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GH, I'm thoroughly enjoying the trajectory of this story! It seems to be headed to a place where, even though Timmy is submissive, they will be on a very equal footing. He seems actually to be the one in control right now, guiding Kelly to where he wants her to go. Very sexy!
Not sure I said that right, or quite how you managed to pull that off, but it's great! Thanks again for all of your efforts.


Posts: 4050
#62 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks for the comment and as always you have a keen understanding of my writing.

When I write my stories I try very hard to make my cuckolds strong men. Just because a man chooses to surrender power to the woman he loves doesn't mean that he is weak.

In "Brenda and Bobby." After negotiating a tough settlement with his former employer Bobby makes the comment that he may be his wife's wimp, but he's sure as hell no one elses wimp.

In "Sandra and Stevie" Stevie turns the financial management of the household over to Sandra and Julie, but he carefully guides all of their decisions.

In this story, Kelly and Timmy are in a crisis. It is necessary for Timmy to step up and take control so they can resolve the crisis.

When I was twenty-one I began to accept the fact that I preferred a relationship where I was submissive to a strong willed woman. In my lifetime I have known a number of very powerful men who have also chosen to surrender their power to the women they love. All of us continue to be very strong men.

I try very hard to reflect that in my stories.

Thank you again. Your insight is excellent.



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There was a can tuna fish in the cupboard and a block of cheddar cheese in the refrigerator. I also found a loaf of bread in the freezer. I was a good homemaker, my kitchen was always well stocked.

I made two open faced sandwiches and put them under the broiler. Kelly sat at the kitchen table and watched me cook. This was something we used to do when we were first married. I'd missed it. I was happy to be doing it again.

As soon as the sandwiches were ready I poured a glass of milk for each of us and we sat at the kitchen table together and ate. It was very pleasant. After we were done eating Kelly watched me clear the kitchen table and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. She offered to help, but I wouldn't let her. Cleaning the kitchen was my job.

Once I was done with the chores, we moved back into the living room. This time I sat down on the couch next to Kelly right away.

We took a moment to make small talk about the lunch and then I asked, "So did Martin fuck you that morning.?"

Kelly shook her head. "No Martin is a very busy man and he has a real thing for blow jobs. He used to fuck me once in a while, but mostly I would just give him a blow job and then he'd get back to work."

"So that morning you gave two older men blow jobs and got nothing in return."

My wife grinned at me. "That's pretty slutty isn't it?"

I laughed. "You really do love being bad don't you"

Kelly giggled. "It gets better." And then she stopped herself and quietly said, "Or maybe worse, It depends on...."

I held up my hand and stopped her. "We'll stick with better. Your sexual behavior isn't the problem. Now tell me how it got better."

"After we were done, I took a pocket mirror out of my purse and started to repair my makeup. While I was doing that Martin casually mentioned that Wendell was also involved in the decision to promote me."

I laughed. "I think I can guess where this is going."

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy, Wendell Tyler is seventy-seven years old."

"Oh my!"


"What did you do?"

"Needless to say, I was a little shocked when Martin brought it up. Martin noticed my reaction immediately. He quietly told me that he understood that Wendell was an old man, but he said that it would be a very nice gesture if I could manage to do it."

"All right, what did you say to that?"

Kelly giggled. "I started to think about how naughty it would be to give a blow job to a man old enough to be my grandman."

I grinned at my wife. "This bad girl routine is totally out of control."

She nodded. "Totally."

"So what happened?"

"I told Martin that I'd do it and Timmy I'm so glad that I did."


"Next to you, Wendell Tyler is the sweetest man that I've ever met."

"I'm not sure I like being compared to a seventy-seven year old man."

My wife made a face and stuck out her tongue. "That's not what I meant and you know it. He's just a very very nice man and so are you."

I chuckled. "All right, I'll take it as a compliment."

"Martin called him. He was very direct on the telephone. He told Wendell that I was coming over to give him a blow job." Kelly looked at me. "That actually made it easier."

"What do you mean?"

"When I got into his office we both knew exactly why I was there. Playing coy little games with a very old man would have been kind of difficult for me."

Kelly smiled. "He's about the same size as you are."

"You mean he's not very big."

She nodded. "I think that when you're seventy-seven you're going to look just like Wendell." She giggled. "He's very cute and awfully sweet. Now he's probably my best friend at JTandR."


"Yes, last Friday I went to see Wendell before my meeting with Martin. I told him everything and then I spent an hour crying on his shoulder."

"What did he say to you."

Kelly shook her head. "He told me that I was a fool for getting myself into this situation." My wife smiled at me. "He already knew how much I loved you. When we traveled together I used to spend hours telling him about you."

"Traveled together?"

"Yes, sometimes Martin, Wendell and John would take me along to important business meetings so that I would be available in case they needed me to help sway an investor or a stockholder."

"Those would have been the trips to places like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles."


"What did Wendell tell you to do?"

"He said that I should quit my job at the firm and focus all of my attention on trying to regain your trust. He also made me promise that from that moment on I would be totally honest with you."

"I can see why you like this man. He sounds very wise."

"I hope that someday you can meet him."

"I think I'd like that." I smiled at my wife. "Okay, what happened the first time you went into see Wendell."

"Timmy I was so nervous. Martin walked me over to his office and reintroduced us. I'd met him when I was interviewed for my job, but that was the only time I'd ever seen him. Wendell is the quietest of the three partners and he's also regarded as the smartest. He's responsible for most of the firm's strategic planning."

Kelly looked at me. "As soon as Martin left, Wendell gave me the cutest smile in the world and joked that I was in his office on an errand of mercy." My wife shook her head. "Timmy, I burst out laughing and then I asked Wendell if he was sure his heart could take it. He told me that he wasn't sure, but if it couldn't he was quite certain that it would be an outstanding way to die."

I nodded. "I can see why you like him."

"He sat down on his sofa and I did a little strip for him. As soon as I was naked I got down on my knees between his legs, unzipped his pants and took out his cock. It wasn't very big and it was still limp. I put it in my mouth and started sucking it. It didn't seem to make any difference. His cock still didn't get hard. I looked up at Wendell and I could see that he was a little embarrassed. He told me that he took several medications for his heart and they made it difficult for him to get an erection. I asked him what he wanted me to do."

"What did he say?"

"He told me that he could still cum and that he would enjoy it more if I sat next to him on the couch and gave him a hand job. Timmy I cuddled up with him and slowly stroked his penis while he played with my breasts. It was really nice. It didn't take me long to make him cum and when he did I made a big point of licking his semen off of my fingers." Kelly smiled at me. "He really liked that."

"I'll bet he did."

"After that we just sat together and talked. By the time I left his office we were already well on the way to becoming very good friends."


Posts: 178
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GH, I remember reading the stories you mentioned with a lot of pleasure. What I was wondering about was actually how a man comes to terms with his cuckold desires against the stereotype of what he should be like that he gets fed to him from culture as a whole. (You mentioned you accepted this fact when you were 21, to me it only happened well after I was 26. And it wasn't easy. In many senses it still isn't.)

