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Rob and Lisa were enjoying a meal at their favourite restaurant.
They were celebrating their third wedding anniversary and Rob suggested they should take a toast to the continued success of their marriage.
Lisa promptly raised her glass and clinked it against Rob’s glass and said, “Here’s to the rest of our life together, may it always be as good as it has been over these past three years.”

Rob leaned forward looking deep in to Lisa’s eyes and whispered, “It will be even better, especially if you take a lover as I have begged you to for a long time now.”
Lisa pulled a face and said, “One of these days I may surprise you and take you up on your offer.”
“I really wish you would darling, it would make me so happy, I know that you would not regret it.”

Sitting back in his chair he gazed at his lovely wife, sitting opposite him looking absolutely gorgeous, her long red hair framing her very pretty face.
He let his eyes wander all over her stunning body, marvelling at her sensuous beauty.
How lucky he was to have her as his wife.

He thought back to the first time he had made such a suggestion and the anger that it had evoked in Lisa.
He had tried to explain to her that his three inch penis was much smaller than average and that he wanted her to be able to enjoy sex with another man or men without feeling as if she was cheating on him.
She was very annoyed that first time and told him that she didn’t need a bigger penis and that she was perfectly satisfied with the status quo.

However over the last three months Rob had sensed a softening in Lisa’s response when he brought up the subject. She no longer refused to discuss the probability that she would eventually give in and do what her doting husband had been begging her to do for almost a year now.
In fact he was beginning to think that maybe she already had someone in mind.

He was ten years older than Lisa and because of his small penis he also was a virgin when they married.
He was very proud of his beautiful wife and as an adoring husband he wanted her to have the best of everything.
That is why they had visited the BMW dealership earlier that day to take a look at the new model which had just been launched.
Maurice, the salesman was extremely handsome and Rob had noticed how he quite openly flirted with Lisa who certainly seemed to enjoy the attention.
Perhaps he might be the one to take her fancy.

Leaning forward again he whispered.
“Are you trying to tell me that I should expect to be surprised soon?”
Lisa stared into his eyes and leaning forward she kissed him gently on the lips.
“Let’s just say that you are very persuasive and I do want to make you happy.”

Rob was so surprised that he couldn’t speak properly but he managed to mumble hoarsely
“Does that mean you have someone in mind?”
Raising her eyebrows questioningly, she whispered, “Would that please you darling, do you want to know if I have a little secret?”

Standing up, Rob called the waiter and paid the bill, then taking Lisa by the hand he almost dragged her out of the restaurant saying “Let’s get home now, I can’t wait to hear your little secret.”

Later as they lay in bed Rob asked Lisa if she fancied the car salesman Maurice and she giggled as she shyly nodded her head before saying, “He is very good looking and I think he would have made a pass if you hadn’t been there.”
This admission thrilled Rob and taking Lisa into his arms he said lovingly “Thank you darling, I love you with all my heart. I think that we should maybe have another look at the new BMW model soon.”
Perhaps they had finally found someone Lisa fancied.

The following day Rob had to be at the local Rotary Club luncheon as he was being considered as a future member. He was being proposed by his friend George Brown who was the local Chartered Surveyor and long time member of the club.
In the morning, as he left for his office he kissed Lisa on the cheek before saying “When I get back this evening we will talk about how we should develop your exciting little secret, bye, bye beautiful.”

Around ten o’clock Lisa was just about to make herself a coffee when the front doorbell chimed.
She wondered who would be visiting her at this time of the morning.
When she opened the door she was astonished to see none other than the handsome Maurice.
He handed her a bouquet of flowers as he said, “Please forgive me Mrs Kay I hope you don’t think I am out of order but I thought you might enjoy a spin in the new model which is waiting for you right now.”
With that he turned with a flourish and pointed to the gleaming saloon car parked at the kerb.

There was silence for a few seconds before Lisa, her heart thumping, said “Give me five minutes.”
Closing the door she almost ran to her bedroom as she tried to think what she would wear for her date!!!

Ten minutes later she emerged from the house looking radiant in a short summer dress, all ready for her spin in the new BMW with the dashingly handsome Maurice.

As he held the car door open for her he caught a glimpse of nylon stocking top as she settled herself into the passenger seat.

He knew that she had deliberately allowed him to catch a glimpse and he took it that this was her way of letting him know that she knew what it was that he really wanted.

Driving out towards the countryside he turned to Lisa and said “I think we should try and find a secluded spot where we can get to know each other a little better.”

The Rotary luncheon was preceded by general chat between members and guests in the hotel bar.
Rob was telling a small group of men that he had been to see the new BMW when one of the men interrupted him asking him who he had dealt with at the showroom.
Rob informed him that they had been very well attended to by a salesman called Maurice.
A few of the men started laughing as one of them said “Well I hope you kept a good hold on your wife, Maurice has a reputation for seducing his customer’s wives.”
Another man said “Yes he is pretty well known for being a ladies man. In fact I heard he keeps a book in his desk full of pictures of women that he has seduced and he refers to it as his Very Satisfied Customers book!!!”
George Brown, Rob’s sponsor, said “I am sure Rob here gets the message and I bet he doesn’t let the bold Maurice anywhere near his wife after hearing all that and especially since Lisa his wife is a very, very attractive woman.”
Everyone was laughing as they made their way through to the dining room.


