Posts: 492
That was a great exchange between the two of them GH. Well done. I just really enjoy your writing.
Posts: 178
It's interesting to watch Kelly alternately taking care of Timmy's honest insecurities and trying to make him feel better about himself -- all the while also teasing him. It's the essent of the cuckold/offense/masochistic fantasy, isn't it? She pretends she's mean to him in order to be good to him. But she cares about him too, so she has to express this care -- don't we always, when we love someone, feel like expressing our need to take care? So the pretend button is constantly alternating, on and off, on and off, on and off... A moving contradiction, like life itself.  Really great story! All thumbs up.
Posts: 2106
Continued excellence, gh! i just got caught up again. i didn't have much time during the holidays but it was worth the wait! i hope your holidays were enjoyable and that things are cool in R/L. Keep up the wonderful work. priss
Posts: 4050
#304 · Edited by: goodhusband
Stormy, droppinby, Trf2, asehepe and priss
Thanks for the kind comments.
Posts: 4050
#305 · Edited by: goodhusband
Elvira Higgins walked into the store about a half hour after I finished my telephone call with Kelly
"Good morning Timmy, how are you today?"
"I'm good Elvira, how are you?"
"I'm feeling pretty chipper for a seventy-seven year old fussbudget."
I chuckled at Elvira's comment while she hung her coat in the storage closet. As soon as she was done she poured herself a cup of coffee and walked over to the counter.
"So tell me about the guy in the big black Lincoln that came by here yesterday. When you stopped to pick up your car in the afternoon, you were in and out of the store so quickly that I didn't have a chance to ask you about it. Last night Kirby and I spent quite a bit of time speculating about what was happening. He thinks you might be working for the CIA."
I laughed. "No Elvira, Kirby is definitely wrong about that. I am not a spy for the CIA."
In the back of my mind I thought that this was a good example of the difference between Kirby and Elvira. They were both loud and brassy; but this morning, even though he was probably dying of curiosity, Kirby was too discreet to ask me about something he viewed as my permisteral business. Elvira on the other hand, asked me straight out as soon as she saw me this morning.
Elvira stared at me. "All right, you're not a spy. So tell me what is going on. I assume this has to do with the problems you're having with your wife."
I shook my head. "Elvira you certainly can be direct."
She grinned at me. "Timmy honey, I'm an old lady. I don't have time to dilly dally."
That made me laugh again. I really liked Elvira. "The man in the Lincoln was named Edward Baylor."
Elvira rolled her eyes. "I already knew that."
I stared at her.
She laughed. "You didn't actually believe I wasn't eavesdropping on everything the two of you said in the store did you? I also know that he said he had a lucrative proposition for you. Kirby thinks he was a spy from another country trying to get you to sell information."
I shook my head. "Kirby has a very creative imagination."
Elvira grinned. "He really does. I think that's one of his most admirable qualities."
I nodded in agreement.
"So tell me about Edward Baylor and his lucrative proposition."
"He was representing Martin Jackmister. That's one of the men owns the company that employed my wife. Edward Baylor offered me five thousand dollars if I would agree to meet with Mr. Jackmister for thirty minutes."
"That's a lot of money, he must have really wanted to talk to you." She looked at me for a moment and then she asked. "Was he the guy who was having an affair with you wife?"
Suddenly I realized that this was going to be very difficult to explain. I thought about telling Elvira that it was none of her business, but I didn't want to do that. She was my friend and for some reamister I felt like she might be able to understand.
I took a deep breath. "Yes and no."
"Yes and no! What kind of an answer is that! Either she was riding the pork pole with him or she wasn't."
"The pork pole? That's a very descriptive phrase for a genteel lady like yourself."
"Genteel? Who said I was genteel? I was never genteel, I'm just old. Besides, that's Kirby's phrase, not mine."
"You and Kirby must have some very frank conversations."
"Why not? He's a retired navy cook and I'm an old lady. Why should anyone care what we talk about." She stared at me. "And before you get any ideas, let me get this straight. I am not riding the pork pole with Kirby. I've never believed in playing around with the people at work. I creates too many complications."
Elvira paused and took a breath. "All right, let's get back to what happened yesterday. Was this Jackmister guy boffing your wife?"
I slowly nodded. "Yes he was, but Kelly wasn't actually having an affair with him."
"Really? You mean they were just getting together for an occasional casual roll in the hay."
"That's right.'
"Was he just trying to buy you off?"
"I suppose you could interpret it that way, but I think that it might be better to say that he was trying to atone for some mistakes that he'd made."
"I'm not sure I see the difference."
"It's kind of complicated."
"Timmy honey, I've got all day."
I smiled at Elvira. "Okay, but you have to promise not to judge either Kelly or me and I'm a little nervous about how Kirby would take what I'm going to tell you."
"Timmy, I'm too old and I've made too many mistakes in my life to judge anybody. And don't worry about Kirby, I'll explain things so that he can understand. Besides, he really likes you. He'll want to understand."
I spent the next half hour telling Elvira everything. She was very open minded and her responses and questions relaxed me so I opened up to her and bared my soul. When I was done I thought about what I'd told her and started to worry that I might have given her too much information.
Elvira squashed those concerns immediately. "Your Kelly had quite an exciting job. I have to admit that I'm a little envious."
I looked at her with an amazed expression.
"Oh yes, during the fifty-four years I was married to Max I always had a little something going on the side. I never cheated on him. He always knew what I was doing. He was like you, he got a little thrill out of knowing that I was relaxing with other men."
"Are you telling me that Max was a cuckold and you were a hotwife?"
"Those terms have only recently become fashionable; but yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Timmy, like your wife, I have always loved sex. Sweetie when I was young I could handle three hot sessions a day and still be ready for more." Elvira smiled at me. "Now that I'm older I've cooled down a little bit. If I get laid three or four times a week I'm very content."
I stared at Elvira. "Are you telling me?"
"Be careful Timmy; I may be old, but I'm not dead."
"But earlier you told me that you and Kirby weren't..."
