Posts: 1914
GH, It's almost as if the story knows you want to end it soon and it's finding ways of keeping itself going. As King Solomon said,
There is an appointed time for everything. A time for every event under heaven. A time to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to *******, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
When this ends, I will probably weep, and laugh, and mourn, and dance. Courtesan is so filled with human emotion, it deserves them all ..
Posts: 492
Damn, now that's a tough compliment to follow. Well done Peak. I have to admit, I've never ever thought of quoting King Solomon in anything, but I love those lines-they were the foundation for one of my very favorite mistergs from back in the days when we wore bell bottom pants and went to love-ins. Very well put, bravo.
I as well dread the end of this story, but then again, hopefully it will foster the beginning of another, or maybe the long awaited ending to one of my favorite GH stories that suffered from storius interruptus a while ago. I'm pretty sure you know which one I'm talking about GH.
Has anyone figured out what happened to this site this week? Was it hit by hackers or something? I was afraid it had shut down for some reamister. Glad to see that some of the lost material could be recreated and things that were lost weren't such a big deal.
Thanks GH, for all your hard work. Wonderful couple of segments right there.
Posts: 125
gh, I lust love reading your much human emotion...In a lot of these kinds of stories the author is in such a hurry to get to the sex scenes they skip right past the most important parts whice is how the poeple got to this point and how they feel about it. 
Posts: 3581
GH: I feel that peakmb, TrF2 and sallyannslut summed it up pretty well.  Your depth of character is unequal and it really does bring out the unique permisteralities of each and every one in this story. It’s been a fantastic story and great points have been made by you alone the path. Thanks! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 2106
Well done, gh. i can't top the comments above, but i agree with them whole-heartedly. your work is very much appreciated. Thanks. priss
Posts: 1459
GH, after reading your comment above regarding losing a couple of days work I was going to write that I had enjoyed those sections immensely and was very sorry to see them gone, which is entirely true. But you know what? You were right, because the replacements are even better (if possible), as you continue to amaze. Best of all, I had the opportunity to enjoy both! As for the feelings about the story overall, I can't even expand on what peak said. All I can do is second it - or fifth it, since the seconding has been thoroughly covered! Thanks, my friend, for a very fine read.
Posts: 274
Thanks, says it all for me.
G. .
Posts: 14692
Ditto on Stormy's comments. Thank you GH
Posts: 4050
#1,119 · Edited by: goodhusband
Peak, TrF2, Sallyann, cuck4one, Priss, Storm, Gman and T27
Thank you for those wonderful comments. I'm replying to you as a group because if I understood them correctly, all of your comments expressed roughly the same sentiment. I find that very gratifying. It tells me that at least with the six of you I am succeeding at what I'm attempting to do. I'm trying very hard to create characters that we can all identify with and care about.
This story is drawing to a close. After it ends I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm sure that Storm understands when I say that writing a long story is very taxing.
Anyway, all of you, thank for your wonderful comments and ongoing support. They really do mean a lot to me.
Posts: 4050
"This has been an excellent day for me. It started with eighteen holes of golf on an outstanding golf course with good friends. After that I was brought to this beautiful mansion where I spent an unbelievable afternoon and evening playing out my kinkiest fantasies with a wildly exciting woman." Donny smiled. "But believe it or not, the high point of the day has been this conversation. I cannot begin to describe how permisterally gratifying it is to talk with two people who understand."
He looked at me. "Timmy, we've heard my story and we've heard Kirby's. Now it's time to hear yours."
I nodded. "All right."
I thought for a moment. I knew what I wanted to say, but I was looking for the right words to get me started. Finally I took a deep breath and said, "I don't think I ever really had an epiphany, at least not in the truest sense. There was never a clear moment of revelation. For me it was more of a gradual realization."
I paused and looked at Donny and Kirby. "I suppose the first glimmer of recognition came the day Kelly and I made love for the very first time. We had been studying together in her dorm room. I was a scrawny little wimp who by some strange quirk of fate had ended up hanging around with the hottest girl on the campus. In the few short weeks since we'd met we'd already become inseparable best friends, but that was all that we were. Kelly was dating lots of guys and they were all rich frat boys or macho jocks. She also had a reputation around the campus for being easy. I'd even heard rumors that some of the frat boys called her the blow job queen of Kelroy College.'
