Posts: 3581
GH: The snowball treats were exalent! Loved the kinky little twist you add to your story to keep it interesting. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
goodhusband: As I watched my wife and Tyler walk hand in hand to the mansion, feelings of envy and jealousy crept their way into my heart. Once they were inside I closed my eyes, bit my lower lip and sighed. Then I started picking up the plates and plastic glasses. I knew that I didn't have to do it, Florence and Cassie would soon be coming out to clean up. At that moment I just needed something to occupy my mind. Being a cuckold isn't always easy. You can just feel his inner turmoil in that bit. But then, why should he expect it to be easy? Good things rarely are. Great additions GH, and any questions about your health should be cleared up by those sex scenes. No sick permister could write those that well - your fever would spike dangerously in the effort!
Posts: 4050
#1,023 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you, as always, I appreciate your words of support.
Thank you also. Cream pies, snowballs; they sound like such wonderfull desserts.
Thanks, you know I find sex scenes to be very challenging and I regard you as the master of them, so that is very meaningful praise.
Gentlemen thank you again for taking a moment to comment.
Opps I got so busy trying to write responses to these comments that I almost forgot to post the new segment. I gather that the oxygen saturation in my red is still quite low. I think my brain may be oxygen starved. I have been trying to compensate by raising the holy water level in my red, but that doesn't seem to be clarifying my thinking.
Posts: 4050
Once I was done stacking all the plates and plastic glasses together I sat down in one of the chairs and emitted a deep sigh. I needed a break, I was tired.
I glanced at the clock by the cabanas. It was just after five and I already felt like I'd put in a full day. I smiled. It had been a full day and an incredibly exciting day.
I'd started out the day by flying down to south Carolina. I was a poor kid from Iowa. That was only the third airplane flight I'd ever taken in my entire life. To make it even better, I got to sit in first class.
When we arrived in South Carolina we were picked up by a limousine. A limousine! A full stretch limo! It was amazing. The driver was actually holding a little sign when he met us at the airport.
Then of course there was the mansion. It was like something out of a 1930's movie and it was run by a butler in full formal dress. I wished my two aunts in Iowa could see it. They'd be thrilled.
I chuckled. They would have a little trouble with the oral sex orgy by the pool, especially because Kelly was part of it. They loved Kelly, but I'm quite certain they'd have a very difficult time accepting her casual attitude about sex.
Kelly's mom and sisters and my aunts, I don't think that any of them will ever be able to understand the way we choose to live. When sex is involved people certainly do become judgmental. I'm not sure that I'll ever understand why. No one was hurt by anything that happened this afternoon. Well maybe Donald. I sure he had to endure a little bit of pain in Tonya's rec room, but that's what gets him off. Hell, he's probably having more fun than any of us.
Still, what happened this afternoon didn't affect anyone else's life, so why should people judge? Why should anyone care if Donny gets off when a woman makes him eat another guys cum. He's not hurting anybody, not even himself.
Lots of people would think I'm a classic wimp because I'm sitting here by the pool while my wife is inside the mansion letting another man fuck her. I may be a wimp, but that's sure as hell not the reamister why. My wife loves me and I guarantee you that there's a whole lot more love in our marriage than in those socially acceptable households where the husband and wife live together, but hardly ever interact with each other. Hell, there's lots of husbands and wives who don't even relax in the same bedroom, and that's supposed to be a good marriage?
Kelly may enjoy sex with a variety of men, but I'm certain that she loves me. I'm also certain that the sex she's having with those other men in no way diminishes her love for me. She's my best friend and I'm her best friend and we actually look forward to spending time together.
So, who's the wimp? Me or the poor sap who's married to a woman who's faithful to him, but barely acknowledges his existence.
Yes, Kelly and I did just finish going through a rough patch, but that was because of the judgmental prudes around us. Kelly allowed her perception of what those people would think of her to create feelings of guilt about her lifestyle. That caused her to start living a life of deceit, deceit to both herself and to me.
Life becomes very complicated when you allow others to start dictating how you are going to conduct yourself. Your moral guidelines should come from your heart and not from the petty, self appointed, hypocritical pedagogues who rail about virtue while they screw their business partners and cheat on their spouses.
