Posts: 492
goodhusband: Please do not worry about me, I will be fine. Hey, that's what friends do, they worry about each other. GH, get better soon. Your health is the #1 concern for all of us here. As Stormy put it so perfectly, we will eagerly and patiently await your return. TrF2
Posts: 144
#992 · Edited by: Lisaandmikey
To all of my husbands readers
Thank you for your kind comments and support.
I took a recent trip to Florida. Before I left my husband had a chest cold. I considered cancelling my trip, but Mikey (the man you know as GH) wouldn't hear of it. He is a very stubborn man.
While I was gone I was concerned to learn that he wasn't playing golf. It also concerned me to learn that he chose to stay home from the New Years Eve dinner he been plannng to attend. Very worried, I returned from my Florida trip early and found that Mikey now had a very deep and prolonged cough and heavy chest congestion,
I made him go to the doctor. He resisted. Unlike the characters in his stories my husband is a very large, very strong man. He played college football. While he has heart problems, he is rarely ill and never goes to the doctor when he is ill.
He finally relented and chest xrays showed that he has pneumonia. He is now taking medications. He didn't respond immediately to the antibiotics, so he is now taking a steroid and seems to be slowly improving.
I will not allow him to write again or play golf until he is 100 percent healthy. I love my husband. I do not want to lose him.
I hope that he will be fully recovered in a week. Until then he wants to thank everyone for their support.
Posts: 1914
Says it all really Lisa, in so many ways. Thanks for updating us all. I think you can tell many of us were worried about him but were powerless to act. If he doesn't even ping us in a week, could you tell us again he is ok. Thanks.
Posts: 1459
Thanks for the update Lisa, so glad you're there to talk some sense into his head. Love him and take care of him. Oh, and GH - listen to your wife, she's a smart lady! Get better, don't push it, and we'll see ya later!
Posts: 3581
Thanks for the update! Our thoughts are with you both during this time. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 144
To my husbands readers
A quick update.
He is improving, but the progress is slow. His lungs have still not cleared. He is now on a second dfferent antibiotic. Hopefully his recovery will start to speed.
Thank you for your concern
Posts: 14692
thank you for the update. Please keep them coming. You and GH are in my daily thoughts.
Posts: 125
thanks Lisa.
i have been concerned on how he is doing......you can't be to careful these days.....thanks again for updating..tell him we wish him well.
Posts: 1459
Thanks again Lisa! Best wishes GH, hope you're feeling better.
Posts: 492
Glad to hear that he's feeling better. Sounds like you've got your hands full with him and he's too big to spank (well, maybe........).  Take care GH and get better soon. TrF2
Posts: 1459
GH, so good to see you back reading and posting comments here and there, it's like getting good news! You've been missed, my friend, but still I hope you will complete your recovery before you overtax yourself with trying to write. Anyone that reads your stories should have a sense of how much work is involved, so don't push it! The other good news is that I've finally completely caught up with the story! Of course, that's also the bad news. I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to sit down and read multiple segments at once, and now I'm left wondering if the men at the party have been able to maintain their erections for the last couple of weeks. In the company of Kelly, Keisha, et al., I suspect that they have.
As always, my thanks for your superb tale!
Posts: 328
Hey GH and Lisa Just thinking about you all.
I hope the recovery is going well
I, along with manyothers, Hope GH is doing better and will be back with us soon.
Lisa thanks for taking suck great care of him
All the best
Posts: 1459
Meijer: Lisa thanks for taking suck great care of him Hmmm Meijer, Freudian slip perhaps? I wish you the same GH!
Posts: 4050
#1,004 · Edited by: goodhusband
To everyone who has wished me well
Thank you
The pneumonia seems to be cured although my doctor is very worried about a relapse.
I have started writing again, but the pneumonia has affected my stamina. I get tired easily. Also apparently the oygen level in my red is still not what it's supposed to be. The doctor says that the pneumonia damaged my lungs and it will be some time before they are fully healed.
I am writing again and I have completed two short segments ( or maybe one long one) I still want to add some more before I post them. I am finding writing to be difficult right now. The words are not coming easily. I suspect that may have something to do with the lower oxygen level in my red.
I just want you to know that I am trying and I will post as soon as I have something worth posting.
