Posts: 4050
#1,081 · Edited by: goodhusband
Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Timmy, how are you doing?" It was Kirby.
I turned and smiled at him. "I'm all right, how are you doing?"
He shrugged. "I'm okay too. I think it may have been a little bit easier for me."
"What makes you say that?"
"Tonya was just being a dom with Donald. I think that was much less stressful for me than if she'd been treating him like a lover."
"You mean like what Kelly was doing with Tyler."
"Yeah, seeing Tonya kiss Donald like Kelly was kissing Tyler right before they went upstairs to his room would have been difficult for me."
I smiled. "It's funny, seeing her kiss Tyler like that was much more difficult than watching her suck his cock this afternoon when they were out by the pool." I shook my head. "I just keep reminding myself that she doesn't love these other men, she loves me. The other men are nothing more than a little amusement for her."
Kirby sighed. "I'm certain that in the very near future I'm going to be around Tonya when she is treating another man like a lover. When that happens I'm going to have to remember what you just told me."
I patted Kirby on the shoulder. "Don't worry buddy, you'll get used to it and Tonya will help you."
He looked at me with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"
"It's obvious that she cares about you and I'm sure she doesn't want to lose you, so she's going to keep reassuring you that you're the only man in her life who matters to her. That's what Kelly does with me. Believe me Kirb, it really does help."
Slowly nodding, Kirby said; "I'm sure it does, but getting used to it is still going to be difficult."
"Bunny, Cookie; it's time for your break." It was Florence. Cassie was right behind her. They stormed into the room like a pair of tornadoes tearing across the Kansas plains and immediately started picking up the dirty glasses.
Cassie smiled at us. "While you and the ladies were taking care of the guests, we've all been relaxing in the back dining room. Now it's your turn for a break. Go see Maurice and Doris, they have some wonderful treats for you."
I looked at Kirby. He shrugged.
Apparently we didn't reacting quickly enough. Florence, who had started wiping off the leather chairs and love seats, suddenly turned and began whipping her dust cloth at us. "Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here, go take your break."
Cassie giggled as Florence backed us towards the door. "You really do want to go to the back dining room. Maurice and Doris have made some absolutely fabulous sandwiches out of the left over prime rib."
Kirby grinned at me. "Timmy my friend, I think we're being given a message."
I laughed "Yeah Kirb, let's get out of here."
Kirby bowed politely to Florence and Cassie. "Ladies I'm sure we'll see you later."
Florence snapped her dust cloth at him. "Go! Get out of here. Go have sandwiches and beer."
Cassie was still giggling as we made our exit.
Once we reached the safety of the formal dining room Kirby looked at me and said, "Did Florence say beer?"
I smiled at him. "Yes buddy, I believe that she did. Does that interest you?"
Kirby shook his head. "Timmy, I'm an old navy man. When we were on liberty we lived on beer."
The kitchen was deserted so we passed right through to the back dining room. It was alive with activity. Doris, Ben, Maurice, Nathan and Edward were all sitting around the table. That wasn't unexpected. What surprised me was that Martin Jackmister, John Reynolds, Wendell Tyler and Elvira were sitting there with them.
As soon as they heard us come into the room everyone stopped talking and turned. They all smiled at us. Edward and Martin Jackmister both stood up. Mr. Jackmister pulled two more chairs over to the table and placed one on each side of his chair. There already were two empty chairs at the table, but I assumed that those belonged to Cassie and Florence.
Edward walked over to us while Mr. Jackmister was getting our chairs. "Timmy, Kirby; please come in and sit down. We're having a late night snack. It's kind of a tradition at Evergreen. He gestured towards the sideboard that served as a bar. "There's a cooler of beer next to the bar. If you prefer please feel free to make a cocktail or have a glass of wine. You'll find an open bottle of the Merlot that we served in the main dining room tonight. It's very good. We got it from a private vineyard in Napa. They only made a hundred cases."
Kirby went straight to the beer cooler. I followed him. After opening it he paused for a moment and then he turned to me. "Timmy this is like a treasure chest. This is an amazing selection of great beers."
I glanced at the table. Everyone was watching Kirby. He rummaged around in the cooler. After a moment he pulled out a dark green bottle.
As Kirby was opening the bottle Doris said, "Maurice, do you see what he chose."
Maurice nodded. "Yes Doris, I do." He stood up and raised a half full glass of beer in salute. "Kirby my friend, it appears that we are both aficionados of Pilsner Urquell."
Kirby held up his bottle. "To the Czechs, they make a great beer." And then he took a take.
Laughing, Maurice said, "The French know how to cook, but when you want a great beer you have to go to eastern Europe."
Doris said, "Kirby, you'll find some beer glasses on the sideboard."
John Reynolds smiled. "Doris, Kirby is an old navy man. I suspect that he prefers to take from the bottle."
Kirby was a little disconcerted by the two comments. I was quite certain that he'd never even considered the possibility of using a glass. He started to nervously stammer out, "I um, if it's okay, I guess I'd like to..."
Martin Jackmister, who was still standing, recognized my friend's discomfort and immediately came to his rescue. He quickly walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Kirby, this is the back dining room. Here comfort is paramount. Please feel free to take from the bottle."
Kirby smiled.
"So Timmy, what are you going to choose?" It was Wendell Tyler. I think he'd also noticed Kirby's embarrassment and was trying to shift everyone's attention away from him.
I picked up the bottle of Merlot. "I'm really not much of a beer takeer." Glancing at Maurice, I said; "Sorry, I don't mean to disappoint you."
He gave me a casual wave. "Do not be concerned. I'm French, wine is my first love. Beer is only a mistress with whom I occasionally dally."