But I really like the way Kelly is bonding better now with her husband. It's really a delight to see, such a nice, yes-happiness-is-possible dialogue. Chicken soup for the cuckold soul. Thanks a lot!


Posts: 4050
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Thanks for the note.

I'll think about your story idea. I understand what your saying, It might be an interesting angle. Actually my first story. "Emily's Story" was about a middle aged college professor who was tormented my his love for a student who humilated him, cuckolded him and tormented him. He wanted to leave her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

It's pretty hot if you happen to be an avowed masochist.



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"So how did you make the transition from having sex with your bosses to becoming a courtesan."

Kelly stared at me. "Why do you keep using the word, courtesan?"

"I thought that was the word you and your fellow workers preferred."

"It was, it makes what we do seem almost elegant, but why would you use it? I'd think you'd choose a word like hooker or even whore."

"Those words are pejoratives, especially whore. They imply that there was something wrong with what you were doing."

"Don't you think there was?"

"Only if you do."

My wife stared at me for a very long time. Finally she said, "It destroyed our marriage."

"No, not being truthful with me destroyed our marriage."

Kelly closed her eyes and shook her head. She was clearly
confused by my reaction.

I patted her thigh. "Why don't you tell me about the first time you met an associate for sex."

"How do you know that word?'

"Martin Jackmister explained the process to me."

"Okay." Kelly's voice was barely a whisper.

She paused for a moment and then she said, "It was on a Tuesday morning about a month after I got my promotion. John Reynolds called me into his office. He told me that they were in a bit of a jam and they needed a huge favor. There was a very wealthy investor who was considering joining them in their latest take over attempt. He'd never dealt with them before and they sensed that he was being a little wary about making a commitment. They wanted to try to build some good will with him. John told me that Martin knew the man and thought that setting him up with an attractive young woman for an evening might be a good way to create some rapport."

Kelly shook her head. "I was a little confused about what John was trying to get me to do, so I asked him if they wanted me to go out to dinner with this man."

"What did he say."

"He told me no, that wasn't what they were asking. They wanted to know if I might be willing to spend an evening with him in a luxury suite at the Calvert Hotel."

"I assume that gave you a better idea about what John was asking you to do."

My wife nodded. "It sure did and I was a little shocked. I stared at John and asked him if he was actually suggesting that I let this guy fuck me."

"How did John react to that?"

"He back tracked pretty quickly. He told me that he didn't mean to offend me, they just knew how much I enjoyed sex and they thought there was a chance that I might consider helping them out. He then made it clear that this was definitely not part of my job and it was perfectly okay for me to just say no."

"What did you say?"

"Timmy I'm sorry, but as soon as I got over my initial shock I began thinking about how wicked it would be to meet a strange man in a hotel room for sex. Baby I started to get excited."

I chuckled. "The naughty girl was back."

Kelly giggled. "Yes she was."

"So what did you do?"

"John asked me to forget that he'd said anything and then he started to apologize. I interrupted him and told him that I would love to help them out." Kelly giggled. "He stared at me for a moment and didn't say anything at all. I think he was a little disconcerted."

I laughed. "I'll bet he was."

"But John's pretty smooth. He quickly gathered his wits and thanked me and then he told me that if this man did invest in the project, there would be a nice bonus for me."

Kelly looked at me. "That's how the firm operates. Everyone earns a small base salary and then we get bonuses when we successfully complete a project."

"Yes, you explained that to me when you started working for JTandR"

"I guess I did. Anyway, John thanked me again and told me that he'd get back to me later in the day with all the details. So I went back to my office and waited."

"Your office?"

"Yes, when I became an administrative assistant to Martin, Wendell and John I was given a very small office down the hall from their offices."

"That must have made you feel very important."

Kelly looked at me. "I thought I told you about that."

I shook my head. "I don't think so. By last fall, you weren't telling much at all about your job."

"Timmy I'm sorry, that wasn't intentional. I think I was ***ly trying to keep my two lives separated."

"Don't worry, I'm starting to understand that. Tell me what happened when John got back to you."

"He came by my office at about three. Baby I was starting to get very nervous and I was trying to think of a way I could gracefully back out of this situation."

"I would think so, meeting a strange man in a hotel room for sex is a pretty daring thing to do."

"John told me the man's name was Eric."

"Just Eric, no last name?"

Kelly nodded. "That's right and then he gave me a key to a suite at the Calvert and told me to meet Eric there at 8:30 that night. John said that they would arrange for room service to deliver a bottle of chilled champagne to the room at 8:35. He told me to add a twenty dollar tip to the bill and sign the tab. He explained that the firm has an account with the Calvert."

My wife looked at me. "Timmy when I actually heard the plan for the evening I began to get excited again. It was very well orchestrated and the idea of sipping champagne with a mysterious gentleman in a luxurious suite at the Calvert Hotel was incredibly intriguing."

I chuckled. "I can imagine that it was." I smiled at Kelly. "I'll bet you were starting to feel very wicked again."

She took a deep breath. "Yes Timmy, I really was."

"So what happened next?"

"Once he was done filling me in on all the details of the date, John asked me if I was still willing to do this."

"He was giving you another chance to back out."


"That was very nice of him."

"Martin, John and Wendell are tough businessmen, but they're very considerate and they go to great lengths to take care of the people who work for them."

"You obviously told him that you'd do it."

She nodded. "Yes, at that moment I was very excited about it." And then Kelly's tone of voice changed. "But as soon as John left my office I thought about you and I was suddenly overcome by a feeling of absolute horror."

"What do you mean?"

"Timmy it dawned on me that this could turn into a very late night and I was going to have to call you and give you some kind of explanation about where I was going to be."

"I see."

"Baby up until this point all of my lies had just been little omissions. I didn't actually tell you something that wasn't true, I just neglected to tell you about everything that happened."

"But now you were going to have to lie to me."

My wife quietly said, "Yes." She looked at me. "Do you remember that night?'

"Yes, I remember it very well. It was the first time that you didn't get home from work until well after midnight. You called me in the afternoon and told me that several investors were coming into town for an unexpected meeting in the morning and you had to help get a proposal ready for them." I shook my head. "I believed you."

Kelly closed her eyes and whispered, "Timmy I'm so sorry. By this time I felt like I was mired so deeply in my secret life that I couldn't get out anymore. I didn't know what else to do. It seemed like lying was my only choice."

She shook her head. "You were so wonderful. You told me that you understood and that you'd have a nice dinner waiting for me when I got home."

"And you told me not to wait up, and not to worry about dinner. You said the partners were having food brought into the office."

"Timmy I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to tell you." She sighed. "After I hung up the telephone I laid my head down on my desk and cried for a half hour."

Suddenly tears began to roll down my wife's cheeks.

This time I didn't chastise Kelly about her lying. I didn't need to, she was already doing that to herself. Instead I put my arm around her and held her close to me.

Kelly pressed her face into my chest and once again started to sob.


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I let Kelly cry for a few minutes and then I took out my handkerchief, lifted her face and softly wiped the tears from her cheeks.

She smiled at me.

I whispered to her, "I still love you".

She closed her eyes and said, "Oh please let that be true."