Posts: 9
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v.good so far greenman
keep going


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Yes.....please do continue.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 877
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Love it, cannot wait to hear the rest.


Posts: 274
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Thank you zulu21, cuckold4one and cuckslut.
It is so nice to get encouragement.
I hope everyone enjoys chapter 2.


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On his way home from the office, Rob wondered how he was going to tell Lisa that it wouldn’t be a good idea to give the BMW salesman the come on.
He didn’t want to hurt her feelings but he also did not want her to get involved with Maurice, not after what he had been told about him.
He decided that he would just say that she should consider someone else to be her first lover as Maurice did not have a very good reputation.

When he got home he could hear his pretty wife singing merrily as she prepared his evening meal.
As soon as he entered the kitchen she ran to him and kissed him passionately.
Before he could say anything she blurted out, “Darling, you’ll never guess who I met today. Maurice came by with a bouquet of flowers and asked if he could take me for a demonstration run in the new car.
I felt sure that this was just what you would have wanted so I said I would love to let him demonstrate all the innovations of the new car.

He drove us out to the countryside and he found a lovely secluded spot where we couldn’t be seen from the road.
He leant over and kissed me very tenderly before telling me how much he wanted to make mad passionate love to me!!!”
“I just knew how pleased you would be, knowing that I was going to make you so happy so I kissed him back and told him that I found him very attractive and sexy.
Well, that set him off, he started sliding his hand up the inside of my thigh and he said he was delighted that I was wearing stockings, he said I was a sexy little piece and he was going to shag me stupid.”

With a sinking feeling Rob listened to her excited chatter before asking her how far they had gone, had he shagged her?

“No of course not.” She said laughingly “I told him I wasn’t that sort of girl, I wouldn’t let things get out of hand on a first date.”

“Thank god, look darling I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to take this any further at least not with him.”

“But why not? I really like him and you said I could have any one I liked, any way you’re too late, I’ve arranged to meet him tonight.”

“What!!! what do you mean, you’re meeting him tonight.”

“Just that, we have a date, just like you wanted, I am meeting him tonight at the workshop behind the car showroom.
He says it is very safe and secure and that there is no way we will be disturbed by anyone.
Oh darling, please don’t spoil this for me, I am so excited and I will tell you all about it when I get back.”

Robs throat was dry and he struggled to get his words out “When are you meeting him.”

“Now, I said I would be there around seven o’clock so I will have to leave here in about five minutes.”

It was then that Rob realised that Lisa was wearing that sexy silky dress he had bought for her just last week.
He was also aware of her heady perfume filling his nostrils as he lovingly took her in his arms saying “Okay, okay, darling, you win, I just want you to have a wonderful time, I want it to be a night to remember, for both of us.”
His throbbing little hard on convinced him that this was the excitement that he craved.

“Thank you, oh thank you, my lovely husband, I promise to try and enjoy this and so make you happy and proud of me. Remember, I’m doing this for both of us.”

With that she climbed the stairs to their bedroom and when she came back down she was wearing her black raincoat which covered her sexy garb completely.
She was wearing her high heels and she seemed to totter as she came over to where Rob was sitting at the table.
Pulling open the front of her coat Lisa bent over him so that he could lay his face on to her bosom. As he breathed in her beautiful scent he noticed that she had no bra on and he could feel her erect nipples through the soft silk of her dress.

“I’ll have to go now darling please don’t worry about me, I promise to try and enjoy this for both of us. Oh god, I wonder if he’ll have a big penis, I mean bigger than yours, I feel almost sick with excitement.
Be waiting in bed for me to come home, I want this to be a very special night for you, a night for both of us to remember.
Bye darling.”
And with that she almost ran out the front door, got into her car and was gone.

Rob sat there at the table, his meal uneaten in front of him. He sat there paralysed, he couldn’t move, his hands were shaking and his thumping heart felt as if it was about to burst.
What had he done, he shouldn’t have let it go this far, after all, she always said she wouldn’t do it.
But now when it really was going to happen he began to have doubts as to whether it was a good idea in the first place.

Pushing aside his dinner plate he got up and tried to put it out of his mind, but he couldn’t.
He paced the room back and forth until he had to sit back down, exhausted.
He kept looking at the clock wondering what they would be doing at that exact moment.
His thoughts ***d him. He cleared up and washed the dishes and finally tried to watch a tennis match on the television.

