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It was only 10.45pm when Alan said, “Get dressed Lisa, I am going to take you somewhere, somewhere you will recognise when we get there.”

Once they had dressed and were in the car and on their way, Lisa could not contain her curiosity any longer and enquired as to where they were going.

Alan laughed excitedly as he replied. “I am taking you to the BMW garage, someone you know will be there but he will not know that you will be there also.”

Lisa was stunned. “You mean Maurice will be there, don’t you?”

“Yes, he told me that he intended to use the garage tonight.
He will have a very nice companion with him and I think, if we’re lucky, we might just catch them, “in flagrante delicto.”
I must say that I don’t think that Maurice treated you very well and I would like you to have something to hold over him.”

Lisa was quiet for a second before saying. “Does that mean that Maurice also knows that I am out with you tonight?”

“Yes, but don’t let that worry you. It’s him that needs to be worried.”

Very soon, Alan parked the car in sight of the garage and motioned for Lisa to get out.

“We’ll leave the car here and walk the rest of the way to the garage, we don’t want to get recognised or caught by parking too close.”

They quietly made their way through the unlocked and open gate to the garage car park, creeping stealthily behind the cars which were waiting to be repaired or serviced.

Suddenly Alan stopped and held his finger to his lips in a sign for Lisa to keep quiet.
He then pointed towards the side wall of the workshop and Lisa soon picked out the shadowy figure of a man pressed against the wall and looking through a window in to the garage.

“It looks like someone has beaten us to it.” Alan whispered.
“Maurice is definitely in there, look there’s his car next to the workshop door.
He’s probably shagging her now in the back of one the cars.
Whoever this guy is he’s getting a good view.
Oh my God, look, he’s masturbating, he’s jerking off to whatever he’s seeing.”

Lisa could just make out the crouched figure of a man furtively wanking himself while presumably watching Maurice fucking his new conquest.

Not a little concerned, Alan took Lisa by the hand and said.
“Let’s get out of here before we are spotted.
Now, back out as quickly and quietly as possible.”

Once out of the compound they both started giggling uncontrollably, unable to believe what they had just witnessed.

“God, that was a really exciting experience, I’ve never seen a peeping tom before.” Lisa chortled.

Alan, composing himself said, “I’m sorry that you didn’t get to see the fun for yourself. I’m sure you would have enjoyed seeing Maurice make a fool of himself.
I’ll bet he has no idea that someone was watching them.
God, I would love to tell him and watch him squirm.
I wonder if the peeping tom knows Maurice.”

Back in the car Alan said. “Right, my lovely lady, it’s time to get you home to that very understanding husband of yours.”

At approximately 11.30pm Robbie saw the lights of Alan’s car as it turned at the gate.
He quickly ran to the window just in time to see his beautiful wife waving goodbye as the big BMW sped away.

Closing the front door behind her, Lisa was surprised to see Robbie standing there, naked apart from her special knickers.

“Oh Robbie, my sweetie, have you been excited for me?
Have you managed to behave yourself while I was away?
Wait till I tell you what happened tonight.”

As she was speaking Robbie made his way towards her and knelt at her feet, looking up he managed to stutter. “I love you my darling, please tell me you have had an exciting night.”

Looking down at him Lisa could not help but stand closer to him so that he could breathe in her fragrance and as before, she pulled his head on to her belly with only the silky fabric of her dress between his face and her recently fucked pussy.

Robbie was in heaven as he inhaled the intoxicating perfumed aroma from between her legs.

Gazing upwards, he said.
“I’ve been thinking about you all night my darling, hoping you were enjoying yourself.
But, you’re home earlier than I expected, did you have a good time, was he good to you, he didn’t hurt you, did he, is everything all right?”

“Yes sweetie, yes everything is all right, I’ve had a wonderful time.
But first, I have to tell you something awfully funny that happened this evening.
You will never believe where Alan took me on the way home.”

“Where did he take you?” Robbie said.

“To the BMW garage, Alan said that Maurice was going to be there tonight with a new girlfriend.
We sneaked in to the compound hoping to peek through the window of the garage and see Maurice and his bit of stuff, on the job so to speak.”