I smiled. "On the other hand, our relationship was totally platonic. We hadn't even kissed. Even though we'd spent hours studying together on her bed, I'd never dared to try anything. Why would I? Kelly was way out of my league. The problem was, I was falling in love with her and the campus rumors were starting to bother me. I decided that I had to ask her about them. When I did, she freely admitted that they were all true. She didn't apologize, she just told me that she loved sex. And then she completely amazed me. She kissed me and after she kissed me she gave me a blow job. It's needless to say that it didn't take her long to make me cum. After that, we took off our clothes. Kelly let me play with her breasts for a little while and then she spread her legs and asked me to eat her pussy.”
“It was a dream come true.” I grinned at Kirby and Donny. “It really was. After Kelly and I became friends I'd actually lay in bed every night before I fell arelax and dream about kissing her beautiful cunt.”
I laughed. “I suppose that should have been my first indication that I was a submissive. Most guys would have been dreaming about getting a blow job from her, or playing with her large breasts or fucking her. I was dreaming about licking her pussy.”
Kirby and Donny both smiled at me.
“Anyway, I kissed her and licked her and sucked on her clit. I loved every wonderful minute that I had my face buried between her gorgeous thighs. Kelly had an orgasm. After she was done cumming she told me that very few guys were able to get her off. That made me feel proud. I was very happy, but then she said something else. She told me that I was now her favorite lover.”
I shook my head. "I suppose that should have made me even happier, but it didn't. I immediately understood the implication of the words, favorite lover and felt sad. Kelly noticed my doleful expression and asked me what was wrong. I explained that if I was her favorite lover it would mean that I wouldn't be her only lover. She also immediately understood. Kelly put her arms around me. While she held me she whispered that she was falling in love with me and that I was the only boy who had her heart, but then she also told me that she loved sex and before she finally settled down she wanted to experience as many men as she possibly could."
I smiled at Donny and Kirby. "I understood what she was saying and it actually made sense to me."
They both nodded.
"I was already beginning to accept the situation, but Kelly didn't realize it. In an attempt to make me feel better she pointed out that I'd also be free to date other girls. That made me smile. I explained to her that I wasn't exactly in danger of being overwhelmed by a crowd of girls fighting for the opportunity to go to bed with me. Kelly giggled and then she told me that once the other girls on her floor heard about how good I was at eating pussy I was going to be inundated with offers."
I paused for a moment and then I looked at Kirby and Donny and said, "I guess maybe I did have a real epiphany and it occurred at that moment. While Kelly was busy trying to reassure me I suddenly realized that the idea of having a girlfriend who freely dated other guys while I remained absolutely faithful to her excited me. I smiled at Kelly, but she didn't pick up the change in my mood. She just kept trying to comfort me. It was clear that she was very worried that her desire to continue dating other guys might result in the death of our relationship. Now it was my turn to reassure her. I put my arms around Kelly and gently kissed her on the lips. After I kissed her I whispered to her that it was all right. She could date as many guys as she wanted. Kelly looked at me and smiled and then she kissed me. After she kissed me I took a deep breath and then I told her that I while she was dating other guys, I promised to be her ever faithful boyfriend."
"When she heard me say that Kelly sat up and looked at me with a puzzled expression. She told me that I didn't have to make that promise. I explained to her that I understood that, but I wanted to make the promise anyway. Kelly stared into my eyes. Slowly her puzzled expression changed to one of comprehension. I think at that moment Kelly had an epiphany of her own. She smiled and then she kissed me hard on the lips and exclaimed that that was the hottest thing she'd ever heard in her entire life. And then she lay back on her pillows, spread her legs and asked me..." I stopped and shook my head. "No she didn't ask me, she ordered me to eat her pussy and give her pleasure."
I grinned at Kirby and Donny. "Of course I eagerly complied."
They both laughed.
I looked at my two friends. "Neither Kelly nor I knew the words yet. We certainly hadn't even begun to comprehend the nature of the roles we would eventually assume in our relationship. That would all come later; but now that I think about it, that was the moment that I became Kelly's submissive cuckold."
Donny smiled. "Timmy, I envy you."
Looking at Donny with a curious expression I said, "Really? Tell me why."
