Posts: 4050
#961 · Edited by: goodhusband
"I'll leave you here. I have chores to finish. Nathan will explain your duties." Florence turned and abruptly disappeared through the double glass doors.
As soon as she was gone Nathan waved to us. "Bunny, Cookie, come down here. We don't have much time."
There was a wide stone stairway that led down to the patio. Kirby and I quickly joined Nathan.
"Good afternoon gentlemen. We don't have time for formalities, so I'm just going to start explaining your duties. First of all you must remember your place at all times. You are slaves. Do not ever forget that. Our guests should be addressed as Mr. Cameron, Mr. Greer and Mr. Foley. Donald Kline is also a slave. You may not address him at all. If you have any questions for him ask one of the ladies. They will answer for him. The ladies should of course always be addressed as Mistress Natasha, Mistress Melody, Mistress Jasmine and Mistress Angela. You both belong to the ladies, so most of your questions should be directed to them. I will do the same with questions regarding the two of you. If I require your services I will go to one of the ladies and ask. For example I may say, Mistress Jasmine, may I take Cookie for a little while? She will give permission."
Kirby asked, "Nathan, how should we address you?"
In private you can of course call all of us by our first names, but in front of the guests you should always address me as Mr. Nathan. Florence should be Ms. Florence.
A bell chimed one time.
"Our guests are in the reception hall. We have to hurry. Cookie, you'll be tending bar."
"I've never been a bartender."
"You were a cook in the Navy, you know how to mix a take don't you?"
"Yes, of course I do."
"This isn't going to be difficult. The ladies will most likely ask for margaritas. They're already mixed. You'll find them in a pitcher in one of the refrigerators under the bar. The men will probably start with beer. There's a wide selection of brands in two of the refrigerators under the bar. We've already asked the men about their beer preferences, so we should have a good supply of anything they request. There's also a bartender's book behind the bar in case you someone asks for a cocktail you don't know how to make. Do you think you can handle that?"
Kirby nodded. "Absolutely."
Nathan smiled. "Good, your place is behind the bar. When the men come in with Martin, John, Wendell and Edward you should be standing still watching them."
"Kind of like standing at attention when an officer comes on deck."
"Yes, that's a good way to look at it. You will be quickly introduced. Do not say anything, just nod politely."
"I can do that."
"All right, go to your station."
As soon as Kirby was gone Nathan turned to me. "Bunny, when the men come in your job is to quietly fall into place behind them. Try to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Like Kirby you will also be introduced. You should also nod politely without saying anything. This evening your rule is, do not speak unless your are spoken to. Do you understand?'
I nodded. "Yes Mr. Nathan.'"
Nathan smiled. "That is exactly the attitude you should maintain for the entire evening. Most of your directions will come from the ladies, but if one of the gentleman asks for something you should respond immediately. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir."
Suddenly the double glass doors at the back of the mansion opened. Edward stepped out onto the veranda and held one of the doors.
Martin Jackmister and another man who I assumed was John Reynolds came through behind him. As soon as they were on the veranda they stepped aside and four middle aged men walked through the door. They were followed by Wendell Tyler and Elvira.
As everyone was standing on the veranda. Martin Jackmister said, "Gentlemen, I'm certain that you remember our pool area."
One of the men smiled. "Oh yes."
"We thought our we'd start our little party with cocktails or beer out here."
Another of the men asked, "Where are the girls?"
Martin smiled. "They'll be out here shortly. Beautiful women like to make an entrance."
Everyone laughed.
John Reynolds said, "Why don't we wait for them down by the pool."
As the group walked down the steps Nathan whispered to me. "Bunny after everyone is on the patio, slip in behind Wendell, Elvira and Edward. Remember, do not draw attention to yourself."
I waited. As soon as the entire group was off the steps and walking towards the pool I quietly fell in behind them.
Once they reached the tables John Reynolds stopped and turned to the four men. "Gentlemen, tonight you are our guests. It is our intention to provide you with a memorable evening. If you decide to invest in our project it is an evening that we would be very willing to repeat several times."
Martin nodded and said, "As always, Edward and his staff will be available to see to your every need. To further insure that you have a wonderful time Elvira who you have already met, will also be around to make certain that your every desire is being fulfilled. Finally, our hostesses have brought their slaves with them this evening and they will also be working to provide anything you might want."
One of the men chuckled. "Their slaves?"
Martin nodded. "Yes, they're one of the perks that we provide to our lovely ladies. We thought that you might appreciate that little touch."
Another of the men smirked. "Donald, you should apply for that job. Your wife already has you very well trained."
Donald Kline's face turned red while the other three men chuckled at the joke.
Tactfully smiling while he ignored the playful barb at their friend, Martin said, “The slave behind the bar is Cookie.”
Every one turned. Kirby nodded.
“The girl's other slave is standing behind you. His name is Bunny.”
The group now turned and looked at me. I nodded.
Suddenly John Reynold's said, "Our hostesses have arrived."
