Posts: 492
#391 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
GH, just got caught up again after my trip to Super Bowl XLIV and this last blizzard that we just suffered through. That $600 snow blower that I bought last summer has paid for itself this winter for sure.
I love these two, probably my favorites of all your characters. Thanks for all your hard work to keep this story going.
Posts: 4050
#392 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you, that was a very nice compliment.
Yes, I do believe that a little reassurance goes a long way towards helping everyone enjoy a little ruthless domination, offense and cuckolding.
Thanks, I always look forward to seeing your comments. I hope you are doing well
Nice to hear from you, thanks
If 'm going to write fantasy stories I prefer to write them about people I'd like to know who have good things happening to them. We already have enough pain and suffering in the world. I don't care to add to that cesspool. By the way, judging from your story, we share the same philosophy.
Going to the superbowl! I am envious. Plus Miami is a wonderful and exciting city. It must have been a fabulous trip.
Sorry about the snow blower. I always felt that they were machines best purchased and never used.
Thank you again for taking a moment to comment.
Posts: 4050
#393 · Edited by: goodhusband
As I walked into the kitchen I was feeling almost giddy. Kelly had just done an excellent job of allaying any fears that I might have had about losing her to Chris. Chris's comments also helped to quell any concerns that he might have aspirations regarding my wife that went beyond friendship and casual sex.
Once I was in the kitchen I quickly made three martinis. I put two of them on a tray and then I took a quick sip of the third one and set it on the kitchen counter. That one was mine. I knew that as a slave I wouldn't be allowed to eat or take with Kelly and Chris, but that didn't mean that I still couldn't enjoy myself while I was working in the kitchen.
As soon as I set my martini down I opened the refrigerator and took out the appetizer. It was a simple recipe, but it was Kelly's favorite. I started by spreading cream cheese on a water cracker, then I dribred a little cocktail sauce on the cream cheese and sprinkled the dressed cracker with chopped black olives. I finished the appetizer by crowning each cracker with a piece of cold fresh cooked shrimp.
I had twelve of these canapés neatly arranged on a dinner plate. I set the plate on the tray next to Chris and Kelly's martinis, added several napkins and two small bread and butter plates. Once everything was neatly arranged I picked up the tray and carried it to the living room.
I was still in a very happy mood, but when I entered the living room the scene that I encountered nearly caused me to drop the tray. My wife and her boyfriend had their arms wrapped around each other. They were passionately kissing.
I knew that this was part of the plan for the evening and it shouldn't have shocked me, but it did. I can only say that actually seeing the woman you love locked in an amorous embrace with another man is a sight that never becomes mundane.
I stopped and stared at them. Something in the back of my mind told me that staring was rude, but I was powerless to stop myself. I watched. As they kissed Chris pulled the top of my wife's dress down, exposed her right breast and started fondling her nipple. At the same time Kelly's hand found the tent in the front of Chris's trousers and she began massaging his erection.
They were totally absorbed with each other and were completely oblivious to my presence. After a few seconds the shock began to wear off and I started to pull myself back together. As I regained my composure my masochistic, submissive desires started to take over. I remembered that I was a slave and Kelly and Chris were my superiors. I thought about how I should act in this situation. I knew that I needed to deliver their takes and appetizers, but I didn't think that it would be appropriate for me to disturb them. Suddenly a frightening thought occurred to me. What if they stopped kissing and caught me staring at them. That would be unbearably humiliating. I quickly decided on a course of action. I would creep forward as silently as possible, set their cocktails and appetizer on the coffee table in front of them and then slip away without creating a disturbance.
I took a deep breath and moved forward. I nearly dropped the tray when I saw Kelly unzipping Chris's trousers. I took a moment to calm myself and then I tiptoed to the coffee table. I was just about to set the tray down when my wife reached into her boyfriend's open fly and pulled out his erect penis.
During the past several months my wife had spent many evenings out because of her work schedule and she'd traveled on the majority of the weekends. This left me with a large amount of free time. I'd spend some of it looking at Internet porn, so I was familiar with big cocks. That evening, as I looked at my wife's boyfriend's penis, I quickly realized that in real life a nine or ten inch erection was much more imposing that it was on a fourteen inch computer screen.
I gasped.
Chris and Kelly heard me. They stopped kissing and playing with each other and looked up. I quickly set the tray down and stepped back. I was both flustered and embarrassed. I was certain that my face was a deep shade of crimmister."
Kelly quickly noted my apparent discomfort and smiled at me. At first it was a warm comforting smile that relaxed me, but as soon as she saw me relax the smile shifted to a malevolent grin.
My wife stared into my eyes while she slowly stroked her boyfriend's erect penis. "It really is quite astounding isn't it cuckboy?"
I nodded. I was too nervous to actually speak.
She snickered. "It's not too hard to understand why I prefer this monster to your little stub, is it Dicklet?"
I just stared at the floor. I was both utterly humiliated and excited beyond belief. Kelly laughed. Her appetite for sadistic fun was obviously taking over. "You do understand that if you had a cock like this I wouldn't have to go to other men for my sexual satisfaction."
Kelly was toying with me now. We were both well aware of the fact that the size of my cock had nothing to do with her infidelity. My wife was just a glutton for variety. Nonetheless it was a very creative taunt and the submissive masochist in me thoroughly enjoyed it.
I glanced over at Chris. There was a smirk of superiority on his face. It disappeared the moment he saw me looking at him. It was obvious that my wife's boyfriend was still a little uneasy about this situation.
Kelly let go of Chris's cock and picked up the two martinis from the coffee table. She brazenly ignored the fact that her right breast was still hanging out of the top of her dress. She handed one of the cocktails to her boyfriend and kept the other for herself. She held up her glass to her lover and said, "To the future, a future where we're free to enjoy each other to our hearts content while my little pussy husband sees to our every need."
Chris chuckled. "I'll take to that."
They clinked their glasses. After they each took a sip of their martinis Kelly took Chris's glass from him and set it back on the coffee table along with hers. Then she leaned forward and looked at the plate of appetizers. "Shrimp, how nice."
Suddenly my wife looked up at me and frowned. "What are you still doing here Dicklet?" She waved her hands back and forth and said, "Shooo, go away! My lover and I want to be alone." She started to giggle. "Get back in the kitchen where you belong. I'm sure you have all kinds of sissy slave duties that need your attention. Call us when the dining room table is prepared and you're ready to serve our salads."
