Posts: 274
The following morning Lisa watched as Robbie backed the car out of their driveway, he looked pleased as punch with himself and Lisa knew he couldn’t wait to get to his office so that he could show off his new car to all of his colleagues.
Lisa had not told her husband that she would be meeting with Maurice and she felt a little guilty as she tidied up the breakfast dishes. At ten o’clock on the dot she telephoned Maurice who immediately answered her call. “Hello, Maurice here.” “Are you able to speak?” Lisa said in a husky sexy voice. “Yes, look I think I should come to your house, I’ll park around the corner and walk so that I don’t arouse the suspicions of any nosey neighbours. I’ll be there in twenty minutes, bye.”
Lisa wondered what to wear then remembered she had that sexy baby doll outfit that Robbie had bought her for their anniversary. She decided that Maurice would have the honour of being the first to see her wearing it.
She felt very excited and naughty as she slipped into the soft silky fabric knowing that very soon she was going to be fucked by her handsome new lover. She had hardly finished getting ready when the front doorbell rang. Rushing to the door she opened it slightly and Maurice slipped in quickly.
Immediately, he took her in his arms and kissed her, enjoying the feel of her silk negligee and the warmth of her luscious body. Then holding her at arms length and admiring her sexy attire, he said, “Mrs Kay, you are a most beautiful and sexy woman and I am going to give you the fucking you deserve. Giggling, she almost dragged him upstairs to her bedroom.
Maurice was impressed with the bedroom furnishings, especially the big king size bed. While he removed his jacket and tie, Lisa pulled the curtains together creating a warm glow in the room due to the sunlight outside. When she turned round to face Maurice he was carefully hanging his beautifully tailored jacket on the back of a chair. She watched as he confidently stripped down to his boxer shorts before neatly folding each item carefully. Slipping off his socks and shoes he then removed his boxers and stood in front of her, naked, proud of his nicely toned frame, knowing that she would be impressed.
Lisa said nothing, then, looking him up and down, she slowly and sexily removed her long silky negligee. Maurice’s mouth dropped open as he took in the vision of loveliness standing before him. God she was beautiful, and she knew it. He could barely manage to move towards her as his cock stiffened at the sight of her posing there in a gorgeous pink baby doll set.
Taking her in his arms he kissed and caressed her in a tender way. “Which side of the bed is yours?” he said, smiling. “I relax on this side but I hope we aren’t going to be doing any relaxing,” she said as she pressed herself against his throbbing cock.
“I really meant which side was Mr Kay’s. I am going to really enjoy fucking you in your marriage bed, it appeals to me, there’s something wickedly exciting about fucking another mans wife in his own bed.”
Pushing her down on to her knees he roughly grabbed a handful of her beautifully coiffured hair and pulled her face level with his thick meaty cock. With his other hand he waved it back and forth so that it was brushing against her shiny bright red lips. This time he didn’t have to power it into her mouth, she willingly and hungrily lashed at it with her wet tongue before sucking it deeply into her throat.
Maurice eased his head back and with eyes closed he allowed himself to enjoy the sensations that Lisa’s administrations were causing. He could hear the slurping and moans of pleasure emitting from Lisa who appeared to be enjoying her task enormously.
After a while Maurice pulled his cock out of Lisa’s mouth and told her to kneel on the edge of the bed with her bottom raised so that he could take her doggy style. When she was in position he lifted Rob’s pillow and tucked it under and between her legs. “There now, any dripping or squirting will be on the pillow and not your lovely bedspread.”
Lisa knew he was doing it so Rob would have to relax with his head on the pillow unaware that the damp cloth was soaked in their mixed sexual juices. Surprisingly she found the thought of it quite funny. It would serve him right, after all it was his idea that she should take a lover and now that she had, he wanted her to stop, small chance that was going to happen now.
Maurice surveyed her upturned bottom admiringly before kneeling down and kissing her slick pussy lips. He started with long wet licks to loosen her up then alternating with flicking her clit with his experienced tongue and working his middle finger into her puckered anus. All this was new to Lisa and she was squirming in ecstasy, pushing and grinding her bottom back on to Maurice’s face.
Soon he was aware that Lisa was approaching an orgasm so he stopped what he was doing so that he could deny her the relief she craved for. He smiled wickedly to himself as he heard her scream, “No, no, don’t stop, oh god don’t stop pleeeeeeease.” Slowly he got to his feet saying, “It’s alright Lisa, it will be all the more enjoyable when I finally let you have the orgasm you need so much.”
