Posts: 13
Hi this is a story I found on another site, it's in parts, i dont seem to be able to find any other parts, but its hot anyway.
A Pri***er's Girlfriend
I sat in my car trembling, I looked at the gate I was going to have to pass through, what awaited me on the other side was a mystery to me: a man who I'd never kissed, never even touched was going to have sex with me. All I really knew about him was that his criminal conviction included assault and grievous bodily harm, I knew he had a violent criminal past but I had signed a form to say that I consented to having sex with him for 24 hours. I had half an hour before I reported to the pri*** officer at the gate, how had this happened to me? I looked at my long painted nails as they held my cigarette, I was trembling.
Two years earlier my life was turned upside down by the death of my ******. She had been ill for a long time, I had cared for her and her passing was peaceful but too early, she was only 62. I never knew my dad, it was just me and mum and it was really great, I loved her so much. The last thing she said to me was,
"You're a good woman Deirdre, so full of love, God bless you!"
I was 34 at the time and I was lost, my husband was very supportive and loving but I was lost. I got up every morning, I went to work at the college, I went shopping, I cleaned the house, but I was drifting, like a lost sheep. Then a woman I worked with suggested that I volunteer as an on line tutor, to help fill my time and that is how I met Jaheem.
My name is Deirdre Hob***, when my ****** died my husband and I had been married for 14 years, we didn't have ********, I had a miscarriage during the first year of my marriage and Jim, my husband had then decided that we were not going to have kids and he went off and had a vasectomy to make sure, although he always claimed to was to relieve me of the worry of birth control. I hadn't really had any say in the matter, but I didn't complain I just got on with our life together.
Jim and I had met at college, he was clever and has since pursued a career as a successful academic in European History, I obtained a degree in business studies and went on to teach the subject at the local collage of higher education, mainly 16 - 17 year olds who couldn't think of any other subject to list on their application forms! I was an ok teacher, my students passed but I was not very inspirational! I was coasting, coasting through my life, my job, my marriage, my book club even! Then my ****** died and Jaheem entered my life!
I volunteered through a special programme aimed at people in society who were in most need. I went to meet the coordinator and she asked me if I would tutor a pri***er - someone who was working towards a degree in business studies while in pri*** and needed some extra help. All the coordinator could tell me was his name was Jaheem Atongo that he was a British citizen and had no language problems. I agreed without giving it too much thought. I committed to two one hour on-line sessions per week for a year, I'd get paid and if there was any problem I could instantly walk away, all very formulaic, I thought!
I smiled as I sat in my car refreshing my lipstick and popping in another tic tac for fresh breath. Oh, my god, I am so nervous, it was just business studies tutoring, not an emotional involvement and certainly not sex! I touched up my mascara, my hands were shaking. I was wearing a very tight body form and the gusset was so far up the crack of my arse it hurt, but my tits looked great in it.
Jim was angry when I told him about tutoring a pri***er, he thought we would be bothered or attacked in some way. For some rea*** I dug my heels in and defied him, maybe for the first time ever. So, I started to tutor Jaheem on line, every Tuesday and Thursday, I had the course materials and I was there to answer questions, give guidance and direction, defiantly not to become his girlfriend!
From the first tutoring session I knew Jaheem was different, he was not intellectually challenged by the course content, he was a little confused about some of the accountancy terminology but who isn't? We hit it off right away just chatting and asking each other about our lives.
He didn't know his dad, the same as me, his ****** travelled to England to be a nurse from Nigeria but found out she was already pregnant when she arrived, she worked as a care assistant and raised her *** as best she could. Jaheem grew up in the toughest of neighbourhoods and was soon involved in a gang and crime. He did time as a juvenile and by the time he was in his mid twenties he was arrested for a gang related assault, he had been sentenced to 12 years and he had served just over 4. He was determined to make parole at the earliest opportunity in 2 years time, that is why he was doing the degree. He felt a deep regret, not so much for his crimes but that he had let his Mum down.
