started filing out of the back dining room.
I was about to follow Kirby and Tonya through the door, when I heard Martin Jackmister behind me. "Timmy, could you stick around for a moment. I'd like a private word with you."
Turning, I saw that he was still standing next to the table. I smiled at him and said, "Certainly."
Cassie and Florence started cleaning up the mess in the back dining room so Mr. Jackmister gave me quick wave and said, "Come on, let's move to the formal dining room."
I nodded and followed him through the kitchen and back into the room where Kirby and I had just spent over an hour talking to Donny Kline.
As soon as we were in the dining room Mr. Jackmister turned around and asked, "How did the meeting go with Don?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, I think it went fairly well. He seemed to enjoy talking to us. He's sending a case of that fancy Scotch to both Kirby and me."
"The Chivas?"
"Why is he doing that?"
"I think he's just trying to be a nice guy. Neither Kirby nor I had ever tasted eighteen year old Chivas Regal before so we were joking around and making kind of a big deal about it. He asked us if we liked it. We told him that we did. The next thing we knew he was leaving a message to his secretary on his pocket recorder to send us each a case."
Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Timmy, if you and Kirby end up becoming good friends with Don Kline I'll buy you a whole boatload of expensive scotch."
I smiled and then I said, "Oh I suppose I should also mention that he gave us his permisteral cell phone number. I think that was probably a pretty good sign."
Mr. Jackmister raised his eyebrows. "He did what?"
"He gave his permisteral cell phone number to both Kirby and me. Don't you think that's a good sign?"
"Yes, I think that's a very good sign." He laughed. "Timmy, I don't have that number."
He paused for a moment and then he looked at me with a very serious expression. "Timmy, please guard that telephone number very carefully."
"I will sir."
Now it was my turn to pause. After a brief debate in my head I made a quick decision. "Mr. Jackmister, there's something I should tell you. Donny asked me not to say anything about this, but I think that might be a mistake. I'm fairly certain that it would be better if you knew about it in advance. You do have to promise me that when he calls you, you'll try to not let on that I told you about it, all right."
Mr. Jackmister grinned at me. "Timmy, I give you my word and don't worry, I'm a pretty good poker player. I'll make sure that Don never suspects that you told me anything."
I spent the next few minutes filling him in on the plans for the New Years party on Cape Cod.
After I was done Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Timmy, thank you for telling me that. It was the correct decision. It's always nice to be forewarned. It reduces the possibility of making an inadvertent social blunder. Of course all three of us are going to accept the invitation. Right now, we want to do everything we can to strengthen our relationship with Don Kline."
He laughed. "It also sounds like it's going to be a very fun way to spend the New Years Holiday."
I nodded. "I think so too sir." Mr. Jackmister nodded and then he said, "Timmy, you and Kirby did a good job for us tonight. You built a lot of good will with Don Kline."
I shrugged. "It was easy to do. He's a nice guy, I like him."
"Our relationship with our investors is largely based on trust and good will. They give us their money because they like us and because they believe that we'll use it wisely and when we give it back we'll be returning substantially more to them than they originally gave to us."
He smiled at me. "That's why our hostess program is so important to us. Timmy, right now your wife isn't trying to talk Tyler Greer into investing in our project; she's upstairs building good will with him. If you take a man out to dinner he'll remember it for a week, if you get him laid he'll remember it for the rest of his life."
Suddenly Mr. Jackmister stopped and then he shook his head. "Timmy, I'm sorry, that was incredibly insensitive of me."
I looked at him and asked, "Why?"
"Because, well, I mean I just sort of threw it in your face."
"Mr. Jackmister, I know exactly what my wife is doing right now. I also know that you know. I appreciate your concern for my feelings, but it's not necessary. We've talked about this before. The fact that Kelly relaxs with other men does not upset me."
Mr. Jackmister closed his eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry Timmy. You're right, you have explained it to me. You've explained it to me several times. The problem I'm having has nothing to do with you and Kelly."
I smiled at him. "It has to do with you and Mandy, doesn't it."
He nodded. "Yes it does."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"Yes, very much."
Posts: 31
GH, I am sorry to see that one perverted mind, such as martinr, can cause such harm to people that have been open to all. I have been here a relatively short time compared to your friends such as Stormy, Titsrus, Timmy, and others but I feel that all of you have been friendly to me, even to my strange ideas. I joined this site with no idea what it was all about. I have had my thoughts changed and become more open minded due to people like yourself. I had been looking forward to learning more from all of you. The cuckold lifestyle is very new and strange to me. I can see myself agreeing to parts of the lifestyle but have reservations about others. I have been married 44 years and I completely trust my wife and feel she does me. We have never considered this lifestyle. We have tried some vanilla bondage but nothing else. This site and you people have caused me to try to have my wife and I spread our wings and try new ideas. I wish you would reconsider leaving the site.
Posts: 4050
Thanks for that kind note. I appreciate it. If you've read some of my recent comments you know that one of the reamisters I write my storie is to help people understand what a loving relationship a dominant submissive cuckold marriage can be. Even if you and your wife never decide to try the life style, and I think it is only appropriate if both parties are excited by the idea, I feel I will have still been successful if my stories have started you thinking that different sexual orientations aren't necessarily bad, they are just different.
In any case, thanks for your note and rest assured, I am going to continue to post at this site.
Posts: 4050
#1,144 · Edited by: goodhusband
Mr. Jackmister stared at the floor for a moment and then he looked up at me and took a deep breath. "Timmy, I'm in love with her. I've known it for a long time, but I've refused to admit it to myself. There are just too many complications."
"Like what?"
He threw his arms up. "Damn it Timmy! I'm old enough to be her man."
"How old are you?"
"And Mandy is 26." I smiled at him. "I just had a similar conversation with Kirby, only it was kind of the opposite of this one."
"He has strong feelings for Elvira, doesn't he."
"Actually so do I."
He nodded. "It's easy to understand why, she's pretty special. Warren was lucky to find her and he knows it."
"Mr. Jackmister, Elvira is 74. Kirby is about your age. Elvira didn't refuse to get involved with him because of the current difference in their ages, She was worried about the difference that could potentially exist five to ten years from now."
"Timmy that doesn't make any sense. People grow old at the same rate. The difference in their ages remains constant."
"Mr. Jackmister, if you'd met Mandy twenty years ago would you have considered asking her to marry you?"
"Of course not. She would have only been six years..." He stopped and smiled. "Timmy, you never cease to amaze me."
"Elvira didn't want to risk saddling Kirby with a wife who was an infirm old lady. At this stage of her life she wanted a man who was closer to her own age so that they could face the challenges of growing old together."
"Like Warren."
"That's right."
"So because of the difference in our ages, you're advising me to forget about a serious relationship with Mandy." There was a very clear tone of disappointment in Mr. Jackmister's voice.
“No, not at all. Hopefully you're still at least twenty-five or thirty years away from that stage of your life. That gives you and Mandy the potential for a lot of good years together. I think you should talk to her about it."
Mr. Jackmister slowly nodded his head. "All right."
"That's not the only problem, is it?"
"No Timmy, there's also the whole sex thing."
"You mean the question of your being faithful to each other?"
"Yes, When we talked in the hall earlier this evening you suggested that Mandy was a lot like her lady and Kelly. You offered the opinion that all three women were simply not cut out to remain faithful to one man. And then you pointed out that if I married Mandy I would most likely end up being her cuckold."