"Hey earth to Timmy, come in Timmy."
Startled, I looked up. It was Kirby. Nathan and Elvira were standing behind him.
I smiled at him.
He put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey buddy, I don't know what you were thinking about, but it certainly looked serious. Is everything all right?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, I'm just tired."
"Well cheer up, it's dinner time."
"Dinner time? I thought Edward told us that dinner would be served at eight."
Nathan nodded. "That's for the partners, their guests and the ladies. We have our dinner at six and we all want to have a cocktail before dinner. Come with me, we have a cozy little dining room at the back of the kitchen and everyone will be there."
"I won't be." It was Elvira. She was shaking her head. “Wendell wants me to dine with him at eight."
I looked at her. "Is that a bad thing?"
She shrugged. "No I'd just like to eat with all of you too."
Nathan smiled at her. "Why don't you? I know that Mr. Tyler is going to be meeting with Mr. Jackmister and Mr. Reynolds until at least 7:00. You'll just be sitting in his room by yourself until their done. If they do happen to finish early, Edward will tell Mr. Tyler where you are and I'm sure he'll join us. He loves to visit with us in the kitchen. Please favor us with your company. Just think of it as an early seating. You can be my guest at this dinner."
Elvira shook her head. "I can't eat two dinners."
"Small portions my dear, just a few tastes; you won't be disappointed. At eight you're going to be served prime rib and it will be very good, but we're having Doris's meat loaf with Maurice’s bordelaise sauce. It is absolutely fabulous." There was a twinkle in his eyes as he added, “And for dessert we're having Doris's home made apple pie with cinnamon ice cream. It's a favorite of the household staff. Mr. Tyler is also quite partial to it. He often joins us for dessert and I would be very surprised if he doesn't stop by for a slice of pie after his meeting.”
"Are you sure it will it be all right? I mean I don't want to intrude."
"Elvira everyone is dying to get to know you." Nathan offered his arm. "Please honor us with your presence."
Giggling like a school girl Elvira took Nathan's arm. "Kind sir, I would be honored to be your guest at the early seating."
Nathan turned to Kirby and me. "Gentleman, let's join the others in the kitchen."
I looked at the trays of food and used plates and glasses. "What about this mess?" The house keeper in me couldn't bear to leave dirty dishes unattended.
"Florence and Cassie are on their way now to pick them up. As soon as they're finished, they'll join us in the back dining room."
"Shouldn't I stay and help them?"
"No Timmy, you should not. That might actually upset them. Flo and Cassie take a lot of pride in the appearance of this mansion. They are both very independent women and close friends. They consider themselves to be an elite team and I'm very sure that they would view any offer of assistance from an outsider to be an indictment of their ability to properly maintain Evergreen."
I smiled. "I certainly wouldn't want to incur their wrath."
Nathan nodded. "No you most certainly would not.” And then he added with a smile, “Let's go have a take."
Posts: 492
Dammit GH, now that you're cranking them out again, I have to be more diligent. I saw that you posted a couple of new segments and I was savoring them, waiting until I had the time to really sit back and enjoy them. Don't you go and post a couple more since then, so now I'm further behind.
Well, we already had several inches of snow on the ground. We just got about 5 inches more today and we're due for 9-12 inches tonight. Plus some freezing rain mixed in there somewhere. Maybe not a lot by Colorado standards, but I'm sick of the cuckolds brownie. I've just about worn my snowblower out this winter.
The good news is that I've been granted permission to work from home tomorrow, so I can take my time clearing the driveway and not have to deal with all the idiots who don't know how to drive in the snow.
That will also give me a chance to get caught up again. This must be a sign that you're feeling better and that's a good thing. Thanks for keeping this story going, much appreciated.
Posts: 1914
GH, Stormy has his boat, you have your mansions. Both the best invite in town. The great thing is we have a ringside seat to both and like good guests we should always remember to be polite and to thank our hosts. Even if you do have to type it with your left hand.
Another great segment from a very rich seam. Thanks GH.
Posts: 14692
Jackpot a double header from Stormy and GH. This is fun. Thank you GH
Posts: 14692
Hey GH, I hope that you are just taking some time out for golf and did not have a relapse. Please take good care of yourself.