I gently kissed the tip of Kelly's nose. "Don't worry it is."

She giggled. "Timmy I love you so much."

"I know."

I patted my wife's thigh. "Okay, tell me what happened after you finally stopped crying."

"Tonya Lewis came to see me."

"Who's Tonya Lewis?"

"She's the lead hostess. I didn't know that at the time, but that's her job."

"The lead hostess, how many hostesses are there?"

"Four if you count me."


"Yes, there's Tonya. She's older, maybe in her early forties. She's been with the firm for a very long time. She helped me out a lot when I was first getting started as a hostess. Timmy she's so beautiful. When I'm forty I hope I look half as good as Tonya."

I laughed. "I'll bet you'll look twice as good as she does when you're forty."

Kelly grinned at me. "Your opinion doesn't count. You're not an impartial judge. You're biased." She reached over, grabbed my nipple through my shirt and gave it a vicious twist. "And you damn well better be biased."

The shot of pain startled me. It also excited me. As soon as Kelly released my nipple I laughed and said, "I'll always be biased. You're my goddess."

My wife took a deep breath and said, "I love being your goddess."

I smiled at Kelly and then I asked, "Okay, who are the other two hostesses."

"Mandy Bauer and Keisha Sterling. Mandy is a very slender brunette. She's sort of my opposite. She has tiny tits."

"Some guys like women with small breasts."

Kelly nodded. "She's very popular and when we go to Evergreen she looks really cute in a thong."

"Evergreen that's the place in South Carolina right?"

"Yes, it's a huge estate owned by the firm. They use it to throw parties."

"I imagine you can throw a pretty good party at a southern mansion."

"Timmy you would be amazed by some of the things that happen at Evergreen."

"I think I'd like to hear about them, but first why don't you tell me about Keisha Sterling and then finish telling me about the evening at the Calvert."

"Keisha is a gorgeous black girl. Timmy she has beautiful coffee colored skin and long shiny black hair. She's large breasted like me, only she also has the most beautiful bottom I've ever seen."

Kelly grinned at me. "I think you'd really enjoy licking it."

"Your's is the only bottom I'm ever going to lick."

"What if I ordered you to do it? A good boy should never disobey his goddess." Kelly had a mischievous smile on her face. "I think I might enjoy seeing your face buried in Keisha's gorgeous rear end."

That image sent a little thrill rippling through my body. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip in an effort to regain my composure.

Kelly noticed how excited I was getting so she pushed a little. "Keisha and Tonya are both very experienced dominants. They always take the associates who enjoy a little discipline." My wife winked at me. "Maybe I'll call them up and invite them over some day. I think it might be very exciting to watch them give you few lesmisters on how to properly treat a lady."

I laughed. "You're starting to feel wicked again aren't you."

She grinned at me and slowly nodded her head.

Suddenly I stopped and looked at my wife. "I'd think they'd give you the associates who enjoy a little discipline."

Kelly shook her head. "No, in fact Mandy and I are usually assigned to the men who enjoy being dominant." She thought for a moment and then she said. "Timmy, I don't think there's anything in this world that gets me as excited as dominating you, but a really powerful man who knows how to take control of a girl can also get me pretty wet." She shrugged. "I guess I'm just a slut. Anything that has to do with sex gets me hot."

I leaned over and kissed Kelly's cheek. "That's the girl I fell in love with."

We both burst out laughing.


Posts: 492
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As always, your characters are amazing. Sorry to judge Kelly so quickly, I got caught up in the story. I'm starting to really like her, now that I understand her circumstances. I also hate lies and deception, found them to be very destructive to a relationship. Tough to rebuild that trust, once it's been kicked to the curb.

Thanks GH, love your work. You do such a wonderful job with these stories.

Winter's coming, I'm going into my "fall funk" period. Trying to figure out a way to move to a warmer climate where I can play golf year 'round.



Posts: 4050
#69 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks for the kind note.

Don't worry about judging Kelly, one of my purposes with this story was to show just how complicated and difficult a cuckold/hotwife marriage can be.

Yes, the end of the golf seamister is a depressing time of the year. I went to the course this morning, but it was cold and rainy so all I did was have a cup of coffee and go back home.

When I got home Lisa was up. She was amazed that I even went to the golf course. When she asked me why, the only answer I had for her was, you gotta do something.



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"All right, let's try to stay focused. Finish telling me about the evening at the Calvert."

"Okay, Tonya Lewis came to see me. At that time I didn't know who she was. I didn't even know that hostesses existed and she didn't mention anything about them. She just told me that she occasionally entertained associates for the firm and Martin had asked her to stop by and help me prepare for the evening."

"I see."

"She said me that my date was expected to be kind and respectful and if he wasn't she made it very clear that no one at the firm would be upset if I got dressed and left."

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy that made me feel much better."

"I imagine it did."

"But then the fun part started."

"What was that?"

"Tonya gave me a company credit card and told me to go to Maxine's Dress Shop and buy a new dress and some sexy lingerie. Timmy, Maxine's Dress Shop is the most exclusive women's clothing store in this city. I'd never even been in there. I asked Tonya how much I could spend and she told me to try to keep it under $800.00. Timmy $800.00 for a new dress and some underwear!"

"You were in girl heaven weren't you."

"Yes I was, and then she told me I should go across the mall to Grant's Shoe store and buy a pair of high heels to match the dress. Tonya suggested that I should be able to get a very nice pair for around $200.00. Timmy I didn't own a single pair of shoes that cost over $80.00."

"They were making this job very attractive weren't they?"

Kelly nodded. "Yes they were. When I look back on it, there's no question in my mind that they were trying to entice me to become a hostess."

"Are you angry about that?"

Kelly thought about my question for a moment and then she shook her head. "No, not really. They clearly took steps to encourage me to become a hostess; but they never did anything to coerce me or deceive me." She giggled. "They may have shown me the path, but I very happily chose to skip down it on my own."

I smiled. This was the girl I'd fallen in love with. She knew how to take responsibility for her own behavior.

"So what did you do when you were done shopping?"

"I had dinner at the Goldenrod Supper Club."

"Really, by yourself?"

She nodded. "Yes, Tonya gave me a card that allowed me to put my dinner on the firm's tab. They maintain an account there. They know the owner. He's a huge ex-convict. He goes by the name, Big Reggie Diamond."

"He sounds dangerous,"

"Not really, I've gotten to know him. He's actually a pretty sweet guy. He also owns a strip club on the outskirts of downtown called the Black Knight."

"I've been there. It's on 3rd Avenue."

"Timothy Jamiemister when did you ever go to a strip club?"

"Hey, I'm a pretty wild guy. I've done lots of things you don't know about." I grinned at Kelly. "You know that I do happen to be married to a courtesan."

Kelly looked at me. After a moment she said, "An ex courtesan and it almost sounded like you were proud of that."

I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe I am."

My wife stared at me for a very long time. Finally she said, "Timmy this is all very confusing."

I nodded. "Yes it certainly is."


Posts: 4050
#71 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"Okay, so you had dinner at the Goldenrod Supper Club."

"It was wonderful. I had a fillet mignon."