He shook his head. "I hadn't considered that and at first it bothered me. Then I listened to that conversation in the back dining room earlier this evening. The one that occurred just before John, Wendell and I left to meet with Donald."
I nodded. "When Cassie was telling us about her husband and his stable of wealthy middle aged white women."
Mr. Jackmister laughed. "Yes, that was the conversation."
He paused. After a moment he said, "Actually it was Wendell's comments that really caught my attention. Wendell is one of my oldest and closest friends. I have a deep respect for him. He's one of the most rational men that I have ever known. Hearing him tell us that he was comfortable with Elvira having a male friend who she occasionally meets for a little extracurricular fun started me thinking. Then I heard him telling us that he thought it was all about confidence, trust and security. Since then, those words have been echoing in my mind."
He smiled. "Timmy, when I look at you and think about Wendell's words I start to understand. Kelly doesn't cuckold you because you're a wimp. You may be a submissive, but you are definitely not a wimp. You have as much back bone as any man I've ever met. It is obvious that you enjoy surrendering power to your wife. Mandy enjoys surrendering power too and apparently so does Kirby."
He smiled. "While I don't think that I'll ever be able to fully understand why the three of you enjoy it, I can tell you that Tonya, Kelly and I are all very happy that you do. I cannot begin to describe the thrill we experience when we're dominating a submissive."
I laughed. "And we can't begin to describe the thrill we experience when we're being dominated. Sir, it's just lucky that we all found each other."
Grinning, he said; "Timmy, you're right about that."
Mr. Jackmister paused for a moment to think. Finally he said, "Timmy what I'm trying to say is that I'm finally beginning to understand that being a cuckold doesn't make you a wimp. He shook his head. "If you're a wimp, it's only because you deliberately choose to play that role. The fact is, being a cuckold doesn't make any man a wimp, it just means that he allows his wife to occasionally enjoy the company of other men."
"Mr. Jackmister are you trying to tell me that if Mandy decides that she wants to continue playing around with other men, you think you'll be able to accept it ?"
"I'm willing to try and with a little help from friends like Warren and Elvira, Kirby and Tonya and you and Kelly; I think I'll be able to do it." He smiled. "Of course, that does mean that I'll also get to continue playing around with Tonya and Kelly." He looked at me. "That is, as long as it's all right with you and Kirby."
"You know that will always be fine with both of us. Of course, ultimately that is up to Tonya and Kelly, but I can't imagine that either one of them would ever object."
I thought for a second and then I asked, "What are you going to do if Mandy decides that she wants to continue working as a hostess? You'd better be prepared for that possibility, because I think it's very likely that that's what she's going to want to do."
"I agree." He paused. After a moment he said, "I've always believed that there is nothing morally wrong with the hostess program. Tonya, Keisha, Mandy, Kelly and Antoine all seem to enjoy their jobs. We pay them extremely well and I've always tried to be very attentive to their emotional needs. If Mandy decides that she wants to continue working as a hostess." He shrugged. "Well, I think I'd be a colossal hypocrite if I were to object."
"Will you be able to handle it."
"Again, I might occasionally need a little support from my friends."
I smiled at him. "You can rely on us."
He nodded. "I do believe that I can."
Mr. Jackmister glanced at his watch. "Timmy, it's getting late and both of us need to get to bed, but I still have two quick questions."
"Go ahead."
"Earlier tonight you suggested that I might be welcome to join all of you in the house."
"Yes I did."
"Would you discreetly inquire about it?"
"Yes I will."
"Timmy, business is my life and I know I can't give it up. I also know that if I am going to be a businessman, I have to put in the time an energy to do it right."
I nodded. "I understand. If you and Mandy are living in the house with the rest of us, it allows you to focus on your work without having to worry that Mandy is being left isolated and uncared for."
"That's exactly right and that leads us to my other request."
"All right."
"Right now, Mandy is planning to share a room with you and Kelly. If I ask her to marry me and she agrees, would you still be willing to take care of her during the times that I have to focus all of my time and attention on the business?"
"Yes sir, I'll just make sure that Kelly and I buy a really big bed."
Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Thank you Timmy. As I told you earlier, I'm taking Mandy to the Kennsington Grill for dinner tomorrow night. During dinner I'm plan to discuss all of this with her. That includes marriage."
"You're going to ask her to marry you?"
"We have a lot to talk about, but I'm hoping that's where the discussion will lead us."
"Good luck Mr. Jackmister."
"Thank you Timmy." He paused for a moment and then he added, "Thank you for everything."
I wasn't sure what to say, so I just nodded and gave him a quick smile.
He patted my shoulder. "I think it's time for us to call it a night."
As we were walking out of the dining room he said; "Timmy, I'm sorry that Kelly has to work tomorrow night. I assume that you've figured out the she'll be entertaining that last big investor from Seattle."
"Yes sir, I'd guessed that's who it was."
"Timmy, tomorrow before you leave, John is going to give you a file on the man. Will you put together a report for Kelly during the airplane trip home. This man is very important to us."
I grinned at him. "You want to be sure that she builds a lot of good will with him."
He smiled. "That's exactly what we want."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets every bit of available information that we have."
"Thanks Timmy."
Posts: 4050
Mr. Jackmister left the dining room through the door that led to the hallway so that he could use the front stairs. I went out through the kitchen so that I could take the backstairs. That evening we both understood that we'd just forged a bond that would most likely become the basis for a very close friendship.
That notwithstanding, when Mr. Jackmister saw me turn and walk towards the door to the kitchen he didn't try to stop me. He understood. We both understood. I was a slave and he was a superior. At Evergreen superiors were accorded the privilege of using the front staircase while slaves were relegated to the narrow stairway in the back of the mansion. I was only permitted to use the front stairs when I was accompanying my mistress. Those were our roles and that was one of the rules governing those roles. They were part of a life style that we both eagerly embraced and despite or new friendship, neither of us wanted to do anything that might undermine the strict tenets of that lifestyle.
I hurried through the now deserted kitchen and took the stairs two at a time. I had a faint hope that I might find Kelly waiting for me in our bedroom.
The room was empty. The bed had been turned down, but I was certain that had been the work of Cassie or Florence.
I was disappointed. I knew that I shouldn't have been. The hope that Tyler might be finished enjoying my wife had been nothing but wishful thinking. Kelly was a beautiful woman. A man would have to be a fool to send her from his bed before he had to do it.
I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and and climbed into bed. I was tired, but I still thought about Kelly and Tyler. I closed my eyes and pictured them together. They were both naked. Tyler was on his back. My wife was kneeling next to him. Tyler was fondling Kelly's pendulous breasts while she kissed and licked the engorged head of of his towering erection.
I smiled. Earlier that evening I'd seen Tyler's cock. While it could never be described as small, it wasn't particularly big either. Now, in my fantasies, it had grown to pornstar proportions.
I reached down to touch myself and was quickly reminded of both the presence and the purpose of my cock cage. Actually, finding it was a relief. I was excited. Without the restriction of the chastity device, it would have been very difficult to resist the temptation to masturbate.
I knew that in the morning, when my wife returned, she would find it exciting to see that I'd been powerd to lay in bed frustrated while she'd been enjoying herself in the arms of another man. I know this will be very difficult for many people to understand, but as a submissive masochist, I didn't want to deny her that pleasure.
