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Posts: 4050
#31 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as the Lincoln pulled up in front of the Whetmore Building Edward Baylor opened the car door and we stepped out. Before he closed the door he leaned in and said, "John wait here so you can drive Mr. Jamiemister back to his car after the meeting is over."

John looked at me. "I'll be waiting for you right here Mr. Jamiemister."

I nodded and then I followed Mr. Baylor into the Whetmore Building. We got into the elevator and he pushed the button for the 52nd floor.

When the elevator stopped the doors opened into an oak paneled alcove. On the opposite side of the alcove there was a set of double glass doors. The name Jackmister, Tyler and Reynolds was etched into one of the panes of glass.

Mr. Baylor opened one of the glass doors and said, "After you Mr. Jamiemister."

I walked into the reception area of Jackmister, Tyler and Reynolds. It was about the size of a large living room, but much more opulent. The entire room was finished with the same oak paneling that I saw in the alcove outside the elevator. The luxurious carpeting was deep burgundy and there were eight very comfortable looking brown leather chairs arranged in two groups along each side of the room.

I was standing with my back to the door to the elevator alcove. There was a corridor that led off to the right and another one that led off to the left. On the opposite side of the room from me there was a very large oak desk. An attractive brunette who appeared to be in her early thirties was seated at the far side of the desk. There was a third corridor behind her.

As soon as she saw me come in she stood up. "Good morning Mr. Jamiemister. Welcome to Jackmister, Tyler and Reynolds. My name is Janet Collins. You should call me Janet." She pressed a button on her desk. "Mr. Jackmister is expecting you. Please come with me."

I wasn't surprised when Janet Collins appeared to recognize me. During the trip over, Edward Baylor made two cell phone calls. He made the first one right after we left the convenience store and he made the second as we pulled up in front of The Whetmore Building. This was a very well organized operation.

Janet turned and walked down the hallway that was behind her desk. I followed her. She stopped when she got to a door at the far end of the hall. It was closed. She knocked one time. It opened immediately.

A handsome middle aged man wearing a very expensive looking dark gray suit stepped out and walked directly over to me with his hand extended. "Mr. Jamiemister, I'm Martin Jackmister. It's a pleasure to meet you."

After we shook hands he said, "Please come into my office." He put his hand on my shoulder and gently guided me through the door. As soon as I was inside he turned to Janet Collins. She was still standing in the doorway. "Janet for the next thirty minutes I do not want to be disturbed for any reamister."

"Yes Mr. Jackmister. I'll see that you're left alone." She closed the door.

Mr. Jackmister gestured towards four brown leather chairs similar to the ones that I'd seen in the reception area. They were arranged around a small oak coffee table. "Mr. Jamiemister, why don't we sit over here."

I sat in the chair closest to the door. As soon as I was seated Mr. Jackmister said, "Can I get you anything? Water, coffee, a soda, or maybe a cocktail?"

I shook my head. "No thank you, I'm fine."

He sat down in the leather chair opposite mine. "Mr. Jamiemister, thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

I smiled at him. "Five thousand dollars is a powerful persuader."

He nodded. "Yes, well it was very important to me that we talk." He took a deep breath. "Mr. Jamiemister, let's get right to the point. I think that I have been involved in some very bad decisions regarding your wife. Actually I think that you are in a very good position to sue my firm and if you choose to do that, my lawyers tell me that there is an extreme likelihood you will win."

I stared at him. "I don't understand?"

I'll explain everything in a moment, but before I begin I have to say something to you. It's very important to me."

"Go ahead."

"Mr. Jamiemister, do you know what we do."

"From what Kelly has told me I gather that you're corporate raiders who use other people's money when you're doing your raiding."

Mr. Jackmister laughed. "That's not a bad description, although I am leery of the term corporate raider."

"Why is that?"

"Most corporate raiders act like a swarm of locusts. When they take over a business they swoop in and suck every penny they can out of it without regard for the people who have spent their entire lives working for that company. Once they're done feeding they walk away leaving a pile of worthless rubble and a group of shattered lives behind them."

He shook his head. "My partners and I not only think that's inhumane, we also think it's bad business. Instead we look for businesses that are failing because of poor management or a streak of bad luck. We study them and if we decide that they can be salvaged we buy them or if we have to, we purchase all the available stock and take them over. Once we own a company we try to repair it and get it to be profitable again. If we're successful we either sell it or run it ourselves."

"What happens if you're not successful when you try to revive a company?"

Mr. Jackmister smiled at me. "Mr. Jamiemister, we are very good at researching and planning and we are even better at executing our plans. We rarely fail."

He paused for a moment and then he continued. "Mr. Jamiemister, I am telling you this because I want you to understand that while we are ruthless businessmen, we are not inhumane monsters. We try to make money without hurting people." He took a deep breath. "I am afraid that we have inadvertently hurt both you and your wife. This meeting is the first of several steps that I plan to take in an effort to right those wrongs."

"I still don't understand."

"Why don't I start at the beginning."

"I think that's a very good idea."

"We were first attracted to your wife because of her writing and organizational s*******s. Mr. Jamiemister, at JTandR we are very careful when we hire new team members. We are also constantly looking for quality people who can enhance our firm. Because of the high standards at Kelroy, we monitor the student body there very closely. We have several faculty members who alert us when they spot a particularly talented student. Your wife was brought to our attention during the second semester of her senior year. You may remember that she had her first interview with us about two weeks before she graduated."

I nodded. "I remember it very well. The night before the interview Kelly was so nervous that she couldn't relax."

Mr. Jackmister smiled and then he continued. "When we interviewed Kelly we were very impressed by her self confidence, her resourcefulness and her ability to express herself. We decided that we wanted to hire her. While we were making that decision, John Reynolds, one of my partners commented on her attractive figure and joked that it was too bad that we couldn't hire her as a hostess."

"A hostess?"

"Mr. Jamiemister when we are executing a takeover we have to find ways to persuade people to join us. Sometimes we require their financial support, sometimes we need to get them to vote with us during stockholder meetings and sometimes we just have to persuade them to give us information. Earlier I told you that we try to be humane, but let there be no mistake, we are still ruthless businessmen. We will use any means at our disposal to persuade people to join us and sex is a very powerful motivator."

"So a hostess is a company prostitute."

Mr. Jackmister sighed. "I suppose you could say that, but technically it wouldn't be correct."

"Why do you say that?'

"Prostitutes have sex for money. Like the rest of our employees, our hostesses earn a base salary and then they earn bonuses when we achieve company goals."

"I think you're splitting hairs."

"I won't waste time arguing that point with you."

Suddenly I realized what Mr. Jackmister was telling me. I stared at him for a moment and then I asked, "Are you telling me that my wife was a company whore?"

"Mr. Jamiemister, whore is a very harsh term. We prefer hostess. Your wife and her peers are partial to the title courtesan."

"My wife was a prostitute?"

"Again Mr. Jamiemister I would prefer to avoid that term; but I don't think it's fruitful to spend time arguing about semantics so my answer is yes, that is correct."


Posts: 4050
#32 · Edited by: goodhusband
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For a moment Mr. Jackmister and I stared at each other in silence. I needed some time to process the information he'd just given me and he was astute enough to understand what I was doing.

Finally I said, "Okay, my wife worked as a company whore for you. It's going to take me a little time to work through that, but I'm still confused. A few minutes ago you told me that you made some decisions regarding my wife and me that you now regret. You also started this conversation by telling me that I was in a position to successfully sue your firm. I don't understand. My wife is an adult. Unless you haveged her or obligate her in some way, it seems clear to me that the choice to work as a prostitute was her decision and the fact that she chose to lie to me about it was also her decision."

"Let me continue telling you about the process we went through when we hired Kelly."

"All right."

"My partner's comment about your wife's figure intrigued me. Mr. Jamiemister, I am sure you understand that for many men your wife is a living, breathing sexual fantasy.

I nodded. "Yes, I am well aware of that fact."

"For obvious reamisters, our firm employs a very talented group of investigators. After your wife's interview I sent them to Kelroy with the task of learning everything they could about you and your future wife. They interviewed dormitory maids, other students, custodians and anyone else who might have known anything about you or Kelly."

He shook his head. "The report was very interesting."

I sighed. "I imagine that you learned about her reputation as the blow job queen of Kelroy College."

"Yes, and of course that really piqued my interest. A young, attractive, natural blond who has huge breasts and excels at sucking cocks is a storybook dream for many men."

I smiled. "Yes I also understand that very well."

"There was still a major problem."

"What was that?"

"You! Kelly was about to get married. For obvious reamisters we prefer hostesses who are single."


"But our report included some other startling information. Even though the two of you were engaged to be married Kelly was still openly dating other men and you didn't seem to mind."

"Yes, well this is getting sort of embarrassing."

Mr. Jackmister held up his hand. "Mr. Jamiemister I'm fifty-seven years old. During the course of my life I've encountered a wide variety of individuals. I stopped judging people years ago."

"Okay, I can handle this." I took a deep breath. "So now you knew that my wife loved giving blow jobs and I didn't mind that she dated other guys. What did you do? Call her up and ask her if she wanted to be a company hooker?"

"For obvious legal reamisters we couldn't do that. No we hired her as an administrative assistant and assigned her to Chris Kendricks."

"Who's Chris Kendricks?"

"He's one of our corporate analysts. He also occasionally works as a host."


"Let me explain. The majority of the stockholders and investors that we deal with are heterosexual men. Men also seem to be a little more open to sexual encounters. Our hostesses are much busier than our hosts. Our hosts generally hold other positions in the firm. Our hostesses are all very socially s*******ed, but our hosts are even more s*******ed. They have to be."