Around ten pm he started pacing the floor again, looking out of the front window hoping to see her car coming up the street.
At eleven o’clock he saw her headlights and suddenly remembered that she had asked him to be in bed when she got home.
Rushing up stairs he quickly got undressed and climbed naked in to bed.

He heard the front door being closed and moments later she was standing in the bedroom doorway looking at him in a strange sort of way.
“What’s wrong darling.” He said.
“Nothing’s wrong sweetheart, everything is so right.”
She then walked over to the side of the bed and said “Our lives changed tonight, I never would have thought that I could do all the things that I have done tonight.
I feel terribly guilty for having enjoyed it so much. But I also feel so happy that my wonderful husband persuaded me to do it, thank you darling.

Sweetheart, I have just been shagged stupid by the most handsome and arrogant man. Move over and I will tell you all about it.”


Posts: 47
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do keep it going. great stuff


Posts: 25
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great story so far.please continue..


Posts: 274
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Thank you ColinRupert and johntygc for your encouraging remarks.
I hope you enjoy the next episode.


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Lisa’s heart was pounding as she drove in to the BMW car park behind the plush showroom.
Maurice had told her to park next to a white door marked Workshop Office and wait till he came for her.
As she turned off the engine he emerged from the office and opened the car door for her.
Hurriedly he ushered her in to the darkness of the unlit room.
Closing and locking the door he took Lisa into his arms and kissing her passionately he ran his hands all over her beautiful body.

Helping her out of her coat he said “I can’t believe that you are actually here Mrs Kay, you are so beautiful, but believe me, I will try to make this a memorable night for both of us.”
His cock was aching and throbbing as he pressed in to her so that she could feel it against her soft belly.
He was pleased to hear her moan with pleasure and he knew at that moment he had secured the deal on the car.
“Let’s go and get comfortable in your new car.”
“We don’t have a new car, yet” she retorted.
“Listen beautiful, you and your husband have fallen in love with this car, it was made in heaven just for you, and anyway, how else are we going to be able to meet if you don’t buy the car.”
“It will be up to my husband whether we buy the car or not.”
“Bollocks, if I’m not mistaken you’re husband will do whatever you want and all I am saying is I would be more than disappointed if you let me down on this.”

Giggling, she said “Is that a threat?”

“Of course not, but I am beginning to think that you are teasing me, you are, aren’t you?”

Pressing herself against his rigid weapon she looked straight in to his eyes and said, “If tonight is half as good as you promised me it would be, we will definitely buy the car.”

His lips curled into a self satisfied smile as he squeezed her luscious tits in triumph.
Oh how he could manipulate women, he thought to himself, they were all like putty in his hands.

Taking her by the hand he opened a door at the back of the room which led to the garage workshop.
Even in the darkness Lisa could see that the place was full of cars.
Maurice guided her through a veritable maze of vehicles till he reached the demonstrator they had been in earlier that day.

Opening the door to the back seat he motioned for her to get in and as she was doing so he gently pushed her on to her back along the length of the bench seat.
Lying there she was aware that the interior of the car was quite light due to a security lamp on an adjacent wall of the garage.

She was also able to see Maurice quickly remove his trousers, fold them neatly and lay them over the back of the front passenger seat, all in a flash.
“Afraid they’ll get wrinkled are you?” she said.

Smiling broadly, he got in, kneeling on the floor next to her.
Lisa then realised that the car had been carefully prepared beforehand.
Maurice had pushed the front seats fully forward to give more room for him to seduce his new conquest.
He replied that there was no sense in ruining a good pair of slacks just for a few seconds care.
“Anyway, I promised to shag you stupid and that is what I am about to do.”

He kissed her briefly before he started to remove her dress, groping her subtlety in the process.
She helped him to get her dress completely off and was astounded when he repeated what he had done before, he carefully folded her dress and laid it on top of his trousers.
Very meticulous she thought to herself.

She lay there naked from the waist up and down below all she was wearing was a suspender belt, nylon stockings and a pair of black silk knickers and of course her high heels.
She looked gorgeous and Maurice confirmed this when he said, “You are the most beautiful and sensuous woman I have ever met. I feel like a starving man who has just been served up with a gourmet meal, I don’t know where to start.”

Leaning forward he began to lick her tits flicking her nipples with his tongue while his right hand slid on to her pussy, his middle finger rubbing into the moist gusset of her silky knickers.
Somehow he managed to take her by the wrist and pull her hand on to his rigid cock.
When she felt it she gasped audibly exclaiming, “Good god, what is that?”
Chuckling, Maurice whispered, “That my dear is about to become the most important thing in the world to you. Feel it, run your hand up and down it’s length, squeeze my balls, they’re full of spunk just waiting to flood your cunt.”

Lisa warily did what she had been told to do then whispering in a slightly frightened voice, she said, “I hope you will be gentle with me, I… I…I’ve never done this before, I’ve only ever been with my husband.”

“You’re joking, you mean you have never felt another mans cock before, this is the first time?”