I'm not exactly certain when relax came. It just did.
I awakened to the sound of Edward's voice. "Our guests have left the property." As I sat up I realized that he was speaking over the household intercom.
I rubbed the relax from my eyes and looked around. I was surprised and disappointed to see that I was still alone. That puzzled me. I'd expected that as soon as Tyler was gone Kelly would hurry back to the room.
Outside, the sun was shining. I glanced at the clock on Kelly's makeup table. It was 7:30. I got up. After washing my face, brushing my teeth and shaving I went into the closet. I found clean panties and socks in my dresser and then I selected a pair of freshly pressed khaki slacks and a pale lavender golf shirt from the clothes hanging on my closet rod.
As soon as I was dressed I went downstairs.
Doris was in the kitchen. When she heard me come in she said, "Good morning Timmy." She pointed to a stool next to an open spot on one of the counters. "Sit down, I have scramred eggs, sausages and fresh biscuits. All of us have been up since 6:00. Mr. Jackmister told us to let you relax in. He said that the two of you were up late talking. Everyone else has already eaten. You're, of course welcome to take your food to the back dining room, but you'll be all alone. If you sit in here you can talk to me while you eat."
I sat on the stool.
When I came in Doris had been making a fruit salad. After preparing a plate of eggs and sausage for me she went back to work.
She sliced pieces of fresh fruit while I ate. As she worked she told me, "Edward, Nathan and Maurice are meeting with Mr. Jackmister, Mr. Tyler and Mr. Reynolds. They're planning a party that's going to be held here next Thursday. I understand that there's a big group coming in from Philadelphia."
I swallowed a bite of biscuit and said. "I imagine that both Kelly and I will be coming back for that party."
She nodded. “I would assume you will, I gather that it's going to be quite a shindig. They're talking about dinner for eighteen. I expect that they'll have to bring in some extra ladies."
"Does that happen very often?" I took a sip of my coffee.
"From time to time, but not too often."
Doris focused her attention on peeling and slicing two bunches of bananas.
I finished the last several bites of my eggs and sausages and then I took another sip of coffee. After I set my cup down I asked in as casual a voice as possible, "Where is everyone else?"
Without turning around Doris answered, "I think Ben said he was going to weed the flower gardens and I'm sure that Florence and Cassie are busy cleaning the guest rooms."
That of course, was not the information I was seeking. Still trying to sound relaxed and nonchalant I tried again. "What about the others?"
Doris set her knife down and turned around. She was smiling. "You want to know where Kelly is and why she hasn't come to find you?"
I nodded sheepishly. "Yes, I do."
"Sweet baby, Kelly would be with you if she could, but she and the other ladies have something they have to do right now."
"What about Kirby and Elvira? Where are they?"
"They're with the ladies."
"What are they doing? Why wasn't I included?"
She patted my hand. "Timmy honey, you do know how much Kelly, Tonya, Mandy, Keisha and Elvira love you, don't you."
I quietly answered, "Yes, of course I do."
"So you understand that if they didn't include you in whatever they're doing, it wasn't meant as a slight. They had to have had a very good reamister for leaving you out."
Sighing, I said; "Yes Doris, I'm sure you're right." I paused and then I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you, I appreciate your taking a moment to put a band aid on my foolish insecurity."
"Sweetheart all of us occasionally suffer from episodes of foolish insecurity.” She laughed. “For most of us, it's a chronic condition."
Doris leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Why don't you go outside and see Ben. It's a beautiful morning and he always welcomes company when he's working in the garden. As soon as Kelly and the other ladies are done doing whatever it is that they're doing I'll tell them where you are. I'm sure they'll come and find you right away."
Posts: 14692
GH thank you for coming back.
Posts: 4050
There was a door that went directly from the kitchen into the back hall. From the back hall I could go directly out to the back patio.
I wasn't in a hurry, so instead I decided to meander through the formal dining room into the main hallway. From there I could still wander out onto the back patio and find Ben.
I was just about to open the door that led outside when I heard voices. I stopped and listened. I heard the voices again. There was talking and giggling. The voices were clearly female.
I waited.
I heard footsteps. Several people were coming up the wooden staircase that led down to the basement and Tonya's playroom.
The voices and laughter were growing louder. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it was definitely Kelly, Keisha, Mandy, Tonya and Elvira and they were all engaged in an animated conversation.
The door to the basement stairs opened. Mandy stepped out. Except for a tiny white satin g string and her slave collar, she was naked. Keisha was immediately behind her. She was wearing a black latex mini dress that was cut so that it left her large brown breasts fully exposed. In her right hand she was carrying a whip.
When they entered the hallway they both turned towards the reception hall. I was standing in the doorway to the patio. It was the opposite direction, so neither of them noticed me. They took two steps into the hallway and then they stopped and turned so they were facing the basement door. I was now in their field of view, but their attention was focused on the stairs, so they still didn't notice me.
Kelly came out next. She was wearing a latex dress similar to the one Keisha was wearing. Her large breasts were also fully exposed and she was also carrying a whip. Her long blond hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her eyes were uncharacteristically painted with a thick layer of black eye shadow and she wore a deep red lip gloss that was much more garish than the subtle shades of pink that she normally wore. I noticed that Kelly's face was flushed and her nipples were sticking prominently out. I recognized the signs. It was obvious that my wife was aroused.
As soon as she stepped into the hallway Kelly moved out of the door and stopped. Her back was towards me so she also hadn't noticed my presence.
A moment later I understood why the three of them had left the space in front if the door open. Elvira stepped out. She was dressed in a skin tight black latex leotard that covered her entire body. The only exception was an oval cutout in the crotch of the suit that exposed her shaved pussy. Ellie was very slender and the tight fitting suit made the petite woman look incredibly sexy. Her gray hair was also pulled back into a pony tail and she wore the same garish makeup as Kelly and now I also noticed, Keisha.
Elvira was holding a black leather dog leash. As she moved into the hallway Kirby followed immediately behind her. I saw that the leash was attached to a black leather studded dog collar around his neck. Except for the collar and his cock cage, Kirby was naked. As Elvira pulled him through the doorway he turned towards reception hall and main staircase. I noticed at least a score of rather painful looking red stripes across his back and his buttocks.
Tonya was right behind Kirby. She was wearing a black latex mini dress similar to the ones worn by Kelly and Keisha. Her breasts were also exposed. Like Kelly, Keisha and Elvira, her ash blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was painted with the same dark eyeshadow and bright red lip gloss that they wore. She carried a coiled whip in each of her hands. I assumed that one of them had been used by Elvira.
As soon as Tonya was in the hall Kelly looked at her and said, "That was one of the most exciting things I've ever done in my entire life. I've never whipped anyone before. What an incredible thrill."
Suddenly she stopped and moved so that she was standing next to Kirby. Gently stroking his cheek she said, "We didn't hurt you too badly, did we? It was fun, but I'd never want to actually injure you."
He shook his head. "No, it might take me a day or two to fully recover, but I'll be all right." He looked at all of them. "Thank you very much. It was wonderful, better than I'd ever imagined it would be. Anytime any of you get the urge to do it again, I'll be happy to volunteer."
Keisha walked over to Kirby and patted his other cheek. "I enjoyed it just as much as Kelly did. I'd love to do it again, in fact I think we should plan to get together at least once a month for a little party like the one we just had." She giggled. "Cookie honey. we'd love to turn you into our own permisteral little whipping boy."