I was mortified. Kelly had never talked to me like that. I quickly turned.
When I walked away I heard my wife say, "Now where were we? Oh yes, the appetizers. These are one of Dicklet's specialties. They really are quite delicious. Here try one."
As I was about to enter the kitchen I paused and glanced back at Kelly and Chris. My heart ached when I saw my wife feeding a cracker to her boyfriend.
Posts: 1914
Nobody can walk the line quite like you GH. Wonderful.
Posts: 1459
Almost painfully erotic! What fun! Thanks GH
Posts: 4050
Peak and Storm
Posts: 4050
#397 · Edited by: goodhusband
I took refuge in the kitchen. I needed a chance to collect my wits. I leaned against the counter and took several deep breaths. They helped. My heart stopped racing and the tension in my muscles began to ease.
I took a sip of my martini. It tasted good. I started to feel better. I smiled. For the past four years I'd fantasized about seeing Kelly with a lover. Now that it was happening I was beginning to understand that it was going to be much more stressful than I'd ever imagined.
It was strange, seeing Chris playing with my wife's breast wasn't anywhere near as upsetting as seeing Kelly feed him a cracker.
I shook my head. I'd always assumed that my wife's liaimisters with other men were dispassionate, purely physical couplings. I'd never really imagined her playing and flirting with these men. I'd always taken it for granted that was something she only did with me. I now realized that was a foolish assumption. Human beings aren't built that way. Certainly Kelly wasn't. She was warm, friendly and very flirtatious.
The scene in the living room with Chris opened my eyes to that realization. I now understood that even back in college, when Kelly went out on a date with another guy, she was doing exactly that; going out on a date.
I suppose that the date was a little different because Kelly was a "sure thing". I mean in college my wife had quite a reputation. She actually cultivated it. I don't think there was ever any doubt in the minds of the guys that she dated that they were going to end up "getting lucky". When Kelly Mamister agreed to go out with you, that was a given.
I suppose that was one of the reamisters that I'd never imagined her flirting, laughing, joking and being friends with the guys she dated. I'd always assumed that they were just taking her out so they could get into her panties. I never really thought about her going to parties with them or laughing and flirting with them over a romantic candle light dinner. I'd always just imagined Kelly in bed with them doing the dirty deed.
I chuckled. The image of my wife sitting next to a guy on a couch, her arm wrapped around his shoulder and her body pressed up against him, listening with rapt attention as he regaled the rest of the party goers with jokes and stories, was much more upsetting than the image of the two of them naked, rolling around in a bed, fucking like rabbits.
Of course, I never actually saw Kelly while she was out on a date or at a party. I was always waiting for her in her dorm room. I did see her flirt with lots of guys on campus during the day, but that was just Kelly. She flirted with everyone.
Now that I'd had a chance to think about all of this I realized that I'd been incredibly foolish. Kelly was a warm, caring intelligent human being. For her, as well as most everyone else, good sex obviously had to include friendship, a little romance and honest human interaction.
"Timmy are you okay?"
I turned. Kelly was standing in the kitchen door. Her hair was mussed, her lipstick was smeared and now both of her breasts were freely hanging out of her dress.
I nodded. "Yes, I'll be all right."
"Baby, I'm sorry I told you to shooo and made you leave the room. I got carried away. After you left I was trying to make out with Chris, but I couldn't stop thinking about how awful I'd just been to you. He noticed that something was bothering me and when I told him what it was, he suggested that I come in here and talk to you."
Suddenly Kelly realized that her breasts were hanging out of her dress. She blushed and said, "Oh dear, I forgot that I was so exposed. I better put these away."
As she started to stuff her breasts back into the front of her dress I shook my head and said, "Kelly, Chris is your boyfriend and I'm your husband. I think it's all right for both of us to see you naked."
My wife nodded, stopped what she was doing and looked at me. She must have sensed that something definitely was bothering me. After a moment she said, "Timmy I really am sorry about the things I said to you, please forgive me."
I smiled at her. "It wasn't the things you said that upset me."
"What was it then babydoll?"
"I know this is foolish, but it made me feel bad when I saw you feed Chris that cracker."
Kelly stared at me with a puzzled expression.
I shrugged. "I know that it doesn't make any sense. I mean he'd just been kissing you and fondling your breast while you played with his cock and that didn't bother me at all." I shook my head. "When I saw you feed him that cracker, it just tore me apart."
My wife walked over and hugged me. "Baby, I'm sorry. That's just the way I am when I'm with a guy. It doesn't mean anything. I still love you more than anyone else."
Kelly and I held each other. I quietly said, "I know, it's just that this is the first time I've ever actually seen you with another man. Even when we were in college I was always waiting for you in your dorm room while you were out on a date. I always imagined you having sex with those other guys, but I never thought about you flirting and having fun with them."
My wife stepped back and looked at me. There was a big smile on her face. She started to giggle, but then she put her hand over her mouth and stopped herself. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but you do understand that this is kind of a funny situation. Most people would have trouble understanding it."
"I understand his problem. It's you as a permister that he's worried about sharing, not your body."
Kelly and I turned. Chris was standing in the doorway.
He smiled at me. "Timmy, would you like me to leave?"
I shook my head. "No absolutely not. I'm just being silly." I sighed. "I guess you overheard us. This is the first time that I've actually seen Kelly with another guy. Of course she's going to flirt with you and she's going to tease and play with you and she's going to love you up. That's her nature. It's one of the many reamisters that I love her so much."
My wife kissed my cheek. "And I love you too."
I hugged her. "I know."
I looked back at Chris. "I never really imagined her doing that with the guys she dated. Of course, I now realize that was foolish." I shrugged, "It just might take me a little time to get used to it."
I thought for a moment and then I took a deep breath and said, "But I have to get used to it. For the first time I'm actually going to be included in this part of Kelly's life and I desperately want that to happen. The two of you have to be able to act naturally when I'm around you. If you can't, I'm afraid that you'll quickly start finding excuses to get together without me. It won't be long before I'm once again excluded from this part of Kelly's life."
I sighed. "No Mr. Kendricks, I definitely do not want you to leave. In fact, tonight I want Kelly to feed you a thousand crackers and flirt and fawn over you like you were the captain of the football team and she was a cheerleader with a mad crush on you."