John Reynolds held up a glass of the wine. "Timmy, this wine is fabulous. You really should have some."
"If no one minds, I really would like to try it."
"Please pour a glass for yourself and then come over here and sit down." Martin Jackmister was now standing behind his chair. As I poured a glass of the wine he gestured towards the empty chair on his right. "Kirby please sit here." Gesturing to the other chair he added, "Timmy, please sit here."
As Kirby and I were taking our seats Nathan got up and went to the sideboard that held the china. He picked up two plates, two butter knives and two napkins. Setting them in front of Kirby and me he nodded towards the plate of sliced roast beef, basket of rolls, slab of butter and bowl of white sauce in the center of the table. "Those are Doris's rolls. They're one of her specialties and a favorite at Evergreen. She took them out of the oven less than an hour ago."
I glanced at Doris. She was blushing.
Nathan continued. "She sliced up the leftover prime rib from tonight's dinner and Maurice made the sauce. It's his special horseradish sauce."
As soon as we were settled John Reynolds passed the food over to Kirby. He took one roll.
Edward shook his head. "Kirby, Maurice and Doris's feelings will be hurt if you and Timmy don't each eat at least two or three sandwiches.”
Next to me, Ben said; "And it's never a good idea to upset the cooks."
From across the table Elvira whispered, "It's okay Cookie. The rolls are small and there's plenty. They really do want you to have several sandwiches." She looked around the table. "Sometimes my sweet friend is just a little shy."
As everyone nodded in understanding, Kirby put two more rolls on his plate and then he passed the basket to me. I took two rolls.
Cassie and Florence returned while we were making our sandwiches. They both took bottles of Heineken out of the beer cooler. Once they were seated Martin Jackmister looked at Nathan and said, "When Kirby and Timmy came in you were telling us about the Caribbean cruise that you took with your wife last week. I found it very interesting. I've never been on a cruise. Please tell us more."
While I ate my sandwiches and listened to Nathan describe the cruise, it occurred to me that Kelly and I had never taken a vacation. The cruise sounded like fun. I wished that Kelly was there so that she could also hear Nathan's story. That made me remember where my wife really was and what she was doing. At that moment Kelly was in Tyler Greer's bedroom, just one floor above us. A wave of envy tinged with a touch of jealousy crept into my heart as I pictured my naked wife lying on her back in Tyler's bed. He was on top of her. Kelly was screaming with delight as he pumped his big hard cock in and out of her slippery wet cunt.
Posts: 492
I'm having problems coming up with new accolades that I haven't said already GH. I love the characters, love the story, love the way you go into such great detail describing things that most of us would never think of. You're a gifted story teller my friend, you and Stormy could both make a pretty good living pursing some type of literary career.
Golf seamister is getting closer, I can't wait.
Not much of a beer takeer myself, I raise my wine glass in a salute to you.
Thanks for this awesome story.
Posts: 108
Sorry I haven't chimed in until now, but a fabulous story GH. I've been slowly getting caught up over the last few weeks and am finally current. I love the character development and especially the struggle for Timmy and Cookie to deal with their envy and jealousy. I think that's probably the hardest part that not a lot of stories talk about and you handle it very well. Although I think I'd have a tougher time than they are  Thanks for keeping up the great work Weslrobt
Posts: 14692
GH, Pilsner Urquell, that hit the spot. I understand Kirby is a navy guy but that beer needs a glass. It needs to "breathe" like a fine wine. I don't know if you ever had it on tap. But in a bar where they serve Urquell or any other true Pilsner style beer, and the bar tender know what hes doing, he will have five or six glasses working. Filling them a little bit at a time, let the head settle and top them off again and again until the glass has just the right amount of head.
Another really great segment.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH. Like Trf2, words fail me. The last few additions continue the great tradition of incredible story telling that I try hard not to take for granted. That I do sometimes take your ability to tell such a great story for granted is a credit to your talent - you never let me down! Really enjoyed Timmy's angst and turmoil over Kelly and Tyler's activities - it felt very real. I was away for over a week with no acccess, but catching up was a true joy. Glad you are feeling better and are able to both write and play golf. Other than the brief spell of bad weather I'll bet Tucmister is beautiful about now! Well, have to go catch up on the other stories soon. Wonder what Timmy27 has his characters doing!? It's fun coming back to multiple additions!
Posts: 4050
Again, I appreciate your kind comment. Not trying to make you envious, but I played golf today. It was 80 degrees in Tucmister.
Thanks for the comment. Yes, jealousy and envy are to emotions that frequently rear their heads in cuckold hot wife marriages. How could they not.
Pilsner Urquell is a great beer, maybe my favorite (I do also like Dortmunder Union and two or three hundred others). As far as takeing from the bottle I suspect that in the navy Kirby probably had takeing buddys who didn't even use a bottle opener, they just bit the top off.
Nice to have you back. I was again a little worried. That house boat seems to be drifting aimlessly in the middle of the lake waiting for its creator to return.
Tucmister is gorgeous right now. As I mentioned in my note to TrF2, it was 80 degrees today and I did play golf.
Gentlemen, thankyou again for your comments. I appreciate them.
Posts: 4050
#1,087 · Edited by: goodhusband
I took a deep breath and reminded myself that in a few hours or at least by morning Kelly would come back to me and Tyler would be leaving. Then my wife would be with me and for Tyler she would just be a memory.
That made me feel a little bit better and then I started thinking about college. I remembered all those wonderful nights that I spent writing stories in Kelly's dorm room while I waited for her to come home from a date. Other than occasionally missing Kelly, I never felt sad on any of those nights. I knew that she was just out having fun and as soon as she was done she would come back to her room to be with me. After I ate her pussy she'd give me a blow job and then we'd sit up talking, laughing and fooling around until dawn.