Kirby grinned at Keisha. That made me chuckle.
Of course I understood what had just happened. This was Kirby's special fantasy and the women had just acted it for him. They'd told me they were going to do it. Actually, I was the one who'd originally asked them to do it.
I didn't know they were going to do it this morning and I started to wonder why they'd kept it a secret from me. As soon as I thought about it I realized the answer that question. This was Kirby's fantasy, not mine. I didn't have a part to play in it and if I had been present I might have actually inhibited Kirby's fun by making him feel self conscious. The poor guy had spent his entire life trying to repress this fantasy because it wasn't supposedly normal and made him feel like a pervert. No. I understood. It was definitely better that I hadn't been there.
Suddenly Tonya saw me out of the corner of her eye. She looked right at me for a second and then she said, "Kelly."
My wife had been gently stroking Kirby's hair. She stopped and looked at Tonya. Tonya nodded towards me.
Kelly turned. As soon as she saw me she sighed. Shaking her head she quietly said; "Timmy, I'm sorry. The moment Tyler left I wanted to look for you, but...Well, we all wanted to do this and we thought it might be better if..."
Elvira patted Kelly's wrist. "Sweetie, let me do this."
Kelly nodded. Everyone was silently watching as Elvira walked over to me and took my hand. "Timmy honey, you know that we planned to do this."
I smiled. "Yes, and I'm glad that you did it."
"We wanted to include you. You know that all of us love you, but..."
"It's okay, I understand. I don't actually have a part to play in this fantasy and if I'd been there I might have made Kirby feel uncomfortable."
Elvira kissed my cheek. "Thank you, you're a good friend."
The conversation had gotten much too serious. It was time to relieve the tension with a little good natured teasing. I grinned at her and then I pointedly glanced down at the oval cut out in the crotch of her latex leotard. Elvira had given me several blow jobs and we'd had a number of very open conversations about our sexual fantasies, but this was the first time I'd ever actually seen her cunt. Leering at her shaved pussy I said, "I like your outfit."
Immediately realizing what I was doing Elvira giggled and said, "Do you like my seventy-four year old pussy?"
Emphatically nodding my head up and down I said, "It's absolutely gorgeous."
Elvira flashed me a lascivious smile and then with a delightful twinkle in her eyes she said, "Wanna lick it?"
Kelly laughed. "Ellie honey, you're going to have to wait in line." She walked over and grabbed my free arm. "My sweet babydoll and I have a date in our bedroom and I guarantee you that it's going to involve some serious pussy licking." She paused for a moment and then she reconsidered. "But now that I think about it, if you'd like to join us, you could sit on Timmy's face while I take off his cock cage and give him a sweet little blow job."
I looked around. Everyone was grinning.
Elvira picked up Kelly's free hand and placed it between her legs. "As you can feel, I find your proposal very enticing, but I'm going to have to ask for a rain check. After I help Tonnie rub some salve on Cookie's back I'm going to find Warren and see if I can interest him in a blow job before we have to leave for the airport."
Kelly playfully rubbed Elvira's cunt for a moment and then she pulled her hand away. Her fingers glistened with Elvira's moisture. She looked at the older woman with a puzzled expression. "I thought that getting wet was a problem for women your age."
"Honey, for sluts like you and me, getting wet will never be a problem." Elvira shrugged. "It is true that I don't get wet as easily as I used to."
She smiled. "When I was your age all I had to do was see a cute guy and my panties would be soaked."
Mandy laughed. "I think all of us understand that problem."
Kelly smiled at Mandy's comment and then she turned to me and in a soft, seductive voice she said, "Slaveboy would you like to taste Mistress Elvira's sopping wet pussy."
I nodded, but I didn't say anything. I was feeling a little intimidated, very submissive and extremely aroused.
Sensing my excitement my wife pressed her fingers against my lips and said, "Open your mouth slaveboy. I have a little taste treat for you."
I parted my lips. Kelly pushed her fingers into my mouth. As I sucked and licked them Keisha said, "Damn that is hot. I could definitely use a little pussy licking myself right now."
Next to her Mandy said, "Would a little slave girl do?"
"Will you lick my beautiful black ass too? Brad fucked me there last night and I'm feeling a little tender this morning."
Mandy smiled. "Just thinking about it is making me wet."
Keisha took Mandy's hand. As they started towards the reception hall she said, "Come on slave girl, I think I'll make you start with a little foot massage."
Elvira walked back over to Tonya and Kirby. "Tonnie let's get Cookie upstairs so we can take care of those welts on his back and his butt. We want him to be able to sit down during the plane ride home."
Both women took one of Kirby's arms. As they led him down the hall Tonya said, "Cookie honey, Mistress Elvira and I are going to take you to our bedroom and make you feel much better."
Kirby laughed. "Actually I'm feeling pretty good right now."
Tonya leaned over and kissed Kirby's cheek. "Sweetie, trust us. Ellie and I are both very capable of making you feel a whole lot better."
Posts: 4050
#1,148 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kelly had taken her fingers out of my mouth while Elvira and Tonya were talking to Kirby. As we watched them leave she turned to me and said, "Timmy I really am sorry that I didn't come to you as soon as Tyler left this morning."
I smiled at her. "It really is okay, I understand. You did something very nice for Kirby and I do think it was better that I wasn't involved. I'm glad you did it."
"Thank you for understanding." Gently kissing my lips, Kelly added; "I did miss you last night."
Still smiling I looked at her and shook my head. "Kelly Mamister, don't tell me lies. We both know that you didn't spend one second thinking about me last night."
She started to protest.
I gently placed a finger on her lips. "That's okay too sweetheart. I know that you still loved me last night. I'm confident that you will always love me. I just finally understand that when you're with another guy you're very good at focusing all of your attention on him. That ability is one of the reamisters that you're able to enjoy sex with a variety of different partners so much and it's also one of the reamisters that men enjoy sex with you so much."
Kelly shook her head. "But I feel so guilty when I realize that I spent a night with another man and never thought about you at all."
"Did you stop loving me last night?"
"No! Of course not! I'll never stop loving you!"
"Were you going to find me as soon as you could this morning?"
"Yes, I mean I couldn't until we were done with Kirby, but I wanted to find you first. You can ask Mandy, Tonya, Keisha and Elvira. They'll all tell you that."
"I don't have to ask. I'm sure it's true. Kelly, I know how much you love me and I'm pretty sure you know how much I love you. That's why we were able to survive the problems we just had."
Kelly put her arms around me and hugged me. While she held me in her arms she said, "Timmy I do know how much you love me and please never forget how much I love you."
"I won't Kelly, I promise I won't."
She kissed me hard on the lips and then we held each other. After a moment Kelly whispered, "Let's go upstairs and have a little fun before we have to leave for the airport."
I grinned at her. "That sounds like a wonderful plan."
Gabbing my hand, Kelly said, "Let's go."
As soon as we got into our bedroom Kelly started undressing me. As she pulled my shirt over my head I asked, "Did you have fun with Tyler last night."
After she tossed my shirt on the bed she looked at me for a moment and then she asked, "Do you really want to know?"
I laughed. "Of course I want to know. You've always told me all about your dates when you come home. Why should this one be any different?"
Kelly shook her head. "I don't know, I guess I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm openly cuckolding you again."