Posts: 1459
That was a nice chapter GH, I enjoyed Timmy having a chance to wax philosophical and share some thoughts with us. I admire the way he thinks. I also have a strong sense that his thoughts and opinions frequently mirror your own. I do have to remember not to read on an empty stomach however; when you go off on describing food and take it tends to make my mouth start watering. Not as much as it does when you describe Kelly, but still...
Posts: 3581
Hope all is well. Miss your story updates and look forward to you return. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
Bump - and wishes that all is well. Hope to see you back soon GH!
Posts: 492
Ditto what Stormy said. Hope you're back to full strength and out there playing some golf. Didn't want you to think we weren't thinking about you.
Posts: 14692
Time for a bump. Sure hope that you are OK. Miss you.
Posts: 144
Timmy, Storm, Trf2, C41 and Peak
Thank you for continuing to support my husband. He very much wants to finish this story, but he is struggling. The pneumonia has taken its toll on his stamina and he also is recovering from a relapse. Writing is currently a frustrating process for him. He has completed two lengthy segments and I expect that you will see them in the next day or two.
Posts: 3581
Thanks for the update Lisa. I thought he may have had a setback due to his cold.
This story can sit on hold for as long as it takes. The first thing is for mikey to get better and be up to 100% of full steam. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 14692
Lisa, I echo C41's comment. mikey's health is our number one concern. Please make sure that he does not push himself too hard. I will keep the two of you in my thoughts.
Posts: 492
GH, seriously, the hell with the story. Just get yourself better. Warm weather is coming, those golf clubs will be calling for you soon.
Get better my friend.
Posts: 4050
To everyone
Thank you for your support. I am now feeling much better. Here are two sections of story.
Posts: 4050
"Timmy, it's time for everyone to sit down for dinner." Doris's voice jarred me back to reality. I looked at her. She was smiling at me. Holding out one of the cocktail shakers she said, "We're all going to take another daiquiri to the table. May I refill your glass?"
Quickly pulling myself back together, I nodded. "Thank you, that would be very nice."
After Doris refilled my glass I started over to the table. Kirby fell in step next to me. "Hey buddy, you seem very pensive this evening. Are you sure every thing's all right?"
I shrugged. "Don't worry, I'll be okay."
Shaking his head Kirby said, "That wasn't a very enthusiastic response."
I closed my eyes and sighed. After a moment I looked at my friend. "A lot has happened during the last two weeks. I'm just beginning to try to make sense out of it." I smiled at him. "Do you realize how lucky it was that I passed your store and noticed the help wanted sign in the window?"
He nodded. "It certainly was lucky for me. Meeting you, Tonya and Ellie was the best thing that's happened to me since I got out of the navy." He paused for a moment and then he laughed, "Hell, who am I kidding? Meeting the three of you was the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"I think you can add JTandR to that list. So can I. They've helped both of us and they didn't have to do it."
"You're right and hearing the stories that these people just told makes me realize how good those men really are."
"Timmy you sit over here between Doris and Cassie. Kirby we want you between Florence and Ben. Elvira, you're going to sit between Maurice and me." Edward was pointing to our chairs. He laughed "We're not going to let the three of you sit together. This is our chance to get to know you."
As it turned out, the seating arrangement didn't really matter. Each of us took turns talking and everyone else at the table listened attentively to what was being said.
We also took turns serving. Cassie and I brought out the salads while Ben and Nathan filled the water glasses.
Doris called the salads her BLT specials and they were wonderful. Like the sandwich, they were a combination of bacon, lettuce and tomatoes, but the dressing wasn't just mayonnaise. It was one of Maurice's creations. It certainly had mayonnaise in it, but that was just the foundation. There were several other ingredients that made the dressing incredibly complex and delightfully delicious. Doris told me that Maurice's mayonnaise didn't come from a jar. He made his own. I was beginning to understand that sauces and dressings were an area of expertise for Evergreen's head chef.
While we ate our salads Elvira told everyone about meeting Kirby and how he'd saved her life. After hearing the story I noticed that the whole group looked at Kirby with new admiration. That embarrassed my shy friend, but the admiration was well deserved.
