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Thanks Timmy

Don't worry, I'm just plugging away.



Posts: 4050
#1,052 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I looked at Kelly and Tyler Greer. A momentary pang of jealousy stabbed at my gut when I noticed that they were holding hands and smiling. They reminded me of two teenagers making their entrance at the junior prom.

Martin Jackmister walked over to them. "Tyler, is Melody showing you a good time?"

Tyler laughed. "Martin, she's amazing. I can't believe the things this woman is capable of doing with her tongue. I thought Donny's wife was good at giving head; but compared to Melody, she's a rank amateur."

Mr. Jackmister nodded. "She is talented isn't she."

I looked at Kelly. She was blushing. Suddenly she glanced over at me. For a brief second our eyes met. For a moment I thought I detected a hint of apprehension or even sadness in her face and then it was gone and the flirtatious smile that I'd seen all afternoon was back.

"How about you Brad? Is Jasmine taking good care of you?" I turned. John Reynolds had his hand on Brad Cameron's shoulder.

Brad grinned. "John, I think she's trying to fuck me to death."

Mr. Reynolds winked at him. "I can't imagine a better way to go."

Brad laughed. "I have to agree."

"And Jamister, how is Angela treating you?" Martin Jackmister was smiling at Jamister Foley.

Jamister shook his head. "Martin, I have never been with a woman who is so adventurous and so eager to please me. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven."

"She is wonderful" Mr. Jackmister looked at all six of them with a gracious smile. "I'm glad that all of you are having a good time. Dinner will be served in about an hour. Right now it's time for cocktails and some delicious looking appetizers that our chef and his assistant have prepared for us." Turning to Nathan he said, "Please get everyone's take orders."

Nathan motioned to me. "Bunny, assist me."

As I was moving to join Nathan I heard Kelly say, "Tyler honey, can I get you a plate of those appetizers. After the last hour in your room I have to believe that you're absolutely famished."

Tyler chuckled. "Yes, we certainly did work up an appetite."

Kelly turned to Nathan. "Nathan dear, could you lend me Bunny for a moment. I'd like him to give me a hand."

This was unexpected. Nathan stared at Kelly. After a second he turned to Mr. Jackmister. Mr. Jackmister gave Kelly quick glance and then he nodded to Nathan.

Nathan turned back to Kelly with a smile. "Certainly." And then he looked at me. “Bunny please assist Ms. Melody."

I nodded. "Yes sir." And followed Kelly to the sideboard holding the appetizers.

Behind me I heard Martin Jackmister say, "Tyler, let's go over to the bar and get you a cocktail."

When we got to the sideboard Kelly picked up a plate and said, "Hold this for me Bunny." I took the plate. As Kelly selected several appetizers she whispered, "I miss you babydoll."

I sensed that there was something bothering my wife. In my quietest voice I asked; "Mistress Melody, are you all right?"

"Timmy, promise me something."

"Sure anything."

"If I die before you do, promise me that my headstone won't say, she gave a great blow job."

I looked at Kelly with a puzzled expression.

Smiling at my obvious confusion, she said; "Babydoll, I love sex and Tyler has a wonderful cock. I absolutely adore sucking it." She paused for a moment and then she whispered, "But that isn't all I want to do with my life. There has to be something more. I'm not just a blond with big tits who gives great head. I have a brain."

I whispered, "Yes you do. I might remind you that you happen to be a very talented poet. Do you remember your poem about the little girl chasing a butterfly through a rose garden on a sunny summer afternoon?"

Kelly nodded. "Of course I do. That was the poem I read in our creative writing class the day we met."

"Yes, and while I love your blond hair, bit tits and talented lips, that poem was what really attracted me to you."

Kelly giggled. "I know, that's one of the million reamisters that I'm so madly in love with you." She paused for a moment and then she added, "But Timmy, you're the only one knows about that part of me."

"Well I guess it's time for you to start writing again. Remember a week and a half ago when we were discussing whether or not you should try return to this job?"


"One of the reamisters we decided it was a good idea was that this job actually gives you time to write."

Kelly shook her head. "I don't know Timmy. Right now, they're keeping me awfully busy. As soon as we get back tomorrow I have to meet another guy at the Calvert Hotel."

"Yes, but that's because they're trying to put together a major corporate buyout. As soon as it's done our schedule will get much easier." We both turned. Mandy was standing next to us. "Are you guys all right?"

I smiled. "We're fine, Kelly is just having a case of the temporary blues. She's feeling a little down about not doing much with her life. I'm reminding her that she's a very talented poet and she's about to be able to start writing again."

"Really? When we live together could you guys teach me to write?"

I smiled at Mandy. "We'd love to."

Mandy grinned, then her expression suddenly became more serious. "Kel honey, this is really unusual for you. I've never seen you lose your concentration when you're with a guy. Are you sure you're feeling all right? Is Ty a creep?"

"No I feel fine and Ty is actually a lot of fun." Kelly sighed. "I think everything that's happened in the past few weeks is finally starting to catch up with me." She smiled at Mandy. "Talking to Timmy helped. I'm starting to feel better already."

Kelly put several appetizers on the plate I was holding. As she was doing it she looked at me with a playful grin and said, "So what will you put on my tombstone when I die?"

I chuckled. "well first of all we're only twenty-four, so I think the question is a bit premature. We both have a lot of life left to live."

"You're dodging the question."

"Okay, if you insist. Right now, if I had to do it, I would have your tombstone inscribed with these words; Kelly Mamister, wife, lover, poet and one of the great courtesans of the twenty-first century."

Kelly thought about this for a moment and then she smiled. "Thank you Timmy, I really like that. I really like it a lot."