"And we aren't. I repeat what I said earlier, I have always made it a policy to not play around at work."
"Was Max submissive like me?"
Elvira's face broke into a huge smile. "Oh yes, he was both a wonderful husband and my loyal slave for all fifty-four years that we were together. He did all the housework. He remained faithful to me during our entire marriage and he always obeyed me. He was the perfect man."
"Was Max happy living as your slave for all those years?"
Elvira nodded. "Yes, we were both very happy. We often talked about how well we complimented each other and how fortunate we were to have found each other."
I shook my head. I was finding all of this to be both amazing and strangely comforting. Suddenly Elvira's comment about being content if she got laid three or four times a week finally sunk in. I looked at her. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Elvira rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. I have several gentleman friends. One couldn't possibly be enough." She laughed. "Actually, one was never enough, but now that I'm playing with older men, that's even more important. Older men need a day or two to recuperate before they're ready to go again."
I smiled. "Elvira, you are an astonishing woman."
"Because I love sex? Timmy you would be astounded by the number of supposedly prim and proper women, even older women, who love to ride the pork pole."
I chuckled. "Elvira I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing you utter the phrase, 'riding the pork pole'."
Elvira winked at me. "That's why I use it. I love to shock people."
I smiled at her.
She stepped behind the counter and playfully poked me in the ribs. "Enough chit chat cuck boy, it's time to get the register tabulated so I can take over."
We both started laughing.
As we were counting the money in the cash drawer Elvira said, "By the way Timmy, Kirby knows all about Max and me. At first he had a little trouble understanding how a man might want to be submissive to his wife and even more trouble with the idea that he might find it exciting when she slept with other men. We've spent a lot of time discussing it and now he's used to the concept. It will be good for him when I tell him about you and Kelly. He'll start to realize that this life style is a lot more common than he thought it was."
By the time I left the store it was almost 11:00. As I was driving out of the parking lot I thought about what Elvira had just told me. I realized that I was envious of Max and I now knew that I would be very happy spending the next fifty years serving the woman I loved.
Posts: 1914
I wonder GH, if we all knew the truth of other people's desires, would the world be a better place. Less mystery, but could we even cope with it ?
Posts: 4050
I think I understand what you're saying, and I tend to agree. In the real world it would probably be better for Timmy to keep his unusual relationship with his wife a secret. In this story, however, it's essential that Kirby and Elvira know about Timmy and Kelly's relationship.
The next segment, which also appears to be extraneous blabber is equally essential to the outcome of my story.
I appreciate your comment. Like all of your observations it is both insightful and correct. I'm just taking a little literary license as a writer.
Posts: 4050
#308 · Edited by: goodhusband
At 1:30 my cell phone rang. I answered it. It was Kelly.
"Hi baby doll, how's your day going?"
"It's fine Kelly, how was your lunch with Chris?" Ellen was seated at her desk less than fifteen feet away from me, so I didn't want to call Kelly Ms. Mamister. I was afraid that it might pique Ellen's curiosity and I wanted to avoid having to try to explain the intimate details of my relationship with my wife to her. I was afraid that Ellen might have trouble understanding our lifestyle, especially considering the problems she'd had in her own marriage.
Kelly understood immediately. "Ellen must be in the office."
"That's right."
"I think being discreet is wise."
"Tell me about your meeting."
"Timmy you were right to suggest that I talk to Chris. As soon as we sat down at the table he apologized for his continued attempts to seduce me during my first summer with the firm. He told me that before I started working for him he'd read an extensive report in my permisternel file. It described my passion for sex with a variety of partners and your apparent acceptance of that behavior."
"Did it bother you that the firm had a report like that in your file?" I glanced over at Ellen to see if she was paying attention to my side of this conversation, but she seemed to be preoccupied. Her attention was focused on revising an article that she had written for next weeks edition of The Crier.
"Timmy it really didn't. While I was at Kelroy I never made any effort to conceal my promiscuity. The fact that I was a campus slut and a bj queen was common knowledge at the school and in fact, we both know that I deliberately cultivated that reputation. The firm always puts together a detailed report about prospective employees before they hire them. I'm sure that while they were interviewing the people who knew me, my promiscuous behavior was immediately brought to their attention. When you think about it, sex was a huge part of my life while I was going to college. The firm has always been very thorough. It would have been uncharacteristically sloppy if they had neglected to include that information in their reports."
"Kelly, I think that's a very good way to look at this. They were just being professional."
"Chris said that after they found out about that, they were really interested in recruiting me as a hostess but he also said the same thing you pointed out to me last night. That is a very delicate job offer to make. The current legal environment in the United States makes it very difficult to ask a woman if she is interested in becoming a corporate call girl."
"That's right, they had to move very slowly and be absolutely certain that you would be receptive to a business proposition like that before they presented it." I was still trying to be careful to avoid making any kind of a statement that might arouse Ellen's curiosity about the true nature of Kelly's job duties with the firm.
"Yes, now that I've talked to Chris I have a much better understanding of why the firm acted the way they did."
"I'm glad to hear that."
Kelly was quiet for a moment and then she said, "I also had to admit to both Chris and myself that I was at least partly responsible for the misunderstanding because after Chris did succeed in seducing me I lied to him regarding your knowledge about what had happened."
"Yes and that was definitely a factor in how they decided to proceed after that particular incident."
"Is Ellen listening?"
"She may be. I can't be completely certain."
"You're doing a very good job of being surreptitious about your end of this conversation."
"I'm trying. Did Chris's explanation of the events satisfy you?"
"Yes, I'm no longer angry with either Chris or the firm."
"Good, are we having company for dinner tonight?"
"Yes slave boy, we are. Chris was very eager to come over. He feels guilty about how his behavior affected you and he wants to apologize."
"You should tell him that he doesn't need to do that. I understand what happened and I don't hold him responsible."
"I already told him that, but he feels like you were hurt by what happened and he holds himself at least partially responsible for the stress that was placed on our marriage."