We all looked at the rear of the mansion. Kelly, Keisha and Mandy were walking down the stone steps side by side. They were wearing similar bikini bathing suits. Kelly's was pink, Keisha's was white and Mandy's was black. All three of them were stunningly beautiful. Tonya followed three steps behind them. She wasn't wearing a bikini. Instead she was wearing a pair of black leather hot pants, a black leather brassiere, a pair of thigh high black spike heeled boots and a pair of elbow high black leather gloves. She was carrying a black leather dog collar and leash.
Laughing, one of the men said; "It's not hard to figure out which one is Donald's date."
Posts: 1914
Tease .. let the fun begin ... nicely done GH.
Posts: 14692
great lead in for the party. thank you for keeping this great story going. Every segment is like a present, or better like a great old cognac to be savored.
Posts: 4050
Peak and Timmy
Thank you and Happy New Year
Posts: 492
Excellent start to the big party GH. It troubles me that you are alone for the holiday, but this is something that you've obviously chosen, so I raise my champagne glass to you in a toast and say to you, "Happy New Year". Maybe you're not home alone, maybe you're in someplace nice and warm with your golf clubs and your laptop. That would be my wish for you my friend, but whatever your situation is, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday.
As always, thanks for all your hard work in bringing us this amazing story. I have a feeling that this party is going to be one of your very best.
Take care,
Posts: 4050
#966 · Edited by: goodhusband
Martin smiled at Brad, Jamister and Tyler. "It think it's time for us to leave you alone and give you an opportunity to get a little better acquainted with these lovely ladies."
John nodded. "Yes, Bunny will stay with you and see to your needs. If there is anything that you want, anything at all; just let the girls know. They'll tell Bunny and he'll get it for you."
Turning to me John said, "Nathan and Elvira will be at the bar with Cookie. If our guests want something and you don't know how to get it, ask them. They will help you. Do you understand?"
"Yes Mr. Reynolds, I know exactly what to do."
Martin looked at his business partner. "He'll be fine John. Bunny is a very resourceful little fellow."
The term, little fellow struck me as being a little demeaning, but I understood. I was a slave. That was my role for the evening. Besides, I was a submissive masochist. As Tyler so aptly put it when he was describing his friend; I can't understand why, but Donald loves being treated like that. It really seems to get him off. Donald Kline and I had a lot in common.
Mr. Jackmister looked at me. I noticed a hint of concern in his eyes. I guessed that the little fellow comment was a slip and he was now recalling the problems we'd had a week ago. I knew that he desperately wanted to avoid a scene at this party and it was apparent that he'd just realized that he might have inadvertently provoked me.
I smiled at him.
He stared at me for a moment and then he gave me an almost imperceptible nod and smiled back.
Quickly turning to John and Wendell he said, "I think we can rest assured that our guests are in very good hands."
John nodded and smiled at Brad, Jamister and Tyler. "Gentlemen, we'll see you at dinner."
The three partners then turned and walked quickly back to the mansion.
As they were leaving Elvira said, "Bunny, I'll be at the bar with Nathan and Cookie. Let me know if our guests need anything."
I smiled. "Yes, Mistress Elvira."
After smiling back at me Elvira left for the bar. As soon as she was gone Keisha said, "I think it's time for us to start our party."
"Jasmine baby, I'm ready and rarin to go." Brad Cameron was grinning.
Mandy seductively rubbed Jamister Foley's chest with the palm of her hand. "You guys have been playing golf all day. You must be tired. I'll bet you could use an ice cold beer and some snacks." She let her hand slip to his crotch. As she squeezed his stiffening penis she added. "Melody, Jasmine and I love to pamper powerful men like the three of you. I understand that all of you enjoy a cold beer after golf. What kind would you like?"
Jamister took a deep breath. Having his cock squeezed had obviously unnerved him. He took a second to collect his wits and then he smiled and said, "Have you got Heineken?"
"I'm sure we do. Bunny would you tell Nathan that Mr. Foley would like a Heineken."
I nodded. "Yes Mistress Angela." Then I turned to Kelly and Keisha.
Kelly ran her fingertips along Tyler's forearm. "What would you like, studman?"
Tyler chuckled. "Studman, I like that name. I'll have a Heineken too."
Slipping her arm around Tyler's waist, Kelly turned to me and said, "You heard the man Bunny, get him a Heineken."
I noticed an aloof tone in Kelly's voice. A week ago I would have been hurt by it, but now it didn't faze me at all. I understood. At this moment all of my wife's attention was focused on pleasing her lover. I was nothing more than an insignificant slave to her and until she returned to me in the morning, that was all I was going to be.
It was her concern about how I would react in this situation that had earlier caused Kelly to be so persistent about telling me to remember that regardless of what happens tonight, regardless of how she acts, I will still be her one and only true love.
I glanced over a Mandy. She was staring at me. I quickly realized that she'd also noticed Kelly's aloof manner towards me and she was worried about how I was reacting.
I gave her a discreet nod. She smiled. She understood that I was all right.
Next to me I heard Keisha ask, "Brad honey, what kind of beer would you like?" Her question jarred me back to reality. I needed to take a lesmister from my wife. I had a job to do this evening and it required my full attention."
"A Heineken would be just fine."
"Bunny, that's three Heinekens and tell Cookie that the three of us will have margaritas." Keisha looked at Mandy and Kelly. "Are margaritas all right with you two?"