“Well, well, well, lucky me.”
By now, Maurice had managed to slide his hand down the front of Lisa’s knickers and had inserted his middle finger into her slippery tight pussy.
“Lisa, I will be as gentle with you as I possibly can, but I can feel that you are extremely tight and it might take us a little while to get you sufficiently relaxed.
I take it that your husband is not very well endowed?”

“No.” Lisa whispered. “Please, just don’t hurt me.”

Maurice proceeded to remove Lisa’s sexy silk knickers and after sniffing them, placed them neatly on top of her dress.
Then he took her by the legs and swung them over his shoulders allowing him to quickly bury his face in her beautiful pussy.

She was shocked and exclaimed “What are you doing?”

“Sweetheart, I am about to take you to paradise, just lie back and enjoy what I am about to do to you.”
He started to lick her hot little slit, probing with his tongue and flicking her clit making her moan and whimper like a contented little kitten.
He continued licking and sucking for quite a long time, by the end of which Lisa was lying back, moaning and whimpering in a most erotic and contented position.

He eventually said to her “I assume your husband has never done this for you, so I think when you eventually get home tonight, you should make him aware that this is what you want from him in future.”

Keeping her legs over his shoulders he eased himself upwards so that his big thick cock nuzzled the juicy entrance to her pussy.
Taking it in his hand he slid it back and forth slowly pushing it into the tight mouth of her aching cunt.
Lisa moaned in anticipation then groaned audibly as she felt the big cockhead suddenly filling the entrance to her vagina.
Never had she felt so full and this was only the head of his cock which was wedged into her.
Maurice lowered his head and kissed her full on the lips, immediately she could taste her own juices and this heightened her state of excitement.

Slowly he began to ease his cock further into her now steaming cunt but she was so tight he could not get more than half his length into her.
He was beginning to think that he would be unable to satisfy her properly when she suddenly began to respond, pushing her hips up at every thrust he made, then all of a sudden she started to stiffen then shake almost uncontrollably as she started to have the first orgasm of her life.
Never had she experienced anything like it, she imagined she was exploding before climaxing in a mind blowing storm.
As she came and came, Maurice had to try not to let himself go over the edge, he tried to think of something else to ease the need to ejaculate, then he realised that she was a squirter as she flooded him and the car seat covers with her hot pussy juice.

“Oh, oh dear, I’m so sorry, I don’t know how that happened, please forgive me.”

“Forgive you, don’t you know you just had a huge orgasm and I was the man who did it for you? I‘m as proud as punch, I just hope you don’t think it will always be as good as that.”

After a long time of just relaxing in the same position it dawned on Lisa that Maurice’s cock was still inside her, stiff and throbbing, how could that possibly be, Robs little cock would have shrunk and slipped out as soon as he had come, which was always within five to ten minutes from the start.
Maurice had been attentive for almost two hours now.

“How do you manage to stay hard for so long, did I not do enough to make you come?”

“Honey I have never been so close to cumming in my life. I want this to last a lot longer, and yes, I will come, at least twice before we’re finished.”

Easing himself from between her legs he gently laid her legs along the back seat and on his knees he moved towards Lisa’s head presenting his throbbing erection right in front of her face.

“It’s your turn now. I am assuming that you have never sucked cock before?”

“No, of course not and I don’t think I could do that.”

“Oh yes you can, and oh yes you will. Just do as you are told and let me take you on a magical mystery tour of extreme sexual pleasure.
Now I want you to give it a kiss, go on, it won’t bite you.”

Pushing his hips forward he took his cock in one hand and the back of Lisa’s head in the other and pulled her close so that his steaming cock pressed against her lips.

He rubbed it between her lips for a few seconds before he felt her jaws relax and as his throbbing cock slid into her mouth, he could not resist a smile of triumph spreading across his handsome face.

For the next twenty minutes or so he encouraged her to lick, suck and kiss his proud erection, complimenting her often on her prowess.
She was indeed a willing pupil and a very good learner.

Maurice knew what he wanted to do, this beautiful but naive woman must be properly enrolled as a fully paid up member of the Maurice Harem and that is what she became as he suddenly and without warning had a mind blowing orgasm and flooded her mouth with a torrent of hot spunk.
Unable to free herself from his vice like grip, she had no option but to swallow all of his copious emission.
Eventually Maurice loosened his hold on her head and withdrew his now flaccid penis.
As he did so, spunk dribred out of the corners of her ruby red lipstick smudged mouth.

“That was not fair.” She managed to blurt out. “I nearly fetishd.”

“Next time I won’t power you to swallow, you will do it willingly and you will soon enjoy it and look forward to the taste of hot spunk coating your tongue.”

He fumred about searching the centre console and produced a half bottle of Cognac. Unscrewing the top he offered Lisa the bottle.
Emboldened, she took it from him and knocked back a fair measure which immediately caused a burning sensation in her throat.
“Wow, that’s pretty strong stuff.”