Taking his cock in his hand he started to slide the head in and out of Lisa’s steaming cunt teasing her until she could stand it no longer, “For God’s sake fuck me, you’re driving me crazy, fuck me, fuck me, you bastard.” With that he suddenly drove his cock deep into her hot hungry cunt. Holding her by the hips he began to fuck her deeply, and he grinned smugly as he heard the moans of satisfaction getting louder and louder the harder and faster he fucked her. His backside was a blur as he jack hammered his cock faster and deeper than she had ever had it before.
Then he recognised the signs again as she began to stiffen and shake so he concentrated on trying to make his own orgasm coincide with hers. He didn’t have long to wait, with a long guttural groan she started to shake almost uncontrollably and came in a gushing spray which soaked Maurice’s stomach and legs. He also was past the point of no return and unloaded a torrent of hot spunk deep into her quivering vagina.
They both collapsed on the bed completely spent and as they lay there his sperm began to leak out on to the pillow that he had put in place earlier.
After a few minutes Maurice got up and went over to his jacket. He took out a miniature camera from the inside pocket and aimed it at the bed where Lisa was sprawled with her legs apart and her well fucked cunt clearly visible. Maurice took several shots before Lisa realised what he was doing. She jumped up just as Maurice snapped her, catching her in mid movement, tits swinging, hair wild, and eyes bulging, a classic example of a woman who has just been fucked stupid.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing Maurice, I don’t want you taking pictures of me looking like this. What if someone sees them?”
“Calm down, you look beautiful, I just want to be able to relive this moment again by looking at these photos whenever I want. Anyway, I’ll give you copies so you can do the same. Look I have to run, I’ve got to see a client at the garage in half an hour.”
Dressing quickly he was soon ready to leave. Lisa had calmed down a little and said, “I want the negatives as well Maurice, I don’t really trust you.”
“Ok Lisa, you can have the negatives.”
As he was slipping out the front door Lisa, giving him a kiss, said, “When will I see you again?”
“I’ll be in touch darling, but not for about a week, I’m very busy, bye.”
Posts: 1914
Thanks Greenman. Consider yourself a pebble.
Posts: 877
Greenman, Thanks for the update. I cannot wait to find out where this is going.
Posts: 4050
I notice you have another story posted in cuckold world. I really like it.
Posts: 274
Hi peakmb, Thanks for your continued support, consider yourself a pebble too!!!
Hi CUCKSLUT, Glad you are enjoying the story so far. I really appreciate the feedback, thanks.
Hi goodhusband, Thanks again for your kind words. I have been reading some of your earlier stories and really enjoyed them. Thanks.
Hi All, Just to say I will not have much time to write over Christmas. Thanks again to all of you who have taken the time to encourage not only me but the other writers on this site. On behalf of all of them I'd like to say many thanks, we certainly do appreciate it.
G. .
Posts: 274
That night as Lisa and Rob climbed in to bed Lisa was glad she had remembered to turn Rob’s pillow over, so hopefully, he wouldn’t notice it was wet on the other side. She had considered changing the pillow case but she rather liked the idea of her husband’s head resting on the pillow on which she had been thoroughly fucked that very morning. It had been soaked with her spray and Maurice’s copious spunk which had leaked from her gaping pussy.
Snuggling in to her unsuspecting husband Lisa wondered whether she should tell him about her morning date, but she decided not to. Rob lay there quietly, wondering if Maurice had been in contact with Lisa and whether he should ask her, but he decided not to.
Rob thought he could smell something but couldn’t be sure. Lisa heard him sniffing so she started to stroke his little penis and smiled to herself as she felt it stiffen in her hand. Then speaking as if to a little boy, Lisa whispered in Robs ear, “You like that, don’t you, would you like me to tickle your little pee-pee and make you cum using my fingers, you see I’m too tired for intercourse, okay dear?” Rob was already well on the way to an ejaculation and only managed to splutter a stifled groan of “Aaaagggghhhh,” as Lisa’s fingers quickened, powering him to squirt his sperm into the leg of his boxer shorts.
Patting his thigh, she sighed, “There now sweetheart, wasn’t that nice, relax well.”
Turning over she turned off the bedside lamp before Rob had time to get himself cleaned up. By the time he came back from the bathroom, she was fast arelax.
Over the course of the next couple of months Maurice fucked Lisa at least once a week although it was usually at her instigation. Maurice kept his promise and gave Lisa a set of prints and the negatives of the photos he had taken, but he also insisted on taking pics on all of their dates. Lisa began to enjoy being photographed and even allowed Maurice to pose her in whatever position he wanted. He of course took advantage of the situation and although not appearing himself in the shots, he did have pics showing her sucking his cock and shots of his big cock stretching her steaming cunt and of course close-ups of his spunk oozing out of her well fucked hole.