"Why do you say that?"

"Determining whether or not a male associate." He smiled at me. "When we're working with stockholders or investors we refer to them as associates."

I nodded.

He continued. "Anyway trying to determine if a male associate is interested in a little extra curricular sexual activity is generally quite easy. When were meeting with him we'll find a reamister to bring one of our hostesses into the room. We might ask her to get us a file, or maybe a pot of coffee. While she's in the room we watch our associate to see how he reacts. If he seems interested we'll wait until she leaves and then one of us will make an offhand comment like, 'Isn't she beautiful?' If he responds we pursue it and hint that she might be available. If he doesn't respond we just move on."

Mr. Jackmister shook his head. "Women are much more difficult. We have to be very careful. If we're too direct, we risk insulting them. Generally one of my partners or myself will invite our associate to dinner. We'll include Chris or one of our other hosts in the party. Chris is probably our best host. He's in his early thirties, very handsome, very bright and he has an engaging permisterality. Most women find him extremely attractive. At dinner we'll make sure that Chris is seated next to our associate. Before the dinner we'll arm him with a detailed overview of her interests. Chris excels at small talk and the information we feed him gives him an excellent opportunity to engage our associate. Once we've finished dinner Chris will suggest an after dinner take in the bar. The rest of us will decline and politely excuse ourselves. After that, the rest of the evening is up to Chris and our associate."

"And I imagine you're telling me this so that I'll understand that my wife was swept off her feet by a master of seduction and excuse her behavior. Mr. Jackmister, I'm not upset with my wife because she was relaxing with another man, I'm upset because she lied to me about it."

"No Mr. Jamiemister, I am telling you this because I want you to understand why I feel I've made decisions that harmed both you and your wife." There was a slight hint of irritation in Mr. Jackmister's voice.

"Very well, go ahead."

"Chris did eventually seduce your wife, but it took him almost two months to do it and not grasping the significance of that detail was my first mistake. Your wife is a gorgeous woman and I jumped to the conclusion that she was ignoring Chris's advances because she didn't need him. I assumed that she was already overwhelmed by a steady flow of propositions from a large group of very handsome men outside of work."

I laughed. "That's pretty close to the truth."

"At that time I am reamisterably certain that your wife was fending off all of those advances. Mr. Jamiemister the key detail that I missed was the vow of fidelity that your wife made to you on your wedding day." He shook his head. "And I am ashamed that we missed that detail. It was uncharacteristically sloppy research on our part."

"When did you learn about it?"

"Last Friday morning when Kelly came in to see me to explain why she was resigning."

"I thought you asked Kelly to resign."

Mr. Jackmister sighed, "No, the resignation was your wife's idea. I offered her a leave of absence, but she turned it down. Kelly told me that she plans to devote the rest of her life to trying to regain your trust and win you back. Mr. Jamiemister, I am a very wealthy man, but I would happily trade all of that wealth to have just one permister who loves me as much as your wife loves you."

I stared at him. After a moment I said, "But Kelly lied to me."

"Yes Mr. Jamiemister she did, but before you decide to end your marriage, I suggest that you try to find the answer to one very important question.”

“What's that?”

“Why did this woman who professes to love you so much decide to lie to you?"


Posts: 1459
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Hey! No fair sneaking a stealth entry past me! I haven't been here a lot lately, and when I have it's usually been to write, but how the heck did I miss this?? I can only plead diminished capacity! On the upside, it gave me some sunshine on a gray and rainy morning.

Great story - tight, complex, fast paced, fantastic characters already well developed and several questions floating out there unanswered. Although very different, it's shaping up to be another best-seller! Rest assured I'll be waiting anxiously for more - but no pressure! Ha!
Glad to hear you're doing well GH, and thanks for another barn-burner. You are an amazing talent!


Posts: 4050
#34 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks Stormy

I figured that you would eventually catch up with this story. I was very curious to hear your reaction. It's been awhile since I've enjoyed writing this much.



Posts: 4050
#35 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Mr. Jackmister looked at his watch. "Our time is coming to an end. At the beginning of this meeting you asked me why I felt responsible for your wife's sexual indiscretions and why my attorneys thought my firm was vulnerable to a law suit. The answer is quite simple, your wife came to us seeking a normal job. Because of a negligent failure on our part to gather adequate background information I deliberately threw a well calculated temptation at Kelly and kept throwing it at her even though she repeatedly rebuffed it. Once she finally succumbed to our temptation I callously ignored some obvious signs of unhappiness and distress in your wife and allowed her to continue working in the job that was causing that unhappiness and stress."

He took a deep breath. "Mr. Jamiemister, at best we are guilty of callously ignoring the desires, health and well being of you and your wife and at worst we are responsible for deliberately entrapping your wife in a life of prostitution and destroying your marriage."

Mr. Jackmister rubbed his forehead. "My lawyers tell me that if we are lucky we might be able to settle for as little a $500,000 in damages, but they think the amount could easily be as much as $2,000,000. I am prepared to offer you a settlement of $4,000,000."

I stared at Mr. Jackmister. "Why are you being so generous?"

"Mr Jamiemister, I am a businessman, I am not a monster. In the past two years I have made several critical mistakes that resulted in injury to both you and your wife. I wish to try to atone for those errors."

He paused for a moment and then he continued. "I also wish to add another incentive.'

"What is it?"

"If you are able to reconcile with your wife I will double the amount. That's $8,000,000 and if you are willing to trust me with that money for five years, I believe that I can easily turn it into thirty million dollars."

I laughed. "That's a very attractive offer." And then I closed my eyes and sighed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I think that you and your wife had a storybook love and I was responsible for destroying it."

"But my wife lied to me."

"Yes Mr. Jamiemister, she did; but I suggest that you ask yourself why she did it. Your wife loves sex. Her vow of fidelity was never realistic. She wanted to be the perfect wife for you, but her model of perfection was based on the cultural norms that had been instilled in her since she was a little girl rather than your actual expectations. I believe that she understood that you had no objection to her dating other men, but she couldn't reconcile that fact with her conception of how a proper married woman behaves. She had to slip. It was inevitable. I don't believe that your wife is capable of being faithful to one man.

Mr. Jackmister smiled at me. "The problem is that when she slipped she felt like she was letting you down. We both know that she wasn't, but her traditional upbringing made her feel like she was. After Chris finally succeeded in seducing her, she was too ashamed to tell you. Of course that pushed her into a new quagmire. Now she'd lied to you and of course that was the one thing she'd promised that she would never do."

Mr. Jackmister shook his head. "It's ironic that in her desperate effort to keep you she committed the one sin that you could never forgive."

"Okay, Chris seduced her, but she ended up working as a corporate whore."

"Mr. Jamiemister, you are a very intelligent man. I am certain that you understand that the first bite of the apple is always the most difficult to swallow. After that each bite gets increasingly easy. We all live on the edge of a slippery slope. Your wife's problem was that as she slid down that slope it became more and more difficult to tell you."

Mr. Jackmister looked at his watch and stood up. "Mr. Jamiemister, our thirty minutes is over. I would love to spend the rest of the afternoon talking with you, but I have some very pressing business to attend to. I hope you'll understand."

I stood up. "Mr. Jackmister, if you'll indulge me I have one more question."

"What is it?"

"Who is Roger Baldwin?"

Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Roger Baldwin doesn't exist."

"Of course he does, I heard him talking to my wife in that hotel room." I shook my head. "Judging from the conversation between Kelly and the bellman I gather that the two them are very frequent visitors to the hotel."

"Mr. Jamiemister, the stock holders and investors that we deal with are all very wealthy individuals and often pillars of their communities. When we are entertaining them it is important that we take extreme care to protect them from scandal."

"You don't want them to get arrested."

Mr. Jackmister shook his head. "That's not the problem at all. No money changes hands when our hostesses are entertaining an associate. Prostitution laws aren't an issue."

"So why are you worried about scandals?"

"Business Mr. Jamiemister. When our hostesses are entertaining an associate we're trying to influence them to do something we want them to do. The last thing we want is to let an unethical competitor catch them in a compromising situation. We have to be very careful that we don't put our associates in a position where they can be blackmailed."

I nodded. I was starting to understand.

"When they're visiting this city, most of our associates stay at the Calvert Hotel. We have five principle hostesses. The firm maintains a permanent suite at the Calvert for each of them. Your wife's suite was 1712. These suites are all reserved under fictitious names. Kelly's was registered to Roger Baldwin."

I closed my eyes and sighed.

Mr. Jackmister continued. "When we set up a date for one of our associates we give them a room key and instruct them to arrive at least fifteen minutes before our hostess. The night you followed your wife, her associate was already in the room when she got there.

"Several of the bell men, including the one you saw, are well paid to help us play out a charade. After our hostess arrives they always bring a bottle of champagne to the room. Whenever there is a knock at the door our associates are instructed to go into the bathroom. This is to make sure that they're protected from a photographer who might try to burst into the room when the door is opened. When the bellman delivers the champagne he and the hostess have a script that they follow that's designed to fool anyone who might be outside the room listening."

He smiled at me. "It appears that our system works. We certainly fooled you."

I shrugged. "Yes you did."

"When our hostess is with our associate she is instructed to always use the name of the man that the room is registered to. In your wife's case it was Roger. Again we are attempting to confuse anyone who might be listening at the door."

He stared at me. "Mr. Jamiemister, your wife was not having an affair with another man and she certainly hasn't fallen in love with anyone else. Please believe me, she loves you and she loves only you."