I smiled. "Don't worry, it might take a little time, but eventually we'll both get used to it." I kissed her forehead. "And we have lots of time. Now tell me about Tyler. Was he good?"
"Timmy he was wonderful. His cock wasn't all that big."
I nodded. "I know, I saw it when you were giving him a blow job by the pool yesterday afternoon."
"Yes, I suppose you did."
"So why was he so wonderful?"
"Timmy as I just said, his cock wasn't all that big, but he really knew how to use it. Babydoll that man understands how to properly fuck a woman. He's nearly insatiable and he can go for an incredibly long time. Last night, after we went up stairs, he got it up three more times. First I sucked him off and then he fucked me twice. The second time he fucked my ass. Some guys can be a little too rough when they do that, but he knew how to be gentle. He went really slow and he used a lot of lubricant.”
Kelly smiled at me. “I'm not sure I know why, but I get really excited when I feel a guy cumming in my ass.” She giggled. “Maybe it's because it seems so wicked.”
“You like being wicked, don't you.”
“I really do.”
We both smiled at each other for a moment and then Kelly sighed and said; “Anyway, after that we were both pretty tired so we slept cuddled up to each other. This morning we took a shower together and then I gave him a blow job before we went down to breakfast.”
My wife giggled. "I love kissing a guy good bye that way."
Posts: 1914
GH, It takes a big man to do what you just did, and it takes a great writer to carry this great story on like you just did. Thanks once again for being who you are and doing what you do.
Posts: 125
very happy to see that you are back. It takes a permister of strong moral conviction to stand up for what they feel is right and to admit that sometimes they are incorrect. a lot of people are good at the first part but very few that are strong enough for the second. my hat is off to you , but being a woman I will put it another way my bra is off to you....hehe
Posts: 108
I echo the sentiments of everyone else in saying how happy I am that you're back and that you'll continue the story. Some really great additions that have me captivated with the story again. I have to be honest and say that given that scenario, I think I probably would have sulked a bit longer than Timmy, but I would like to think I would have come around in the end like he did.
Thanks again for all of your hard work and keeping us on the edges of our seats.
Posts: 2106
Welcome back, gh. priss
Posts: 1916
really good to have you back GH. The story continues to be excellent!
Posts: 319
GH, you're a scholar and a gentleman, thank you!
Posts: 1459
Now that's what I call a 4th quarter comeback! Man, I would have hated to have missed that - so very glad you're back. Thanks GH, the brilliance continues.
Posts: 3581
GH: Glad to see you in the house again!  THANKS!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
#1,157 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you for all of your kind comments.
I have a permisteral obligation that is going to demand most of my time for the next several days. I am telling you this because I don't want anyone to think that my absence has anything to do with the events that have ocurred on this site during the past two weeks.
I do have a large segment completed, but I am struggling with getting it right. I think Storm would agree when I say that sometimes that just happens. I will post it as soon as time allows, but it is possible that you won't see it until the beginning of next week.
Let me also tell you that this absence has nothing to do with my health. I am fine. This is just a case where my permisteral life demands most of my attention.
Posts: 1459
Always a pisser when real life intrudes, but I think you know by now that we will wait patiently for your return. Hope whatever it is goes smoothly for you!
Posts: 4050
It will, it not that big a deal, just time consuming. I'm facing a cross country drive. I was however, postponed for a day, so I did have some time to write today.
Posts: 4050
#1,160 · Edited by: goodhusband
I laughed. "My wife, the blow job queen."
Grinning, Kelly vigorously nodded her and said, "That's me."
There was a pause. Kelly stared at me. After a moment her grin vanished and she quietly asked, "Timmy are you still okay with that? I mean are you still happy that you're married to a slut?"
I smiled at her. "I think slut's a pretty strong word."
"It shouldn't be. It simply refers to a woman who enjoys sex with lots of different men. In fact, the idea that it's derogatory is actually kind of sexist. We don't have a word to describe a man who enjoys sex with lots of different women."
"How about cad or rake?"
"No, those words describe men who take advantage of women. That's not what were talking about."
"Okay, how about Casanova or Lothario?"
"Lothario? Not exactly a a common word in most peoples every day vocabulary."
"I grant you that, but the word still does exist.'
"Yes, but my point is that Casanova and Lothario are words that are rarely used. Most people probably couldn't tell you what a Lothario is, or even who he was; but everyone knows what a slut is."
Kelly shook her head. "Anyway, all of this is beside the point. I'll rephrase my question. Are you still content with being married to a woman who enjoys sex with lots of different men?"
I smiled. "Yes Kelly, I love being your cuckold and I hope that when you're Elvira's age you still have several boyfriends."
She giggled. "Only several?"
"People do slow down as they get older."
Kelly laughed. "Fortunately we're both still very young and if you're okay with it I plan to have a lot more lovers before I finally start to slow down."
"And I expect you to tell me about every detail of every date that you have with everyone of them."
"Will you promise to eat my pussy while I'm telling you?"
"Every single time."
Kelly started unbuckling my belt. "Let's get these pants off of you. I had a date last night, but I already told you about it and you weren't eating my pussy, so you owe me."
As I stepped out of my pants I grinned at Kelly and said, "And I'm a cuckold who always pays his debts."
Kelly pulled my panties down to my knees and slowly stroked the plastic tube of my cock cage. "I think that while you're eating my pussy, we'll leave your cock cage on and your panties around your knees. That should help you remember your place in our marriage."
Staring into my eyes, Kelly raised the hem of her latex skirt and sat down on the edge of the bed. As soon as she was seated she lay back and lasciviously spread her legs, exposing the glistening cleft of her bare pussy. Licking her lips, she said, "Get down on your knees and eat my cunt cuckboy."
My entire body tingled with excitement as I dropped to the carpeted floor and positioned myself between my mistress's parted thighs. Kelly had been right, leaving my cock cage on and my panties around my knees did make this act of presentation even more exciting.
Kelly grabbed a handful of my hair and roughly pulled my face into her sopping cunt. "Eat me cuckboy, lick the cunt that Tyler Greer owned last night."
For the next few minutes I licked, kissed and sucked my wife's sopping sex while she lay back on the bed twisting her nipples and taunting me about Tyler Greer's amazing s******* as a lover. I gave Kelly two orgasms. The second one seemed to be exceptionally powerful. That made me happy. Making my wife cum was even more satisfying to me than cumming myself.
After she recovered from her second orgasm Kelly sat up. Reaching down, she gently pulled me up on the bed next to her and put her arm around my shoulders. "Timmy, that was wonderful."
I smiled. "I liked it too."
"Did you? I mean, does licking my pussy get you off?"
I playfully rolled my eyes. "Do you even have to ask."
Kelly laughed. "No, I guess it was a foolish question."
She smiled at me. After a moment she stood up, walked over to her makeup table, opened her purse and took out the key for my chastity cage. Returning to the bed, she sat down next to me, unlocked the cage and slipped it off of my tiny penis. As she set it on the night table next to her she asked, "Did this bother you yesterday?"
"No not really. Actually last night it was kind of a blessing."
"A blessing?"
"Yes, after I got into bed I started to think about you and Tyler. The mental image of the two of you together excited me. If I hadn't been wearing the cock cage, I don't think I would have been able to resist the urge to masturbate."