"You and Kelly had the privilege of growing into this lifestyle together. That must have been wonderfully exciting."
I grinned at Donny. "It was. We explored the Internet together and talked about everything we saw and read. I wrote stories and Kelly wrote some wildly erotic poetry."
"Do you still have the stories and the poetry?"
I nodded. "Of course."
"Would you consider allowing me to read some of them?"
Kirby shook his head. "I've been asking him that for the past week."
I turned to Kirby and smiled. "Sorry Kirb, the last several days have been a little busy."
He laughed. "They certainly have."
"I promise that as soon as we get home I'll make copies and give them to you."
Kirby smiled.
Turning back to Donny I said, "I'll make copies for you too. I'm sure Mr. Jackmister has your address."
Donny nodded. "He does."
"I'll have to ask Kelly for permission to send you her poetry."
"I understand. I also understand that she barely knows me, so I won't be at all offended if she refuses."
I shook my head. "I'd be very surprised if that was her response. Kelly loves to share her poetry."
"Could you ask her for me too?"
I smiled, "Yeah Kirb, I will. I think Tonya, Mandy, Keisha, Antoine and Ellie might like to read it too. Some of it's pretty hot."
Posts: 4050
#1,121 · Edited by: goodhusband
Donny looked at his watch. "Gentlemen, it's almost midnight. I have to get up early tomorrow morning so I'd better get to be fairly soon.”
Both Kirby and I nodded.
"I've enjoyed this conversation and I really would like to become friends with the two of you, so I have a proposition. I have a summer cottage on Cape Cod." He chuckled. "That's not really an accurate description. It has eleven bedrooms and sixteen fireplaces."
Kirby laughed. "You got that right. Calling a house with eleven bedrooms a cottage is a little like calling the battle ship Missouri a rowboat."
All three of us laughed.
After a moment Donny continued. "The house is on a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and it's very peaceful there during the winter. I'd like to invite you to join Michelle and me there for the New Year's holiday. The three of us will be the slaves. Tonya and Kelly could both bring dates or we could invite Tyler, Brad or Jamister. I think it would be fun to spend several days serving our wives and their men."
Kirby and I looked at each other and smiled.
I turned to Donny. "I don't mean to be pushy, but since it's such a big house would you mind if we brought a few extra people?"
"Who do you have in mind?"
"Mandy would be fun and she'd be another slave."
Donny nodded. "Having a female slave with us would be fun, but doesn't she have a thing going with Martin? I wouldn't want to do anything to offend him."
"Why don't you invite him. He's very dominant and I think he'd love the situation. If he can't make it, Kelly and I sort of take care of Mandy for him when he's busy. I'm sure he wouldn't be at all upset if we brought her along as an extra slave."
Smiling, Donny said, "I like Martin and I trust him. If he can make it, he would be an excellent addition. If he can't get away and you don't think it would be a problem for him, I'd love to have Mandy there. Is there anyone else we should invite?"
I laughed. "Oh yes."
Donny grinned. "This is getting interesting. Who?"
"Keisha and her boyfriend, Antoine, he also works as a host for JtandR. He's a tall, very handsome young black man. Right now he's in San Francisco entertaining a female client for the firm."
"A tall, handsome young black man, does he have a big cock?"
"At least ten inches."
"Does Keisha ever let him play around when he's not working?"
"All the time, but if he starts playing with your wife, Keisha's going to want equal time with Michelle's date."
Donny shook his head. "I don't think that will be a problem. Who else would you like to include."
Kirby said, "Could we invite Ellie?"
"Kirb, If Elvira is going to be invited we'd better ask for an invitation for Wendell Tyler too."
"Hey, Wendell is one of my good friends. I'd love to have both of them there. Is there anyone else?"
"You said that Kelly and Tonya could bring a date, correct?"
"Yes, of course."
"Kelly has a boyfriend. Because her work schedule is so demanding, she feels guilty about spending very much time with him. When she's with Chris she worries that she's neglecting me. This would be a wonderful opportunity for her to spend a little guilt free time with him."
Kirby shook his head. "Tonya doesn't have a boyfriend and I'm not sure that she's going to be very excited about spending several days with a blind date."
"Kirb, let's ask her and Martin if they'd like to pair up. They're good friends and they're both dominants. They could have a lot of fun together."