I took a moment to digest this information and then I looked at Mr. Jackmister. "May I ask one more question?"

Mr. Jackmister looked at his watch. "Yes, but only one more."

"Have you had sex with my wife?"

Mr. Jackmister closed his eyes and sighed. "At the beginning of this meeting I promised you total candor, so I'll answer your question. Mr. Jamiemister, do you remember when I alluded to the fact that there are some men for whom a blow job is the ultimate sexual pleasure?"


"I happen to be one of those men. Please excuse my vulgarity, but I don't know how to put this any other way. For the past year your wife has been sucking my cock at least three times a week."

I slowly nodded. "Mr. Jackmister, thank you; I appreciate your honesty."

"Please believe me Mr. Jamiemister, I never would have done that if I'd known you were unaware of your wife's activities."

I smiled at him. "It's all right." And then I chuckled and said, "She gives a pretty good one doesn't she."

Mr. Jackmister grinned at me. "Mr. Jamiemister, your wife is an artist."

I nodded in agreement.

“And now Mr. Jamiemister you will have to excuse me. I must move on to other business.”

He took my arm and led me to the door of his office. As he opened it he said, “Janet has your five thousand dollars. She'll give it to you on your way out. John is waiting in front of the building to drive you back to your car. My attorneys will contact you next week to start negotiating the financial settlement that we discussed.”

He extended his hand. “Mr. Jamiemister, it was a pleasure to finally meet you and I do sincerely hope that you will be able to reconcile with your wife.”

I shook his hand and said, “Thank you Mr. Jackmister.” And then I stepped out into the hallway and he closed his door behind me.


Posts: 492
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OK you're right. I was too quick to judge. Excellent story GH, thanks. Like I said, more twists and turns than a modern day rollercoaster. Looking forward to future installments.



Posts: 4050
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Thanks for the nice comment. I appreciate it.



Posts: 4050
#38 · Edited by: goodhusband
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When I passed by her desk Janet Collins handed me an envelope. She told me that it contained fifty one hundred dollar bills. I was a little uncomfortable about accepting the money, but Mr. Jackmister had just told me that he was a very wealthy man and I really needed the cash; so I thanked Ms. Collins, put the envelope in my pocket and left the office.

John was waiting for me in front of the Whetmore Building with the Lincoln. He drove me back to Kirby's Quick Stop so I could get my own car.

After we arrived back at the store I stopped inside and said hello to Elvira Higgins and then I got into my car and drove to a small park that overlooked the river. It was a place that I visited when I needed some time to think or relax.

I parked my car, sat down on a bench and began trying to make sense out of this situation. The meeting with Martin Jackmister had been filled with startling revelations. Of course, the most startling of all was that my wife was working as a prostitute for his firm.

I understood that he preferred other terms, but it didn't really matter. You could call Kelly a courtesan or a hostess, but it still boiled down to one fact. They were paying her to have sex with their business associates.

As I thought about that, I realized that as long as Kelly was doing it because she wanted to do it and they weren't coercing her, it really didn't bother me. Actually it sort of helped. I could easily understand that my wife was so worried about how I would react to what she was doing that she would try to find ways to avoid telling me.

Still, why didn't she tell me when Chris Kendricks seduced her? She had to know that it wouldn't upset me. I considered this for a few minutes and then I remembered Mr. Jackmister's words.

"Kelly wanted to be the perfect wife for you, but her model of perfection was based on the cultural norms that had been instilled in her since she was a little girl rather than on your expectations."

That actually made a lot of sense. I thought back to our college days. Sometimes late at night, when we were lying in bed after she'd come home from a date; Kelly would ask me if I hated her because she enjoyed having sex with a variety of men. I would scoff at the idea and tell her that we were perfectly matched because I loved being a cuckold. That always seemed to placate her fears, but now it was apparent to me that her infidelity had always bothered her. That would explain why Kelly was so insistent on making a vow of fidelity to me when we were married.

Suddenly I began to understand that when a handsome man like Chris Kendrick started trying to seduce Kelly, the conflict between her need to be a proper wife and her desire for sexual adventure must have created a nearly unendurable level of anxiety inside of her. I also realized that she must have been incredibly ashamed when she finally succumbed to his advances. She didn't lie to me because she wanted to deceive me, she lied to me because she was ashamed of what she was doing.

But what caused Kelly to make the transition from having a casual affair with a handsome man like Chris to becoming a courtesan for JTandR?

As soon as I asked the question the answer became obvious. Part of it was the slippery slope that Mr. Jackmister alluded to, but there was another factor. It was the reamister that Mr. Jackmister was so worried about legal action. Kelly's boss and his partners wanted my wife to be a slut and they deliberately created an environment that would encourage her to behave like one. Of course, that fed right into my wife's love of sexual adventure. It was a little like giving a candy lover a job in a chocolate factory. In Mr. Jackmister's defense, he didn't know that the candy lover had vowed to only eat sweets with her husband.

Part of me, the offended husband, protested that all of this was just psychological mumbo jumbo; but another more rational part of me argued that this situation was much more complicated than my original assumption. This was definitely not just a simple case of my wife deliberately trying to deceive me in order to hide the fact that she was falling in love with another man.

The rational part of me won the debate. I now understood that before I could give up on our marriage I had hear my wife's explanation for what had happened. I had to call Kelly.

I turned on my cell phone. There were eight messages. All of them were from Kelly. I ignored them and pushed the number for her cell phone on my speed dial.

My wife answered after three rings. "Timmy is that really you? When I saw your name on my caller ID I didn't dare believe it."

"Yes Kelly, it's really me."

"Timmy thank you for calling me. Baby, I'm so sorry I lied to you and I've been so awful to you lately, I don't blame you for hating me."

"Kelly, I'd like to get together with you and talk about this."

"Oh yes please, that would be wonderful."

"Kelly listen to me."

"Yes, I'm listening."

"I don't care what you have done. It doesn't matter to me if a thousand different men have fucked you in the last year. I can forgive anything, but please do not lie to me anymore."

"Timmy I promise to tell you everything." She paused a for a moment and then she continued. "But Timmy, I've done some awful things. I'm afraid that your going to hate me after you learn the truth."

"Kelly have you ***ed anyone or stoled money?"

"Well no, but..."

"Kelly, I know the woman I married. She's not a bad permister. I don't believe that you've done anything that I can't forgive."

"Timmy a lot of men have fucked me in the past year."

"I know, it's okay."


"Yes, really. Just promise that you won't lie to me anymore."

"I won't Timmy, I promise I won't."

"Kelly are you at home?"

"Yes Timmy I am."

"Can I come over?"

My wife laughed. "Of course you can silly, nothing would make me happier."

"Kelly, I'm at our favorite park by the river. I'll be home in fifteen minutes."

"Thank you Timmy, thank you so much."


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As I was driving to our house, I was suddenly overwhelmed by a sickening fear. What if Kelly really didn't love me anymore? What if she actually wanted to be rid of me so that she could freely continue the wild life she was leading at JTandR.

As the paranoia insinuated itself into my tired brain I remembered a nagging concern that used to wake me up in the middle of the night during my senior year in college. Kelly was way out of my league, what would happen when she finally realized it?

Suddenly everything looked different.

I remembered Mr. Jackmister telling me that when Kelly turned in her resignation she'd told him that she was doing it so she could devote the rest of her life to trying to regain my trust. I desperately wanted to believe that she'd said that, but Mr. Jackmister was a clever man and he was obviously very concerned about his exposed legal position. That may have been a ploy to take the edge off my anger so that I would be more amenable to accepting an out of court settlement with his firm.

Kelly sounded very anxious to talk to me when we spoke on the phone. She'd also left numerous messages for me. She appeared to be eager to reconcile with me, but she'd lied to me so freely lately and she'd been treating me with such blatant disdain that it was easy to be skeptical about her motives. She might just be saying these things to try to lure me into a reamisterable divorce settlement. I didn't actually know much about the divorce laws in our state, but I assumed that a judge would not look favorably at Kelly if he found out that she'd been working as a courtesan for JTandR.

I laughed. Courtesan, why did I choose that term? Why didn't I say whore or hooker? Mr. Jackmister had said it was the name that Kelly and the other hostesses favored. I could see why, it made what they were doing seem sophisticated and glamorous.

I smiled. I knew exactly why I chose that term. The idea that my wife was a corporate courtesan excited the cuckold inside me.

I bit my lip. I had to get those thoughts out of my head. This was a moment when I needed to be making decisions with my brain, not my perverted little pecker. I chuckled to myself. I'd better be using my brain. People often misjudged Kelly when they met her. They only saw a blond with big tits. The truth was, my wife was an extremely smart woman.

I started to get very nervous about this meeting. I pulled over to the curb, stopped my car and took out my cell phone. I was just about to call Kelly and tell her that I wasn't going to be coming over when I realized exactly what I needed to do.

I relaxed. All of the fears that were running through my brain were related to protecting myself financially, but I didn't give a cuckolds brownie about money. I've never cared about money. Hell, I had five thousand dollars in cash in my pocket, a part time job at a hack newspaper and another part time job at a convenience store. No one could hurt me. I had more than enough resources to start a new life.

The divorce settlement and Mr. Jackmister's offer of four million dollars were nothing to me. If she wanted it, Kelly could have it all; the house, our savings, our stocks and bonds, Mr. Jackmister's millions, everything. Hell, it was all hers anyway. She'd done the work to earn it.