Laughing, Maurice took the bottle from her and copied her.
“Phew!! You are so right, I usually sip brandy but I thought I would knock it back just like you.”

Leaning forward he took her back into his arms and kissed her tenderly.
“Now for the final stage, I don’t think I will be able to shag you stupid tonight as I wasn’t aware of your near virginity when I made that promise, however I do promise that I will fuck you stupid on our next date.”

Pulling her legs apart he straddled her head and said, “This is called 69, you suck my cock while I suck your sweet pussy”
And that is what they did for quite a long time.

Lisa’s jaws were aching and she was beginning to feel very tired when Maurice climbed off her and reassumed the position he was in when he shagged her for the first time.
With her legs up over his shoulders he teased her hot cunt by rubbing his rampant cock back and forth causing her to become very wet and when he finally eased his cock into her she agonisingly cried out, “Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh, oh, fuck me Maurice, please fuck me, I love it, I love your big beautiful cock.”
Maurice needed no further encouragement and drove his throbbing cock as deep as he could. She was almost screaming for him to fuck her, “Harder, harder I want to have another orgasm.”
Time flew by as Maurice, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, increased his speed.
He was hammering her as hard as he could when he recognised what had happened earlier, she began to stiffen then shaking uncontrollably, she gave in to the sensational feelings in her hot cunt. Her legs straightened out vertically and she braced her feet against the ceiling of the car as she let out a howl of pure lust. Maurice continued to piston in and out and this time he wasn’t going to hold back. As he felt her squirt her cum, he let go an enormous ejaculation and joined her in a noisy chorus of oohs and aahs, eventually they both began to come down from the incredible high they had just experienced.

Lying exhausted in each others arms they relished the moment.
It was then that Lisa, looking upwards, saw the imprints of the soles of her high heels clearly visible on the light coloured ceiling cloth where she had braced herself as she shuddered to her orgasm.
She didn’t mention it to Maurice.

Looking at her watch she got a shock to see it was ten thirty.
“I’ll have to go, look at the time, Rob will wonder where I’ve got to.”

Dressing as quickly as they could, they were soon standing next to Lisa’s car.
Taking her face in his hands Maurice kissed her and said, “Thank you for a wonderful evening.
See you tomorrow then.
I’ll have the documents all ready for signing when you and your lucky, lucky husband come in to settle the deal.”

Pulling a face as she drove out of the car park, she waved and blew a kiss to her lover.
As she drove in to their driveway she was sure she could see her husband disappearing upstairs to await her.
How would she be able to tell him all that had happened tonight?
How would he take it?
Did he really mean he wanted her to have the sort of pleasure she had enjoyed tonight?

She was about to find out.


Posts: 515
#11 · Edited by: ashley71
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well, greenman; where's the rest?!


Posts: 274
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Hi, ashley71

You see, that's the problem.
Writers need encouragement and since you are the only reader to make any comment, (which hardly could be construed as encouragement) I am not in any hurry to produce, "the rest".
The lack of response would suggest that the storyline did not stimulate the minds of the readers so I may, or may not write, a final chapter.
Thank you for at least letting me know that there is someone out there.


Posts: 2053
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More encouragement coming your way. Excellent story, keep it up


Posts: 173
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yes please finish it off.


Posts: 4050
#15 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I like your story. I just looked at it for the first time this morning. I noticed that Alcale had left a comment. I have a great deal of respect for his opinion, so I thought I would take a look at your story.

I'm sure that you understand how much time writing takes. Often we are faced with the choice of either writing more of a story or reading another story. Sadly, I am often powerd to choose the former and as a result I miss some very good stories.

Your story is excellent. I particularly like the twist where Rob discovers that he may not like Maurice. Waiting at home while your wife is out on a date is painful. Knowing that you don't approve of the man she's with makes it even more painful.

Excellent work! Please keep writing.



Posts: 1914
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Greenman, I have a bad habit of downloading stories to read later, but taking my time about it with some, as I did here.

You have created some good characters so far, with a hero we relate to and a villian who not only drives a BMW but sells them too. It seems to me it's just getting interesting. Will Maurice finally get his cumuppance ? Will Rob lose Lisa ? And how much will have to happen to them all before it is resolved ? We are all dying to know what you have no doubt already planned. Take your time ... but tell all.


Posts: 274
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Alcale and droppinby

Thank you both for providing the encouragement that I needed.
I am working on the next chapter now, I hope you like it.



Thank you for taking the time to let me know that you like my story.
I do know how much time and effort goes in to writing a story and like yourself I do not read as much as I would like to.
In that respect may I say how much I have enjoyed reading your stories and I would recommend them to everyone who reads this message.
Take care and keep up the good work.



Once again I have to thank you for your support and encouragement.
At last I feel able to tackle the task before me.
I have been very busy lately and I have not had the time nor the inclination to sit down and write the next chapter.
However I am well into it now.
I hope that you are not disappointed!!!