Chris smiled at me. "Timmy, may I come into the kitchen?"
I nodded. "Yes Mr. Kendricks, please do.” I gestured towards the kitchen table. "Won't you please sit..."
Kelly interrupted me. "Timmy before we go any further, I think we should make another rule."
Chris and I both looked at her.
"I've been worried that when I gained a slave, I might lose my husband. I think it might help if the kitchen becomes your domain. In here, we are all always equal. In this room you should call me Kelly and Mr. Kendricks should become Chris. I also think that if Chris wants to come in here he has to ask your permission."
Chris nodded. "I think that's a very good idea." He walked over and stood next to one of the kitchen chairs. "Timmy may I sit down?"
I smiled. "Yes Chris, please do."
My wife gently rubbed my back. "I like this."
Chris sat down. As soon as he was seated I said to Kelly, "Now I have a request."
"What's that?"
"Go over to your boyfriend and sit on his lap."
"Please do it for me."
"Okay." Kelly walked over to Chris and sat down rather stiffly on top of him."
"Now put your arm around his shoulders and relax."
"Timmy are you sure?"
"Yes I am. I'm very sure."
My wife put her arm around her boyfriend.
"Kelly do you like it when Chris has his hand on your breast?'
She stared at me.
"It's okay, we're being very open and honest right now. It's the only way we can make this work."
Kelly smiled at me. "Of course I like it when he touches my breast."
"Chris will you do that please?"
Chris nodded and placed his hand on Kelly's right breast and started fondling her nipple.
Kelly shook her head. "Timmy what's this all about?"
Chris kissed my wife's cheek.
She turned and said, "Not now!"
He kissed her cheek again. "Yes now. This is what Timmy is asking for, this is what he wants. He's desensitizing himself."
Kelly thought for a moment and then she smiled. "You mean like what people do when they have an unnatural fear of something, like spiders or snakes."
"That's right kitten, They deliberately overexpose themselves to the object of their fear" He looked at me. "Kitten is my pet name for your wife."
My stomach churned when I heard that, but Chris understood. We had to get everything out in the open.
Kelly looked at me in alarm.
I smiled at her. "It's okay. It's important that he feels free to call you that when I'm around. Do you have a pet name for him? You have one for me. You call me babydoll. It's okay for you to have one for Chris too."
My wife sheepishly said, "Yes."
"What is it?"
I smiled. "It's kind of appropriate isn't it? Chris is Bigdog and I'm Babydoll." I paused. "Or dicklet."
She giggled. "Yes, I guess it is."
Things were going well. I was quickly becoming more at ease about seeing Kelly and Chris interact as girlfriend and boyfriend. I knew that it was going to take a little time before I was completely desensitized, but I was now feeling much better about what was happening between them.
I decided that it was time to get on with the evening. I looked at my wife. "Kelly, has Bigdog had his predinner blow job?"
She shook her head. "No, we were working towards that when we decided that I needed to come in here to see how you were doing."
I smiled at both of them. "I appreciate your concern. I was a little down, but I'm feeling better now. Kelly, why don't you take Chris back to the living room. I'll set up the salads and when you're ready for them you can let me know."
"Timmy wouldn't you like to watch?"
Chris's question caught me by surprise. I wasn't quite sure how I should respond. I really did want to watch, but admitting it was just a little bit embarrassing. I sort of nervously stammered. "I ah, well I'm not sure..."
In a very soft voice my wife said, "Timmy, both of us would enjoy having you in the room with us. You just said that you wanted to be included in this part of my life. Well, here's your chance."
Kelly stood up, took Chris's hand and as she pulled him up from his chair she said, "Come on Bigdog, it's time for us to have a little fun."
As soon as her boyfriend was standing my wife led him over to me and with her free hand she picked up my hand. "Come on Babydoll, you can worry about our salads later. Right now, it's time for you to see your sweet little wife in action." She giggled. "You know, I do happen to be a pro."
Posts: 1459
It's not the sex, it's the intimacy! I think you really hit on something there GH, something we don't always think about. It's those little intimate moments we share with our partners that make us lovers, not the sex. Not that I'm knocking the sex, but hell, anyone can do that! Really nice addition to the story, thanks.
Posts: 492
#399 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
Geat segment, GH, thank you. Timmy's inner struggles are fascinating to observe. No one does it like you do.
I saw a guy wearing a T shirt in the Miami airport the other day that had a big smiley face on it and under the smiley face were the words "Boobies make me smile". I couldn't help but break out in a big grin. Sorry, I know that's off topic, just wanted to share.
Thank you for all your hard work on this story.
Posts: 1914
Gents, Of course its both. I'm sure we have all been in social situations where our wives (or we) have flirted with someone, even for some time. It doesn't bother us because we know it won't lead anywhere. We even say sometimes we would 'run a mile' (in a social sense) if it looked like it might. Now roll that, as GH did wonderfully here. You see that flirting, that focused attention, knowing that soon IT IS going to lead to something far more intimate. That's the edge.
Posts: 178
I agree with stormydog above -- the intimacy is an important element in the whole thing. The impression one has is that, even though Kelly and Timmy had been intimate before in many ways, they're now finding a new way to do so -- and like all new intimacies, it is full of new delights and surprises. A little bit of a bumpy ride, but with both knowing that they are going somewhere interesting.
And haven't we all had this experience -- with friends, lovers, relatives, youngren? How when we try to come closer, we have to overcome certain fears, but that the result is well worth it -- actually getting closer to another human being, seeing their heart open up to us?
It would certainly be ridiculous to say -- in a cuckold forum of all places -- that the sex is not important. But indeed it is the building of intimacy between Kelly and Timmy (and Chris too -- let's not forget him!), their exploration of this new space and its many delights, that makes everything so exciting. Remember when Timmy's licking her asshole -- such a small thing in itself -- was so momentous just because of the context in which it happened? The same thing here: even the slightest 'offenses' become so deeply delightful because of the context, because of the climate, because of the cooperation of these three people to produce music together.
Maybe Kelly and Timmy will get very kinky and very extreme -- hey, that's interesting too; but they'll take their time getting there. They'll enjoy the ride. Thoroughly. And so will we. :-)
Posts: 4050
Thank you for the kind comments. I do appreciate them.