All I wanted was my wife and if she didn't want me, then there was no amount of money in this world that would make me happy.

I started my car and pulled away from the curb. I now knew exactly what I had to do. I would begin our meeting by presenting my wife with a very generous proposal. I would offer to walk away from the marriage and leave her with everything. If she was indeed seeking a divorce, my proposition would be very difficult for her to resist.

If a divorce was what my wife wanted, I needed to establish that fact as quickly as possible and get on with my life. Losing Kelly would be excruciatingly painful for me, but if it was inevitable then I preferred to suffer the pain in one quick blow rather than prolonging it over weeks or even months.


Posts: 40
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GH this story is amazing. I've been checking the site periodically just so see if there's an update. I love reading them as much as I dread having to wait three to four days for the next installment. You have the gift.


Posts: 178
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GH, I hadn't been around for a while, and now I see you have really been working on an interesting new story. I haven't read all the posts yet, which I'm looking forward to doing; but up until now it looks like a new kind of story. I can see that moving away from Francis and Cassie was a good idea. I will be reading it thoughout the day today. Thanks for it!

And my best wishes for your health! Don't let your admirers here get you thinking that you 'have' to do another post, with deadlines and all. Good human beings are not that frequent, they have to take care of themselves. And the other good human beings will wait gladly.


Posts: 178
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I must admit, now that I've finished reading, that your story has picked my curiosity. Indeed, it is easy to believe that Kelly might start a slippery slope after lying for the first time; lies tend to lead to more lies. But why the disdain at Timmy? It often felt as if she was being cruel with him. (I can imagine she might be angry because his presence reminded her of what she was doing wrong, and that might result in the kind of abusive behavior that she was engaging in; but he seemed so understanding and ready to forgive what she apparently saw as her greatest sin, i.e. her infidelities; how could this not have allayed her fears, soothed her anger, dispelled her wrong impressions?

In fact, how could a woman who had her lover licking her pussy while she read cuckold stories out loud (and who could see how excited this made him feel) really believe he would be offended at her infidelities after marriage? How could she fail to notice what a turn-on this was for him--that was certainly explicitly said by him before their marriage?

I'm really curious about their conversation. I can feel it's going to be a very interesting one!

Thanks again!


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Untrained male

Thank you, that was a very kind comment. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.


Yes it is a very different kind of story. That was the reamister I was so excited about writing it.

I think that Timmy is asking the same questions you are. I guess you'll just have to wait to see if he gets the answers.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.



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I parked my car in the driveway rather than pulling into the garage. I didn't live in this house anymore. Somehow using the garage seemed inappropriate. I got out of my car and walked up the side walk. When I got to the front door I started to take out my key but stopped and rang the door bell instead.

I heard footsteps inside and then the front door opened. Kelly looked beautiful. It was a chilly October day. She was wearing a pink cable knit sweater and a pair of denim jeans. She'd obviously just put on fresh makeup and brushed her hair.

"Why didn't you use your key?"

"I don't live here anymore Kelly."

She quietly whispered. "I see." She paused. Kelly was obviously disconcerted by my answer. She took a moment to regain her composure and then she said, "Timmy please come in."

I stepped inside.

"Why don't we sit in the living room."

"Very well."

She gestured towards the couch. "Let's sit here."

I walked over to an easy chair opposite the couch and sat down. "I'd prefer to sit over here."

Kelly nodded. I'm not certain what she was expecting, but my reserved attitude was clearly unsettling for her.

She took a deep breath and then she smiled at me. "Can I get you anything for you?"

I was a little surprised. This was the first time in almost a year that my wife had offered to do anything for me. I shook my head. "No, I'm fine."

Kelly sat down on the couch. As soon as she was seated she said, "Timmy I'm so sorry about everything. I don't..."

I put up my hand and interrupted her. "Kelly before you begin I have two things I have to say."


"Kelly, if you want a divorce I'll let you have everything. You can keep the house, our savings account, all of our stocks and bonds, everything. All I'll take will be a few permisteral items and my car."

My wife stared at me. "Timmy is that what you want?"

"No Kelly, it isn't. I love you, I will always love you. I would like to find a way to resolve this mess so we can start living together again, but if you want to end our marriage I'm offering you that opportunity right now."

Kelly shook her head. "No Timmy, I don't want a divorce. I want to stay married to you. I love you too. Please give me a chance to explain..."

I interrupted her again. I was being very firm. "I am going to give you a chance to explain, but please don't lie to me." I smiled at her. "Sweetheart, I don't care how many man you've had sex with in the last year and I don't believe that you've done anything that I can't forgive. I just want you to be truthful with me."

Kelly nodded and then she whispered. "Timmy I'm sorry that I lied to you, I am so very sorry that I lied to you."

She stared at the floor. After a moment she said, "I've done awful things. I'm really not certain how many men have fucked me in the last year. It's a lot." She looked up at me. "Timmy I don't know how to tell you all of this. I'm sure you're going to hate me when you find out what I've done."

"No Kelly, I know you. You're my best friend."

She smiled at me.

"I don't believe that you could ever do anything that would make me hate you. We have a lot of time. Let's go slowly. Start at the beginning. Tell me about everything that's happened since you started working for JTandR."

Kelly stared at the floor. It was almost like she was gathering her courage. Suddenly she looked up at me and blurted out, "Timmy, I'm was a prostitute for JTandR."

I smiled at her. "I thought you preferred the term courtesan."

She stared at me. "How do you know about that?'

"This morning I spent almost an hour talking with Martin Jackmister."

"What did he tell you?"

"Enough so that I have a pretty good idea about what you've been doing for the past year."

"And you still called me? You still came to see me?"

I nodded. "Yes I did and I still love you." I looked at my wife. "But I do need to hear you to tell me about it."

"Okay." There was a tone of resignation in her voice.

Kelly closed her eyes. She seemed to be thinking. After a moment she looked at me and said, "I don't know where to begin."

"Why don't you start by telling me about Chris Kendricks."

"Mr. Jackmister told you about him?"

"Yes he did."

Kelly was quiet. She didn't say anything for almost a minute. Finally she looked at me and said, "Timmy you know how much I love sex."

"Yes I do."

"In my family girls were expected to be proper ladies. I was taught that sex was an expression of love that was supposed to be reserved exclusively for my husband. When I graduated from high school I was still a virgin." Kelly smiled at me. "Because of my big tits, the boys were constantly hitting on me, but I was a good girl, I always fought off their advances."

She shrugged. "When I got to college I rebelled. I think that's pretty common. I lost my virginity during freshman orientation week." She grinned. "It was wonderful and I immediately fell in love with sex." She laughed. "Timmy I fell in love with cocks, big hard magnificent cocks. I loved touching them, playing with them and getting fucked by them." She grinned at me, "But most of all I loved sucking them. By the end of my freshman year I was an avowed blow job queen. I had an insatiable appetite for sucking cocks.."

She sighed. "And then during the winter of my sophomore year I met you and immediately fell head over heels in love. Timmy you are the man of my dreams. You are my white knight. You are my soul mate."

She paused. "Except...."

"I can't fuck worth a damn and my tiny cock isn't much fun to suck."

"No that's not true, I love sucking your tiny cock." My wife giggled. "I adore your tiny cock." But then she started to whisper. "The problem is that sometimes I need more, sometimes I want to suck a really big cock."

I nodded. "I know and I never objected when you did it."

My wife smiled. "Yes, and that was just one more reamister for me to love you. Timmy you were the perfect man."

"And you were the perfect girl."

"No Timmy, that's the problem; I wasn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I was taught that the perfect girl is faithful to her man. She doesn't relax around." Kelly shook her head. "Timmy during college I always felt so guilty when I left you waiting in my dorm room while I went out on a date with another guy."

"But it was okay with me. I knew what you were doing, and I didn't mind."

"Yes, but I'd been taught that what I was freely giving to other guys should only be given to you. Timmy, I loved having sex with all those other guys, but while I was doing it I felt like I was cheating you out of something that should exclusively belong to you and only you."

"But I didn't care."

"I know, but I did." My wife looked at me."The night we decided to get married you made me the happiest woman in the world and that night after you went to relax I vowed that after our wedding I would remain forever faithful to you. You were the perfect husband and I wanted to be the perfect wife."

"But you didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did, but not for you, for me." She smiled. "Anyway, after we were married I spent a lot of time fending off old boyfriends."

"I didn't know that."

She nodded. "They called me on my cell phone. Baby I was so proud of myself, I turned all of them down."


Posts: 107
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Good husband,

I just found this new thread and it is great. I echo the seniments of other posters when I say how much I enjoy reading your stories.

I hope this finds you well and I'm glad that your wife is keeping you on the "short leash". It seems to become you.

I'll be looking forward to future postings.

Good and bi


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Thanks, I'm glad you found the story and I'm glad your enjoying it. Thanks for taking a moment to tell me.



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"So what happened when you went to work at JTandR?"

"They assigned me to the guy you just asked me about, Chris Kendricks. He was one of the corporate analysts. Timmy when I met him my panties got wet. He was so good looking."

She smiled at me. "Chris is about thirty. He's tall, at least 6'2". He has very sexy long dark curly hair and a handsome face with deep blue eyes. He goes to the gym every day so he's in excellent shape. He has a slim waist, broad shoulders and nice firm muscles. Chris is an absolute dreamboat."

Kelly shook her head. "Timmy I have to admit that as soon as I saw him I had the hots for him." She grinned at me. "But I was a good girl. I resisted him. At the end of our first day working together he made a pass at me. I was putting some folders back in one of the file cabinets. He came up behind me, put his strong hands on my shoulders and whispered, Kelly you are so beautiful. I want to take you in my arms and kiss you. And then he let his right hand slip to my breast."