I nodded approvingly. "You were living well."

"Yes, the firm was taking very good care of me."

"What did you do after dinner?"

"I went back to Tonya's office."

"Tonya's office?"

Kelly nodded. "She'd given me a key that afternoon. Her office had a private bathroom with a shower and a huge closet. I later learned that all the hostesses had offices like that."

"Did you have an office like that?"

"Yes, after I officially became a hostess I did."

I stared at my wife. "I assume that your office contained a large wardrobe of sexy clothing that I knew nothing about."

Kelly sighed. "Yes Timmy it did."

Suddenly I remembered the neglect, indifference and sexual frustration that I'd been powerd to endure for the past eight months. As I thought about it anger began to well up inside of me.

I looked at my wife. "For the past year, you've used those sexy outfits to tantalize and excite a host of strange men, but for some reamister you were never able to find the time or interest to treat me, your husband to the sight of you wearing them."

There was an icy tone to my voice. It alarmed Kelly. She shook her head and quickly answered. "Timmy I never brought them home. They were always kept in my office. They belonged to the firm."

"Don't lie to me Kelly. The lingerie that I saw in your travel bag after you came back from Las Vegas last week was part of that wardrobe, wasn't it?"

My wife quietly said, "Yes."

"Kelly you lied to me that afternoon and it was a silly lie. You told me that you had that lingerie so you could wear it and feel sexy while you masturbated."

Kelly closed her eyes. "Yes, I did." She shook her head. "When I hear it now I'm ashamed. It was a stupid thing to say."

Suddenly a wave of anger overwhelmed me. I glared at my wife. "Kelly that afternoon you also had the audacity to accuse me of masturbating."

Kelly quietly answered, "I know, I'm sorry Timmy."

I looked at her. "The night before, when you were in Las Vegas, did you go there to meet a man?"


"Did you wear that hot dress and sexy lingerie for him."

Kelly took a deep breath and whispered, "Yes."

I chuckled. "The same clothes that you couldn't be bothered to wear for me, your husband."

My wife didn't say anything, she just stared at the floor."

"Kelly, did you let him fuck you that night?"


"How many times? Tell me the truth Kelly, don't lie."


"Did you let him cum inside you?"


"Both times?"


"Did you suck his dick?"

"Yes, when we first met in the hotel room. That was before we went down to have dinner in the restaurant."

"Did you you let him cum in your mouth."

"Yes, you know I always do that."

"Yes I do."

"Did you spend the night with him?"

"Yes, that's part of the deal when I meet a guy in Vegas. He has me for the entire night.'

"The entire night?" I laughed. "Kelly it's been over a year since I've had you for the entire night."

My wife shook her head. "Timmy, that's not true. It can't be true."

"Think about Kelly, it is true."

Kelly buried her face in her hands. She was clearly upset, but I was in no mood to let up on her.

"Did you let him fuck you again the next morning?"

She didn't look up she just mumred, "Yes."

"Kelly you let a stranger cum inside you four times in less than twenty-four hours. Do you know how many times you've let me cum inside you in the last four months? You've probably forgotten, so I'll tell you. Zero Kelly, not one time. We haven't made love at all in the last two months, and in the two months before that we only made love twice and on those two occastions all you were willing to do was give me a handjob."

I raised my voice. "That afternoon, after enjoying the pleasure of getting laid three times and sucking a guys cock at least once, you had the audacity to accuse me of masturbating. Well Kelly, I do masturbate. I masturbate constantly. I have to, do you want to know why?"

My wife kept her face buried in her hands.

"I'll tell you why Kelly, I have to masturbate because my wife lost all interest in having sex with me!"

Kelly burst into tears.

I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. "Kelly I can accept the fact that for the past six months you have enjoyed the sexual favors of a countless number of men; but knowing that at the same time you deliberately powerd me, the man you profess to love, to be celibate sticks in my craw."

I was now very agitated. I stood up. "Kelly I don't think I can ever forgive you for that."

I stormed across the living room. When I got to the front door I turned and glared at my wife. "Last week you stood in this house and yelled at me because I pointed out that we never had sex anymore. You actually became irate when I dared to remind you that you used to love sex. When I questioned about why you no longer seemed to be interested in it, you looked me in the eyes and told me that you did miss sex.” I laughed. “And then you tried to make me believe that the problem was that your job sapped you of all your energy."

I lost my temper and yelled. "Kelly I was living without sex at that time, but you weren't. You were getting boinked every single fucking day of the week and you dared to tell me that you missed sex." I laughed. "You don't even know what it means to miss sex."

My voice got very quiet. "And to add insult to injury, you tried to convince me that those sexy clothes were your one refuge." I shook my head. "You actually thought you could get me to believe that you had that lingerie so you could dress up an feel sexy while you masturbated in your hotel room. Kelly you must think I'm an idiot!"

I sighed. "Kelly I can easily forgive you for relaxing with all those other men and I can even forgive you for lying to me, but I don't think I can ever forgive you neglecting me, treating me with utter disdain and contempt and most of all for so callously ignoring my own needs as a man."

I turned and walked out the door. As I slammed it behind me I heard Kelly scream, "No Timmy, please don't go."


Posts: 178
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Jesus! You're making me feel sorry for Kelly.

I suppose it could run more or less like this: since Kelly was lying, she didn't feel like opening up to her husband anymore, because she was ashamed. Also, she was being sexually satisfied, so she didn't feel the need in herself. Also, because she was trying to think as little as possible about the lies she was telling, she also didn't see his need. Or looked the other way, and just let it compound her own guilt.

The wrong part is, of course, that as a direct result of that, Timmy suffered.

Doesn't it often happen that we hurt others more than we want to, because of lies and deceit, because of trying to make things consistent, because of negative feelings that we don't want to discuss? We tell ourselves it's only for a while, it's not as bad as that, we desperately look the other way and avoid seeing the effects of what we are doing on the faces of our loved ones...

I feel sorry for Kelly, but I also understand Timmy. I can't fault him if he decides he really can't forgive her. At the same time... people can change, Kelly can atone for how much she hurt him, and these two apparently love each other so much!

Again, thanks for a great story!


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Thanks for the comment. You have a very good feel for my story.



Posts: 4050
#74 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I drove back to the little park by the river, got out of my car and walked out to one of the benches near the edge of the bluff. It was a Wednesday, so even though it was a warm fall afternoon, the park was deserted. The secluded bench I'd selected was on the edge of a grove of trees that had just passed the peak of their fall colors. The ground underneath them was slowly being covered by an ever thickening carpet of dry leaves. It was a beautiful serene spot. I needed to be alone and this was the perfect haven for me. I sat down, buried my face in my hands and started to cry.

For a few minutes I bawled like a baby and then I stopped. I was done, that was all I needed. I took a deep breath, sat up, pulled out my handkerchief and blew my nose. I felt much better. Crying may not be very manly, but it sure does help release some pent up emotions.

The events of the past week had taken a heavy toll on my spirit. I sat back, took several more deep breaths and quietly watched the Mississippi River flow by. It was incredibly soothing. The combination of the tears and the steady flow of the mighty river helped to clear my mind. Eventually I was able to start thinking again.