I shook my head. I didn't have any reamister to be upset or concerned. Kelly was still Kelly and I was still her little cuckold, her little submissive masochistic cuckold. Yes, at this very moment she was upstairs in bed with another man; but so what. That's what my wife does. That's what she's always done and that's what she'll always do. Kelly loves sex with lots of different men and it never means anything to her. For her it's just fun.
Now, being able to look at it from that perspective, the image of Tyler Greer on top of my wife, pumping his huge hard cock in and out of her slippery wet cunt started to get me excited. I felt my tiny penis trying to grow inside the confines of my cock cage.
I smiled. When you're tired and a little stressed it's very easy to get confused.
"Timmy, have you and Kelly ever been on a cruise?" It was Edward.
Startled, I glanced around the table. Everyone was looking at me. I hadn't been paying attention to the conversation, so it took me a moment to process the question.
While I was thinking I heard Kirby chuckle. "I do believe that my buddy was off in la la land."
Florence shrugged. "I can't say that I blame him. His wife is upstairs in bed with another man."
Cassie looked at me. "Timmy, is that what you were thinking about? Does it bother you?"
"I don't know why it should." We all turned and looked at Doris. She smiled. "Do any of you question the depth of Kelly's love for Timmy."
Ben laughed. "That would be foolish." He glanced around the table. "How long have we known Kelly? About a year now?"
Everyone nodded.
"During that time, Timmy is all that she's ever talked about." He leaned forward so that he could look down the table at me. "Timmy, did you know that you can walk on water?"
I smiled at him.
Cassie looked up and down the table. "I agree with Ben and Doris. Timmy doesn't have a thing to worry about. Kelly loves him and that's all there is to it. Also, I applaud the fact that he's secure enough as a man to allow his wife to have a little fun on the side once in a while.
Nathan grinned. "Cassie, Kelly's a hostess. She has more than a little fun. She has a whole lotta fun and she has it all the time."
Cassie rolled her eyes. "That's because it's her job and that makes it even less of an issue."
Shaking his head, Nathan asked; "Why is that?"
Doris stepped right in. "Because it's business and that makes the threat of emotional entanglements even less likely."
Edward quietly asked, "Do you see emotional involvement as the biggest concern in extramarital liaimisters?"
Cassie nodded. "I do. I mean as long as everyone understands that it's just a little fun on the side, who cares."
Florence turned to her. "Do you cheat on Marcus?"
"No I do not cheat on him." Cassie smiled. "I do have an occasional fling, we both do. I love a little strange once in a while and so does Marcus; but when we do it, it's only with each others knowledge and blessing."
Shaking her head, Florence said, "You let Marcus fool around?"
"I certainly do. He loves white pussy. This is South Carolina, a big black cock is an irresistible taboo for lots of the white women here. My Marcus is well endowed.” Cassie giggled. “Very well endowed. He has about a dozen middle aged white ladies who he enjoys on a regular basis. "
"And that doesn't bother you?"
"Why should it? They're all married to wealthy men. None of them are foolish enough to trade there expensive houses, fancy cars and country club memberships for a big cock, especially when they know how easy it is to get all they want on the side. Besides, Marcus is my man. He loves me, he'd never run off with one of those women." She giggled. "Of course it helps that he knows that if he ever did run off with one of them I'd hunt him down and cut off his balls."
We all chuckled.
Doris looked at Ben. "Ben, you're a big, handsome man. Do you have a stable of married white women?"
Ben smiled and shook his head. "I understand what Cassie is talking about. I suppose if I sent out the right signals it wouldn't be too hard, but I never have."
"Why not?"
"When we were first married, if either of us had needed a little extra on the side it would have been Sarah. She was insatiable. That woman nearly wore me out."
Everyone laughed.
He waited until we were quiet, then he said, "Ever since Sarah got sick it's been important for her to be confident that I'll always be there for her. I could never do anything that might shake that confidence, so I choose to not play around."
All of us quietly nodded.
There was a brief lull in the conversation. Edward chose that moment to discreetly stand up and quietly slip out of the room. No one seemed to pay any attention. I assumed that he was making sure that the guests had everything that they needed.
As soon as he was gone Elvira said, "My late husband Max and I were married for fifty-one years and I cuckolded him for that entire time." She smiled. "Max loved it. Just thinking about me in bed with another man was enough to get him excited. There was nothing he loved more than eating my pussy when I came home from a date."
Cassie giggled. "I'm not sure I could ever get Marcus to do that."
Elvira smiled at her. "I think my Max was a little more submissive than your Marcus."
"Marcus can be very submissive to me, but I think maybe in different ways."
Elvira nodded and then she continued. "There were times when I dated the same man for an extended period of time." She smiled. "I suppose you could say that I occasionally had a steady boyfriend. When that happened I had to be careful to constantly reassure Max that he was the only man I would ever truly love and the only man who really mattered to me."
Wendell Tyler quietly said, "Confidence, trust and security, those are the keys. Elvira and Max had an unshakeable trust in their love for each other. It's apparent that Timmy and Kelly and Cassie and Marcus share that same level of trust. That allows them to play around without hurting each other. Sarah's illness has shaken her self confidence and made her vulnerable. Ben is wise enough to recognize that, so he chooses to avoid doing anything that might make Sarah question the depth of his love for her."
"Leave it to the wise old sage of JTandR to sum up this conversation." Martin Jackmister smiled at his good friend across the table. "Well wise old sage, you and Elvira seem to be developing a serious relationship. Are you going to allow her to cuckold you?"