"Timmy, that's a very good idea." Donny paused for a moment and then he said, "If we invite Martin and Wendell, then we'd better also invite John Reynolds. Would that be all right with the two of you?"
I shrugged. "Donny it's your house and your party."
"Yes, but the two of you are key players."
I smiled. "It's nice of you to say that. Anyway, I don't think it's a problem. Kirby and I both just met Mr. Reynolds, but my first impression is that he seems like a very nice guy."
I glanced at Kirby. He nodded in agreement.
Turning back to Donny I said, "Do you think he'd enjoy this kind of party?"
Donny grinned. "Oh yes, John is very adventurous. He'd love a party like this." Shaking his head he said, "He will need a date. He and Martin both work so hard that they barely have any permisteral life at all." Suddenly he laughed. "Actually this works out perfectly. As soon as I tell Michelle about this party she's going to insist that we include Tammy. I like Tammy, I like her a lot. I really would like to be able to include her and she'd make a wonderful date for John Reynolds."
Kirby said, "Do you think they'll mind being fixed up with each other?"
Donny shook his head. "I don't think that will be a problem. Tammy is a a gorgeous thirty-six year old brunette with very large breasts who loves to fuck. She's also the vice president in charge of customer relations for a major insurance company. She's a very bright woman who knows how to hold up her end of a conversation. John, he's a handsome, unattached billionaire with a very open attitude about sex. Tammy is going to be extremely eager to meet him."
Kirby laughed. "I guess I don't have to worry."
Donny smiled and then he looked at both Kirby and me and asked, "Is the guest list complete?"
Kirby and I looked at each other and nodded.
Standing up, Donny said; "I hate to say this, but I think it's time for me to call it a night and go to bed."
Kirby and I both stood up.
Donny said, "Tyler, Brad and Jamister aren't going to be on the guest list, so please don't say anything about the party until after we're gone." He thought for a second and then he added. “I'll call Martin, John and Wendell after I get back to Boston and extend a permisteral invitation to all three of them. After that's done I'll get in touch with you and we can discuss how to proceed."
He took out a small pad of paper and tore off three pieces. After writing the same telephone number on two of them he handed his pen and the third piece of paper to me. "Timmy, write down your cell phone number and then give the paper to Kirby so he can add his."
While we were doing that Donny handed the other two slips of paper to Kirby and me. "This is my permisteral cell phone number. Feel free to call me anytime."
While Kirby was writing down his cell phone number. I said, "What if we call at the wrong time and disturb you while you're in an important meeting?"
"That's not a problem. If I'm in a situation where I don't want to be disturbed I turn off my cell phone. Your call will go directly to my permisteral secretary. She'll know who you are and she'll make sure that I get your message."
Kirby handed him the slip of paper.
Donny extended his hand and said, "Gentlemen it was a pleasure."
Kirby and I both shook his hand.
As Donny was about to leave I said, “You never told us about your special treat.”
Donny laughed. “That's right, I didn't.”
“What was it?”
“Michelle told Tonya that it would be okay if she let me fuck her tonight.”
Kirby looked at him. “I'm sure you understand that I think Tonya is an incredibly beautiful woman, but you're a billionaire. You can have any woman you want. Why would that be a special treat?”
Donny smiled. “I have only been allowed to fuck Michelle one time. That was the night we got married. As soon as I was finished one of her boyfriends came into the room and took my place. I was required to kneel at the foot of the bed and watch while he and Michelle enjoyed each other for the rest of the night. Since then one of my wife's favorite taunts has been that my pathetic penis will never again be allowed to feel the inside of her pussy. Michelle really does love me. Tonight she was trying to give me an opportunity to enjoy the sensation of having intercourse with a woman without destroying our little game.”
I asked, “Did you do it?”
Donny shook his head. “No, I'm too much of a masochist. The excitement I get from having to endure the anguish of knowing that I'll never again be allowed to experience that particular pleasure is much more important to me than the short term gratification that I'd get from a one night fuck.”
Kirby smiled. “Donny you are indeed a masochist.”
“Yes Kirb, I am.” He gave both of us a nod and then he said, “Gentlemen, on that note, I bid you good night.”