"I'll be happy to discuss it with him, but I'll want to move on very quickly. I don't want to put a damper on tonights dinner party."
"Neither do I and neither does Chris. I think all three of us are equally excited about what's going to happen tonight."
I noticed that Ellen had picked up her telephone was making a call.
"Does Chris understand what my role is going to be tonight?"
"Be careful sweetheart, that might make Ellen curious."
"She's on the telephone. She's not paying any attention to our conversation."
"Good. Yes, he knows that you're going to be acting as my slave and he's very excited about the idea. Chris is really very kinky."
Kelly paused for a moment and then she said, "Guess what."
"Tell me."
"Chris is willing to let you be in the room while were having sex. Baby doll you're going to get to watch him fuck me tonight." She giggled. "This evening after you serve us our cocktails I'm going to give Chris a blow job and you're going to watch me doing it. Will seeing me with another man's cock in my mouth excite you baby?"
My breath caught. I just managed to stammer out, "You know it will."
"After dinner Chris and I are going to retire to the living room and relax while you clean up the kitchen. As soon as you're done, all three of us are going to go into my bedroom and you're going to kneel at the foot of the bed and watch while Chris fucks me."
Kelly took a deep breath. When she continued I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was getting very excited. "Timmy, just thinking about this is getting me wet. Is you little soldier standing up?"
"Yes it is."
Kelly giggled. "It's too bad that your little dick isn't going to get any exercise tonight. You're just going to be kneeling on the floor watching while the big man gets to have all the fun."
My wife was taunting me now and her malicious treatment was getting me even more excited.
"Hey Dicklet, do you know what you're going to do when Chris is done fucking me?"
I had a pretty good guess, but I wanted to hear Kelly say it. I glanced over at Ellen. Her attention was still focused on her telephone call. I whispered, "No Ms. Mamister, what am I going to have to do?"
"Dicklet, you're going to climb up on the bed and lick my lover's cum out of my cunt while he watches."
I gasped. Kelly heard me. She laughed. "That got your motor running, didn't it Dicklet."
I whispered. "No Ms. Mamister, please don't make me do that."
I was of course using our code. If I beg Kelly to stop doing something while were playing a domination game it means that I am actually enjoying what's happening. This allows Kelly to be a cruel bitch and callously ignore my pleas for mercy while she continues to torment me. Since I'm a masochist and my wife is a sadist, that makes the game even more exciting for both of us.
If I really do want her to stop doing something we have a safe word. Our safe word is "check". Anytime either of us says "check" we have both agreed to stop whatever were doing, step out of character for a moment and talk about what was happening as equals.
Kelly immediately grasped what I was doing. She said, "Too bad pussyboy. Tonight you're going to lick up every drop of my lover's cum and if you refuse I'm going to borrow Mr. Kendrick's belt and whip you with it until you beg to obey me.”
I laughed. "Kelly, I think this is going to be a very fun evening."
My wife giggled. "Timmy honey, I don't think I've ever been so excited about a dinner party."
"What would you like me to serve tonight?"
"Something simple, I don't want you to have to spend the entire evening in the kitchen. I want you to be able to have fun tonight. I want all three of us to be able to play together."
"How about a standing rib roast, baked potatoes and a tossed salad."
"That would be perfect. Chris loves roast beef. Will you be home in time to get it into the oven?"
"What time do you want me to serve dinner?"
"Why don't I tell Chris to come over at 7:30. You can plan on serving the salad at 8:15 and the dinner at 8:30. That will give Chris and I time for cocktails and an appetizer and it will also give me time to give Chris a quick blow job before dinner."
"Perfect, that will give me plenty of time to finish up here, go to the grocery store, clean the house, make all the preparations for dinner and take a nap." I glanced at Ellen. She was still on the telephone. I added in a whisper, "And I would also love to help you get dressed for your date."
"Timmy this is going to be so much fun."
"Yes it will be, but we'd both better get back to work. You have to meet with Tonya and I have to finish editing a stack of advertising copy."
"Okay." Kelly paused for a moment. She seemed to be thinking about something. Finally she very tentatively said, "Timmy."
"Would it be all right if I stopped to see Janet Collins before I leave the office today? Janet is the receptionist for the partners and she's one of the people who have access to their appointment calendars."
"Do you want to make an appointment to see Martin Jackmister tomorrow?"
"Do you want to talk to him about getting your old job back?'
"Yes, would that be okay with you?"
"Yes Kelly, I think that would be a very good idea."
"Oh Timmy thank you so much. I promise that I'll always be a very good wife to you."
"Just promise that you'll never lie to me again."
"Timmy I promise. I'll never ever lie to you again."
"Kelly we'd both better get back to our tasks for the day. What time do you think you'll get home this afternoon."
“I should be home by five.'
"I may be taking a nap. If I am wake me up. I want to hear about the rest of your day."
"Babydoll, you didn't get much relax last night. You need a nap.'
"Don't worry honey. Wake me up when you get home. I'll be okay."
"All right, I will. I love you Babydoll."
"I love you too Kelly."
I turned off my cell phone and went back to editing advertising copy. A few minutes later Ellen finished her telephone conversation.
As soon as she hung up she looked at me and asked, "Is Kelly having a problem with her job?"
I nodded. "Yes, there was a misunderstanding about company policy and she resigned last Friday.'
"Oh my! What's she going to do?"
"She's meeting with several people from the firm right now. They don't want her to resign and it sounds like they're working everything out. She'll be meeting with at least one of the partners in the morning and that should result in her returning to work next week."
"Oh I hope so, Kelly loved that job."
I smiled. "Yes she did and she was very good at it."
Posts: 1459
Excellent GH, I love the way these two relate to each other, both when things were bad and now, as they reach a better understanding. The way you are moving this story forward is very good. It goes back to what somebody said here about the mind being the most important sexual organ - even with little or no sex in these segments I find them very exciting. The hints of what is to come!
Posts: 4050
Thanks Stormy
I'm slowly working up to what I hope will be a very hot sex scene.