Blowing up at Kelly had given me no pleasure, but as I sat there thinking, I came to the conclusion that it had been an essential part of the healing process for me. Over the past several months her anger, contempt and indifference had created some deep wounds. If we ever were going to be able to patch up our marriage we had to address her spiteful behavior.

When I stormed out of the house I'd told Kelly that I would never be able to forgive her for the way she'd been treating me. Even at the time, I knew that wasn't true. Those were words said in anger. I knew that I couldn't ignore her callous behavior. I fully understood that if we didn't address it, if we just tried to overlook it and pretend that it never happened, it was going to gnaw at me for the rest of our lives. We had to discuss it and we both had to be able to reach an understanding of why she acted that way towards me. If we were able to do that and if Kelly could commit to being open and honest with me, I was now reamisterably certain that we had a good chance to reconcile our differences and save our marriage.

I was just trying to decide how soon I should attempt to contact Kelly when I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder and I heard my wife's soft voice.

"There is no possible excuse for the way I've treated you over the past several months and I fully understand why you would be reluctant to ever consider forgiving me. I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to forgive myself. I realize that it may now be too late, but I want you to know that I plan to spend most of the rest of my life trying to make amends to you.

I didn't turn around, I didn't move and I didn't say anything.

"Timmy I was so angry with myself when I started cheating on you. I couldn't understand why other women could be so strong and I had to be so weak. It seemed to be so easy for them to avoid the temptations that were so difficult for me to resist. Timmy I so badly wanted to be the faithful wife that my family expected me to become."

I heard Kelly sigh.

"When I started lying to you I became even angrier with myself. I knew it was wrong, and I now know that I should have come to you and told you everything, but I was afraid. I was afraid that if you found out how unreliable and corrupt I really was, you wouldn't love me anymore. Timmy you're so strong and honorable and I'm so weak and despicable."

I felt Kelly's hand clutch my shoulder.

"After I became a hostess, my life at work got even more exciting, but it also powerd me to start lying to you all the time. The more I lied to you, the more I hated myself and as my self hatred grew, so did my my anger. Timmy, anger needs a target and you were the only one available. I know that this doesn't make any sense, but I was angry with myself and when I came home to you, you were bombarded by that anger."

I slowly nodded. It was the first time I'd moved since Kelly started talking.

"But there was another reamister that I was so cruel to you. I couldn't bear the thought of having you find out how weak and despicable I really was. I was convinced that you would leave me the moment you discovered my secret life. I believed that I had to protect that secret at all cost, so I built a wall around myself. It was a wall constructed of lies, deceit, anger, contempt and indifference. It was all ***, none of it was deliberate, but I now believe that I was trying to keep you at arms length so you wouldn't discover the awful permister hiding inside of me."

Kelly was silent for a moment. Finally she said, "Eventually my heavy travel schedule and constant late night business meetings aroused your suspicions. When you started to question my lies I was thrown into a state of total panic. The possibility that you might actually discover my secret life terrified me. I responded in the only way I knew how. My lies became more outrageous, I unleashed my anger and the attitude of contempt and disdain that I was using to protect myself became even more intense."

My wife gently rubbed my shoulder.

"In a desperate effort to keep you from hating me I inadvertently did everything I possibly could to make you hate me." She sighed. "And now I've finally succeeded."

Kelly put her arms around me and then she leaned over and softly kissed my ear. "You are the love of my life, and now I've lost you. My only hope is that time might eventually heal the wounds that I've inflicted in your heart and temper the anger and contempt that you now feel for me. Timmy, if that ever happens I want you to know that I will be waiting for you. I will always be waiting for you. If necessary, I intend to wait for you until the end of time."

Kelly kissed me again and then she turned and walked away.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Your story just keeps getting better and better! I turn to your listing first when I visit CP and am always pleased to see a new posting by you.

Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing your talent and vivid ideas with us.

Did you ever think about putting your stories in a book?
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Thank you

That was a very kind comment. I appreciate it. I think I might have trouble finding a publisher for my stories. We are still a niche audience.

Thanks again


I thought about posting the last two segments and this next segment as a group. I didn't and I'm not certain that was the correct decision. In any case I am posting the third segment now rather than waiting until tomorrow.


Posts: 4050
#77 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I sat on that park bench trying to hastily digest everything that had happened in the past several hours. I quickly came to one conclusion. I did not want Kelly to leave that park before I had a
chance to talk to her and tell her now much I loved her.

I stood up and turned around. Kelly was already in her Mercedes. The car door was closed and she was putting on her seat belt. She was at least 200 feet away. I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could possibly carry me.

I heard the engine start. I was still fifty feet away. I ran harder.

The front wheels of the Mercedes turned. I was still twenty feet away.

Kelly looked over her right shoulder to check for oncoming cars. Just as her car started moving I managed to reach out and rap on the rear passenger window. Kelly heard me and stepped on the brakes. The Mercedes stopped moving.

My wife looked back and saw me. I was standing with my hands on my hips trying to catch my breath. She lowered her car window and stared at me. There was a tear running down her cheek.

I was still out of breath, but I managed to say, "Kelly you are not weak and despicable. You're strong and good. You were just trying to do something that's not part of your nature. You have no more business trying to be a faithful housewife, than I have trying to play linebacker for the Chicago Bears. It just isn't you."

I smiled at her. "Baby, I don't need to wait until the end of time. I know right now that I love you and I know that I will always love. Earlier today I told you that there was nothing that you could ever do that would make me hate you. I meant that when I said it."

I took a deep breath. "Yes, you did hurt me; but that pain pales when I compare it to the torment that I would have to endure each and every day if I were powerd to go through life without you."

Kelly grinned at me. "Timothy Jamiemister, you certainly do have a way with words. Will you please come home with me."

I laughed. "Nothing in this world would make me happier."

"Get your car, I'll see you at the house."

"Just a moment I have something I have to do before we go."



I leaned forward, reached around Kelly's head and gently pulled her face to mine. She closed her eyes as I kissed her on the lips. For the first time in months I felt my wife return one of my kisses with passion."

When we finally broke apart Kelly whispered to me. "Timmy I love you so much."

I smiled at her. "I know, I love you too Kelly."

I got into my car and followed Kelly home. I noticed that while she was driving she took out her cell phone and made a call. When we got to our house we both pulled into the driveway, but Kelly didn't drive her Mercedes into the garage. Instead she waited while I parked my car in my side of the garage.

As soon as I was stopped I got out of my car and walked over to her. She was still sitting in her Mercedes.

She looked at me and said, "Timmy I have to run an errand."

My heart sank. I closed my eyes and sighed. This scene was much too familiar.

Kelly saw my reaction and said, "No sweetheart, you don't understand. I want you to come with me."

I stared at her for a moment. I didn't say anything.

She looked at me. "Will you please come with me. It's very important."

I nodded and then I walked around to the passenger side of her car and opened the door. As I was sitting down in the plush leather seat I realized that this was the first time that I'd ever ridden in my wife's Mercedes. I decided that there had already been enough recriminations for one day, so I didn't say anything. Instead I just quietly closed the door and put on my seat belt.