She took the plate from me. "I'd better get back to Ty." As she turned to leave she whispered, "Babydoll I love you."

I nodded. "I know."

Once she was gone Mandy said, "That was really sweet. If I die before you do will you promise to do my tombstone too?"

I shook my head. "We're certainly getting a little morbid this evening."

"Don't dodge the question."

"Okay, yes I'll do it."

"What will it say?"

"Again, you're only twenty-six. You also have a lot of life left to live."

"I know, but if you had to write it tonight, what would it say?"

"All right." I thought for a moment and then I said, "Mandy Wells, friend, lover, teacher and one of the great courtesans of the twenty- first century."

Mandy looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Teacher? Timmy I always wanted to be a teacher, but I'm not. I barely finished high school and I never went to college."

"Not because you weren't smart enough. The trouble your mom and dad had during your senior year in high school was the only reamister you didn't go to college."

"But I'm still not a teacher."

"Yes you are, you're a natural teacher. Over the past week and a half you've given both Kelly and me a crash course in dominant submissive sex and our new lifestyle."

Mandy giggled. "You mean I'm an instructor of alternative life styles."

I nodded. "Yes and a very good one."

"Thank you Timmy, I like that." She gently patted my hand. "Now I'd better get back to Jamister."


Posts: 14692
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GH, that was absolutely fantastic the way you described Kellie's mood and Timmie's reaction. Thank you.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH, those were excellent additions. You always know just how to work the loving dynamic into the sex play! Good to see that you're feeling up to doing a little writing again. Damn, I've missed this!!


Posts: 125
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gh, another nice unexpected twist......proving that you write like real people live........hope you are feeling better

sally ann


Posts: 4050
#1,056 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Timmy, Storm and Sallyann

Thanks for your continued support, I do appreciate it.



Posts: 4050
#1,057 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"Bunny, hold this tray for me."

It was Edward. He had a silver serving tray in his hands. I took it from him and held it while he filled several plates with appetizers and set them on the tray.

Once that was done he said, "Mr. Jackmister would like to see you in the hall."

Suddenly I started to get very nervous. Mr. Jackmister had made it very clear that there was not to be any social interaction between Kelly and me while the guests were here. Clearly I had just ***d that rule.

I slowly nodded. "Yes sir." As I turned and apprehensively walked out of the parlor I felt like a convicted ***er on his way to his execution

Mr. Jackmister was waiting for me in the hall. I was prepared for and willing to accept a stern reprimand. During the past week this man had done wonderful things for me and the people around me. Now I felt like I'd let him down. I was ashamed.

I stopped in front of him and stared at the floor. I felt like a young reluctantly ready to bear the onslaught of an angry man.

"Bunny is everything all right?"

These were neither the words nor the tone of voice that I'd expected. I looked up at him. There was an expression of concern in his eyes.

Still nervous I started to try to stammer out an answer. "I ah, well..."

He smiled and gently touched my shoulder. "It's all right. I'm not angry with you or for that matter, Kelly or Mandy, but I am concerned."

His words put me at ease. I took a second to regain my composure and then I took a deep breath. "I think everything is fine. Would you like me to try to explain?"

"Yes, please."

"Kelly knows that she's a beautiful woman."

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Yes she certainly is."

"She understands that it was a blessing, but by the time she was in high school she also began to realize that in some ways it was a curse."

He nodded. "Yes, I think I understand. Your wife is a very bright and talented permister, but her blond hair, pretty face and fabulous figure make it difficult for many people to see that."

I smiled. "That's right."

"What upset her tonight?"

"Kelly loves sex and she really does take pride in her ability to excite and satisfy a man, but..."

"But she only wants that to be one part of her permistera." He shook his head. "I think I understand. When Tyler praised her for her ability to give a blow job she started to worry that we believed that was all she was capable of doing."

"I think it goes deeper than that."

"What do you mean?"

"I think she's worried that she's beginning to believe that that's all she's capable of doing."

Mr. Jackmister sighed. "Ah yes, one's self perception is always the most important."

"What did you tell her? You obviously said something that made her feel better. Right now she's in the parlor flirting with Tyler with every bit of the expertise and enthusiasm that I've come to expect from her."

"I reminded her that she's a talented poet."

"Yes I remember that from the reports we put together about her while she was still in college."

"I also reminded her that when she made the decision to talk to you about getting her old job back, one of the reamisters for that decision was that being a hostess has enough flexibility to allow some time for her to start writing again. Now that she doesn't have to try to hide what she's doing from me anymore, that should be even more true. That excited her. Kelly loves to write and she takes a lot of pride in her ability."

I paused. After a moment I added, "She was a little worried that right now you're keeping her too busy to write, but Mandy reminded her that once this buy out attempt is over things should settle down again."

Mr. Jackmister nodded. "That's true." He thought about all of this for a few seconds and then he said, "What about my girl? After Kelly left she stayed and talked to you for another minute or two. Is she all right?"

"She has the same problem as Kelly but it's maybe even more complicated."

"Tell me."

"She's just as smart as Kelly, but at least Kelly got to go to college. That gave her some confidence in her ability. All Mandy has done since high school is work as a stripper and an escort."

"What did you tell her? When she left you there was a huge smile on her face."

"I told her that she was a wonderful teacher."

"A teacher?"

"Yes, I reminded her about how much she's taught Kelly and me during the past week and a half."

Mr. Jackmister grinned. "Timmy I certainly made the right decision when I hired you."