As our new friend turned and walked out the door, Kirby and I both said , “Good night Donny.”
Posts: 14692
that New Years party looks like a great short story should you decide to end this one before New Years. I for one would not mind if it kept going for ever - LOL. Thanks for another couple of interesting and great segments
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH, those were very interesting additions and great reading. That party at the "cottage" could be a doozy, should you decide to go that far! Timmy's backstory was excellent and a good refresher to the early build up of their characters - the birth of a willing and submissive cuckold, and, at least as important, the birth of a talented cuckoldress! It just now occurs to me that I may have borrowed a bit of Timmy and Kelly to create Kevin and Steffany-sorry about that, but I hope you will consider it an homage. Anyhow, I will continue to enjoy your crew just as long as you continue to give them to us.
Posts: 492
Amazing. Two very nice segments with almost no sex at all, yet I found them riveting to read. Said it before, will say it again, you are a wonderful story teller GH. It's fun to watch your characters expose their inner feelings, makes them even more likable if that's even possible.
I know, I know, the story is winding down and after it ends you're not sure what you're going to do. I hope you take a couple of months (or more) off to recharge your batteries, play a LOT of golf and do whatever it is that really makes you happy. If you decide to return to us with another of your brilliant stories, then we're all the richer for that.
Much to my chagrin, after one 70 degree day last week, they're now predicting sleet and possibly snow for later on this week. Will the golf seamister ever get here in the Northeast?
Thanks for all the hard work GH, take care.
Posts: 3581
GH: Once again, all I can add to what's already been said is......... BRAVO..... BRAVO!!!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
You're right, the New Years Eve party may be the subject for a fun short story
I hadn't really noticed anything, but if you did borrow from Timmy and Kelly to create Kevin and Steffany, I'm glad because that's a great story.
That the problem with the northern latitudes. Spring can be a bit of a tease.
Gentlemen, as always thank you for your kind words and support. It is appreciated.
Posts: 4050
As soon as Donny was gone I turned to Kirby and said, "I'll bet Tonya's in the back dining room.'
He nodded, "Let's go find her." He rushed through the door that led into the kitchen. I followed right behind him.
The kitchen was deserted. We quickly crossed it and walked through the door to the back dining room. It was still crowded and filled with the sounds of laughter and boisterous conversation. Edward, Nathan, Maurice, Doris, Ben, Florence, Cassie and Elvira were all still seated at the table. Mr. Tyler, Mr. Jackmister and Mr. Reynolds had returned and were once again sitting with them. Tonya was now also there. She was seated between Elvira and Florence.
As soon as he noticed our presence John Reynolds stood up and started to say something, but then out of the corner of his eye he saw that Tonya was also standing. Once he realized that Kirby and Tonya were staring at each other he discreetly stepped back from the table and waited.
Kirby had taken two steps into the room before he found Tonya sitting at the table. The moment he saw her he froze.
The noisy room had suddenly become very quiet. Everyone's attention was now focused on Tonya and Kirby. We all anxiously watched as they silently stared at each other. I got the distinct impression that everyone knew what was happening.
After a moment Tonya said, "Kirb, did Donny tell you?"
Kirby nodded. "Yes he did."
"Are we still okay?"
Kirby smiled at her. "Tonnie, I don't give a damn if you're rich or you're poor. The money doesn't make any difference to me. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you."
When she heard that Tonya smiled. So did everyone else in the room.
Kirby took a deep breath and then he said, "I'm not sure why you want to hang around with a fat old retired navy cook, but apparently you do. So Tonya, I'm going to go out on a limb and ask you, Will you marry me?"
Tonya stared at Kirby for a moment and then she said, "Kirby Lundquist, you may be a fat old retired navy cook, but you are definitely the sweetest fat old retired navy cook that this broken down old whore will ever find.'
She ran to Kirby and threw her arms around his large waist. "Kirby Lundquist, if you'll have me, this broken down old whore would love to marry you."
As Kirby wrapped his huge arms around Tonya and Kissed her hard on the lips everyone in the room began to applaud.
After they broke off their kiss Tonya turned around so that she was facing the group. With Kirby's arm still wrapped around her shoulder Tonya flashed us a smile and did a little head wiggle. We all laughed.
Kirby waited until we were all quiet and then he said, "We do have a little problem.
