Posts: 1459
Great developments GH, this is a very entertaining story, on so many levels. Can hardly wait for the next installment!
Posts: 3581
GH, Fantastic few episodes…… from business savvy Timmy to pissed off dicklet in the blink of an eye. Now to sit back and watch as the damage control team goes to work. Very nice and spell binding story….. ATTA – BOY ! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1914
GH, I hope its a cunning plan, a plan of the utmost simplicity .. or perhaps you don't see Blackadder over there.
I can see what you meant about the bungee jump there. Permisterally I thought it was very well done. So now, after the elastic drop into the void, I'm just left suspended, wondering what happens next. Which I'm sure is precisely where you wanted us all to be ..
Posts: 492
Wow. I don't see any way in hell that this is going to fall flat on it's face, you're weaving an exciting, interesting plot here my friend. Great writing.
Our Timmy is one complex, awesome man I must say. My only hope is that he comes out on top of this deal and gets what he wants and deserves. Sorry, I like Kelly, but after promising him that she wouldn't hurt him ever again, she hurts him the very next day. Old habits or not, there's no excuse for what she did. I guess Timmy's a better man than me, I wouldn't go back.
Posts: 4050
Storm, Peak, cuckold40ne and Trf2
Thanks, I'm sorry I'm not writing very creative answers. I've been writing pretty intensly lately and I'm starting to get tired. Storm can tell you that the story gets a lot more complicated when you start adding new settings and characters.
Thanks again for your comments.
Posts: 4050
#486 · Edited by: goodhusband
Wendell leaned over so that he could talk to both Mandy and me. "It's really not all that complicated. First of all it's important to understand that Martin is even more desperate to resolve this situation than you are. Your wife is the most popular hostess the firm has ever employed. Martin knows that John Reynolds will go ballistic if he comes back from his trip and finds out that Martin blew an opportunity to get her back because he tried playing one of his kinky sex games with you.”
Mandy nodded. "And Kelly is just as desperate. Timmy you are the love of her life. A week ago she was certain that she'd lost you, but you gave her a second chance. Now she's terrified that she just blew that chance. Tonya, Keisha, Antoine and I all warned her that she had to take better care of you.”
I shrugged.
She smiled and continued. “I talked with Chris this morning. He told me all about your dinner.” She started giggling and then she said, “I really am envious. I hope sometime soon we get to serve a dinner together."
She stopped and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I just let myself to get sidetracked. Let me finish what I was trying to say. When Martin started playing that kinky game, Kelly should have been reassuring you just like she did last night when Chris was with her."
Wendell nodded. “She's right Timmy.”
All three of us were silent for a moment. Finally Wendell stood up. "I'm going to go back to the office and have a private chat with Martin. I am going to tell him everything we said to you and everything you told us."
He looked at Mandy. "I want you to stay here with Timmy. Do not let him out of your sight." He chuckled. "Timmy I'm not going to leave you alone until this is settled. I don't want to take a chance that you might slip away again."
I laughed. "Well at least I'm starting to feel important."
Wendell smiled at me. "Young man both you and your wife are very important you are to us."
He turned to Mandy. "Give me a twenty minute head start and then walk back to the office with Timmy. After I leave call Tonya and tell her everything we talked about. When you're done ask her to have a long chat with Kelly. As soon as you get back take Timmy to your office and keep him there with until I contact you. As soon as you're settled call Keisha and Antoine. Ask Keisha to join you and tell Antoine to find me."
Wendell left. As soon as he was gone I turned to Mandy. "This morning a good friend of mine tried to talk me out of getting into that Lincoln and coming down here. Right now I sure wish I would have taken his advice."
Mandy poked me in the ribs. "Well I'm glad you didn't take his stupid advice." She leaned over and hugged me. "Because of your wonderful plan and your brilliant negotiations this morning, I'm going to get to live in a great big beautiful house with all my friends. Timmy, that's my fondest dream and you're about to make it come true."
I excused myself and went to the men's room. When I returned Mandy was on her cell phone. I assumed that she was talking to Tonya.
I sat with my back to the bar and did a little people watching while Mandy carried on her conversation. When she was finished she put her phone into her purse and stood up. "Timmy, it's been twenty minutes since Mr. Tyler left. Let's go back to the office."
I smiled sheepishly. "I'm feeling just a little nervous about this. Maybe it would be better if I called my friend Kirby and asked him to come down here and pick me up."
Mandy shook her head. "This is exactly why Wendell didn't want me to leave you alone." She grabbed my wrist. "Come on sweetie pie, You don't have anything to worry about. Mr. Tyler is taking care of everything. It's time to go see Martin and your wife."
Mandy dragged me out of the bar. Once we were on the sidewalk she hooked her arm into mine and towed me back to the Whetmore Building. That tiny girl may have only weighed a hundred pounds and by her own admission been a submissive, but when it came to completing a task she was obviously a no nonsense woman.
The elevator stopped when it arrived at the fifty-second floor. As soon as the doors opened we stepped into the alcove. Mandy squeezed my hand. "Timmy just relax and follow me. We're going to go directly to my office. When we walk through the lobby you're going to feel like everyone is staring at you, but they're not. The other employees here are much too busy to be worried about us."
Mandy smiled at me. "Are you ready big guy?"
I nodded.
"Okay, take a deep breath. Here we go."
She opened the glass paneled door and we reentered the world of JTandR.
Posts: 1459
GH, I love the way you show us timid Timmy and then remind us that he has some serious brass balls on him - even if they are a little on the small side! He's a sub that likes to play the part of the wimp sometimes, but in reality is anything but! Like the rest of the characters, very multi-faceted, and very nicely developed. Thanks for that effort, it works!
Posts: 4050
Thanks Storm
Posts: 4050
#489 · Edited by: goodhusband
We walked briskly across the lobby. Janet Collins looked up. Mandy waved to her. She nodded. Wendell Tyler and Martin Jackmister would immediately be informed that we were back.
Mandy pulled me down the corridor that led off to the right. I knew where we were going. I'd been here before. It was just two days ago that Kelly had brought me up to her old office so that we could pick up some of her lingerie. At the end of the corridor Mandy opened the door. We stepped into another much shorter hallway. There were three doors on each side of this hall. I remembered that Kelly's office was the second door on the right.
Mandy led me to the third door on the left and stopped. "This is my office. We can wait in here." She opened the door and we stepped inside.
I was surprised. Because Mandy was a submissive, I'd assumed that her office would be much smaller and more sparsely furnished than Kelly's. That wasn't the case at all. Her office was just as large as Kelly's and every bit as beautifully furnished.
Kelly's office had reminded me of a French boudoir. It was decorated with pastel shades of pink, green and yellow. Mandy's office was much harder. There was lots of leather and oak. It had the subtle feel of a renaissance castle.
While the furnishings were different, the arrangement of the room was very similar to Kelly's office. In one corner there was a very small roughly finished oak desk and a padded desk chair. In front of this desk there was one large overstuffed brown leather chair. In the opposite corner there was another larger oak desk and another padded desk chair. This desk was pushed up against the wall. There was a large mirror mounted above the desk and another full length mirror was mounted on the wall next to the desk. This was obviously Mandy's makeup station. Like Kelly's makeup desk, this desk was also covered with an assortment of ornate cut glass bottles and several delicately carved and decorated wooden boxes. I assumed that the bottles were filled with a variety of perfumes and the boxes contained Mandy's make up and the jewelry she wore when she went out on her dates.
There was a door at each end of the wall opposite the door that we'd just come through. Between these two doors was a large, very comfortable looking brown leather couch with a coffee table in front of it. Kelly's office had the same couch, but above her's there had been two elegantly framed full length portraits of nude females.
In Mandy's office there was only one painting over the sofa, but it was much larger. It depicted a naked young woman on her knees, her head bowed. Standing over her was a muscular older man attired like an ancient Greek warrior. In his right hand he carried a spear. The painting was well executed and had a definite baroque flavor to it. I suspected that it was very valuable.
Mandy pointed to the door closest to her desk. "If you need it, that door leads to a bathroom."
I shook my head. "No I'm fine."
There was a knock on the door.
Mandy called, "Come in."
The door opened and a stunning black woman stepped into the room. She was followed by a strikingly handsome black man.