Lisa always got her own set of prints and of course, the negatives. She now had quite a collection which she kept hidden in a shoe box in the bottom of her wardrobe.
Lisa felt that Maurice was less of a gentleman than she had considered him to be as he nearly always ignored her almost daily phone calls to the showroom. She was getting more than a little annoyed, being given the same old story from Kate the receptionist, “I’m sorry Mrs Kay, there’s no reply from his office, he must be out.”
Maurice for his part wished she would ease off a bit and give him a bit of space. He was now having to shag the wife of the local bank manager who had indicated that she would only replace their car with another BMW if he would resume their earlier relationship from two years ago. Even the super fit Maurice was finding it difficult fitting in all the randy women who thought they could demand his undivided attention. He decided that in order to relieve the situation he would pass Lisa on to one of his friends.
Lisa had not kept her side of the arrangement with her husband as she never told him about her dates. Rob felt sure that Lisa had been seeing Maurice but could not bring himself to confront her so he started looking for clues.
One afternoon while Lisa was sunbathing in the garden he began searching in their bedroom. Eventually he came across the shoebox in her wardrobe and taking off the lid his eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw the collection of pornographic photos.
He spread them out on the bed gasping in disbelief at each obscene image. His head was swimming, not only had she been seeing Maurice but she had let him record their affair in this shameless way. Surely he had warned her not to let Maurice take any pictures of her. He remembered the Rotarian who mentioned that Maurice kept a photo album of all his conquests. Oh God, what has she gone and done, he thought.
He could not help looking at each photograph again and again and although he was shaking with emotion he was also aware that he was extremely excited. His little penis was rigid and throbbing and he feared he was about to have an orgasm without even touching himself.
He was so engrossed that he did not hear Lisa enter the room it was only when she gasped in horror that he swung round and saw her staring at the photos spread out across the bed.
With her hand to her mouth she mumred, “Oh God, I’m so sorry, I meant to tell you but I just couldn’t, please forgive me, please.”
Staring at her he almost shouted, “Why, why, why didn’t you tell me, I thought we had an agreement.”
“I’m sorry darling I just could not tell you about it, I didn’t want to hurt you.”
He was flabbergasted when she blurted out, “It’s Maurice, he said I must make sure that you didn’t find out. I’m sorry darling, I should have told you he’s been shagging me, but now he won’t stop phoning me. He seems to think I need it every other day.”
Rob couldn’t believe his ears. “You mean he’s been fucking you and you didn’t tell me. How many times has he fucked you?”
Lisa now sniffling and playing the part of the wronged woman replied, “Only a few times but now he seems to want it on a regular basis.”
“I don’t believe I’m hearing all of this, you were supposed to tell me when you had a date. Christ, I couldn’t bring myself to ask you about it, I was even going to tell you that I wouldn’t mind if you saw him again. This must stop, do you hear, I’m going to complain to his boss and have him fired, big bastard that he is, who does he think he is anyway.”
In a red mist Rob stormed out of the house and jumping in to the BMW he drove straight to the BMW showroom.
Striding purposefully into the showroom he soon found himself standing at the receptionist’s desk.
“Oh, Mr Kay, what can I do for you?”
“I demand to speak to your Managing Director, now, do you understand?”
“You mean Mr Walls, our General Manager, can I tell him what it is about?”
“No, it’s a private matter.”
Not wishing to upset the customer Kate phoned through to Mr Wall’s private office and explained that Mr Kay would like to speak to him. Replacing the phone she directed Mr Kay to a room at the far end of the showroom and as Rob made his way towards the room the door opened and a distinguished looking man emerged and welcomed him.
“Mr Kay, what a pleasant surprise, how can I help you?”
Once inside the room Rob suddenly felt much less confident and stammered, “You can, help by d d d dismissing your salesman Maurice, that’s how you can help.”
“I’m sorry Mr Kay, why should I wish to sack my best salesman. Please sit down and tell me what is troubling you.”
“Your salesman, Maurice, has been pestering my wife ever since we bought that damn car from you a couple of months ago. He keeps trying to get her to go out with him and doesn’t seem to realise that my wife is not like that. It has got to stop and I think his behaviour deserves to cost him his job.”
The General Manager was silent for a few moments before saying, “Mr Kay, I don’t know what to say. I can’t fire Maurice just on your say so, anyway, he’s our leading salesman and sells more cars than the all the others put together. I really can’t believe that you expect me to fire him just because he has tried to be nice to your wife. Let me check something with the receptionist.”
Lifting the phone he buzzed reception.
“Yes Mr Walls, what can I do for you?”
“Kate, I want to ask you something, has Maurice been phoning Mrs Kay?”