"Young man, you're not down here to be a slave. That's just part of a fantasy that we're all enjoying. I am impressed with the reports you're producing, but I have staff that I could have assigned to that task. Timmy I hired you to do what you're doing right now, take care of our hostesses. I hired Kirby and Elvira for the same reamister. Ever since we started using hostesses I've worried about the emotional effects the job might have on them. Loneliness, negative self perception and little sense of permisteral fulfillment; those are just some of the issues that these women face. Timmy I hired the three of you to be anchors. Your real job is to love, care for and nurture my hostesses."

He smiled at me. "And so far you seem to be doing an outstanding job."

I smiled back at him. "Thank you sir."

Suddenly we heard the sound of footsteps climbing a wooden staircase. Mr. Jackmister and I both turned in the direction of the noise. A door ten feet beyond the entrance to the dining room opened and Tonya emerged followed by Donald Kline.

Tonya looked like she'd just stepped out of a submissive's wet dream. She was wearing a shiny black leather mini dress that laced up the front, a pair of thigh high black patent leather boots with what had to be eight inch spike heels and elbow length black leather gloves. Her dress was just as low cut, short and revealing as the dresses Keisha and Kelly were wearing. Her ash blond hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail and she wore dark black eyeshadow and thick red lipstick. All of this combined to create an aura of malevolence that both frightened and excited me.

In her left hand Tonya carried a horsewhip and in her right she held a leash that was attached to the dog collar around Donald Kline's neck.

Her slave was now wearing a pair of little boys one piece pajamas with footies. They were pink with little teddy bears all over them and I was certain that they had to have been specially made in order to get them in a size that would fit Donald Kline.

When she saw us Tonya smiled and said, "Come Twinkles."

As they approached us Mr. Jackmister said, "Good evening Natasha, may I have a word with your pet?"

"Of course." She turned to Donald Kline. "Twinkles, you may answer Mr. Jackmister."

"How are you doing Donald? Is Natasha showing you a good time?"

That made him grin. "Some people might question the phrase, good time; but yes, I'm having the experience of my life. I gather that at some point Mistress Natasha talked to my wife and Michelle filled her in on my most secret fantasies."

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Very good, we want you to have a good time. Remember, you're among friends here. No one is going to judge you." Then he gestured to me. "Donald, this is Bunny; he's another submissive and he's actually owned by Melody and Angela."

Donald Kline looked at me for a moment and then he said, "Really, you must lead a very exciting life."

I nodded. "I enjoy it."

He laughed. "Yes, I'll bet you do." He shook his head. "Owned by two beautiful women. I am envious." Quickly holding up his hand he added, "Don't ever tell my wife I said that."

Mr. Jackmister laughed. "Don't worry Donald, your secret is safe with us." He looked at Tonya. "Natasha, shall we join the others?"

Tonya smiled and then she tugged on Donald's leash. "Come Twinkles, your last training session made me thirsty. I'm in the mood for a cocktail." Tonya pulled Donald into the parlor.

After they were gone I turned to Mr. Jackmister. "Sir, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can Timmy."

"I thought that it was essential that we keep my relationship with Kelly and Mandy a secret from the guests; but you just told Mr. Kline about us."

"Timmy, Donald Kline is one of the most influential financial investors on the east coast. At least three dozen very wealthy men follow his lead. I'm hoping that I just created a bond between the two of you, a bond that in the future may be very helpful to all of us."

"What do you want me to do?"

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Just be yourself Timmy, that's all you'll have to do."


Posts: 1459
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Gh, again I have to say how much I love the characters you create! They are always so fascinatingly complex, and yet kind and caring. I've met people like that from time to time, but you bring them all together into one great story where we can spend a little time enjoying the pleasure of their company while we shut out the real world for a spell. Thanks!!


Posts: 14692
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GH, I read a chapter that is as good, no better than any thing else. Then you come out with the next one and it's even better. There should be a Nobel prize for kiink and you should be the first recipient. Thank you for providing another grat moment of pleasure.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Stormy & Timmy hit the nail on the head! All I can add is......

The Master of the pen has struck again!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
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Storm, Timmy and ck41

Thank you, those are very kind words.



Posts: 125
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very, very nice how you draw the people in your story into a complex relationship rather than just have them comming in and out of the story. the best two words that I can say is ........thank you

sally ann


Posts: 1459
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Second that! Very nice GH, a finely woven story. Thanks!


Posts: 4050
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Sallyann and storm


Again I appreciate your support.



Posts: 14692
#1,065 · Edited by: Timmy27
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GH you are on the roll. Looks like you're feeling much better. Take break and hit the links unless the weather is crappy were ever you are. Really enjoying these latest chapters.


Posts: 492
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Sorry GH, been away for a while. Me and the missus took some time off to celebrate our 20th anniversary down in the Islands. It was nice to see some warm weather for a change.

Just got caught up with the story and want to tell you how much I enjoyed reading these last few segments. I've said it before, and I'll echo everyone else's comments by saying it again, but I love the way you develop your characters. The give and take, the friendly, compassionate mannerisms, it's so entertaining and enjoyable to read. The other stories on here are interesting and well written, but I don't enjoy the painful side of cuckolding, and you seem to work around that issue perfectly.

I truly love this story and I'm so glad that you're feeling better. Please take it easy.

Thank you.



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It actually snowed in Tucmister early Sunday morning. (If you watched the match play tournament you probably know that) Most of the higher elevation golf courses were closed for at least part of the day. I did play Sunday afternoon, but played the second hole in sleet and drizzle and quit after nine holes. Today it's going to be 70 and I going to play this afternoon.

Thanks for the feedback about my story.



I hope you had fun in the islands. It is a wonderful time to get away from the winter.