Posts: 173
It has already been said but this build up is possibly the most exciting part of the story GH, wondering how it will all go down and imagining it in my head is getting me hotter and hotter.
Can't wait to hear how it all happens and how much Timmy will like being cuckolded right in front of his face.
Posts: 4050
I'm writing as fast as I can right now to get there.
Posts: 4050
#313 · Edited by: goodhusband
My deep breathing exercises must have relaxed me, because I dozed off. Suddenly I sensed movement in the bed and then I felt warm breath on my neck. I opened my eyes. It was Kelly.
She kissed my cheek. "Hi babydoll, it's 5:30. When does the roast need to go into the oven?"
I did some quick math. Six pounds at twenty-five minutes a pound, one hundred fifty minutes, two and a half hours. Fifteen minutes to let the roast rest before carving it. Dinner should be served at 8:30. I sat up. "I'd better turn on the oven so it can preheat. The roast should go in at 5:45.'
"I already turned it on. It's set at 350 degrees. Is that right?'
I smiled at my wife. Thank you, that will help.” I sat up. "Let's go to the kitchen. I'm going to turn the oven up to 400 and then I'll turn it back to 325 when I actually put the roast in. That will sear the meat when it starts cooking."
Kelly and I went into the kitchen. She sat at the the table and watched while I turned up the temperature on the oven and took the roast out of the refrigerator.
While we were waiting for the oven to heat up I asked, "How did the meeting go with Tonya?"
My wife shrugged. "Next to you, she's my best friend. It was more like a gossip session than a meeting. Martin, John and Wendell are all very upset about what happened and they're apparently desperate to find a way to get me back."
"That's nice to hear."
She smiled. "Yes it is."
“Were you able to schedule a meeting with Martin tomorrow?”
“Yes, at ten o'clock.”
"Are you absolutely certain that you want to go back?"
Kelly stared at me. After a moment she said, "I would like to, but only if I have your blessing."
I chuckled. "If I become your slave, my feelings about your decisions really shouldn't matter."
Kelly rolled her eyes. "Timmy honey, we may decide to make your status as my slave permanent, but that will never change the fact that you are also my husband, my best friend, my number one confidant and my chief permisteral advisor. As it turns out, I may not have been able to honor my vow of fidelity to you, but I did make a commitment to share my life with you and that's a vow that I do intend to keep. Slave or not, anytime I have to make a serious decision I plan to continue to seek your guidance. Baby, my job at JTandR almost cost us our marriage and it did cause both of us significant emotional distress. I will not return to that job without your consent."
I walked over and kissed Kelly's cheek. "Thank you, I appreciate that. If you would like to return to your old job at JTandR, you have my blessing."
Kelly's face lit up. "Really?"
"Yes, actually I think I told you that earlier today."
My wife nodded. "You did, but that was on the telephone. The job caused so much pain and anguish for you that I needed to be able to see your face when you gave me your permission. Baby I have to be absolutely certain that it's all right with you."
I smiled at Kelly. "I assure you that it is not only all right with me, I happen to think that it's a very good idea. I also want you to know that this discussion just alleviated most of the concerns that I had about becoming your slave.
Kelly stared at me. "Timmy are you serious?"
"Yes, I think I am."
"You really might be willing to make your status as my slave permanent?"
"I'm certainly leaning in that direction right now. We have to talk about it a little more. I want to know exactly what you think it will mean."
Kelly nodded. "That's a good idea. We also have to see how tonight goes."
"Yes, I'm looking at this as kind of a dress rehearsal. I'm hoping that tonight might give me a little glimpse of what life as your slave might be like."
My wife giggled. "I'm excited about getting my first taste of having a slave."
I walked over and kissed her cheek. "I'll bet you're also excited about getting to play with Chris's great big cock."
Kelly's breath caught. She giggled. "Dicklet, you are so right about that." She put her arms around my neck, nuzzled my ear and whispered. "I can't wait to see the expression of envy on your face when you see me sucking his big beautiful penis."
Behind us the chime on the oven sounded signaling that the temperature had reached 400 degrees.
I kissed my wife and said; "Please excuse me Ms. Mamister, you're obedient slave has to attend to his duties."
I picked up the roast, put it into the oven and turned the temperature down to 325 degrees. As soon as that was done I said, "I'll have to remember to come back in an hour and put the potatoes in with the roast."
Kelly nodded. "That will be at 6:45. I'll help you remember. She patted my butt. "Come on Dicklet, let's go into the bedroom. It's time for you to start getting me ready for my evening."
"Ms. Mamister, I do believe that this is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase, "A labor of love."
Posts: 4050
#314 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as we got into the bedroom Kelly's kissed my cheek and said, "Timmy, tonight I intend to tease, torment and humiliate you with relentless intensity. Please do not forget that I will always love and respect you more than any other permister in the entire world." She smiled at me. "Including Chris Kendricks." She paused and then she added, "Tonight, especially Chris Kendricks."
I nodded. "Yes Ms. Mamister, I'll try to remember."
"Also don't forget that we have a safe word. This is going to be very exciting for me. I may get carried away. If things start to get too intense, all you have to do is say, 'check' and we'll take a break and talk about what's happening. Chris is aware of this and he has also agreed to abide by this rule."
"I'll remember Ms. Mamister, but I'm going to try very hard to avoid saying check. I want you to push my limits."
When she heard me say that Kelly took a deep breath. "Timmy, this is so exciting. I'm already wet." She lifted the hem of her skirt, picked up my hand and placed it between her thighs. The crotch of her panties was soaked.
She smiled at me. I smiled back. For a moment we stared at each other adoringly and then Kelly's smile suddenly vanished. Her entire demeanor seemed to change. She slapped my hand away from her panty covered cunt and glared at me. "That's for my lover. Now get those fucking clothes off pussyboy. I want my slave to be naked when he serves me."
Kelly sat down on the edge of the bed and watched while I quickly removed my clothing. She smiled when I dropped my trousers and exposed my lace trimmed panties. "Those look very cute on you sissyboy."