Kelly backed out of the driveway, put the big sedan into gear and stepped on the accelerator.

As soon as we were moving I looked at her and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Downtown to the Whetmore Building."

"Why are we going there?"

"I just finished talking to Tonya. I asked her if they've already cleared out my office. She told me that they haven't. I asked her if she knew what they were going to do with my lingerie. She said that they were going to throw all of it out. I asked her if I could have some of it. She told me that I could help myself to anything I wanted."

Kelly grinned at me. "Sweetheart, tonight I am going to put on a lingerie fashion show for you that you will never forget."


Posts: 1914
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GH, you seem to be pouring more of your soul than usual into this story, which really reflects in how good it is. Thanks once more for sharing it with us.


Posts: 1459
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Wow GH, that scene of their fight, with Timmy becoming so angry that he verbally beat up Kelly and stormed out left me feeling totally wrung out! It was a very honest reaction, which is what makes your stories so great, but the anger in it felt very diferent from some of your other stories. It was very, very good. It seemed to come from someplace deep inside you.

On a lighter note, your comment awhile back about going to the golf course and just having coffee and going home because of the rain reminded me of a joke. I hope everyone hasn't heard it.

A man arose early one Saturday morning, before dawn, to go fishing. He got around very quietly, being careful not to wake his wife, got dressed, and went down to fix some coffee. Looking outside he saw it was raining, but decided to go anyway. Fixing his thermos of coffee, he went into the garage and got in his car, which he had carefully loaded with all his fishing gear the previous evening, and backed out into the driveway.

He stopped in the driveway where he felt the cold wind rock his car, the wind-driven rain slashing across his windshield and hood. He sat there for a few moments, contemplating the severity of the storm, then pulled back into his garage, climbed out, and very quietly snuck back up to his bedroom where his wife was still relaxing. Now, with a completely different kind of recreation in mind, he stripped naked and crawled into bed, snuggling up to his wife and rubbing himself up against her warm bottom. When she stirred and rubbed herself amorously against him he whispered "It's a horrible stormy day out there."
She replied. "Yes, I know. Can you believe my dipcuckolds brownie husband actually went fishing in this crap?"

Sorry to hijack a couple of paragraphs in the middle of your story, but I thought you might enjoy that. I'll be happy to delete it if you feel it's out of place, just say the word!


Posts: 178
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GH, I support what cuckold4one said. We may be a niche audience, but we aren't that small a niche audience--there are niche publishers as well. I for one would be happy if you managed to see your creations in book format. :-)

Very pretty story. Indeed very pretty. Thanks for writing what you write. (And they say it's only women who like romance novels!...)


Posts: 4050
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Thank you, it's been a while since I've enjoyed writing a story this much. You were gone for a while. Glad to see your back. I was starting to get worried that something might have happened to you.


Thank you, and thank you for the joke. I loved it. Please leave it on the thread.


Thanks, I actually think my stories will get more exposure on the internet than they would in a book. I was interested in trying to preserve them which is why I started posting at Literotica.

For that same reamister, anyone has my permission to repost my stories anywhere.

Gentleman thank you again for your kind words

Your friend



Posts: 4050
#82 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Those of you who have followed my stories from the beginning know that I used to include pictures with the stories. They were always commercially produced pictures featuring well established porn stars.

I stopped for a number of reamisters, foremost was that locating sutiable scenes featuring the same stars was just too time consuming.

Nevertheless, I am visually oriented and when I write a story I always have a porn star who is the inspiration for the central charchter or at time characters. When I am writing I often keep a picture open on my desk top.

I thought you might be interested in seeing the woman who has been my inspiration for Kelly. She is Kagney Lynn Carter. Here are four pictures of her. You can find many more at any of the porn sites. My favorite is



Posts: 4050
#83 · Edited by: goodhusband
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We pulled onto Jackmister Street. Jackmister was large one way street going towards downtown. Charles Street was one block west. It was a large one way street leaving downtown. Kelly and I both agreed that when we were going downtown it was faster to take Jackmister and Charles than to drive a mile east and get onto the freeway.

It was 5:00 o'clock, rush hour. Most of the cars were over on Charles Street heading south out of downtown, but Jackmister was still busy.

As soon as Kelly settled her Mercedes into the traffic flow she turned to me and said, "Would you like to hear the rest of the story about the first time I met an associate at the Calvert?"

I smiled at her. "Yes I would."

She reached over and placed her hand on the inside of my thigh. "Which version would you like to hear? The dispassionate narrative or the steamy, x rated description." She slid her hand over to my crotch and squeezed my penis.

I gasped when I felt my wife fondling me. Suddenly I got very nervous and decided that I'd better warn her. "Be careful, it's been a long time since you touched me there. I don't want to make a mess in my pants."

Kelly giggled. "Don't worry, I'll be careful; but once we get into my office it's going to be a different situation."

"What do you mean."

"Baby, there's a couch in my office. You're going to sit down on it and I'm going to kneel between your legs and give you my very best blow job." She leered at me. "Timmy we are going to spend the next week finding out how many times I can make you can cum inside me."

I took a deep breath and then I grinned at Kelly. "I guess I'll take the x rated version."

"Oh good, I was hoping you'd say that."

My wife slipped her hand back to the inside of my thigh. I was thankful. We were very close to making a mess.

"Okay, let's see, where was I? Oh yes, in Tonya's office at JTandR." She turned to me. "Oh by the way Tonya will still be the office when we get there and she's dying to meet you."

"How does she even know who I am?'

"Sweetheart, she knows all about you and she's very envious of me because I have you."

I looked at Kelly. "You certainly were living two different lives weren't you?"

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Yes, Timmy I'm so sorry."

I patted her thigh. "That's in the past. Were moving on with our lives. I shouldn't have said anything. Now go on with your story. You were in Tonya's office getting ready for your date."

"Timmy I was so excited. My new dress was a beautiful deep burgundy wool business suit. It had a pencil skirt that came down to just above my knees and..."

"A pencil skirt?"

Kelly smiled at me. "You'd just call it a tight fitting skirt."

I nodded and then I asked, "Why did you buy a business suit. You were meeting a man in a hotel room to have sex with him. Why not buy a leather mini skirt and a crop top or something like that?'

My wife shook her head. "First of all Tonya cautioned me not to do that. The Calvert Hotel doesn't want us running around their lobby looking like street hookers. Secondly, a business suit makes me look much more elegant. That's a plus when you're dealing with a middle aged businessman."

"But that black cocktail dress that you had in your overnight bag when you came back from the Las Vegas trip was very short, very low cut and looked like it would be very tight."

Kelly giggled. "You're right, that dress is really hot. I'll bring it home so I can model it for you tonight."

"But I don't understand?"

"Sweetie that dress is for Vegas. The standards are a little different there.' She looked at me. "And frequently the middle aged businessmen I'd meet there wanted to show me off. You understand don't you? I was kind of a trophy date. They wanted me to dress in a very sexy outfit."

"I see."

"But at the Calvert, discretion and anonymity are essential. Most of the businessmen we deal with are very concerned that someone might find out that they're meeting a woman in a hotel room for sex."