Thanks for the nice comment about my story. Creating pleasant characters that we'd all like to know and be around is my goal.



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Edward walked into the parlor and approached John Reynolds. As soon as he had his attention he stopped and gave him a slight nod. Mr. Reynolds returned the nod. After Edward had withdrawn he smiled at everyone and said, "Our butler has just informed me that our dinner is ready. Please bring your cocktails and follow me to the dining room."

Tyler Greer stood up "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm starved."

Giggling, my wife stood up and took his arm. "Then we'd better get some food into you. I have some thoughts about how we might spend the later part of this evening and believe me buster, you're going to need all the energy you can get."

Brad Cameron laughed as he stood up. "Did you hear that Ty? Melody is planning to wear you out."

Keisha stood up and grabbed Brad's crotch. "Stud man, your friend isn't the only one who's going to need some strength tonight. You'd better eat a big dinner too."

"Jasmine, if you keep squeezing my cock like that I'm going to forget about dinner, throw you back down on that love seat and start the evening fun right now."

Still holding on to Brad's cock, Keisha lasciviously licked her lips, then she kissed his cheek and said, "Food first, then fun big boy. Right now I'm holding onto to your big friend so that you won't forget that tonight, I'm your dessert."

Brad winked at Keisha. "I always have been partial to chocolate."

Laughing, Mandy stood up and pulled Jamister Foley to his feet. "Come on Jas. We'd better get some food in you too. Your friends aren't the only ones who are going to need their energy after dinner."


Everyone turned. Tonya was standing over Donald Kline. She'd just hit him across the back with her horsewhip. "Come Twinkles, training you has given me an appetite and I'm sure that you're hungry too." She smirked. "if you're a good boy I might just reward you with some scraps from my plate."

I watched Kelly and Tyler Greer follow Brad Cameron and Keisha out of the parlor. Tyler had his hand on the small of my wife's back. As they reached the door his fingers slipped down her barely covered rear, parted her fringe skirt and wormed their way between her thighs.

Kelly yelped in surprise when she felt Tyler fingering her naked sex.

Behind her Mandy giggled. "What's the matter Melody? Did that little goose surprise you?"

Laughing Kelly said, "Yes Angela, it certainly did and I take it as an open declaration of war. Mr. wandering fingers had better be on guard during dinner. His family jewels are now fair game."

Jamister Foley burst out in gales of laughter. "Did you hear that Ty? Melody says that by the time we're finished with our salads you're going to be able to sing soprano in a boys choir."

Kelly shook her head. "Oh no! I'd never do anything to actually hurt those lovely gems. They're my favorite toys. I just plan to squeeze them a little bit. I want to see if I can make Ty's dobber bob up and down during dinner."

From the hallway I heard Brad Cameron say, "This is certainly starting to look like a very interesting dinner."

Kelly and Mandy were both giggling like school girls as they disappeared into the hallway holding hands with their dates for the evening.


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After helping Nathan straighten up the parlor Kirby and I were sent to the kitchen. Edward was waiting for us.

"Bunny your job is to keep the water glasses full. You'll find a crystal pitcher on the sideboard next to the wine. Cookie, you'll keep the wine glasses full. There are three bottles open and breathing on the sideboard. If we need more bottles Nathan will open them. Start with Mr. Jackmister. Don't worry about any tasting rituals. He trusts us to take care of that. Just fill his glass and then work your way around the table. Once everyone's glass has been filled work with Bunny and keep the glasses full."

He smiled at both of us. "Do you understand your duties?"

We both nodded.

"Very good. Remember a competent servant is rarely noticed. Now follow me to the dining room."

It did turn out to be an interesting dinner, but not for the reamister Brad was suggesting. The dinner was the setting John Reynolds, Martin Jackmister and Wendell Tyler used to pitch their investment plan and they took full advantage of the opportunity.

The girls were amazingly well behaved. I was quite certain that they had been instructed to stop all teasing and flirting during the business discussion.

Because he was a slave Donald Kline was of course, not allowed to occupy a seat at the table. Throughout the entire meal he was required to kneel at Tonya's feet. I knew that Mr. Kline was in fact the key financial decision maker for this group and it was obvious that his position on the floor made the presentation more difficult.

I was impressed by the steps the partners took to minimize this inconvenience. First of all Martin and John were seated at each end of the table. This allowed both of them to maintain eye contact with Donald. Tonya sat immediately to John's left. Mr. Reynolds was the primary presenter in their overture and his close proximity to Donald allowed him to speak directly to him when necessary.

Wendell Tyler and Elvira were seated on the other side of Tonya and Donald. Elvira was next to Donald. At first I wondered why Mr. Tyler hadn't been seated next to Donald, but as I watched the dinner I understood. No matter how exciting it might seem, being powerd to kneel next to a dining room table wearing a pair of pink, fuzzy little boys pajamas while a group of adults are casually eating, takeing and talking is, at the very least, disconcerting. Sweet Ellie was there to subtly coddle and sooth Donald during the presentation. She did this by gently caressing Donald's shoulder, neck, cheek and hair with her fingertips while his attention was focused on John Reynolds sales pitch."

At the same time Tonya, the evil Mistress Natasha, lovingly fed Donald pieces of prime rib and forkfuls of augratin potatoes. In between bites of food she would hold her wine glass or water glass to his lips and allow him to take."

It worked. By the end of the meal Donald was smiling enthusiastically as he listened to John Reynolds sum up the key points of the JTandR proposal.

throughout the meal I'd noticed that Tyler Greer, Brad Cameron and Jamister Foley were all carefully watching Donald in an effort to gauge his reaction to the proposal. Now that he was smiling they were also smiling. It appeared that John, Martin and Wendell's presentation had been effective.