They both nodded.
I bowed politely and said, "Yes Mistress Jasmine, right away."
I turned and hurried over to the bar. Nathan was waiting for me.
"Three Heinekens and three margaritas."
"We'll take care of it Bunny. You go back to your Mistresses."
I smiled as I hustled back across the patio. I was beginning to understand my role. I was an errand boy.
The men were now sitting in chairs. The girls were all sitting on their laps. Kelly had her arm around Tyler's shoulder. One of his hands was inside the front of her bikini bottom. He was cupping her breast with his other hand. For a moment I felt a brief pang of jealousy. I quickly squelched it.
I walked around so that I was between the table where the group was seated and the cabanas. It seemed to be the least intrusive position for me.
Keisha and Brad were making out. One of Keisha's breasts was out of her bathing suit top. Brad was playing with her nipple. Mandy had unzipped Jamister's pants and pulled out his very erect cock. She was slowly stroking him.
Suddenly I heard Kelly say, "Guys, I think we should all get into the spa."
Mandy nodded. "That's a wonderful idea."
Tyler shook his head. "We don't have bathing suits."
Giggling, my wife said, "What would possibly make you think you'd need a bathing suit."
"You're wearing a bathing suit."
"Yes, and whose fault is that." She leaned over and whispered in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. "All you have to do is pull on the bows and my suit will fall right off." She turned around and leaned forward. "Let's start with the top."
As Tyler tugged on the bow that fastened my wife's bathing suit top he said, "There are some tasks in this world that are an unparalleled pleasure."
Kelly pulled her top away and turned back around so that her naked breasts were in lover's face. "Would you like a little nibble?"
Tyler laughed. "I was hoping you might ask me that."
Posts: 4050
#967 · Edited by: goodhusband
I'm sorry, I posted my next segment before I noticed your note. Thanks for your concern. I'm in Arizona. Unfortunately, right now it's just as cold here as it it everywhere else (well not quite, but almost.) Yes I do have my golf clubs and my laptop and I will be having dinner with a few friends tonight, so don't worry about me.
Happy New Year to you my good friend.
Posts: 4050
He cradled my wife's breasts in his hands and pressed them together. For a moment Tyler gazed at them adoringly and then he gently kissed each of her nipples.
Kelly laughed. "You really are a breast man, aren't you."
Grinning at her, Tyler said, "Oh Yes." Then, holding her left breast with his right hand he sucked her nipple into his mouth At the same time his left hand found Kelly's right nipple. He rolled it back and forth between his fingertips while he eagerly kissed and licked the other nipple.
Kelly closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. I knew my wife. She loved having her breasts sucked and fondled. Tyler was driving her wild.
As I watched this other man pleasure my wife I smiled. I wasn't jealous. I was maybe a little envious and I will admit that the envy I was feeling did excite me. The knowledge that another man was enjoying the sexual delights that should have been mine appealed my masochistic disposition.
Still, that wasn't the cause of my smile. I was smiling because seeing my wife enjoying herself so much made me happy.
Undoubtedly, this reaction would shock many people. It even shocked me a little bit. I know that it's difficult to understand. It's even still difficult for me to understand.
It's based on my unshakeable confidence in my wife's love for me. This confidence in Kelly's love has been slowly growing since we met. It was founded in friendship, mutual admiration and eventually mutual trust.
That was why, during the past year, I was so slow to realize that we had a growing problem. I was utterly convinced of Kelly's love for me. Having to actually question that love was untenable.. When I was finally powerd to confront the possibility that she might love someone else I was devastated.
The pain and suffering we both had to endure during the past year was awful, but it ended up having one very positive result. I was now even more convinced that my wife loved me than ever before. When I left her for those few days, the belief that she'd lost me nearly destroyed Kelly. She had been willing to do anything, even quit a very lucrative job that she loved, just so that she could stay with me.
Now as I watched my wife gasping and cooing with delight while another man kissed and licked her nipples, I didn't have to worry. I knew that this wasn't love. My wife was just enjoying herself.
Sexual pleasure isn't about love. Certainly love enhances sexual pleasure, but love is a separate entity based on friendship, trust, mutual admiration and above all else an undying concern for each others welfare. Relationships based on lust eventually die. Relationships founded on love live forever.
It's taken me a couple of weeks and the assistance of several new friends to regain my confidence in my wife's unwavering love for me. I've done that now and once again I believe that Kelly and I have a marriage based on love. That's why I can smile when I watch her party with another man.
Suddenly Kelly pushed herself away from Tyler and stood up. Giggling she said, I could do that forever, but I think we'll have more fun if we both get naked and get into the hot tub."
She stood up and turned around so that her back was to Tyler. "You still have two knots to untie."
He grabbed a bow with each hand and gave them a quick tug. The bottom of my wife's bikini fell away exposing her gorgeous rear end. Tyler leaned forward and gave each of her cheeks a quick peck.
Laughing as she turned around, Kelly lasciviously fingered her glistening pussy and said. "My little kitty could use a kiss too.”