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Standing beside the bed, Lisa slowly removed her dress and then with a wry smile she neatly folded it and laid it on the bedside chair.

Sitting on the bed and watching intently, Rob, whispered.
“Come here and let me kiss you, I have been almost beside myself with worry that I may have made you do something you didn’t want to.
I want to hear everything he did to you and how much you enjoyed it.
May I undress you darling?”

Lisa was aware that somehow she was now in charge and she liked this feeling of power,
this new feeling of being in complete control.
From now on she would call the shots where sex was concerned.

She stood staring at her husband watching his face as he feasted his eyes on her voluptuous body, her sexy, just been fucked body, that he now wished to enjoy.

“Apart from my panties this is how Maurice kept me during the whole evening.
He insisted that I kept my undies on so that they would be drenched in perspiration and our mingled sexual juices.
He said that you would eventually love to sniff my underwear knowing that I had just been fucked in them and they would always remind you of my first real fucking.
He said I must make you wear my soiled knickers while I tell you of our night of passionate sex.
He also said that I must make you wear them when he and I have our next date.

Why don’t you kneel before me and beg me to let you take my panties off so that you can wear them and feel part of tonight’s fun.”

Without a moments pause, Rob jumped out of bed and knelt obediently at her feet as commanded.

Kneeling there he wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her closer so that his face was buried into her crotch. After inhaling her perfumed womanhood he let his hands slide up the back of her nylon stockings past the tantalising bare flesh at the top until he gently clasped her quivering buttocks.
Stroking them, he hooked his fingers over the waistband of her silky knickers and slowly pulled them down to her feet till she was able to step out of them.
Before he could do anything she said, “Give them to me.”
Obediently, he did as she ordered.
Taking them from him she proceeded to waft them back and forth below his nostrils so that he must breathe in the distinctive odour of spunk and pussy juice.

“You like that, don’t you Robbie? You will always like the way I smell after sex. In future this will be the way you will welcome me back every time I return from a date.
Now put them on, now!”

Rob did as he was told, he didn’t even think about arguing or refusing.
He was shaking as he pulled on her soft silky knickers and felt the warm sticky gusset cling tightly around his little stiffy.

“Get back on your knees,” he heard her snap.
He quickly did as he was told.

His eyes were closed as he heard her say, “I want you to lick me down there, I want you to kiss me down there and I want you to realise that from now on you will always do as I wish.”
With that, she leaned back on the bed and spread her legs so that her newly cuckolded husband could obey her command.

Leaning forward Rob pushed his face towards her hot hairy pussy tentatively probing her puffy pussy lips with his eager tongue.
He immediately tasted the hot potent mixture of his wife’s juices and her lover’s spunk.

This is what I have dreamed about, he thought, as he feasted hungrily on the hot juicy cunt which for evermore would control his sexual desires.
As he continued to please her, she told him in some detail the sequence of events that she had enjoyed that evening.

He shook almost uncontrollably as she told him that she now knew that he really did have a small cock.
He didn’t realise how humiliating it would be to hear her say these words.

In future, she told him, she wanted him to use his mouth and tongue to give her relief and pleasure.
If he was good, there would be occasions when she would let him have intercourse, although that would be for his pleasure only as he would be unable to satisfy her ever again after this evening.

Robbie kissed and licked her well fucked cunt.
He relished the heady and intoxicating perfume and knew that he would forever more be addicted to that distinctive aroma and taste.

Lisa continued to regale her cuckold husband with snippets of her sexual experiences until she eventually fell arelax still enjoying the soothing sensations administered by her now dutiful husband.

For quite a while Robbie continued with his kissing and licking until he became aware that Lisa was in the land of nod.
Slipping into bed beside her he snuggled up and stroked his aching little cock encased in the tight silk knickers that would now play a big part in his future sex life.
Soon he also fell arelax, tomorrow would be a defining moment in their lives.


Posts: 1914
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There you go again, Greenman. Do I like it. YES. Do I want more. YES. Thanks for posting. Bated breath etc...
Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1135
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grt story mate...luvd readin it...


Posts: 274
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Thank you peakmb and Geronimo Sammister
I hope you will not be disappointed with this next chapter.
Take care,


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Sitting at the breakfast table they both seemed unable to talk about the events of the previous evening.
Eventually Lisa broke the silence saying, “I want to thank you Robbie for letting me have the most wonderful night of my life last night, and that includes the way in which you made me feel so loved on my return.
Now let’s get this over with, he’s expecting us at the showroom around ten thirty and I don’t want to be late.”

Robbie sat there with his mouth agape unable to believe what he was hearing.
“What do you mean he’s expecting us, I haven’t agreed to buy the car,” he spluttered.

Lisa stared at him before saying quietly, “I gave him my word that we would buy the car if he managed to give me as much pleasure as he had promised.
He more than did that, he opened my eyes and taught me things I never could have imagined.
Now would you please get ready and take me to the BMW showroom, now!”