Tonya looked at him. "What's that?"
"I just lost my store. The firm was kind enough to buy me out so that I could pay off my debts, but I'm still broke. It's going to take me a little time to save up enough money to buy you an engagement ring."
Tonya shook her head. "Kirby honey I have plenty of money..."
Kirby held up his hand. "Tonya Lewis, you are not going to pay for your own engagement ring."
John Reynolds, who was still standing up, stepped forward. "If I may interrupt, I think I might be able to be of assistance here."
Martin Jackmister laughed and said, "Yes John I think that's very true."
There was a general murmur of agreement around the table. Suddenly I had the distinct impression that these people knew something that Kirby and I didn't know.
Mr. Reynolds took another step towards Kirby and Tonya. Kirby looked puzzled. Tonya was grinning.
I glanced around the room. Everyone was smiling and their eyes were all focused on John Reynolds. Something was definitely up.
"Kirby and Timmy," Mr. Reynolds was looking back and forth at Kirby and me." While you were in the dining room talking to Don Kline I made an announcement in this room. You may have noticed the bottles of champagne on the table."
I hadn't, but now that he mentioned them I saw that there were several magnums of Moet Et Chandon on the table and everyone had a champagne glass in front of them.
"We're having a bit of a celebration. You know that for the past six months I've been spearheading a major project."
Kirby and I both nodded.
"About a year ago we learned that one of the largest construction companies in the world was in grave financial danger. The problems had been caused by a combination of factors; bad weather, unexpected political unrest, several overly ambitious and unrealistic time schedules that caused them to miss key deadlines and two major law suits. We launched a thorough investigation and quickly learned that the company had been struck by virtual perfect storm of unexpected disasters. This was still a solid corporation that was currently floundering because of a combination of bad luck, some poor long range planning and several disastrous management decisions."
I took a quick look at the table. Everyone was listening intently.
"Because of these misfortunes the companies value had plummeted. After further investigation we came to the conclusion that we could purchase controlling interest in the company for around one point eight billion dollars.'
He smiled. "And if we are able to correct the problems and get the company functioning smoothly again, we estimated that we should be able to sell it for between three and three and a half billion dollars.
My jaw dropped. John, Martin and Wendell were attempting to pull off a business deal that could earn a gross profit of over a billion dollars.
"The problem of course, was that one point eight billion dollars is not exactly chump change. Raising that amount of money is a challenge. Never the less, we decided that the potential reward was worth the effort and the risk, so we went to work and I was assigned to spearhead the project."
The room was silent. Everyone was listening to John with rapt attention.
"I started barnstorming the country. By the end of last week I'd managed to convince twenty three different financial sources to commit one point two billion dollars. Ever since the beginning of this project we'd always known that Donald Kline was going to be pivotal for us. He represents a group of very adventurous entrepreneurs. He is also a very astute financial analyst. We knew that he would immediately understand that the crux of the issue was putting together the mammoth sum of money required to make the project work. For that reamister, we decided that we would wait to approach Donald Kline and his group until we could show him that we'd already been able to raise a substantial portion of the necessary capital."
He smiled at everyone. "A little over an hour ago Donald Kline agreed to commit up to six hundred million dollars to this project. That gives us enough money to proceed. Tomorrow we are going to meet with one more investor. We feel confident that we can persuade his group to commit at least another two hundred million dollars. If we can do that, we should have more than enough working capital to be able to take control of the company, correct the problems that caused it to founder and restore it to its full value. That will allow us to then sell it and make a very nice profit for ourselves and our investors."
Mr. Reynolds looked at us. "Kirby and Timmy, you're both new to JTandR so you may not be aware of our policy regarding bonuses. While we try to pay all of our employees a reamisterable base salary, we are in what can frequently be a very lucrative business. We like to reward the employees who are instrumental in making us successful. I believe that today's function was pivotal to the success of our effort to enlist the support of Donald Kline's financial group in our project. Martin and Wendell both agree. For that reamister we've decided to reward everyone who participated in this function with a five thousand dollar bonus. Everyone should be receiving their checks by the middle of next week."
He smiled at Kirby. "That should be enough to buy a very nice engagement ring."
Tonya put her arms around Kirby's massive shoulders and kissed his cheek. "This old whore would be very happy with a cigar band."