"So why is Las Vegas different than the Calvert?"

"I think most of the men who want a GFE night in Vegas are usually single or they have an understanding with their wives. In any case, they're not worried about being black mailed."

"A GFE night, what does that mean?"

"It's a term that professional escorts use. It means girl friend experience. We think the term is very descriptive, so we borrowed it from them, but we've expanded the concept."

"I still don't understand." I looked at Kelly. "When you say professional escort; you're talking about a prostitute, right?."

"Yes, but a very high class prostitute."

"So what does girl friend experience mean?"

"Escorts who aren't GFE are very mechanical. No kissing, no real foreplay, just a quick blow job followed by a fuck. As soon as you cum you're done. Some guys like that. It's sort of, let's get down to business and get it done."

"All right."

"Girls who advertise that they're GFE kiss and take a little time for foreplay. If a guy wants to eat her pussy he can do it. It's makes a guy feel more like he's making love to his girlfriend."

Suddenly a little pang of jealousy rippled through me. I looked at Kelly and asked, "Did you let guys eat your pussy?"

Kelly stared at me. There was a sad expression on my face. She sensed that I was upset, but I could tell that she was confused about why I was upset. Suddenly she understood and sighed. "I'm sorry Timmy, but I did. Baby my job was to fulfill fantasies and for a lot of guys that's a big part of the fantasy."

I nodded and then I took a deep breath and asked, "Did you let guys lick your ass?"

Kelly closed her eyes and whispered, "Yes, if they wanted to do it, they could."

I quietly said, "I see." I turned and silently stared out the car window."


Posts: 4050
#84 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Kelly pulled her Mercedes over to the curb, shut the engine off, turned and looked at me. "Timmy, I wish that I could tell you that I reserved certain things just for you, but that wasn't a choice. I was in the business of fulfilling fantasies. I was paid to give men what they wanted. Baby do you remember that when we were in college I used to tell you that I'd never let a guy fuck me in the ass?"

I kept staring out the car window, but I nodded my head.

"Well Timmy now I can take a huge cock in my ass and I enjoy it. I had to learn. Sweetheart I was a professional fantasy and I loved it. I provided the pleasures that these men couldn't get from their wives. Most of them just wanted to play with my big tits while I gave them a blow job; but some of them wanted to eat my pussy and some of them wanted to lick my asshole and some of them wanted to fuck my asshole. If that was what it took to get them to give us their stock proxies or invest in our projects, then that's what I let them do. Baby I was a courtesan and I was a very good one.

My wife paused for a moment and then she said, "But the one thing I have always reserved for you is my love. Timmy, another guy can lick my pussy but it never feels as good as it does when you lick my pussy. Another guy can lick my asshole, but I never enjoy it as much as I do when you lick my asshole. Sweetheart I'm a blow job queen. I love sucking cocks, but I will always be happiest when I'm sucking your little cock." She shrugged. "The reamister is quite simple. I just happen to be madly, uncontrollably, head over heels in love with you."

Kelly giggled. "By the way, sometime before we go to relax tonight, you're going to fuck me in my ass."

I turned and stared at Kelly.

She shrugged. "Baby after tonight I want to be absolutely certain that no other man has ever enjoyed my body in a way that you haven't."

Kelly picked up my hand and held it. For a moment we were both silent and then she said, "Timmy if you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never let anyone but you lick my pussy. If you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never let anyone but you lick my asshole. If you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never let anyone but you fuck my ass. If you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never let anyone but you fuck my pussy. If you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never suck a cock other than yours. If you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never let anyone touch my tits but you. And if you ask me to do it, I will promise you that I'll try to never let anyone but you kiss me."

Kelly stared at me. Timmy if you ask me to do those things, I will promise you that I will try; but the only thing that I can guarantee is that I will always love you and I will always love only you."

I took a moment to think about what my wife just told me and then I turned to her and said, "Just promise me that you'll love me. That will be enough for me."

"Timmy you have that promise. You have always had that promise."

We stared at each other in silence. Kelly was still holding my hand. After a moment she smiled at me and asked, "Are you okay now or are you still sad that I've let other guys lick my pussy and my ass."

I shook my head. "No I'm not sad about it anymore. It helps me when remember that it was your job." I grinned at my wife. "I'll bet that you were an outstanding courtesan."

Kelly nodded. "Yes Timmy I was very good."

I smiled at my wife. At that moment I was very proud of her.


Posts: 178
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So would I, if I were in his position. (Though I might have some problems with the ethical side of "convincing" businessmen to put their stock into a firm via sex. That's not my vision of what ethical business should be like. But that's a whole other can o' worms...)

Isn't it funny how the idea that one's wife has as many men as she possibly can and actually enjoys it seems to draw an aura of power and womanliness about her--as if she could glow in the dark and levitate, or had some other special superpower that increases her attraction power tenfold?

That's what Kelly's professional life makes me feel for her. Timmy is really a lucky man. I hope she'll remain a courtesan for many years, and that both Kelly and Timmy will enjoy it!

(A famous French 17th-century courtesan, Ninon de l'Enclos, is one of my permisteral sexual heroes. You can see more about her at The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! in case you don't know her already.)


Posts: 4050
#86 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I think that using sex as an enticement to motivate people to do what you want them to do is an age old tradition in all human cultures. In this story I am neither advocating nor indicting that practice, I am just acknowledging it's existence and using it as the basis for an erotic story.

I do understand your concern about using sex as a tool to influence people, but I am less worried about it in this situation. Here we have one group of rich old men trying to get money from other groups of rich old men. In that situation they can play by any rules they choose.

I am much more concerned about a situation where sex is used to influence politicians or win government contracts. We all know that goes on in countries all over the world and that is certainly a cause for concern. That however, is not the situation with JTandR. They are simply employing Kelly to help them make money off of other groups of wealthy businessmen.

I know that you just raised that as a minor issue and I'm glad you did. It's worth discussing.

Thanks again for your comments and observations.



Posts: 4050
#87 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Kelly switched on her left turn indicator, looked over her shoulder, waited for a gap in the oncoming cars and pulled back out onto Jackmister Street. Once she was back into the traffic flow she put her hand on my thigh and said, "Are you ready to hear more of the story?"

I smiled at her. "Yes I am."

"Okay, my new outfit was a burgundy wool suit. It had a pencil skirt."

I nodded. I now knew what that meant.

"It also had this cute waist length jacket. When I wore the Jacket open, it framed by bosom very nicely."

I chuckled. "Bosom?"

Kelly rolled her eyes. "I was trying to be classy little boy. Would you prefer the term boobies?"

I grinned at her. "How about bodacious ta tas"

Kelly laughed and pulled up her sweater exposing her brassiere covered breasts. "You're suggesting that these magnificent symbols of feminine sexuality should be called ta tas?"

Suddenly the driver of the car in the lane to Kelly's left started blowing his horn. We both looked over. Two college aged guys were wildly waving at us.

Kelly turned slipped her left breast out of its brassiere cup and held it up for the boys.