Posts: 4050
Kelly led Chris and me through the dining room. Once we were in the living room she let go of my hand and pointed to the chair opposite the couch. "Cuckboy, you can sit over there. Since this is a special occasion we'll make an exception and actually allow you to sit in a chair in our presence." She looked at her boyfriend. "Is that all right with you Bigdog?"
Chris and I stared at my wife. I think both of us were a little surprised by Kelly's abrupt change of demeanor.
She noticed our startled expressions and smirked at me. "Sorry dicklet, but we're not in the kitchen anymore. I'm afraid that you're back to being my lowly slave."
Chris chuckled, then he winked at me and said, "She really is very good at playing sex games."
I smiled at him. "Yes sir, she is."
"Damn straight I am pussyboy, now get your sorry ass into that chair before I change my mind and make you lie prostrate at my feet while I suck my Bigdog's magnificent cock.
I sat quickly.
Kelly nodded with approval and then she turned to her boyfriend. "He really is quite well behaved. I think he's going turn out to be a very serviceable slave for us."
Chris was also a pretty good game player. He stepped right into character. He stared at me. I felt like he was appraising my worth. After a moment and he said, "I do believe you're right, but we have to be careful not to spoil him. I think we can make an exception and just this once allow him to sit in our presence, but it really should be a very rare treat for him."
My wife smiled at me. "Dicklet, I hope you understand just how lucky you are that I found such a kind and generous man to be my boyfriend. I really do believe that he will be a very benevolent master for you."
Chris looked at me. I think he was curious about how I would react to Kelly's last statement. Having another man as my master wasn't exactly part of my fantasy, but it didn't bother me either. It apparently was part of Kelly's fantasy, so I quickly decided to go along with it. I also had to admit that if my wife was going to have a boyfriend who was also going to be my master, Chris Kendricks was a very good choice.
I bowed my head and politely said, "Yes, Ms. Mamister. I feel very fortunate."
Both of them smiled. They were still standing and Kelly was still holding her boyfriend's hand. She turned to him. "Okay Bigdog, it's time for a little predinner recreation for you and me." She pointed to the end of the couch. "Why don't you sit down right here."
Chris sat down. As soon as he was seated my wife kneeled on the couch next to him. Her large breasts were still hanging out of the front of her dress. She unbuttoned Chris's shirt and slipped her hand inside it. As she massaged his bare chest she said, "Dicklet, my man has such wonderfully firm muscles. Just feeling them like this gets me so hot."
Kelly continued playing with her boyfriend's chest. I could see her rolling each of his nipples between her fingertips. Chris sighed with contentment. I smiled. She was obviously being very gentle with him. When she did that to me she loved to sadistically pinch and twist my nipples until I cried out from the pain.
After a moment Kelly removed her hand from inside her boyfriend's shirt, placed it behind his head and tenderly pulled his face to one of her naked breasts. "Lick my nipple sweetheart. I know just how much you enjoy that."
I cringed when I heard my wife call her boyfriend "sweetheart", but I bit my lower lip and kept my emotions in check. I knew that this was just the sort of thing I had to get used to hearing.
Kelly cooed with delight when she felt Chris licking and biting her nipple. "That feels so nice, I love it when you use your teeth and your tongue together." She picked up her boyfriend's hand and slipped it under her skirt. "Feel how wet I am. I get so excited when I'm with you."
She glanced over at me. "I didn't wear panties tonight dicklet." She giggled. "I didn't see the point. I thought they'd just get in the way.
I could see that Chris's hand was now busy under my wife's dress. It was obvious that he was massaging her bare cunt. At the same time he continued to kiss, lick and bite Kelly's nipple. As I watched I was overwhelmed with envy. This other man was having a very good time with my wife.
Kelly unbuckled Chris's belt and lowered his zipper. After she opened the front of his trousers she pulled his erect penis out of his boxer shorts. This was the second time I'd seen it this evening, but I was still amazed by both it's length and girth.
My wife glanced over and noticed the fascination in my eyes. As she slowly stroked her lover's big cock she giggled and said, "This is just one of the many reamisters I call my man, Bigdog."
Kelly gently pushed Chris's face away from her breast and took his hand out from under her dress. "Sweetheart, lie back, close your eyes and relax. Both of us are going to enjoy this."
My wife leaned over and kissed the head of her boyfriend's erection and then she lay down on her stomach so that her bare breasts were resting next to Chris's hip. She reached across his leg and grasped his cock with her left hand. She started by just kissing it, but after a moment her kisses turned into licks and then Kelly parted her lips and put Chris's big monster into her mouth.
Chris smiled and slipped his left hand over to the hem of my wife's dress and pulled it up to her waist. While my wife continued sucking his cock he gently ran his fingers back and forth through the cleft between her ass cheeks. This seemed to excite Kelly and she started sucking on the head of Chris's cock even more vigorously.
Suddenly she took his erection out of her mouth, looked over at me and breathlessly said, "Timmy I'm going to deep throat Chris's cock. Watch, you're going to be amazed."
As Kelly spit on the head of her boyfriends rigid erection she explained, "The trick is to get it really slippery so that it will slide down my throat easily."
She rubbed the spit up and down the shaft of Chris's penis. "Now watch Babydoll, I have to go really slow at first."
My wife put her boyfriend's cock back in her mouth and slowly pushed her face down. Gradually the monster started disappear. I heard a couple of gagging and gurgling sounds and then Kelly lips were pressed against Chris's pubic bone. The entire length of his huge cock was inside her mouth and throat. I was overwhelmed with envy. This was a sensation that I would never be able to experience. My tiny penis wasn't long enough to reach the back of my wife's mouth.
Kelly started bobbing her head up and down on her lover's cock. It was almost like she was fucking Chris with her throat.
Chris smiled at me. "Timmy it feels good to have all of my cock inside her mouth, but I actually prefer it when she's sucking me." And then Chris shocked me. "I'm kind of envious of you because she can take all of your cock inside her mouth and still suck you. That must feel incredibly good."
All three of us seemed to have temporarily dropped our dominant submissive roles during Kelly's demonstration so I smiled at Chris and said, "It never occurred to me that there might be something that Kelly can do with me that you would envy."
He laughed. "Are you kidding me? She's head over heels in love with you. I can only hope that someday I will find a woman who feels about me the way your wife feels about you."