Shaking his head, Kirby said; "Nope, as soon as I get that bonus check we're going across the street to Smithmister Jewelers and you, my beautiful lady, are going to get the biggest rock that five thousand dollars can buy."
"Way to go Cookie!"
I turned. Elvira was standing up. She was clapping her hands. Everyone at the table quickly joined her.
I glanced at my big friend. Kirby was grinning like a four year old boy who'd just been given a giant red lollipop.
Posts: 1459
Nice GH, that was a very good outcome for them, and it came totally out of left field for me. Very well thought out, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Posts: 4050
#1,129 · Edited by: goodhusband
For some reamister, I am unable to currently log in to this site under my own account. So I am posting this under my husbands account.
For the past several years I've been working very hard to try to keep my husband out of conflicts like this one. Sadly, in this situation I have to agree with him. Martinr, you really are a shockingly obtuse human being.
Clearly you do not understand that this disagreement is fundamental to the use of this site as a vehicle to create stories. If what you are doing is left unchecked, then a precedent is established that will make it permissible for anyone to add their permisteral variations to all stories as they are being created.
Yes, we understand that the author in question has left his story undeveloped for an extended period of time. While that may make all of us unhappy, that is his prerogative. After all, he did create the story.
My husband offered an alternative. An alternative that I think was very reamisterable. Post your additions on a new thread that credits the original author. This leaves that author's thread clean and gives him or her the option to come back in the future and continue the story if he or she so chooses.
Martinr, you have chosen to reject that compromise and stand by your efforts to usurp another writer's story. Please understand that attempting to get the author's permission after the fact is irrelevant to this situation. You have already stolen another writer's story.
My husband loves to write and he is proud of his creations. I have observed the effort he puts into creating his stories. He and every other writer who posts stories on this site deserve better than what you are offering.
For this reamister, I have asked my husband to stop posting on this site. This is not a decision made lightly. Martinr, we both see your transgression as a fundamental assault on an authors freedom to create stories without the fear of interference from others.
Posts: 4050
I'm sure that some of you consider this to be a petty and petulant response, but we feel that it is not. The writers who post here do so without copywrite protection or in fact any other protection than basic human trust.
We work hard to create the stories you read. Allowing people to step in and begin writing on a story that we have worked hard to develop and then create is not acceptable from the writer's perspective and if you think about it, from the readers either. You may not always be happy with the way our stories proceed or that at times we do not finish them, but that is in fact our choice. We did create them and they are ours.
I have enjoyed posting on this site. I love the give and take that exists between writer and reader. Sadly that free expression leaves us vulnerable and the situation has been recently used.
I feel compelled to take a stand. A writer should be able to tell his story with the confidence that he will be able to finish it without the interference of others. If another writer is so deeply moved by a story that he feels compelled to continue it on his own, then let him start a new thread as a continuation of that story, but that new writer should not be allowed to usurp the other writer's thread.
I'm sorry, but as long as this situation persists, I will no longer post on this site.
Posts: 319
GH, I say this with a very, very heavy heart indeed, as I feel your stories are a true gift to our community, but I understand your stance on the subject, and fully sympathise with you.
Posts: 2106
you will be sorely missed, gh, but i support your stand on this matter. Though i haven't written any stories, i would feel the same if someone were to take over the thread where i post my captioned pics. Be well my friend and hopefully things will work out one way or another. priss
Posts: 108
GH, Just getting caught up again after a busy few weeks to find this. Have to say that it saddens me but I understand completely. I haven't written anywhere near the amount that you have for this site and I would feel exactly the same way if someone hijacked my story. I hope that the situation can be resolved and you will rejoin us, but please know how much the rest of us have enjoyed following your stories. I have always loved your stories because, as others have said, I can relate to the characters. No, not everyone steps into a million dollar situation every day, but that part of it is fun for me. Kind of like envisioning what you would spend the lottery money on Anyway, I really enjoyed getting caught up with the story and love the recent developments. I hope that I will be able to read the end of the story some day but I support you completely in the stand that you're taking. Enjoy your weekend GH!!! Weslrobt
Posts: 492
I must be really out in left field because I don't have a clue as to what happened here. Who is this permister and what the hell is he doing to GH's story (or anyone else's for that matter)? I don't see anything.
