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Wife for hire (shared fantasy)

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A story based on pillow chat my wife and I recently shared...

I'll do this in installments.


I stood before the closet picking and nudging through frocks and shirts, looking for something suitable. “Shave carefully”, I called over my shoulder into the nearby steam-filled bathroom.

“Everything?” she called over the sound of the pounding, hot shower.

“Yes. Smooth.” I pulled out a clean-lined, sleeveless dress of soft, clinging black cotton, set it on the bed and returned to burrow through the pile of shoes at the bottom of the closet. A pair made of a hard, shiny red material caught my eye with heels as high as the width of my hand.

She dried, covered her legs and shoulders with lotion, and wrapped herself with a towel before turning to her makeup. “Nothing heavy. Except the lips,” I said; “Use this.” I handed her a deep red stick with a shine like a waxed car.

“What bra and panties did you pick?” she asked.

“I think none is best.” She baulked for a moment and then slipped the dress over the freshly washed, smooth skin of her torso. The dress stretched and clung to her round, heavy breasts, the nipples faintly embossing the thin, sheer fabric. The skirt of the dress flared at the waist and stretched tight across her round ass, reaching just below the creases at the top of her hamstrings. The fabric slid across her full hips and inched up and back down with every step or turn of her waist, drawing the eye to the soft flesh between thighs and ribs.

She slipped her feet into the hard red heels, walked to the bed and lifted her right foot onto its edge to fasten its buckle. Her bent leg squeezed the hem of her skirt up to her hip bones and exposed her bright pink, swollen lips. Seeing them, I realized she must have been spent her long shower grinding herself against the heels of her hands and probing herself with her fingers. My mind flashed to an image of her face, eyes shut in concentration, mouth slightly open and breathing deeply, drenched in hot water.

“You should hurry”, I said, “the car should pick you up from the front of our hotel in just a few minutes.”

She glanced at my eyes, a nervous smile turning the corner of her mouth. Grasping her purse, she kissed me quickly, crossed the room with a clatter of hard heels on tile, and was gone.


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I woke when the front door clicked shut, and drifted to full consciousness with the sounds of shoes being kicked off and keys set in a glass bowl near the door. The light from the bathroom dimly lit the bedroom doorway, flashing across her face as she quietly padded across into the room and slid onto the bed.

Before I could make out a face in the dim light I smelled her — a mixture of smeared lipstick, hard holy water, sex, cologne, K-Y, expensive tobacco, cum and leather upholstery.

Her lips brushed my ear, whispering “I’m back”.

“What happened?” I said.

“Well, he paid me. All of it. And I earned it.” I looked into her shadowed face, waiting for more. She touched my cheek with her finger and straddled my chest, sitting with her crotch before my face. Lifting her skirt, she rocked forward, pressing the smooth wet lips of her pussy to my mouth. I tentatively explored her crease with my tongue, finding her swollen, salty, and smeared with a thin film of some synthetic, slick lubricant.

“I waited for him in the bar, downstairs. I recognized him right away and turned in my stool and spread my knees so he would see up my skirt when he glanced up and down my body. He had came in a limo; one of the long ones with its own driver in a suit and cap”, she started. “He handed me a take when I sat down, and made small talk while we drove. I was so nervous, I couldn’t eat or speak; I just sucked down take after take, trying to follow his conversation. After a few minutes he told me to play with myself. So I spread my legs wide, licked my finger tips, closed my eyes, and touched myself — spreading my lips — squeezing my clit. I was close to coming when I peeked through a slitted eye; he was staring with his eyes glazed. And when I turned my head I saw the driver was watching me from the rearview mirror.

“Then I heard him unzip the pants of his suit, and when I peeked I could see he had released his cock and was stroking it slowly. I asked him if he wanted me to suck it, and he told me ‘no; not yet. Just do what you are doing’. So I squeezed my eyes tight, took a deep breath, and squeezed my clit hard till I came.

When we got to his house he didn’t say a word; we just went inside and walked up stairs to his room, where he tore off his pants, grabbed me hard by the shoulders and turned me around to face the desk. He pushed me between the shoulder blades, bending me double over the desk top, nudged my legs apart with his knees, and plunged his cock into me. He fucked me hard and fast, and his cock swelled and came right away.

“Then he wrapped himself in a silk robe, sat on the edge of the bed and told me he wanted to watch. At first I didn’t understand what he meant. Then he called his driver by name, and, when the man came up the stairs and to the door, asked him if he would like to have a seat, pointing to the chair beneath the room’s corner lamp. He turned out the other lights, leaving an illuminated circle centered on the seated driver.
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Wife for hire (shared fantasy)
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