Tyler chuckled. "I'm just the man for the job." He leaned forward again, only this time he grabbed my wife's hips and held her firmly to his face while he gave her cunt a long slow, very passionate kiss."
Kelly gasped when she felt his tongue probing the cleft of her pussy.
This did ignite some momentary pangs of jealousy. Tyler was encroaching on an area where I felt I had some expertise. I quickly reminded myself that this was still jut a physical act and had absolutely nothing to do with my wife''s feelings for me. Kelly was not going to run away with Tyler because he licked her pussy and while she did enjoy the pleasure I gave her with my tongue, it was not the reamister she married me.
Kelly stepped back and took a deep breath. "This is turning into a very exciting afternoon."
Tyler nodded. "Yes, it certainly is."
"Come on, stand up. We have to get you undressed so we can take a nice hot soak in the spa." Kelly grabbed Tyler's wrist and pulled him to his feet.
As he stood up he said; "I don't know, I was having a pretty good time in the chair."
Laughing Kelly said, "Tyler honey, the day is still young. The fun is just beginning."
Posts: 3581
goodhusband: Sexual pleasure isn't about love. Certainly love enhances sexual pleasure, but love is a separate entity based on friendship, trust, mutual admiration and above all else an undying concern for each others welfare. Relationships based on lust eventually die. Relationships founded on love live forever. GH: That statement is very true and well said. You’re quite the philosopher! It's always a pleasure to read your story, and feel the emotion of all the different characters. Welcome back and may the new year continue to inspire your creative s*******s. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 492
goodhusband: Kelly laughed. "You really are a breast man, aren't you." Oh my, yes I am Kelly. Big firm ones, little perky ones, saggy, floppy ones, ones that can poke your eyes out. Nothing like BOOBIES. (.) (.) Happy New Year GH. TrF2
Posts: 14692
Peak, I second that motion.
This year is off to a great start as this story unfolds. Thank you GH
Posts: 4050
Thank you, I think it's a concept central to the whole idea of cuckolding.
May the boobies be with you. Happy New Year to you.
You can never go wrong seconding a Peakmb motion.
Happy New Year and thank you for reading my story.
Posts: 4050
#973 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Now, let's get you undressed." Kelly lifted Tyler's golf shirt over his head and pulled it off exposing a trim well muscled physique. It was obvious that Tyler spent some time in the gym. I was certain that my wife was pleased.
She tossed his shirt on the table, unbuckled his belt and opened his trousers. His erect penis sprang up making a tent in the front of his boxer shorts.
"Kick your off shoes. I want to get you out of your pants so that I can see this monster that's making such a fuss in your underwear." Kelly was giggling.
As Tyler slipped out of his loafers he said, "I'll give you some advice."
"Pray tell, what would that be?"
"The monster is happiest when he can hide in warm moist places."
Kelly grinned at him. "I'll remember that. Your monster's well being is very important to me." Then she pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles.
Tyler's cock stuck straight out. Actually, that wasn't quite accurate. His erection had a slight upward curve to it. He wasn't huge. He was bigger than me, but who isn't. I estimated his penis at about six inches. I knew that Kelly preferred bigger cocks, but six inches wasn't bad and she'd often told me that she loved a cock with a little upward curve to it. I figured that she was reamisterably pleased about what she'd just found.
Tyler stepped out if his pants.
My wife looked at me. "Bunny, take care of Mr. Greer's clothes"
I nodded. "Yes Mistress Melody, right away."
"Bunny take care of Mr. Foley's and Mr. Cameron's too." It was Mandy.
"Yes Mistress Angela" After responding I glanced over at them. Mandy, Keisha, Brad Cameron and Jamister Foley were all naked. The men's clothing was brownietered on the patio next to their chairs.
Like Tyler, both Brad and Jamister had erections. Jamister's cock was about the same size as Tyler's, but it was straight. Brad's was larger. I guessed that he was about seven inches and just a little bit thicker than Tyler.
Keisha grabbed Brad's stiff penis. "Come on studman, let's get into the spa." As she led her man across the patio deck she giggled. "Men come equipped with these wonderfully convenient handles."
Mandy wrapped her fingers around Jamister's cock. As they followed Keisha and Brad to the spa she said, "And they love to be led around by them."
Jamister laughed. "Angela my dear, as long as you hang on to me like this I'll follow you anywhere."
As they stepped into the hot churning water of the spa Mandy said, "Oh you just like looking at my naked butt."
Leering at her, Jamister said, "I'd like to do a whole lot more than look at it."
"Sweetie, it's yours to use as you please for the entire night."
Jamister looked at Brad who was now sitting chest deep in the gigantic hot tub with his arm around Keisha. "Damn Brad, I love doing business with JTandR."
Brad nodded. "They do know how to make a man feel appreciated."
Kelly grabbed Tyler's cock. "Shall we join them?"
"Melody, I'm just like Jamister. If you hold me like this, I'll go anywhere you want to take me."
As they started across the patio Kelly looked back at Tyler and asked, "Are you going to stare at my butt while we walk over there?"
"Every step of the way."
"I thought you were a breast man?"
"I'm a man with a wide variety of tastes."