I chuckled. "You do understand that considering the current situation, most people would be more than a little amused by that last statement."
He shrugged. "Well that may be correct, but you do understand that what I just said is the truth."
I nodded. "Yes I do."
Suddenly Kelly took Chris's cock out of her mouth and looked up at him. "Hey buster, I'm working my ass off down here. It would be nice if you would show a little appreciation for my efforts."
Chris shook his head. "I'm sorry Kel. I just really like your husband. It's kind of fun to talk to him."
My wife rolled her eyes. "I like him too, but why don't we save the chit chat for later. Now, if you'll be good and pay attention I'll do your favorite thing for you."
Kelly looked over at me. Chris loves it when I lick his balls while I jack him off."
Chris blushed. "What can I say, I think it feels really good."
Kelly giggled. "Dicklet can understand. He loves it when I sit on his face and jack him off while he licks my asshole."
Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. I was sure that my face must have turned beet red.
Chris stared at me for a moment and then he said, "Damn Timmy, is that true?"
There really wasn't much point in denying it. My wife was sucking this man's cock while I watched. My dignity had long ago been stripped away.
I nodded and quietly said, "Yes, it's true."
He smiled at me. "Don't be embarrassed. I think it's kind of hot. Maybe after dinner you'd let me watch you do it."
Kelly looked at both of us. She was smiling. "That can be easily arranged. He also has this hot new trick that both Tonya and I love. He fucks my ass with his finger while he sucks on my clittie."
"Damn Timmy, you're doing Tonya too?" Chris laughed. "I had no idea that you were such a stud.” He thought for a moment and then he added. “I really would like to see this new trick. There are nights when I'm with a female associate that I could use a few tricks that might help me get her off."
I know that considering the situation it was amazing, but I was suddenly filled with pride.
Kelly shook her head. "Studman, would you please focus. Right now, I'm going to try to get you off."
Chris chuckled. "Okay, I'll close my eyes and pay attention."
My wife went to work. It was quite amazing. She really was a pro. First she licked her boyfriend's balls while she masturbated him and then she gently fondled his balls with her fingertips while she sucked on the head of his cock. When she sensed that her lover was beginning to lose control she wrapped her entire fist around his shaft and vigorously jacked him off while she sucked on the engorged head of his magnificent penis.
I watched Chris. He suddenly gasped and for a moment he held his breath and then he exhaled and smiled. He was ejaculating. Kelly of course kept his cock in her mouth. She has always been very forthright about the fact that she loves it when a guy cums in her mouth.
When Chris was finished ejaculating my wife took his cock out of her mouth, sat up on the couch and looked at me. With a malevolent grin on her face she stood up, walked over to me and sat down on my lap. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the lips. As she kissed me she passed all of Chris's fresh semen from her mouth to mine.
As soon as she was done she patted my cheek and said, "There Dicklet, that was just the first of many times that you're going to get to taste my boyfriend's fresh cum."
Posts: 4050
#404 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kelly stood up, walked back over to the couch and sat down next to her boyfriend. She coquettishly rubbed his chest and said, "Hey Bigdog, are you getting hungry?"
Chris smiled. "I'm starving."
My wife looked at me. "Well slaveboy, I guess that's your cue. Hop to it. My stud is hungry. We'd like our salads as soon as you can get them ready."
I jumped up. This was indeed my cue and I was very eager to perform my role. I scurried into the kitchen. While I was preparing the salads I decided that this was an opportunity to fulfill a fantasy that I'd been dreaming about for several years.
When I called Kelly and Chris to the table I took a deep breath and let go of all of my inhibitions. I became Kelly Mamister's servile slave. As I was setting their salads in front of them, Kelly noticed my exaggerated subservience. That was all the encouragement she needed to eagerly slip into the role of my haughty mistress.
We fed off each other. As the meal progressed I became increasingly humble and Kelly grew into an arrogant aristocrat. She deliberately fawned over her boyfriend while I was treated with disdain and indifference. It was an exhilarating experience for both of us. By the end of the meal, my masochism and Kelly's sadism were flowing unchecked.
As I cleared away the dirty dishes left from the main course, Kelly dabbed at her lips with a napkin and asked; "Dicklet, what do you have for dessert?"
"Ms. Mamister, I have a nice selection of hand dipped chocolates. There is a pot of coffee brewing in the kitchen and I took the liberty of purchasing a bottle of Drambuie and of course we have a bottle of scotch. I thought that you and Mr. Kendricks might enjoy a rusty nail as a digestif."
Kelly nodded. "Very good dicklet. My lover and I will have our coffee, chocolates and after dinner cocktail in the living room."
Kelly stood up and nodded to Chris. "My dear, shall we retire to the comfort of the living room?"
Chris nodded. "I think that's an excellent idea." He stood up and offered his arm to my wife. "My compliments Kitten. That was an excellent meal. Your slave is a very talented cook."
My wife took her boyfriend's arm and as he led her out of the dining room she said in a voice dripping with deliberate indifference, "Yes I suppose that he does have some s*******s."
Posts: 1914
As does his creator. You're on a roll here GH. The new tablets must be agreeing with you ..
Posts: 1459
Kelly is just mean and evil to poor Timmy. I think I love her! Thanks for those erotic, sadistic, masochistic - and very loving additions. It was a rollicking good read.
Posts: 3581
Quoting: goodhusband She put her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the lips. As she kissed me she passed all of Chris's fresh semen from her mouth to mine. Mmmm..... that's GREAT! I was hoping she would give Timmy a snowball treat. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 492
Pure genius GH, can't wait to see how things progress from here. Thanks.
Posts: 1914
GH, Just to prove I can be a geek sometimes, I was thinking about your views on circulation, posting and views as a measure on the site. I analysed the first page of stories. I came to the view that views alone meant not a lot. Many people will look at all new posting, just in case they are interesting. Many will follow a story for its 'stroke' potential.
I think a better measure is the reaction created, which is measured by the responses. More particularly the balance between responses from views. I calculated all the stories and worked out how many responses were created from 1000 views. The results are interesting (if you are also a bit of a geek and still even with me anyway).
Drum roll .. Excluding GH and Stormy, The average of all stories is 2.44 (on 340,000 views)
Stormy has got 9.80 for Unwilling
GH has got 20.86 for Courtesan
Quality not quantity. I think the data speaks for itself.