At the end of our first on-line conversation he told me how much he appreciated my help and promised me that he would pass and make me proud, I told him I was pleased to help him and hoped he would get his parole, then as a closing remark he said,
"You're a good woman Deirdre, so full of love, God bless you!"
The very same words as my ******s last words to me! It stuck in my mind, I felt from then on something was guiding or influencing me - crazy I know but things like that stick in your mind.
The year flew by, Tuesdays and Thursdays were the highlight of my week, I loved taking to Jaheem, I often poured my heart out to him, he was on top of the degree course work, I just helped him achieve top marks and helped him through the revision. Just before the exam (it was a secure online arrangement supervised at the Pri*** end by a deputy governor) Jaheem asked me if I would do him a big favour, I said of course. He asked me to come and visit him and that he had something very important to ask me, naturally I agreed, but I was perplexed!
Jim my husband had become rather obsessed with Jaheem, asking me all sort of questions about him, what had he done, what did he look like, what did he do for sexual satisfaction, he often became tiresome and kept referring to Jaheem as " Deirdre's black gangster boyfriend"! This questioning often took place when we were in bed, Jim and I had almost stopped having sex before I started tutoring Jaheem, then it went from once a week to four of five times a week, Jim even bought me a black dildo and referred to it as Jaheem! I never let Jim use it on me, but I started to masturbate regularly using the Jaheem Dildo!
Jaheem passed his degree and I was eventually granted a visit. I was so happy and excited. I presented myself at the gate with my letter granting me a visit and all my ID. I was shown into a waiting room with about 20 other women, clearly all pri***er's wives and girlfriends. All I could see was stilletoes heels, mini skirts, big arses and bigger tits! Their jewellery clanked and the language was blue, I huddled in a corner, then a young black woman spoke to me,
"Excuse me babes, but are you Deirdre?"
I looked up from my book and nodded.
"Hi, I'm Latisha, Winston is my boyfriend and he is in the same cell as Jaheem, he told me all about you, and a big shout out to you Miss for getting our boy his degree!!!"
Latisha leaned forward and kissed me, squeezing me hard, her perfume was almost overpowering.
I blushed, "no honestly Latisha, it was all Jaheem, he worked hard for it".
Latisha sat down and told me Winston was doing three years, but he was just a big black thug, more muscle than brain, not a "rocket scientist" like Jaheem. I laughed, Latisha and I hit it off from the start. She took out some perfume and sprayed it all over herself,
"The boys like it if you smell good, there's no touching, so smelling me is as far as Winston can get! His cock gets so hard he can lift the table - lol!"
I was laughing when we got called in, Latisha held my hand,
"Don't let the screws intimidate you honey, they are just jealous that our boys have the best pussy!"
We were assigned individual tables and sat and waited for the pri***ers to come in, as they walked in one at a time I realised I didn't know what Jaheem looked like, I'd never seen him. I knew Winston as soon as he walked in the room because Latisha shirked from the table behind me and she was right in her description of her boyfriend: big black and full of muscles.
I began to worry, then I heard, "Hi you must be Deirdre - I'm Jaheem"
I turned around to see the biggest smile, I'd ever seen. I was dumbstruck, he was big about 6'3" big shoulders and a slim waist all muscle but not a gym monster like Winston.
I was like a teenager on a first date, I stared into his big brown eyes and just stayed there. He was thanking me and telling me how much help I'd been, but I just stared into his eyes. He was asking me if my journey was ok, did the screws give me much grief? After a while he stopped talking realising I was dumbstruck.
When I snapped out on the trance I asked Jaheem what was the favour he had to ask me? He said that his parole was looking good except the environment he would be released into. His Mum had died while he was in pri*** and the majority of his friends were gang members, what the parole board wanted to see was a "crime free environment" for him to be released into.
I nodded and said "that makes sense, but I don't see what it has to do with me."
Jaheem said this was the big favour: could he tell the parole board that he would be leaving pri*** to live with his girlfriend?