My wife sighed. "Timmy I almost gave in and let him kiss me, but I didn't. I really wanted to be a good wife. Instead I took his hand away from my breast and said, No, no, good girls never play around at work.”

"That was an odd thing to say. Why didn't you just tell him you were a married woman?"

"I don't know. I guess I was so used to fending off advances that I rarely thought about what I was actually saying. I always tried to crack silly jokes when I was saying no to a guy. I think it makes the situation a little less awkward."

I nodded. That made sense. It also explained why Mr. Jackmister and his partners thought Kelly was turning down Chris's advances because she was already inundated with dates outside of work.

"I held out for two months. After his initial attempt to seduce me failed, Chris cooled his advances; but he still kept working on me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, maybe I'm not being completely fair to Chris when I say that. He's an extremely thoughtful and considerate man. Working for him was very easy. He's one of those people who are always making you feel good about yourself. He complimented me on my appearance all the time; but not in a creepy way, it was more like he was just being friendly. He always noticed when I got my hair cut and styled and if I was trying a new shade of lipstick, he would comment on it. Things like that." Kelly smiled. "And he constantly told me how smart and efficient I was. I really started to like him."

My wife sighed. "Anyway, I began to have fantasies about having sex with him. Timmy you are the love of my life and if someone told me that I could only have sex one more time before I died, I would want it to be with you and I would want you to lick my pussy. There is nothing in this world that I enjoy more."

I laughed. "Well it's lucky we found each other because licking your pussy is also my favorite."

Kelly grinned at me. "Timmy I've missed you so much over the past year."

At first that struck me as a very strange comment. After all, up until five days ago Kelly and I were living together, but as I thought about it, it started to make sense.

Kelly closed her eyes. "Timmy after two months of being faithful to you, I will admit that I was starting to miss the wonderful sensation of sucking and being fucked by a great big hard dick and I began day dreaming about Chris's cock."

"I wish you would have told me, I would have given you my blessing,"

She nodded. "I know, but I wanted to be a good wife. I had to be a good wife. I was trying so hard."

Kelly took a deep breath. "On the first Wednesday in September the firm completed a takeover of a struggling company. Chris had been instrumental in drawing up the initial plan and since I worked for Chris I was also involved. The stockholders meeting was held in the early afternoon and we succeeded in taking control of the board of directors. When the partners got back to the office they called everyone who had worked on the project into the conference room. Timmy they had two cases of French champagne. I'd never even tasted French champagne. It was wonderful. I had three glasses."

Kelly's voice dropped to a whisper. "After the party ended Chris and I went back to his office. I was organizing some papers on his desk when he walked up behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and whispered; You were a very important part of that project. I couldn't have done it without you. And then he kissed my neck."

My wife shook her head. "Timmy I turned around and melted into his powerful arms. Chris kissed me. It was a soft, gentle kiss and as he was kissing me he slipped his hand onto my right breast. This time I didn't remove it. This time I let my hand slip to his crotch. He had an erection and it was huge. Baby the next thing I knew I was on my knees. Chris's pants were unzipped and I was sucking his great big cock."

Kelly grinned. "I let Chris fuck me three times that afternoon. The last time he fucked me I had this huge orgasm. It was wonderful." My wife closed her eyes. It looked like she was reliving the moment. Suddenly she realized what she was doing and looked at me. There was an expression of alarm on her face. She quickly said, "Timmy I'm sorry that I slipped. I was trying so hard to be a good wife."

I shrugged. "It's okay, I just wish you'd told me about it."

She stared at the floor. After a moment Kelly started to whisper. "Later when I was driving home I started to cry. I felt so awful about what I'd done. I drove around aimlessly for over an hour. I was afraid to face you. I was wracked with guilt.

My wife shook her head. "Baby when I got home that night and finally had to face you I was so ashamed. You'd prepared this wonderful dinner and while I was eating it, it was all I could do to keep from crying. After dinner I tried to make it up to you. I took you into the bedroom and we made love for a really long time. That night I desperately wanted you to be able to enjoy my body even more than Chris did."

Part of me heard Kelly's heartfelt apology and wanted to reach out and console her, but another part of me was still deeply hurt by both her deceit and the memory of the callous treatment that I'd had to endure over the past year.

That part of me stared at my wife and coldly asked, "Did you make Chris wear a condom?"

Kelly gasped. She immediately grasped the significance of my question. She stared at the floor for a moment. Finally she looked up at me and asked, "Do you really want to know?"

I nodded. "Yes."

She shook her head. "No I didn't. It all happened so suddenly. We didn't have any and Chris told me that he'd just gotten himself checked by his doctor."

"I see, so that night when I was licking your pussy I was eating Chris's dried semen."

Kelly nodded. "I guess so. I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't really think about that at the time."

I tried to maintain my anger, but I couldn't. I loved my wife too much. And there was another factor. My perverted little penis woke up and started sending ripples of excitement through me. I melted and smiled at Kelly. "It's all right, it kind of fits into my cuckold fantasies." I shook my head, “But I would have enjoyed it more if I'd actually known what I was doing."

"I'm sorry baby, I was so confused that night. I felt so horrible about cheating on you." She closed her eyes. "But there was something that was even worse."

"What was that?"

"When we went to relax I was already starting to fantasize about Chris's big cock again. Timmy, that made me feel awful."

"Kelly, if you'd just told me, everything would have been fine."

"I know, but do you understand why I didn't?"

"I'm think I'm starting to."

She shook her head. "It gets worse."

"What do you mean?"

"The next morning, as soon as I walked into his office, Chris took me in his arms and kissed me. It was a hot passionate kiss and by the time we were finished I was burning with desire." Kelly looked at me. "But Timmy, then something really strange happened."

"What was it?"

"After Chris kissed me he held me in his arms and asked me how you reacted when I got home and told you about what had happened the previous afternoon."

"He asked you that?"

"Yes, and the question startled me."

"What did you tell him?"

"Baby, I'm so ashamed. At that moment I wanted him so badly that I lied and told him you were just fine with it." She closed her eyes and whispered. "And then I dropped to my knees, unzipped his pants and started sucking his cock."

I smiled at my wife. "You got yourself into a real mess didn't you?"

She shook her head. "That was just the beginning."

Suddenly Kelly started laughing.

I stared at her. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it just feels so good to finally be telling you the truth about all of this."


Posts: 107
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Puts me in the mind of:

"The truth will set you free"

Thanks again Good husband.


Posts: 1459
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Well, it sure gets my vote! I'm starting to really like Kelly, for so many reamisters, but mostly because she's so human and can flat out screw things up. It makes her very real that she has these conflicts and regrets, and Timmy is lucky to have her, despite some occasional heartaches.

Please tell me that you had some of this pre-written and haven't been busting your ass with two or more long, complicated chapters per day! That's just too much hard work. It makes my head hurt just to think about it! Thanks though, it's great.


Posts: 4050
#50 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Yes, Lisa made me finish the first twelve segments before she let me post anything. I wrote most of it during my free time on our Labor day vacation.

I just posted segment 17 and I currently have 22 segments completed. If my golf game goes quickly I should be able to post segments 18 and 19 tomorrow.

Of course Stormy, as you well know, the frustration or writer's block is always part of the equation. The segment where Kelly tells Timmy about her first sexual encounter with Martin Jackmister took almost three days to write (not full time). It's done now, you will see it sometime next week. I'm not giving anything away by telling you that. Martin Jackmister has already told Timmy that Kelly was giving him a blow job three days a week for the past year.

Right now I am looking at how this story is received. I could easily end it at about thirty segments, or it could be extended to 40 or 50, but 50 would be absolute tops for this story.

For those of you who are confused by this, "Sandra and Stevie" was about 275 segments and "The Party" was about 20. Had I finished "Cassandra and Francis" and I still might, it would have been over 200 segments.

I think that from now on, I will try to confine myself to writing stories of less than 50 segments. I am certain that Stormy can easily explain why. Finishing "Cassandra and Francis" might still be the exception.


PS For me sex scenes are so much harder to write than plot. Stormy I am in awe of your sex scenes. I find them so difficult.


Posts: 4050
#51 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"So how long did your affair with Chris last?"

Kelly stared at me.

"Are you questioning my use of the word affair?"


"Okay, how long did you continue having sex with this man?"

"About a month."

"How often?"

My wife closed her eyes and very quietly answered, "Every day."

"So if it wasn't an affair, what word would you use to describe it?"

Kelly sighed. "Okay, it was an affair. It's just that when I was driving home every night I would swear that that would be the very last time I'd let Chris fuck me." She shook her head, "But by the time I was driving back to work the next morning I would already be finding reamisters to justify letting him do it one more time. Timmy, I'm so sorry. I kept telling myself it was wrong, but by the time we got to the end of our work day, I'd always ended up letting him fuck me again."

"What you're trying to tell me is that you didn't want it to be an affair?'


"Why did the affair end after a month?"

Kelly thought for a moment and then she said, "I guess it really didn't end, it just sort of tapered off. I still see Chris about once a month for sex. We've kind of become fuck buddies." Suddenly she realized what she'd said and looked at me. "But I promise I won't ever see him again."

I smiled at her. "Kelly, I don't want you to make promises you're not going to be able to keep. Why don't we worry about the future of your relationship with Chris a little later. Now, why did the affair taper off?"

My wife closed her eyes, after a moment she quietly said, "I got involved with another man."