Posts: 4050
#410 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you
Posts: 4050
#411 · Edited by: goodhusband
Sometimes I'm just not sure what to say.
Posts: 4050
#412 · Edited by: goodhusband
I guess I am just trying to ignore statistics. My recent outbursts have taught me that while my stories may have limited appeal on this site, they do have a very avid following of wonderful people who seem to enjoy them.
Peak, you are one of those people and I appreciate your ongoing comments, not only on this story, but all my previous stories. I recently told you in a permisteral message that the comments from you, Mel, Prissy and Tinny taught me to how to write cuckold stories. Since then, many others have joined that cadre mentors, but the four of you go back to Sandra and Stevie. I will always be deeply in your debt for your ongoing feedback.
I know that there are many people who wish my stories were "harder and nastier" I've tried (See The Devil Wears High Heels, parts of Roxanne and Willie and the opening to Chattel) that just isn't me. I also believe that hard stories just aren't real. No sane permister can live in a relationship completely devoid of love and affection.
Also, my stories have a bit of a purpose. A cuckold marriage is very difficult. A dominant submissive cuckold marriage is even more difficult and if you add sadism and masochism it becomes very difficult.
Dismisterance, self doubt, jealousy, envy, pain and hurt abound. It is only human nature. We are also going against everything our culture has taught us. In my stories I try very hard to reflect that part of the marriage.
Peak thank you again.
Posts: 4050
#413 · Edited by: goodhusband
I carried the dirty dishes into the kitchen. As soon as I'd stacked them on the counter I poured myself a cup of coffee and started setting the chocolates on a plate for Chris and Kelly.
I was brimming with happiness. The evening was turning out to be a great success. I liked Chris. He seemed to be a nice man. I smiled as I took a sip of my coffee. I was feeling confident that he would turn out to be an engaging playmate for my wife, without threatening her relationship with me.
Our relationship, over the past forty-eight hours it had certainly changed. There wasn't any doubt in my mind that those changes were the primary cause of my jubilant mood. I was living a masochistic, submissive cuckold's fantasy life; only this wasn't a fantasy. It was real.
Acting as my wife's slave while she entertained her boyfriend over dinner was the most exciting and oddly, the most satisfying thing I'd ever done. As I stood at the kitchen counter, I thought about everything that had transpired since I'd first met Kelly four years ago. I began to realize that all of our interactions had been gradually leading us to this new relationship. I was beginning to see that it had always been my destiny to spend my life serving a woman like Kelly Mamister and I now understood that there was nothing in this world that would make me happier or more satisfied.
I knew that Kelly and I had some work ahead of us. Resolving the details of our new relationship was going to take some time and effort. I had an overwhelming desire to submit to my wife's will and serve her, but I also wanted to continue to be her husband and I wanted her to continue to be my wife. Kelly and I loved each other. We were best friends, confidants and soul mates. It was important to me that all of that continued to be part of our new relationship. I smiled. I felt very confident that those same things were also important to my wife. Suddenly I realized that I'd become so preoccupied with my thoughts that I'd lost track of the time. I had duties to perform. My wife and her boyfriend were in the living room waiting for their dessert. I shook myself out of my reverie and went back to work.
I quickly set the plate of chocolates on a tray and took out the Drambuie and scotch. I was just starting to make three rusty nails when Kelly burst through the kitchen door. She ran over to me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips.
"Timmy that dinner was magnificent. I don't think I've ever had so much fun. You were a wonderful slave. Being your bitchy mistress was so exciting." She giggled. "When Chris dropped his napkin and I made you come out from the kitchen so you could pick it up for him, I nearly had an orgasm."
I smiled at her. "I thought it was pretty exciting too."
"Did you? Oh I'm so glad. Now that you're my slave we can do it as often as we want. I can't wait to have a party with Tonya and Keisha. The three of us can get dates and you and Mandy can be our slaves. Would that be okay Timmy? Please say it would be all right."
I nodded. "I think it's a wonderful idea."
"I do too and I hope that I'll be invited."
Kelly and I turned. Chris was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He knocked on the door frame. "Timmy, may I have permission to enter your domain?"
I casually waved. "Yes, of course. Please come in."
As soon as he was inside Kelly asked, "Timmy can we sit at the kitchen table and talk to you while you finish cleaning up?"
I looked at my wife and her boyfriend. "Are you sure? The living room is much more comfortable."
Kelly hugged me. "I know it is Babydoll, but you're not in there. Both of was want to be with you."
I glanced at Chris. He shrugged. "Timmy, you are very well acquainted with the demands that JTandR puts on it's employees. The financial rewards are huge and the work is both fun and interesting, but it doesn't leave much time for a social life." He sighed. "I don't have many friends, especially male friends."
Chris paused for a moment. He seemed to be thinking. Finally he continued. "Considering my relationship with your wife, I could easily understand that it might be difficult for you to become friends with me; but I'm hoping that might not be an issue. For the past year I've heard Kelly sing your praises on a daily basis. At JTandR, everyone who has heard your wife talk about you regards you as a pillar of wisdom and strength. You're considered to be the ideal twenty-first century husband. A man secure enough in his own sexuality and ego to be comfortable letting his wife relax with other men and in fact work as a hostess."
I chuckled as I poured two cups of coffee and set them on the kitchen table. "Chris and Kelly, please sit down."
Chris pulled out a chair. Kelly moved to take the chair across from him.
I stopped her. "Kelly honey, sit on his lap. You've been looking forward to tonight all day long. Chris is your date for the evening, the entire evening. I want you to be able to freely enjoy him."
"Are you sure Timmy? I mean we're kind of taking a break from our game right now."
I nodded. "Yes. I understand that and I really do appreciate an occasional opportunity to interact with the two of you as an equal, but Chris is here tonight as your date. I think that both of you should be able to spend the entire evening enjoying each other."
Chris sat down and Kelly sat on his lap. Kelly's bare breasts were still hanging out of the front of her dress. She hadn't even bothered to put them back while we were having dinner. My wife was an exhibitionist. She had a gorgeous body and she enjoyed having men look at her.
I set the plate of chocolates next to them. "Kelly, these are your favorites. They come from Berringer's Candy shop."