As soon as everyone was finished with their dessert and coffee Martin Jackmister stood up and said, "Now that we've completed our business discussion, I think it's time for us to turn you back over to the ladies for a little evening fun."

Tyler Greer laughed. "I'm up for that."

My wife giggled as she slid her hand across his lap. "You certainly are."

Chuckling, Mr. Jackmister said, "Melody, why don't you take Tyler and the others into our play house. I understand that you have a little entertainment planned for them. Isn't that right?"

Kelly smiled. "Yes Martin, we thought they might enjoy seeing us dance."

Brad Cameron grinned. "This day just keeps getting better and better."

Keisha stood up and pulled Brad up by his arm. "Lover boy, you can't even imagine the fun you're going to have tonight."

Mr. Jackmister looked at Tyler, Brad and Jamister. "Gentlemen, unless you need us we are now going to leave you in the care of our hostesses for the remainder of the evening. Their slaves, Bunny and Cookie will be available to see to your every need. If there is anything you desire, anything at all, just tell them. They'll get it for you."

He turned to Kirby and me. "Bunny, Cookie; the playhouse has a full bar. If anyone should happen to want more food, Doris and Maurice will be in the kitchen. If you should need anything else; Nathan, Florence, Cassie and Ben will be in the back dining room. Do you have any questions?"

Kirby and I both shook our heads and in tandem answered, "No sir."

Mandy stood up and tugged on Jamister Foley's elbow. "Come on Jas, this is going to be fun."

All pretenses of the controlled business demeanor earlier displayed by my wife, Keisha and Mandy had now disappeared. As they escorted their dates for the evening out of the dining room, all three of them were giggling, teasing and flirting like a trio of excited high school juniors.

Kirby and I followed them.


Posts: 1914
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Hi GH,
I have been away on holiday for some sun and recovery and have only just caught back up. This story is now doubly sinful and delicious. Partly because it always has been and now partly because I realise that you must be suffering a little to bring it to us. I tried to persuade you to slow up, but it has only just dawned on me just how much of Timmy is actually in you. I do believe you are getting a small amount of perverse pleasure in suffering to bring it to us ! Or that was my justification anyway ...

Still a great story GH, still enjoying it too. Thanks.


Posts: 4050
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I hope you enjoyed your holiday.

Don't worry, I am gradually regaining all of my strength. I played two rounds of golf this week and at times was actually able to play reamisterably well.

I really do want to finish this story, so I keep plugging away at it.

You're right, there is a lot of Timmy in me. There is also alot of Stevie Wagner and probably most of all, Marion Poncely. if you asked Storm I think he would also say that there is a lot of Adam and maybe Ron in him. I'm certain that he is also madly in love with Kristi and Kori just like I'm in love with Kelly, Mandy, Keisha and Tonya and of course also Sandra and Julie and Brenda, April and Madeline. I think that the only way a permister can write a story of this length is to be in love with the characters.

Anyway, thanks for the nice comment. You're a good friend and I always look forward to hearing from you.



Posts: 4050
#1,072 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The playhouse was actually a tiny theater. I remembered Kelly describing it to me when she first told me about Evergreen.

I glanced around the room while the men were taking their seats. A stage occupied most of the space at the end of the room opposite the door. The stage was large enough to accommodate a double bed. I knew that partly from observation, but I also knew it because my wife had described some of the sex shows that took place on this stage. This evening the only furniture on the stage was a single ornate French Provincial chair.

Three love seats, a couch and four leather arm chairs were arranged in a casual semicircle around the front of the stage. The walls of this windowless room were decorated with six floor to ceiling oil paintings depicting characters from Greek and Roman mythology engaged in graphic sex acts.

A sideboard to the left of the door served as the bar. To the right of the door there was a small table with a stereo amplifier on it. An MP3 player was connected to the amplifier.

"Bunny, Cookie we need seven rusty nails." It was Kelly. I remembered her telling me that rusty nails were an after dinner tradition at both Eagle Lake and Evergreen.

I nudged Kirby. "Come on, I'll set up the glasses and fill them with ice cubes. You can pour the cuckold water."

We walked over to the sideboard. As I was setting up the glasses Kirby said, "Timmy, the only Scotch here is eighteen year old Chivas Regal."

A quick look confirmed Kirby's observation. I shrugged. "I guess that must be what were supposed to use."

Shaking his head Kirby whispered, "Shit Timmy, I've never even tasted this stuff."

"Kirby, we both now have good jobs. Let's buy a bottle this weekend."

As Kirby measured and poured two ounces of the Scotch into each of the glasses he said, "We could do that, couldn't we."

"Kirby, we can do that."

"Do you really Want to? I mean it's kind of expensive."

"We'll share it with everyone. It will be fun."

He was grinning as he poured an ounce of Drambuie into each of the glasses. "Life really is good, isn't it Timmy."

"Yeah Kirb, it really is."

Kirby helped me arrange the glasses on a silver serving tray. As I was carrying the takes over to the girls and their men, Tonya walked into the room. Donald Kline was scurrying along on his hands and knees behind her. She was leading him on a leash.

"Come Twinkles, the women are going to put on a show for the men. You can watch too." Tonya led Donald over to one of the leather arm chairs. As soon as she sat down Donald took his place on his knees at her feet.

When she saw this Tonya shook her head. "No Twinkles, I don't want you to kneel. I want you to be comfortable for this show." She pulled her leather skirt up to her waist and spread her knees apart, exposing her naked pussy. "Sit between my legs."

Donald quickly repositioned himself so that he was kneeling between Tonya's parted thighs.