"Who was he?"

"John Reynolds, he's the youngest of the three partners. I think he's in his early forties. John's not a total dream boat like Chris, but he's still a very handsome man."

"How did it happen?"

"It was just before Halloween. The firm had been studying another company to see if it was a good possibility for a takeover. Chris and I had been heavily involved in the research. The partners set up a dinner party at the Goldenrod Supper Club to discuss the feasibility of a takeover attempt. Chris and I were included in the group. It was the first time that I'd ever been invited to a meeting like that."

"That must have been very exciting for you."

Kelly nodded. "It really was. When we sat down to dinner, I was seated right next to John Reynolds. Timmy, I'd met the partners during my interviews, but after I started working for JTandR I had very little contact with them."

"So being seated next to John Reynolds must have made the evening even more exciting."

"Timmy I was so nervous, but John was wonderful. He was so easy to talk to. He started out by asking me about Kelroy and then we talked a little bit about you." She smiled at me. "I told him how wonderful you were and how you were working so hard to support me in my job. After dinner the business part of the meeting started. Chris had cautioned me to not say anything unless I was asked a direct question, so I just sat next to John and listened. Martin Jackmister and Warren Tyler were both there too, but John had led the research effort on this project, so he was running the meeting.

"And you were still sitting next to him."


"That must have made you feel very important."

"Timmy it really did and John was so masterful." My wife sighed. "Timmy you're my favorite man in the entire world, but I will admit that I find powerful men very exciting."

Suddenly she stopped. There was an expression of alarm on her face. "Timmy, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to imply that you weren't a powerful man. It's just that you demonstrate your power in other ways."

I smiled at Kelly. "It's okay, I understand."

Kelly sighed. It was an obvious sigh of relief. She appeared to be very concerned about hurting my feelings while she was telling me all of this.

"So anyway, the meeting didn't last very long. After a short discussion they concluded that there were still two questions that had to be answered before they could make their final decision."

"I see, so what happened next?"

"As soon as the meeting broke up Martin Jackmister approached Chris and asked him if he could talk to him for a few minutes. Chris told Martin that I'd ridden over with him and he felt responsible for getting me back to the office. Martin turned to John and asked him if I could ride back with him. John smiled at me and very gallantly asked if I would do him the honor of riding back to the office with him. I giggled at his exaggerated chivalry and told him that of course I would. He offered me his arm and said that his car and his driver were awaiting us outside the restaurant.'"

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy all three of the partners go everywhere in chaffered Lincolns."

I nodded. "Yes, I'm fairly certain I rode in Martin Jackmister's car this morning."

"Really? How did that happen?"

"After you're done telling me your story, I promise to tell you all about my day."

My wife stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head and continued her story. "When we got back to the Whetmore building John invited me up to his office for a take. Timmy, I had to go; he was one of the partners."

"He was also very handsome. Be truthful Kelly, you wanted to go didn't you?"

Kelly smiled at me. "Yes Timmy I did. At that moment I was so turned on. I really was hoping that John would try to seduce me." She closed her eyes. "Timmy, I'm so sorry, I know I should have told you about all of this, but once I started relaxing with Chris it was almost like I began living two separate lives. In my work life I saw myself as a hardworking, free living libertine. I was the woman that I'd dreamed of becoming while I was going to college. In my home life I was trying to be a faithful, respectable and proper wife. Timmy when I was with you I was trying so hard to be the woman I was taught to be while I was growing up."

"And your work life was fun and exciting, but when you came home you were racked by guilt."

"Yes! But how...?"

"The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place. Kelly, what happened when you got to John's office?"

"He took off his suit coat and tie and then without saying anything he put his arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. He didn't ask permission, he just did it. John is the kind of man who takes what he wants. I melted. He was so powerful. Suddenly I had this overwhelming desire to please him. I dropped to my knees, unzipped his suit trousers and started sucking his cock. He came in my mouth. I swallowed all of his semen."

Kelly's voice dropped to a whisper. "As soon as John was done ejaculating he led me over to the sofa in the corner of his office and told me to undress. He sat on the couch and watched as I stripped naked for him and then he told me to undress him. Once we were both naked I kneeled on the floor between his legs, wrapped my fingers around his flaccid penis and started kissing his balls. Right away, I could feel his cock beginning to grow. I put it in my mouth and sucked on it. It took me less than a minute to get him fully erect again. Once he was hard he pulled me down on the couch, climbed on top of me and pushed his stiff cock into my sopping cunt. He fucked me two times that night, the second time I think he must have lasted for over forty-five minutes. Timmy I had three orgasms while he was fucking me."

My wife looked at me. "It was almost nine o'clock when I finally got home. You were in the den watching television. As usual, by the time I walked in the front door I was feeling horribly guilty about cheating on you." Kelly shook her head. "But on that night it was even worse than normal. That day I'd not only cheated on you, I'd done it with a new man. Somehow that made it much worse in my mind. I was so ashamed of myself."

I nodded sympathetically.

"Timmy when I saw you sitting in the den I was overwhelmed with guilt about what I'd just done with John. The only way I knew how to cope with my shame was to try to make amends for my behavior by giving you a wonderful session of torrid sex before we went to bed." Kelly grinned at me. "When I walked through our front door that night I was primed for a very hot time."

I smiled at Kelly. "I remember, last fall your work days did start to get longer, but when you came home we always seemed to have some absolutely fantastic sex."

Kelly giggled. "Yes we did didn't we. Anyway when I walked into the den you greeted me and then as soon as I sat down you disappeared into the kitchen. When you returned you had a single glass of wine on a tray. That was the first time you'd ever served me with a tray. I got very excited. We'd been playing around with sexual domination games since we first met. In the beginning they were very subtle, but as we became more comfortable with each other our games gradually became more and more overt. I was really starting to enjoy dominating you, and it was apparent that you loved submitting to me."

I vigorously nodded my head in agreement.

Kelly giggled at my reaction and then she asked, "Timmy do you remember that night?"

I nodded. "Yes, I remember it very well. You were starting to work longer hours and I was so lonely and I was also bored. I started spending more time on the Internet reading erotic stories. I'm sure you can guess that I was reading stories about female domination and those stories were fueling some very vivid submissive fantasies for me."

"Baby, I'm sorry that you were getting lonely, but that night you were fantastic. You served me that glass of wine like you were my slave and then you kneeled down on the floor in front of me, took off my shoes and massaged my feet. After a moment you started kissing my toes. Timmy, it was so wonderful, you made me feel like a queen and suddenly I didn't feel as guilty about cheating on you. I guess I felt like I was your goddess and goddesses don't have to feel guilty about anything."

"The game would have been more fun if I'd been included in that part."

"I know, I'm so sorry."

"You started to become more and more dominant after that didn't you?"

"Yes, for awhile it helped me cope with my guilt, but as my cheating became more outrageous, I think my dominance turned into cruelty. Timmy I'm very sorry about the way I've treated you over the past several months."

"I can forgive you for that."


"Yes, I love you."

"Even after everything you've heard?"


"Timmy I love you so much."

"I know."


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"So when did you start relaxing with Martin Jackmister?"

"You know about that?"

"Yes, he told me."

"Really, when?"


Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head. "Tell me how."

"When you're done telling me everything that's happened in the last year, I'll tell you about my day. Right now it's time for you to tell me about Martin Jackmister."

Kelly nodded. "Okay." She took a deep breath and said, "Actually it was the next day."

"The next day?"

"Yes, when I went into work the next morning Chris told me that John wanted to see me, so I went to his office. His secretary let me go right in. He was seated at his desk. As soon as he heard me come in he looked up and told me that he had some very good news for me.'"

"What was the good news?"

"They were giving me a promotion."

I shook my head in exasperation. "Kelly honey, you let this guy fuck you and then the very next morning he offers you a promotion. Didn't you see a correlation?"

She hesitated for a moment and then she said, "Yeah, I guess so, maybe?"

"You didn't did you?"

My wife sheepishly shook her head. "I guess I was a little star struck."

I smiled at her. "Sweetheart, you are the most wonderful combination of naivety and brilliance that I have ever encountered. It is one of the ten thousand reamisters that I fell madly in love with you."

"Only ten thousand? If you really love me there should be more."

"Yeah well I guess I'm not very imaginative."

Kelly stuck her tongue out at me. "And for your information Mr. Know-it- all, I did understand that they were promoting me because I'd let John boink me. I just didn't care."

"And how is that revelation helping you at this moment?"

My wife shook her head. "I'm sorry Timmy. It's just that I have so much fun when I start talking to you that it's hard to be serious." Kelly stared into my eyes. "Baby that's why you have to believe that I could never fall in love with another man. I enjoy you way too much."

"I know, but the last several months have made it very difficult for me to believe that."

Kelly sighed. "I know and I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life trying to atone for the way I've treated you during the past year."

"No I don't think that will be necessary."

"What do you mean?"

"I think that we're just going to have to agree to make a fresh start."

"Can we do that?'

"Sure we can do anything we want to do."

"No. let me rephrase that. Can you do that?"

I slowly nodded. "Yes, I think that might be possible, but you still have a little more explaining to do."

Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she started to smile. "Timmy I love you so much."

"I know you do Kelly." I smiled at her. "I know you do."

We stared at each other for a full minute and then I whispered, "Why don't you finish telling me about Martin Jackmister."

Kelly nodded. "All right." She closed her eyes. She seemed to be thinking. After a moment she looked up at me. She appeared to be ready to start when she suddenly stopped. A naughty smile formed at the corners of her mouth and then she leered at me. "Do you want to hear every seamy little detail?"