I said, "that seems like a good idea, who is your girlfriend?"
Jaheem looked up and smiled, he put his hand over mine and said,
"You Deirdre".
"No touching on table 3", the screw shouted,
"Sorry sir" Jaheem shouted in reply, slowly removing his hand from mine.
"I'm married Jaheem" I whispered, blushing.
Again he smiled, "I know that Deirdre, this is a ... what is that word you taught me...a subterfuge, it's a story, it's a front, it's something we say to get parole. If I fill out the right forms, it means we can speak on the phone once a week, email as often as we like and use a chat room for a one hour every evening, you also can visit me once a month...if you want to..." his voiced trailed off.
"Yes - I'll do it"
"Don't you want to think about it? Talk it over with Jim?"
"No, I mean yes, Yes I'll do it, yes I'll tell Jim, just tell me what you want, I'll do it." And that was it, I was Jaheem's instant girlfriend.
As I walked out, with the other wives and girlfriends, almost in a trance, Latisha linked her arm with mine, "Well honey, did he ask you?"
"Yes" i whispered barely able to speak.
Latisha smiled, "and what did you say honey?"
"Yes" I replied, beaming!
Latisha gave me the biggest hug, "Way to go girl, we'll have our boys home before we know it!"
That was a year ago, things have moved on. I was walking up to the same pri*** gate, looking very much like a regular pri***er 's girlfriend, dressed to please her man, I was almost platinum blond, a great body, a tight body top with a lacy bra, sky high heels, smelling like a perfume factory. I'm expecting to get the usual grief from the screws: the leering, the remarks, the oggling, the body search, fuck them all, today I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend and they can be as jealous as they like. One last puff of my cigarette, deep breath, keep calm girl!
When I left the pri*** for the first time I gave Latisha a lift home, it really was a hoot, we laughed so much! Latisha had her own Caribbean hair dressing shop, she lived over the shop with her two young girls, one was Winston's and one was from an earlier relationship. I went into the shop and Latisha made us some tea, we chatted like sisters but we were complete opposites.
Latisha knew all about the plan,
"Winston has a big mouth" she laughed, then she said,
"Listen Deirdre babes, no disrespect, but if you are going to be Jaheem's girlfriend then you have got to pretty up a bit babes. You have a good body and a beautiful face, you've just got to do more with it!"
I turned me to a mirror, she said, "look at your lovely blue eyes and your shapely nose, if your hair was lighter, it would help your eyes light up your face - honest"
"I guess you're right" I said, not really understanding.
"Babes, come and see me next week, say Sunday evening and we'll do a mini make over."
I said ok, we exchanged phone numbers, we air kissed each other and I left still in a daze.
Jim was all over me when I got home, question after question, I told him I had agreed to visit Jaheem again and to my surprise Jim as not angry he was delighted and started again with the questions. I have to admit I have never understood men and their motivations, all I knew was Jim seemed happy, Jaheem was happy, Latisha was happy and I was very happy indeed.
Jim asked me if I wanted something to eat and I said "no thanks, I think I'll skip dinner. Jim did you tell me last week than the gym had a special offer on for membership? I think I'll start doing some exercise."
That's how it started, I went to see Latisha on the following Sunday and she re-cut my hair, styled it and turned me "light golden brown" or dirty blond depending on which bottle you use, she shaped and painted my nails and gave me a matching shade of vivid pink lipstick. She said it would change my life and it did, Jim was insatiable, he fucked me just inside the front door, the next day at work everyone told me how attractive I looked and how the lighter shade brought out the colour of my eyes - wow I loved it.
I lost 7 pounds quite easily after I joined the gym, I also bought a friends and family membership so Latisha could join me.
I also had a 'Brazilian' waxing appointment at a high class beauty salon in another part of town, about ten miles from home. I guess it was obvious to the staff that this was my first time and everyone tried to make me feel comfortable. I was embarrassed and nervous.