Rob couldn’t hear what Kate was saying but he watched the expressions on the General Managers face as he listened to what she had to say. Grimacing, he thanked Kate before replacing the phone.
“Mr Kay, I am afraid you seem to have got this story a little bit mixed up.”
“What do you mean, mixed up?”
“Well, just that. I am reliably informed by our receptionist that your wife has been phoning for Maurice almost every day since you bought the car. It seems that it is your wife who is doing the pestering. In fact Kate says that Maurice has told her to say he is out whenever Mrs Kay calls. I am afraid the problem lies in your court. There is no way I will discipline Maurice over this affair and as far as I am concerned the matter is now closed.”
Rob sat there, stunned, he couldn’t speak for quite some time. Then slowly he stood up and in a obligationly sobbing voice said. “I bought a very expensive car from you and I don’t think I have been treated with due respect.”
Mr Walls felt very sorry for him and putting his arm around Rob’s shoulders he said, “I know it cannot be easy for you to accept that your wife and Maurice have been seeing each other, but maybe now it will be finished. I suggest you go home and tell your wife that you know everything but that you love her and will forgive her.”
Rob looked at Mr Walls but was unable to speak. He turned around and walked out of the manager’s office, his head bowed in shame.
As soon as Rob left the showroom Mr Walls turned to Kate the receptionist and said, “Tell Maurice to come and see me when he comes in, I don’t think he quite understands what “After Sales Service” is supposed to mean.”
Robbie returned home to find the house empty.
Unknown to him Maurice had picked Lisa up and was at that precise moment introducing her to Alan, a handsome young black man who he hoped would take Lisa off his hands.
Posts: 1914
Greenman, Glad to see you back. I was wondering where you would take this. Looks like a whole new adventure for us ..
Posts: 52
more please, more ,more ,more i cant get enough of this story cpl4u2pisson
Posts: 274
peakmb and cpl4u2pismister,
Thanks to both of you for your encouragement. It might be a little while before I get more writing done as I fly out to Spain on Tuesday (hopefully) for a weeks golf with my pals. We have already had our departure cancelled twice due to volcanic ash so we hope that it will be third time lucky.
Geronimo Samson
Posts: 1135
Posts: 274
Geronimo Sammister
Thanks GS, More to come in a couple of weeks.
G. .
Posts: 877
Greenman - Another great piece, cannot wait for the next. Hope you got your golf in!
Posts: 274
Thanks cuckslut, I had a very enjoyable time golfing in Spain. I didn't play particularly well, however, it did give me time to think about how the story would develop. I hope you like the way I have taken it . Within the next few days I hope to have something to whet the appetite. Thanks to all who have given me support, which is much appreciated. G. .
Posts: 274
Robbie searched the house looking for his young wife but she was nowhere to be found. He noticed that she had tidied up the incriminating photos from the bed but he was unable to find where she had hidden them.
About an hour later he heard a car stopping at their gate and he rushed to the window in time to see Lisa waving goodbye to Maurice as his BMW roared away down the street. He was standing fuming in the hallway by the time she opened the front door.
“Where have you been, out shagging Maurice again, did you let him take more dirty photos, did you suck his cock for him?”
Lisa had already concocted a story which she was sure would satisfy Robbie’s need to trust her again.
“Oh stop it, stop it, Robbie, I told you I was sorry, please don’t keep punishing me. I’ve just had a meeting with Maurice, I told him you had found the photos and that you had gone to the Showroom to speak with his boss. God, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. I told him that we must stop seeing each other that I loved you and I was not prepared to hurt you further. He accepted that and asked me to apologise to you for everything. I think he feels that he might lose his job over this. So there, it’s over, now do you forgive me?”
Robbie was slightly taken aback at what she had just said, he had assumed she had been out having sex with Maurice.
“I, I, er, I, I don’t know what to say.”
Lisa stepped forward and put her arms around Robbie cuddling close and leaning her head on his shoulder.
“I love you darling and I am very sorry if I have hurt you.”
Robbie couldn’t help himself, he just burst out crying uncontrollably and allowed Lisa to guide him to a nearby chair. She sat on his knee and taking his head in her hands she began kissing his forehead and cheeks and comforted him as well as she could.
After a few minutes Robbie quietened down and began to return Lisa’s kisses telling her that of course he forgave her and that he loved and adored her as he always had.
Lisa felt a great relief knowing that her husband had believed her explanation. She would have to be very careful in future and coax her husband into wanting her to take another lover. She just knew that the man who Maurice had introduced to her that afternoon, Alan, wanted to get to know her better.
That night in bed Lisa was very, very good to Robbie, giving him the best sexual pleasure he had had in a long time. She even helped him to have full intercourse with her and kept him on the edge for at least half an hour before he finally had an intense orgasm, at which point he spluttered, “I love you my darling, I will always love you and adore you.”