Mr. Tyler laughed. "Absolutely! In fact, she already is. She has a boyfriend named Wolfgang, She's made it clear to me that her relationship with him is purely physical. She enjoys him and I can't think of any reamister that she should have to give him up."
Elvira kissed Wendell on the cheek. "And my sweet man loves his regular hand jobs from Kelly. As long as Timmy doesn't mind, I don't see why he should have to stop getting those."
The entire group looked at me.
I grinned at Elvira and Wendell. "No, I don't think that's a problem. Right now Kelly is upstairs in bed with another man and I'm guessing that she's giving him more than just a hand job."
Martin Jackmister sputtered. "I sure hope that he's getting more than..." He stopped himself in mid sentence and shook his head. "Timmy, please forgive me. I spoke without thinking. I didn't mean to offend you."
I smiled at him. "It's all right sir, you didn't offend me. In fact, I'm glad that we had this discussion." I looked around the table. "I hope that because of it, you can now all speak openly with me about what my wife does for JTandR." Then I winked at Mr. Jackmister. "Sir I know Kelly and I can assure you that right now Mr. Greer is getting a whole lot more than just a hand job."
Everyone laughed.
Posts: 3581
 Very well stated with the mindset of swinging and the cuckold lifestyle!  Thanks GH Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
#1,089 · Edited by: goodhusband
As always, thank you
Part of my purpose in writing this story has been to provide both a defense and explanation for the cuckold lifestyle.
I'm sure that many readers here know that when I finish a story on this site I always turn around and post it at Literotica. At Literotica this story will be read by a large and very diverse group of people. Many of those readers neither embrace nor understand the cuckold lifestyle. In many cases they are even intolerant of the life style.
At times during this story I have feared that I have been a bit preachy. Well that's the reamister.
Thank you for understanding what I'm trying to do, and for your support while I've been writing this story.
Posts: 2106
The mark of a great writer. Just when i think i have everything figured out you slice one into the right rough. Very nice job, gh. As always, thank you for keeping us so marvelously entertained. priss
Posts: 1914
GH, Yet again, a little shimmy in the detail. Very nicely crafted and I'm sure I am not the only one who is dying to be in on the coming conversation. Thanks
Posts: 492
Oh, I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve this time. You always come up with such interesting twists and turns. Another two very enticing segments, GH. well done.
No, I don't completely understand the lifestyle, but I definitely have a much better understanding about it thanks to people like you, Stormy and the other writers on this site. It troubles me that you feel a need to defend- there is no need for anyone to pass judgment on choices that people make concerning their day to day lives. If you're visiting this site and things bother you here, or you read something that makes you uncomfortable, just go elsewhere for your entertainment. Oh well, as the kids say..........whatever.
You're right, I am jealous, but then again, good for you to be able to play some golf. I'm afraid it's still a few weeks away for me. We had a ton of snow which has since melted, and now it's rained for two solid days. I'm afraid the ground is supersaturated right now and will need some drying out before it's ready for golfing.
Thanks for the story GH, glad to hear that you're feeling better.
Posts: 1459
Very nice GH. I was afraid in yesterday's segment that you were drawing it to a close (I don't want it to end!), but then in today's you added another teaser of a nice new twist. Looking forward to seeing what it will be!
I also enjoyed your explanation of why you are writing this story as you are. It has never seemed preachy to me, just maybe a little more in depth and possibly sensitive, if that's the right word, than some of your others - which is no mean feat! It's been a glorious ride. Glad it's continuing! And good luck at Lit - there be trolls! Not many, I think, but they are a very obnoxious and vocal minority.
Trf2, I've buried a few balls in bunkers before, but when you start burying them in the middle of the green it's still too damn wet to play!! Patience, my friend, good things come to those who wait! Can you tell that the 2 locales I've frequented lately are either too frozen or too soggy? Pain in the butt! Good for GH, getting out to AZ!
Posts: 14692
Me thinkes this going to be a very interesting conversation. Can't wait. Then there is the conversation about vacations, opening another door, another way for Kelly to play and Timmy to suffer or just a few days of their special love for each other without any outsiders. Either way it's all good. Thanks for a great story.
Posts: 4050
#1,095 · Edited by: goodhusband
Hi Priss I hope you are doing well. As always thanks for the comment. It's funny, I write from and outline. It is a very general outling, but I do know all of the scenes and coversations that are ahead in the story. (occasionally I do make a change, but not often).I guess because I've been expecting them for so long I don't see them as twists. Anyway, I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Peak It's nice to hear from you. I always enjoy your posts. I'ver been looking forward to writing this conversation for a long time. I am about to post half of it now and write the remainder this afternoon. TrF2 Titsrfun2: It troubles me that you feel a need to defend- there is no need for anyone to pass judgment on choices that people make concerning their day to day lives. I wholeheartedly agree, but there are people who choose to judge and they often scream out their narrow minded opinions. If no one responds, then people begin to accept those views as valid. One of my many motivations for writing this story is to voice a response. Storm It's nice to have you back. Literotica is a double edged sword. The stories there get a lot more exposure, but of course that means that a greater range of people see them and some of them can be down right nasty. But the good comments seem to outnumber the negative ones. Timmy As always, thanks for the comment. One of the pleasures a long story is that the reader is never quite sure about what is going to happen next. I am enjoying that with your story and am pleased to hear that I might be returning the favor with mine. Gentlemen All of you, thank you for your support and comments. GH
Posts: 4050
#1,096 · Edited by: goodhusband
After Mr. Jackmister left the room Donny looked at me and said, "Martin told me that you're married to Melody, the woman who's entertaining Tyler tonight. He said that her real name is Kelly. Is that correct?"