The driver leaned on the horn. The kid in the passenger seat lowered his window and pointed towards the curb. They wanted us to stop so they could talk to my wife.

Kelly laughed and mouthed the words, "No way." And then she stuffed her breast back into her bra and pulled her sweater back down.

It had been an impulsive act and after a moment my wife realized what she'd just done. She looked at me. There was an expression of chagrin on her face."

"Well so much for life as a prim and proper housewife." I blurted it out. It was meant as a joke, but as soon as I said it I regretted it.

Kelly closed her eyes. "I'm sorry Timmy. I don't know why I have to do things like that."

I reached over and patted her thigh. "Hey I was just teasing you. I enjoyed it. I thought it was both funny and kind of exciting."



My wife giggled. "So did I."

"Okay, your new suit had a cute waist length jacket that framed your bosom."

Kelly laughed. "You mean my ta tas, don't you?"

"Yes, your ta tas. Are you going to tell this story or are you just going to play around all afternoon?"

"Okay Mr. Serious. For a blouse I had this really hot satin hip length tank top. It was a rich ivory color and trimmed with lace. It was very tight and and very low cut." Kelly leered at me. "It exposed a lot of cleavage. Tonya told me that if I bought a business suit I could be a little daring with the blouse and I was. I also picked out a set of really sensuous lingerie that matched it. Timmy when I finished getting dressed I felt so sexy and elegant."

"What did your lingerie look like?"

Kelly grinned at me. "Listen to you. You're a little perv."

I nodded. "Yes I am and so are you. That's why were a perfect match for each other."

She reached over and squeezed my hand. "We are perfect for each other aren't we Timmy."


"Well the bra and panties were all lace and the material was so thin that they were nearly transparent. The bra was wireless."


"That means it didn't give me much support, but I wasn't planning on wearing it for very long, so I didn't need much support."

"Why were you wearing it at all."

"Tonya suggested that I wear a bra. She said that most guys get a big thrill out of taking them off."

"Yes I think she's right about that."

"The panties were matching lace bikinis."

"Why not a thong?"

"A thong is nice if you're going to be parading around in it; but if you're just planning to undress for a guy so he can fuck you, a pair of lace bikini panties are much sexier."

"Parading around?"

"You know, teasing guys at a sex party."

"A sex party?"

"Yes, the firm puts them on at Evergreen and Eagle Lake."

"I know about Evergreen, that's the mansion in South Carolina, right?"


"Eagle Lake, isn't that out on the Northwest side of the city?"

"That's right, the firm has another mansion out there."

"What happens at these places?"

"Sometimes it was just like Vegas. I'd meet a guy for an afternoon and evening of GFE."

I understand how that worked at Vegas, but how did it work at one of these mansions?"

Kelly looked at me. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes I think I do." I smiled at her. "But not because I'm angry with you about what you were doing. I want to hear about all of this because I'm finding it exciting.

My wife shook her head. "You really are a perv."

I laughed. "Yes I am, but I thought you already knew that."

Kelly stared at the road ahead of her for a moment and then she quietly said, "I guess I did, I just forgot for a little while."

"Well now you remember again, so tell me how a GFE night at Eagle Lake worked."

She giggled. "Okay." Kelly reached over and squeezed my erect penis. "Do you want me to play with your little pecker while I tell you about it."

"No, I think that might get very messy very quickly."

"You are enjoying this aren't you?"

"Yes, I really am."

My wife pulled her hand away from my crotch and started telling me about Eagle Lake. "It worked like this. When I was assigned to a guy for a night of GFE I'd become his girlfriend. In the summer we'd spend the afternoon lying together by the pool. In the winter we'd sit in front of this huge fireplace in the parlor. I'd flirt with him and fawn over him just like he was my boyfriend. There would generally be ten or fifteen people around including the partners. They'd usually try to talk a little business while we were sitting around the pool. The whole time I'd be hanging on my associate. I'd constantly be touching him and rubbing my breasts against his body. It was my job to make it very clear to everyone that I belonged to him. At the end of the afternoon we'd go back to his room and take a shower together. After we showered I'd usually give him a blow job and then we'd get dressed and go down to dinner. During dinner I would continue to be his. Whenever the partners were focusing on someone else it was my job to keep my associate entertained. After dinner we'd generally move to the patio or back to the parlor for cognac and coffee and then we'd go back to his room for a night of hot sex. Once he was exhausted, I'd either relax with him or leave him and move to another bedroom in the house. That was his choice. If he wanted me to relax with him I'd let him fuck me one more time when we woke up in the morning."


"Baby, I loved it."

"Yes, I can see why. You like to flirt and you love sex. This was your ideal job."

Kelly smiled at me. "Yes it really was."

As I listened to Kelly's stories I started to gain a good understanding of exactly what my wife had been doing for the past year. When I thought about it a sharp pang of jealousy tore at my gut; but at the same time a little surge of excitement rippled through my loins.


Posts: 1459
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This is just a great story GH, so much fun to read! I find myself smiling and laughing along with them in the light moments, aroused when they are in the more intimate segments, and hurting when the tough emotions overcome them! Thanks again for your time and effort, this is outstanding.


Posts: 178
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"Ta tas"? I've never heard that one. (But then again, I'm not American and English is not my native language...)

"Sex to influence others" is certainly universal; and I understand what you mean about "rich people playing games to get money from each other" not being such an issue to most normal people. Yet... I suppose rich people are also people. I can imagine some of these businessmen might have been in monogamous relationships with some other woman (say, their wives), were seduced by the JTandR courtesan team -- the way you describe them, they seem to be the kind of deal no man could refuse -- and than have all kinds of feelings of guilt about what happened later on. Perhaps it would destabilize their relationship, and result in unhappiness for them and their wives/girlfriends.

Or then again perhaps it wouldn't. Indeed, it's a minor issue, and I don't mean it as criticism of a story that I like a lot (I'm checking now twice every day to see if there are new installments!).

Another topic I wondered about -- and I'm curious about your opinion -- is the idea that some people (feminists) would probably qualify Kelly and her work as 'demeaning to women' in that it basically seems to suggest women are (or can be seen as) little toys with which to seduce businessmen for business purposes. I'd imagine some of said businessmen (say, the ones with the darker hearts) might seen Kelly in this manner. (In fact, there's a whole subgenre of feminist texts about how Kelly's line of work "contributes to maintaining 'patriarchal' stereotypes of women as pretty sexual objects" and which goes on about how bad pornography, prostitution and other forms of sex work are for the status of women--to say nothing of those who claim it 'leads to ****', etc.) Your story of course shows the other side of the issue -- i.e. the power and satisfaction, even the degree of control, that a woman like Kelly can have in such situations. But I was curious in general about what you think of such topics -- i.e. is someone like Kelly doing a disservice to the status of women in society?

Hm, you can see I like theoretical questions. I'm almost sounding like a member of a discussion pannel now. Let me go back to basics and say that I'm enjoying your story very much!


Posts: 178
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Hm, I see there's a word filter in this blog. The 'leads to ****' was meant to be 'leads to sexual violence (r-a-p-e)', but the latter word automatically became a sequence of asterisks...
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