Continuing to splutter Robbie pleaded with Lisa to call the deal off, “I should never have let you meet him last night, I was stupid, I didn’t think you would go through with it, but you did, and now you tell me you’ve agreed to buy the car from him.”

Almost screaming at him Lisa shouted, “You stupid ass, if you didn’t want me to have sex with him why did you keep pleading with me, just to try it and see if I liked it. Well I did try it and I did like it and I am going to continue trying it and liking it for a long, long time to come, do you hear me?”

The ensuing silence was eventually broken by Lisa, “Now get upstairs and get ready and make sure you are wearing my knickers from last night.
Wearing them in the presence of Maurice should keep you quiet and at the same time remind you of all the pleasure you had knowing that he had just fucked me.”

Stunned, Robbie meekly hung his head and whispered, “I’m sorry dearest, I’ll go and put your knickers on as you say, I’ll only be a few minutes then we can get going, we can easily be there by ten thirty.”

Entering the main entrance to the car showroom, Robbie felt as if everyone in the place was looking at him.
In fact, apart from another couple viewing the cars, the only other permister in the place was the receptionist.

Standing up and walking towards them she wondered whether Mrs Kay had been laid yet by their star salesman, the bastard Maurice.
She had been employed at the plush BMW showroom now for nearly a year and for the first couple of months Maurice had shagged her regularly until he suddenly transferred his attentions to the voluptuous wife of a weedy little grocer who just happened to purchase a new car.

Welcoming them she asked if they would like to have a seat while she went to fetch Maurice.
A few minutes later she returned to say that Maurice was on his way and would be there in a few moments.
Right on cue Maurice breezed in to the room smiling broadly and offering his outstretched hand to Robbie in welcome.

Robbie felt embarrassed as he shook hands with the man who had just fucked his wife.
He wondered if he knew that he was wearing his wife’s knickers.
He even felt weak as his hand was squeezed in a firm masculine handshake, making his own effort seem like a limp cold fish.

He listened as Maurice discussed the terms of the trade-in and felt sick as he agreed on the trade-in value without trying to get a better deal.
Maurice babred on about the procedure of the terms of sale etc and of course the special discount he had managed to get for them.

Then all of a sudden Lisa could not believe her ears, Robbie holding up his hands in dramatic fashion, said “No, no, no, I want to think about it before putting pen to paper. Anyway I still think it’s too dear.”

Maurice smiled weakly and looking towards Lisa, said questioningly, “I thought that we had a deal.”
Lisa immediately responded with, “So did I. Robbie, you promised me, please don’t let me down.”

Regaining his composure, Maurice, putting his hand on Robbie’s shoulder said, “Mr Kay, let me make you an offer you can’t refuse.
Instead of a brand new car, how about considering the demonstrator, it’s only a few weeks old and barely any mileage to talk of.
I’ll knock another thousand pounds off the price of a brand new car, just for you and Mrs Kay, how about it?”

Lisa was surprised when Robbie replied, “Ok, that seems fair,” whereupon, he grabbed Maurice’s hand, to shake on the deal.

Feeling quite elated at this good bit of business, Robbie happily wrote out a cheque for the agreed amount.
After all the paperwork was completed, Maurice lifted the phone and speaking to someone on the other end said, “Bring the Demonstrator round to the front entrance, Mr and Mrs Kay will be taking it home with them.”

Kate, the receptionist, watched as they walked towards the front entrance and sure enough she saw Maurice stroking Mrs Kay’s bottom as they followed her husband outside.
Kate had been very upset when Maurice ditched her for the horrid little grocer’s wife but she soon got over it.
It really was quite fun watching the philanderer play, especially when the husband was so unsuspecting.

Kate’s own husband, James, never suspected her of having an affair otherwise he would have insisted that she should leave her job.
She had left her previous job, as a checkout assistant at the local supermarket, when the manager got a little too familiar. Just a pity he was so unattractive, small and fat, not at all like the handsome, suave, Maurice.

Standing together outside the front of the showroom Robbie and Lisa admired the sleek BMW as it purred up towards where they stood.
They watched as the mechanic got out of the car and handed the keys to Maurice.
Maurice, in turn offered the keys to Robbie in exchange for the keys to their old car.

With a final shake of hands, Maurice said “Mr Kay I think you and Mrs Kay made the right decision in buying this particular car. I know Mrs Kay considers it very special.”

Turning to Lisa and taking her hand into his, he said, “I hope you will be very happy with the car. If there is anything at all that I can do for you, please call me on this number.”
With that he pressed his business card in to her hand.
Unbeknown to Robbie he had written on the card, “See you tomorrow, phone me around 10am, M.”

Robbie felt very important driving home in the big expensive BMW and it gave him much pleasure seeing people admire the car as he drove past.
Lisa was admiring the inside of the car and enjoying the comfort when she caught sight of dirty marks on the ceiling cloth. “Oh my God,” she thought, as she recognised the shape of the soles of her high heel shoes.
What should she tell Robbie, she hadn’t told him Maurice had fucked her in the back of the demonstrator, and now it was their car.