That made Kelly laugh. She led her man into the spa. As they sat down next to Jamister and Mandy she was still laughing. She kissed Tyler on the cheek. "We should get along famously, because I'm a woman who loves to taste men."
Jamister grinned at Tyler. "Like I just said to Brad, you gotta love doing business with these people."
Tyler nodded. "Yes, now we just have to convince Donny of that."
Still keeping his arm around Keisha, Brad leaned forward and said; "I wonder what's happening with our buddy right now?"
Mandy giggled. "I'm sure that Natasha has his full attention."
Brad smiled. "I'll bet she does and I'll bet our buddy is loving every minute of it."
As soon as everyone was settled Nathan appeared next to the tub with a tray full of takes. All of them were in heavy weight plastic glasses. He set a beer on the edge of the tub next to each of the men and a margarita next to each of the women.
While this was going on I was busy picking up the men's clothing. After laying everything neatly across the table I looked over at Elvira. I wasn't sure what else I should do with their things. I was hoping for some direction. She made a little nod towards the rear of the mansion. I was relieved to see Cassie and Florence walking briskly towards me.
When the housekeepers arrived at the table Cassie said, "Bunny we'll bring the gentlemen's clothing up to their rooms."
"Thank you Ms. Cassie. I put each man's clothing in a separate pile." I pointed. "This is Mr. Cameron's, this is Mr. Foley's and this is Mr. Greer's. The pink bathing suit belongs to Mistress Kelly, the black bathing suit is Mistress Angela's and the white suit is Mistress Jasmine's."
After they'd gathered up everything Florence said,"Well done Bunny." She nodded towards a cabinet next to the building that housed the cabanas. You'll find towels for the ladies and their gentlemen in that cabinet over there."
I smiled. "Ms. Florence, Ms. Cassie; thank you very much for your help."
As soon as the housekeepers were gone I walked over to the cabinet and took out six towels. I set them on one of the chairs and positioned myself behind the spa. The group was chatting and sipping their takes. Kelly was snuggled up to Tyler. He had his arm around her. His hand was on her breast. I noticed that as they talked he was gently toying with my wife's nipple. Kelly was holding her margarita in her right hand. Her left hand was submerged. Because of the churning water I couldn't actually see what her hand was doing, but her left arm was slowly moving back and forth. I was reamisterably certain that while they were chatting my wife was stroking Tyler's cock.
Posts: 14692
GH, you are on a roll thank you for making this a very enjoyable weekend
Posts: 4050
Thanks Timmy
Posts: 4050
The group had been in the hot tub for about twenty minutes when Edward appeared. Doris, the assistant chef, was right behind him. Both of them were carrying a tray of appetizers.
As they set the trays on one of the poolside tables Edward said, "We thought you might be hungry. Dinner won't be served until eight o'clock.”
Brad Cameron stood up. "I'm famished."
Tyler Greer also stood up. "Me too."
Everyone quickly followed their lead.
Tyler stepped out of the tub. The effect of the activity of my wife's submerged hand was immediately obvious. His erection was jutting straight up.
He offered Kelly a hand. As he helped her out of the tub she called to me, "Bunny we need towels."
Brad and Jamister stepped out of the tub and helped Mandy and Keisha out.
I quickly grabbed the stack of large bath towels that I'd set out earlier and distributed them to the six naked dripping people as they stood shivering on the patio. It was a warm day, the high had been in the low 80's; but the hot water in the spa had raised everyone's body temperature. Now that they were out of the steaming tub they were all experiencing a temporary chill. I noticed that the erections that Brad, Jamister and Tyler had all been sporting as they emerged from the spa were now beginning to droop.
Tyler took the towel I'd given him and gallantly wrapped it around my wife's naked, goose bump covered body. I felt a momentary pang of jealousy as I watched Kelly close her eyes and lean against him as he patted her large breasts dry.
While the group was drying each other off Cassie appeared carrying six plush terry cloth bathrobes. I was constantly amazed by the organization at Evergreen.
As soon as they were all wrapped in the comforting warmth of the robes the three girls took their men by the hand and led them over to the chaise lounges.
Keisha said, "You guys sit here and relax, we'll bring you some snacks."
As the girls were walking over to the trays of food Mandy turned to me. "Bunny, our men need more beer." She looked at Kelly and Keisha. "White wine?"
They both nodded. Keisha said, "Definitely."
"Bunny, we'll each have a glass of Riesling."
"Yes Mistress Angela, right away."
I hurried over to the bar. Nathan, Elvira and Kirby were waiting for me. "Three more beers and three glasses of Riesling."
Nathan nodded to me. "We'll take care of it Bunny." He turned to Kirby. "There's a bottle of Riesling in the refrigerator where you found the margaritas."
As Kirby was getting the wine Elvira placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and asked, "How are you doing Bunny?"
"I'm okay. I've had a couple of moments when I felt a little jealous, but I keep reminding myself that for Kelly and I think Mandy, Keisha and Tonya too, sex is just a very exciting game. It's not any different than watching them play a highly contested tennis match."
Elvira rubbed my back. "That's a good way to look at it." Turning to Kirby she said, "Did you hear that Cookie?"