Thank you again for your concern
I did try to play golf yesterday, but I got very tired after 12 holes and my game went completely down the tube. (It's pretty much circling the bowl most of the time anyway). The doc says I should try to play, but to not overdue it so I quit at 15. Lisa was proud of me when I got home. She wasn't sure I had enough good judgement to quit when I got tired. (Actually she was right. My friend was the one who decided we should quit)
Well I'd better get back to writing.
Posts: 4050
Everyone watched in amazement as Donald lapped at his beer. The intensity of his effort indicated that he was thirsty. That wasn't surprising to me. Earlier that day he'd played eighteen holes of golf in the warm South Carolina sun and he'd just returned from a "training session" with Tonya. I could only imagine the trials that he'd been powerd to endure during that little tete-a-tete.
After a minute he sat up and licked his lips. He was smiling.
Tonya patted his head. "Has my pet had enough for right now?"
Donald nodded.
She leaned over and picked up the bowl. "I'll let you have some more a little later."
As Tonya was picking up the bowl Donald noticed that everyone was staring at him. Suddenly realizing how he'd just humiliated himself, he hung his head. His face turned a deep shade of crimmister.
Tonya smiled when she noticed his obvious embarrassment. She patted his shoulder and said in a voice dripping with insincerity, "It's all right Twinkles, you don't have to be ashamed. All of these people are your superiors. They understand that you're just a pet. They expect you to behave this way. Actually it would be an insult if you attempted to mimic them."
Brad shook his head. "Shit, she is fucking good."
"She really is. We should ask Martin, John and Wendell if Donny's wife could come down here and study under her." Tyler was smiling.
Kelly looked up at him. "You mean like an apprentice dominatrix?"
He chuckled. "Yeah, I mean they both really get off on this cuckolds brownie. Sometimes I think Michelle likes it even more than Donny does and he loves it."
Jamister nodded. "He's right, when we have our sex parties, Michelle can get down right nasty to Donny. Then the moment it's all over it's like she's a completely different woman. After we get dressed we'll usually sit in their living room and have a beer before we go home. Michelle will always be cuddled up to Donny on the couch, kissing him and acting all lovey dovey."
I glanced over at Donald Kline. He was smiling.
Mandy shrugged. "They're lucky, it sounds like they understand how to ring each others bells and enjoy doing it."
"Speaking of ringing bells, I think it's time for me to start ringing yours." Kelly flashed Tyler a quick smile, then she put his cock back in her mouth and started sucking it again.
Tyler grinned. "There's a time for conversation, and then there's a time for quiet contemplation. This is definitely a moment for contemplation."
Holding on to Brad's cock, Keisha looked up at him and said, "Are you interested in a little quiet contemplation too?"
He laughed. "Jasmine honey, let's contemplate away."
As Keisha was putting Brad's cock in her mouth Mandy looked up at Jamister. "Do I even have to ask?"
Shaking his head, he answered emphatically. "Nope."
Tonya picked up Donald's leash and pulled him around so that he was kneeling between her legs. "Twinkles, watching those three hot men getting their big beautiful cocks sucked is exciting me. Your mistress would enjoy a little head."
Dropping his leash and sliding forward in her chair, Tonya placed both of her hands behind Donald's head and pulled his face into her glistening cunt. "Show me what a good little pet you are. Eat my pussy and make me cum."
Donald pressed his mouth against the swollen lips of Tonya's sopping cunt and began licking her with an eagerness that only another submissive masochist could truly appreciate.
Everyone around me was now absorbed in either giving or receiving sexual pleasure. I glanced across the pool. Nathan, Elvira and Kirby were involved in a quiet conversation and oblivious to what was occurring over here.
As I realized that I was the only spectator I was overcome by feelings of offense, inferiority and envy. If you ever want to really feel like a cuckold try standing idly bye as a lone observer while a group of people that includes your wife, are paired off and deeply engrossed in an unbridled frenzy to satisfy of their mutual lust.
My feelings of scandal and inadequacy were magnified by the knowledge that I was wearing a chastity cage. I was not only shunned as a participant, I was physically prohibited from joining in even if I had been invited.
Standing by watching my wife and her companions enjoying each other while my tiny penis was locked in a chastity cage made me feel totally emasculated. I was a symbolic eunuch. Of course as a masochistic submissive I was also unbelievably aroused by my predicament.
Posts: 1914
GH, A master class. In so many ways.