I knew that we were supposed to be in the middle of a very serious discussion, but I couldn't help myself. A little shiver of excitement rippled up my spine. I took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I want to hear every single seamy little detail."

Kelly giggled. "Okay." She paused. “Let me see, where was I? Oh yes, when I walked into John's office he stood up, walked straight over to me, took me in his arms and kissed me. I melted. We didn't say a word to each other, I just dropped to my knees, unzipped his pants, took out his big hard dick and started sucking it."

"You gave him a blow job before you even said good morning to him?"

My wife grinned at me. "Yes, wasn't that wicked?"

I laughed. "Yes it certainly was."

"Anyway, after he came John zipped up his pants, sat down on his couch and watched me while I straightened up my clothes and repaired my makeup." Kelly winked at me. "Giving a blow job really messes up a girls lipstick."

I chuckled. "I imagine it does."

"Once I was ready John patted the spot next to him on the couch. I sat down and he started telling me about the promotion."

"Hold it."


"Didn't he do anything for you? I mean, you just sucked his cock, Didn't he fuck you or do something to get you off?"

Kelly grinned at me. "Nope."

"Didn't that make you mad?"

"Not at all. Sometimes I love just giving a guy a blow job, especially when he's still wearing his clothes. It makes me feel deliciously naughty." Kelly giggled. "Being bad excites me."

I shook my head. "Okay, now tell me about the promotion."

"Well I was sitting on the couch with John and he told me that he'd met with Martin and Wendell that morning and all three of them decided that they were very impressed with my work so they agreed that they wanted to make me an administrative assistant to the three of them. Timmy that was when I got my first really big raise. John explained that my salary would go from 51,000.00 a year to $93,000.00 a year. Whenhe told me that I got very excited and started kissing him and saying 'thank you, thank you' over and over again."

"I remember when you came home and told me about the raise. You really were very excited."

"I was. Anyway, John started laughing and told me that Martin was the one I should be thanking. He said that it was actually his idea to promote me. I immediately asked John if I could go see Martin. John shook his head and explained that Martin was a very busy man, I couldn't just walk into his office unannounced. He suggested that I send him a note."

Kelly shook her head. "I didn't want to do that so I told John that I would really like to have a chance to thank him in permister."

She looked at me. "Suddenly I had a very naughty idea. I smiled at John and asked him if he thought Martin might be interested in a very special thank you."

I chuckled. "You were having a very naughty morning weren't you?"

Kelly giggled. "Yes I was."

"So what did John say?"

"He stared at me for a moment and then he asked how special?"

"What did you say?"

"I told John that I wanted to thank Martin in the exact same way that I'd greeted him that morning."

"How did John react to that?"

"He looked at me and asked very directly if I was offering to give Martin a blow job."

Kelly shook her head. "Timmy, suddenly I got worried that in my excitement I might have offended John, so I very timidly told him that I kind of was, but I didn't want to upset anyone so if it was a bad idea maybe we could just pretend that I'd never said anything."

"And what did he say to that?"

"He laughed and told me that I hadn't offended anyone and he knew for a fact that Martin would love a blow job. Timmy, the next thing I knew John was on the telephone and two minutes later I was on my way to Martin's office with butterflies in my stomach. I was about to give a blow job to a man I barely knew who was at least thirty years older than me ."


Posts: 4050
#53 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"So what happened?"

Kelly giggled. "By the time I got to the door of Martin's office the butterflies were gone and my entire body was tingling with excitement. Baby I felt so wicked."

She grinned at me. "Timmy honey, I've discovered that I like being wicked. When we were students I loved my reputation as the blow job queen of Kelroy College. I cultivated it. I love dominating you for the same reamister. It feels so sinful. The night John seduced me I felt deliciously naughty when I made you lick my pussy and ass less than an hour after he fucked me."

"You didn't make me lick your pussy and ass, I volunteered."

Kelly giggled, "Yes you did; but that's my point. It makes it even hotter for me if I tell myself that I'm making you do it."

I grinned at her. "That makes it pretty hot for me too."

"Timmy I think this is why I can't be faithful. Baby I don't want to be faithful. I like being a slut. Everyone else wanted me to be a nice obedient little housewife."

"Everyone else?"

"Yes, my lady, my older sisters, my friends. Timmy my sisters used to sit at home and cut recipes out of the newspaper and paste them into scrap books. They were saving them so that after they were married they could have wonderful meals ready when their husbands came home from a hard day at work. Timmy that attitude was pounded into me from the day I was born until the day I left for college."

My wife shook her head. "But that's not me! I don't want to be a faithful little housewife. I want to be a wicked slut business woman who fucks as many men she wants and rules her own household when she's at home."

"I've never asked you to be a faithful little housewife."

"I know, my lady and my sisters did and when you and I got married I desperately wanted to try to live up to their expectations." Kelly took a deep breath. "But I'm starting to realize that I can't do that. Timmy I can't do that because I don't want to do that. Being a sweet, faithful little housewife isn't part of my nature."

"That wicked slut business woman is the girl I fell in love with in college." I smiled at Kelly. "But somehow I lost her when we got married."

My wife closed her eyes and whispered, "I know Timmy, believe me I know."

For a moment we stared at each other in silence.


Posts: 178
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"That wicked slut business woman is the girl I fell in love with in college." I smiled at Kelly. "But somehow I lost her when we got married."

This has to be one of the best lines I've ever read. Sweet and naughty at the same time. The kind of thing angels would say--not the boring ones in the usual version of the Bible, but actually interesting angels.

You make quite a convincing case for Kelly. I suppose she needed quite a lot of "conditioning" from her family environment in order to really ignore what her experience with Timmy as her boyfriend was showing her every day -- i.e. that this situation turned him on and made him happy. But if indeed this conditioning is what she got... then maybe this is OK.

I wonder how often it happens that people get intimate with each other and listen to each other's fantasies without fully understanding what is going on, or then reinterpret what they hear to fit whatever conditioning pattern we've had. 'This can't be what he truly likes; no, he must like not this, but something else, more similar to what I've been told he should like.' How often do people get intimate but still don't listen to what their intimate partner is really saying, or misinterpret what they hear if they do listen?... Communication is difficult. I sometimes think communication is not a state, it's an ideal.

I suppose the point is Kelly must understand/accept who she really is, what she really likes (no more lies to herself!) and who her husband is (no more lies to him!), so as not to make the same mistake again. I suppose in real life this wouldn't happen all of a sudden--not as a result of a single conversation, more as a process in which she would slowly learn to like herself more and would slowly feel like she has less and less to hide (because that's what it was, right? hiding what she was ashamed of being from the one she loved?). But with Timmy as her mentor she would eventually get there. (The slave as the mistress' mentor? Oh my, isn't D/s paradoxical?

I guess the short summary is: thanks for an interesting story, GH!


Posts: 492
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GH, as far as your future endeavors, my #1 concern would be your health issues. I really like this story, and hope that you will finish it in your typical manner, whether that involves 30, 40, 50 or more segments. As far as "Cassandra and Francis" goes, well, I was really enjoying that story as well, but if it causes you any undue stress or health issues, then finishing it is not worth it. My vote would be for you to do what is best for you, don't worry about anything else. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into entertaining us, and believe that there are a lot of others here who do as well. It's a shame that more of the lurkers don't take a minute to thank you for your stories.

You take care.



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That's a pretty good analysis of the story so far. Thanks for the kind note.


Don't worry about my health and I promise to finish both stories.

Both of you, thanks for the words of support. They are very helpful. The writers here need your feedback to judge whether or not were producing stories that are interesting and fun to read. In the world of commercial writing, there are editors and publishers who make that judgement and give feedback, but we don't have that luxury so we have to rely on the readers to tell us if were producing something worth reading or if were just posting boring drivel.

Thanks again



Posts: 4050
#57 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"Okay, so you were standing outside Martin Jackmister's office feeling very naughty."

Kelly giggled. "I really was."

"So what happened?"

"Martin's office is next door to John's office and he knew I was coming so just as I started to knock his door opened. It was Martin. He greeted me with a big smile and said good morning Ms. Mamister and then he invited me into his office. Timmy he really is a very gracious man."

I nodded. "Yes he is."

Kelly stared at me. "You actually did meet with him today?"

"Yes I did."

"I have to hear all about that."

"You will. Now tell me what happened next."

"As soon I was inside his office Martin closed his door and pointed to these two big leather chairs that were arranged around a coffee table and suggested that we sit down."

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy, Martin is a very distinguished man. I was starting to get nervous again."

I smiled at her. "Yes, I can easily understand that."

"Once we were seated he sat back in his chair, smiled at me and said that he understood that John had told me about my promotion. Timmy, Martin has a very warm smile. It relaxed me. I smiled back at him and told him that he did. Martin was silent for a moment. It was almost like he was considering what to do next and then he leaned forward and said that John had told him that I'd given him a very warm thank you."

Kelly looked at me. "He was being very tactful with me."

"I'm certain that he wanted to be careful to avoid any misunderstandings. In his position as your employer he was extremely vulnerable to a sexual harassment suit."

Kelly giggled. "Well I eliminated any possibility of a misunderstanding."

"What did you do?'

"I told him that I would love to give him the same warm thank you and if he was interested all he had to do was invite me to sit on his lap."

"How did he respond to that?"

"He laughed, patted his knee and told me to come right on over."

An impish smile formed at the corners of my wife's mouth.

"What are you smiling about?"

"When I stood up I had a very naughty idea."