The next few days passed uneventfully apart from the fact that Robbie continued to be spoilt by his repentant wife.
Robbie never told Lisa that he knew that it was her that had been chasing after Maurice. He didn’t want to humiliate her.
He was determined to show Lisa that he could be a good husband and lover but during their love play his mind kept returning to the fact that Lisa now needed more than he could provide. Surprisingly he was still excited at the thought of another man giving Lisa the sort of fucking that she deserved. Perhaps he should encourage Lisa to try again with someone else. But this time she must tell him everything which would be so exciting.
Oh how he would love to help her prepare for a date, help pick out her sexiest underwear, watch her applying her make-up and finally as she is leaving the house to be with her lover he would beg her to enjoy herself. He would kneel at her feet and adore her, she knew he would do anything to make her happy.
Without realising it, Robbie was becoming a classic willing cuckold and he was now well on the way to being completely dominated by his lovely wife. She already realised that she was now the dominant partner in their marriage and she liked having this power very much indeed.
On Friday morning Lisa got the phone call from Alan that she had always expected.
“Hi Lisa this is Alan, remember we met last week with Maurice.”
“Oh hello Alan, of course I remember.”
“Would you like to meet me for coffee this morning?”
“Well, that would be nice Alan, why don’t you come here to my house, say about 11 o’clock?”
“That sounds great, I really am looking forward to seeing you again and I am honoured that you have invited me to your house. See you in about half an hour then, bye.”
In her most seductive voice Lisa replied, “Bye, Alan, don’t be late.”
Half an hour later, Alan was standing in the hallway of Lisa’s home holding her hand as he gazed knowingly into her sexy eyes.
“Lisa, you are very beautiful, would you mind terribly if I kissed you?”
Giggling, Lisa said, “Of course not, that’s why you came here, or am I wrong?”
Needing no further encouragement Alan took Lisa in his arms and kissed her tenderly. She was soon aware that he was very aroused as she felt his hardness press against her soft yielding tummy. This was the first time she had ever been kissed by a black man and she felt giddy as he pushed his tongue into her mouth.
Breaking free from his grasp and breathing heavily, she took him by the hand and without saying a word, she lead him to her bedroom.
Then without warning she suddenly stopped and said, “No, this is not right, we shouldn’t be doing this, we’re supposed to be having coffee.”
Alan was astonished, he felt bewildered, as he was promptly redirected to the kitchen.
While Lisa began to make the coffee, Alan asked her why she had changed her mind.
“I just felt things were moving too fast, I am not used to this sort of thing.” She said.
“What do you mean, too fast? You wanted it as much as me, it’s not as if you didn’t know why you invited me here we’re both adults after all.”
“Alan, I’m sorry, it’s my fault, I haven’t done this sort of thing before you know, I just need a little more time.”
Looking puzzled, Alan said, “Oh come on now, I am on very good terms with Maurice and that’s not quite how he would have described you.”
“What do you mean? You don’t know anything about me, except that it must be obvious that I like you, but that doesn’t mean I am about to jump into bed with you.”
Alan decided to lay his cards on the table and said, “Lisa, I’ve seen the photos, you know, the photos that Maurice took of you.”
Lisa was dumbfounded and speechless. She stood there shaking her head, unable to speak.
Moving to her, Alan put his arms around her and gave her a comforting cuddle, before saying quietly, “I am so, so sorry, that was really cruel of me. I should not have said that. Can you ever forgive me?”
Looking up at him, Lisa stuttered as she struggled to find the words, “I feel utterly and terribly let down, I feel as if I have been punched in the stomach. I never thought he would let any other permister see those photos, they were private between Maurice and me. I don’t even know what you must think of me, some sort of slut I suppose.”
Holding her close, Alan said, “Lisa, Lisa, I am so sorry. No, I don’t think you are a slut. I think you are a very genuine lovely woman and I am very sorry for having hurt you. I know that you and Maurice have agreed not to see each other for a while and I just thought that I might be able to give you some sort of support and friendship. Being honest, I hoped that we might become lovers but it looks like I’ve probably blown that hope. I just want you to know that I would like to be your friend as I really admire you. As far as anything else is concerned that would be up to you to decide, if, or when.”
Sliding her arm around his neck, Lisa kissed him, allowing him to squeeze her ample breasts as he returned her very welcome kiss.
“I guess that means you will let me be your friend then. I promise you will not regret it.”
“Thanks Alan for being so understanding, I really think you should go now. Please phone me again tomorrow and perhaps we can arrange to have a date, okay?”