Posts: 328
Hey GH
Great to see you back. Glad you on the med and able to chase that little white ball.
Take your time. I just very happy you doing better
Posts: 4050
Thank you, you're a good friend and after the response I received to the other post I made today I appreciate your kind comment.
Thanks again
Posts: 14692
glad to hear you are doing better. I've never ever seen a more erotic description of a BJ.
As to golf, please don't push too hard. Do nine and enjoy to the fullest rather than start faltering after who knows how many.
Posts: 1459
GH, rest assured that low red oxygen levels have not negatively affected the quality of your writing! After that blowjob scene I think perhaps my red oxygen levels are affected - too high, from all the heavy breathing.
While the quality has not suffered in the least, please do allow the quantity to build slowly as you recover. Much as I'd love to rush you to see what's next, no damn relapses are allowed around here! Take it slow and easy, follow your wife's orders, and be well. There's still far too much creativity locked up in there to lose you, my friend.
Posts: 125
great to see that you are feeling better. take it slow and easy as you do not want to slip back......we missed your writing but were worried about you more....please tell Lisa that we appreciated her keeping us up on your condition.
Posts: 3581
GH: WELCOME BACK!!!  Loved your new postings and would love it even more if my own little slut could suck a cock like Kelly.  Now my friend, go slow with your time online and be sure to take care of yourself first! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 2106
To echo the sentiments above, welcome back, gh. It's great to hear you're doing better. As much as we've missed your writing, your health must come first. Take it slow and easy, pneumonia is nothing to fool around with. priss
Posts: 492
You were missed GH, glad to see that you're feeling well enough to sit down at the keyboard again. As others have mentioned, please take it easy while you're recovering. The fact that you feel well enough to get after your golf game seems to be a good sign, don't fret about not being able to complete the round. I find that sometimes the score is secondary to just being out there and enjoying the friendship and lady nature. We have suffered from several snowstorms back to back here, doubt if I'll be out there before April the way it looks now.
Take care my friend,
P.S. Nothing seems amiss with your literary s*******s, outstanding as always.
Posts: 4050
Peak, Meijer, Timmy27, Storm, sallyannslut, cuck4one, priss and trf2
Thank you, I appreciate all of your kind comments and concern. I am getting better and feel a little stronger every day. Lisa is still worried because I'm still coughing and get tired very easily. I'm trying to take it easy.
I do try to write a little bit each day and I will post as often as I can.
Thanks again
Here are three new segments
Posts: 4050
Kelly had again reached the point where she was licking and sucking the head of Tyler's cock while she vigorously masturbated his stiff shaft. This time, however, as Tyler's breathing accelerated into the tell tale series of short quick gasps she didn't back off. Instead she intensified her efforts.
I smiled. My wife had decided that it was time to make Tyler cum. I watched. I was of course envious of the pleasure that this other man was about to experience; but I was also fascinated by Kelly's ability to control the timing of his orgasm. I was becoming increasingly cognizant of and respectful about the degree of professional s******* that my wife possessed.
Kelly was working Tyler into frenzy. His eyes were now open. He was biting his lower lip and gasping like a runner finishing a marathon as he watched my wife fervently work on his cock. At that moment there was nothing gentle about what Kelly was doing. Her beautifully imaginative series of oral manipulations had become a rough and tumble, down and dirty blow job.
Tyler slid his hips forward. It appeared to be an involuntary movement on his part. A primitive response to Kelly's actions. His eyes closed and he let out gasping guttural grunt.
Kelly took as much of his cock into her mouth as she possibly could without having to put any of it down her throat. It was obvious that Tyler was ejaculating and Kelly wanted to avoid obligation on his cum.
Tyler kept his eyes closed while my wife eagerly sucked on his pulsing member. She seemed to be trying to consume every drop of fertile semen that he could possibly produce.
Finally Tyler opened his eyes. Kelly looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at her. She slowly pushed herself up so that she was kneeling on the edge of the chaise lounge. As she rose Tyler's softening cock fell out of her mouth. A trail semen oozed from the wet slippery head and dribred onto her lips and chin.
Keeping her mouth closed Kelly winked at Tyler and stood up. Her white terry cloth robe fell open, exposing her large breasts and flat stomach. The lips of her shaved pussy still glistened with the moisture of her arousal. Without making any effort to cover herself she brazenly walked over to Tonya and Donald.