"Timmy honey, the key was in my purse on my makeup table. You knew that. You could have just unlocked yourself, masturbated and then locked yourself up again and put the key back. I never would have known."
"Yes but I would have known."
Kelly shook her head. "Timmy that's sweet. I love your obedience, but it's really not fair. I had at least a dozen orgasms with Tyler last night while you had to lay here alone in this bed, excited and frustrated."
I didn't say anything. I just stared at Kelly with a mischievous smile on my face.
After a moment she said, "What?"
I continued to smile at her. "Think about it."
She looked at me with a puzzled expression. It was clear that she was trying to figure out what I was intimating. Don't misunderstand what was happening. Kelly is a very bright woman. It's just that at times even the most fundamental concepts can be elusive for any of us.
I continued watching her. Gradually I saw her puzzled expression change to one of recognition.
Kelly looked at me and smiled. "That is really hot, isn't it. Last night I got to cum as many times as I wanted while you had to lay alone in this bed, envious, excited and totally helpless to do anything about it."
She laughed. "I thought the chastity cage was all about control, but that's only part of it. It's also about privilege and circumstance. As a superior I'm entitled to freely enjoy myself while you, my slave, are required to languish at home without any satisfaction while you wait patiently for my return."
Taking a deep breath Kelly said, "Timmy that is so hot. I love being a superior." Suddenly she started to giggle,
Now it was my turn to be puzzled. I looked at her and asked, “What's so funny?”
'I think doing the opposite might be just as hot.”
“The opposite?'
“Yes, some night when Chris is over, I want to make you stand in the corner and masturbate while you watch him fuck me. The thought of seeing you humiliate yourself by jacking off like a twelve year old boy while you watch another man enjoying my body gets me very excited.
I laughed. “Sweet Kelly Mamister is becoming a very creative dominatrix.”
Suddenly Kelly closed her eyes and sighed. "Timmy, I am beginning to enjoy being a sadist and that's starting to make me worry."
She paused for a moment and then shaking her head, she said, "I still can't believe how much I enjoyed whipping Kirby this morning and I absolutely loved taunting you about Tyler while you were going down on me a few minutes ago. And just now my pussy actually started to tingle when realized that while Tyler and I were enjoying each other last night, you were in this room, all alone in bed, horny and totally frustrated."
Looking at me Kelly said, "Timmy, I'm afraid that I'm turning into a really bad permister."
I picked up Kelly's hand and held it between my hands. "This morning when Tonya noticed me standing by the patio door while all of you were talking in the hallway, what were you doing?"
Kelly thought for a moment and then she shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I was listening to Keisha tell Kirby that we should get together and act out his fantasy at least once a month."
"Just before that."
"I'm sorry Timmy, I don't really remember. When I saw you I guess I got a little flustered."
"I remember what you were doing."
"You were stroking Kirby's cheek and asking him if you'd hurt him too badly, and then you told him that you'd never really want to do anything that might actually injure him. That doesn't sound like a bad permister to me."
"Please listen for a moment Kelly."
"You are a dominant and you do occasionally enjoy being a little sadistic. There isn't any question about that, but think about this. Kelly, you're married to me. Mandy is one of your closest friends and Kirby is becoming a very good friend. All three of us are masochists. We enjoy it when you tease, *** and dominate us. I think that a lot of your pleasure comes from knowing that we're enjoying it just as much or even more than you are."
I looked at her. "Kelly a few minutes ago you made me eat your pussy while you taunted me about what a good lover Tyler was. Would you have done that if you didn't believe that I'd enjoy it?"
Kelly shook her head. "No, of course not."
"Kelly, I have never seen you be deliberately mean to any permister or for that matter any living thing. When you see a spider in the house you try to catch it and carry it outside. That's not exactly the behavior of an evil sadist."
I smiled at her. "Sweetheart your sadism only takes place within the context of our sex games. In real life, you're one of the kindest, most caring human beings I've ever known. That's one of the reamisters I love you so much."
Kelly placed her free hand on top of mine so that all four of our hands were locked together. "Thank you Timmy, that makes sense.” She paused for a moment and then she added, “And I think I understand you better now."
I looked at her with a puzzled expression. "You understand me better?"
"Yes, we're actually very similar.”
“That right; you're only a submissive masochist during our sex games. Yes, you do enjoy a taking a more domestic role in our marriage than most husbands might choose, but that doesn't alter the fact that you're one of the strongest and wisest men I've ever met. The only place you're a wimp is in the bedroom."
I nodded. “And the bedroom is the only place you're a bitch.”
Kelly giggled. “Unless we happen to be playing in the living room.
We both laughed and then there was a brief pause. After a moment I said, "Last night Martin Jackmister said something to me that was very similar to what you just told me."
Kelly looked at me. "Last night? Martin? Why were you and Martin talking last night and what prompted him to say something like that to you?” She shook her head. "I mean, I'm glad that he recognizes who and what you really are, but why were you talking about it last night? I would have thought that he would have been completely preoccupied with this business deal last night.”
"Kelly, you weren't then only one who was busy yesterday. I have a lot to tell you."
She smiled at me. "And I want to hear about all of it, but first I want to give my beautiful man a nice long slow blow job."
Kelly patted my knee. "Now you sit right here on the edge of the bed and relax. Your wife is about to show you why she has to work tonight.”
Kelly slipped to the floor and kneeled between my legs. As she began gently caressing my tiny cock and balls she looked up at me and said, "Timmy, I wish I didn't have to work tonight. “
I shrugged. “But you do. There will be other nights.”
“Yes I know, but I feel like I neglected yesterday and last night too and I also really missed you. Timmy I would love to feel you inside me this morning. I wish I could let you fuck me, but I can't. Tyler was a gentle lover, but he was able to keep going for so long that he really wore me out. Since I have to entertain another client tonight I need some time to recover. Today, I'm afraid that even your little penis would be a bit too much for me."
Suddenly she stopped and shook her head. "Timmy, I'm sorry. that didn't come out right at all. I wasn't trying to taunt you. Right now, that's the last thing I want to do."
I smiled at her. "Kelly, it's okay. You're my wife. We can be honest with each other. I do have a small penis. We both know that."
"Timmy, you know that I love your small penis. It's my absolute favorite and it always will be."
"Your favorite small penis?" I was grinning at my wife."
Kelly stuck her tongue out at me. "You know what I mean."
"Yes I do know what you mean. I also understand exactly why you're saying that you can't let me fuck you this morning and I agree with you. You shouldn't let me fuck you. The man you're going to be entertaining this evening is a crucial investor for the firm's current project and John, Martin and Warren are relying on you to show him a very good time."
Kelly shook her head. "Timmy how do you know about all of this?"
"Well, I do happen to work for the firm and as I said earlier, last night turned out to be a very busy and incredibly interesting evening.
"You have to tell me all about it."
"I will, but first, how about that blow job. I didn't get to cum last night and this morning I am definitely in need."
Kelly looked up at me with an impish grin and said, "Is my sweet babydoll feeling a little uptight and unsettled today."
"I thought you weren't going to tease me right now."
Winking at me she said, "Sorry, sometimes it's hard to resist the opportunity." Then she leaned over and kissed the head of my tiny but very erect penis.
Posts: 1914
Kelly passes the teasing baton on to GH it seems. Again. Another great section. Drive safely.
Posts: 14692
GH, very, very nice. I really enjoy these conversations between Kelly and Timmy.