"Thank you Ms. Ma..."
"Silence! Dicklet I am not interested in hearing your pathetic attempts to express your gratitude. You can do that by serving me with enthusiasm and diligent effort."
Kelly was setting the tone for the evening. I suddenly realized that for me, this dinner party was going to be a humiliating and torturous experience. I was frightened for a moment, but then I remembered what Kelly had just told me and I now understood why she'd found it necessary to say it. I relaxed. I was a masochist. I'd spent years fantasizing about an experience like this one. It was time to forget about my fears and inhibitions and let myself go.
I nervously pulled my panties down. After I stepped out of them I gathered up all my clothes and carried them to my closet. As soon as I was finished hanging them up I walked back over to my wife. I stood naked in front of her with my head humbly bowed and waited for her next command.
Posts: 4050
#315 · Edited by: goodhusband
Kelly was watching me very carefully. She smiled when she noticed my submissive posture. I knew my wife very well. This wasn't a tender, caring smile. This was an expression of triumph and superiority. She was enjoying her newly acquired supremacy over me.
She stood up. In a tone of voice dripping with arrogance she said, "Undress me."
I moved quickly. I was desperate to demonstrate my absolute obedience to Kelly. I was her slave. I wanted her to know that pleasing her was now the only thing in this world that mattered to me. I removed my wife's blouse, skirt and brassiere with loving care; but when it was time to take off her panties I adopted an attitude of reverence and fell to my knees.
I slowly lowered Kelly's beige lace thong. As I exposed her shaved pussy I longed to be able to lean forward and kiss those soft moist lips, but I didn't dare. I knew and understood my place. I was now my wife's slave. I was no longer one of her lovers. Kissing or touching her naked cunt was now a privilege that my wife would grant to me only at a time of her own choosing.
I pulled Kelly's panties down to her feet. After she stepped out of them she said, "Gather up my clothes and take them to my closet. Hang up my skirt so that it doesn't get wrinkled and throw my blouse and underwear in the laundry basket. You can wash them tomorrow."
I quickly did as I was ordered. When I returned Kelly was seated on the edge of the bed. I stopped in the middle of the room. For a moment I stood perfectly still and stared at her. I couldn't help myself. My wife had a beautiful body and when I saw her naked it often had a mesmerizing effect on me.
As soon as I realized what I was doing I averted my eyes. I didn't want to offend my goddess by rudely staring at her.
Kelly saw me look away and said, "That's okay slave. You can look at me." She smiled. "In fact I want you to look. It excites me to imagine the anguish you will be feeling as you start to understand that tonight another man will be freely enjoying the pleasures of my beautiful body while all you will be allowed to do is look."
She was right. I closed my eyes. Pangs of jealousy and envy stabbed at my gut as I imagined Chris's fingers touching and caressing my wife's erect nipples."
Kelly read the expression on my face and laughed. "That's right pussyboy, Mr. Kendricks is going to have a very exciting evening." She enjoyed her sadistic little joke for a moment and then she said, "But I'm not going to be a total bitch." She winked at me. "At least not yet. I am going to let you kiss me." She pointed at the floor in front of her. "Get down on your knees and crawl over here like a dog."
For the first time I winced at one of Kelly's insults.
She noticed and chuckled. "Did that one hurt your feelings pussyboy? Don't you want to be my little puppy dog?"
I didn't know how to respond so I just stared at the floor.
"I hope you do, because just before Mr. Kendricks gets here I'm going to give you a present that will be just perfect for a little puppy dog like you."
I was completely disconcerted. All I could do was continue staring at the floor.
"I thought I told you to get down on your hands and knees and crawl over here! If you do not obey me immediately I am going to order you to go to your closet and fetch one of your belts for me so that I can whip this little streak of insubordination out of you."
That jolted me back to my senses. I immediately fell to my knees and crawled over to my wife.
As soon as I was kneeling in front of her Kelly leaned forward and patted my head. "That's a good boy. It hurts me to yell at you and it will hurt me even more if I have to punish you, but it does appear that I am going to have to spend some time training you. Dicklet, it really is very important that a slave knows how to behave."
Posts: 144
#316 · Edited by: Lisaandmikey
Over the past several days my husband has spent virtually all of his time writing in an effort to try to end this story. He is a huge Minnesota Vikings fan and I actually had to order him to take time off to watch the game. If you question that statement, I suggest that you look at the number of posts that he has made since he started writing again last week.
I know that part of this effort was due to the fact that his brother became Ill over the holidays and he had to take some time off from writing. He tried very hard to make up for that absence.
But I think there is more to it than that and I have tried to get him to understand. He is very frustrated by the response this story is getting. If you have been following the story this should not be a surprise.
My husband enjoys writing stories with character and plot. He has never gotten much satisfaction out of writing masturbation fodder. Unfortunately this is an erotic web site and most of the readers come here looking for masturbation fodder.
I have been trying to suggest to my husband that this is probably not the best venue for his stories. He likes to post here because he has the freedom to go back and reedit hs stories after he posts them.
During the past four days my husband has spent most of his time writing and posting and he has recieved very little recognition for his efforts. This has caused him a great deal of frustration. He also notes that there are stories where the writers are posting only one or two paragraphs a week who are getting a much more favorable response.
I keep trying to tell him that he is posting at the wrong site. The readers here are looking for something other than what he writes. My husband is very reluctant to leave. He has had some wonderful experiences posting on this site and he feels like he has made some wonderful friends.
He has been writing nonstop for over four years. He has given you some wonderful stories, but I think it is now time for him to move on. He is finding the lack of response here much too frustrating, especially when compared to the response that other stories are getting.
Those of you who follow my husbands stories know that I am the final authority in our marriage and tonight I informed him that I will no longer allow him to post on this site.
Please do not dishonor my husband by making comments like, GH we just want you to take care of your health or gee whiz, whatever you decide to do is fine with us. When you think about them, they're actually rather demeaning. My husband may be a submissive cuckold, but from his writing I hope that you can also see that he is a very strong and proud man.