As soon as we were finished with our salads Edward and Elvira cleared our plates away while Maurice and Doris brought out the main course. It was served family style. They started with a large bowl of garlic mashed potatoes followed by a platter of meat loaf slices and a pitcher of brown gravy which I assumed was the bordelaise sauce. A bowl of green beans garnished with pecans came next. The beans and pecans appeared to have been sautéed in a sugary brown sauce. A basket of thick slices of homemade white bread fresh out of the oven and a block of butter appeared last.
While the bowls were being passed from permister to permister Nathan and Cassie filled our wine glasses. Nathan told us that it was a Spanish red that both he and Edward thought was a particularly good value. As soon as I tasted it I had to agree. It was excellent. When they told us that you could buy it for about twelve dollars a bottle Kirby, Ellie and I looked at each other and smiled and then all three of us took careful note of the label. Edward noticed and told us that he would send several bottles home with us.
The meatloaf and bordelaise sauce were magnificent, but the truly memorable dish was the green beans. The sauce seemed to be a combination of maple syrup, brown sugar, soy sauce and maybe lemon and ginger. The combination of sweet, sour and salt was amazing.
While we ate Kirby told everyone the story about how JTandR had helped him with his convenience store. No one was surprised. They had all had similar experiences.
After we were finished eating all of us helped clear the table and then we stood in the kitchen takeing more wine while Florence loaded the dishwasher and Cassie cleaned the sink and the counters. Kirby foolishly tried to assist Florence by putting two glasses into the dishwasher. His attempt was met by a glare from her that might have turned a lesser man to stone. This made everyone else chuckle.
Kirby quickly retreated to my side and whispered, "Whew, I guess I'll never try that again."
I slowly nodded in agreement. "I think that would be the wise course of action"
Suddenly the kitchen door opened and Wendell Tyler stepped into the room. The venerable old man smiled at Doris and asked, "Am I too late for dessert?"
She walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Sweetie, in this house you could never be too late for dessert."
Wendell beamed at her and then he turned and looked for Elvira. When he found her he smiled, immediately moved to her side and held her hand. "Did you enjoy your early dinner?"
Elvira nodded. "Yes, it was wonderful; but I'm not sure that I'll be able to eat another one."
"Just put a little food on your plate and go through the motions. No one will pay any attention. Everyone expects old people to pick at their dinner.
That made Elvira laugh. "It sounds like you've done this before."
Florence grinned at her. "Mr. Tyler eats with us all the time. Actually Mr. Jackmister and Mr. Reynolds do too."
"Ah ha! I see that were disclosing the most sacred secrets of Evergreen."
We all turned. Martin Jackmister was standing in the doorway, John Reynold's was right behind him.
John Reynolds stepped by Mr, Jackmister and walked over to Kirby and me with his hand extended. "Timmy, Kirby; I'm John Reynolds. Welcome to JTandR and Evergreen. I hope you're being treated well."
Kirby and I both shook his hand and then I said, "Yes sir we are. The people here are all wonderful."
Mr. Reynold's smiled. "Yes, we feel very lucky to have them working for us."
"I heard a rumor that Doris's apple pie was on the dessert menu in here this evening." Martin Jackmister was grinning at everyone. "We were hoping there might be a few extra pieces."
Doris walked over and playfully poked her boss in the stomach. "Mr. Jackmister I baked an extra pie just to be sure that there was enough for you, Mr. Reynold's and Mr. Tyler."
Mr. Jackmister offered Doris his arm. As she took it he said, "Shall we adjourn to the back dining room.
While we followed them to the dining room John Reynolds asked Kirby and me, “Did you enjoy the dinner?”
I nodded. “Yes, very much.”
He smiled. “You may have just eaten the finest meal available in the entire state of South Carolina.”
“Yes, it was amazing.” I looked at Mr. Reynold's with a puzzled expression. “If the food in here is so good, why aren't you serving it to the guests?”
Ahead of us Martin Jackmister laughed and then he looked back over his shoulder. “Timmy that is an excellent question and sadly the answer is quite simple. When you're trying to wine and dine a group of millionaire businessmen; no matter how good it is, you cannot serve them meatloaf and apple pie. They expect prime rib and crème brulee and that is exactly what we give them.”