Have a safe trip.
Posts: 4050
Peak, timmy
And now because of the delay in my trip I gained a little more spare time and finished another segment so I guess I'll be accused of more teasing.
Posts: 4050
I wish I could tell you that Kelly's blow job took a half hour, or even forty-five minutes. Sadly, everyone would know that was a lie. It took Kelly less than two minutes to get me off. She tried to prolong it, but her efforts were fruitless.
In my defense I would point out that I'd just endured nearly sixteen hours of intense sexual stimulation without any prior relief. I'm the first to admit that I am a little quick on the trigger, but under the aforementioned circumstances, how many men could make a serious claim that they could have lasted longer. The few men who could honestly make that claim and then back it up are of course, the studs that my wife and other women like her, seek out as playmates.
Kelly kept my tiny cock in her mouth while I ejaculated. She always does. My wife loves the taste of a man's semen. As soon as she felt my penis begin to soften she looked up at me and smiled.
I looked away in shame. I'd so badly wanted to perform like a stud and I'd failed miserably.
Kelly climbed back up on the bed and sat next to me. After kissing my cheek she whispered, "What's the matter stud? Why the long face?"
That made me smile. It was of course a reference to our favorite stupid joke. You know the one, A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks, Why the long face?
I'm sure that some of you think that joke is ridiculous; but of course, it's exactly why Kelly and I love each other so much. We both have the sense of humor of an eight year old.
I still didn't respond. I was ashamed and I wanted to wallow in my scandal. This wasn't a submissive masochistic plea for offense. I wasn't looking for further embarrassment. I was seeking a far more normal response. I wanted Kelly to pat my hand and tell me everything was all right.
Kelly, being the wonderful wife she is, did just that. Gently stroking my cheek she said, "Timmy honey, there are very few men in this world who, in the situation you just endured, would have been able to last longer than you did." My wonderful wife has an uncanny knack for sensing my mood and making me feel better.
To the guy who has a coldly dispassionate wife who ignores his emotional needs, but still prides himself on the fact that she remains steadfastly faithful to him; I say, you got it all wrong buddy.
I smiled at Kelly. "Thank you."
She shrugged. "I just told the truth."
While my wife does have large breasts, long blond hair and a gorgeous face; there is another reamister that so many men lust for her. As soon as you meet Kelly her sweet, compassionate permisterality is immediately apparent. My wife is not only beautiful, she is also a very nice permister.
Kelly picked up my hand and gently held it in hers. After a moment she leaned over, gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and asked, "Are you okay?"
I smiled at her. "Yes, I'm fine."
"When we get home from the airport we should have a little time before I have to leave for my date at the Calvert. If you'd like it, I'd love to give you another blow job before I go."
"I'd love it, but by then, won't you be starting to focus all of your attention on your date?."
"I think I can spare thirty minutes for the most important man in my life."
I shook my head. "I wish we needed thirty minutes."
Kelly looked at me with a concerned expression. "Timmy, why are you suddenly so worried about this? It's never seemed to bother you before."
I shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I'm just tired of being such a dud in the sack."
"Whoever said that you were a dud in the sack?" Keisha, Tonya, Mandy and I all agree that you an absolute artist with your tongue."
"I know, but I wish I was a little bit better with my cock."
"You'd like to have more control, wouldn't you."
I nodded.
"We could teach you."
"Teach me?"
"Sure why not? We could work with you like they work with Olympic athletes. You know, stop watches and drills, a real training regimen."
"Do you really think it might help?"
"It certainly couldn't hurt and I'll bet it would be a lot of fun. I'm sure Keisha, Tonnie, Mandy and Elvira would all be eager to help. In fact, I'll talk to Tonnie about getting Kirby involved too. From what she and Elvira have told me, you're not the only one who's a little quick on the trigger."
Kelly started to giggle. "I just pictured Keisha showing up in sweats and sneakers with a whistle and a stop watch around her neck."
I laughed. "Knowing Keisha, she'd be wearing crotchless sweatpants."
That made Kelly laugh. "I think crotchless sweat pants might just have to be the standard uniform for all the coaches."
We both smiled at each other for a moment and then Kelly said, "Do you feel a little better now Babydoll?"
I nodded. "I do."
she glanced at the clock on her makeup table. "We still have a little time before we have to leave for the airport. Would you like to start telling me about everything that happened last night?"
"Yes I would, but you have to promise to keep some of the things I'm going to tell you to yourself for a little while. When you hear them, you'll understand why ."
Kelly nodded. "All right, I can do that."
I started by telling her about the meeting with Donald Kline. When she heard about the proposed New Years party she got very excited and wanted to know if it really would be all right for her to bring Chris as her date. After assuring her that it would, I went on to tell her about Tonya and Kirby. Kelly told me that she knew that Tonya was wealthy, but she had no idea that she was that wealthy.
Kelly already knew about Kirby's marriage proposal to Tonya. Actually, I would have been surprised if she hadn't heard about it. I was certain that it had to have been the central topic of conversation while they were all getting ready for Kirby's Fantasy party that morning.
I finished by telling her about my conversation with Mr. Jackmister. She was surprised to hear that he was interested in living in the house with us, but quickly agreed that everyone liked him and would eagerly welcome him into the group.
She was absolutely dumbfounded when I told her about Martin's plan to ask Mandy to marry him that night. Her first impulse was to run to Mandy's room and tell her, but of course I stopped her and she immediately understood the importance of being absolutely silent about this confidence.
When I was finished Kelly smiled at me and said, "You really did have a busy evening."
"Yes I did."
Kelly patted my knee. "Timothy Jamiemister, I think it's very possible that you might end up as one of the power brokers at JTandR."
I shook my head. "That's not what I want."
"It isn't?"
"No, I am glad things worked out the way they did. I love working with you and we're now assured of being financially very secure, but my dreams haven't changed."
Kelly grinned at me. "You still want to write a great novel."
"That's one of my dreams."
"There are more?"
“Just one.”
“What is it?”
"to keep house for the woman I love."
Beaming at me Kelly said, "Timmy the day we met was the luckiest day of my entire life."
I winked at her. "I agree with you. It was the luckiest day of your life."
Kelly poked me in the ribs. "Don't get cocky slaveboy." She nodded towards the whip that she'd used during Kirby's fantasy party. "I have a new toy and I'm hankerin to use it."
"Yup, hankerin. You got a problem with that?"
Shaking my head, I said; "Nope, not at all."
Posts: 1459
GH, I love the way Timmy and Kelly relate to each other. The love and tenderness shows both in the sadistic bits and in the humorous ones, but if I were Timmy I believe I'd have to mosey over yonder before she gives in to her hankerin! Also, loved the horse/bar/long face joke reference. That's always been a favorite. I maintain that it's a classic that just never stops being funny; my wife's position is that that's because it never started being funny. Oh well, I guess her sense of humor is just not as sophisticated as ours!
Posts: 4050
Storm thanks
Stupid jokes are one of my passions and I've been hankerin to use that one for a long time.
Posts: 4050
#1,167 · Edited by: goodhusband
By the time I'd finished filling Kelly in on the events and conversations of the previous evening, it was time to leave for the airport.
When we went downstairs Edward, Nathan, Maurice, Doris, Ben, Cassie and Florence were all waiting in the reception hall to say good bye to us. Everyone hugged. During the previous eighteen hours all of us had become close friends.