I nodded. "Yes sir, that is true, Melody is my wife and her real name is Kelly."
Donny held up his hand. "Timmy I would prefer it if you didn't call me sir. I would very much like the three of us to be equals."
Smiling at him I said, "I'll try Donny, but it might be difficult. You're a millionaire and I, well I haven't done very much since I graduated from college."
Donny chuckled. "Actually Timmy, I'm a billionaire."
Kirby shook his head. "That makes it even more difficult. I'm just a retired navy cock. I'm not sure I've ever met a millionaire, let alone a billionaire."
"Actually Kirby, I'm quite certain that Martin, John and Wendell are all billionaires and Tyler Greer, Jamister Foley and Brad Cameron are all worth at least a hundred million dollars." Donny grinned. "And then of course there is the lovely and exotic Natasha. Yes, I am referring to your girlfriend Tonya. During the past two years Martin has had me handle some investments for her. I know that her total assets now approach thirty million dollars."
Kirby stared at him in shock. After a moment he quietly said, "Tonya? I knew that she had some money, but I never realized..." He shook his head. "What could possibly make her want to hang around with someone like me."
"Because you're a kind and gentle man who cares about her. You're also willing to accept who she is and how she made her money without judging her." Donny put his hand on Kirby's shoulder. "Listen to me, Tonya knows how proud you are and she's terrified that you'll leave her when you find out how much money she actually has. Kirby she's already madly in love with you and she's worried sick that she's going to lose you over this."
"How do you know that?"
"After we left the playhouse we went up to my room. She did a very erotic strip tease for me and then she pulled down my pajama bottoms, took off my cock cage and gave me the world's sweetest blow job." He looked at Kirby. "I hope I'm not upsetting you by telling you that."
Kirby shook his head. "No, it's all right. I kind of assumed something like that was going to happen. I gather that was the special surprise she was talking about."
"Actually it wasn't"
Kirby stared at him with a puzzled expression. "It wasn't?"
"No, it wasn't"
"May I ask what the special surprise was?" I was now very curious.
Donny turned to me and smiled. "Yes Timmy, you may. In fact I'm glad that you want to know. After we finish this conversation about money, it will be a good transition to the other topic that I want to discuss with the two of you tonight."
He paused for a moment and then he said, "But first let me answer the question that Kirby asked me a minute ago. After Tonya finished giving me that wonderful blow job we sat on my bed and talked for almost an hour. At first we talked about her finances and possible future investment plans. Permisteral goals are an important part of investment planning, so the conversation quickly shifted to her relationship with you Kirby. Now do you understand why we ended up talking about you?"
Kirby nodded. "Yes sir, I mean Donny. Yes I do, thank you."
Donny looked at Kirby. "You are huge part of Tonya's plans for the future. She's a wonderful woman and Kirby, you seem to be a wonderful man. She already loves you and she's made the decision that she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. Please don't let her wealth come between the two of you.'
"I don't know if I can be a kept man."
Shaking his head, Donny said, "Kirby, she doesn't want you to be a kept man and you wouldn't be a kept man. You have a pension from the navy, correct?"
"And you drive a Lincoln for JTandR, right."
"Does Martin pay you a good income?"
Kirby smiled. "Yes, he's very generous."
"If you were to leave Tonya and live on your own would you be comfortable?"
Laughing, Kirby said; "Yes, I'd be very comfortable. I'm about to start bringing home three times as much money as I've ever earned in my entire life."
"It doesn't sound to me like you'd be a kept man."
"But Tonya's a millionaire."
"Yes and she's worked very hard to amass that fortune. Kirby, how many men do you think she had to have sex with in order to earn that much money?"
"I don't know, a lot I guess."
"Let's think about it. Tonya is forty-two."
"Yes she is."
"And she went to work for JTandR about five years ago, isn't that right."
"That's about right, It was a gradual process. At first she was a call girl that they hired on a regular basis."
Donny nodded and then he said, "Let's say that she started in the business when she was twenty."
"Actually I think she was eighteen."
"Let's be conservative and call it twenty. That means she worked as an escort for about seventeen years. "
Kirby nodded. "Okay."
"How many weeks a year do you think she worked?"
Smiling, Kirby said; "I think she worked all the time."
"Okay, let's say that she worked five days a week for forty-eight weeks a year. Again were being conservative in our estimate."
Donald paused. I think he was giving us an opportunity to assimilate everything he'd said so far. After a moment he continued. "How many men do you think she saw in a day?"
"She told me that sometimes it was as many as six or seven."
"Why don't we call it four."
Kirby nodded in agreement.
"All right, four men a day, five days a week for forty-eight weeks a year. That means she saw roughly nine hundred and sixty men a year. For ease of computation let's say that she saw a thousand men a year."
Shaking his head, Kirby quietly said, "Seventeen thousand men."
"I'm sure that she had a lot of regular customers so it wasn't seventeen thousand different men. It was probably more like five or six thousand."
"Five or six thousand different men? Are you trying to convince me to stop seeing Tonya?l"
"No Kirby, I'm not. What I'm trying to do is help you appreciate just what she had to do to get her twenty million dollars. Kirby this woman worked hard and she was frugal. She didn't spend her money on haves, designer clothes, fancy cars, big houses or expensive jewelry. She saved it and when she had enough saved she invested it. JtandR bought her the Mercedes. She used to drive a small Chevrolet. She still buys her clothes at T.J. Maxx. She lives in an apartment and she wears department store jewelry. Kirby, it's time for Tonya to start spending her money and she wants to be able to spend it with you."