Kirby was filling three plastic cups with wine. Without looking up he answered, "Yes I did Mistress Elvira."
"Good." Elvira patted my butt. "You'd better get back to the girls. Nathan will bring the takes over."
I nodded and walked quickly back to the other side of the pool.
Kelly, Keisha and Mandy were sitting on the chaise lounges next to their men. They were each holding a plate of food. Their robes were open. Their breasts were fully exposed.
As I approached them I saw my wife pick up a cracker with a piece of cheese on it and feed it to Tyler. My breath caught. I stopped for a moment and then remembering what I'd just said to Elvira, I took a deep breath and moved to my place behind the chaise lounges.
I stood there and watched the girls feed their men. I was fascinated that feeding someone could be such an overtly sexual act. Of course the fact that the girls robes were now wide open and the three men were fondling their breasts while they were being fed added to that impression.
Nathan arrived with the takes. Being careful not to interrupt the couples he set them on the small tables next to each of the chaise lounges and discreetly withdrew.
As soon as he was gone, Mandy held up her plate. "Bunny take this away."
"Take this one too."
"And this one."
Kelly and Keisha were both holding up their plates.
I took the plates and placed them on the table next to the trays of food. When I turned around again Kelly was holding Tyler's plastic glass of beer to his lips. She stared into his eyes as he took a sip, then she set his glass back on the table and picked up her own. Still staring into his eyes she took a sip of her wine and lasciviously licked her lips. Then she set the glass down again, leaned over and kissed Tyler.
Tyler put an arm around Kelly and pulled her down on top of him. At the same time his free hand slipped inside her robe and he began fondling her breast.
Still locked in a passionate kiss with him; Kelly reached down, opened Tyler's robe and grasped his once again fully erect penis in her hand.
I glanced at Keisha and Mandy. Both of them were also locked in passionate embraces with their men. It appeared that the orgy was beginning in earnest.
"My, my, my; isn't this an erotic scene."
I looked up. It was Tonya. I'd been watching my wife and Tyler so intently that I'd failed to notice her approach.
Donald Kline was standing next to her. He was now wearing nothing but a chastity cage, a pair of crotchless pink lace panties similar to the ones I was wearing and his leather dog collar with the leather leash attached to it. The words; Hello, my name is Twinkles, were scrawled across his freshly shaved chest in what appeared to be red lipstick.
Tonya was still wearing her black leather brassiere, thigh high spike heeled boots and elbow length leather gloves, but she was now bottomless. Her leather hot pants were gone. The glistening lips of her shaved sex were now on full display. She held Donald's leash in her right hand. In her left she had a horsewhip similar to the ones jockeys use to spur their mounts on to victory.
"Holy cuckolds brownie!"
I turned. It was Brad Cameron. The three couples had stopped making out. They were now all staring at Donald and Tonya.
Josh shook his head. "Wait until Michelle hears about this."
Tyler nodded. "She'll get a big kick out it." He looked at Donald, "You doin all right buddy?"
Donald gave his friend a barely perceptible nod.
Whap! Tonya struck him across his bare back with her whip. "Did I give you permission to answer your friend pussyboy?"
"No Mistress Natasha, I'm sorry, I slipped. Please forgive me. I promise to never to do it again."
"Get down on your knees and kiss my boots!"
Donald immediately dropped to the patio and started kissing and licking the toes of Tonya's spike heeled boots.
While he was groveling at her feet Tonya smiled at Tyler. "Don't worry, your friend is having the time of his life. He knows that I'll never actually do anything that will seriously hurt him and if I do accidentally go too far or do something that he really doesn't want me to do, he has a safe word.
Tyler still had his arm around my wife. She was lying next to him on the chaise lounge cuddled against his shoulder. Her fingers were still wrapped around his erect penis. Looking up at him she said, "Don't worry, Natasha is a very s*******ed dom. Tonight her job is to push Donald's limits and give him an evening that he will always remember."
Kelly let go of Tyler's cock and pushed herself up so that her face was on the same level as his. She gave him a soft kiss on the lips and then she said, "It's my job to give you an evening that you'll never forget."
She slid down his chest, positioned herself between Tyler's legs, pulled his robe farther apart and grasped his cock with both of her hands. Smiling up at him she said, "I hope that you'll always remember this." Then my wife leaned over and kissed the engorged head of Tyler's erect penis.
Posts: 4050
#977 · Edited by: goodhusband
On the adjacent lounge chair Jamister Foley said, "Damn this party keeps getting hotter and hotter."
Mandy who was cuddled up to Jamister smiled and said, "Would you like some of that same treatment?"
He didn't say a word. He just grinned at Mandy and vigorously nodded his head.
As Mandy was going down on him, Keisha said; "Brad honey, have you ever had a blow job from a black girl? You do know that we suck cock better than anybody."
Kelly laughed. She took Tyler's cock out of her mouth for a moment and said, "I've always heard that it was blonds with big tits who gave the best head."
Keeping Jamister's erection in her mouth Mandy shook her head and mumred, "You're both wrong, it's little brunettes."