Kelly smiled at me. "You really are spoiling me this evening."
I nodded. "For a good slave; spoiling his mistress is more than a duty, it's a passion."
My wife stared at me for a moment and then she quietly said, "Really." She continued looking at me as she picked up one of the chocolates. "If pleasing me is your passion, then it shouldn't upset you when you see me do this."
She turned to Chris and said, "Bigdog, my slave selected these for our enjoyment. I really do think that you'll like them." Kelly held the candy up to her boyfriend's lips.
Chris looked at the piece of candy and then he looked at me. He was obviously remembering our earlier conversation. I smiled and gave him a slight nod. He opened his lips and Kelly fed him the chocolate.
As soon as he finished eating it Kelly jumped off of Chris's lap, ran over to me and threw her arms around my shoulders. As she hugged me she said, "Timmy I'm sor..., I mean was it okay that I did that?" She shook her head. "Oh this is all so confusing. It's fun when I taunt you and it gets me so excited when I flirt with Chris in front of you, but then I feel guilty after I do it."
I kissed her cheek. "Yes, it was okay. You don't have to feel guilty. I'm glad you did it. I'm getting used to seeing you flirt with Chris and it makes me happy to see you so happy." I patted her butt. "Now go back to your boyfriend and feed him another piece of candy."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Yes, I am very sure. In fact I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life."
Kelly looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Timmy what's that supposed to mean?"
"Just trust me and go sit back down on Chris's lap."
"You are sure?"
"Yes I am quite sure."
My wife walked over to her boyfriend and sat back down on his lap. As she was getting settled I took the opportunity to finish making the rusty nails. As soon as they were finished I brought two of them over to the kitchen table and set them next to Kelly and Chris. Then I went to the counter, picked up the third one and walked back over to them.
My wife and her boyfriend both gave me quizzical looks.
I smiled at them. "I know that it's unusual for a slave to propose a toast to his superiors, but we're in the kitchen, so I am assuming that it will be allowed."
Kelly smiled back at me, nodded her approval and picked up her glass. Chris followed my wife's lead.
As we held up our glasses I said, "To destiny."
Kelly stared at me. "Timmy what does that mean?"
"It means lots of different things. I believe that you and I were destined to meet. As Chris pointed out earlier this evening, you're not capable of being faithful to just one man. I happen to be one of the few men who cannot only tolerate that characteristic, but can actually be excited by it."
I glanced at Chris. He was nodding in agreement.
"It was destiny that you met Chris. After getting to know him tonight I think he's a wonderful choice to be the first boyfriend you have as a married woman."
Kelly gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I think so too." And then she put her hand over her mouth and looked at me in sudden alarm. "Timmy, I'm sorry."
I shook my head. "There isn't any need to be sorry, I like him too."
I continued. "Kelly I believe that you're destined to be a great courtesan who will also have many permisteral lovers during the course of her life. I am pleased that we are finally on a course that will allow you to realize that destiny."
Kelly stared at me. I think she was a little amazed by that last statement.
I ignored her questioning look and proceeded with my explanation. "I also think that I was destined to serve a great courtesan like you and I cannot begin to describe how excited I am about the prospect of fulfilling that destiny."
I took a sip of my rusty nail and held out my glass. "I repeat, to destiny."
Both Chris and my wife were absolutely flabbergasted. Neither of them moved or said anything.
Finally I said, "Hey guys are you just going to leave me hanging here?"
Kelly shook her head and looked at me. Then she smiled, clinked my glass and whispered, "To our destinies."
Chris quickly pulled himself together and followed my wife's lead. After he clinked our glasses we all took a sip of our cocktails and set them on the table.
There was a moment of silence and then my wife said, "Timmy that was the most beautiful toast I've ever heard." She giggled. "It was also very exciting. Do you really believe that you were destined to serve me?"
I slowly nodded and with every bit of conviction that I could possibly muster I said, "Yes Ms. Mamister, I do."
Posts: 1459
That last segment was incredible, it showed the essential goodhusband. It had a lot of heart. Thank you for it. I enjoyed peak's math, above, and your commentary on it. I think you are correct, that we sometimes get too wrapped up in the numbers. We write because we enjoy it, and because we have friends here that enjoy it and we want to share our stories with them. That's really the bottom line. I was going to say that I agreed with one thing that peak's equation showed - that I'm roughly half as good a writer as you are! I don't want that misconstrued as false modesty or just a self-deprecating sense of humor - which I suppose maybe it is - but rather taken as an acknowledgment that we tend to be our own toughest critics. I have posted segments that I was very excited about and proud of, and come back to little or no comment. Very disappointing. On the other hand, I've posted segments that I agonized over and edited repeatedly, not satisfied, and then spent the next day kicking myself and wondering why I posted it, why I didn't write better - and have come back to find a very positive response. There's just no way to know what anyone else is going to especially appreciate, or perhaps find distasteful or, worse, boring. All we can do is try our best, enjoy ourselves, put it out there, and hope for the best. Your last post, to me, was an example of that. You exceeded even your own incredibly high standards.
Posts: 492
I agree with Stormy, that last segment was some incredible writing on your part, true GH material.
I can't comment on the numbers thing, I understand your feelings, but wish you wouldn't let it bother you so much. You and Stormy are the best. From my own selfish perspective, I just want to keep enjoying your awesome writing.
Thanks GH, much appreciated.
Posts: 2106
Very, very nice, gh and so realistic. As Titsrfun said, i'm not much into numbers and i also feel selfish in wanting to continue reading your great work. Thanks. priss
Posts: 4050
Storm, Trf2 and Priss
Thanks for the comments. I appreciate them.
Posts: 4050
#418 · Edited by: goodhusband
I stepped into the room, As soon as they heard me they broke off their kiss and looked up. Kelly smiled. "It's about time you got here slave boy. We were getting ready to start without you."
She stared at me. After a moment she said, "Dicklet, you're a little overdressed for this party. Why don't you strip down to your panties. I think it's time that Mr. Kendricks finds out just what a dainty little sissy you really are."
I balked. It wasn't that I wanted to be disobedient, it's just that taking off your trousers and showing another man that you're wearing lace panties is rather embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing if that man is tall and handsome and happens to be your wife's boyfriend.