Posts: 28
#317 · Edited by: ThatLuckyGuy
Hey, I haven't worked even one percent as hard as your husband has, yet I can identify with your concerns and his issues.
And my episodes were easy to write because I just had to try to remember a few years worth of events. I'm sure I got some small things inaccurate, but my task was far easier than writing all your husband's stories.
The funny thing is that although I've really appreciated the few people who have responded to my one and only story, I still wonder why I haven't heard more. I really get hard reading stories even if they're not right up my alley, but it could be that my life has just been too tame to appeal to many people here.
And on the other side of the coin, your husband's stories are a turn-on for me even though I'm not into offense at all. But you are right that people seem to come here more for masturbation fodder, and I too tend to skim stories that have so much build-up before the action.
So, I understand if you feel it's best to keep him from getting any more burned out on this site. I'm sure some others will chime in with their support, but I doubt it will be the groundswell that makes it all seem worthwhile.
Also, I've thought that maybe a lot of readers are not members so they cannot post. We can see how many visits a story gets, but we don't know how many people are following it. I figure that my story is about to hit 6 thousand visits in a couple of weeks, but I'm guessing that this is made up of maybe 200 people hitting it 20 times each and then 2 thousand more who hit it once and never come back because it's boring to them. If those numbers are anything close to correct, then that means that 90% of the people who see my story find it uninteresting.
Your husband's stories are so long that this factor alone could cause a high reject rate. If these stories were acted out, people would get hooked on them as they would a soap-opera, but with a much bigger pay-day in the end. But writing requires reading, which lends itself to skimming.
I wish I had better news, but I hope that your husband is able to redirect his considerable abilities in a more satisfying direction.
Posts: 144
#318 · Edited by: Lisaandmikey
You're absolutely correct. My husband also understands this, and this is why he has become more interested in posting his stories at Literotica. At that site, there is a greater interest in reading actual stories.
He likes to initially post his stories here because he can retain editing control of them after they are posted. Sometimes it is only just so he can go back and edit out typos. If you go to Literotica and read the first chapter of "Brenda and Bobby" you will see that it is full of errors. GH would love to go back and change those errors, but at Literotica that is much more complicated.
In "Sandra and Stevie" Stevie originally had a brother. As the story progressed, this became a problem. Because the story was posted at this site, he was able to go back and change the brother to an old college buddy.
I have tried to get him to ignore the response his stories are currently getting at this site. We talk about why he actually chooses to post here, but the lack of response is very frustrating, especially during periods when he is being his most productive.
He was very proud of the segments that he posted over the past two days and when he went to bed tonight he was very disappointed by the response that they'd received.
By the way, tomorrow morning he is going to be very angry with me when he reads all of this, but I love my husband and I can't stand by and watch his frustration.
Posts: 28
You've been very supportive of him, but he still might not be too happy about your method in this case. I happen to think you're right-on, but so what?
I had heard of that other site too, but haven't been there. I can really appreciate the way the ability to edit makes all the difference. I just don't have the time and energy to ensure that I get all the typos out the first time, and I hate to think of people reading through "he" when I meant "her" and "the" when I mean "they", etc. I also sometimes have to go back and fill in some sentences because sometimes a passage seemed sensible in my mind only because I know what actually happened but I forgot that others need to have me make sure I don't leave too big a gap.
If his real target is some other site, then he could just post here out of kindness to those that do appreciate his stuff, but not expect to get much feedback. Maybe he could leave them here for a few days and only revisit them to edit them. But I assume he writes them using a word-processor, so he really wouldn't have to come here to find things that need correcting.
I can also see how changing story lines after the fact can be handy. In the example you cited, you couldn't exactly have a guy blowing his brother and keep the same audience as you'd have if it was just his college buddy. (Not that the story you're speaking of involved that twist.)
The point is that flexibility is handy. I suppose you could get around this the way you'd do it in a book. Write the whole damn thing to make sure you work out all the problems and go back and change earlier events to keep you from getting painted into corners later.
Oh, and thanks for not being mad that I agreed with you that his focus should probably be elsewhere, despite the history of good connections here.
Posts: 125
lisa i hope you will reconsider not letting him post here any more...i agree there is a lack of response. i stop here about once a week or so and this is the first place i start........ i also go to literotica but there just seems like there is so many posts that this great work may get lost.......there is much more to writing erotica than sex scenes and this is one of the things i love the most about his stories...........all i can say is gh you rock........ 
Posts: 178
#321 · Edited by: asehpe
Lisa, I am curious. It seems both you and Mike feel that the response given by the readers of Mike's stories is insufficient. Yet I see quite a number of them posting their appreciation here, with attention to specific details and even comments precisely on plot and subplots, characterization, etc. The people who read Mike's stories here are not only totally interested and appreciative, they seem to rise way above the usual praising comment ("Hi! Great story! Please post more!") that you see so often in other story threads in this post.
So, what exactly is wrong? Did you guys want more readers with more comments? But, in this site, this would imply lots of simplistic, boilerplate comments. From the kind of fiction Mike writes, I suspect this is not the kind of reaction he wants. What is the reaction at Literoritca, and why do you find it better there? (Permisterally, I've seen several nasty commenters who don't seem to have much respect for people whose kinks don't agree with theirs).
I'm not necessarily claiming it is better or worse to post here -- after all, Literotica is simply a different site, and we can all go there or here, wherever the two of you feel better. I'm just really curious about what exactly you expected, and whether you're getting it there more than here.
Posts: 3581
Posts: 492
#323 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
GH, I don't know what to say other than I will certainly miss your stories here. You are a gifted writer and I appreciate all your hard work entertaining us. There are a lot of lurkers here who apparently can't be bothered to give any support to you guys and applaud your hard work. It's a shame. I do understand your frustration.
Oh, just wanted to add.........it was so nice seeing your Vikings kick the crap out of the Cowboys after having to sit through two weeks of watching the Cowboys kick the crap out of my Eagles.