Keisha started giggling as she rubbed the head of Brad's rigid penis on her lips, cheeks and nose. "What was that Angela? I couldn't understand what you just said. You do know, it's not polite for a lady to talk with her mouth full."
"Jasmine quit it! You know that a girl can't give a proper blow job while she's giggling."
Keisha slipped farther down between Brad's legs and started licking his balls while she stroked his cock with both of her hands. "Shit Angela, a black girl can give a proper blow job while she's reciting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address."
All three men started laughing. Brad said, "Be careful Jasmine, we might try to hold you to that one."
Keisha began reciting, "Four score and seven years ago..." It came out as a garred mumble. She had one of Brad's balls in her mouth and she was still stroking his cock.
Mandy burst out laughing. "Now who's talking with her mouth full!"
"If you guys could be serious for one second, I have an important question to ask."
We all turned to Tonya. She was standing with her hands on her hips, but there was a huge grin on her face. Donald was still kissing her boots.
Kelly once again took Tyler's cock out of her mouth, only this time she gave the head a quick kiss. Then she said, "What is it Natasha?"
"What kind of wine are you takeing and what does a girl have to do to get a glass?"
Smiling Kelly said, "It's a very nice Riesling and all you have to do is ask Bunny. He'll have Nathan bring you a glass. Do you have any other questions?"
"Yes, what kind of beer are the men takeing?"
"Brad smiled. "Heineken and your pet loves it."
Tonya reached down, slipped the tip of her horsewhip under Donald's chin and gently pushed his face up so that he was looking at her. "Would my pet like a Heineken? You may answer."
"Yes Mistress Natasha, that would be very nice."
"Are you hungry?"
Turning to me Tonya said, "Bunny I'd like a glass of the Riesling and bring a Heineken for Twinkles. He'll need a cereal bowl for his beer."
As I was leaving for the bar I heard Jamister say, "Damn, is she really going to make Donny take his beer out of a bowl?"
I stopped for a moment. I wanted to hear Tonya's answer to his question.
Mandy answered instead. "Jamister honey, at Evergreen only men are allowed to take beer from a glass. Pets always take from a bowl."
Brad shook his head. "You girls are incredible. All four of you must have graduated from the University of Debauchery."
Keisha looked up at him with a smile. She'd moved up from his balls and was now sucking his cock. She took it out of her mouth and held it in her hand while she said, "Ah yes, the good old U of D. It's in kinkyville, Ohio. The nickname of the football team is the Pervs."
Mandy laughed, "The president of the university has a fourteen inch dong."
Kelly picked it right up. "The department of African American Studies is recognized nationally for its rigid standards. Married white women from every state flock there to study under the well endowed professors." She was giggling so hard that she could barely speak.
Grinning, I continued to the bar. Nathan, Elvira and Kirby were waiting for me.
"Mistress Natasha would like a glass of the Riesling for herself and a Heineken for her pet. She told me that her pet will need a cereal bowl for his beer."
Elvira smiled. "Natasha is a very creative dominant."
She picked up a telephone and pressed a button. A moment later she said, "Edward, Natasha needs a cereal bowl for her pet." After a brief pause she said, "Thank you." she set the telephone down and looked at me. "Cassie will bring it right out."
Kirby already had a bottle of Heineken on the bar and he was pouring Tonya's wine.
Nathan thought for a moment and then he said, "Bunny go back over to the party. As soon as Cassie gets here with the bowl, I'll pour Mr. Kline's beer and bring the takes right over."
I nodded. "Thank you Mr. Nathan." Then I turned and hurried back to the other side of the pool.
Tonya was now sitting in one of the chairs next to the table with the trays of food. Donald Kline was kneeling on the patio by her feet. Brad, Jamister and Tyler were watching Tonya and Donald while Keisha, Mandy and Kelly were busily sucking their cocks.
As I moved into my position behind the chaise lounges, Tonya picked up a cracker and held it over Donald's upturned face. "Twinkles speak."
Donald said, "Arf, arf"
Tonya patted his head. "That's a good boy." Then she fed him the cracker.
Tyler shook his head. "I really do wish we had a video of this. Michelle would love it."
Brad nodded. "The next time we get together with her for one of our sex parties, we can tell her all about it."
"Pardon me Madam." Nathan set Tonya's glass of wine down on the table next to her and then he asked, "Where would you like me to put your pet's beer?"
Everyone's attention was so intently focused on Tonya and Donald that none of us had noticed Nathan's arrival.
Tonya smiled at him. "Thank you Nathan, leave it on the table. I'll take care of it."
"Very good madam." Nathan set the bowl of beer next to Tonya's glass of wine and quickly withdrew.
As soon as he was gone Tonya picked up the beer and set it on the patio in front of Donald. "Here you are Twinkles, this is for you. I always reward my pets when they're obedient."
Donald moved to pick up the bowl with his hands.
Whap! Tonya hit his panty covered rear with her whip. "Twinkles, you know better than that. At Evergreen pets are never allowed to use their hands when they eat or take."
Donald gave Tonya a resigned nod and then he leaned over and began lapping up the beer with his tongue.
Posts: 1914
Wow, and you think only Stormy can write a good sex scene. If I didn't better I'd think you thought all that up over new year while you were feeling frustrated. But then I'd know you planned it all ahead ..