"But if she starts spending her money, won't she go broke?"
Donny smiled. "Leave that to Martin Jackmister, John Reynolds, Wendell Tyler and me. They used to say that the first million was the hardest to make. Now it's more like the first ten million, but she has that. Don't worry Kirby, we'll make sure that you and Tonya never run out of money."
Kirby thought about all of this for a moment and then he turned and looked at me. He didn't say anything. I don't think he knew what to say.
I smiled at him. "Face it Kirb, you've got a rich girlfriend."
Kirby shook his head. "But I don't want a rich girlfriend. I just want Tonya."
Donny chuckled. "Unfortunately Kirby, she comes with the money."
He sighed. "All right, what should I do?"
"first of all you need to reassure her. You need to tell her that you know about her money and that it doesn't make any difference to you. She needs to know that you still want to be with her."
"But then won't she worry that I'm just hanging around with her because of her money?"
"No Kirby, she won't. She recognizes the depth of your character. Above all else she trusts you."
Kirby shrugged. "It doesn't matter, I'll never be able to hang on to her."
Donny stared at him. "What do you mean?
"I'm nothing but a fat old ugly retired navy cook who's arms are covered with tattoos. Tonya is a beautiful, middle aged woman and she's a millionaire. It won't be long before rich playboys and movie stars are flocking around her."
Shaking his head, Donny said; "Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, give Tonya some credit and give yourself some too. You are not just a," He smiled. "How did you just put it? A fat old ugly retired navy cook who's arms are covered with tattoos?"
Kirby nodded.
Donny sighed. "No Kirby, when Tonya looks at you that is not what she sees. She sees a kind and gentle man who knows how to love. That's what Tonya wants and I am certain that she would give up every dollar she's ever made just to be able to spend the rest of her life being loved by a man like you."
Donny paused. He appeared to be thinking about his next words. Finally he said, "Kirby, Tonya's spent her entire adult life having sex with men; old men, young men, fat men, thin men, kind men and I'm sure sometimes crude men. That life has taught her that beauty is not in the face or the abs or the pecs or the butt or even the cock. She's learned that beauty is in the heart."
He smiled. "Kirby, you have an enormous heart and it's filled with love. Tonya wants your heart and she doesn't care about anything else. “
For a moment all three of us were silent. I know that I was deeply moved and looking at him I was certain that Kirby was too.
Finally Kirby said, "You told me that I should tell Tonya that I know about her money. Can I tell her that you told me?"
"Yes, that would be fine. Actually I told her that I was going to tell you."
"You did?'
"And she was okay with that?"
"She's worried about how you're going to react, but she realizes that eventually you have to know. She doesn't want any secrets in her relationship with you." He smiled. "Also, you have to know about the money because she wants to be able to spend it with you. That's very important to her."
Kirby slowly nodded. After a moment he asked, "What should I say to her after I tell her that you told me about the money?"
"Kirby, do you love Tonya?"
"Yes, I think I do." He shook his head. "No, I'm sure I do."
"Tell her that and after you tell her that, tell her that it doesn't make any difference to you if she's rich or she's poor, you just want to spend the rest of your life with her." He smiled. "And then hold her. Hold her in your arms."
"Hold her?'
Donny nodded. "Yes, Tonya loves sex, she always will. I'm sure that she loves sex with you, but you can give her something that she wants even more. You can hold her in your arms and make her feel safe and loved."
Kirby smiled. "I can do that."
Posts: 1459
That was beautiful GH, very moving. Thanks.
Posts: 14692
I fully agree with Stormy. I can see in my mind how Kirby is struggling with the concept of Tonya having all that money and worrying. I see a certain friendship developing between the three subbies.
Does my magic eight ball tell me that there is a party in the future Donald and his wife, Tonya and Kirby and Kelly and Timmy?
Posts: 1914
GH, You don't know how glad I am that you didn't put a question mark on the end of that last sentence. There are nuggets and there are nuggets, sometimes yours are just pure gold.
Posts: 4050
#1,100 · Edited by: goodhusband
Storm, Timmy and Peak
Thank you, I really enjoyed writing that segment. I'm glad you liked it.
Posts: 125
Posts: 4050
#1,102 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thanks, that was a very nice thing to say. As always I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.
Posts: 14692
GH, sure looks lime the prediction of my foggy eight ball may come true.
Another great segment. Thanks You ever soo much my friend
Posts: 492
I feel so bad for Kirby. The woman who loves him dearly is worth $30mil. Oh what's a guy to do? I'd be stuck to her like a 5 year old boy's tongue to a frozen light pole.
Great job as usual GH, it just gets better and better.
Thanks, and continued good health for you.
Posts: 492
I feel so bad for Kirby. The woman who loves him dearly is worth $30mil. Oh what's a guy to do? I'd be stuck to her like a 5 year old boy's tongue to a frozen light pole.
Great job as usual GH, it just gets better and better.
Thanks, and continued good health for you.
Posts: 492
Sorry about the double post, something weird happened when I hit "post message". I think the electrons went to word heaven, then suddenly reappeared as I had written them. As the kids say..........."whatever"........
Posts: 1459
goodhusband: He smiled. "This evening, if they had been in the playhouse when Kelly, Keisha and Mandy were putting on their sex show, they both would have jumped right in. They wouldn't have done it because they wanted to be part of a lesbian sex orgy. They would have done it because performing for Jamister, Brad and Tyler would have excited them." GH, where do I go to find women like this? I've only known one women in my life that was as overtly sexual as these seem to be, and even she confined her, umm, extremely adventurous nature to one-on-one situations, although often in public places. In a group she acted the biggest prude ever! Also wanted to ask...I think I'm a fairly nice guy. Why do you suppose no one has ever sent me a case of Chivas??