Go Vikings. I am actually going to the Super Bowl in Miami and hope to see them playing in it.
Thanks GH for everything. Good luck with your golf game.
Best wishes
Posts: 242
Lisa, Please say it aint so!! I have posted comments on GH's stories but not near what I should. I explained to him that I am in the military and have very limited internet time. I try to cut and paste the stories quickly so I can spend my time emailing and chatting with family and friends back home in the states.
I guess my question would be, why does he actually write these stories? Is it just for the "comments" people leave or lack of comments? After reading his first story I believe he writes because he wants to, he knows he is a very talented writer and keep readers wanting and demanding more! This is a credit to him, I don't know the number of hits he gets on his stories but I assume it is very high. Now I am no expert but I believe that probably 90% of those people are non members and cannot post, then you will have a few %'s that cut and paste or print the stories quickly as to not be caught reading them by their signifcant other and having to explain why they are reading such stories. That only leaves a small percentage left and out of them probably half will not comment because they would think their comment would be stupid only saying "good story". So as I said I guess it all boils down to why he writes the story in the first place.
Good luck GH in whatever you do, you are a great writer and will be missed at this site if made to leave. Your wife knows best so abide by her demands. Lisa thanks go to you for allowing GH to post his stories, he is very lucky to have you! Whatever you decide loyal followers will find a way to show their appreication for GH excellent writing.
Posts: 144
#325 · Edited by: Lisaandmikey
As long as my husband accidentally created this spot I'll use it.
I think this is important to understand. Actually what my husband is looking for are quick comments. If the numbers are down he needs some sort of feedback to tell him that some people are still enjoying his story.
We both love your comments. They are always interesting and insightful but when Mikey is asking for comments he is seeking, "That was good, please keep writing or simply I am enjoying this.
You once commented about your love for the story, Pollyanna. I'll now ask you to think about Bambi. When we were growing up, we all learned this little rule. If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all.
Because of that in this context silence can be interpreted as negative criticism.
Posts: 4050
I wish that my wife had not created this furor, but she did and so I will respond. I was a little tired last night and feeling a bit down. I had been working very hard over the past several days to make some progress in this story because it had bogged down a little. Before I went to bed I was lamenting the fact that very few people seemed to be reading this story. That observation was not based on the number of written responses that I was getting. It was based on the number of hits the story was getting. That is the number that appears in the views column and that is how I judge the reception a story recieves. Over the past week this story has received less than 500 hits. By comparimister, Sandra and Stevie averaged almost 3000 hits per week. Now that number may be inflated because Sandra and Stevie has been around for three years, but in fact the large majority of those hits were accumulated while the story was being posted. There are currently stories at this site that haven't even been fleshed out and rarely have segments added that are getting over a thousand hits a week. I am putting hours of work into a story that is getting read less than stories that are getting only an occasional short addition. the conclusion I have to draw is that most of the readers at this site are no longer interested in what I am offering. I am not being critical of the readers here. That has never been my intention. In fact one of the reamisters that I have continued to post here is because of some of the wonderful people who I have had an opportunity to interract with. The problem lies with me. It is obvious that I am not giving the readers here what they want. I suppose that's one of the reamisters I was working so hard this past week. I was trying get through some of the plot details and move on to some cuckold sex scenes. When I started this story it was very popular, but the number of hits per week has been slowly dwindling. I know that's partly due to it's length. Many people (and rightly so) don't want to devote that much time to a sex story. I started to become concerned about the reduced number of hits in November and that was why I appeared to be so desperate to get verbal responses. I was trying to figure out why readers seemed to be losing interest. Today when I looked at my previous stories that Lisa bumped to the front I was shocked by how quickly I had actually managed to write them, and that may be part of the problem. I wrote Sandra and Stevie in less time than it has taken me to get this far in Courtesan. Over the past several years I came to the conclusion that detail was the key to writing a good story, but it may be that I have gone to the extreme and have become bogged down in detail. In any case, it appears that my stories have lost popularity. I had planned to finish this story and quietly disappear. Well see what happens in the near future. I will finish Courtesan and the small handful of people who seem to be still enjoying it will have an opportunity to read it, it just may not be at this site and it may not be as soon as you would like it to be. Techcuck I'm sorry, I would like to keep posting for you. Send me an email address. I will send you the segments as I write them. You can reach me at [email protected]
Posts: 4050
I have one other regret. Yesterday I wrote what I thought were some pretty good segments, and now with all this hubbub I doubt that anyone will even read them.
Posts: 303
#328 · Edited by: cwcobblestone
I sometimes get upset when I post a story that gets lots of reads, but not one permister bothers to say "I dug it." We don't get paid to write these stories, so feedback from readers -- knowing that someone out there likes it -- is pretty much our only reward. Then again, I often will come here myself and neglect to tell an author I enjoyed his story. To be perfectly honest (and crass), I usually only come here for one reamister: to jerk off. I know this wonderful site has lots more to offer than jerkoff material, but that's why I come (no pun intended). That's why I took the time a few weeks ago to tell goodhusband for the first time how much I've enjoyed and admired his work over the years: I was a bit miffed that I'd worked hard on a story and not one permister here saw fit to respond -- and then I realized that I hadn't done much thanking myself, either. It's just the nature of the beast. I suspect most people are here for the same reamisters I am, and once they find what they're seeking they bust their nuts and sign off. It's the internet equivalent of rolling over and going to relax after sex, without worrying about whether your partner is satisfied. If I write a story that makes someone really horny, then I don't expect them to stop what they're doing to say thanks!  As to whether these stories should have more than just sex, it's up to the individual. My stories usally skip all the preliminaries and just get to the "good parts." I've often considered writing a deeper story, where I pay attention to characterization, tension, buildup, etc. Goodhusband is a master at that style, as is Wayne Rogers. But usually I just fire off whatever sexual fantasy happens to be floating through my transim at the time!  In conclusion: I may not always say so, but there are some incredible writers on this forum, and I appreciate all of 'em.