The elegantly dressed young woman was about 5'6" or 5'7". She was large busted, but otherwise had a slender figure. Her sumptuously soft skin was the color of a strong cup of coffee that had been generously laced with rich cream. She wore her long black hair pulled back into a pony tail. The dazzling pair of gold earrings that dangled from her earlobes and the ruby stud that decorated the side of her nose were the final touches that turned her into a truly exotic beauty.
The man behind her was tall, maybe 6'3" or 6'4". His white knit golf shirt and dark slacks accentuated a lean sinewy build common amongst college basketball players. His well muscled upper body, short cropped hair and confident manner suggested that he wasn't just an athlete, he was a powerful athlete. It would have been easy to dismiss this man as a mindless jock, but the van dyke beard he wore and the gold wire rimmed reading glasses perched on his nose created an undeniable air of sophistication.
The woman walked right over to me and extended her hand. "Hi I'm Keisha, you must be Timmy. I'm in love with you. Divorce Kelly and marry me."
The man walked up behind her shaking his head. "Timmy just ignore her. These periods of insanity eventually pass."
I smiled at him. "You must be Antoine."
He nodded. "I am."
Suddenly I realized that Keisha was staring at me. I looked at her with a puzzled expression.
She said, "Well?"
I shook my head and asked, "Well what?"
"Are you going to divorce Kelly and marry me?"
I started laughing. I really didn't know what else to do.
Keisha burst out laughing, threw her arms around my shoulders and gave me a big hug. While she was hugging me she reached down the front of my trousers and grabbed my bare penis. "Oh yes, there it is. It really is cute. Come on baby, get it stiff for me."
Antoine stepped up to Keisha and tapped her on the shoulder. "Leave him alone Keish. You're embarrassing him. He's trying to do the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for you and you're saying thank you by tormenting him."
Keisha stopped moving. She stayed perfectly still for a moment and then she pulled her hand out of my pants and stepped back.
Her demeanor had changed. Her expression was now much more serious. She shook her head. "I'm sorry Timmy. I didn't mean to offend you. I love to tease and sometimes I get a little carried away. Kelly has told us so much about you that I really do feel like we're already good friends." She paused for a moment and then she quietly asked, "Do you really think we can buy a big house and live together?"
I slowly nodded. "Yes Keisha, I'm sure we can." I smiled at her. "Kelly's told me all about you too and I also feel like we're already good friends."
Suddenly I was feeling playful. Certainly part of the reamister was the warm friendliness of these three people, but there was more. I envied Keisha's spontaneity, Antoine's air of confidence and Mandy's strength of character. Maybe I was trying to emulate them. Certainly my own self esteem was getting a boost from their excitement about my idea of buying a house. It might have also been due to everyone telling me how excited they were to meet me. I suspect it mostly had to do with the emotional roller coaster ride I'd been on for the past two hours. In any case, I decided that I wanted to try to flirt with Keisha.
I winked at her and coyly said, "No, I won't divorce Kelly and marry you." And then I shocked myself and everyone else in the room. I boldly picked up Keisha's hand and pushed it back down the front of my trousers. "But I do want you to know that you're always welcome to shove your hand down the front of my pants and grab my tiny dick."
Keisha grinned at me and squeezed my penis. "Timmy honey I think that you and I are going to become very close friends."
As soon as I did it, I regretted it. Pangs of guilt assaulted my gut. I was terrified that Kelly might walk into the room at any moment. I desperately wanted to pull Keisha's hand back out of my pants, but I was too ashamed to do it.
Fortunately Mandy came to my rescue. She walked over and said; "All right, enough fooling around."
She grabbed Keisha's arm and pulled her hand out of my trousers. Sounding like a prim third grade teacher she said, "For a little while, everyone is going to keep their hands to themselves."
Keisha shook her head. "Mandy you're being much too serious."
"No Keish, I'm not. Think about it, with everything that's gone on today do you really want Kelly to walk into this office and find you with your hand down the front of her husband's pants?"
"Kelly wouldn't care, she knows me. She'd realize that I was just playing. Besides, Timmy put my hand down there."
Mandy shook her head. "Only after you put it there first. Keish you saw Kelly crying in Tonnie's office. Do you really want to risk upsetting her right now?"
Antoine put his arm around Keisha's shoulder. "She's right Keish. I don't think any of us really understand just how difficult the past year has been for Kelly and Timmy. The unpleasantness that occurred this morning makes it very clear that they both still have emotional wounds that are just starting to heal. The last thing any of us want to do is inadvertently reopen one of those wounds."
Keisha sighed. "Mandy, I'm sorry. I was being foolish." She smiled at me. "Timmy as you get to know me you'll learn that impulsiveness and stupidity are my two greatest strengths."
Antoine hugged her. "I prefer to think of those qualities as spontaneity and a penchant for guileless self expression."
Mandy laughed. "Timmy, that charm is the reamister that Mr. Carter is such a s*******ed host."
Keisha rolled her eyes, "That and his twelve inch dick."
Suddenly the door opened and Kelly stepped into the room. Tonya was right behind her. Everyone turned and looked at Kelly. She had a doleful expression on her face. She'd obviously repaired her makeup, but it couldn't disguise the sadness in her eyes.
Posts: 492
GH, if you're getting tired, please take some time off to recharge your batteries, don't get burned out on this story. I have to tell you, this is my favorite of all of your stories so far and I'd hate to see it end before it's conclusion. These characters are so enjoyable although I'm still pissed at Kelly. The big game breaker for me is the trust factor and she's now broken it twice. Hopefully she can make amends to Timmy, but she'd have to walk a mile on broken glass to make it up to me, I don't care how fuckin' beautiful she is. I'd be real tempted to take Keisha up on her offer if it was me.
It will be interesting to see how that dickhead Martin approaches our boy, knowing that his ignorant attitude almost blew everything. It would be nice to see him kneel down and beg Timmy for forgiveness, but I know that's not about to happen. Just a nice thought.
I liked Stormy's comment about Timmy's brass balls. Very appropriate.
Thanks GH, awesome story.
Posts: 328
Well, I just finished writting nice comment here and the- compter for some un-godly reamister dumped it. We have been having issues with our modum. Got new one, hope it is fixed
They problem with writting this comment ,beside the computer, is you have such excellent readers who make such outstanding comments; like Stromy and Titsrfun. It is difficult to add anything they have not said.
1) I think Kelly needs to address Timmy's lack of self esteem and confidence. Confidence in himself and in their love!!! Yes he is sub but he still has issue dealing with the past year and unsure of Kellys total love of him. I am sure you will find a solution. Timmy has a set of balls, he is smart and caring and deeply in love with his wife. I certainly hope the companyy does not "give" him a job . Perhaps a job where his outstanding s*******s can flourish. In the "Sandy" story", the hubby was a very sucessful guy, wish I could understand the market like him. And at times showed that and Sandy need that and loved that. Times when she could be weak and he could be strong.
2) Intersting developments with Martin and Wendell and the rest of the crew. Their statement of love and support for Timmy and Kelly is Great. Timmy is quiet not cathing How everyone is tell him how mch Kelly talks about him and raves about himh THough I think Timmy will need some more "proofs" example of the support and love they have for him.
3) A dinner at Timmys and Kelly's house for his friends from the market. I see Timmy able to fulfill the Bosse's desire and the older lady starting to become a mentor to Kelly based upon her expierences with her husband.
4) A thought that has been on my mind, It is light years down the plot but How will Timmy and Kelly act when they decided, they want to start a family?
Again, thank you so much for your writting and posting. I have gotten so much out of your works. My best to your wife. Hope your golf clubs are getting ready to play almost time here.
Posts: 4050
Trf2 and Meijer
Thanks for the comments and observations about the story. We'll just have to see how everything works out.
Posts: 4050
#493 · Edited by: goodhusband
Mandy grabbed Antoine and Keisha. "Come on, let's leave them alone."
Tonya smiled at Kelly. "We'll be in my office if you need us."
Kelly nodded to her and quietly said, "Thank you."
After they were gone we just stared at each other for a moment. I don't think either of us knew how to begin. Finally Kelly said, "Timmy, I'm so sorry." She paused, closed her eyes and whispered, "For so many things."