By now Lisa was giggling as she continued.
“But you’ll never guess, some one had beaten us to it.
There was a peeping tom already there, glued to the window, and do you know, he was playing with himself as he watched.
So we didn’t get to catch Maurice at it as we had to make a hurried retreat.
Oh God, I wonder who the peeping tom was and how did he know Maurice would be there with his fancy woman.”

Getting to his feet, Robbie gasped. “I know who your peeping tom is.”

“What? How can you know who it was, you weren’t there.”

“No, I wasn’t there, but I do know who he is.
The man you saw was none other than Mr Poole the bank manager and the woman Maurice was screwing was his wife, Mrs Poole.”

Lisa just stood there gobsmacked and looking completely bemused.

“But, how do you know that, how could you possibly know that?”

Exhilarated, Robbie smiled, as he replied. “Well, you’re not going to believe this, but….”

Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1135
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u r fantastic at building up the suspense mate.. continue fast pls...


Posts: 274
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Hi Geronimo,

Thank you for your very welcome support and contact.
This would seem a suitable time to call it a day on the BMW.
The story could be picked up sometime in the future if I got the urge.
I have enjoyed writing over the last few years but I am now going to call it a day.
Readers, such as yourself, who take the time to make a comment are unfortunately few and far between on this site, which I know can be frustrating for those who provide the stories.
Thanks again for being there and I would also like to thank everyone who has encouraged me over the years.
You all know who you are, thanks.



Posts: 877
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Thanks for writing its been fun reading the exploits. Sad you are calling it a day.


Posts: 1914
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I hope you are someday re-inspired to come back and give us more. There are few writers here who can hold a story for any length of time and you are one of them. I know there will be calls for you 'finish' BMW but I suspect to do it justice to those that ask would take many more posts and a huge effort. Better not to make it and perhaps be tempted back in future I say. Good luck to you, I will miss you, and thanks for giving us all what you did.


Posts: 4050
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Thank you for all that you have written. Like the others I also hope that at some time you will be reenergized and decide to treat us to more of this story or any other story that you try to create.

I very well understand that trying to write an ongoing story can be frustrating and also a times fell like a thankless task. Please understand that there are many readers out here who have enjoyed your story and will miss you if you stop writing.

Thank you again for what you have given us and I hope that at some time in the future you will decide to come back and give us more.



Posts: 1459
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Greenman, sorry to hear that you are throwing in the towel - or, at a minimum, going on hiatus. Your writing is excellent, and I've enjoyed reading it. You and your talent will be missed.

Should you decide to put it up for a vote, my vote is for you to stay. That said, I completely understand your frustration, and may well reach that point myself someday. Right now I'm having too much fun, and it acts as a form of relaxation for me. Plus I enjoy the readers that do comment, and I think of many of them as friends. But that's just me.
I will keep an eye out for your return, just in case. Thanks again for sharing your tales with us.
Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1135
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hhmmm really sad mate... i actually thought the BMW series is just getting into its own... its only reached onto the 3rd gear mate...

nonetheless, whats gotta be done has gotta be done... heres hoping u come back sooner than later!!!

cheers mate!!!


Posts: 76
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hi sorry to hear that you are giving up the story I love it thanks you for your time an efforf in doing it good luck


Posts: 274
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Thank you for your kind remarks and good wishes.
I always awaited your "critique" with baited breath and looked forward to what you had to say.
I shall miss the writing but I really have to direct my energy in other directions at this time.
I hope that someday I will get the urge to take up my "pen" and have another shot at it.
Thanking you again



First of all, I do hope you are continuing to make a good recovery from your recent illness.

I appreciate the very understanding comments you have made.
I intend to catch up with your latest ongoing story and look forward to that and any future stories that you write.
Thanks again.



What can I say, I am truly flattered that you and the others have been so kind with your comments.
As I have said, no doubt someday, I will feel the need to start writing again.
I am a bit behind with my reading but I will try to catch up with your current story now that I am free from writing myself.
Good luck and all the best.


geronimo sammister

Thank you for your continued support and your very nice comments.
Someday, I am sure I will start again.
Good luck.


cuckslut and blazerman154

Thank you both for your good wishes.
I hope you both continue to support the writers on this special site.
The authors, to a man, appreciate feedback from those who read their stories.
Good luck.

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