"What was it?"

"I told Martin that I had a brand new, very sexy little thong. I asked him if he'd like to see it."

I laughed. "I'm sure he was very interested."

"Oh yes, he certainly was; so I lifted the hem of my skirt up to my waist, pulled my panty hose down and slowly turned around."

"You were modeling it for him."

Kelly nodded."He told me that I had a very cute little bottom."

"What did you say?"

"I thanked him of course and then Martin suggested that he might be able to appreciate my thong even more if I took off my skirt and panty hose before I sat down."

"I assume you did that."

"Yes, very slowly. I pretended that I was doing a strip tease dance for him."

"That must have been extremely exciting for you."

"Timmy it was so hot, I was slowly taking off my clothes for a man in his mid sixties who I barely knew."

"You were feeling wicked weren't you?"

Kelly took a deep breath and answered, "Yes, I was being a very bad girl."

"You like being a bad girl don't you."

"Very much."

"What did you do after you finished taking off your skirt and your panty hose?"

"I told Martin that I was wearing a matching brassiere and I asked him if he'd like to see it."

I chuckled. "I'll bet that went over pretty well."

Kelly smiled at me. "Oh yes, he nodded, sat back his big leather chair and watched me while I slowly unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off my shoulders"

"You enjoyed that didn't you?"

My wife nodded.

"So now you were standing in front of this man you barely knew, wearing nothing but your thong panties and your brassiere, correct?"


"What happened next?"

"Martin patted his knee and told me to sit down on his lap."

"Did you?"

"Yes, of course I did and as soon as I was seated I put my arms around him, kissed him full on the mouth and then whispered to him that I loved being naughty with handsome older men."

Kelly smiled. "Martin laughed when he heard that and told me that he loved naughty young girls. I giggled and asked him if he wanted me to be naughty with him?"

My wife looked at me. "Timmy honey he was really excited."

"How could you tell?"

"Martin has a very big cock and it was poking me in the butt." Kelly took a deep breath and then she continued. "Anyway he quietly said yes, so I picked up his hand and placed it on my breast."

"You were still wearing your bra, correct?

"Yes, but as soon as he started fondling me I whispered to him that it would be really naughty if he took off my brassiere."

"Did he do that?"

She nodded. "Yes, he reached around behind me, unclasped my bra and tossed it onto the coffee table. after he took it off I put my arms around his shoulders and pressed my breasts into his face. Martin immediately started sucking on my nipple

"I'll bet you both loved that."

My wife not only has large breasts, they 're also very sensitive. Kelly loves having her nipples sucked.

She grinned at me. "Oh yes."

"What happened next?

"I picked up Martin's hand and placed it between my legs. He immediately slipped his fingers inside my thong and started rubbing my pussy. Timmy I was so wet."

I smiled at her. "I'll bet you were."

"That pushed me over the edge. I had to have his cock in my mouth. I stood up and quickly pulled my panties off and tried to get down on my knees between Martin's legs."

"Tried to?"

"That's right, he wouldn't let me."

"How did he stop you?"

"He put one hand under my butt and the other hand between my legs and lifted me up on my toes. Martin is very strong. Timmy, then he pushed two fingers into my pussy and held me in place while he finger fucked me."

"I imagine that was pretty exciting."

Kelly shivered. "Timmy it was one of the hottest things I've every done."

My wife closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She was trying to regain her composure. After a moment she smiled at me and continued. "After a few minutes of this Martin took his fingers out of my cunt and gently stroked my cheek with them. I took his hand, guided it to my lips and stared into his eyes while I sucked on his fingers like they were a cock. Martin let me do that for moment and then he took his fingers out of my mouth, gently pulled me to my knees and told me to unzip his pants."

"Did you give him a blow job?"

"Yes and it was wonderful. I let him cum in my mouth."

"You always do don't you?"

Kelly smiled at me. "Baby, you know me so well."

Suddenly Kelly's expression changed. She stared at the floor for a moment and then she quietly said, "I sorry Timmy, I got carried away while I was telling you about Martin. I didn't mean to get so excited.

I got up, walked over to the couch, sat down next to Kelly, put my arm around her and quietly whispered, "It's okay, you were just being honest. You asked me if I wanted to hear every seamy little detail and I told you that I did." I kissed her cheek. "And you weren't the only one who got excited while you were telling the story."

Kelly looked at me. "Really?"

I smiled. "Yes really."

My wife laid her head against my chest and started to cry. I held her in my arms and slowly rocked her back and forth.


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It's interesting to see Kelly battling with herself to accept what she wants, what her sexuality is like. It probably bears resemblance to the battle a homosexual goes through when s/he decides to come out of the closet.

I'm now wondering if you'd consider someday doing a story that takes the opposite dynamics--one in which a cuckold actually doesn't accept his desires and has to be gently mentored by someone--say, his wife--into accepting who he is?

Many, maybe most cuckold stories do play on this idea, but they take a rather improbable situation--wife guesses desires, starts treating husband like a slave, husband "rebels" but somehow never manages to do anything other than submit to his wife's increasingly cruel demands... In reality, a guy who doesn't understand or is in denial about his cuckold tendencies would play a much more "macho man" game, perhaps more so than a normal non-cuckold man. It would be a difficult task for his wife to even understand his deepest desires and to slowly bring him to understand that indulging in them wouldn't destroy him as a permister (which his expectations about 'how men should be' would certainly lead him to believe).


Posts: 4050
#59 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I think I have already written that story. It's posted here under the title, "The Devil Wears High Heels". You can find it at under the title "Louis Makes a Decision". There are also elements of that theme "The Party" and "Sandra and Stevie". At first Stevie leaves Sandra when he discovers her infidelity.

These may not be the stories your seeking however. My cuckold characters are all submissive men. Those are just the knid of stories I enjoy writing.

Thanks for the comment



Posts: 4050
#60 · Edited by: goodhusband 
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Kelly sobbed uncontrollably for several minutes. I think that the past year had been just as difficult for her as it had been for me. When she finally stopped she lay quietly in my arms for another few minutes and then she sat up and smiled at me. I took out my handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.

She kissed me on my forehead and said, "Thank you."

I nodded. "I think you needed that."

She giggled. "All that crying gave me an appetite. I'm going to make a sandwich, can I make one for you too?"

I shook my head. "No, why don't you let me make them."

"I can make a sandwich." She looked at me. "And I certainly think it's my turn."

I stared at her. "No, I don't want it to be your turn. I don't ever want it to be your turn."

"What do mean?" Kelly had a puzzled expression on her face.

"I like being your submissive house husband. If we're able to resolve our problems and get back together I want to continue being your submissive house husband. Kelly I love being your servant."

My wife giggled. "And I love being your mistress."

"Kelly earlier today you told me that after you started relaxing with Chris it was almost like you began living two separate lives. In your work life you said you saw yourself as a hardworking, free living libertine."

I smiled at her. "Libertine, I like that word. It describes you very well. I think you also told me that you wanted to be a wicked slut business woman who fucks as many men as she wants and rules her own household when she's at home."

Kelly grinned at me.

"You said that was the woman you dreamed of becoming while you were going to college. And then you told me that in your home life you were trying to be a faithful, respectable and proper wife. That was the permister you were taught to be while you were growing up."

Kelly nodded. "Yes."

"Kelly in your home life you were trying to be someone you're not and the attempt nearly destroyed us. You don't need to be a faithful loving wife. That's my job. Let me be the faithful, loving spouse while you go out in the world and work hard, live free and enjoy as much sex as you want."

"But won't I be cheating you out of your rights as my husband?'

"Maybe in a traditional marriage you'd be doing that, but were not traditional people and I don't see why we have to be bound by traditional roles. Kelly I love making dinners and keeping the house for you. I'm very happy to wait up for you and give you head after you come home from a long day at the office." I smiled at her. "Even when you spend your day at the office letting other men fuck you. Baby, I loved hearing about your meeting with Martin Jackmister, I just wish I could have heard about it when you came home that day."

My wife closed her eyes and thought about what I'd just said. After a moment she looked at me. "I don't know Timmy, it just doesn't seem fair to you."

"That's because you're not me and I'm not you. No Kelly, you don't want the life that I want." I smiled at my wife. "But I would very happily spend the rest of my life serving you. All I ask in return is for you to to love me, be honest with me, treat me with kindness and respect and include me in your life."

Kelly stared at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm very sure."

She shook her head. "Timmy I'm so sorry that I haven't done that. I feel like I've let you down."

"Well you have, but I think it's going to be okay. After you finish telling me everything that's happened, I'm going to tell you about my day and then we're going to see if we can reach an agreement about how were going to live together in the future. If we can do that we're going to start fresh and forget about everything that's happened before today."

"Timmy I've been so awful to you. Do you think you can really do that?"

"We'll see, I still have to be convinced that I can trust you."

"Baby, I promise I'll never ever relax with anyone but you."

"No Kelly that's not what I mean. Please understand me, I do not care about that. What I need is to be able to trust that no matter what you do, no matter how terrible you think it was, no matter how much you feel that you let me down or you let yourself down; you will tell me about it." I smiled at her. "Of course that also means that you'll have to trust me. You'll have to trust that I know you and love you and will always accept you for who you are."

"Do you think we can do that Timmy?"

"Yes I do, but I think we may have to work at it just a little."

I stood up. "Now what kind of sandwich would you like. Unless you've been to the grocery store, I think our choices are tuna fish and cheese or cheese and tuna fish."

Kelly giggled. "I'll have tuna fish and cheese."
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