I walked over, put my arms around her and gave her a gentle hug. "It's okay. You didn't really do anything wrong. I'm sorry I got so upset."
"But Timmy I ignored you. When Martin started being so aggressive I should have tried to reassure you, but I was too caught up in selfishly taking care of my own needs. I forgot about paying attention to your feelings."
"Kelly honey, I'm a big boy. I shouldn't need to be constantly reassured."
She shook her head. "No Timmy, during the past year I neglected you, ignored you and took you for granted. I was a terrible wife. I owe you a mountain of reassurance."
I nodded. "Okay, but if we're going to make this life style work I am going to eventually have to learn to trust your love for me."
Kelly stared into my eyes. "Timmy you don't ever have to doubt my love for you."
"I know, but when I see you totally focused on sucking another man's cock it can be very easy for doubt to creep into my mind."
My wife sighed. "Oh Timmy, I'm not sure what to do. I love sex. I love sucking cocks, I love fucking. When I'm with a guy, any guy; I do become completely engrossed in what I'm doing. It's why I'm such a good hostess. The man I'm entertaining always feels like his pleasure is the most important thing in the world to me. He feels that way because it's true. Once I start to get excited I become completely obsessed with giving and receiving pleasure."
Kelly shook her head. "I don't focus on pleasing a man because I'm in love with him, I do it because I'm in love with sex. Timmy, you're the only man I'll ever love, but when you see me with someone else I can understand why it might be very hard for you to believe that."
She closed her eyes. "Timmy, I don't think I can change." She paused for a moment and then she quietly said, "No baby, I don't want to change. That passion for pleasure is what makes sex so wonderful for me. That's why I asked you to leave Chris and me alone for a little while last night. I wanted to be able to let myself go without having to worry about you."
Kelly buried her face in her hands. "Timmy I feel so guilty. Why can't I be the wife my lady and sisters wanted me to be? Why do I have to be such a slut?"
Her voice got even quieter. "That's the reamister Martin likes my blowjobs so much. He's a very demanding lover. He likes to know that his partner's attention is completely focused on his needs."
I nodded. "That's what Mandy told me."
Kelly smiled. "She should know. She's his favorite."
I stared at Kelly. I was a little surprised by that statement.
Kelly smiled. "It's true. Mandy is a submissive. It arouses her to give pleasure without getting anything in return. Martin finds that incredibly exciting."
I pointed to the painting over the couch. "Did Martin buy that picture for Mandy?"
Kelly smiled. "Oh yes."
"I assume that he sees himself as the Greek warrior."
My wife smiled again and slowly nodded her head. Suddenly she stopped. She thought for a moment and then she said, "Timmy, don't get the wrong idea about Martin. He is a power hungry, dominating business tycoon; but he's also one of the kindest and most considerate men I've ever met. It's true that Mandy is his sex slave, but he always treats her with kindness and respect."
I nodded. Kelly's description was consistent with a man who was so concerned about the mental well being of his hosts and hostesses that he was eager to enter into a plan that would create a household where they could all live together like a family.
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy what are we going to do? "I'll try to reassure you, I'll try to reassure you every minute of every day for the rest of our lives, but I'm not sure I'll always be able to do it." She sighed. "Especially when it matters."
I smiled at her. "What we're going to do is be patient. Just before you got here Antoine was telling us that he thought the events of the past year have left emotional wounds in both of us. It's his belief that it's going to take time for those wounds to fully heal and he feels that you and I are going to have to be very careful with each other until they are fully healed. I think he's right. When you're with another man and I'm around, you're going to have to try to reassure me as much as you possibly can."
Kelly nodded. "I'll try, but..."
"It's okay, I understand. You're not the only one who has to try to make this work. If I'm going to be in the room while you're with another man, I'm going to have to trust you. I'm going to have to understand that it doesn't mean anything when you're focusing all of your attention on him and totally ignoring me."
"Do you think you can do that?"
"Yes, I now believe I can. Talking about it has helped.
Kelly put her arms around me. "Timmy I love you so much. This morning was horrible. I thought I'd lost you again."
I put my arms around Kelly and hugged her. "You didn't lose me. You have some very good friends who helped us this morning. I think we would have eventually managed to work all of this out on our own, but today they certainly made it much easier"
"Timmy do you like my friends?"
I smiled at her. "I'd better, because it's beginning to look like we're going to end up living with them."
Kelly smiled, but then she thought about something and her smile turned into a frown.
I looked at her. "What's the matter Kelly?"
"Timmy, we have something else that we need to talk about."
"What is it?"
"Let's go sit down on the couch."
Posts: 4050
#494 · Edited by: goodhusband
I nervously followed Kelly across the room. As soon as we were seated she smiled at me, but it was a sad smile. She took a moment to collect herself and then she said, "Tonya talked to me about what you told Mandy." My wife shook her head. "Timmy I feel awful. Over the past week and a half I've had to acknowledge and admit to some shamefully unforgivable behavior towards you; but this feels like the most reprehensible slight of all. Right now I feel so callow and self centered."
Kelly sighed. "Timmy I just didn't understand. I was completely absorbed in my own success and good fortune. I never thought about how it might be affecting you. I was leading this incredibly exotic life. I drove a luxury car, wore expensive clothes, dined in fashionable restaurants and traveled to exotic cities while you patiently waited at home living the life of a normal twenty-three year old college graduate."
I shrugged. I really didn't know what to say.
"And I was so callous. When the firm bought me my Mercedes Benz I bought a Ford Focus for you. Timmy when I think about that, I now realize that it was an unpardonable slap in your face."
"Hey I like my Ford Focus. It's a wonderful car."
Kelly smiled. "Timmy you are so well grounded." She shook her head. "I wish I would have bought you a Rolls Royce."
She stared at the floor. A full minute of silence passed. Finally Kelly said, "Tonya said that you told Mandy that when I began to grow distant from you, you assumed that it was because I started to think of you as a failure."
My wife shook her head. "Timmy please understand that I distanced myself from you because I was trying to conceal the lie that I was living. I have never viewed you as a failure. You are the most incredible man that I have ever met."
I chuckled. "But I haven't accomplished a damn thing."
"Neither have I! I didn't get my big salary, fancy car and expensive wardrobe because I was an astute business woman. I got those things because I had big tits, blond hair and knew how to give a really nasty blow job."
Kelly took a deep breath. "Timmy I was so proud of you this morning when you negotiated the deal with Martin that will allow us to buy the house. Babydoll, that was the first worthwhile thing that either of us has ever done. I'm so sorry that I didn't do a better job of letting you know that."
I put my arm around Kelly. She cuddled up to me. We hugged. It was nice.
After a moment she whispered, "You know they are going to try to make it up to you."
I looked at her.
Kelly shook her head. "You do understand that they can't offer you a job. I'm the only married hostess that they've ever employed. The idea of having my husband working in the office would be unthinkable to them."
I nodded.
"But I suspect that by the end of next week you won't be driving a Ford Focus anymore."
"Hey I just told you, I love that car."
"Yes and it is a great car, but I'm absolutely certain that you're about to upgrade to a Lexus, a BMW or maybe a Jaguar."
"A Jaguar?"
"Would you like that?"
I laughed. "Of course I would, but..."
"We might as well tell them what you want, otherwise they're going to have to guess."
I laughed. "Okay."
"You'd also better prepare yourself for the hand tailored suits and Italian shoes."
"Kelly I don't even own a suit."
"Yeah, well that's about to change."
I looked at my wife. "Kelly I don't need all that stuff. It's not important to me. All I want is to try to accomplish something that matters."
Kelly nodded. "I know Timmy. That's all I want too." She laid her head on my shoulder and looked up at me. "I have an idea. Now that you know about my job I'm going to be able to spend a lot more time at home. How about if we agree to devote at least an hour every day to writing together. At the end of the hour you can show me what you wrote and I'll show you what I wrote. We can talk about our work and help each other. Timmy, maybe if we do that we can both write something that matters."
I smiled. "Kelly I'd like that very very much."
Suddenly the door to Mandy's office opened and Martin Jackmister walked into the room.
Posts: 1914
GH, I can see this story going on and on, beautifully into the future. It's brave of you to expand it in this way but I'm sure you wouldn't have done so without planning. It should be a great ride.