Posts: 4050
Everyone is talking about the disruption in the site this week. Some people lost some of there posts and I can certainly understand why they would be upset. I very happy that someone was able to rescue Storm and restore the segement from his new story that he'd lost.
For me it turned out to be an absolute gift. I do write from an outline, but it is not a really detailed outline. Because of that I occasionally start down a path that turns out to be a problem. The recent scene with Melanie Simpmister and Donny was such a situation. It turned out to be much longer, more intricate and a bit more laborious than I'd originally planned. Fortunately the glitch in the site wiped it all out and brought me back to the point where I started that segment. Needless to say, I have now returned the story to its correct path.
I have saved those segments and put them in a separate folder. I think it will later make an excellent short story, but trying to include it in this story was just too awkward.
I hope you will all understand.
Posts: 4050
#1,109 · Edited by: goodhusband
Smiling at Kirby, Donny asked; "Were there any stories about submissive men and dominant women in that collection?"
Kirby grimaced. "Kind of, I mean this gets right to the heart of your question about when did we first realize that we were submissives."
"Good, tell us about it."
"I joined the navy when I was eighteen. I was fresh out of high school." Kirby chuckled. "Earlier we were talking about people who are intolerant of anyone who thinks differently than they do."
Donny and I both nodded.
"Well let me tell you, high school is a hot bed of intolerance, but a navy ship is ten times worse." Kirby shook his head. "Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of bright, open minded people on a navy ship. Unfortunately there are also a number of ignorant, loud mouthed, neanderthals who are eager to condemn anyone who advocates any sexual behavior that falls outside the narrow limits of their own permisteral attitudes about what is acceptable conduct for a real man. Anyone who dared to believe differently than they did, was a fag, a pussy or a wimp and anyone who dared to challenge their stilted opinions was assailed with a torrent of catcalls, epithets and verbal use."
Kirby looked at both of us. "That was the environment in which I formed my beliefs and attitudes about what constituted appropriate sexual behavior for a real man. Please keep that in mind while I try to answer this question."
Donny smiled. "I understand, it wasn't exactly the open minded free thinking atmosphere of a college or university."
Kirby shook his head. "It certainly wasn't." He paused. He appeared to be thinking. After a moment he said, "I guess I had two..."He looked at Donny. "You referred to your revelation as an epiphany, correct?"
Donny nodded. "Yes, it means a revealing scene of momentary..."
Kirby held up his hand. "I know what it means."
"I'm sorry Kirb, I wasn't trying to suggest..." Donny stopped himself in mid sentence, shook his head, threw up his arms in exasperation and exclaimed, "Aw cuckolds brownie, I'm doing it again. Please forgive me Kirb. Sometimes I can be an insufferable know it all. I didn't mean to offend you."
Kirby laughed. "Don't worry Donny, it takes a lot more than that to offend me and if your worst fault is being a know it all, then you're a pretty good guy."
"Thanks Kirb." Donny smiled. "I think my first wife would tell you that being a know it all was the least of my faults."
"May I ask why you did get divorced?"
Kirby looked at me. "Timmy that's a very permisteral question."
Donny shrugged. "Thanks Kirb, I appreciate your concern, but we're already talking about some pretty sensitive issues. I don't think Timmy's question is at all out of line." He turned to me. "Timmy, Claire and I got married for all the right reamisters and all of the wrong reamisters."
I chuckled. "That's an interesting statement."
"Claire was bright, very attractive and fun. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and went on to finish near the top of her class at Harvard Law school. I was a financial whiz kid who was destined to make a fortune. She was an up and coming star in the world of corporate law. We were the perfect match." He sighed. "That is until we got into the boudoir. I wanted Claire to be as assertive in bed as she was at the conference table. Claire wanted to be dominant every where but the bedroom. Once she took her clothes off she was almost as submissive as I was."
Donny laughed. "When I suggested that it would be all right with me if she took a lover, she went ballistic. She argued that if I wanted to share her with another man, I couldn't possibly love her."
Smiling, Donny said, "Ironically, we finally got divorced because I found out she was having a secret affair with another attorney. Her boyfriend just happened to be a six foot five inch stud who'd played tight end for Ohio State University."
He shook his head. "If she'd just told me about it, it would have been fine; but she had to keep it a secret and that made it cheating."
In voice laden with regret Donny said, "Except for the bedroom, we were a perfect match. Sadly, the bedroom was such a disaster that it ended up tainting our feelings for each other everywhere else. Claire lost all of her respect for me and I lost all of my trust in her. We ended up hating each other."
Donny looked at Kirby and me. "If a man wants to be a submissive cuckold, he damned well better make sure that he marries the right woman."
I said, "I gather that you didn't make that same mistake with Michelle."
Donny grinned. "No I didn't. When it comes to sex, Michelle and I are a perfect match."
"How about outside the bedroom?"
Kirby gave me a dirty look. He obviously thought I was pushing too hard.
Donny smiled at him. 'It's all right Kirb. Timmy's asking good questions and I want to try to answer them.” He turned back to me. "Michelle is not the professional superstar that Claire was, but she's bright. well educated and most of all she likes me. Timmy, Michelle and I are very close friends." He paused for a moment and then he said, "You know, being in love with your spouse is very important."
He laughed "Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely certain that Michelle loves me; but I also know that she likes me and that's more important. Timmy, loving your husband or your wife is nice, but it doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't like each other. Michelle is my best friend and I feel very confident that I'm her best friend. Timmy, that's what really matters. I don't think that Claire and I ever actually liked each other."