Standing in front of them, still keeping her lips sealed, she mumred; "Natasha, I have a little present for your pet. I'd like to give him a deliciously sweet kiss."
Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched. All of us knew exactly what was about to happen.
Tonya flashed Kelly a wicked smile, pushed Donald's face away from her slippery wet cunt and roughly powerd his head around so that he was looking at my wife. His face was slick with the moisture from his Mistress's pussy.
She gave Donald's panty covered rear a brisk kick with the toe of her spike heeled boot and said, "Twinkles, stand up. Mistress Melody has a present for you."
Donald obeyed immediately. His earlier training session had apparently been quite effective. He stood meekly in front of my wife, his head hanging in shame. He fully understood the indignity that he was about to be powerd to endure.
With a malicious smile, Kelly raised his chin and said, "Be a good little boy and open your mouth."
Resigned to his fate, Donald complied.
Kelly placed her hands on the back of Donald's head so that she could hold his face still, then she leaned over and pressed her lips against his.
As she pushed Tyler's semen into his mouth with her tongue Jamister said, "Shit, Michelle does to him every time she gives one of us a blow job and she also makes him eat our spunk out of her pussy after we're done fucking her. For the life of me, I cannot begin to understand how he can bear to swallow another man's cum."
Mandy took his cock out of her mouth and looked up at him. "I'm probably going to swallow several mouthfuls of your cum tonight."
"Yeah but you're a girl, that's different."
"Why is it different?"
"I don't know, it just is."
While they were holding this discussion Mandy was slowly stroking Jamister's cock. She smiled at him. "It really doesn't have much of a taste. It's kind of gooey, but you get used to that pretty quickly."
Brad laughed. "Hey Jamister, Jasmine's about to get a load of my jizz. I'll bet she'll share it with you."
Chuckling Jamister said, "No thanks, I'll let Donny have all of that little treat."
Kelly broke off her kiss with Donald and patted his cheek with her fingertips. "Be a good boy and swallow every drop for me."
We all watched as Donny obeyed and swallowed Tyler's semen.
As soon as he was finished Tonya patted Donald's head. "That was a good boy Twinkles. Now thank Mistress Melody for her sweet kiss."
Donald looked at Kelly and quietly said, "Thank you Mistress Melody."
"You're welcome Twinkles. It's always fun to give treats to a good little boy.” Kelly smiled and then she turned and walked back over to Tyler with her robe still brazenly open.
Tonya looked at Brad and Jamister. "I think your little cuckold friend would love to have two more treats."
Jamister laughed. "Michelle is going to love it when we tell her about this."
Mandy squeezed his erect cock. "Let's get busy and give you even more to tell her about."
Grinning at Mandy, Jamister said; "Go for it Angela.'
Keisha smiled at Brad. "Are you ready to get back to work too?"
He chuckled. "If this is work I'd sure like to see what you three call play."
Posts: 1916
excellent as always GH! May I also say welcome back and here's wishing you a full and speedy recovery.
Posts: 4050
#1,018 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Oh cuckolds brownie yes! That's right Jasmine. Suck it! Suck it hard, just like that!"
We all turned and looked at Brad and Keisha. Keisha was sucking on the head of Brad's cock with relentless frenzy. The fingers of her right hand were encircling and squeezing the base of his now throbbing erection.
Suddenly Brad gasped and then he uttered a low moan as he began ejaculating into Keisha's mouth. Keisha kept sucking him. It seemed as if she was trying to draw every possible drop of cum out of his stiff cock.
She continued sucking Brad until she felt him relax. Then, still gripping the base of his softening penis with her fingers; she slipped the glistening head out of her mouth and looked up at him with sealed lips.
He smiled at her and nodded knowingly. He understood exactly what she was planning to do.
Letting go of Brad's cock, Keisha stood up and walked over to Donny, who was once again kneeling at Tonya's feet.
Tonya tugged on his leash. "Stand up Twinkles. It's Mistress Jasmine's turn to bring you a treat."
Tyler laughed. "It looks like we might fill our buddy up tonight."
Giggling, Kelly said; "That is an exciting challenge. I'm up to it if you are."
"Melody, you are such a slut." Mandy was grinning at her.
"You're the one with her tit in a guys mouth." Kelly winked at her friend.
Mandy answered her with pretend indignity. "And what might that be in your pussy?"