I also think that you managed to articulate your greatest dream. Kelly, the mansion, the stuff and sitting down together writing and discussing it afterwards. And just as the thought dropped out perfectly formed, Martin (Damien) Jackmister walked in. You really are a true masochist as well GH ..
Posts: 3581
GH, Your story has more twist and curves than that new Jaguar will be seeing! Keep up the good work..... I'm enjoying the ride. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH. I have to echo some of the coments above. Selfishly, I am completely enjoying this story and want it to go on and on. Clearly this is to be a marathon, not a sprint; accordingly, as Trf2 said, pace yourself! Seriously, I know you'll do what works best for you. I just wanted to express my appreciation.
Posts: 178
I always get the feeling in your stories, GH, that you want all the good and nice characters to end up living together -- which is logical; since they like each other and are all sex-crazed perverts, why not live together  . It's indeed like a dream... you make me think again of Robert Heinlein's late books, in which he pretty much voiced the same desire (the lead female character of I will fear no evil ends up in precisely such a communal household... including her own mister/lover -- Heinlein had a thing for consensual ****** too). To live together with your best friends, having a good time and surrounded by people who value and appreciate you. That's not even cuckoldry, that's an ideal for living. Perhaps the ideal of paradise, isn't it? Wasn't it supposed to be like that in the garden of Eden... the tiger lieth with the deer, and nobody *******s anybody... You asked me a while ago what I thought of the fact that people so often get hurt because we fail to take their needs into account. There's a word in Japanese, omoyari, that applies to this situation. It has no English translation, but it describes that quality of a permister who somehow manages to guess what it is that other people need without them even having to say it out loud. In Japanese society, hosts who have omoyari are very appreciated and admired; they help their guests avoid the embarrassment and face-losing situation of actually having to ask for what they need. I think omoyari is unfortunately one of the rarest things in the world. It is so difficult to think about the needs of others, because our own needs feel so strong, and we've mostly all had our own traumas, our own problems, our own issues that demand attention... And even when we don't... communication is such a difficult and delicate matter; sometimes the permister whose needs you're trying to pay attention to doesn't know them very well him/herself. My permisteral life experience makes me feel pessimistic about perfection -- it seems people's needs will never be fully met, and more often than not not even half met. And that hurts. But I also think that it is important to try -- to try to communicate, to understand others' needs, to make our needs understood -- because, sometimes, out of communication, and sometimes against all odds, some very beautiful things do happen.
Posts: 4050
I refuse to comment on the potential length of this story.
As always your comments are very perceptive. My stories are fantasies and they are definitely about my dreams. That's why I write. It allows me to give body to my dreams.
I love putting twists and turns into a story. That's part of the fun of writing. In this story however, the twists and turns are caused by the misunderstandings, misperceptions and confusion that govern our interactions with each other.
Even when I was young the farthest I was ever able to run was four miles, so a marathon is completely out of the question.
Thank you for your description of the omoyari. What a wonderful quality for a culture to value.
Yes, I do often have my characters end up living together as a happy family. I think that's a response to the loneliness and isolation that I see in the world today.
Thank you for you comments. I appreciate them.
Posts: 4050
#500 · Edited by: goodhusband
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence and then Mr. Jackmister said, "Mr. Jamiemister, I owe you an apology." He appeared to be very nervous. It was clear that Martin Jackmister wasn't used to apologizing to anyone.
I held up my hand. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't necessary, but as soon as I tried to speak he shook his head. "No Mr. Jamiemister, please let me say my piece. We can talk afterwards."
Kelly stood. "Martin can I get you a chair?"
"No Kelly, please sit down. I'd rather stand while I say this."
My wife nodded and sat back down next to me.
Martin took a moment. He appeared to be carefully choosing his words. Finally he said, "This morning I had several lapses of judgment that I now deeply regret. Timmy, running this business consumes my life. I have always been driven to succeed. My work is all that matters to me. I've never married. I never will. I don't have time for a wife. I work seven days a week and generally put in sixteen hours a day. Over the years I have become obsessed with time and efficiency and I've learned to apply that attitude to all aspects of my life. That even includes the time that I take for relaxation and pleasure. Sometimes my obsession with efficiency causes me to appear to be brusque and insensitive. I suppose that I actually am, but it's never my intention."
He paused to take a breath. "This morning when Chris told me about the dinner party the three of you had last night and the roles that each of you played, I was envious. I'm sure that by now you're well aware of the fact that sexual dominance is a passion for me. Once we'd completed our business this morning, I was very eager to engage in a similar scene with you and Kelly."
He shook his head, "Unfortunately in my effort to be efficient with time I acted on several invalid assumptions. Over the past year, your wife and I have become very close friends."
He looked at me. There was a sudden expression of concern in his eyes. "Timmy, there isn't any reamister for you to be jealous about that. You are the love of Kelly's life. She's made that very clear since the first day she came to work for JTandR."
I nodded,
He continued. "Anyway, Kelly and I are close friends. We've also become very comfortable with each other as sex partners. We've learned to trust each other and we understand our mutual needs quite well. This morning I made the mistake of assuming that the trust and understanding that I have with your wife automatically transferred to you. I now realize that was a foolish assumption. We barely know each other. There wasn't any reamister to believe that a bond of trust existed between us."
Mr. Jackmister smiled. "Of course both of us are smart enough to understand that any kind of dominant submissive sex play requires a bond of trust."
He shook his head. "When I started taunting you, you of course reacted in a way that should have been easily predictable. You took offense, became angry and left. I don't blame you. I committed an egregious error in judgment and ended up acting like a rude, boorish ass. Mr. Jamiemister, please accept my humble apology."
I smiled at him and started to say something, but he stopped me. "Mr. Jamiemister, before you say anything, there is one more thing that I have to say."
I nodded.
"As I told you earlier, my efforts to conserve time often make me appear to be brusque and uncaring. I am not by any means a perfect man and being abrupt is certainly one of my faults. I now understand that our problem this morning may have been aggravated by that deficiency."
Mr. Jackmister nervously shifted his feet. This situation was clearly making him feel uncomfortable.
"Timmy I understand that in her efforts to hide the true nature of her job Kelly distanced herself from you during the past few months. A few minutes ago Wendell Tyler informed me that you told him that you had interpreted your wife's aloof manner towards you to be an indication that she was losing interest in you because of your lack of professional success."
He paused for a moment to think and then he continued. "I gather that you now do understand the real reamister for her detached attitude."
I quietly answered. "Yes."
"Your self esteem must have been severely damaged during the last year. I know mine would have been. Kelly appeared to be so successful. She had a prestigious job, drove a luxury car, wore expensive clothing and traveled extensively. On the other hand you were experiencing the frustration and lack of success that many liberal arts graduates encounter after they leave college."
He smiled at me. "Timmy you did in fact impress me this morning and I'm not just saying that. You very adroitly analyzed the situation and then you laid out a concise and orderly plan for a mutually beneficial solution. I have highly trained and experienced negotiators on my staff who wouldn't have handled the discussion as competently as you did."
Mr. Jackmister shook his head. "I wish that I'd been astute enough to tell you that at the time, but I wasn't. I not only callously ignored an opportunity to restore a little bit of your self esteem, I unwittingly did exactly the opposite. Without any prior discussion I abruptly attempted to move into a sex game that involved your degradation and offense. Timmy I again offer my humble apology and I hope that you will forgive me."
I nodded. "Thank you, I do accept your apology. Mr. Jackmister, the past two months have taught me many things. One of them is that most of the affronts, slights and insults that are part of our daily lives are not the result of deliberate malice. They're caused by miscommunication, misunderstanding and an inadvertent failure to pay attention to the needs and feelings of the people around us. I think this morning was a good example and I'm every bit as guilty as you are."
Mr. Jackmister stared at me for a moment and then he asked, "Timmy why would you feel like you were at fault?"
I smiled. "I was angry with Kelly because she wasn't paying enough attention to me, but in fact she wasn't being deliberately indifferent towards me. She was focusing her attention on what she was doing with you. Even if she had been deliberately ignoring me, why did I interpret her behavior as a lack of affection? Why didn't I instead interpret it as an expression of her dominance? Considering the discussions we've had over the past two days, that would have been a much more reamisterable explanation for the way she was acting."