"No Twinkles, I instructed you to sit. I really do want you to be comfortable while you watch these three beautiful women dance."

After he'd moved so that he was actually sitting between Tonya's legs she gently pulled Donald's head back so that it was resting against her naked cunt. "That's much better Twinkles. Are you comfortable now?"

"Yes Mistress Natasha, I am."

"Twinkles you're about to see these women dance naked for their men. That will excite the men, won't it."

"Yes Mistress Natasha, it will."

"Will it excite you Twinkles?"

"Yes Mistress Natasha, it will.”

"What's going to happen to these men after the women excite them?"

"The women will have sex with them."

"Will anyone be having sex with you Twinkles?"

Everyone in the room had picked up on Tonya and Donald's conversation and all of us were now listening intently. Watching Donald, it was obvious that he was well aware of this.

Looking around, nobody was laughing or shocked or acting judgmental. All of us, especially his three friends, understood what was happening. This was a offense session for Donald and it was what he wanted. It was something that he craved as much as the oral sex and fucking that the other men would soon be getting.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he answered, "No Mistress Natasha, no one will be having sex with me."

"Why not Twinkles?"

"Because I'm a pathetic lover. I have a tiny little penis and I cum quickly."

I watched Donald. In his eyes I could see the combination of offense and excitement that he was experiencing. He was embarrassed and ashamed, but he was also thrilled. I suspected that only a submissive masochist could understand that reaction.

Tonya continued pushing him. "You're not really a man are you Twinkles."

"No Mistress Natasha I'm not."

"You're more like a little boy, aren't you. That's why you're wearing those pink pajamas."

"Yes Mistress Natasha."

I glanced over at Kelly and Tyler. They were on one of the love seats. Kelly was sitting on Tyler's lap. Tyler was shaking his head while my wife slowly ran her fingers through his hair."

"Do you ever get to fuck anyone Twinkles?"

"No Mistress Natasha. My pathetic little penis is never permitted to enter a woman's vagina."

"Who's rule is that Twinkles?"

"My wife's, Mistress Natasha?"

"Are you telling me that your wife doesn't allow you to fuck her?"

"Yes Mistress Natasha."

"Is your wife celibate Twinkles?"

"No Mistress Natasha, she loves sex."

"But not with you."

"That's correct."

"So she has lovers."

"Yes Mistress Natasha."

Tonya nodded towards Brad, Tyler and Jamister. "Do those men party with your wife?"

In a very quiet voice Donald answered, "Yes Mistress Natasha."

"How does that make you feel?"

Everyone, especially Donald's three friends were now watching even more intently. The room was silent.

Donald didn't respond.

Tonya repeated her question. "Twinkles, how does that make you feel?"

The silence continued.

Tonya decided to prompt him. "Are you jealous that your friends get to fuck your wife?"

Donald thought for a moment and then he slowly shook his head. "No Mistress Natasha. I'm confident that Michelle loves me. I know that for her, sex with other men is just fun." He paused. After a second he said, "But sometimes when I'm lying in my bed listening to them playing in Michelle's bedroom, I am envious."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tyler Greer cock his head. I looked at him. I was certain I detected a hint of concern on his face.

"That envy excites you, doesn't it Twinkles."

"Yes Mistress Natasha it does." Donald smiled. "But there's more. Hearing the fun my wife is having with my friends also makes me happy. I love Michelle, I want her to enjoy herself."

Tonya leaned over and tenderly kissed the top of Donald's head. “Twinkles, you're a very good boy. Your wife loves you every bit as much as you love her and after this show I have her permission to give you a wonderful reward.

Tyler sighed. It was an obvious sigh of relief. And then he started to smile.

Kelly kissed Tyler's forehead. It was apparent that she'd also sensed his concern about Donald's envy. She gave his crotch a playful squeeze and stood up. Turning to me she said, "Bunny turn on the music. It's time for us to start the show."

As I turned to put my silver serving tray back on the sideboard I noticed that everyone in the room was smiling.


Posts: 14692
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GH, very nice. I love the idea that Donald's partner started to get concerned.


Posts: 4050
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Thanks Timmy



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After dropping my silver serving tray at the bar I went over to the table next to the door and switched on the amplifier and the MP3 player that was attached to it. A rhythm and blues misterg started playing.

My wife walked up on to the stage and while looking directly into the eyes of the three men who were seated in front of her, started to seductively sway her hips in time to the heavy beat of the music. As she danced, Kelly put her hands on her head and ran her fingers through her long blond hair. This caused her large, barely concealed breasts to push forward as if she was offering them to the men seated on the love seats. At the same time the short yarn skirt at the bottom of her dress shimmied and jiggled from the gyration of her hips, giving everyone brief glimpses of the cleft of her shaved pussy.

After a minute Keisha rose from her seat and moved to join my wife. As she climbed the two steps at the front of the stage the attention of everyone in the room was focused on the luscious cheeks of her beautiful coffee colored ass, left exposed by the oval cutout in the back of her yellow satin mesh dress.

Still moving in time to the music, Kelly greeted Keisha with a kiss. It wasn't a polite peck on the cheek. This was a lusty full blown kiss on the mouth. While the two women kissed their hands roamed freely, touching and fondling each other like two lovers caught up in a frenzy of unbridled passion.

In front of me Brad Cameron clapped his hands one time and said, "Oh Yeah, I love seeing two women kiss like that."

On the next love seat Tyler Greer shook his head and said, "Damn, it is hot. Look at 'em fondling each others tits."