When they arrived home Robbie got out of the car and proceeded to examine his beautiful new automobile.
He opened the back nearside passenger door and leaned in to check the upholstery. He noticed that the seat felt quite damp and thought that maybe there was a leak from the roof.
Looking up he immediately saw the marks on the ceiling and shouted to Lisa who was still sitting in the front, “Bloody hell, that looks like someone’s had their feet on the ceiling. I’m not having that, I’ll take it back right now.”

Swivelling round in her seat, Lisa put her hand on Robbie’s arm and said, “Darling, I have a little confession to make.
I didn’t tell you that it was this car that we used last night. I’m afraid that the marks on the ceiling were made by my feet.”

“Your feet?”

“Maurice had my legs over his shoulders as he shafted me, I had to brace myself as he was pounding me to an unbelievable orgasm, I couldn’t help myself.
So you see, I’m sorry, we can’t take it back.”

Robbie stood there not knowing what to say or do.
Finally he said, “You do know that every time I get in this car I will be reminded that the marks on the ceiling were created by my own wife being fucked stupid, the very night before I bought the fucking car, why, why, why?”

Lisa decided to try and cool the situation and suggested that they go in to the house where they could discuss the matter.
This seemed to suit Robbie and they were soon standing in the kitchen of their lovely home.

Lisa put her arms around Robbie’s neck and gave him a big kiss, “Thank you for buying the car darling you’ve made me very happy. I’m sure that you will come to love seeing the evidence of my night of passion, the night you became a cuckold.
Just think, every time you see my foot prints you will remember that I was only doing what you had begged me to do.
These marks prove how much I love you, I allowed another man to fuck me just to please you darling.”

Flummoxed, Robbie realised that he was in a corner.
They couldn’t possibly take the car back now.
Imagine complaining about the feet marks on the ceiling knowing that the man he would have to speak to had been fucking the living daylights out of his wife when it had happened.
No, they had to keep the car.

While his mind was in this whirl he was amazed when Lisa dropped to her knees and started undoing his belt before pulling his trousers down to his ankles.
She then lovingly began stroking his little bulge through the soft silk knickers he was dutifully wearing.

Without warning she pulled them down to his knees and taking his little hard-on in her hand she gave it a few strokes before taking it into her mouth.
Robbie was speechless, and looking down he watched in amazement as her ruby red lips closed around his throbbing little cock.

This could not be happening, she had never done this before, however he was not about to stop her as she sucked him furiously.
He was soon squirming with delight but he couldn’t move as he was virtually bound to the spot with his trousers around his ankles and his knickers around his knees.

Within a few minutes he felt his approaching orgasm, he stifled a strangled cry before ejaculating into Lisa’s mouth. He cried out saying he was so sorry, he couldn’t stop it, it happened without warning.

Lisa stood up and listened to his whimpering attempts to apologise.
Then looking him straight in the eyes, but saying nothing, she took his head in her hands and kissed him.
He was stunned when she opened her mouth and powerd her semen coated tongue deep in to his mouth.
He found himself sucking on her tongue just as she had sucked his penis and he had this image of her sucking Maurice’s big cock in the back of the BMW.

After a few minutes they pulled apart, both breathless and hot.
Lisa laughed and said, “Let’s take a shower together then you can take me out to lunch in our new car,”

Bewildered, Robbie replied, “It’s a deal.”



Posts: 4050
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Nice work. please treat us to more.



Posts: 1914
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Poor old Robbie. He doesn't know whether he's coming or going !

Very nice Greenman.


Posts: 19
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great work, thank u
Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1135
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grt story mate...u think u'll continue with this?

i sure wont complain


Posts: 877
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Great story, cannot wait for what happens next.


Posts: 274
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goodhusband - peakmb - Epic31 - Geronimo Sammister - cuckslut

Thank you all for your very kind comments.
I will continue this story but I intend to spend more time on other matters for a while at least.
For your interest here is a little story which may make you think.
Thanks again.

Don’t worry…..Be Happy

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember this Mayonnaise Jar and the Beer.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course the sand filled up every thing else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “yes”.

The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.

“Now” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, I want you to recognise that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things - your family, your youngren, your health, your friends, your favourite passions – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter, like your job, your house, your car.
The sand is everything else – the small stuff.

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.”
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your youngren. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18 holes.
There will always be time to clean the house and fix the gate.
“Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities.
The rest is just sand.”

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented.
The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked.
It just goes to show that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of beers.”

Hope you enjoyed, I'm off to take care of the golf balls and have a couple of beers.


Posts: 1914
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The question is my friend. Are we the sand or the two beers ?


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Good question, probably both.
However let's hope that we are all golf balls to someone.
Philosophy, if nothing else, encourages us to think.

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