I sighed. "The truth is, this morning I acted like a petulant five year old. My feelings were hurt because my wife didn't pay enough attention to my masterful negotiating s*******s and when the two of you started playing your sex game I decided to throw a little tantrum."
Mr. Jackmister chuckled. "Timmy I think you're being a little too hard on yourself, but I must admit that you are an amazingly incisive young man. I wish I could offer you an entry level position with my firm. You do understand why I can't, don't you?"
"Yes sir, Kelly and I talked about it earlier. Employing the husband of a hostess would be an untenable situation for the firm."
He nodded. "Yes, for obvious reamisters most of our employees don't know what our hostesses actually do. Of course some of them have to know. We rely on those individuals to be discreet, but they are human. I'm afraid that your presence in the office might instigate gossip that could eventually compromise the activities of our hostesses."
Mr. Jackmister stared at the floor. He appeared to be thinking. After a moment he looked at me. "Timmy, for the past year your wife has been a valuable asset for our firm. I hope that we've resolved any differences that we might have had so that Kelly can continue to work as a hostess."
I smiled. "I believe we have."
"Timmy I intend to honor our agreement to give Kelly a two million dollar signing bonus. If you do decide to use that money to buy a house where all of our hostesses can live together, my offer to provide another two million dollars to help with the purchase still stands."
"Thank you sir. Kelly and I really haven't had an opportunity to discuss it, but it's my belief that we're going to proceed with the plan. Antoine, Keisha, Tonya and Mandy are certainly excited about the idea."
Next to me Kelly laughed. "So am I."
All three of us smiled and then we were suddenly quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence. It had been an intense discussion and I think that all three of us were relieved that it was over. We needed a moment to catch our breath.
Mr. Jackmister finally broke the silence. "Timmy, I do believe in rewarding the people who are instrumental in the success of the firm. Your wife has certainly been one of those individuals. During the past year she has been rewarded for her efforts. You made substantial sacrifices during the past year and those sacrifices benefited JTandR. I don't think that you have been justly rewarded. Over the next several weeks I intend to rectify that situation."
I shook my head. "Mr. Jackmister, I don't need any rewards."
"No I'm sure you don't. You appear to be a man of simple tastes. I find that to be an admirable quality. Nonetheless, brace yourself. You are about to be rewarded." He laughed. "And you are powerless to prevent it."
I grinned at him. "Very well, I'll prepare myself."
"One more thing."
"All right."
"While I can't offer you a job at JTandR, I do have extensive business contacts in this community and the firm does occasionally take over a company so that we can run it ourselves. If you'll allow me to do it, I'm quite certain that I could find a good opportunity for you."
Next to me Kelly said, "Timmy, Martin is making you a very kind offer. Please consider it."
Of course Kelly was right. I smiled at Mr. Jackmister and said, "Thank you sir, I would be very eager to look at any opportunities you might find for me."
He smiled. "We'll keep in touch. Now if the two of you will excuse me, there are matters that require my attention." He turned.
As he walked towards the door I said, "Mr. Jackmister, did Kelly ever finish giving you your blow job?"
Kelly's head snapped around. "Timmy!"
Posts: 4050
Mr. Jackmister spun around and glared at me. He automatically assumed that I was challenging him.
I wasn't
After a moment he said, "Of course not. Once we realized that you'd left my office we were both much too concerned about your welfare to be interested in sex." There was an edge to his voice.
Next to me Kelly shook her head and said, "Timmy what are you doing?"
I had to think quickly. This was taking an ugly turn. I smiled at both of them. "I'm sorry, my question wasn't meant to be offensive. I just thought that before you go back to work you and Kelly might like to finish what you started."
Mr. Jackmister stared at me. There was a puzzled expression on his face. It was apparent that he needed further explanation.
"It's important to me." I looked at my wife. "It's also important to you."
"Why Timmy?"
"I'm afraid the problem this morning has left both of you feeling a little insecure about having sex when I'm around you." I smiled at Kelly. "I'm concerned that you're now going to be anxious anytime you're with another man and I'm around. I fear that you'll soon start trying to avoid those situations and only meet men when I'm not with you. I suspect that will make you feel guilty. At first you'll try to avoid casual dates with other men. We both know that won't work. You'll still have the men that you entertain as a hostess, but that won't be enough. You'll want to see Chris and Mr. Jackmister and all those other incredibly handsome men that are out there. Remember Kelly, variety is your passion."
I patted her knee. "It will start very innocently. One evening you'll come home a little late and just forget to mention that you were on a date. It will be all right. What I don't know can't possibly hurt me. Once you start it will get easier and soon you'll be meeting men several times a week. Of course then it will become even more important that I don't find out about your dates, so the little white lies will start. Guilt will come with the lies. Anger and resentment will follow the guilt. Eventually detachment and indifference will be the only way you'll be able to cope with your self-reproach and shame."
I smiled at my wife. "Neither of us want that to happen. If we're going to avoid it, you have to be able to trust me. You have to feel confident that I can watch without becoming hurt or angry, while you totally focus all of your attention on another man's pleasure and ignore me. Yes Kelly you still do have to reassure me and work to rebuild my confidence in your love, but I now understand something very important."
"What's that Timmy?"
"You can't be preoccupied about doing it while your with another man. You have to be able to feel relaxed and uninhibited so that you can let go and enjoy yourself. I now realize that I also have a responsibility. I have to work to build your trust. If you're going to be willing to allow me to be around you while your with other men, you're going to have to feel confident that you won't have to worry about constantly reassuring me."
Kelly shook her head. "Timmy, this is getting so complicated."
"No it's not. In fact it's really quite easy. We just have to learn to trust each other.” I smiled at her. “If Mr. Jackmister is willing I think we should start right now."
I looked at him. "Mr. Jackmister, can you spare a few more minutes. I think we can make it worth your while."
Kelly giggled. "Timmy!"
Mr. Jackmister smiled at my wife. "Kelly honey, I understand exactly what he's saying and I think he's right. If the two of you are ever going to make this cuckold hotwife lifestyle work, you are going to have to be able to relax and enjoy yourself when your with another man. If you can't, you may start sneaking around behind Timmy's back."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy, I promise you. I'll never do that."
I nodded. "That's probably true, but I think it would be both easier and safer if we remove the potential need. What do you say Kelly? I'm sure that after all the stress this morning both you and Mr. Jackmister could use a little recreation."
"Listen to you Timmy, you're trying to talk me into sucking Mr. Jackmister's cock."
I grinned at her. "Yes I am."
Mr. Jackmister laughed. "He certainly is and if you ask me he's making a pretty convincing argument."
"Don't you want to do it?"
"Don't be silly Timmy, of course I want to do it. It's just that this morning was so difficult. I don't want to risk hurting you again."
"Kelly honey, that's exactly why we have to do it today. It's kind of like getting thrown off of a horse. You have to get right back on."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, and I want you to deliberately ignore me."
"No Timmy."
"Yes Kelly, let yourself go. Forget about me."
"But I'll be too worried that you might run out of the room again,"
This stumped me. Kelly had raised a valid concern. It was going to be hard for her to relax and focus on Martin Jackmister if she had to worry about me suddenly bolting from the room. And then I had an idea. It was a simple solution."
I turned to Mr. Jackmister. "Would it be all right if Mandy joined us?"
Mr. Jackmister stared at me. After a moment he smiled. He understood. "Yes Timmy, I think that's an excellent idea. I'll call Janet. She'll find Mandy and tell her to join us."
He walked over to Mandy's desk and picked up the telephone.
While he was talking I turned to Kelly. "Now you can relax. Mandy won't let me run out of the room."
We waited. All three of us were just a little bit nervous. After about a minute there was a knock on the door.
Mr. Jackmister said, "Come in."
The door opened and Mandy timidly entered her office.
Posts: 492
You are a very gifted writer GH. The exchange between Martin and Timmy was some of your best ever IMHO. Thank you for your continued hard work on this story.
Posts: 1459
GH, I loved the interaction as Timmy, Kelly, and Martin began to better understand the nature of the relationship and how they would need to treat each other - especially the way that Timmy more or less took over and laid out the facts for them. Very well done. asehpe is right - it would be a better world if more people could be as intelligent, empathetic, and understanding as the characters in your tales!