Giving her a peck on the cheek, Alan said, “I think that’s wise and I can’t wait for tomorrow.”
With that, he left the house as requested. .
Geronimo Samson
Posts: 1135
good work mate...cheers for continuing the story....
Posts: 125
Great story Greenman! Please continue, I want to read the next step.
Posts: 274
Hi, Geronimo Sammister and freakland.
Thanks for your encouragement. I have been out of the country for a few weeks so I haven't been able to do much writing. I hope you like the way I am developing this story, let me know if you don't approve. Thanks again.
G. .
Posts: 877
Great to have you back Greenman, another great addition.
Posts: 1914
Nicely set up Greenman. Once again you have us all on the edge of our seats. Good to see you again too.
Posts: 1459
Great story Greenman! I hate that I missed it until now, but I just don't have as much time to read as I'd like. On the other hand, it was great fun catching up! I hope you keep going, love the characters and the mind games. Thanks for all of your efforts.
Posts: 4050
I love this. This is a nice rock solid cuck story.
Great work!
Geronimo Samson
Posts: 1135
hi mate, love this story of urs...has a grt build up to events that makes it hot
Posts: 274
Hi Thanks to you all for your very kind comments and remarks. It is so reassuring when someone takes the time to make a comment. I must apologize for the delay in saying thank you. I have had a very traumatic time these last few weeks. Suffice to say that the death of a close family member takes it's toll. I do hope that you all enjoy the next chapter. G. .
Posts: 274
Sitting in the plush upholstery of Alan’s huge car, Lisa enquired whether it was his car or had he borrowed it from Maurice.
Alan smiled broadly before replying. “Well, it isn’t really mine I suppose. However, it does go with the job. You see, I am the UK Director for BMW cars and it is my job to make sure that all of our British outlets or franchises perform well and that we as a company provide all the back up that they need. So it is my job to make sure that you as a customer are satisfied with not only your car but by the way in which you were treated by our franchisee. Look, I know your husband was upset by what happened between you and Maurice, but I am sure that you, permisterally, would not want to make a complaint. Am I right?”
Lisa replied, quietly, “Yes, I mean no, I suppose not, it’s better not to make a complaint.”
Alan went on. “Mr Walls, Maurice’s boss, had to make a report on your husband’s complaint. So let’s say that our meeting tonight is to discuss the situation. I would not like to think that you would do other than to ask me to ignore the complaint and consider it as frivolous.”
Lisa swivelled in her seat and allowed her legs to splay slightly showing the tops of her nylon stockings.
Before she could say anything Alan slipped his left hand onto her knee and pulled the hem of her dress back exposing her beautiful legs right up to her shiny knickers. Stealing a quick look he said. “Somehow I don’t think we should bother about going for a meal, I am not hungry, are you?”
Lisa, pouting her lips and looking him straight in the eyes, said, breathlessly, “Oh, I’m hungry alright, but not for food! How about showing me where you stay, okay? I think we should get there quickly.”
She shivered as his big black middle finger found her clitoris and began to finger it through the thin material of her knickers. She was quite wet by the time he pulled up outside of his apartment five minutes later.
After helping her out of the car, Alan ushered her through the door and in to his stunningly beautiful apartment. Lisa was visibly impressed. This was class, very up market furnishings and a lovely feeling of luxury.
As she was taking in her surroundings Alan moved behind her and clasped her in his arms. He gently kissed her neck breathing in her sexy perfume. His hands began to caress her body sliding up and down and squeezing her heaving breasts. It was then that she began to feel his erection pressing against her firm bottom. No it couldn’t be his cock it must be something else, it was far too big to be a cock.
But Lisa was wrong, it was his cock and he was letting her feel it grow with each little movement against her bum.
Turning her around and looking deeply into her eyes he whispered, “You’re beautiful, just so, so beautiful and I am going to make this a night you will never forget.” Then taking her into his arms he kissed her. She responded immediately and soon their tongues were swirling in and out of each others mouths, they both knew what they wanted and knew that they were going to get it.
Lisa was on fire, she squirmed and writhed against the huge cock prodding her legs and tummy, she had to have it, she needed it, Robbie had told her she deserved it and she would do this for him.
Alan almost barged her through the door to his bedroom and she fell backwards on to the bed gasping for breath. She watched in awe as Alan quickly dispensed with his clothes. He stood there naked, a black Adonis, cock swaying in front of him, menacing like a huge battering ram.
“Oh my God, it’s, it’s, too big, I could never take that.” Lisa gasped. “I thought Maurice had a big one but it’s nothing compared to yours.”