The beautician said, "I'm going to have to trim your hair first. I need it to be about a quarter of an inch for the waxing. Do you want a landing strip or do you really want a full Brazilian?"
I wasn't prepared for any discussion. To talk about my pussy with a stranger made the experience even more embarrassing. I hesitated and was even more shocked as the beautician ran her finger up and down my mound to trace the possible strip of hair to be left. I gulped as I felt the woman's touch and heard her say, "Lots of guys love the strip. I don't know why but sometimes my boyfriend rubs his cock against the hair and gets even more excited."
I struggled to say, "I think I want everything waxed."
"Okay," replied the beautician. She proceeded to use a scissors and electric clipper to trim me. The contact was more prolonged and felt more intimate than I had anticipated. I was getting aroused despite my embarrassment. Surprisingly, the application and removal of the wax seemed less intimate. It was painful but not as bad as I'd expected. I knew that I could do this once a month or as often as needed, if Jaheem liked it.
The beautician told me the salon had a special offer on piercing, she said my belly button would look hot with a little stud or short chain. She smiled as I nodded and 5 minutes later I had my first belly button stud.
As I left the salon I felt exhilarated. I'd just taken a huge step. I had made it through my first Brazilian waxing and whether I liked it or not my pussy was going to be hairless for weeks. In the privacy of my parked car I pulled up the hem of my short skirt and my left hand found its way into my panties. I savoured touching my smooth mound for the first time and was hugely aroused. I had to ***** myself to stop my exploration - deciding I'd enjoy the experience much more in the comfort and privacy of my own bedroom.
An hour later I was in Latisha 's hair salon for my hair extension appointment. I told her about my Brazilian and she said,
"Oh wow - well you'd better drop those knickers you sexy bitch and let me look."
I lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties, showing off my hairless pussy. Latisha laughed and said,
Latisha was in fits of laughter, "Jaheem is going to "own" that pussy babes, it is truly a thing of beauty!"
We both laughed and hugged, had a glass of wine and just felt so comfortable together. I was getting the extensions and a new hair style I'd previously selected. The extensions were a light blond to match my new hair colour and about 18" long. I hadn't had long hair since school and had never had as much hair as I now did. For the first few minutes it felt like I was wearing a hat. That feeling passed and seeing myself in the salon's mirror for the first time with my hair fully styled made me feel very attractive and sexy
I received another letter from the pri***, I was cleared for another visit, but I had to agree to be interviewed in my new status as a pri***er's girlfriend. I was getting on very well with Latisha and I had begun some reading exercises with her older ******** who was five years old and bright as a button.
Latisha and I went shopping the week before my second visit to see Jaheem, She insisted I had my ears pierced and bought me several pairs of hoop earrings. I'd never seen the point and had managed my whole life with clip on earrings but Latisha was right on my hair colour so I trusted her and of course, she was right. We shopped, she chose, I paid, but after an exhausting day, I had high heels, skin tight jeans, several miniskirts, a range of tight tops, a leather jacket and 3 sets of bra and knickers that made me blush just buying them. I asked Latisha why I needed the underwear and she laughed, saying,
"wait until you wear it and your sitting in front of Jaheem, he will be trying to look inside your top just to make sure his bitch is dressed right!"
"His bitch? I don't know about that........"
"Yes babes, you are Jaheem's bitch and you should be proud! A lot of women would love to be his bitch, so you have to look the part!"
Latisha laughed. I was wondering what I had gotten myself into?
My appointed time to report to the gate was close. I got out of my car and straightened my black mini skirt, I had super tight lacy body top on with a red bra, I was wearing my favourite leopard print stilettos.
The clouds had parted and it was sunny, I stubbed out my cigarette before I went into the pri***, I had recently begun to smoke, Jim hated it, but Latisha had encouraged me because we often enjoyed a spliff together. My stilettos looked great, a leopard skin print 4" ****er heel, I loved them, I was also wearing barely black hold up stockings, my legs looked great in them.