Posts: 4050
Thank you, that's a very nice thing to say.
Now here is the key question. Are the golf courses opening in your area. They are opening here. Life is good.
My feeling is that if you're going to write fantasies, you might as well write them about people you'd like to know.
Both of you, thank you for your kind comments
Posts: 4050
Mr. Jackmister looked at her and said, "Good afternoon nymph, I require your services."
Mandy stared at us. I think she was a little surprised by the nature of the greeting. She took a moment and then she smiled and said, "Yes Mr. Jackmister, how may I serve you."
He took off his suit coat and tie and held them out for Mandy. “Lay these across your desk.”
Mandy took the coat and tie from him. While she was laying them on her desk he said, "Ms. Mamister and I are going to enjoy each other for a little while. I want you to supervise her slave. Under no circumstances is he to be allowed to leave this room without Ms. Mamister's permission."
I glanced at my wife. She was smiling. I could tell that the dominant tone of Mr. Jackmister's instructions was arousing her.
Mr. Jackmister turned to me. "Dicklet, get down on the floor and crawl over to the end of the couch. You may kneel there and watch while your wife gives me head."
As I was slipping off the couch Kelly said, "Martin, please be careful. I think you may be pushing him too hard."
Mr. Jackmister shook his head. "No Kelly, You heard him. He wants to be included in this part of your life. Unless he can control his emotions you aren't going to want him around when your with a lover. He just told us that he wants to demonstrate his control and earn your trust. He can't do that unless we test him. You also told me that yesterday he professed a desire to become your cuckold slave. If he's really serious about wanting that, it's time he begins to understand exactly what it's going to mean."
Kelly looked at me. There was an expression of concern in her eyes. I smiled at her. She smiled back and then she said; "Timmy remember, you can always say check."
"Yes Ms. Mamister, I will remember that; but I don't believe that I'll have to use the word."
That seemed to relax Kelly a little bit. I decided to give her a little added encouragement. "Ms. Mamister."
"Yes Timmy."
"I beg you, I implore you not to to humiliate me in front of Mandy and Mr. Jackmister."
Kelly, Mr. Jackmister and Mandy all stared at me. Mr. Jackmister was smiling. Since Tonya had taught me the rules, I assumed that both Mandy and Mr. Jackmister knew and used the same code.
The code is simple. It has two parts. The first part is a safe word. If any of us don't care for something that's occurring we have the option to say, "check". The moment one of us uses the word, everyone else has agreed to stop what we're doing and discuss what's happening as equals.
The second option is a little more subtle. If a submissive like Mandy or me is really enjoying what's happening to us, we can beg our superiors to stop. They understand that when we're begging them to stop we're actually inviting them to continue or even intensify what they're doing. This allows them to act like "ruthless doms" and callously ignore our pleas for mercy while they continue tormenting us. This second option can add a little spice to the game for everyone
Kelly quietly said, "Timmy are you sure that's what you want?"
"Yes please Ms. Mamister and I also beg you not to call me dicklet in front of these people. It's just too humiliating."
Kelly started giggling. She mouthed the words, "I love you" and then she took a deep breath and said; "Too bad dicklet, that is your name. Now get your wimpy little ass down to the end of the couch before I decide to punish you."
I quickly crawled to my appointed place. Once I was in position Kelly looked at me with a malicious glint in her eye. Her sadistic streak was obviously awakening. "Slave stand up and strip down to your panties. I want everyone to see what a dainty little sissy you really are."
I stood up and began unbuttoning my shirt.
Mr. Jackmister turned to Mandy. In a stern voice he said, "Nymph, I want you naked." He pointed to where I was standing at the end of the couch. "Get over there and get your clothes off, now!"
Mandy hurried over to me. She quickly removed her blouse and set it on the coffee table. Under her blouse she'd been wearing a simple white brassiere. She had small breasts. She probably didn't actually need the bra.
She whispered to me, "Timmy put your clothes on the coffee with mine."
Mr. Jackmister sat down on the couch next to my wife and possessively put his arm around her shoulders. Kelly responded by snuggling up to him. I noticed that she also placed her left hand on the inside of his thigh.
I put my shirt on the coffee table next to Mandy's blouse and kicked off my shoes.
Mandy was wearing a dark gray corduroy miniskirt with a red leather belt and a pair of black ankle high slip on boots. She kicked off her boots, unbuckled her belt, lowered the zipper on her skirt and let it fall to the floor. After she stepped out of her skirt she picked it up and flipped on to the coffee table next to her blouse and my shirt.
I suddenly realized that I'd been staring at her. I assumed that would get me into trouble so without thinking I quickly lowered my trousers and stepped out of them.
"Nice panties dicklet." It was Mr. Jackmister. He was chuckling
I was humiliated. In my haste to get my pants off I'd momentarily forgotten about my panties.
"Model them for us dicklet. Show us how cute you look."
"Martin be careful. He's new at this."
"Oh come on Kelly, relax. What's the point of having a slave if you can't taunt him a little bit."
Mandy leaned over and whispered. "Timmy I'm a masochist too. I understand exactly what your feeling right now. Sweetie, this is your fantasy. It's really happening. Let go, relax and enjoy yourself. Don't worry, Kelly and I will take care of you."
The words, Kelly and I will take care of you, were all I needed to hear. I bowed my head and slowly turned in a circle.
"Very good dicklet. Kelly, I do believe that he is going to turn out to be an excellent slave. You really are fortunate to have found him."
Kelly nodded. "Yes Martin, I am." She turned to me and smiled. "Dicklet honey, you don't want your trousers to get wrinkled. Pick them up and lay them on the coffee table next to nymph's skirt."
I quickly followed my wife's instruction. While I was straightening my trousers I glanced at Mandy. She'd removed her brassiere. Her breasts were tiny, but she had large puffy nipples. They were really quite sexy. After laying my trousers on the coffee table I kneeled at the foot of the couch. At the same time, Mandy took off her black pantyhose and white lace thong.
I stared at her again. I couldn't help myself. I hadn't seen very many naked girls in my life. I'd been to strip clubs on two separate occasions where I saw lots of naked women, but that was so impermisteral that it really didn't count. There was Kelly of course, and Tonya on Wednesday afternoon. They were both voluptuous, large breasted women. Mandy on the other hand, was slender, almost sylph like. It didn't surprise me that her slave name was nymph.
After Mandy laid her pantyhose and thong on the coffee table she turned. As she walked over to me I noticed that like Kelly and Tonya, her pussy was also shaved.
Kelly must have noticed me staring at Mandy. "She has a pretty pussy doesn't she dicklet. You're being very well behaved right now. Maybe later, after Martin is gone, I'll let you lick her for a little while. I think that would be a very nice reward for you."
I'd been so focused on Mandy's naked body that I'd failed to notice that Kelly had opened Martin's trousers. His large freed erection was sticking straight up. My wife was slowly stroking it.
Mandy kneeled next to me. As soon as she was in position she leaned over and whispered. "Are you doing okay big boy?"
I nodded. "Yes."
Kelly winked at me. I smiled at her.
"Well now that our slaves are more properly attired, I think it's time for the games to begin. Kelly why don't you do a little strip for me."
Kelly stood up and pushed the coffee table away from the couch. "I thought you'd never ask."
My wife stared into Martin Jackmister's eyes while she swayed her hips to the silent beat of an imaginary misterg and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. He smiled as she slipped her blouse off of her shoulders and tossed it onto the coffee table next to my trousers.
Without taking her eyes off of her boss, Kelly reached behind her back and unclasped her brassiere. She held the cups in place with her hands while she continued to dance to the imaginary music. She was teasing Mr. Jackmister. He grinned at her. It was obvious that he was loving every minute of this.
As I watched my wife I realized that all of her attention was now focused on Martin. She was totally oblivious to the presence of Mandy and me. This morning when I'd noticed how completely Kelly was concentrating on her boss, I was offended. I wasn't anymore. Now I understood. Now I was actually feeling a little bit proud of my wife. Her ability to focus all of her attention on giving pleasure to the man she was with was one of the talents that made her a great courtesan.