Alan smiled in appreciation of her remarks, then kneeling down he began to undo her wrap around skirt. He expertly removed it and threw it on the floor. Lisa lay there like a frightened rabbit caught in the headlights, unable to move and thoroughly magictised. She was aware of this handsome brute of a black man gazing at her nylon clad legs and her now very exposed knickers. She felt completely at his mercy and so very, very vulnerable.
Leaning forwards he pulled her silk blouse over her head and threw it on the floor beside her skirt. Her tiny bra soon joined the rest of her clothes on the floor. As he fondled her breasts, Lisa was becoming extremely aware of the difference in the colour and texture of his skin. It was beautifully smooth and hairless and the deep black colour contrasted with her own pale white skin making it seem even whiter.
Feasting his eyes on the beautiful vision lying there before him, Alan shook his head in wonder and said, “Lisa, you must be the most beautiful woman in the whole world and I am very fortunate to be with you like this.”
Caressing her lovely breasts with his hands, he bent down and pushed his nose into the gusset of her now soaking panties. He worked his nose and tongue back and forth teasing her to the point that she instinctively eased her thighs apart allowing him unrestricted access to her aching pussy.
Alan needed no further encouragement and quite vulgarly inserted both thumbs into the front of her knickers and ripped them apart, exposing her most private parts.
Lisa was startled and began to panic but Alan reassured her, “Don’t worry, it’s okay Lisa, I just like to fuck a woman with her knickers on, I’ll buy you a whole set of new ones, please don’t worry.”
She didn’t dare tell him that these were her husband’s favourite panties and he had just shredded them.
Gently he took her legs and raised them so that they were on his shoulders. Then he took his massive cock and rubbed it against her sopping pussy lips so that it was soon glistening with their mixed pre-cum juices. Lisa was enjoying the sensation when she suddenly felt the huge head of Alan’s cock lodge into the opening to her vagina. A shiver of fear coursed through her body which Alan noticed and he calmly reassured her that all would be well.
“Relax Lisa, just relax and enjoy the moment, easy, easy, you will soon get used to it.”
Lisa remembered Maurice telling her the same thing, so she tried her best to relax and let herself go with the flow.
Within a few minutes she had definitely relaxed enough, so Alan, ever so gently pushed the whole head of his cock further in to her pulsating cunt. Moaning and whimpering, Lisa instinctively pushed back and another couple of inches of big black cock disappeared into the hot furnace of her cunt.
All the time, Alan, was kissing, caressing and reassuring her that all would be alright. He was also sucking on her neck and making sure that she would have a very visible love bite/hickey to remind her and her wimp of a husband that she had been well and truly fucked.
Within half an hour or so, Alan had managed to get most of his prodigious cock deep into her now well stretched cunt, so he began to shag her ever so gently, as he did not want to hurt or frighten her more than was necessary.
Lisa had never felt so stuffed, an expression Maurice had used, to announce what he was going to do to her. But this was something else, she really did feel she was being stuffed and she liked it. Soon his cock was sliding in and out much more freely so he gradually increased the pace of his shafting.
Lisa was writhing and bucking in time with him and experiencing sexual sensations the likes of which she could never have imagined. She knew that she would do anything to get this sort of shagging on a regular basis, oh God, how she loved it Then it happened, she could feel her cunt muscles begin to contract and grip the huge shaft of Alan’s throbbing cock and she gave in to the sweeping, overwhelming orgasm which caused her to squirt and squirt her juices freely over Alan and his expensive bed cover.
Alan was now on fire. He pumped his huge cock deeper and deeper into the fierce heat of her cunt, heat which they themselves had generated with their exertions.
With an agonising cry, Alan’s buttocks clenched and he came with a mighty gush of hot semen spurting into the depths of her stretched out and ravished cunt. They lay exhausted in each others arms for a long time.
Eventually, Alan stood up and said, “Kneel on the floor Lisa, I want you to do for me what you must insist that your husband does for you. I want you to worship and adore my big black cock. I want you to lick it clean and kiss it and suck it until you have made it hard so that I can fuck you again.
Lisa climbed off the bed and knelt at his feet as she was told. His still huge cock was streaked with spunk and as she took it in her hands it felt so very soft and heavy. She lifted it to her lips and wondered if she would be able to fit it in her mouth. She gently licked and kissed the slimy head tasting the mixture of Alan’s spunk and her own juices. Lisa opened her jaws as wide as she could and pushed the big black snake into the wet warmth of her mouth. At first, she started to panic as she couldn’t breathe, until Alan told her to breathe through her nose. Relief, she relaxed and found that with some slight difficulty she was able to suck and work her tongue on his huge cock. After about ten minutes she was aware of his cock beginning to stiffen. She attempted to take it out of her mouth but Alan gripped her head and told her to keep sucking. Unable to move her head or to object to his demands she obediently did as she was told.