I reported to the gate and signed in as a special visitor. I gave the officer my bag and shoes and was about to walk into the X-ray scanning machine, when the officer called me back and said,
"You will have to take off your jewellery Miss - including your belly button chain and your anklet."
The other side of the X-ray machine, I was met by a female officer who took me into a side room, she had a hand scanner and she scanned through my hair, under my arms and between my legs, she said,
"It's better than a cavity search, but I will need you to drop your knickers and bend over so I can do a visual inspection to make sure you are not concealing anything missed by the scanner."
I dropped my knickers, as instructed, to my ankles and bent over, she parted the cheeks of my arse and then the top of my thighs to inspect my vagina. "All good sweetheart".
"I can't let you take in your bag inside, definitely not your phone but you can put your jewellery back on and you can take your cigarettes and lighter. Do you have any condoms?"
I shook my head.
She sighed, "OK sweetheart, you understand the risks that were set out on your consent form, so it's your problem."
"And sweetheart, do you have any lube? I have a small jar of l jim
Posts: 104
We had been in a relationship for severeal months now, my wife was cuckolding me on a regular basis. She always wanted me to be happy and that meant sexually as well. She had already made my dreams come true, when I told her I was a cuckold she had never heard of it and asked me all about it. I took my time and told her carefully all about the cuckold lifestyle and cuckolding, to my amazement she was happy to try it out, it was her that suggested joining and adult dating site to find a suitable bull. When I did that she knew my fantasy was to watch her being fucked by a guy with a big dick, she didn't fail to disappoint, she picked a guy called Dave, he had a 9 inch cock and it was very thick as well. Our first time is still clear in my mind. Kris however always wanted me to be happy and she would often read posts on the cuckold website to get ideas of what really turned me on to the max. She was very observant and intelligent, she noticed that a bit of *********** and some pain actually excited me on her first few solo dates when she came home she would tell me she had a really good time and she enjoyed it. It wasn't long before she start getting a bit harsh with her words to add a bit more excitement to our love life. Before long when it was her date night she would make me help her to get ready by picking out her lingerie and other clothes, but now instead of asking me to help she became more demanding, she would tell me to hurry up so she could get ready, then she'd say she really needed his big cock to make her cum, she started making remarks all the way to his place telling me to hurry and saying she needed his cock. She was learning the psychological side of cuckolding was just as important as the physical side. She had been cuckolding me for several months by this time, now she was at the point where she would come home and pull back the bedsheets and start to laugh at my cock and say it was a useless little thing and it was no where near as good as Daves cock, she'd look at me and then she would get on the bed and kneel over me so I could see her pussy close up, she tell me to lick it and she would insist i put my tongue in deep and lick her clit from time to time, she'd ask me if she tasted good and she would say that's what I taste like after I've had a real cock in me. Over the weeks Kris was getting more and more harsh with her words and she seemed to get an evil satisfaction by humiliating me and constantly telling me how much bigger and better her bull was than me and she started to become more and more rough in the way she handled my cock. This particular day was a Saturday, me and Kris always kept the weekend free for us but she seemed a little bit edgy, I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn't answer me, I waited a while and asked her again what's wrong, she looked at me and said I want Dave to fuck me, I was a bit shocked cos she always kept our weekends free but she was like a cat on a hot tin roof, I said well what can i do hun, she looked at me and said your useless i will ring him now, with that she went into the bedroom and slammed the door shut, she was in there about 5 minutes and she came out. I said are you OK babe, she looked at me and said I'm getting ready, you're taking me to Daves after I get ready. I just stood there saying nothing. She went and got a shower and she came from the bathroom and went into the bedroom, then she shouted to me telling me to come in and help her. She was very adament in that she wanted to get ready quickly but more than that she kept asking me if she looked good, of course I said yes but she kept asking. Eventually she was ready and she told me to start the car and take her to Daves. i dropped her off