Kelly suddenly pulled her brassiere away and exposed her breasts with a flourish. She tossed her bra onto the coffee table, kicked off her shoes and unzipped her skirt. She stared into Martin's eyes and seductively shook her naked tits and wiggled her hips while her skirt slipped to the floor.
After picking up her skirt and laying it on the coffee table, Kelly turned her back to Martin. She hooked her thumbs into the waist bands of her pantyhose and panties and began inching them down her hips.
Mr. Jackmister watched with breathless anticipation as my wife slowly exposed her gorgeous ass. As soon as the waistbands of her panties and pantyhose were down to her knees Kelly turned around and lasciviously licked her lips while she fingered the moist cleft of her now exposed pussy.
Martin's cock stood stiff and tall, proudly arching it's back. He was clearly aroused by my wife's wanton display of unrestrained lust.
Kelly stared at Martin's magnificent weapon. I could see the hunger in her eyes. My wife loved cocks especially big cocks. She quickly pulled her panties and pantyhose off of her feet and dropped to her knees between Martin's legs. For a moment she lovingly caressed the middle aged executive's penis and balls and then she leaned over. She took a few seconds to softly kiss the engorged head before she finally parted her lips and took him into her mouth.
Mr. Jackmister gasped when he felt my wife begin sucking him.
Kelly was an artist. All of her attention was now focused on pleasuring her partner. Her mouth and hands worked in perfect harmony.
Mr. Jackmister was lying back on the couch. His eyes were closed. He appeared to be lost in a fog of absolute bliss. I was envious, but I wasn't jealous. I now understood that my wife could give this kind of pleasure to another man without diminishing her love for me.
Suddenly I saw Mr. Jackmister take a deep breath and bite his lower lip. I thought that he was probably about to cum, but he didn't. Instead he sat up and gently pulled Kelly's face away from his cock.
"Kelly honey, lie down on the couch. Today I want to fuck you."
Mr. Jackmister stood up.
My wife lay down and spread her legs. She was excited. It was clear that she wanted him.
He quickly took off his shirt, shoes, pants and boxer shorts. His huge cock jutted out obscenely in front of him. He looked into my eyes. There was a smug smile on his face as he mounted my wife and pushed his cock deep into her very moist cunt.
Mandy reached over and held my hand. It was a nice, comforting gesture; but it wasn't necessary. I was doing fine. Still it brought us together. Mandy and I knelt in silence at the end of the couch and watched while her master, the man she obviously loved but could never have, fucked my wife.
Martin started with long slow, deliberate thrusts. At first Kelly just lay back and enjoyed the pleasant sensation of his big cock sliding in and out of her, but when he quickened his pace she came alive. Martin started thrusting his cock in and out of my wife with savage intensity. Kelly responded by wrapping her legs around his thighs and bucking her hips to meet each of his powerful thrusts. For several minutes they engaged in a passionate duel and then Kelly suddenly arched her back and cried out, "Oh Yessss!"
Mr. Jackmister made three more long hard thrusts and then he buried the full length of his erect cock in my wife and began ejaculating his seed deep into her womb.
Mandy and I watched in subdued silence as their passion slowly waned. Finally Martin rolled off of my wife and stood up. His now flaccid penis still glistened with the combined moisture of their sex.
He looked at Mandy. "Nymph, come over here and lick me clean."
As Mandy crawled over to him he turned to me and snapped his fingers. "Dicklet, your wife has a little treat for you."
I bowed obediently and crawled over to Kelly. She was lying back relaxing on the couch. Her thighs were parted. A trickle of Mr. Jackmister's fresh semen dripped from the base of her cunt.
She smiled as I approached her. "Hi Timmy, are you okay?"
I grinned at her. "Yes I'm fine. It looked like you had fun."
She nodded. "Oh yes, Martin is a wonderful fuck." Suddenly she paused. Her smile disappeared and she asked in an apprehensive tone of voice, "Timmy is it okay for me to tell you that?"
I smiled. "Yes it's just fine. I'm glad you had a good time."
Kelly sighed and her smile returned. "Timmy that makes me so happy." She winked at me and giggled. "Wanna lick me clean cuckboy?"
I made an exaggerated bow and said; "Ms. Mamister, it would be an honor."
She coquettishly wiggled her finger at me. "Come and get it big boy."
Kelly giggled with delight as I pressed my face between her legs and licked up all of Martin Jackmister's fresh semen. As soon as I was finished I sat up and grinned at my wife.
She sat up, put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, baby doll, that felt very nice."
Mr. Jackmister was just finishing getting dressed. He walked over to the mirror, straightened his tie and then he turned to Kelly, Mandy and me. Mandy was still kneeling on the floor next to the couch."I hope the three of you enjoyed that as much as I did."
Kelly giggled. "I certainly did."
Mandy smiled. "I had a pretty good time too."
He looked at me. "Timmy are you okay?”
I nodded. "Yes Mr. Jackmister, I'm fine and I also had a good time."
"I'm glad. I do have to get back to work now, but maybe sometime in the next two weeks the four of us could have dinner together at the Goldenrod Supper Club. Timmy you're a very bright young man. I respect you and enjoy your company. I hope that we can become good friends."
He paused for a moment. He seemed to be choosing his next words carefully. Finally he said, "Please don't be confused by our sex games. In my mind at least, they have very little to do with reality."
He walked over to Mandy, reached down and gently pulled her to her feet. He put his arms around her, gave her a tender kiss and hugged her. While he hugged her he said, "I'm going to be very busy tonight. John is going to get back from Boston around supper time. We going to be up very late discussing the Orlander Manufacturing deal. I may not get a chance to call you until after midnight."
Mandy nodded. "That's okay, I understand."
He turned to me. "Timmy I have a huge favor to ask. Mandy has a rare evening off tonight. If it would be possible I would very much appreciate it if you could include her in whatever plans you and Kelly have."
Mandy started to protest. "Martin that's not nec..."
I cut her off. "Mandy we would love it if you would join us for dinner. It may not be very fancy or very exciting, but we would enjoy your company."
I looked at Kelly. She smiled. "Oh please Mandy, I'd love it if you could have dinner with us tonight."
Mandy grinned at us. "Really? That would be wonderful. Timmy could I help you cook?"
I nodded. "I would like that very much."
Martin smiled at Kelly and me. "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I do have to go." He turned and walked out the door.
As he was leaving I thought to myself that Martin Jackmister was most definitely an enigma.
Posts: 1459
Smokin'!!! I know you say the sex scenes are hardest for you to write. It didn't show.
Posts: 492
#507 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
I second that previous comment by Stormy. Well done for sure GH.
Yup, our golf seamister has arrived here as well. It's really kind of weird, two weeks ago Mother Nature hit us with our 4th Nor' Easter of the winter. Dumped about 12 inches of snow on top of the 14 that was already there from the week before. It's all gone now, but the ground is supersaturated and very slushy. Temperatures are way above normal for this time of the year. The courses are definitely open, and I'm itching to go, but I hate cart path only, it takes way too long, plus an added complication is that I've retired from retirement and gone back to a full time job. I can only play on the weekends now, something I had grown to hate over the years. I'll have to get used to 6 hour rounds again I guess. I can wait another week or so. Have you gotten out yet?
Posts: 4050
Thank you. I appreciate the comment. They are hard for me to write.
Thank you also.
I have not been out to play golf yet here, but I spent the last three months in Tucmister Arizona and played almost every day while I was there. That's taken the urgency out of the need to play here.
Sorry to hear about your retirement from retirement. I understand about weekenc golf, but it is better than not playing at all.
Gentleman, thank you again for your kind comments
Posts: 4050
#509 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kelly was cuddled up to me on the couch. I had my arm around her. Mandy was standing alone, naked in the middle of her office. The situation was about to become awkward.
Kelly patted the couch. "Mandy, come over here and sit on the other side of Timmy. He's not very big, but there's still plenty for both of us."
Mandy's smiled and then she walked over and sat down next to me. As she cuddled up to me she said, "Timmy can I have your other arm?"
I nodded and wrapped my free arm around her shoulder. Mandy laid her cheek against my chest and sighed. For a moment the three of us sat together in tender silence.
Finally Kelly said, "You love him, don't you Mandy?"
She quietly answered, "Yes".
"I think he loves you too."