Kelly noticed my hesitation and in a very firm voice said, "Yes dicklet, it will be humiliating; but believe me, this is only the first of many indignities that you're going to have to endure in front of Mr. Kendricks."
Suddenly my wife's voice softened. "Timmy, this is what you want isn't it?"
I thought for a moment and then I sighed and smiled at her. "Yes Ms. Mamister, it is."
"Well then, what are you waiting for?"
I took a deep breath and then I began to undress. I moved slowly. I was again both excited and scared. I took off my shirt, shoes and socks first. I'm sure that my face was a shade of deep crimmister when I finally unbuckled my belt, lowered my zipper and pulled my pants down exposing my lace panties.
As soon as I stepped out of my trousers Kelly nudged her boyfriend and said, "They really are cute on the little sissy aren't they."
Chris chuckled. "They're just perfect."
I was mortified.
Kelly stood up and stepped around the coffee table. "Now that you're appropriately attired for this party, it's time to do the same for me." She walked over to me and turned around. "I want you to undress me for my new boyfriend."
My heart was racing. Every nerve in my body was tingling. I glanced at Chris. There was an excited grin on his face and his huge erection was obscenely jutting straight up from his open trousers.
I unfastened the clasp at the top of my wife's dress and then I grasped the pull on the zipper. I was moving slowly. I think all three of us wanted to prolong and savor this moment.
I looked at Chris again. He was staring at me with an expression of triumph. I understood. I was obediently giving him my wife and he was relishing the role of conquering stud.
I took a deep breath and inched the zipper down the back of Kelly's dress. When it was finally fully open I tugged on the skirt and let the dress fall to her ankles.
As Kelly stepped out of the clump of rumpled white chiffon she said, "Dicklet, pick up my dress and lay it across the back of the chair over there." She laughed. "We're going to be using the couch and you certainly aren't going to be allowed to sit in any chairs for the remainder of this evening. At least not in our presence."
My wife glared at me with mock impatience while I picked up her dress. She was now obviously feeling very dominant and sadistic. I suspected that the moments of tender reassurance from her were over for the remainder of the evening.
I carefully straightened her dress and then laid it across the back of the chair. As soon as I was finished Kelly gave me further directions, "Now pull the coffee table away from the couch. We're going to need a little play space."
I quickly complied. My entire body was surging with electric excitement.
Once I was done Kelly nodded approvingly and said, "Very good dicklet. You really do make an excellent servant."
I beamed at my wife. Her praise made me feel like dancing with joy and then I looked at her, really looked at her.
My wife turned to me and extended her hand but I didn't respond. At that moment I couldn't. My attention was focused on my wife's naked body. I was captivated. The white lingerie and high heeled shoes that she wore were the perfect compliment for her long blond hair and soft milky skin. She was indeed a goddess.
Kelly noticed my stupor and immediately understood it's cause. She smiled at me and slowly shook her head and then she gave a quick nod towards her boyfriend. It was almost like she was saying, this is not for you slaveboy. Tonight my body belongs to that handsome man sitting on the couch..
She motioned with her fingers. I took her extended hand, but it was more of an automatic response than an overt action.
"Present me to my boyfriend."
I glanced at my wife out of the corner of my eye. I was still overwhelmed by her captivating beauty. Her long blond hair piled in loose curls around her shoulders. Her large firm breasts stood proud, her nipples erect. I could almost hear them begging to be fondled and teased. The garter belt served as the perfect frame for her smoothly shaved pussy. I yearned with envy as I realized that the sweet cleft that I so enjoyed tasting now waited to receive the attention of another man.
"Timmy, I know you heard me. Be assured that I will not tolerate disobedience. Unless you wish to be spanked I suggest that you comply with my direction immediately."
Chris held up his hand. "Kelly, stop. This is too much. The poor guy is mortified with embarrassment."
"No Chris, I won't stop. Timmy and I both agreed that we wanted to push our limits tonight. If I'm making a demand that my babydoll can't bear to fulfill he can always say check. That's why we have a safe word."
Kelly's words snapped me out of my reverie. I wasn't hesitating because I was humiliated. I was simply overwhelmed by the situation. Standing next to my gorgeous wife as she was about to give herself to another man had overloaded my senses. For a moment my brain seemed to shut down.
I quickly pulled myself together. I could see a hint of concern creeping into Kelly's eyes. I needed to reassure her that I was all right and that she was in fact not pushing me too hard.
I smiled at her and said, "Ms. Mamister, I beg you not to do that. Please don't power me present you to your boyfriend."
Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she grinned and said, "Timmy honey I really was starting to get scared that I might have gone too far."
I shook my head no and gave my wife a sly little wink.
From the couch Chris suddenly yelled, "Check!"
We both turned and looked at him.
He threw his arms up. "What in the world just happened?"
Kelly and I both started chuckling. Kelly smiled at her boyfriend and said, "My little babydoll was using our code to tell me that I not only wasn't pushing him too far, he was excited about what I was doing."
I looked at Chris and shrugged. "I'm sorry, the situation was getting so exciting that my brain kind of overloaded for a moment. I mean Kelly is incredibly gorgeous right now and I have to admit that your big dick is pretty imposing when it's sticking straight up like that."
My wife giggled. "It really is isn't it."
Chris shook his head. "All right, I'm sorry. I should have had more faith in the rules of your game." He shrugged. "You have to remember this sexual domination stuff is all pretty new to me. I've watched Kelly, Keisha and Tonya with Mandy before, but this is the first time I've ever been a participant."
I smiled at Chris. "Hey, there's no need to apologize. You started to feel uncomfortable about what was happening. That's the purpose of the word check. I'm glad you used it. I don't think there was anything wrong with asking to take a moment to clarify how each of us felt about what was occurring. Frankly your concern makes me even happier that you're with us."
"Well I'm still sorry, I feel like I destroyed the mood."
I nodded. "Maybe, but it will also help us be more confident when we play in the future."
My wife sat down next to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "Chris Kendricks, you are a very sweet man. It's one of the many reamisters that I'm glad that you're our friend."
Kelly started unbuttoning his shirt. "Now let's get these clothes off of you. You're the only one who's still overdressed."
Posts: 1459
Afraid, excited, torn apart, aroused - I believe you've used the word 'dismisterance' before, and you certainly captured it there. Thanks GH, nice work!
Posts: 492
Well done, GH, well done.
I really like these three together.