Kelly looked down and then she covered her mouth with her hand in an exaggerated display of mock dismay. "Oh dear me, it's Tyler's finger. How did that get in there?"
Tyler, Jamister and Brad were doing everything they could to contain their laughter.
"Hey everyone, she's kissing him. Twinkles is getting another treat." Mandy was redirecting our attention.
We all turned. Like both Kelly and Mandy, Keisha was firmly holding Donald's head between her hands while she powerfully pressed her lips against his and pushed Brad's semen into his mouth. After she was finished she broke off her kiss, slipped her hand under Donald's tee shirt, grasped his nipple and gave it a vicious twist."
Donald yelped.
Malevolently she said, "Swallow every bit of it Twinkles or I'll rip your nipple right off." And then with a sudden change of demeanor, she added in a voice dripping with sweetness , "You wouldn't want to insult Master Brad by failing to enjoy all of his offering would you?"
Donald made an exaggerated swallow. There was a look of fear, excitement and offense in his eyes.
Still grasping his nipple Keisha said, "Very good, now open your mouth. I want to check to see that you swallowed every drop."
Quickly complying, Donald opened his mouth and extended his tongue like he was at the doctors office. After making a big show of inspecting it Keisha released his nipple and patted his cheek. "That was a very good boy Twinkles. I'm sure that your Mistress will think of some very creative ways to reward your obedience."
Tonya stood up. "Actually, it's starting to get a little chilly out here. I think it's time for my pet and me to return to my rumpus room. I want to have a little more fun before dinner." She tugged on Donald's leash. "Come Twinkles."
As we watched Tonya lead Donald back to the house, Tyler said; "Rumpus room?"
Kelly giggled. "Yes, it's in the basement and it's very well equipped with her favorite toys."
“I don't think you'll find a television set or a pool table there." Mandy was smiling.
Kelly nodded. "That's for sure."
Jamister shook his head. "I can just imagine what is down there."
Mandy kissed his cheek. "Unless you've suddenly developed the same predilections as Donald I don't think you really want to know."
He laughed. "You're right, this might be one of those situations where ignorance is bliss."
Keisha, who was still standing, walked over to Brad and extended her hand. "Come on baby, it is getting a little chilly out here. I don't have a rumpus room, but your bedroom will have everything we need for a little pre dinner fun."
Brad took her hand. As Keisha pulled him up from the chaise lounge he said, "If it has a bed and a shower it will be just perfect."
His robe was open. Keisha brushed his flaccid penis with her fingertips. "I hope you don't want to take a nap."
Shaking his head, he said; "No Jasmine, I was hoping we might do a little serious fucking before dinner."
"What an exciting idea." She grabbed his cock and gave it a gentle tug. "Follow me big boy. We've got a plan."
As Keisha and Brad started walking towards the mansion Kelly looked at Tyler and said, "Do you like their plan?"
Tyler nodded. "Melody my dear, it sounds absolutely delightful."
Kelly popped up and grabbed his hand. As she pulled him out of their chaise lounge she said, "Well then, what are we waiting for."
Once he was standing Tyler pulled my wife to him and gave her a hard kiss on the lips. When they finally broke apart Kelly breathlessly said, "Yes, I think this is a very good plan." She picked up his hand and said, "Let's go."
As soon as Kelly and Tyler started following Brad and Keisha to the mansion Mandy looked at Jamister. "Do I have to ask?"
He shook his head. "Nope."
She quickly stood up and turned to offer him a hand, but he was already getting up on his own. Mandy grinned at him. "My aren't we eager."
Jamister flashed her a scurrilous smile and said, "We certainly are."
Grabbing his arm, Mandy laughed and said, "Come on you lecherous rogue, let's go fuck."
As I watched my wife and Tyler walk hand in hand to the mansion, feelings of envy and jealousy crept their way into my heart. Once they were inside I closed my eyes, bit my lower lip and sighed. Then I started picking up the plates and plastic glasses.
I knew that I didn't have to do it, Florence and Cassie would soon be coming out to clean up. At that moment I just needed something to occupy my mind. Being a cuckold isn't always easy.
Posts: 4050
I was posting while you were posting your comment.
Thank you I appreciate your kind comment and support.
Posts: 14692
Very, very nice GH. Looks like you are doing better healthwise. This was quite an effort and a fantastic read.