"He's told me that and I believe him, but..." Her voice trailed off. She was silent for a moment and then she whispered. "He'll never marry me. I don't think he'll ever be able to love anyone more than he loves JTandR."
Kelly reached across me and patted Mandy's hand. "That's why the house is so important to him isn't it? It's his way of taking care of you."
Mandy sighed. "I never thought about it that way, but I think you're right."
She sat up and smiled at Kelly and me. "The house is going to be wonderful. How long do you think it'll be before it happens?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, we have to find one first. It also depends on how soon Mr. Jackmister can make the money available."
Mandy shook her head. "That won't be a problem. Martin wants this to happen and when he wants something to happen he can move very quickly."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy is there any reamister we couldn't go see a Realtor tomorrow morning? That way we could at least start looking."
"I have to work at Kirby's in the morning, but I can't think of any reamister that you couldn't meet with a Realtor without me. I trust your judgment."
"No way buddy boy, you're the mastermind of this plan. I'm not meeting with anyone unless your right by my side."
I smiled. "All right, how about if you do a little research on the Internet and make a few telephone calls while I'm at work. If you find someone who looks good you could set up an appointment for around noon."
"Kelly could I come over in the morning and help. I'll bring my laptop. We could both search the net."
Kelly nodded. "I'd love your help, but you're having dinner with us this evening. Why don't you just spend the night at our house. When we leave here we can stop by your apartment and pick up some extra clothes and your computer."
Mandy's face lit up. "I would love to do that, but I'll drive my own car. That way if we do find a Realtor, you won't have to take me home before you meet with him."
Kelly turned to me. "Timmy is there any reamister that Mandy couldn't go with us when we meet with the Realtor?
I shook my head. "Not at all, in fact having her with us would be reassuring for me. You and I have bought one house, but were not exactly experts. This purchase is going to be a very big deal. I would value her input when we're trying to make decisions."
Mandy looked at me. "Really? Does that mean I could go look at houses with you too?"
I nodded. "Absolutely, in fact I think all of us should try to look at as many houses as we possibly can.
"What's this about looking at houses?"
We looked up. Tonya was walking into Mandy's office. Keisha and Antoine were right behind her.
Keisha stopped as soon as she was inside the door. "Can I go with?" Antoine nearly ran into her.
Kelly looked at me.
I smiled. "This is a big decision and it affects all of us. I think everyone should be involved."
Kelly turned to Tonya, Keisha and Antoine. "Tomorrow morning, while Timmy is at work, Mandy and I are going to try to find a Realtor. Hopefully we'll be able to set up a meeting around lunch time."
"Can I come over in the morning and help you two find the Realtor?" Keisha was so excited that she was ***ly bouncing from foot to foot.
Kelly turned back to me. "Timmy?"
I knew exactly what she was asking. I nodded. "Yes, of course."
Kelly grinned at Keisha. "Mandy is coming over for dinner this evening. She's going to stay over night. I understand that everyone has the night off. Why don't the three of you join us. You're all welcome to stay over night and everyone can help search for a realtor in the morning."
"Do you have enough beds for all of us?" There was a reamister Tonya was the lead hostess. She obviously had a practical mind.
"We have a king sized bed in the master bedroom, a queen sized bed in our guest room and the studio couch in our den that pulls out into a double bed." Kelly giggled. "We'll be fine, but we'll have to share."
Keisha yelled, "I get to share with Timmy."
Everyone started laughing.
I sighed. It was becoming apparent that tomorrow morning I'd be facing another day with very little relax. Living with a courtesan was turning out to be very taxing.
Tonya quietly said, "Kel this dinner party is a wonderful idea, but it might be even more fun if we could add a couple more guys."
Keisha nodded. "Oh yes, a good party needs plenty of cock."
Antoine stepped forward. "A friend of mine is in town. His name is Gary. We played basketball together in college. I'd really like to come to your dinner party, but I promised I'd spend the evening with him. Maybe he could join us? He's a nice guy."
Keisha put her arm around Antoine's waist. "Does he have a big black cock like yours?"
Antoine shook his head. "No, but he has white cock that's almost as big as mine."
Keisha grinned. "Oh yes, a big white cock; that would suit me just fine. Does he like black pussy?"
Antoine slipped his hand under Keisha's miniskirt and grabbed her ass. "He loves black pussy, but he loves black ass even more."
Keisha giggled. "Oooo! This boy is sounding better and better all the time."
Kelly smiled. "Antoine we would love to have your friend join us for dinner. Would cocktails at 6:30 be all right? That will leave us with plenty of time to play after we eat."
"It looks like Gary is going to be Keisha's date tonight. Antoine will be my date?"
Antoine walked over and urbanely kissed Tonya's cheek. "Tonnie it would be an honor."
Tonya reached down and grabbed his crotch. "It may be an honor for you, but I'm quite certain that it's going to turn out to be a thrill for me."
Kelly looked at me. "Timmy this is going to be your first evening with these people, so I'm going to offer you a choice. Would you rather be my date or my slave tonight."
I immediately understood the significance of the question. If I was her date, I would be allowed to sit with the group and freely participate in the conversation. That was not a privilege that would be extended to a slave."
Next to me Mandy whispered. "Please say you'll be her slave. It would so much fun to serve the party with you."
I smiled. "That's a request that's hard to ignore." I looked at my wife. "It looks like I'm going to be a slave tonight."
Kelly slowly nodded her head. There was a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Very well, It appears that our evening just became a little more intriguing."
Her tone sent a shiver of excitement up my spine.
My wife thought for a moment and then she said, "Since your choosing to be a slave, I'm going to need a date for the evening. Would you mind if I invited Chris?"
I glanced around. Everyone was watching us.
I quietly answered. "I'm your slave. That's a question you shouldn't need to ask."
Kelly smiled. "I understand that babydoll, but I'm still choosing to ask the question. Think about our earlier conversation. I believe this falls into the area of reassurance. This would be the second evening in a row that I've spent with Chris. I don't want to dampen your confidence in my love for you."
I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, I appreciate your concern. Just asking the question gives me a lot of reassurance. I think Chris would be a wonderful addition to tonight's party"
Kelly put her arms around me and gave me a hug. "I love you Babydoll."
Next to us Mandy said, "Don't worry Kelly. I'll take care of him tonight."
Kelly let go of me and nodded to Mandy. "Thank you Mandy, I'd appreciate that."
"I have a question." It was Keisha. Everybody looked at her. "Can I call Timmy Babydoll?"
Kelly laughed. "Yes you certainly can, but not tonight. When he's acting as a slave you should call him dicklet, pussyboy or cuckboy." She giggled, "Or any other nasty little name you can think of."
Tonya stepped into the middle of the room. "All right, everything is settled. Cocktails will be served at 6:30. Timmy and Mandy are our slaves and will be preparing and serving the dinner. Antoine, you're my date and you're going to bring your friend, Gary for Keisha."
Antoine nodded.
"Kelly you're bringing Chris."
Kelly smiled.
"And were all invited to spend the night."
Kelly and I both nodded.
Kelly turned to Mandy. "Mandy, when we're done here will you drive Timmy back to the store where he works. His car is there. If you drive him it will give the two of you a chance to discuss tonight's menu and it will give me an opportunity to talk to Chris."
Tonya looked around. "Are there any other questions about the party?"
No one said anything.
"All right, I have another question. Martin was in here for almost an hour. After he left we came in here and found you two sitting on the couch naked with Timmy in between you wearing nothing but a pair of lace panties." Tonya walked over, sat down on Mandy's desk and crossed her arms. "No one is leaving this room until we've heard every juicy detail"
Antoine turned the chair in front of Mandy's desk so that it was facing us and sat down. He patted his knee. "Come on Keish. You can sit on my lap."
Keisha sat down and put her arm around Antoine's shoulder.
For the next fifteen minutes Kelly, Mandy and I took turns telling them everything.
Posts: 492
Oh my, this is going to be one hell of an evening, can't wait.
The work thing is only temporary, and I ended up back at where I retired from doing a really cool job, so it's not too bad. Just need to put some golf money away for the future if you know what I mean.
I can't imagine playing golf every day for three months, that sounds like heaven to me. Hopefully someday.
Great writing GH, thanks