Much to my surprise, Mr. Reynolds was not there to hand me the promised folder about the investor from Seattle, the man that Kelly was scheduled to entertain that evening. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Jackmister had left about twenty minutes earlier. They were anxious to get back to the office and begin preparing for their afternoon meeting with the man.
Warren Tyler was of course, going back with us. At this point, there was nothing in this world, not even the necessities of business or the luxury of flying home in the firms private jet, that was important or attractive enough to separate him from Elvira.
Edward did have the folder. As he handed it to me he said, "Timmy, this is the last key investor. Make sure that Kelly has all the information she needs to dazzle him tonight."
Snatching the folder out of my hand, Kelly laughed and said, "Don't worry Edward, my babydoll and I will work on this one together."
Next to us Mandy said, "We'll all help."
The entire group did help. As it turned out, we had the first class cabin to ourselves so we were able to pass the folder around. Mr. Tyler did caution us to be discreet and to be extremely careful to avoid using the man's name.
As Tonya was glancing through the file she looked up and said, "I entertained this guy about a year ago." After thinking for a moment she leaned towards Kelly and said in a reamisterably quiet voice. "I recall very clearly that he loved having his balls licked."
When she heard that my wife smiled and said, "If that's what gets him off I'll be happy to spend the entire evening making out with his dick and his testicles."
Our stewardess, her a name tag identified her as Sheila, had been pouring more coffee for Kirby. Sheila was an attractive brunette in her late thirties. Earlier, when she'd brought me a glass of tomato juice I'd noticed that she was wearing a wedding band. As soon as she was done pouring Kirby's coffee she took a quick glance around the cabin to make sure that there weren't any other crew members or passengers paying attention and then she turned to Kelly and said, "Our flight captain has a fondness for that particular pleasure. His wife thinks oral sex is nasty, so she won't do it for him. I happen to love giving head, so anytime we have a layover we share a room and I spend a large part of the evening giving his lovely balls and big hard cock the tender care and attention they so richly deserve."
Kelly glanced at her wedding band and asked, "How does you husband feel about that?"
"Jim is a very understanding and secure man. He knows that I enjoy a little variety on the side and my job gives me the opportunity to do it with discretion. As long as I don't throw it in his face he doesn't mind." She smiled. "And when I come home from a trip I always make sure that he's very well taken care of."
She looked at our wedding rings and said to Kelly, "It appears that your husband has an even more tolerant attitude."
Kelly grinned as she patted my hand. "My babydoll not only doesn't mind that I party with other men, he actually loves to hear every detail about my dates."
Sheila looked at me with an appraising stare. It was actually just a little embarrassing. After a moment she turned back to Kelly and said, "I've heard about men like your husband. Do you ever let him watch?"
I looked at my wife out of the corner of my eye. Kelly was clearly enjoying this interchange. I quickly glanced at the rest of our group. Everyone was watching us and by their smiles it was apparent that they were all also enjoying the conversation.
Kelly leaned towards Sheila. "Most guys are a little reluctant to let him watch.
"I'm sure they are." The stewardess nodded with understanding.
"But my boyfriend doesn't mind at all."
Gasping, Sheila stared at Kelly in shock and said, "You're married and you have a boyfriend?".
Kelly smiled at her. "Yes I do and he's a very hot guy." I noticed a twinkle in my wife's eyes. It was obvious that she was absolutely loving this.
Turning to me Sheila asked incredulously, "And you don't mind?"
I had to admit that I was also enjoying it. I casually shrugged and said, "Not at all, in fact he's a nice guy. We're actually pretty good friends."
"But he's doing it with your wife." She paused for a moment and then she asked, "Do you really watch?."
"Only once in a while. Most of the time I either do some housework or I watch television in the den. They both prefer privacy."
Kelly nodded. "When Timmy's in the room it's a little bit harder for Chris and I to concentrate on each other. It's much easier for us to relax and enjoy ourselves when were alone."
Slowly nodding the stewardess said, "I guess that makes sense."
My wife patted my hand. "But I love my little babydoll, so every once in a while Chris and I do invite him to watch."
The stewardess leaned farther over towards Kelly and whispered, "Does he..." She took a quick glance at me and then looked back at Kelly. "Does he ever, you know, do himself while he watches?"
Kelly grinned at her. Now there was definitely an impish twinkle in her eyes. Leaning towards the stewardess, she said in a whisper loud enough for everyone to hear. "Only when we let him."
"Let him?" She looked at me with a shocked expression. I was smiling.
Turning back to Kelly she asked, "Are you like." She hesitated.
Kelly finished her question for her. "Dominant?"
The stewardess nodded. She was obviously grateful that she hadn't actually been required to ask the question herself.
"Yes I am."
Staring at Kelly in amazement she asked, "That means that he must be...."
"Submissive? Yes he is, he's very submissive. In fact at this very moment he's wearing pink lace panties."
"No way!"
"Oh yes." Kelly turned to me. "Bunny, roll down the waist band of your trousers and show her."
Now I was getting excited. This was turning into a little offense game for me.
I hesitated for a second. It was deliberate. Kelly and I knew each other very well. I was giving her an opportunity to demonstrate her dominance.
Kelly immediately realized what I was doing and said in a sharp voice. "Bunny, do as you're told. Be assured that if you dare to embarrass me with a display of obstinacy I will not hesitate to pull down your panties and paddle you cute little behind right in front of every passenger on this airplane."
Sheila nervously held up her hand. "No please, you can't do that."
Ignoring her, Kelly looked at me. "Bunny?"
Submissively bowing my head I loosened my belt by two notches and rolled the waist band of my khaki pants down so that Sheila could see the elastic waist of my pink lace panties."
Realizing that Kelly wasn't going to have to carry out her threat to spank me on the airplane Sheila relaxed and inspected my underpants. She immediately started giggling. "Oh this really is fun."
Looking quickly at Kelly she asked, "Can I go get Denise? She's another stewardess. She's even more adventurous than I am. She would love to see this."
"Can she be discreet? I mean, we don't want to create a scene."
I smiled. This was a said by the same woman who'd just threatened to pull down my pants and spank me in front of every passenger on the airplane.
Sheila nodded. "Oh yes, she'll be very careful."
Kelly smiled. "Go ahead, go get her"
Sheila turned and passed through the curtain that separated the coach and first class cabins of the airplane. A moment late she returned. Another stewardess who had to have been in her late forties or early fifties, was following her.
Denise was a large breasted woman. She might have been a little thick in the waist, but she was still very curvy. Her long ash blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail and while the lines around her eyes and mouth were a clear indication of her age, she was still a very pretty and I had to admit, an incredibly sexy woman. I noticed that she was also wearing a wedding band.
Posts: 14692
LOL. Great to have you back. With all the 100's of thousand miles I've flown, I never had a ride like that.
Very nice segment giving both Kelly and Timmy what they crave.
Posts: 4050
#1,169 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thanks Timmy
I point out that you've never flown with Kelly, Mandy, Tonya, Keisha and Elvira.
Here's a little more of the flight.
Posts: 1914
GH, I have always believed in using the World's Favorite Airline for all things but I have to say I have never encountered this benefit with them. Mind, I've never flown wearing pink panties either. Never hunkered that way. Perhaps that's it.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the sheer fun in the last few posts. Your joy is back. Good to see.