That made me think about Kelly and me. We had become best friends long before we realized that we were in love with each other. I remembered all the wonderful nights that we'd spent together reading stories and poems that we'd written, doing the New York Times Crossword Puzzle or even just watching a stupid comedy on television. We liked each other. We enjoyed each others company. As I thought about that, I realized why the gradual estrangement that had occurred between us over the past year had been so very painful. We weren't just losing our love, we were both losing our best friend.
I looked at Donny and said, "That makes a lot of sense to me."
Donny nodded and then he turned to Kirby. "You were telling us about your epiphany."
Posts: 4050
#1,110 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kirby smiled. "Actually I had two of them."
Donny raised his eyebrows. "Two?"
"That's right. The first one occurred when I was twenty-one. I was browsing through a book shop that specialized in erotica." He grinned. "Of course in the navy we referred to erotica as fuck books and the shops that sell them as dirty book stores." Kirby was grinning.
Donny and I both laughed. As I got to know him, I was learning that my good friend had a wry sense of humor.
"As I wandered through the store I happened across a small section of books and magazines featuring pictures and stories about dominant women. Many of the magazines had drawings or photographs of buxom females wearing leather or latex outfits and wielding whips. At first I was fascinated. I'd never before seen anything like that. The magazines were all wrapped in plastic. I picked some of them up so that I could look at the backs. Suddenly I realized that I was very aroused. This embarrassed me and made me feel ashamed. I may have been a naive twenty-one year old kid, but I was smart enough to understand that those macho guys on board the ship would call anyone who was excited by pictures and stories like these a wimp or a fairy."
Kirby smiled. "I quickly put down the magazine I'd been looking at and hurried out of that section. Unfortunately I couldn't get the pictures and stories out of my mind. I found myself being repeatedly being drawn back to that accursed section. I tried to resist the temptation, but it was almost like those exotic latex clad women in the magazines were beckoning to me like the sirens in Homer's Odyssey. Each time I returned I would try to surreptitiously examine as many of the books and magazines as I possibly could before my shame once again overwhelmed me and powerd me to beat a hasty retreat."
Shaking his head, Kirby said, "The magazines were too big, I knew I could never hide one of them on the ship. On the other hand, I was quite certain that I could keep one of paper back books safely concealed. The more I thought about it the more I realized that I wanted one. I tried to convince myself that I was only going to do it so that I could learn more about this strange new aberration, but I was only kidding myself. In my heart, I already knew that the idea of being whipped by a beautiful latex clad dominatrix was an unbelievably exciting fantasy for me."
I looked at Kirby. "Did you do it? Did you buy one?"
My buddy chuckled. "It was difficult. Just the idea of handing one of those books to the man at the checkout counter was both scary and incredibly embarrassing. For several minutes I wandered around the store trying to resist the temptation. My better judgment was screaming at me to get out of that store and forget about this wicked fascination, but I couldn't tear myself away. Finally I succumbed."
Kirby looked at both of us. "I came up with a plan. I selected six mainstream fuck books and then trying to be as nonchalant as possible I crept back to that shameful section. I quickly selected one of the forbidden books and slipped it into the middle of my stack of mainstream paperbacks. Next I waited until there was no one waiting to check out and then with my money ready I hurriedly walked over and set my stack of books on the counter. I thought the clerk was going to take all day. He held up each book while he searched for the price and then keyed the amount into the cash register. When he held up my special book I thought I was going to die of embarrassment, but he didn't even look up at me. Apparently I wasn't the first customer to buy one of those books. After I paid him I felt an enormous sense of relief when he finally put the books into a brown paper sack and I was absolutely giddy as I left the store carrying my special treasure."
I asked, "Do you remember the name of the book?"
"I'll never forget it. It was called,The Latex Goddess."
I grinned at my friend. "Whew! I'll bet it was hot."
Vigorously nodding his head Kirby said, "It was."
Donny chuckled as he asked, "What did you do next?"
"I went to a bar. I needed a beer and I was hungry, but before I sat down in one of the booths I went into the men's room and tore the cover off of the book. It pained me to have to throw away the picture of my latex goddess, but I knew that I had to do it. It was the only way I had a chance to keep the subject of the book a secret and that was essential. The use I would have had to endure if any of those sanctimonious assholes on the ship had found it would have been unbearable. It also allowed me to sit in my booth in that bar and read the book while I ate my hamburger and drank my beer."
Donny looked at Kirby. "Did you ever buy more books like that one?"
Kirby sighed. "A few, but not very many."
"Why not?"
"Mostly because I believed that the more books I had the more likely it was that one of the other crew members would find one of them." He paused for a moment and then he added, "But there was another reamister."
"What was it?"
"You remember my describing the attitude of intolerance that prevailed among the crew on the ships I served aboard."
Donny and I both nodded.
Kirby shook his head. "When you keep hearing the same narrow minded opinions day after day, it's hard to keep from eventually believing them. I tried so hard to resist the temptation of my special books. When I did succumb I enjoyed them, but later I always felt like a pervert."
He smiled. "It wasn't until my second epiphany that I was actually able to enjoy my fantasies."
Donny said, "Tell us about your second epiphany."
Kirby grinned. "I met a group of wonderful people. One of them is sitting across from me right now. Another one of them was your mistress for the evening and then of course there is Elvira, wonderful wonderful Elvira. These new friends and several others have taught me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my fantasies. They may be different than the fantasies other people enjoy, but that's all they are. They're not better, they're not worse; they're just different."