Next to us John Reynold's said. “Maurice and Doris do make a pretty good prime rib and crème brulee.”
Maurice shook his head. “Yes, but there is only so much one can do with prime rib. Meat loaf is much more fun to prepare.”
We all laughed.
The pie was every bit as good as the rest of the meal. While we ate the conversation was open and relaxed. I was a little surprised by how comfortable everyone was with Mr. Jackmister, Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Tyler. They were more like close friends than employers and employees.
We were all on our second cup of coffee when Edward glanced at his watch and then stood up. Smiling at us he said, "I hate to end this pleasant get together, but we cannot forget that tonight we have guests in the house. It is now 6:45. In fifteen minutes the ladies will be bringing their gentlemen to the parlor for cocktails. It's time for all of us to move to our stations."
Everyone stood up. In an attempt to help clear the table I started to pick up some dishes.
Nathan stopped me. "Timmy, it's time for us to proceed to our stations. You and Kirby are assigned to work with me in the parlor. Florence, Cassie and Ben will straighten up in here."
Florence smiled at me. "Timmy we appreciate your offer to help, but now all of us have jobs to do. Yours is with Nathan."
Posts: 1914
GH, Firstly I just wanted to say congratulations for clocking up 3000 posts. Typically No.3000 was actually you thanking us for comments about your stories. Of course we should thank you for more for posting them, but I can see your point of view. Thanks anyway.
Second, I can see that the party here has got you thinking deeply about the nature of business and those at the top. My spin from the outside is this. It is interesting that in the USA, if you take all the increase in the size of the GDP caused by all the efforts of the last 10 years, 99% of it went to the top 1% wage earners in America. This may be a statistical freak caused by frozen wages, reduced benefits and rising unemployment but still, it is an amazing statistic in a any democracy. So how those at the top actually behave should cause comment.
I'm sure this isn't what you wanted to say though GH, I would just say that good thoughtful writing tends to stimulate thought, in whatever direction. And yours is good, as ever.
Finally, it's good to see you back, but I suspect you cannot yet be truly well so beat it for a few weeks until you really are better. The shareholders want a long term return not a short term spurt in the share price !
Posts: 125
gh, very nice to have you back.....please take care of yourself.....we will wait for your updates......and anyone can tell that you illness has not effected your excellent story telling...........
Posts: 3581
GH: WELCOME BACK!!!!  It's nice to see the old gang back to work again and to follow their adventures! Now take everyones advice and step away from the computor. Make sure you ARE better..... then and ONLY then...continue with this story. HEY LISA....... keep your hubby in line!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 14692
glad to find you feeling better. Two truly great segments. Thank you.
Posts: 1459
GH, I can only add to the chorus of welcome that has met your return! It is truly good to have you back, and even better to hear you are feeling well. As has been mentioned previously, don't overwork yourself but by all means post only when you feel up to it. As you can see, nobody has walked away! If you get too crazy, my earlier threat still stands.
Now for some reamister I find myself very hungry and with stomach a-growlin', so I guess I'll rustle up some chow. Nothing comparable to what your group enjoyed, of course!
Posts: 2106
Welcome back, gh. Hopefully your health is improving. your writing has been missed. Having a little more free time lately, i've been checking out the offerings from some others, paticulary stormydog and timmy and it seems we have quite a group of talented story tellers here. It's a real delight having so many great stories to follow. Thanks again to you and all the other great story tellers. Outstanding work! priss
Posts: 492
Ditto to all those above comments. Welcome back GH, please take care of yourself. I agree, your writing is excellent as always. Thanks for the latest segments.
Take care
Posts: 492
Hellsfire GH, what a dilema. It was warm enough here to play golf today, but we still have snow on the ground. You have no idea how bad that sucks.
Stay on that road to recovery.
Posts: 328
First, Great to see you back!
Second looks like you " on the road to recovery." I am so glad for you. Especially, with good weather around the corner! Fore!!!
Finaaly, Good to see what Timmy and freinds have been up to!!
All the Best
Posts: 4050
Thank you for your understanding and support.
The writing process is slow for me these days, but I try to write a little bit every day.
Posts: 14692
Very nice GH, thank you. Please just take it easy and don't push yourself too hard.