Very good session GH. Once more you transported us to a magic corporate land that I know does not exist but I really wish did. Thankfully we still have you to take us all there. Thanks.
Posts: 14692
U of P in Kinkyville OH - Nice touch GH. A really nice batch. Thank you.
Posts: 1459
Thanks again GH! I know I keep saying that, but getting back and having the opportunity to read several more installments of Courtesan was a tremendous belated Christmas present - and I didn't get you anything! Now I feel bad. Seriously though, it was frustrating being away and without access, I kept wondering what the JT&R gang were up to in my absence. The holidays were good though, I hope it was as good for you.
Loved Kelly's little mind game, the story she made up while "powering" Timmy to attend to her needs. A great sex scene and a fun game all in one. Caught up through mid-December, and loving every minute of it. Superb story telling, and hot, hot, hot.
Posts: 1459
#981 · Edited by: stormydog
goodhusband: "When it comes to entertaining men who want straight sex, you're their ace. Wouldn't you agree with that?" Kelly shrugged modestly. "Yes, I suppose I am. I'm a young blond with big tits and a pretty face who loves to give head. That goes over pretty big with a lot of guys." Said on December 18th, and still Kelly wins the Understatement Of The Year award! And then, on New Year's Eve and with all the appropriate fireworks, we ended the old year thus: goodhusband: Suddenly John Reynold's said, "Our hostesses have arrived." We all looked at the rear of the mansion. Kelly, Keisha and Mandy were walking down the stone steps side by side. They were wearing similar bikini bathing suits. Kelly's was pink, Keisha's was white and Mandy's was black. All three of them were stunningly beautiful. Tonya followed three steps behind them. She wasn't wearing a bikini. Instead she was wearing a pair of black leather hot pants, a black leather brassiere, a pair of thigh high black spike heeled boots and a pair of elbow high black leather gloves. She was carrying a black leather dog collar and leash. Laughing, one of the men said; "It's not hard to figure out which one is Donald's date." Very well done GH, masterful timing! I hate to follow my own last comment, but these segments were such a joy to read that I had to. Thanks for a great year.
Posts: 492
This story just keeps getting better and better GH. You may have to borrow some of Stormy's "caution-slippery floors" signs because I have a feeling that this is going to be one hell of a party you're conjuring up for us. You underestimate your writing s*******s, you're doing just fine with this sex scene, two thumbs up.
Shifting gears, I just purchased a Taylormade Burner Superfast driver. Added about 20 yards to my drives and much straighter, if you haven't tried one, give it a try.
Now back to the dripping sex scene..................
Posts: 4050
#983 · Edited by: goodhusband
To the readers of this story
I am sorry, but for health reamisters I am going to have to take a break from writing this story. I regret having to do this at this point in the story. I do not have a choice. I will be back as soon as I can, but I am not sure when that will be. I hope that I will be able to write again in a week or so.
Please do not worry about me, I will be fine. I just need some time to regain my strength.
Posts: 3581
You take care of yourself FIRST, get the rest you need and feel well soon.
I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to your return. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 14692
GH best wishes for a speedy recovery. Please take good care of yourself.
Posts: 1459
GH, best wishes for a speedy return to full health. You know that, as always, we will eagerly (and yet patiently) await your return. Take what time you need and be well and safe, my friend.
Posts: 125
gh, please take care of yourself..............have Lisa update us if she wishes
Posts: 328
Hey GH Hope you get to feeling better soon. Take the time to recover and get well! What a party! It is great to see Timmy getting to a understanding of this life and being able to cope and get pleasure out of this: for him and for seeing his wife , Miss Kelly, so happy! Thank you for giving us a glimpse of this life! To see the "professional side of the crew" Timmy is playing such a good role; as a help to his wife, his friend Cookie and to all his friends. He is there to support them as they are to support him! Such great friends. The kind I would enjoy having! I can wait to read more. This respite will provide me to time to digest and enjoy the story!
Future thought: A looking forward to the inter play between the friends when the guest leave. Perhaps, Timmy and Donald will have a talk about their love of their wives and this life. Kindred souls. I hope the Firm will be able to keep Timmy away from Brad, Tyler, and Donald. I fear once they see his abilities; they will want him for their organization! I am, also, looking forward to Sunday night: when Miss Kelly (Kel) and Timmy get to spend that permisteral Hubby and Wife time. Those are such touching and moving moments. Finally, they may need more bedrooms. Though the friends are pairing up, they are going to need guest bedrooms when there is company. All the best a big Fan. Get well soon! Meijer
Posts: 274
I am so sorry to hear that you are unwell. Taking a break is the best thing that you can do. I don't think people realise the amount of stress that goes in to producing a good well written story. You certainly come up with the goods, repeatedly. The rest from writing will soon have you back raring to go again. Get well soon my friend.
G. .
Posts: 1914
GH, You are the Brain of the site. Take small steps and deep breaths. Exhale slowly. Don't feel tempted to fiddle with your Courtesan until you are well enough. Kelly could do an well man serious harm in a single night. Just think what might happen to you. Actually, try not think what ...