as normal and as she left she told me she would be home as soon as she was finished, I said OK and left. I did as normal when I got home, the usual things, tidy up do the dishes make sure everything was perfect for her when she came home. Then I got a nice hot shower and got into bed and laid back waiting in anticipation for Kris to come home. It was just after midnight when I heard the door open, as usual kris came in smiling, I smiled back and she was a bit short with me and asked me why I was smiling at her. She came over to the bed and pulled the sheets back and as usual she looked at my cock and started to giggle, she looked and said that's not even a real mans cock, it's a joke, and on saying that she took her clothes off and stood next to the bed naked, I looked at her body, she had several love bites on her tits and she smiled as I looked at them, she told me Dave was really excited and he couldn't help but to suck her tits and make love bites on them, then she climbed onto the bed, her pussy was really red and it was so wide open more than I'd ever seen it, she could see that I was looking and she giggled and said that's what a real mans cock does to my pussy, i looked closer and I noticed their was cum running from it, She looked at me and lowered herself down so her pussy was inches in front of me, I just laid there staring, Kris reached over to get something from her bag but I couldn't see what it was, she looked at me and said what are you looking at, I said nothing babe, she said right start to lick my pussy now and make sure you use your tongue properly, I said yes OK babe no worries, as I started she grabbed my cock, it was rock hard she really had me fired up for sure, as she held it she started to pull my foreskin back as far as it would go and maybe even a bit more, I moaned as she did it and she told me to shut up and keep licking, I did as she said and I could feel her holding my hard cock really firmly, she started to snigger a bit and then she said I'm going to punish this useless little thing properly, I wasn't sure what she meant then I started to feel something, I could feel something touching the hole in the end of my cock, I moved my head to see, when I looked she had a stainless metal rod with a taper on the end, I looked at her in shock and she just smiled and said I'm really gonna punish this useless cock, then she slowly pushed the tapered end into the eye of my cock, I just kept looking at her doing it, she was smiling as she did it. She got the tapered end all the way in and it was hurting, the rod was about 4mm in diameter, much wider than my cock hole. She stopped for a moment and looked at me, then she had some KY gel and she rubbed it along the rod and on the end of my cock, she looked at me and smilied, then she said now I'm gonna punish this useless little thing like it should be punished, then she started to push the rod further and further into my cock hole, it was hurting like hell but she was enjoying doing it, I didn't know what to do she kept pushing relentlasly I watched as she pushed and pushed eventually she got about 5 inches of the rod inside my cockhole, Then she said "right now lick me and make me cum again," I licked and licked putting my tongue in and out of her pussy and licking her clit as I pulled it out, she kept telling me to lick faster and deeper or she would push the rod in my cock even more, I licked her like a man possessed and sure enough she came again, and then after she was happy she looked at me and said well do you think you deserve to cum now or should I push the rod in more, I said no babe I need to cum now please babe and she smiled and said are you sure you need to cum now I said yes yes yes please babe I'm gonna explode my cock wants to cum, she said OK I'll let you cum on one condition, I said yes what is it babe, she looked and said when I let you cum you'll clean up and we'll get dressed and you'll take me back to Daves, I said yes please let me cum, she started to pull the rod out of my cockhole and she was holding my cock with her other hand as she did, once the rod came out I cum like never before, the cum exploded out of my cock in torrents, I had never cum like that before, my cock was so sore, the hole in the end was very red and sore, my cock was hurting but at the same time I was relieved cos she had finally let me cum. I just laid there for a while exhausted Kris got off the bed and she was smiling and she started to get dressed again. Then she was ready and she told me to hurry up and take her to Daves or she would punish my cock again if I didn't get her there soon. That was a night and a half, my cock was in tatters but my orgasm was the best I had ever had in years Looking for my hot wife in Cairns, are you here? Sexually I'm a cuckold and l like my partner to keep dating. I was in a six year cuckold relationship and it was the best, of course no one but me and my wife knew. I loved helping her get ready for da