While Tyler was making his comment Mandy stood up. As she walked towards the stage Kelly broke of her kiss with Keisha. Both women turned and looked at Mandy. Kelly sensually licked her lips and wiggled her finger. It was a command. Mandy nodded her head and walked directly to Kelly. As soon as she reached her, Kelly put her arms around Mandy and gave her a kiss that was every bit as sexually charged as the one she'd just given to Keisha.

While Mandy and Kelly were kissing Keisha stepped behind Mandy and pulled her lace skirt down to her ankles exposing her cute little rear. After Mandy stepped out of the skirt Kelly broke off their kiss and turned Mandy around so that she was facing the men. For a moment I stared, captivated by the sight of her shaved camel toe pussy.

Kelly still had her arms wrapped around Mandy, but her hug had turned into a hold. While Kelly held on to her, Keisha began pulling Mandy's lace top over her head. Mandy submissively raised her arms, allowing Keisha to pull her top all the way off and toss it to the side of the stage. Now except for her sandals and jewelry Mandy was completely naked.

Continuing to hold on to her with her left arm, Kelly slipped her right hand down to Mandy's sex and put first one and then two fingers into her. At the same time Keisha started twisting and pinching Mandy's nipples. All three women continued to move in time to the music as Kelly and Keisha toyed with Mandy's naked body.

Tyler laughed. "This is so fuckin hot it's amazing."

Keisha winked at him and then she placed her hands on Mandy's shoulders and began pushing her to the floor. Kelly released Mandy from her arm hold and allowed her to fall gently to her knees. Mandy's face was now directly in front of my wife's cunt.

Keisha walked behind my wife, unfastened the knit waist band of her dress, pulled it off over her head and tossed it to the side of the stage. Now, except for her high heeled sandals and pearls Kelly was completely naked.

Moving alongside Mandy, Keisha placed her hand on the back of her head and gently pushed Mandy's face into my wife's cunt.

Brad Cameron shook his head. "Do you see that Jamister? Jasmine's making Angela eat Melody's pussy."

"Yeah I see it Brad. These women put on one hell of a show."

Tyler laughed. "Right now I'm so turned on I think my balls might burst."

I smiled at Tyler's comment while I watched my wife. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip. There wasn't any question in my mind that she was enjoying the action of Mandy's tongue, but I knew Kelly. There was more. She was an exhibitionist. Knowing that these men were watching her and were aroused by what they were seeing, made it even more exciting for her.

Keisha released her hold on Mandy's head. Kelly must have sensed it because she opened her eyes. She and Keisha exchanged a quick glance and then Keisha walked over to the chair, turned it around and bent over with her hands resting on the back of the chair.

Her gorgeous brown ass, fully exposed by the oval cutout in the back of her yellow dress was now facing the men. As Keisha wiggled her butt in time to the music Kelly pushed Mandy's face away from her cunt, walked over to Keisha and began caressing her naked rear. At the same time she wiggled her finger at Mandy, beckoning her to join them.

Now fully revealing her submissive permistera Mandy crawled over to Keisha and kneeled directly behind her gorgeous ass.

While Mandy was crawling into position Kelly unzipped the back of Keisha's dress, pulled it up over her head and tossed it to the side of the stage with the other discarded clothing. All three women were now wearing only their jewelry and their sandals.

Staring into Mandy's eyes Kelly began caressing the soft round cheeks of Keisha's rear. After a moment she slipped a hand between Keisha's thighs and pushed two fingers into her wet sex. She finger fucked her for a few seconds and then she pulled her two glistening fingers out of Keisha's cunt and rubbed them against Mandy's lips and nose. Mandy responded by extending her tongue and licking Kelly's fingers like they were an erect penis that had just been fucking Keisha.

I glanced around. Tyler, Brad and Jamister were watching the show in rapt silence. I noticed that Brad was slowly rubbing his cock through his trousers. I was quite certain that it was an *** act and that he'd have been very embarrassed if either of his friends had noticed what he was doing.

After letting Mandy lick her fingers for a few seconds, Kelly placed both of her hands on Keisha's cheeks and pulled them apart, momentarily exposing her tight little anus. Then with a mischievous grin on her face Kelly wiggled her finger at Mandy, beckoning her to move forward.

Mandy crawled closer to Keisha and pulled her cheeks apart again. Kelly placed her hand on the back of Mandy's head and gently pushed her face down to the parted crevice of Keisha's ass.

"Damn, she's going to lick Jasmine's asshole." It was Tyler Greer, he was breathless with excitement."

Jamister Foley nodded. "It doesn't surprise me, Angela is without a doubt the most uninhibited woman I have ever been with. She's even wilder than Donny's wife."

As Kelly was pressing Mandy's face into Keisha's rear, Mandy reached around Keisha's thighs and hugged her while she passionately kissed and licked her asshole.

Brad Cameron chuckled. "Gentleman, at this moment I do believe that we are in the company of four of the wildest, most uninhibited women on this planet."

Tonya laughed. 'Now that's a serious compliment."

Brad grinned at her. "It was meant as one."


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Kelly had been massaging Mandy's cunt while Mandy kissed and licked Keisha's asshole, but when she heard the sounds of the conversation behind her she stopped. Another rhythm and blues misterg was playing so it was difficult for her to understand what was being said. Turning around she asked with a grin, "What are all of you carrying on about?"

Donald Kline was still sitting between Tonya's legs with his head resting against her naked sex. As she gently stroked his cheek she said, "Brad just suggested that we might be the four wildest, most uninhibited women on this planet."

Mandy and Keisha both stood up and turned around. Giggling, Mandy said, "Oh yes, I like that." She stepped off the stage and walked over to Jamister Foley. As she pulled him out of his love seat she said; "Why don't you take me up to your room so that I can show you just how uninhibited and wild I really am."