Are you kidding me? All the work that these authors put into these stories and all it takes is one permister to ruin everything? Isn't there some way to control the website and who posts? Does this have anything to do with all the problems that we were having earlier in trying to log onto the site? Again, I feel like I'm missing something here, not sure what.
This is ridiculous.
GH, you have my thanks forever for all the wonderful writing you've done to entertain us. You've been away for various reamisters and always came back, I have a dreadful feeling that this may not get resolved and that makes me very unhappy. I guess I'll have to keep searching over on that other site to see if you ever continue with the end to this story.
Please stay well my friend, good luck with your golf, and again...........thanks.
Posts: 108
I was at a loss at first too, but finally caught up. Seems that a poster named martinr kind of hijacked the story Sarah's Game because the writer had stopped writing updates for it and he decided to start adding his own chapters directly to that permister's thread rather than starting his own "spin off" thread. That is basically the issue at hand. Hope that helps.
Posts: 492
Thanks weslrobt, now I understand. Never having read Sarah's Game, I was totally lost. Now I see what has been going on. My two favorite writers, two of the guys who work the hardest to continually bring stuff to this forum are now fighting for what they feel is fair and correct and I totally support them. Not sure how this will all turn out, hopefully martinr will reconsider and accept one of the proposals so that he can continue his excellent work. It looks like Stormy is going through a similar thing with some guy hacking his stuff and posting pictures into one of his stories. Not cool. People need to play nice and have some respect for each other on here.
Posts: 3581
I miss your postings and hope that martinr makes amens for hacking ones story.
I can see both sides, and hope that both of you can continue to post on this site.
GH, if you ever finish this story..... please send the ending chapter to me.
Thanks again for all the stories you have given us to enjoy! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
GH, I know I posted my opinion on the issue over on the Sarah's Game thread, so here I'll just drop in to say thanks and to tell you how sorry I am to see you give up on this site. To me your stories have epitomized what the site is all about, and it is only because of your writing that I decided to give it a shot myself.
It's a sad day when the actions of one thoughtless permister cost the rest of us the opportunity to enjoy your talent. While I completely understand your stance, and respect it, I can't necessarily agree with it. To me it seems too much like letting the bad guys win. That said, I know you feel you must take this action, and you have my (begrudging) support for your principled stand. Just when it seems that the technical problems might be working out so that I can continue to post, we may lose you. That's just wrong!
I will remind you of your words to me when I was considering dropping out, and how you pushed the give-and-take nature of this site as one of it's positives, as well as the ability to come back and edit posts at any time. Let's hope martinr takes advantage of the latter to correct his overstep as you suggested, because he can actually write - and we can always use more writers here. Still, it would never be the same without you.
Here's hoping we'll see you back soon!
Posts: 4050
chiappeviola, priss, weslrobt, cuck4one, storm and all the readers who sent me permisteral messages and emails.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Lisa and I both have a little feisty streak. We have always been quick to take up the fight when we see a wrong. Sometimes we are too quick. After several permisteral messages with my good friend peakmb and reading all of your comments, Lisa and I have both come to the conclusion that this might be one of those times.
I want to finish “Courtesan”, Lisa wants to see me finish it and we both want everyone who has been enjoying it to be able to read the end on this site and without having to wait until the entire story is posted on another site.
I hope everyone will understand why I took the stand I did. All of the writers who post at this site work very hard on their stories and post them without any copy write protection at all.
I am very touchy about this issue. I hope the reamisters are apparent. When martinr began his extension to that jaiceeuk's story and did it on jaiceeuk's thread, I do not believe that he actually understood what he was doing or how seriously some of us would take it.
I'm sure that he was probably a bit taken aback by the reaction he received from some of us. Now we have both painted ourselves into a corner.
Lisa and I have decided to step out of the corner. I am going to walk away from this issue. It has never before been much of a problem on this site. Most readers are careful about respecting a writer's work. I hope that if nothing else, this conflict has reinpowerd that attitude.
I hope that martinr will re post his extension to jaiceeuk's story on a thread of his own and keep writing it, but that's up to him.
I have a story that I am trying to finish and I am now going to focus all of my effort on doing that.
Posts: 1459
Thanks, and welcome back!