Again, she remembered that Maurice had done the same thing to her that first time in the back seat of the BMW. So she knew what to expect. She continued to work her tongue around his cock until she felt it start to twitch violently and then all of a sudden her mouth and throat were full of his thick hot spunk most of which she managed to swallow. The rest flowed out coating her lips and chin and dripping on to her naked breasts.
After a few minutes she felt his cock begin to soften so she pulled it free from her mouth and as she squeezed it a last large bead of semen oozed out so she dutifully licked it clean.
Alan helped her to her feet and pulled her on to the bed. Lying down side by side he put his arms around her and said, “That was wonderful Lisa, I hope it was wonderful for you too. I believe this is the start of a long and satisfying relationship and I hope to be able to please you, many, many times.”
Lisa almost purred, “Oh Alan, I can’t describe how wonderful that was, it was the best sexual experience of my whole life. Please fuck me again, now, please.”
“No Lisa, it’s too late, it’s nearly midnight. I don’t think you should be too late home from our first date, your husband must be worrying about you.”
“But, he knows where I am, at least, he knows I am with you.”
Sitting up on the bed, Alan continued. “Lisa, I want you to understand something. You are a very lucky young lady to have a husband who loves you so much that he is prepared to share you with other men. You must not take him for granted.
You see, you and your pleasure is the most important thing in the world for him. He realises that you need more than he can give you.
I have come across this sort of husband many times over the years and he is very loyal to his, usually beautiful, but extremely flirtatious spouse. He needs to feel loved by his wife but he also needs to be dominated by her. Robbie feels that it is his duty to worship and adore you, you are his beautiful sexy wife and other men desire you and you need other men to satisfy you.
You must therefore, play the game very carefully if you want it to be successful, because it is a game Lisa, just a game. You must know when to be the loving wife and you must know when to be his strict mistress. You must know when to praise him and still be able to humiliate him when necessary.
You see, although he loves you, he needs to feel vulnerable when you are with another man, someone who he might even lose you to. When you return home from a torrid date, with that just been fucked look, he is elated that you have been well serviced. He is also mightily relieved that you have come home to him, your ever loving husband.”
Lisa lay there in silence, quite taken aback at what she had just heard. This man, Alan, had just described her husband perfectly. Quietly, she said, “Thank you Alan, I think you know that you are right, but I think you should also know that I actually love my husband very, very much.”
This seemed to delight Alan as he remarked immediately. “Lisa I am so happy for you. The most important part of a successful cuckold relationship is love. You must love and trust each other completely.”
Kissing her on the cheek, he said, “Now let’s get dressed and I’ll take you home to your lucky husband.”
During the drive back to her house, Lisa was quite pensive. She wondered how she would be received by Robbie. Would he be able to accept that she was now a black mans whore.
Posts: 877
Greenman Really good to have you back. Another great addition.
Posts: 1914
Guess what we think ! Thanks for another great update Greenman. You always seem to end it at a point where we really want to know what comes next ....
Posts: 4050
That last segment was absolutely excellent.
Thank you
Posts: 1459
Welcome back Greenman. Sorry to hear of your loss, and any apology for the delay is obviously not necessary. Thanks for the new chapter, it was excellent. I hope you continue this great story.
Posts: 328
Hello Grren man First, I would like to join Stormdog in sympathy for your loss. Thanks you for continuing to write this great story! Thank you. I believe you have hit the nail on the heard about Hotwives/Cuckold life style with the next three paragraphs that Alan told Lisa “I have come across this sort of husband many times over the years and he is very loyal to his, usually beautiful, but extremely flirtatious spouse. He needs to feel loved by his wife but he also needs to be dominated by her. Robbie feels that it is his duty to worship and adore you, you are his beautiful sexy wife and other men desire you and you need other men to satisfy you. You must therefore, play the game very carefully if you want it to be successful, because it is a game Lisa, just a game. You must know when to be the loving wife and you must know when to be his strict mistress. You must know when to praise him and still be able to humiliate him when necessary. You see, although he loves you, he needs to feel vulnerable when you are with another man, someone who he might even lose you to. When you return home from a torrid date, with that just been fucked look, he is elated that you have been well serviced. He is also mightily relieved that you have come home to him, your ever loving husband.” Hope things are getting better for you. I am waiting to hear how Lisa and Robbie change and grow with Alan's guidance.  Again let me echo the very high praise from Good Husband and Storm Dog, both very good writing about this lifestyle, about your writing. All the best Meijer
Geronimo Samson
Posts: 1135
sorry to hear of your loss mate, and no need for any apologies for delay...hope you are keepin well..