Tyler Greer laughed. "Damn Jamister, you'd better not pass up an invitation like that."

As Mandy was leading Jamister out of the playhouse he looked over his shoulder. "Believe me buddy, I won't."

Staring at Brad Cameron Keisha slowly sashayed off the stage. She stood in front of him lasciviously licking her lips while she fingered her slippery cunt. "Big boy, are you ready to go to your room and play?"

Taking a deep breath, Brad stood up and said; "Most definitely."

Keisha took her fingers out of her pussy. They were wet with the moisture of her arousal. She gently rubbed them against Brad's lips and seductively said, "Then what are we waiting for?"

Brad smiled at her as he licked her dew off of his lips, then he gave her naked rear end a playful pat and said, "Let's go."

My wife was still standing on the stage. Except for her pearls and high heeled sandals, she was nude. Her long blond hair fell loosely on her shoulders. She was absolutely stunning.

I looked at Tyler Greer. He was smiling. I understood the reamister for his smile. He knew that this beautiful woman was his for the entire night. He stood up and gave Kelly a slight nod. It was a small gesture, but its meaning was very clear. He was telling her that she didn't have to ask, he wanted her and he wanted her now.

Kelly slowly walked off the stage and over to Tyler. Her eyes were focused on him and only on him. It was obvious to me that at that moment my wife belonged to Tyler Greer. Feelings of jealousy and envy swept through me. In an effort to control my emotions I took a deep breath and bit my lower lip.

Wrapping her arms around Tyler's shoulders, Kelly pulled him to her and Kissed him hard on the lips. Tyler responded. As he kissed her back I watched him slide his hand to Kelly's naked breast. At the same time her hand dropped to Tyler's crotch. Her fingers found his erect penis and gripped it through his trousers.

Watching my wife and Tyler Greer took every bit of emotional control that I could muster. I kept reminding myself that this didn't mean anything to Kelly. For her it was just fun and of course, her job.

After a moment Kelly broke off the kiss and stepped back. Gazing into Tyler's eyes, she whispered; "Let's go up to your room."

Tyler slowly nodded and then he put his arm around my naked wife's waist and guided her towards the door. As they disappeared into the hallway I sighed.

"Come Twinkles, it's time for you to get your reward."

I'd been so focused on Kelly and Tyler that I'd forgotten that Tonya and Donald Kline were still in the room.

Tonya was already standing. She reached down, pulled Donald to his feet and gave his leash a gentle tug. As she led him to the door she said, "Did you enjoy the show the women put on for the men?"

"Yes Mistress Natasha, I did."

"You were envious when Angela was licking Jasmine's ass, weren't you Twinkles."

"Yes I was Mistress Natasha."

"We're going to your room. When we get there would you like to lick my ass?"

"Yes Mistress Natasha, I'd like that very much." Donald paused for a moment and then he said, "Mistress Natasha, may I ask a question?"

"Yes Twinkles, go ahead."

"Is that my reward?"

As they walked out the door Tonya said, "Twinkles honey, that is just going to be the beginning of your reward."


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Looks like Twinkles will be having a nice treat in store this evening!

Thanks for all your efforts with this adventure!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 14692
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WOW, I don't think there is a strip club around that could offer a show like that. I'm happy that Timmy was able to keep it together and who knows Donald may just get lucky in the way he needs it.

Great stuff my friend. Love it.


Posts: 328
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Good Husband

Let me echo the remarks of Timmy, Stormdog, and others about this last set of entries.
I love the characters you create! They are always so fascinatingly complex, and yet kind and caring. I've met people like that from time to time, but you bring them all together into one great story where we can spend a little time enjoying the pleasure of their company while we shut out the real world for a spell.
that was absolutely fantastic the way you described Kellie's mood and Timmie's reaction

WOW!! You so fully develop the characters and further the plot. You keep adding
layers and layer of understand of this life.

You have Tim giving comfort and support to his wife. A boy from Iowa. Not only
is he a main character in the story but he also a man worthy of emulation. As I
have said before I keep learning from your writing. The learning has
contributed to a better relationship withe the love of my life my goddess, my
bride of 31 years : my wife!

Then Mr Jackmister introduces Timmy to Donald and then continues to explain Tim's
situation. I sense a time when Tim takes a larger role in the JTR . We will
see. Your examples of the concern the JTR has for it's employees is just a great
example of leadership. It also proves the old Army saying " take care of your
folks and they will take care of you"

Then Tim counsels Mr Jackmister about his relationship with Mandy. WOW i have to
see the house when the plans are finished. Bedroom for the couples: I count 5.
really see more mine apartments then just bed room. plus guest room for t when
they have guests (?) plus common areas.

. I feel very confident about the fact that I will always be the pivotal man in
Kelly's life and that's what really matters to me

If a man is going to let his wife cuckold him, he has to be very secure about
the fact that she loves him."

These two statements are so profound about this life.

Also what Donald had said :

No Mistress Natasha. I'm confident that Michelle loves me. I know that for her,
sex with other men is just fun." He paused. After a second he said, "But
sometimes when I'm lying in my bed listening to them playing in Michelle's
bedroom, I am envious

But there's more. Hearing the fun my wife is having with my friends also makes
me happy. I love Michelle, I want her to enjoy herself

Hope you are feeling better and thank you!!

Hit them long and hit them straight!



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cuckfor1 and Timmy27

As always, thank you for the nice comments.


I always enjoy hearing from you. Thank you for that last note. You have a good insight into what I am trying to do.


Thank you again

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