Posts: 178
#329 · Edited by: asehpe
Lisa, thanks for your appreciation of my opinon. As a permister, I try to be as reflexive as I can, because life is full of fascinating things to think about; as a cuck-wannabee, of course I find the lifestyle not simply fascinating, but also a source of food for thought. Which is why I like Mike's stories -- they are among the best, since he gives more attention to non-erotic details. The people in these stories sound like real people, and that was already so even in the very first stories, where less attention was paid to character and permisterality development in the characters. There are other authors here (and everywhere else, by the way, including Literotica) who produce what you called 'masturbation fodder'. I don't want to criticize them for that -- since this lifestyle will never be mine as far as I can tell (my beloved wife is not at all into this kind of play), all I can do is indeed cruise the site, and others similar to this one, looking for masturbation fodder; I do it just as often as the next guy. I don't think there is anything bad with that in principle. But I do think that the number of people who, like me, cannot have it in real life for whatever reamister, is by far superior to the number of people who, like you and Mike, did find a relationship that includes this curiously contradictory and exciting lifestyle. This doubtless explains why the masturbation fodder threads get a lot of hits. (There is a certain ring of irony -- far from the only one in this fascinating lifestyle -- to the fact that, for those men whose wives are not into cuckolding, the only way for them to meet their needs is by vicariously cheating on their wives...) So, masturbation fodder is OK with me. But I am also interested in what goes on behind the scenes, how people actually interact and build up the trust that I see is necessary for non-conventional relationship styles like cuckolding to work. (Dan Savage, the advice columnist for The Stranger, has said a couple of interesting and thoughtful things on the topic of cuckolding, its etiquette, its raimister-d'être, and what people should do when confronted with it...) Which is why I never come to this site without also reading Mike's latest story posts -- even when I don't comment. First of all, he has so much understanding and tenderness for his characters, both male and female; in a world where misunderstandings, stereotyping, and hurt feelings are so frequent, where relationships are apparently never perfect and people hurt each other without more than a moment's thought (and all those patterns are reflected everywhere in fiction as well), it is so refreshing to see Mike's loving tenderness for his characters. Because of that, we also end up caring for them. Who here hasn't cried with April Hansen when she recognized the corpses of Ponce and Danny at the morgue? Who wasn't surprised (and ultimately delighted) by Louis' unexpected reaction to his wife's proposal to become a slave to her and her lover? Who wasn't shocked by what happened when Willie visited Roxanne at work, who didn't suffer thinking of whether he would be able to somehow absorb the trauma and come out of it stronger (Nietzsche: what doesn't ******* me makes me stronger), rather than hating Roxanne? Who doesn't remember the beautiful letter Stevie wrote to Sandra, the letter that sealed their love? In fact, it was the very passion and love for these characters, which Mike so skilfully knows how to inspire in his readers, that led me to even cause that 'diplomatic incident' by posting one scene that I myself created. That shows how moved I was by Mike's characters, how involved I felt with them. (I've read and re-read some of Mike's stories more times than I can count. Sometimes I think I could write a Ph.D. dissertation on them  In fact, the characters in Mike's stories are so invariably lovable, so nice, I end up wishing I actually knew people like that. Not only because of the cuckold lifestyle; I think I would enjoy them even if they were totally vanilla. I remember feeling like this, too, when I first read Pollyanna -- and when I used the word 'Pollyanna' in reference to Mike's stories, I meant it as praise. It seems to me perhaps he, and perhaps also you, Lisa, saw it as implying some sort of 'shallowness' or 'excessive optimism' as a bad feature of the stories; let me try to set the record straight. The problem is simply that, like everybody else, I also have bad experiences in my everyday life (I might perhaps claim right now to have a bit more than the average load). Happy stories, right now, tend to make my eyes a bit watery exactly because I've seen -- am seeing -- not-really-happy things happening to people around me; the contrast between stories so filled with love as Mike's and the reality I see around myself makes me feel a bit sad (my temperament often tends toward gloomy or slightly depressed), which is reflected in my (not always felicitious) choice of words. Mike's stories are exactly the opposite of 'shallow.' They are stories in which he tries, from the very beginning, to develop the actual permisteralities of the people involved, and how they can build up the trust that leads to a presentation scene as an expression of their love. I don't see many others doing it here. I don't blame them -- each has their own interests (blue, for instance, is into more extreme stuff, and his particular desire is to reach higher and higher peaks of 'extremeness'; this can also be very enjoyable). But Mike's style and interests are closer to my heart, both in what he depicts in his sex scenes and in the interest and care he gives to the non-sexual part of his stories. So his are the posts that I always read whenever I come here. Now, I have no special attachment to this site -- cuckoldplace.com -- as such. If you guys prefer to post elsewhere, say at Literotica, I will simply follow you there. If you want more simple "Great story! I'm dying to see what happens next! Keep up the good work!" comments, I can give them. I, alone, can't change the statistics (number of views, etc.). Since there will be more people looking for masturbation fodder (perhaps by permisteral preference, perhaps because of lack of time) than for more complicated stories, my guess is that this is not going to change much, unless you want to provide more masturbation fodder (the threads with pictures, videos, or links to pictures/videos always have more hits). As I said, I have nothing against that. But is that what you want to do? And again, should you decide to migrate to another site and forget this one, I also have no problems -- as I said, I will simply follow you. I only hope that you don't feel disappointed, saddened, or maybe even a bit hurt because of the (relatively) low number of hits. As I said above, this has little to do with real recognition from those who appreciate what Mike is doing. He has made a strong impression on many people, as you can see in virtually every post made by readers to this thread; and that is not a very frequent thing. Don't let the number-of-hits stats hide this fact.
Posts: 2106
Well said,asehpe. gh, your presence will be missed here, but like asehpe and others, i will follow to whatever site you post on. i'm not much into insightful comments, but i look forward to your posts and try to leave something complimentary to let you know your work is much appreciated. You'll always have my support in whatever you decide. priss